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NCERT Class 2 English

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Unit -1 1-19
First Day at School
Haldi’s Adventure

Unit -2 20-38
I am Lucky!
I Want

Unit - 3 39-53
A Smile
The Wind and the Sun

Unit - 4 54-71
Storm in the Garden

Unit -5 72-89

Zoo Manners
Funny Bunny
Unit - 6 90-104
Mr. Nobody
Curlylocks and the Three Bears

Unit - 7 105-121
On My Blackboard I can Draw
Make it Shorter

Unit - 8 122-140
I am the Music Man
The Mumbai Musicians

Unit - 9 141-159
Granny Granny Please Comb my Hair
The Magic Porridge Pot

Unit -10 160-174

Strange Talk
The Grasshopper and the Ant

Picture 175-176
Let’s recite this poem

First day at School

I wonder
if my drawing
will be as good as theirs.
I wonder
if they’ll like me
or just be full of stares.
I wonder
if my teacher
will look like Mom or Gran.
I wonder
if my puppy
will wonder where I am.
– Aileen Fisher
New words
wonder, drawing, stares, Gran, puppy
Let’s read

I wonder if the sea is blue.

Reading is fun

What does the child in the poem think about
his drawing?
What does the child wonder about his teacher?
Do you think the child would like to carry his
puppy to school?

Let’s talk

Do you remember your first day at school?
How did you feel –

angry shy happy sad

When you entered your class what did you like?
Who was the first friend you made?

What did you enjoy doing the most?
Do you have a pet at home who waits
for you to come back from school?

Let’s act

Find a partner. Let your partner pretend to be
the teacher who welcomed you to your class.
Now act out your first day at school.

Look at the picture. What are the children doing?

Let’s listen and sing

Brush, brush, brush your teeth,

Brush them every day.
Father, mother, brother, sister
Brush them every day.
Comb, comb, comb your hair,
Comb it every day.
Father, mother, brother, sister
Comb it every day.
Wash, wash, wash your face,
Wash it every day.
Father, mother, brother, sister
Wash it every day.

Let’s write

How many words can you Hippopotamus
make using letters from
the word in the picture?
One has been done for you.


4Circle what you can carry in your school bag? Now
write their names in the box below.
- c r e a m cone
ruler ice





water b
ottle cles tiffin
1. ____________________ 2. ____________________
3. ____________________ 4. ____________________
5. ____________________ 6. ____________________
7. ____________________ 8. ____________________

Let’s do

What are the children doing? Choose the correct
word from the ribbon and then fill in the blanks.
eating riding studying sharing laughing

__________ a bicycle

__________ breakfast __________ to school

__________ in class

__________ with friends

__________ from school

Let’s practise


One morning, as Haldi walked to

school, she met a giraffe. The
giraffe wore big glasses and held a book in his hand.
He smiled and said, “Good morning,
Haldi looked up at him. “I’m sorry
to stare,” she said, “but I have never
met a giraffe like you.”
“My name is Smiley,”
said the giraffe.
“Whenever you see
me, you will
Haldi was
surprised and
happy too.
Then she
that she would be late for school. So she said to the
giraffe, “I would love to talk to you but I must rush to
school or I will be late.”
The giraffe said, “Not if you ride on my back. If you
climb on my back, I will run so fast that you will feel
you are flying to school. Do you go to school every
“Yes,” said Haldi. “I go to school on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. On
Saturdays I play games at school.”
“What do you do in school?” asked the giraffe.
“I learn about the stars, the trees, the birds and
the animals.”
“That is good,” said the giraffe, “I love books too.
They are lots of fun. Now jump on my back. I will take
you to school.”
Haldi then jumped on the giraffe’s back and found
that she could see so many things from the top. And
before she knew it she had reached the school
playground. She climbed down. When she turned
back to thank the giraffe, she found that he had gone

“Oh!” Haldi thought. “What a wonderful adventure
I have had!”

New words
giraffe, surprised, adventure, wonderful, playground

Reading is fun

Where was Haldi going?
Why did Haldi stare at the giraffe?
How did she reach school?

Let’s talk

How do you go to school?
What do you wear to school?
Have you ever seen anything strange on your
way to school? Talk about it.

Say aloud

paddle saddle cradle

down clown sound round
school pool rule cool tool

Let’s colour
Find the shapes and colour them.


Down by the river

On the way to school,
We have to pass
By the paddling-pool.
The grass is green,
And the water cool,
And we stay to play
By the paddling-pool,
Down by the river
On the way to school.
– Ann Berry

Let’s write

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the
brackets – (sail, bark, sing, play, ring)
Boats ____________. Dogs ___________
Children ____________. Bells ___________
Birds ______________ .

Write the names of the days of the week. You can
begin with Sunday.
____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________
Haldi wrote her name at school in this way –
‘haldi’. She made one mistake. What was it?
Write her name correctly._______________________
Now write your name correctly._________________

Haldi wrote — i met a giraffe.
She made two mistakes. What are they? Write
Haldi’s sentence correctly.
Let’s get ready for school

What do you do before going to school? Put ‘Y’ for
yes and ‘N’ for no.

have a bath climb a tree

play in the park comb your hair

feed the birds help to milk a cow

Fill in the blanks with ‘before’ or ‘after’.

_________ eating food, I wash my hands.

_________ reaching school, I sit in class.

_________ eating food, I wash my mouth.

_________ reaching home, I do my homework.

Let’s sing
All the bells are ringing:
It’s a holiday.
All the bells are singing:
Let’s go out and play.
– Margaret Russell

Fun time

What is the sound of your school bell?
Can you make sounds of different bells that you
have heard?
Different bells make different sounds. Try and make
the sound of a –

phone bell —
door bell —
cow bell

horse bell —
bus bell

Write the first letter of each picture given in the box.

What have you spelt?

