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Chapter 8

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The results of the prototype testing of the LAN validate the design choices made by the

NetworkingCompany designer. The new design elements that provide WAN connectivity to remote
sites and workers need to be tested. Testing remote connectivity options may be more difficult than
testing the LAN design.

Remote connectivity usually requires the use of transmission facilities that are not owned or
managed by the customer. These facilities, Frame Relay networks, T1 connections, or even DSL links,
are usually not available to the designer for testing purposes. As a result, the designer must consider
ways to test the proposed design without having access to the actual transmission facilities.

The designer can use three different methods to test remote connectivity designs:

 Simulation software
 Prototype testing using simulated links
 Pilot testing in the actual environment

Simulated environments can provide a way to test device configuration and operation. After the
design is verified in the simulated environment, remote connectivity can be further tested in a pilot

Network Simulation Software

Computer software programs offer the designer a tool to test configurations before implementing
them on actual equipment. The benefits of using a simulation software package are:

 Lower overall cost - Test networks are expensive to build and maintain. Networking device
capabilities and configuration options change frequently. As a result, keeping a lab
environment up-to-date can be difficult.
 Flexibility - Simulation software can support many different types of devices and connectivity
options. Changing configurations and topologies is usually much quicker and easier in a
simulation than when using actual equipment.
 Scalability - Building a large or complex network in a lab environment is time-consuming and
error-prone. Using a simulation program permits testing of large networks in a reduced
amount of time.
 Control -Using simulation software allows the designer to control the entire network
operation at once. The network designer can determine the types of traffic to send across
the network and the rate at which the traffic is sent. The designer can also stop the
simulation to capture and examine packets at various points in the network.
Software Limitations

Using simulation software programs to validate the network designs has a few disadvantages:

 Limited functionality - Software programs are designed and written long before they are
available to the public and can quickly become out-of-date. In addition, the software may
support only some of the capabilities of the actual equipment.
 Unrealistic performance - It is difficult, if not impossible, for the software programmers to
anticipate and simulate all of the conditions that can occur in an actual network. Therefore,
relying on the timing and performance estimates obtained from simulation software is risky.

Despite these disadvantages, using simulation software to test the configurations is an excellent way
to uncover design flaws.

In addition to network simulation software, other methods are available to simulate remote
connectivity in a test environment.

Almost all WAN technologies require an intermediary device to convert the WAN signals to either
serial or Ethernet signals at the customer premise. These devices include various types of modems
and CSU/DSUs. An exception to this is Metro Ethernet, which does not require the intermediary

Simulating a DSL or Cable Connection

To simulate a DSL or cable WAN connection, an Ethernet connection can be used. Most Ethernet
interfaces can be set to provide a 10-Mb connection, which is similar to the type of connectivity
provided over DSL or cable. The routers are connected using an Ethernet crossover cable. Routing
protocol metrics can be adjusted to simulate the metrics of a lower-speed link by using the
bandwidth command on the interface. Static route preference can be manually configured by
adjusting the administrative distance assigned to the route.

Simulating Serial Connectivity

There are two common methods used to simulate serial connectivity:

 CSU/DSUs or serial modems

 V.35 cables

Using CSU/DSUs or Modems

If CSU/DSUs or modems are available, the documentation included with the device usually includes
the wiring diagram necessary to create a crossover cable. If the diagram is not included, a search of
the Internet can usually uncover the correct pinouts to use. This crossover cable can be used to
connect two like devices to simulate the link provided by the telecommunications service provider
One CSU/DSU or modem is configured to provide the DCE function. The other device is configured as
a DTE device. The routers are then connected and configured just as they would be in the actual
WAN environment. The CSU/DSU or modem provides the clocking for the link.

Using V.35 Cables

In the NetworkingCompany prototype lab environment, it is possible to simulate a point-to-point

WAN connection using two serial V.35 cables. One cable must be a V.35 DCE cable, and the other
cable must be a V.35 DTE cable. By connecting the two cables, a V.35 crossover cable is created.
Interconnecting the routers with these two cables creates a circuit. Eliminating the CSU/DSU or
modem from the connection removes the clocking function on the circuit. As a result, one of the
routers must be configured as a DCE device, using the clock rate command on the interface. In actual
implementations, routers and other CPE devices rarely, if ever, provide the DCE function on a circuit.

Setting various clock rates enables the network designer and the NetworkingCompany staff doing the
testing to simulate different connection speeds.

The advantage of using simulated serial WAN connections is that the configuration of the serial
interfaces can be tested and verified. The disadvantage of doing this type of simulated testing is that
the actual network factors of the telecommunications provider cannot be evaluated.

