The word “pacifism” is derived from the word “pacific,” which means “peace making”Pacifism
in the West appears to begin with Christianity. Perhaps the most famous use of the word
pacifism is found in the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus claims that the “peacemakers” are
blessed. In this passage, the Greek word eirenopoios is translated into Latin as pacifici, which
means those who work for peace. The Greek eirenopoios is derived from the Greek eirênê
[peace] in conjunction with poiesis .
Philosophical discussions of pacifism have clarified the concept by distinguishing the more
general commitment to nonviolence from a narrower anti-war position. Pacifism is further
defined through its dialectical relation to the idea of justified violence that is found in the
Western just war tradition, with many locating pacifism on a continuum for assessing the
morality of war that includes realism, just war theory, and pacifism. Indeed, there is an ongoing
debate about the proper relation between just war theory and pacifism that focuses on the
question of whether the just war theory begins with a pacifist presumption against war. Some
authors (May, for example) have used the just war theory to derive a version of pacifism
described as “contingent pacifism” or “just war pacifism.”
Some have tried to distinguish “pacific-ism” from pacifism, where pacific-ism is a commitment
to peace and peacefulness that is not strictly opposed to war while pacifism is a more principled
or absolute rejection of violence. But this distinction is not widely accepted (although Dower has
employed it recently). William James used the term “pacific-ism” in 1910 to describe his
rejection of militarism. The shorter term, “pacifism,” has become more common in English
usage during the 20th Century to describe a variety of views that are critical of war.
Generally pacifism is thought to be a principled rejection of war and killing. Oddly enough, the
term pacifism has occasionally been used to describe a pragmatic commitment to using war to
create peace. Thus some who called themselves “pacifists” (for example, during the First World
War) supported war as a suitable means toward peace. Richard Nixon once called himself a
pacifist, even as he continued to support the Vietnam War. This perverse use of pacifism is
connected to the way a term like “pacification” can be employed in military usage to describe a
violent process of suppressing violence, as when an enemy territory is “pacified” by killing or
disabling the enemy. While George Orwell and others have complained about such euphemistic
descriptions of violence, the just war tradition does hold that war can be a suitable means to
bring about peace. Despite these complications, pacifism generally connotes a commitment to
making peace that rejects violent means for obtaining this end. One reason to reject violent
means is the fact that might does not make right. While violence can destroy an enemy, victory
does not amount to justification.