Teacher's Pages

As we start this book let us remember a few ideas that were reflected in Book One.
We need to remember that when we teach English at this level, there is also a
transition from the home language to the school language. It is not only a move
from the mother tongue to the second and third language, but also a move to
the more disciplined environment of the school, where social behaviour is to be
related to a group of peers.
Learning English therefore need not involve the loss of the home language.
While the child is being exposed to new ideas and worlds, she is still rooted in
present environments; attempts are made in the book to draw on what is
familiar to the child.
The book supports the child's emotional needs and anxieties in order to
strengthen the pathways to learning.
By using games and tasks that draw on the imagination, the child will see that
organised play and work have their own rules and discipline. Imaginative
thinking is given a boost.
The book encourages the child to use language in speech and writing, to
express feelings and opinions, to reach out to others, see other points of view
and thus develops as a social being.
The child learns through fun and enjoyment, music, games and activity. There
should be as much movement as possible, so that the child gets to use
language without much conscious effort. All this is provided in the book.
Praise the child for efforts and performance; Say ‘that’s good’ or ‘let’s try again’
or ‘do you want to change what you have done?’ rather than using stricter
forms of speech.
Be aware of different abilities amongst the children who are musically
inclined/mathematically inclined/physically active/more introvert? Find
ways to encourage each one to participate actively in the class?

? Modulate your voice when you communicate with the class; rephrase in
different words if they do not understand the first time.
? Let children work at their own speed.

In Book Two, emphasis has been laid on all the language skills.

Listening and speaking

Read poems and stories aloud, before you ask children to repeat or recite.
Exposure to the sounds of language is important. Do not give meanings, but let
them make sense of meanings by using whatever knowledge of the world and of
language they already have. You are advised to practice the sounds of language
yourself, before you start repeating them in class in Say aloud.

Speaking on issues relevant to the child’s life is to be done in Talk time. Which
language should the child use here? Encourage the child to talk, and help
him/her to increase the use of English. The environment should be motivating,
encouraging and free from stress and fear, for this to happen.

By now, the child should be reading on his/her own so avoid the temptation to
explain difficult words; instead let them guess meanings by choosing options that
are given in the book or which you can give. All meanings need not be understood
at once; some meanings can come later, after the child realises that her guesses of
meanings may not be according to the context. When reading has to develop, the
child should be given a chance to read with comprehension; reading is not merely
mouthing words.

Writing continues as in Book One, with added focus on the running hand. This is
necessary for eye and hand coordination at this stage. Please see that the child
does not lift the pencil from the book while practising running hand till a word has
been completed. Also see that the child has the correct grip on the pencil. More
practice can be given for this, but do not overload the child with writing at this
stage. For writing, activities like paper tearing, cutting, pasting, colouring within
boundaries, stringing beads using spoons for transferring rice from one bowl to
another, for, instance are all important means for developing good handwriting at
this stage.

Note: If the child is inclined to left-handed writing do not push the child to be a
right-handed writer.
As in Book One, divide the class into groups for activities; call a group by different
names flowers, colours, birds, animals etc.
Dramatise emotions like being shy, happy, excited or angry children.

Unit 1 focuses on what the child's anxieties and uncertainties might be in going to
school from a familiar home environment. The unit tries to help the child
acclimatise to the process of the different world of the school. But as said earlier,
it encourages the child to talk of the familiar – pets, family etc. and at the same
time tries to ensure that expectations for school exist e.g., personal habits, the
things to pack into a school bag.

Enjoy this poem about our animal friends

Strange Talk
A little green frog lived under a log,
And every time he spoke,
Instead of saying, “Good morning,”
He only said, “Croak-croak.”

A duck lived by the waterside,

And little did he lack,
But when we asked, “How do you do?”
He only said, “Quack-quack.”
A little pig lived in a sty,
As fat as he could be,
And when he asked for dinner
He cried aloud, “Wee-wee.”

Three pups lived in a kennel,

And loved to make a row,
And when they meant, “May we go out?”
They said, “Bow-wow! Bow-wow!”

If all these animals talked as much

As little girls and boys,
And all of them tried to speak at once,
Wouldn’t it make a noise?
– L.E. Yates

New words
instead, lack, sty, kennel, row, meant

Reading is fun

Are these sentences true or false?
A little
l green frog said, “Quack-quack.”
A little
l pig loved to make a row.
A duck
l only said, “Croak-croak.”
A pig
l cried aloud, “Wee-wee.”

Let’s talk
You are very
Seema talks a lot and her brother talkative!
calls her talkative. Do you
think Seema should talk
l the teacher is
teaching in class?
on the
l playground?
l she is eating?
l Mother asks her
about what happened in
Answer yes or no

Let’s write

Complete the questions with the words in the box –
Will Can What How Where When

1. _____________ is your name?

2. _____________ old are you?
3. _____________ do you play?
4. _____________ do you live?

Tick (?
) the correct word.
We did
l not (shoot/shout) in the class.
Do you
l like to drink (water/voter)?
He (tired/tried)
l to climb the tree.
Will you
l (pleace/please) help me?
I can
l (see/sea) with my eyes.

Make sentences using the following words.
1. Is ___________________________________________
2. Are ___________________________________________

3. Have __________________________________________
4. Has __________________________________________
5. Had __________________________________________

Write five lines on My Pet.

Now lets enjoy this poem.

The Wise Old Owl

A wise old owl lived in an oak;

The more he saw, the less he spoke;
The less he spoke, the more he heard.
Why can’t we all be like that wise old owl?

Picture story
Look at the pictures and tell a story about
The Talkative Tortoise.

A tale from the Panchtantra

Let’s copy and write
Copy each question and then choose the right answer
from the red box. One has been done for you.

It is green. It is big.
It is small. It is red.
He is tall. She is short.

1. Is the man tall or short?

2. Is the woman tall or short?
1. Is the man tall or short?
3. Is the elephant big or
He is tall. small?
2. 4. Is the mouse big or small?
5. Is the tree green or red?
6. Is the house green or red?

3. 5.

4. 6.