After the configurations are tested in a simulated manner, it is recommended that additional testing
be done using a pilot installation.

Connectivity to the remote sites is a major issue in the existing stadium network. A high-priority goal
for the stadium management is to extend the new IP telephony system and the video surveillance
network to current remote sites. These services cannot be supported over the existing WAN.

In the stadium network, the two current remote sites access the main network using virtual private
network (VPN) connections across the Internet. These VPN connections use DSL lines. The ISP does
not offer a guarantee of bandwidth or QoS. The proposed design includes an upgrade to dedicated
Frame Relay WAN connectivity. The network designer recommends using Frame Relay to connect the
new remote office for Team A and the FilmCompany office.

The existing VPNs through the Internet remain in the new design to backup the new WAN.

The designer decides to build a prototype to simulate the WAN connectivity. This prototype tests the
configurations and the failover in case of a link failure. It is not possible to simulate the entire TSP
packet-switched network using either a prototype or simulation software. The actual Frame Relay
connection through the TSP network can only be tested in a pilot. After the prototype is completed
and the design accepted, a pilot installation is planned for the souvenir shop.
The performance through the TSP network cannot be tested in the prototype. However, other
important elements of the design can be tested in the prototype WAN network:

 Frame Relay local loop configuration

 Mechanisms to activate the VPN backup link in the event of a Frame Relay failure
 Static routing configuration
 ACLs that filter traffic to and from the WAN sites
 SSH configuration to enable remote management

To prototype the WAN connectivity, the network designer recommends using a Cisco router to
simulate a Frame Relay switch. This simulation enables the local loop configurations to be tested
without having to physically connect to the TSP network. To build the WAN prototype, the designer
needs four routers to test all of the functionality.

The designer creates the test topology diagram, the installation checklist, and the test plan to
demonstrate the Frame Relay connectivity.

The topology for the Frame Relay WAN test requires a different type of connectivity than the earlier
prototypes. In an actual implementation, a Frame Relay local loop usually connects to a CSU/DSU at
the customer premise. From the CSU/DSU, a serial connection is made to the customer premise
equipment (CPE) router.

The DCE function on the local loop is provided by either the TSP or the CSU/DSU. The clocking for the
serial connection between the CSU/DSU and the CPE router is provided by the CSU/DSU. All of the
connections at the router are DTE connections and use DTE cable.

In the prototype test network, a true T1 or E1 connection to a Frame Relay switch does not exist. It
has to be simulated using a Cisco router acting as the Frame Relay switch. This router is identified as
FR1. It connects to the other routers in the topology using a crossover connection. At the
NetworkingCompany, this crossover function is created by connecting one V.35 DTE cable directly to
a V.35 DCE cable. Because no CSU/DSU exists in the test topology, the FR1 router interfaces are
configured with a clock rate to provide the DCE function.

The Frame Relay topology recommended in the proposed WAN design is radically different from the
existing VPN connectivity managed by the ISP. There are many options available when using Frame
Relay. It is a recommended practice for the network designer to review the design and operation of
the WAN with the NetworkingCompany staff before they set up the prototype.

Frame Relay

Frame Relay is a high-performance WAN protocol that was standardized by the International
Telecommunication Union ITU-T. It is widely used in the United States. Many people think of a Frame
Relay link as a physical connection between two sites. In reality, a Frame Relay link is a virtual circuit
that spans a series of connections.

Every Frame Relay link has at least three components:

 The local point-to-point circuit that connects the local CPE router to the TSP Frame Relay
 The TSP packet-switched network
 The remote point-to-point circuit that connects the remote site into the TSP network

Configuring Frame Relay on the CPE router consists of configuring only the settings for the point-to-
point link with the TSP Frame Relay switch. These point-to-point links are usually T1/E1 or fractional
T1/E1 circuits. The TSP configures the virtual circuit through the packet-switched network.
Frame Relay terminology and configuration can easily become confusing. To explain the
configuration options to the NetworkingCompany staff, the network designer starts with the link
between the planned new stadium CPE router and a TSP Frame Relay switch.

The Local Loop

The proposed connection between the stadium CPE router and the Frame Relay switch at the TSP is a
T1 circuit. This connection is referred to as a local loop. The local loop connects the provider Frame
Relay switch to the CSU/DSU on the stadium premises. The connection then terminates on the serial
port of the CPE router. The clock speed (port speed) of the local loop connection to the Frame Relay
cloud is known as the local access rate. The local access rate defines the rate at which data can travel
into or out of the provider packet-switched network, regardless of other settings.
Data-link Connection Identifier

More than one virtual circuit can be carried on a single physical local loop circuit. Each virtual circuit
endpoint is identified by a data-link connection identifier (DLCI). A DLCI is usually significant only on
the local loop. In other words, DLCI numbers are unique within a single Frame Relay switch. However,
because there can be many Frame Relay switches within the network, DLCI numbers can be
duplicated on other switches.

