Design Topic: Measurement & Virginia Studies Subject(s) : Math and Social Studies Grade(s) : 5 Designer(s) Anne Corbitt Understanding by Design
Design Topic: Measurement & Virginia Studies Subject(s) : Math and Social Studies Grade(s) : 5 Designer(s) Anne Corbitt Understanding by Design
Design Topic: Measurement & Virginia Studies Subject(s) : Math and Social Studies Grade(s) : 5 Designer(s) Anne Corbitt Understanding by Design
Topic/Subject Areas: area, perimeter, volume, metric units, and U.S. Customary
This unit focuses on area, perimeter, and volume and how to solve for each. Students
will have the opportunity to learn and master these skills by doing work sheets, class
activities, and quizzes and tests. Students will also learn how to use the metric system
and U.S. Customary system. With this skill, they will have the opportunity to convert
units to smaller and larger units. They will also learn and master this skill through
class activities, worksheets, and quizzes and tests. By the end of this unit, students
will have the knowledge and skill set necessary to understand and solve for
measurement. The goal is to have students understand and know how to use these
math skill sets efficiently and effectively. Students will understand the physical
measurements and identify equivalent measurements within the metric units.
Established Goals: Demonstrate an understanding of perimeter, area, volume, and equivalent measurements.
Students will…
a) Find perimeter, area, and volume in standard units of measurements;
b) Differentiate among perimeter, area, and volume and identify whether the application of concept of
perimeter area or volume is appropriate for a given situation.
c) Identify equivalent measurements within the metric system.
d) Estimate and then measure to solve problems, using U.S. Customary and metric units; and
e) Choose an appropriate unit of measure for a given situation involving measurements using U.S.
Customary and metric units.
Source: C o m m o n w e a l t h
of Virginia , B. E. (n.d.). Mathematics Standards of Learning . Retrieved
September 12, 2017, from
1. Have students start their KWL chart with what prior knowledge they have of measurement, perimeter, area,
volume, and measurement, and what they would like to learn about these subjects.
2. Introduction lesson on perimeter, area, volume. (PowerPoint)
3. Introduce the GRASPS lawn care project and give due date.
4. Make area, perimeter, and volume study notecards with formula on each notecard.
5. Students will work in partners and complete the Area and Perimeter worksheet and the Volume work sheet.
6. In depth lesson, on perimeter, area, and volume. (Going over all detail students will need to know in
accordance to 5th grade standards on PowerPoint.)
7. Cheez-It Math activity. Students will break into groups of three for activity. (Connell, 2013.)
8. Quiz day- Students will take a practice quiz on perimeter, area, and volume.
9. Jeopardy/Review day- Students will split up into 2 teams and do a jeopardy review game.
10. Final Review- Teacher and students will go over any questions students may have, and review material for
chapter test.
11. Test day- Students will take their chapter test on perimeter, volume, and area.
12. GRASPS project due, students will share their projects with the class.
13. Continue sharing of GRASPS project.
14. Power point and lesson on U.S. Customary and metric system units.
15. Unit measurements conversion worksheet. (Math Worksheets 4 kids, 2017.)
16. Quiz- Students will have a practice quiz on the U.S. Customary and metric system units.
17. Metric Madness Activity (Eyrich, 2017.)
18. Jeopardy/Review- Students will play review game to prepare for the chapter test.
19. Final Review- Go over any last minute questions students may have and make sure they have an
understanding for the material.
20. Test day- Students will complete their chapter test on U.S. Customary and metric system units.
Consider the WHERETO elements. You must include enough instruction for 20 lessons.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
GRASPS Continue Unit Metric Final
project due, sharing measureme Madness Review- Go
students of nts Activity over any
will share GRASPS conversion (Eyrich, 2017.) last minute
their project. worksheet. Jeopardy/Revie questions
projects Power (Math w- Students students
with the point Worksheets will play review may have
class. and 4 kids, game to and make
lesson 2017.) prepare for the sure they
on U.S. Quiz- chapter test have an
Customa Students understandi
Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 5
Design Topic: Measurement & Virginia Studies Subject(s): Math and Social Studies Grade(s): 5th
Designer(s) Anne Corbitt
ry and will have a ng for the
metric practice quiz material.
system on the U.S. Test day-
units. Customary Students
and metric will
system complete
units. their
chapter test
on U.S.
and metric
KWL chart-
will fill out
the what
they learned
portion of
their KWL
charts (this
will be their
exit ticket
for math.)
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Presentation The small-scale model was The small-scale model was The small-scale model
clearly presented to the class. presented well to the class. was not presented in a
When presenting, you are When presenting, the tone clear manner to the class.
speaking loud and clear for could have been louder When presenting, the
the class to effectively and more clear. For the speaker did not speak in
understand and follow along most part, the class a loud and clear tone.
with what you created. understood the The class was unsure and
presentation, but there did not understand the
were a few questions in goal and layout of the
regards to presentation. model.
In this unit, students will have to opportunity to learn more about the culture and make up of their
home state. They will know the geography and history of the native people. Students will
demonstrate knowledge of the physical geography of native people past, present, and future in the
state of Virginia through quizzes, test, and class activities. They will be able to identify landmarks,
rivers, regions, and mountain ranges on a map and have the opportunity to recognize state tribes.
They will be able to identify the living style, food, clothing, and living conditions of the Native
American Indians of Virginia. Each student will assess and show the teacher their level of
knowledge based upon the assignments given to the class.