The Grasshopper and the Ant

Once there lived a lazy grasshopper. He didn’t like to

work. All day long he sang songs and played in the
warm sunshine.
“Hee, Hee ! Look at me! I’m as happy as can be!” The
grasshopper laughed at the hardworking ants as they
worked day and night.
“We are storing grain for the long winter ahead,”
they replied. The lazy grasshopper only laughed louder.
Summer ended and the cold winter arrived. The
wind blew strong and it started snowing. The

grasshopper now began to worry. “There is no food to
eat, no grass, no flowers or leaves. I can’t see even the
tiniest fly or worm. What will I do? I will surely starve!”
he cried. “Let me meet my kind neighbour, the ant!”
The grasshopper remembered how the hardworking
ant had stored away grain for the winter. He knocked at
her door. “Dear ant, I am hungry and cold. I have
nothing to eat. Please can you give me some food?”
The ant shook in anger. “Lazy one! What were you
doing all summer? You were only singing and dancing.
You should have thought of the cold winter months
ahead. Go away!” She slammed her door shut. The lazy
grasshopper was left as hungry as before.
– Adapted from Aesop’s Fables

New words
hardworking, arrived, starve, slammed

Reading is fun

How did the grasshopper spend his days?
Did the grasshopper find food in winter?
What did the ant tell the grasshopper
when he asked for food?

Let’s talk

If you were asked to store things for the winter
what would you store? Name any three things.
Which season do you like the best?
Tell the class the story of the grasshopper and the
ant in your own language.

Word building

Circle the words that mean the same.
speak talk shout
complete finish start
small thin little
sick ill stout
big large fat

The web world
When you hear winter and summer, what are the
words that come to your mind? Write these words in
the bubbles.

Winter scarf


Let’s write

Letters with numbers are given in the box. Pick up
the letter under each number and replace the
numbers by writing it in the blanks.

1. The ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
24 15 3 23 23 21 10 17 17 16 15

eats ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

4 10 15 7 23

2. The ___ ___ ___ ___ eat ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
3 22 12 23 24 15 3 9 22 23

3. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ is very ___ ___ ___ ___.
4 9 22 12 16 15 8 10 20 11

4. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ is very ___ ___ ___ ___.
23 26 7 7 16 15 4 3 15 7

3 14 8 11 16 2 24 21 9 13 5 20 7
22 10 17 1 15 23 12 26 19 4 25 18 6

Under picture A sentences describe what each
person/animal is doing. Under picture B write

A lady is cycling. ___________________________
A man is running. ___________________________
Two girls are playing. ___________________________
A dog is sleeping. ___________________________

Let’s practise

Teacher's Pages

Unit 10 is the culmination of an attempt to understand that one of the major skills of
learning language is communication. Speech is one of the most important means of
The greater the child has mastery over words, the richer the ability to communicate in
the new language.
More sounds of animals through stories and poems can be discussed.
Children should be encouraged to listen carefully. We should be good listeners as well as
good speakers.
The value that comes out of the story The Grasshopper and the Ant has to be subtly put to
the children in such a way that they realise the worth of hard work. The pleasures of hard
work and the comfort it offers. Laziness which is a negative trait here, should be
discouraged, thus emphasising on the positive note which is hard work.
You can attempt a small dramatisation too with just a few dialogues.
In the section the teacher is to familiarise the children with words like He, she, it, they.
The children can use these words with any nouns.
In the Web world section the answer may vary from clothing, food, to the change they
notice in nature. The teacher can give the above words as clues.
Explain to children about words used for framing questions –
Example: how, can, will, did, would, should.
Enhance the concept of correct spellings. More exercises can be given to improve their
The method used in language development may vary from state to state, school to school
and teacher to teacher.
Sound of letters – the child is introduced to the common sounds of the letters thus enabling
her/him to learn to read by synthesising the consecutive sounds in a word i.e. reading is to
be done by the teacher in a correct letter-sound relationship. Do remember that the age-old
methods of rote learning are not very effective. Create a holistic development of children, let
them learn and experience the poems, the stories and let them derive their own meanings
and endings. Give the children opportunities to move beyond the text and engage in creative

Pi ct u r e D i ct i o n a ry a

A is an Ape b
that swings from a tree;

B is a Ball
for Beena and me. c

C is for Classroom; d
D is for Dog;
E is for an Egg;
F is for Frog.

G is the Garden
where the marigold blooms;

is for House
H with big and small rooms.

I is for an Inkpot;

J is for Jam; j

K is for Kite; k
L is for Lamb; l
M is for Man
who lives in a hut; m
N is for Nose,
Nine, Nest and Nut.
O is for an Owl; o
P is for Play;
Q is for Questions
we ask every day. q

R is for River,
S is for Street;
T for Tomatoes
that we like to eat. t

U is for an Umbrella,
Use it when it rains;
V is for Villages
On hills and plains.

W is Water
for Walnut
and Wall;

X is for X-mas tree,

That stands so tall.
is for Yellow
Y Like the sun in May. y
is the Zebra
Z That gallops away. z
Listen and recite this poem

If I were a butterfly
I would be thankful
For my wings.
If I were a myna in a tree
I would be thankful
That I could sing.
If I were a fish in the sea
I would be thankful
That I can wriggle and giggle with glee.

So, I just think I am lucky to be “me”.

Not “you” but “me”.
If I were an elephant
I would be thankful
That I can raise my trunk.
If I were a kangaroo
I would try to hop
Right up to the moon.
If I were an octopus
I would be thankful
For my eight arms.

So I just think I am lucky to be “me”.

Not “you”, but “me”.
What do you think you want to be?
Do you want to be like me?
Or just you? Just you...

New words
butterfly, myna, fish, kangaroo, octopus

Reading is fun

4Complete these sentences –

Animals Actions
A butterfly can fly.
A myna ______________.
______________ can wriggle.
An elephant ______________.
______________ can hop.
You ______________.

Let’s talk

4Why do you think the butterfly likes its wings?

4What can the myna do?
4What can you do— sing/paint/write...?
4Do you think the fish was really happy to be
in the water?
4What are the lucky things that have happened
to you? Tell your friends in the class.