Some of the services offered by the Frame Relay switch impact the quality of the data transmissions
through the telecommunications provider network.

Guaranteed Data Rates

Frame Relay providers offer services with guaranteed average data transfer rates through the
provider packet-switched network. This committed information rate (CIR) specifies the maximum
average data rate that the network delivers under normal conditions. The CIR is less than or equal to
the local access rate. A CIR is assigned to each DLCI that is carried on the local loop. If the stadium
attempts to send data at a faster rate than the CIR, the provider network flags some frames with a
discard eligible (DE) bit in the frame address header. The network attempts to deliver all frames.
However, if there is congestion, it discards any frames marked with the DE bit.

Zero CIR

Many inexpensive Frame Relay services are based on a CIR of zero. A zero CIR means that every
frame is a DE frame, and the network can throw any frame away when there is congestion. There is
no guarantee of service with a CIR set to zero, so these services are not good choices for mission-
critical data.

Local Management Interface

Local Management Interface (LMI) is a signaling standard between the router (DTE device) and the
local Frame Relay switch (DCE device). LMI is responsible for managing the connection and
maintaining status between the router and the Frame Relay switch. For example, LMI uses keepalive
messages to monitor the status of network connections. LMI Frame Relay adds a set of
enhancements, referred to as extensions, to basic Frame Relay. One important LMI extension is the
ability to report the status of the virtual circuit as well as the status of the physical connection. LMI
standards can differ between networks. Cisco routers support three LMI types: Cisco, ANSI Annex D,
and ITU-T Q.933 Annex A.
Congestion Control

To help manage traffic flows in the network, Frame Relay implements two mechanisms:

 Forward-explicit congestion notification (FECN)

 Backward-explicit congestion notification (BECN)

FECNs and BECNs are controlled by a single bit contained in the Frame Relay frame header.


FECN informs the destination device about congestion on the network path. The FECN bit is part of
the Address field in the Frame Relay frame header. The FECN mechanism works in the following way:

1. A DTE device sends Frame Relay frames into the network.

2. If the network is congested, the DCE devices (switches) set the value of the FECN bit to 1.

3. The frames reach the remote destination DTE device.

4. The DTE device reads the Address field with the FECN bit set to 1.

5. This setting indicates that the frame experienced congestion in the path from source to


BECN informs the source device about congestion on the network path. The BECN bit is also part of
the Address field in the Frame Relay frame header. A BECN works in the following way:

1. A Frame Relay switch detects congestion in the network.

2. It sets the BECN bit to 1 in frames headed in the opposite direction from the frames marked with
the FECN bit.

3. This setting informs the source DTE device that a particular path through the network is congested.

To configure the Frame Relay WAN prototype, the NetworkingCompany staff first configures the
router FR1 to act as the Frame Relay switch. The staff uses the command frame-relay switching to
begin the configuration. This command tells the router to act as the DCE device and to emulate a
Frame Relay switch. Additional frame-relay route configuration commands are applied to the router
to enable it to switch the DLCIs from each interface.
The two serial interfaces on FR1 can now be configured as the Frame Relay DCE devices. Frame Relay
encapsulation must be specified on each interface. The two possible Frame Relay encapsulations are
ietf and cisco. The default encapsulation is cisco. The cisco method is proprietary and should not be
used if the router is connected to a non-Cisco router across a Frame Relay WAN.

The network designer configures Frame Relay by configuring the Layer 3 IP address on the interface
and setting the encapsulation type to Frame Relay. Encapsulation is set using the following

Router(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay {cisco | ietf}

The CPE routers do not need to be configured as Frame Relay switches. However, the CPE router
serial interface needs to be configured with Frame Relay encapsulation and an IP address. The
designer uses the names of the planned devices and their addresses during the test.

In the prototype network, there is no CSU/DSU device to provide the clocking. Therefore, it is
important to configure a clock rate on the serial interfaces of FR1.
During the prototype test, the router FR1 acts as the Frame Relay switch at the service provider. This
simulates the connectivity through the Frame Relay cloud. A virtual circuit is created between the
Edge2 and BR3 routers. This circuit behaves the same as a directly connected link.