Unit Title:
Virginia Studies
Established Goals: To demonstrate knowledge of the physical geography of native people past, present, and future in the
state of Virginia.
a) Locating Virginia and its bordering states on maps of the United States.
b) Locating and describing Virginia’s Coastal Plain (Tidewater), Piedmont, Blue Ridge Mountains, Valley and
Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau.
c) Locating three American Indian language groups (the Algonquian, the Slouan, and the Iroquoian) on a
map of Virginia.
d) Describing how American Indians related to the climate and their environment to secure food, clothing,
and shelter.
Source: Commonwealth of Virginia , B. (n.d.). History and Social Science Standards of Learning .
Retrieved from
Understandings: Students will understand that… Essential Questions:
The American Indians of Virginia made a huge What types of food might the American Indians
contribution to the history of this state and have had?
country. How might the American Indians become
American had to use resources that were accustomed to the different climates of
available to them within nature in order to Virginia?
survive. What are some of the different geographic
The different regions that make up Virginia are regions in Virginia?
what make the state up as a whole. How does each geographic region differ from
the others?
The three American Indian language groups of Demonstrate knowledge of the physical
Virginia are; the Slouan, the Iroquoian, and the geography of native people past, present, and
Algonquian. future in the state of Virginia.
How and where to locate Virginia on a map of Identify and locate current state recognized
the United States. tribes.
That the bordering states of Virginia are; West Draw conclusions and make generalized ideas
Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, Kentucky, about the geography and lifestyle of the Native
and Tennessee. (Also Washington D.C. but American Indians.
this is not technically a state.) Interpret and Analyze maps.
The climate of Virginia is mild with distinct Compare and contrast historical events and
seasons. landmarks of the state of Virginia.
The regions of Virginia are Valley and Ridge,
Appalachian Plateau, Coastal Plain (Tidewater),
Piedmont, and Blue Ridge Mountains.
Multiple Choice Quiz- Tests the students’ Chapter Test- This will assess students on all
knowledge of the geography of Virginia and the content learned about the Native American
prior life of Native American Indians. This Indians of Virginia, the physical geography of
allows for the teacher to see where each Virginia, and the climates of Virginia.
student is individually and to assess their
understanding on the content. It is important
for students to know about their state history
and culture for it has formed who they are
individually and the people of the State of
Student Self-Assessment and Reflection
Using a number to identify their level of understanding of the Social Studies content- Students can put the
number 1-4 on their desk (4- I understand, 1- I have no am completely lost) to let the teacher know if they
understand or if they need further explanation on content at the end of the lesson.
Sticky Notes- At the end of the lesson, each student will write down one or two things that they are “stuck
on” or that they need help with understanding about the Virginia Studies content.
Thumbs up, in the middle, or down- Thumbs down is a way for students to communicate they do not
understand. Thumb in the middle indicates the students’ kind of understand but need a refresher or has a
question about the material. Thumbs up means they completely understand the material and have no
Entry and Exit tickets.
Students will write in their journal and reflect on what they learned about Virginia Studies at the end of
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. Have students 4. Assign and have 5. Have students 7. Quiz- Have 9. Power point
start a KWL chart students start on in complete their students take a quiz lesson on the
about what they class Virginia Map Virginia Map Project. on the geography of Native American
already know about Project- Students Virginia and its Indians of Virginia,
the geography and will have a partner 6. Presentation Day- regions. how they lived,
make up of Virginia, and create the state Have each group what they ate,
and the Virginia of Virginia on poster present their poster 8. Review- Have a where they lived,
Native American board including the board map to the review over the etc.
Indians. Then have regions, major class and allow for content learned
them complete what rivers, and major student feedback, about the geography 10. Assign
they would like to mountain ranges questions, and of Virginia. See if GRASPS Native
know about these comments. any students have American Indian
concepts. questions or need to Tribe project.
go over any material.
2. Power point
lesson about the
geography of
Virginia, the
mountain ranges,
major water ways/
rivers, the climate,
and the different
regions that make
up Virginia.
3. Foldable Maps
Activity- Have
students work on
their foldable maps
that shows the
regions, rivers, and
mountain ranges.
(Orr, 2017)
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. Virginia 13. Field Trip Day- 14. Presentation 16. Final Review- Go 18. Presentation
American Indian Students will go on Day/Due date- Each over any last minute Day- Cont.
Tribes Map Activity- a field trip to student will present questions students
Students will work Jamestown to learn their GRASPS Native may have, and make 19. Have students
on the map of more about the American Indian sure all material is complete their KWL
Virginia and fill in Native American project. understood. chart and list what
the region where Indians of Virginia. they learned about
each Indian tribe 15. Jeopardy/Review- 17. Test Day- the geography of
was located with the Play jeopardy as a Students will Virginia and its
tribe name. review game to complete the test for native people.
prepare students for this chapter unit.
12. Quiz- Quiz over test over the 20. Prepare
the Native American geography of Virginia students for the
Indians material. and the Native transition of the
American Indians of next chapter, just
Virginia. give a brief
overview of what
will be next.
Connell , G. (n.d.). 10 Hands-On Strategies for Teaching Area and Perimeter. Retrieved October 10,
2017, from
Junkie, T. (2017, June 12). 3 Free Math Activities for Area, Perimeter, Volume. Retrieved October 10,
2017, from
Native American Tribes of Virginia. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2017, from http://www.native-