Let’s listen

Kang has a dream

Kang flew into the sky.
He flew to the moon.
He flew through a cloud.
He slipped down a tree.
Kang woke up with a bang.

Silence game

Close your eyes and hear your teacher say the

following words: butterfly, myna,
fish, elephant, kangaroo.
With your eyes still shut, imagine
that you are seeing these
Open your eyes and move like
they do.

Let’s draw

4Complete the pictures and label them.


t t

Let’s write and act

4Fill in the blanks using the hint words given below.

If I were a kangaroo, I would _________________.
If I were a tiger, I would ______________________.
If I were a fish, I would ______________________.
If I were a bird, I would ______________________.
Now hop, roar, swim, fly like them.

Say aloud
oc - to - pus el - e - phant
butt - er - fly kang - ga - roo

Let’s draw

4Complete this picture and draw some plants,

shells, stones, fish.

Let’s write

4Add ful to the words given in brackets and

complete the sentences.

You must be _____________ to your friends. (help)

Make a _________________ drawing. (colour)

The puppy is so _____________ . (play)

Be ______________ while crossing the road. (care)

4Join the two words to make one word. Look at

the example.

p e a c e + f u l l = p e a c e f u l

p l a y + f u l l =

c o l o u r + f u l l =

c a r e + f u l l =

h o p e + f u l l =

4Write five things you can do. Start with
‘I can_____.’

1. I can __________________.
2. _______________________.
3. _______________________.
4. _______________________.
5. _______________________.
6. I cannot ____________ but I can ____________.
7. I cannot ____________ but I can ____________.
8. I cannot ____________ but I can ____________.

4Give yourself a big star , for being what you are.

For myself :

Let’s practise


“I want to be big,” says

Little Monkey. “I want
to be strong.”
A wise woman hears
him. “Take this magic wand,”
she says, “and all your
wishes can come true.”
A giraffe comes by. He stretches his long
neck. He eats the sweet leaves at the top of
the trees.
“I want a long neck,” says Little Monkey.
His neck grows long, just like the
Little Monkey is happy.
An elephant comes down to the
He fills his trunk with water.
He blows it all over himself. “I
want to do that too!” says Little
Monkey. “BANG!”

Just like that, he
grows a trunk.
He is very happy.
“This is fun!” he says.
Next, Little Monkey sees
a zebra. “I want stripes like
those,” he says. “WHIZZ!”
Little Monkey has stripes all
over his body, just like the zebra.
He is very, very happy.
He goes to the river to try out his new trunk.
He looks down.
He sees himself in the water.
“Mother!” he cries. “Help! A monster!”
“That’s not a monster,” says his mother. “That’s
“You want a giraffe’s neck, an elephant’s trunk
and stripes like a zebra. Don’t you remember?”
Little Monkey cries and cries.
“I look AWFUL!” he says.
“I want to be myself again.”
There is a POP, a BANG and a WHIZZ.
Little Monkey is himself again. He jumps for joy.

He throws the
magic wand into the
He never wants to
be anyone else again.
– Judy Ling

New words
strong, wand, wishes, blows, trunk, monster

Reading is fun

4Put a (P) or a (O) against the following sentences.

One has been done for you.
l The Little Monkey wants to be big and strong. P
l A wise woman does not hear him.
l She gives him a wand.
l The giraffe stretches his long neck.
l The elephant has no trunk.
l The zebra has stripes.
l The Little Monkey sees a monster in the river.

Let’s talk

4Is there anyone in your class whom you like?

4Do you want to be like her/him? Why?
4Do you know about the food that each animal eats?

Let’s listen
4What does Little Monkey want to be?
4Who hears him?
4How does an elephant have a bath?

4Does the zebra have spots or stripes?
4Why does Little Monkey want to be himself again?

Let’s share

There are many kinds of people. They all look

different. One face has been drawn for you. Complete
the rest of the faces.

Let’s act

4Act out the story. Play the parts of

the monkey, the wise woman and the mother,
in turns in the classroom.
4What would you do, if you had a magic wand?
I would turn it round and round and turn a
book into a _______________________.
I would turn a dog into a ______________________.
I would turn a pencil into a ___________________.
I would turn you into a _______________________.

4 Say aloud
strong stretch string stripes
school skin scold scruffy
spot spit spin spell
zebra zoom zip zoo
giraffe jump joy jelly
gum girl grow give

Let’s find L I Y R X W M J Q D F H V

Monkeys are fun to J O M O M O N K E Y E Z Y
watch! Can you find N P N M O N K E Y B E Z N
the word monkey I M Q K T C E T H G I L M

five times in the box? H C A S E Y Y U T I R Y Q


4Now, write about your favourite animal or bird by

completing these sentences –
My favourite animal/bird is __________________.
I like it because _______________________________.
I don’t like it because _________________________.
I think it looks like ____________________________.

Word building

4Match the animal to its group –

a bee a pride of lions

a cow a flock of birds

a lion a swarm of bees

a bird a herd of cows

Let’s write

4The monkey wrote to his mother – i look awful

He made two mistakes. What are they?
Write the sentence correctly.

4Put the letters in order to make a word. Two
have been done for you.
ot to si __is__ eh ______ gib ______

mih ______ sih ______ reh ______ nac ______

4Look at the pictures, count and write.

Count and Add ‘s’ to the Count and
write names of the write

one giraffe giraffes two giraffes

___________ elephant __ _____ elephants

___________ zebra __ _______________

___________ frog __ _______________


Unit 2 is an opportunity to share with children feelings that we can all be

happy being what we are. Little children feel joyous when they are told how
good they are, so use this Unit to make every child of your class feel special.
Share this verse with the class after the activity –
“So what if they are dark or fair,
So what if they are tall or small,
So what if they are 'this' or 'that',
They are your children,
And you love them for what they are.”
This is the thought that needs to be nurtured.
The movements, actions, activities of different animals/birds can be
discussed. Poems in their mother tongues can be recited.