Inverse ARP and Frame Relay Maps

Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (Inverse ARP) provides a mechanism to create dynamic DLCI-to-
Layer 3 address maps. Inverse ARP works similarly to ARP on an Ethernet local network. With ARP,
the sending device knows the Layer 3 IP address. It sends broadcasts to learn the remote data link
MAC address. With Inverse ARP, the router learns the Layer 2 address, which is the DLCI. It sends
requests for the remote Layer 3 IP address.

When an interface on a Cisco router is configured to use Frame Relay encapsulation, Inverse ARP is
on by default. It is possible to manually configure a static mapping for a specific DLCI. Static mapping
is used if the router at the other end does not support Inverse ARP.

An advantage of Frame Relay connectivity is that one physical interface can support multiple virtual
circuits. Frame Relay enables one connection into the provider packet-switched network to provide
connectivity to multiple remote sites. This type of multi-access WAN is less expensive than one that
requires dedicated point-to-point links between sites.

Multiple links sharing a single interface can cause problems for distance vector routing protocol
updates. Frame Relay is a nonbroadcast multi-access (NBMA) protocol. This means that each virtual
circuit on an interface is treated as a separate local network. Split horizon stops routing table
updates from going out of the same interface on which they were received. Because of this, if one
remote site sends a routing protocol update, that update does not get sent out on the other virtual
circuits that share the same physical interface.

To avoid the problems caused by split horizon, the physical interface is divided into logical
subinterfaces. The two types of Frame Relay subinterfaces are point to-point and multipoint.


With point-to-point subinterfaces, a single subinterface is used to establish one permanent virtual
circuit (PVC) connection to another physical interface or subinterface on a remote router. Each pair
of interfaces is in its own subnet, and each interface has a single DLCI. Broadcasts are not a problem
in this environment because the routers are connected in a point-to-point manner and act like leased

With multipoint subinterfaces, a single subinterface is used to establish multiple PVC connections to
multiple physical interfaces or subinterfaces on remote routers. This configuration does not solve the
problems with split horizon. Split horizon must be turned off for distance vector routing protocols to
work with multipoint links.

Once the Frame Relay WAN is configured, it is necessary to verify that it is operating as expected. On
the CPE router, there are a number of show commands that display information about the status of
the Frame Relay local loop and the PVC circuit.

The show interfaces serial command displays the status of the interfaces, as well as details about the
encapsulation, DLCI, LMI type and the LMI statistics. In normal operation of Frame Relay, the show
interface serial command output should indicate that the interface is up and line protocol is up.

To verify that LMI messages are being exchanged between the CPE router and the local Frame Relay
switch, use the show frame-relay lmi command.

The show frame-relay pvc [interface interface] [dlci] command shows the status of each configured
PVC as well as traffic statistics. This command is also useful for viewing the number of BECN and
FECN packets received by the router.

Use the show frame-relay map command to display the current entries learned through Inverse ARP,
statically configured maps, and information about the connections.

To clear dynamically created Frame Relay maps, which are created using Inverse ARP, use the clear
frame-relay-inarp command.

After testing the basic Frame Relay connectivity, the network designer and NetworkingCompany staff
decide to test the backup capabilities. They set up Ethernet connections between the routers. These
Ethernet connections are intended to simulate the existing VPNs between the remote sites and the
main stadium network. Another router, called ISPX, is added to the topology to simulate the ISP

Configuring the Backup Link

Routing on the two CPE routers must be configured so that the backup link is used if the Frame Relay
link fails. One way to configure the routers to use the backup is to create floating static routes.

A floating static route is a static route that has an administrative distance greater than the
administrative distance of the corresponding dynamic routes. The staff can configure a static route
using the Fast Ethernet interfaces. The configuration specifies a higher administrative distance than
the Frame Relay route, using the following command:

Edge2(config)#ip route 130

This route, with an administrative distance of 130, is only installed into the routing table if the other
route is lost due to a link failure or some other cause. In this way, as long as the route using the
Frame Relay connection is available, the Fast Ethernet interface is not used.

The designer creates a test plan to verify the performance of the backup links in the event of a

Troubleshooting a Primary Link Failure

In a WAN design, the network designer must ensure that there are backup links, and that they
function correctly in the event of a primary link failure. Frame Relay and other WAN technologies are
generally very reliable services. There are times however, when the WAN network may perform at
less than expected levels, or the circuit may be down. A backup link can carry traffic during these
times, as well as during the time it takes to troubleshoot and repair the primary connection failure.

Troubleshooting a Frame-Relay circuit is a multi-step process that encompasses Layer 1, 2 and 3


Checking Frame Relay Interface Status

The first step in verifying or troubleshooting Frame Relay configuration issues is to use the show
interface serial command. If the output of the show interface serial command indicates that both the
interface and the line protocol are down, it typically indicates a problem at Layer 1. There may be a
problem with the cable or CSU/DSU that needs to be corrected.

