5th Sunday of Easter
5th Sunday of Easter
5th Sunday of Easter
Five-year old Johnny is in the kitchen with his mother who is preparing
supper. She asks him to go to the basement and fetch her a can of
tomato soup. “It’s dark in there and I’m scared,” replies Johnny. The
mother tries to convince him it is safe to go alone to the basement but
without much success. Finally she says “It’s all right, Johnny, Jesus will
be in there with you.” Johnny walks hesitantly to the door and slowly
opens it. He peeps inside, sees that it is still dark in there, and starts to
go back. Then, suddenly he gets an idea. He opens the basement door a
little and yells: “Jesus, if you’re in there, would you hand me a can of
tomato soup, please?”
Johnny’s fear is similar to the fear of the disciples as the time draws
near for Jesus to leave them. They are afraid to face the world alone. In
today’s gospel reading, Jesus does pretty much what Johnny’s mother
tried to do, namely, convince the disciples that there is no need to be
afraid, even when he is not there with them.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled” (John 14:1a). The Greek text
shows that the disciples are already afraid and Jesus is asking them here
to master their fears. What reason does Jesus give them? It is both
simple and profound: “You believe in God, believe also in me”
(14:1b). It is easy to believe in God, a spiritual being that we cannot see.
The challenge is to believe in ordinary, flesh-and-blood human beings
whom we know all too well already. The challenge is to believe in the
incarnation, that the all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful God is
present and active in ordinary human beings who are often lacking in
knowledge, in love, and in moral strength. You believe in God (that is
the easy part), believe also in me, a presumably frail human being (that
is the hard part).
Today, many of us are like Philip; our prayer is, “Lord, show us the
Father, and we will be satisfied” (verse 8). Show us that God is with
us in the church. Show us that God is alive and actively involved in
events in our world today. What does Jesus answer? “How can you say,
'Show us the Father?'” (verse 9) when God is so deeply involved in
the events and crises of the church and of the world. You see, the
incarnation (God becoming flesh) has removed the wall of division
between the divine and the human. The history of God and the history
of humanity have become inextricably intertwined. The story of the
kingdom of God, which Jesus came to inaugurate, cannot be told apart
from the story of the church in the world. God took a risk when God
decided to become human. Whether the divine risk will issue in success
or failure is up to us.
When we see things happening in the church or in our world the way
they should not, it is not time to blame God for abandoning us to our
own whims and caprices. No, God is always with us. It is rather a time
for serious soul searching, a time for us as individuals and as a church
to ask ourselves: Where did we miss it? How can we get back on God’s
track? What is God saying to us in these events and crises? We should
not let our hearts be troubled. We believe in God, let us now believe in
men and women made in the image and likeness of God.