Develop listening skills

In this Unit involve the children in playing a ‘silence’ game. Let them all be
gently guided to listen (to the sound of the fan, rustling of leaves), imagine
(how the wind makes a noise/what the leaves are saying) and then speak
(what they listened to or imagined).
The focus is to develop in children a habit for listening. During the morning
assembly, practise rhymes with actions. If possible, practice of sargam
(music) / breathing exercises too can be introduced.

Develop vocabulary
Put up sight words like butterfly, myna, fish, elephant, candle, kangaroo,
octopus in a rebus form (i.e. words + pictures)
l The children should be introduced to more collective nouns, for e.g;
an army of ants, a bunch of flowers...
l More exercises are to be given on punctuation.
l Give children more practise by giving new words for making plurals.

Exposure to language
l Let children build words related to what they like about their friends
e.g., when having a game where they can describe other children,
e.g., Sunil is so tall/Rahim is really good. Keep adding names of
children and then have a class activity for the same.

Name What I like about him/her


l However, now it is time to expose children to listen to two or more

sounds to make words more systematically, e.g., when we bring ‘a’ and
‘t’ together, we make a family of ‘at’ words. After making the concept
clear in their minds, we can show them how to make three-letter words
with ‘at’, for e.g., a class game of making new words with ‘at’ (bat, cat,
fat, rat) can now be continued. Keep adding to the list of words (ab, ad,
ag, am, an, as, et, ed, eg, en, ot, ob, od, og, op, it, ib, ig, in, ip, ug, ub,
ut…) More can be added.

Develop writing skills

Unit 1 and 2 are an opportunity to revise the writing skills of Book One. It is
also time for children to listen words pronounced by the teacher (as in apple)
and create pictures (which can then lead them to sentence formation).

Develop the ability to follow directions


Have the children describe what they see in the top, middle and bottom shelf
of a school cupboard. If you do not have a cupboard, let the class be involved
in drawing or making one with a cardboard box and then paint the top shelf
yellow, the middle – red and the bottom shelf – blue.

A smile makes everyone happy. Enjoy this poem.


A smile is quite a funny thing,

It wrinkles up your face.
And when it’s gone
you’ll never find
Its secret hiding place.
But far more wonderful it is
To see what smiles can do.
You smile at one,
He smiles at you,
And so one smile
makes two.

New words
wrinkles, secret, hiding place
Let’s read

My grandmother has many wrinkles on
her face.
Shall I tell you a secret?

Reading is fun

Why is a smile a funny thing?
What happens when you smile at

Let’s listen to a JOKE

I asked my mother for twenty rupees,

to see the lion jump the trees.
He jumped so high. He touched the moon
and never came back till the end of June.

Can you tell a joke and make everyone
laugh? Say it first in your language and
then in English.

Say aloud
1 2 3 4
trunk sink wrinkle worry

sunk think wriggle work

junk pink write wonderful

When we read ‘w’ in column 3 it has no sound.
Look at the word ‘talk’. Here ‘l’ is silent. Now say
the silent letter in the following words aloud –

walk more wrap joke

All the following words have an ‘i’ sound that
rhymes with ‘my’. Can you fill in the letter
and then say the words aloud?
sm_le, k_te, m_ce, l_ne

Riddle time
hi ?

l d
w or
is t t he
he lo n
ngest word i
Answer: ‘SMILES’ because there is a mile between the two Ss.

Let’s write
Play the game with your partner. Close your eyes.

Tic Tac Toe, Round I go, If I miss, I’ll take this.

at flies
. It mews.
ng th

Som Ap
t. l ov

ea e.

You write

A fruit. with this.


It keeps


ig a
A bird’s you warm in

Oo Pp Q
home. winter.


Nn q Ee

A beautiful
It swings fro

A place. R r flower.
A part of the body.
S s Something
Ll Yy
you wear.

A colour.

Xx Uu A hot
f the

Ww Vv
A pe

g o

A tree with


lights and It keeps


you dry in
a star.
the rain.

It moves

you drink.

on wheels.

i wh
ies ere
tI fl you

li v e

r. This
42 th is my
Fill it wi ountry. c

Team Time
What else can you do to make the face colourful?

Sing with actions. Remember to keep smiling!

If you are happy and you know it,
Clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it,
Clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it,
Clap Time
your hands.
Repeat the rhyme with the following actions also.
If you are happy and you know it,
Nod your head.
If you are happy and you know it,
Stamp your feet.
If you are happy and you know it,
Say “ha, ha!”
If you are happy and you know it,
Do all four!
clap-clap, nod-nod, stamp-stamp.


Let’s practise


WIND: Sun, can you

see that man
walking down the
road? I can get his
coat off more
quickly than you
SUN (smiling): We
will see who is
stronger. I will let you try first.
WIND (puffing his cheeks and
blowing hard): Whooooooooh…
MAN: How strong the
wind is today! It is blowing
my coat away! I must hold it
tightly round myself.
WIND (blowing harder ):
whooooooooooooooooooooo !

MAN (pulling his coat more
tightly): How cold it is!
WIND: Sun, I give up. I
cannot get his coat off !
SUN: Now it is my turn.
Let me try. (He shines hard.)
MAN: What a funny day!
It was so cold and now it is
so hot!
SUN (shining harder): I will

make him feel hotter and

MAN (wiping his face): I
must take off my coat!
SUN: Wind, I have
won. I have made him
take off his coat!

– Adapted from Aesop’s Fables

New words
road, coat, quickly, stronger, cheeks, won

Reading is fun

What did the wind do to get the man's coat off?
What did the sun do to get the man's coat off?
Who won in the end?
Who said this to whom –
“I can
l get his coat off more quickly than you can.”
“I will let you try first.”

“How cold it is!”


“I give up. I cannot get his coat off!”


“I have won.”

Let’s think

Rohan tries to snatch Gita’s new book from
her. What do you think is the best thing to
do? Choose an answer
l runs away with her book.
Gita fights with Rohan.

Gita talks to Rohan.


Gita cries in a corner.


and share why you feel so?