The interface may also show a down condition if the DLCI is incorrectly statically configured. To check
for this, use the show frame-relay pvc command. A PVC status of DELETED can indicate that the DLCI
configured on the CPE device does not match the DLCI assigned to the circuit.

Verify LMI Operation

When the output of a show interface serial command indicates that the interface is up, but the line
protocol is down, there can be problem at Layer 2. The serial interface may not be receiving the LMI
keep alive messages from the Frame Relay switch. The next step in troubleshooting the Frame Relay
circuit is to verify that LMI messages are being sent and received correctly. Use the show frame-relay
lmi command and look for a non-zero value in any of the Invalid counters. Also make sure that the
LMI type is correct for the circuit.
Debugging the LMI Exchange

If the LMI type is correct for the circuit, but invalid messages are indicated, the debug frame-relay
lmi command can provide more information. The debug command output shows the LMI messages
as they are being sent and received between the Frame Relay switch and the CPE router in real time.

LMI status messages sent by the router are indicated by the (out) output. The (in) output indicates a
message received from the Frame Relay switch.

A type 0 message is a full LMI status message. Within the status message, the dlci 110, status 0x2
output indicates that DLCI 110 is active. The common values of the DLCI status field are:

 0x0: Added and inactive - the switch has this DLCI programmed but it is not usable.
 0x2: Added and active - the Frame Relay switch has the DLCI and everything is operational.
 0x4: Deleted - the Frame Relay switch does not have this DLCI programmed for the router.
This status can happen if the DLCIs are reversed on the router or if the PVC was deleted in
the Frame Relay cloud.

A type 1 message indicates a keepalive LMI exchange.

Checking Layer 3 Functionality

At times, the Layer 1 and 2 functions are operational, but IP communication is not occurring over the
PVC. For a router to reach a remote router across the Frame Relay network, it must map the IP
address of the remote router with the correct local DLCI. If the IP address of the remote router does
not appear in the Frame Relay mapping table, it may not support Inverse ARP. It may require the IP
address-to-DLCI mapping to be configured using the frame-relay map ip {ip address}{dlci}
[broadcast] command.

In addition, it is necessary to verify that no access control lists or IP routing table issues exist, as well.
Although these types of issues are not directly related to the WAN circuit operation, they can make it
appear as though the circuit is not functioning correctly.

After completing the prototype testing of the WAN, the network designer and the
NetworkingCompany staff discuss the results of the testing. The Frame Relay configuration performs
as expected and the backup links protect the WAN connectivity in the event the Frame Relay link

However, there are a couple of risks involved with the Frame Relay configuration that must be
communicated to the stadium management.
Areas of Risk

The most critical area of risk is the performance of the VPN links functioning correctly when used as
backups. When the voice and video components of the network are added to the existing WAN
traffic, there may be a quality of service issue if the VPN connection must be used. The current VPN
through the ISP does not have a guaranteed level of service. Furthermore, it does not have
mechanisms to provide QoS. As a result, the backup links can only provide limited connectivity in the
event of a failure.

It is not possible to test the performance through the actual TSP Frame Relay network; therefore,
there is a risk associated with the design. The final acceptance of the design cannot be done until the
results of the pilot installation are known.

A high-priority business goal of the stadium network design is to offer additional services to stadium
vendors and customers to improve the stadium experience.

Team Office Requirements

The team offices are requesting a secure method for their scouts to connect to the team servers. The
scouts need to transmit prospect information to the team servers when they are away from the
stadium. Because this information is extremely confidential, the team wants the scouts to be able to
connect remotely via a VPN. A VPN is an extension of the internal private network. VPNs transmit
information securely across shared or public networks, like the Internet. The network designer needs
to consider the network impact of providing this service.

How a VPN Works

A VPN emulates a point-to-point link. The VPN encapsulates the data with a header that provides
routing information. This format enables the data to traverse the public network to reach its
destination. To emulate a private link, the encapsulated data is encrypted for confidentiality.
Encryption algorithms ensure that if packets are intercepted on the public network, they cannot be
read without the encryption keys.

The team scouts, as well as others working at home or on the road, can use VPN connections to
establish remote access to servers located at the stadium. From the perspective of the users, the VPN
is a point-to-point connection between their computer (the VPN client) and a VPN endpoint (the VPN
server or VPN concentrator) at the stadium.
There is risk when extending the private LAN to include remote workers.

