Andropanolide and Isoandrographolide, Minor Diterpenoids From Andrographis Paniculata: Structure and X-Ray Crystallographic Analysis
Andropanolide and Isoandrographolide, Minor Diterpenoids From Andrographis Paniculata: Structure and X-Ray Crystallographic Analysis
Andropanolide and Isoandrographolide, Minor Diterpenoids From Andrographis Paniculata: Structure and X-Ray Crystallographic Analysis
Swapan Pramanick,† Sukdeb Banerjee,† Basudeb Achari,† Binayak Das,† Ashis K. Sen, Sr.,† Sibabrata Mukhopadhyay,*,†
Alain Neuman,‡ and Thierry Prangé§
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata 700032, India, Laboratoire de Chimie Biomoléculaire (UMR 7013 CNRS),
93017 Bobigny Cedex, France, and Laboratoire de Cristallographie & RMN Biologiques (UMR 8015 CNRS), 75006 Paris, France
Phytochemical investigation of the leaves of Andrographis paniculata has led to the isolation of a new labdane type
diterpenoid, andropanolide (1), along with seven known diterpenoids including isoandrographolide (2), previously reported
as a rearrangement product of andrographolide. The structures and stereochemistry of compounds 1 and 2 were established
by X-ray crystallographic analysis.
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