Say aloud

Find a rhyming word from the story for each
of these words –

bun hold boat fan sunny pot

Let’s write

Here are some ‘doing’ words in the story
walking smiling blowing pulling
Find three more ‘doing’ words in the story that
end in ing and then write them here.
_____________ ______________ ______________
Choose the right word from the box below
and fill in the blanks.
pulled took blew felt wanted started

One day the wind and the sun had a competition.

They _____________ to make a man take off his coat.
First, the wind _____________ hard. The man
_____________ his coat tightly round himself. Then the
sun ___________ shining hard. The man _____________
hot and he _____________ off his coat.

Look at these pairs of words with opposite
meanings –
hot cold big small strong weak
Now write the opposites of –
good _________ tall _________
hard _________ black _________
Crossword fun –
Look at the pictures and complete the words
in the puzzles. 2 3
2 W
1 O
1 3

Team Time

Act out the play, “The Wind and the Sun” in

class. Make paper masks for the Sun and the
Wind using coloured chart paper. Everybody can
take turns to be the Wind, the Sun or the Man.
Now write two sentences about one of the masks.

Let’s read and answer

A Big Wind

A big wind is blowing.

Look, the leaves are flying!
The wind can blow trees down.
It can blow houses down.
My house is old.
Will it come down?

4 ) or Wrong (X) ?
Are these sentences Right (?

1. The wind can blow down a house.

2. The wind can blow down a field.

3. The wind can blow down a child.

4. The wind can blow down a tree.

5. The wind can blow down a river.

Teacher's Pages
This Unit widens social horizons of children and is a good opportunity to
introduce the importance of good manners and courtesy, where children
speak in turn, do not interrupt or shout. They must also be asked not to be
aggressive on the playground. A smile and consideration for others can
achieve much more than arrogant or aggressive behaviour, or the use of
force and violence. Let the children talk about something they achieved
through gentle means, e.g., taking a book back from a younger sister or
brother before it is torn without snatching it from their hands. Discuss the
meaning of being a bully and whether they ever bully others.

Develop listening skills

Read the poem and the play aloud with expression and actions. The class
can be asked to guess the meaning of the difficult words. Avoid explanation
as much as possible, especially of poems. Let them arrive at their
own meanings, which they can change or modify by listening to class
discussions and to other children.
This will also give you an opportunity to observe if children are
listening. If you feel that they are fumbling, you can backtrack and
involve them in reading the poem and the prose aloud.
All meanings need not be explained immediately.

Group Time
Discuss with the class how the sun brings light, warmth and joy to the
world. Talk also about a world without sunshine and about what would
happen to all the birds, animals, plants, etc.

Develop vocabulary
Help the children to enact the play with expression and actions. You
could use a yellow mask with extending rays for the Sun and a grey
mask with chubby cheeks for the Wind, made of chart paper. Coloured
glazed paper could be pasted on it for a colourful effect. Bring a
coat and a handkerchief for the Man. Make sure that everybody

participates by making blowing sounds like the Wind and actions like
the Sun.
Help the children with word games (like the picture crossword) and
word building on the blackboard. Explain 'doing' words (these could be
enacted as well), opposites, rhyming words etc. with more examples of
your own. Encourage the children to give their own examples.
Participation of all children is more important than their giving correct
answers, for interest will surely increase the will to learn.
Use contextual words like 'hot', 'cold', 'strong', 'weak'.

Exposure to language
Let children build words with – hot pot cot

Lead them to weave sentences using these words like –

Are you feeling hot?
Do you sleep on a cot?

Develop speaking skills

1. Sounds of words using : W — Whooooo, Watch, Water, Wall, Warm.
V — Van, Violin, Very, Vet
Remember : When we say ‘V’ we bite our lips.
When we say ‘W’ the lips go round and do not meet.
Conversation based on 'Role-play'.
Divide your class in four groups and let them enact the parts of the
wind, sun, a smile, flowers, etc.

Develop writing skills

Check the students grip on the pencil (the tripod grip) and help individual
children write words from A to Z .
You can write the alphabet and words on cardboard sheets (use old cartons
for the sheet) and hang them in the class.
Let each child write her/his name under the alphabet with which her/his
name starts. If there are letters with which no name starts involve children
in a class activity of coining new names to write under those letters.

Let’s recite this poem


The rain is raining all around,

It falls on field and tree;
It rains on the umbrellas here
And on the ships at sea.

– Robert Louis Stevenson

New words
field, umbrellas, ships
Reading is fun

Where does the rain fall?
What do people use when it rains?

Let’s talk

What do you do on a rainy day?
How do you keep yourself dry in the rain?
Do you like to play in water?
Say what things live in water.

Let’s listen

Have you heard the sound of rainfall?
What sound does the rain make on umbrellas?
What sound does the rain make on the
leaves of the trees?
What sound does the rain make on your
window? Make these sounds yourself.


Complete the story
As One little white cloud floated in the sky one day,
Another little cloud called out,“Come, let us play!”

As Two little clouds danced in the sky so blue,

Another little cloud asked, “Can I join you?”

As Three little clouds held hands in the sky,

the wind blew another little cloud very close by.

As Four little clouds decided what to do,
another little cloud joined them very quietly too!
– Santhini Govindan

Now write what the fifth and the sixth
clouds did?




Word fun

Fill in the letters to complete the crossword
puzzle. Use the pictures as clues.



Let’s share

What would you call these pictures in your
language? Now label the pictures in English.
_______________ _______________

_______________ _______________

Riddle Time
Who am I ?
I go up and down a lot,
Whether it is cold or hot.
Sometimes I am on the ground,
Other times I am in the clouds.
My name rhymes with daughter,
I am your friend named .
Answer: Water
Fish tank
Look at this fish tank. Write three sentences on what
you see. Draw some more creatures in this tank.

Let’s sing
Rain on the green grass,
Rain on the tree,
And rain on the housetop
But not upon me.