VPN Security

In many businesses, remote workers accessing resources at the central site through a VPN are
considered "trusted" users, just like those workers who actually work on site. Unlike the on-site
workers, VPN users may be accessing the network from devices that are not fully secured or from
insecure locations in public areas. Extra care needs to be taken to ensure that these remote workers
do not have access to resources or areas of the network that they do not need to do their jobs.

VPN Server Location

The network designer knows that encrypted data cannot be filtered until it is unencrypted at the VPN
server endpoint. For that reason, the location of the VPN server in the network is very important. It
must be located at a point where incoming packets can be examined and filtered before being
delivered to the internal network resources.

What Needs to Be Tested?

The stadium uses VPN networks to connect to the souvenir shop and the ticket outlet. These VPNs
are site-to-site VPNs managed by the ISP and do not need to be tested.

Team Scout Support

Two options are available to support the team scout VPN requirements for the remote clients:

 Option 1: The stadium management can request additional VPN services from the current
 Option 2: The VPN server can be installed on the stadium network.

VPN Server Management

The designer suggests using split tunneling to allow users to send traffic that is destined for the
corporate network across the VPN tunnel, while allowing all other traffic to be sent out to the
Internet through the local LAN of the VPN client. The designer must determine if a VPN server can be
configured and managed by the existing stadium personnel. To do this, the designer decides to test
the ease of configuring and installing the VPN server and client software. After configuring the VPN,
the designer tests the ACLs for filtering traffic coming through the VPN and the placement of the VPN
server in the network.
Cisco EasyVPN

The designer decides that Cisco EasyVPN is the best option to use for configuring and managing
remote user VPN connectivity. EasyVPN is a Cisco IOS software tool. It facilitates the configuration of
a Cisco security appliance or router as a VPN server or endpoint.

For the prototype, the designer selects the IP Advanced Security feature set for the 1841 router. The
Cisco SDM interface on the 1841 can be used to configure the EasyVPN Server for the remote clients.

The Cisco EasyVPN Solution

To ensure that the VPN can support the mobile team scouts, ease of deployment is important. There
are two components of Cisco EasyVPN:

 Cisco EasyVPN Server - This server can be a router or a dedicated VPN gateway, such as a PIX
firewall or a VPN concentrator. A VPN gateway using Cisco EasyVPN Server software can
terminate remote access VPNs and site-to-site VPN connections.

 Cisco EasyVPN Remote - Cisco EasyVPN Remote enables remote devices to receive security
policies from a Cisco EasyVPN Server. This minimizes configuration requirements at the
remote VPN location. Cisco EasyVPN Remote allows the VPN parameters to be pushed from
the server to the remote device. VPN parameters include internal IP addresses, internal
subnet masks, and DHCP server addresses.
The network designer creates a test plan to verify the use of Cisco EasyVPN to configure a VPN server
for the stadium and to set up the client software.

Before testing the VPN prototype configuration, the network designer needs to consider many
different protocols, algorithms, and options.

VPN Components

VPNs have two important components:

 Tunneling to create the virtual network

 Encryption to enable privacy and security

Virtual Network

To build a virtual network, a tunnel is created between the two endpoints. In a site-to-site VPN, hosts
send and receive normal TCP/IP traffic through a VPN gateway. A gateway can be a router, firewall,
VPN concentrator, or security appliance. The gateway is responsible for encapsulating outbound
traffic from one site and sending it through a tunnel over a network to a peer gateway at the remote
site. A tunnel by itself may not guarantee security. The tunnel simply creates an extension of the
local network across the WAN or public network. Tunnels can carry either encrypted or unencrypted
content. Upon receipt, the remote peer gateway strips the headers, decrypts the packet, and relays it
toward the target host inside its private network. In a remote-access VPN, the VPN client on the user
computer contacts the gateway to set up the tunnel.

VPN Tunnel Protocols

VPN tunnels are created using a number of different encapsulation protocols. These protocols

Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)

IP Security (IPSec)

Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F) Protocol

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)

Not all protocols offer the same level of security.

Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnels provide a specific pathway across the shared WAN.
They encapsulate traffic with new packet headers to ensure delivery to specific destinations. The
network is private. This is because traffic can enter a tunnel only at an endpoint and can leave only at
the other endpoint. Tunnels do not provide true confidentiality (like encryption does) but can carry
encrypted traffic.

IP Security (IPSec) acts at the Network Layer, protecting and authenticating IP packets between
participating IPSec devices (peers). IPSec is not bound to any specific encryption, authentication,
security algorithms, or keying technology. IPSec is a framework of open standards.

Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol (L2F) is a protocol developed by Cisco that supports the creation of
secure virtual private dialup networks over the Internet by tunneling Layer 2 frames.

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) was developed by Microsoft. It is described in RFC2637.

