Department of Town and Regional Planning Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying Uitm Shah Alam
Department of Town and Regional Planning Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying Uitm Shah Alam
Department of Town and Regional Planning Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying Uitm Shah Alam
The course studies the concepts and approaches used in the field of comparative
planning and explores the methodologies of comparative analysis. It identifies the basic
principles and concepts on which strategic and local planning systems are based to
assess whether and how they are embodied in the planning systems of different
countries in the world (to include developing and developed countries). The course is
also designed to compare approaches to the practice of land use planning and
development control internationally. Case examples are used to demonstrate the
uniqueness and universality of policies, processes and planning systems. The challenge
of globalisation, AFTA, policy convergence and divergence of the specific problems of
transitional economies are also addressed.
Week Topics
Coursework: 40%
Unseen Written Examination : 60%
1. Arthur B, Gallion & Simon E (1986), The Urban Pattern: City Planning &
Design Van Nostrand and Reinhold Company, New York
2. Cherry, G.E (1974) The Evolution of British Town Planning, London, Leonard
Hill Books
3. Hall, P (1996) Cities of Tomorrow Oxford, Blackwell Publishers Ltd
4. Hall, P (1966) The World Cities, World University Library
5. Newman, P and Thornley A (1996) Urban Planning in Europe, New York
6. Newman, P and Thornley, A(2011) Planning World Cities Globalization
and Uban Politics Palgrave Macmillan, New York
7. Williams RH (1984) Planning in Europe George Allen & Unwin Ltd
8. Ruland, J (ed) (1996) The Dynamics of Metropolitan Management in
Southeast Asia, Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
9. Dale, OJ (1999) Urban Planning in Singapore, Shah Alam
Students are also expected to read through local as well as overseas planning
journals as follows to further complement the lectures and to enhance both local and
international planning knowledge. All these journals are available in the library on
periodic basic.
Further references related to particular lectures will issued with the lecture handouts.
“ And among His signs is the creation of the heaven and earth, and the difference of
your languages and colours. Verily, in that are indeed signs for men and sound
knowledge “ (Ar Rum: 22)
“ The practice of town and country planning in
any country is conditioned to a great extent by the
cultural, governmental, legal and constitutional
circumstances of that country, and to disentangle
these in order to transfer ideas from one country to
another beyond a superficial level is highly a
complex business.