The words away, day, play are rhyming words.
Now colour the words that rhyme with –

in not pin spin


dot spot


frown gown


pot hot

crown drown

tin fin

Let’s write

Look at these pictures and fill in the blanks
from the words in the box.
river pond sea lake

The ship is sailing on the The _______________flows

_______________ . from the mountain.

The duck is swimming in The frog lives in the

the ________________ . _______________ .


(Sunu-sunu, the snail is playing with his friends, the ants. Suddenly there
is a storm. He ‘hurries’ to his mother and tells her all he saw and heard.)

Sunu-sunu, the snail, was visiting his friends, the

ants. They climbed all over him. Hee! Hee! Hee! They
climbed under him. Hee! Hee! Hee!
Suddenly, great white light crashed through the
clouds. Sunu-sunu quickly pulled in his head, pulled
in his tail, and sat v-e-r-y still.

Outside, the sky grew dark and the crows flew
past. Kaa! Kaa! Kaa! Kaa!
Oh, but where were the ants? Sunu-sunu stuck
out his feelers and looked for them. They were hiding
under a flower pot.
Go home Sunu-sunu, the ants cried out. Hurry,
hurry, your mother will worry. Sunu-sunu went to
his mother where she sat under a stone near the
Amma, said Sunu-sunu, there’s a storm in the
garden. I heard the wind blow blow blow. Ooo! Ooo!
Ooo! Ooo!
I saw trees sway sway sway. Shay! Shay! Shay!
I saw lightning flash flash flash. Zzzak! Zzzak!
Zzzak! Zzzak!

I heard thunder
roll roll roll.
Gadaam! Gudoom!
Gadaam! Gudoom!
I heard rain fall
fall fall. Sittasitta!
Pittapitta! Sittasitta!
Pittapitta! I heard
water drip drip drip.
Plip! Plip! Plip! Plip!
It was the
biggest storm
Sunu-sunu had
ever been in.
Ooo! Ooo! Shay! Shay!
Zzzak! Zzzak! Gadaam! Gudoom!
Sittasitta! Pittapitta! Sittasitta! Pittapitta! Plip!
Plip! Plip! Plip!
And do you know what?
Sunu-sunu didn’t get wet! Do you know why?
– Sandhya Rao
New words
snail, dark, feelers, storm, lightning, thunder

Reading is fun

Answer the questions

Who was Sunu-sunu?

Who was Sunu-sunu visiting?
Where were the ants hiding?
Did Sunu-sunu get wet?

Let’s talk

Do you go for morning walks?
Have you ever seen ants in the garden?
Watch and see where they go and what they
carry to their holes.

Team time

Do you know why you see snails and earthworms
after it rains? Sit in a group and discuss.

Answer: Because their homes in the ground get filled with water.

Let’s write

Look at the picture and complete the sentences.
Pick the right word from the box.
in on under behind over

The cat is jumping

__________ the wall. The cat is _______
the box.

The cat is _______

the stool.
The cat is __________
the door.

The cat is _______

the suitcase.

Let’s sing

Out in the garden each fine day,

With my ball, I like to play;
I bounce my ball, I bounce my ball,
I bounce my ball on each fine day.

Out in the garden each fine day,

With my kite I like to play;
I fly my kite, I fly my kite,
I fly my kite on each fine day.

Let’s practise

Teacher's Pages

The idea in Unit 4, is to further assist children to build their imagination by

listening carefully, reading, speaking and writing sentences.

Developing listening skills

If the breathing exercises have been introduced as suggested in Unit 2, the
children would gradually have learnt to stay calm. Now is the time to show
them how to sit with their eyes closed as if in a thinking pose. Read the poem
slowly and loudly two or three times so that they can take in the beauty of
nature and also be a part of it. Then ask them to open their eyes and read the
text with proper voice modulation. Now encourage them to recite it with
proper actions and gestures.

For listening skills

Play the recorded sounds/use class facility

? Jingling of bells can be brought to class.

? Gurgling of river water – pour water and make swishing sounds.

? Make sound boxes by using material like salt, pulses and pebbles. Put
them in a box or cans which you can shake. Children can be asked to
listen to the
— honking of horn
— banging of a door
— ticking of a clock

If you cannot record the sounds, then think of common sounds that you can
create in the classroom. Ask the students to close their eyes while you make
the sounds. Ask them which sound it is. Introduce the English word for that
sound like soft, hard, low, loud. Let the children say what they feel the
‘sound’ sounds like.

Develop correct pronunciation

? Ensure that the text is read aloud with expression. The difficult words
are then discussed. If there is a doubt regarding correct pronunciation of
the word refer to the dictionary. Let each child be given a chance to read.
The more confident she/he feels in reading, the more motivated she/he
will be.

? Don’t forget to put up a word-chart of spellings that you want the

children to learn.
Give the concept of Big Books through ‘Counting Clouds’. Shared
reading of Big Books which are large sized high interest books with text
and illustrations can be encouraged. As the teacher reads, pupils
become familiar first with the story in spoken language and the
illustration, gradually an acquaintance develops with the print code.
Ask children if they have seen clouds in the sky and the colours they see
in them. Ask them to make sentences.

Develop speaking skills

? Try to build up the vocabulary of the children on the different sources of


? Other than earthworms and snails discuss with them all the creatures
that crawl e.g. snakes, lizards, crocodiles etc. What are their eating

? Frogs have webbed feet – their feet are their gumboots. Name a few water
birds that have webbed feet.

? Discuss with them the need for drinking clean water. What are the
different methods used to conserve and clean dirty water. Guide them to
describe the uses of water.

? In the poem ‘The Rain’ green grass is used. This word ‘green’ says more
about grass (the naming word), involve children in describing the colours
of objects in their class, e.g. red bag, black shoes, etc.

? Introduce children to the following rules –

1. Take turns
2. Listen quietly
3. Speak clearly

Group activity

? Divide the class into groups of four.

? Each group is to be asked to discuss what they like about rain and what
they don't, giving reasons for the same.