PPTP is widely deployed in Windows client software to create VPNs across TCP/IP networks.

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is an IETF standard that incorporates the best attributes of PPTP
and L2F. L2TP is used to tunnel Point-Point Protocol (PPP) through a public network, such as the
Internet, using IP. Since the tunnel occurs on Layer 2, the upper layer protocols are unaware of the
tunnel. Like GRE, L2TP can also encapsulate any Layer 3 protocol.

Encryption algorithms

Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm- DES was developed by IBM. DES uses a 56-bit key,
ensuring high-performance encryption. 3DES is a symmetric key cryptosystem.

Triple DES (3DES) algorithm- 3DES is a variant of the 56-bit DES. 3DES operates similarly to DES, in
that data is broken into 64-bit blocks. 3DES then processes each block three times, each time with an
independent 56-bit key. 3DES provides significant encryption strength over 56-bit DES. DES is a
symmetric key cryptosystem.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) : The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
have recently adopted AES to replace the existing DES encryption in cryptographic devices. AES
provides stronger security than DES. It is computationally more efficient than 3DES. AES offers three
different key lengths: 128-, 192-, and 256-bit keys.

Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) : RSA is an asymmetrical key cryptosystem. It uses a key length of
512, 768, 1024, or larger. IPSec does not use RSA for data encryption. IKE only uses RSA encryption
during the peer authentication phase.

VPN technologies use encryption algorithms that prevent data from being read if it is intercepted. An
encryption algorithm is a mathematical function that combines the message with a string of digits
called a key. The output is an unreadable cipher string. Decryption is extremely difficult or impossible
without the correct key. The most common encryption methods used for VPNs are Data Encryption
Standard (DES), Triple DES (3DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and Rivest, Shamir, and
Adleman (RSA).

Encryption Algorithms

Encryption algorithms, such as DES and 3DES, require a symmetric, shared secret key to perform
encryption and decryption. The network administrator can manually configure keys.

Alternatively, keys can be configured through the use of a key exchange method. The Diffie-Hellman
(DH) key agreement is a public key exchange method. It provides a way for two peers to establish a
shared secret key, which only they recognize, while communicating over an unsecured channel.
Diffie-Hellman groups specify the type of cryptography to be used:

DH GROUP 1 - Uses 768-bit cryptography.

DH GROUP 2 - Cisco IOS, PIX Firewall, and Cisco Adaptive Security Appliances (ASA) devices only.
Specifies to use 1024-bit cryptography.

DH GROUP 5 - Supported if the software system requirements are met. Specifies to use 1536-bit

To guard against the interception and modification of VPN data, a data integrity algorithm can be
used. A data integrity algorithm adds a hash to the message. If the transmitted hash matches the
received hash, the received message is accepted as an exact copy of the transmitted message. Keyed
Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC) is a data integrity algorithm that guarantees the
integrity of the message. There are two common HMAC algorithms:

 HMAC-Message Digest 5 (MD5) - This algorithm uses a 128-bit shared secret key. The
variable length message and 128-bit shared secret key are combined and run through the
HMAC-MD5 hash algorithm. The output is a 128-bit hash. The hash is appended to the
original message and forwarded to the remote end.
 HMAC-Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (HMAC-SHA-1) - This algorithm uses a 160-bit secret key. The
variable length message and the 160-bit shared secret key are combined and run through the
HMAC-SHA-1 hash algorithm. The output is a 160-bit hash. The hash is appended to the
original message and forwarded to the remote end.

In the proposed stadium network, the network designer chooses IPSec technology for the remote
access VPNs.


IPSec is a framework of open standards. It provides data confidentiality, data integrity, and data
authentication between participating peers. IPSec provides these security services at Layer 3.

IPSec relies on existing algorithms to implement the encryption, authentication, and key exchange.
When configuring the VPN server, the following settings must be configured:

 An IPSec protocol - The choices are Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), Authentication
Header (AH), or ESP with AH.
 An encryption algorithm that is appropriate for the desired level of security - The choices are
DES, 3DES, or AES.
 An authentication algorithm to provide data integrity - The choices are MD5 or SHA.
 A Diffie-Hellman group - The choices are DH1, DH2, and DH5, if supported.

IPSec can use Internet Key Exchange (IKE) to handle negotiation of protocols and algorithms. IKE can
also generate the encryption and authentication keys that IPSec uses.

VPN clients receive a logical network interface with an IPv4 address that is significant on the central
site internal network. This IPv4 address typically comes from a private IP address range. As a result,
VPN users may not be able to access their local resources, such as printers and servers.

Split Tunnels

In a basic VPN client scenario, all traffic from the VPN client is encrypted using the logical network
interface. It is then sent to the VPN server, regardless of where the traffic is destined to go.

Split tunneling allows users to send only the traffic that is destined for the corporate network across
the tunnel. All other traffic is sent out to the Internet via the local LAN of the VPN client. Examples of
other traffic include instant messaging, email, and casual web browsing. If split tunneling is
configured on the VPN server, Cisco VPN client software can be configured for split tunnels by
enabling the Allow Local LAN Access option. Split tunneling increases security risks, because an attack
can come from the Internet side of the client into the secured network.

The network designer must decide where to place the VPN server before determining how and
where to filter and control traffic.

VPN Server Placement

Often, VPN servers are placed at the WAN edge of a network. In these cases, firewalls or ACLs are
used to ensure that VPN users have access only to appropriate network resources.

If the stadium management chooses to install a local VPN server, the designer recommends placing
the VPN server on the same device that is providing firewall filtering for servers. The remote user
traffic can be decrypted and filtered before being sent to the server.

The designer creates a test topology that is similar to the topology used in the server farm prototype
testing. The designer then creates an installation checklist and a test plan to test the operation of the
VPN and the ACL filtering.

Upon completion of the testing, the network designer analyzes the results to determine the level of
risk in the design.

VPN Design Risks

In the VPN design to support the remote team personnel, the main risk relates to the ability of the
current IT support staff to configure and maintain the VPN server. Configuring clients as the need
arises is also a risk.

Using Cisco EasyVPN and SDM proves to be the correct choice for configuring and maintaining the
remote access VPN for the stadium network. It is relatively easy to create secure connectivity for the
remote workers.

With the entire prototype testing complete, the designer can work with the rest of the
NetworkingCompany staff to prepare the final design presentation for the stadium network upgrade.
Testing remote connectivity options may be more difficult than testing the LAN design.

The designer can use three different methods to test remote connectivity designs:

 Simulation software, such as Packet Tracer

 Prototype testing using simulated links
 Pilot testing in the actual environment

Computer software programs, such as Packet Tracer, offer the designer a tool to test configurations
before implementing them on actual equipment. Benefits of using simulation sofware include:

 Lower overall cost

 Flexibility
 Scalability
 Control

Disadvantages of using simulations may be that the simulations have limited functionality or report
unrealistic performance estimates.

Using cross-over cabling and special device configurations, WAN connections can be simulated in a
prototype environment.

When using cross-over cabling to connect two serial interfaces, it is necessary for one device to
provide the clocking for the circuit. On a Cisco router, this is accomplished using the clock rate

Frame Relay is a high-performance WAN protocol that was standardized by the International
Telecommunication Union ITU-T.

Every Frame Relay link has at least three components:

 The local point-to-point circuit that connects the local CPE router to the TSP Frame Relay
 The TSP packet-switched network
 The remote point-to-point circuit that connects the remote site into the TSP network

More than one virtual circuit can be carried on a single physical local loop circuit. Each virtual circuit
endpoint is identified by a data-link connection identifier (DLCI).

The committed information rate (CIR) specifies the maximum average data rate that the network
delivers under normal conditions.
To help manage traffic flows in the network, Frame Relay implements two mechanisms:

 Forward-explicit congestion notification (FECN)

 Backward-explicit congestion notification (BECN)

Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (Inverse ARP)provides a mechanism to create dynamic DLCI-to-
Layer 3 address maps.

Frame Relay is a nonbroadcast multi-access (NBMA) protocol. This means that each virtual circuit on
an interface is treated as a separate local network.

One way to configure routers to use a backup link when the primary link is unavailable is to create
floating static routes. A floating static route is a static route that has an administrative distance
greater than the administrative distance of the corresponding dynamic routes.

A VPN is an extension of the internal private network. VPNs transmit information securely across
shared or public networks, like the Internet.

VPNs have two important components:

 Tunneling to create the virtual network

 Encryption to enable privacy and security

Tunneling methods include:

 Generic Routing Encapsulation

 IP Security (IPSec)
 Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol (L2F)
 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
 Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)

Encryption algorithms include:

 Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm

 Triple DES (3DES) algorithm
 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
 Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA)
Encryption algorithms, such as DES and 3DES, require a symmetric, shared secret key to perform
encryption and decryption.

Keys can be configured through the use of a key exchange method. The Diffie-Hellman (DH) key
agreement is a public key exchange method.

To guard against the interception and modification of VPN data, a data integrity algorithm can be
used to add a hash to the message.

IPSec is a framework of open standards. It provides data confidentiality, data integrity, and data
authentication between participating peers. IPSec provides these security services at Layer 3.

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