Develop writing skills

Before writing the exercise on prepositions –
1. Introduce children to sight words 'in', 'on', 'under'.
2. Introduce the preposition using objects available in the classroom, e.g.,
put a book on the table then ask the students where the book is.
3. Talk about fish to children and make sentences on different animals.
4. More activity sheets should be prepared using other prepositions. For
e.g., above, below, in front, behind, at, etc.

Ready to follow instructions

Introduce children to “talking on the telephone” using polite words
Cardboard/tin boxes can be used to make mock phones in the class. Let two
children take turns to speak on the phone to each other.

Read and enjoy this poem

Be careful what
You say or do
When you visit the animals
At the Zoo.

Don’t make fun

Of the Camel’s hump –
He’s very proud
Of his noble bump.

Don’t laugh too much

At the Chimpanzee –
He thinks he’s as wise
As you or me.
And the Penguins
Strutting around the lake
Can understand
Remarks you make.

Treat them as well

As they do you,
And you’ll always be welcome
At the Zoo.
– Eileen Mathias

New words
proud, noble, wise, penguins, strutting, remarks

Reading is fun

What do you see at the zoo?
What does the camel have on its back?

Let’s talk

Have you been to a zoo?
Name the animals which you have seen in
a zoo. Say the names in your own language
and then in English.
Name the animal you liked the most. Why?
Did you feed any animals at the zoo? Should
we tease animals?

Let’s listen

Listen and put a tick (?

4 ) against the words that
the teacher says –
it at
think thank
fun fan
much match
well wall
Say aloud

bump hump dump

crowd crow cloud claw
noise prize size pies flies

Let’s sing and act

The elephant walks

Like this and that.
He’s so tall
And so fat.

He has no fingers,
He has some toes.
Make sentences using –
But oh! my goodness,
‘this’ and ‘that’.
What a big NOSE ...

Let’s write

A visit to my village
Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
horses village cat dogs milk kittens
hay pond grandmother cow cock hen

In June we went to a ___________________

where my _______________ lives. She has a farm.

On her farm there are many animals. There are two

_______________ , a ____________ with

its _______________ , three ________ ,

one ______________ as well as a ___________

and a _________________ . Every morning she

feeds her animals with __________________ ,

or ________________. They drink water from a

____________ on the farm.

Composition corner – Look at the
picture and fill in the blanks.
lines flowers buzzed
two bee buzzed

This is a ____________ . It has

____________ on its wings. It has ____________
antennas. It buzzes round the ____________ . It
____________ and ____________ and came to the zoo.

Let’s do

Help the bee to reach its home. What are the things
that it met on the way that rhyme with bee?

Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.

L ___ ___ ___ TI ____ ____ R

W ___ ___ F D ___ ___ R
J ___ C ___ ___ L O ___ ___
MO ___ ___ ___ ___ B ___ __ R
CH ___ ___ P A ___ Z E E
GI ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Let’s make the noises that animals make.
Roar like a lion. Bark like a dog.
Neigh like a horse. Moo like a cow.
Quack like a duck. Chirp like a sparrow.
Bleat like a goat. Chatter like a monkey.
Grunt like a pig. Hiss like a snake.

Join the dots. Complete the name of the animal.


Let’s practise

Funny Bunny

One day, a nut

fell on Funny
“Ouch! The sky
is going to fall!”
said Funny
Bunny. “I must
tell the King.”
On the way,
he met Henny
Penny. “The sky
is going to fall,”
said Funny Bunny. “I’m going to tell the King.”
“I’ll come too,” said
Henny Penny.
And off they
went to find
the King.
Soon they
met Cocky
“The sky is going to fall,”
said Funny
Bunny. “I’m
going to tell
the King.”
“I’ll come
too,” said
Cocky Locky.
And off they
went to find
the King.
On the
way, they met Lucky Ducky.
“The sky is going to fall,” said Funny Bunny.
“I’m going to tell the King.”
“I’ll come too,” said Lucky Ducky.
And off they went to find the King.
On the way, they met Poosey Goosey.
“The sky is going to fall,” said Funny Bunny.
“I’m going to tell the King.”
“I’ll come too,” said Poosey Goosey.
And off they went to find the King.
On the way they met Woxy Foxy.

“The sky is going to fall,” they all said.
“We’re going to tell the King.”
“The King lives here,” said Woxy Foxy.
“Follow me.”
And that was the end of Funny Bunny,
Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Lucky Ducky and
Poosey Goosey.

New words
nut, ouch, met, I’m, I’ll, off, we’re

Reading is fun

One day, _____________ (a nut/the sky) fell
on Funny Bunny.
Funny Bunny wanted to tell _______________
(the king/the cock/the sky) what he saw.
Who said these words in the story?

“Ouch! The sky is falling down.”

“I must tell the King.”
“The King lives here.”
“Follow me.”

What happened to all the animals in the end?

Let’s listen

Funny Bunny, Cocky Locky, Henny Penny,

Poosey Goosey, Woxy Foxy.

Say aloud

ouch follow down bray

pouch hollow town clay
couch swallow frown sway

Let’s write

Circle the odd one out.
bun sun fun gun one
bed fed led said red
he me be tea we
way say hay pay they

Find the opposites of the given words and
make sentences.
fat ________ ___________________________
fall ________ ___________________________
start ________ ___________________________
come ________ ___________________________
big ________ ___________________________

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
I read a funny story of a funny rabbit. One
day, a nut ________ (fell/fall) on his head. He
thought that the sky _____ (is/was) falling. So,
he _____ (go/went) to tell the King. On the
way, he met different animals. All of them
_________ (join/joined) him. At last, they
_______ (meet/met) a clever fox. It took them to
a forest and ________ (eat/ate) them all up.

Rearrange these words to form sentences –
1. on/Funny Bunny/fell/a/nut/one day.

2. falling/down/the/sky/is/said/Funny
3. King/I/must/the/tell.

4. lives/here/the/King.

Change only one letter of each word and
make another rhyming word.
For example : Fell Tell
down _____ king _____
met _____ soon _____
way _____ bat _____

Let’s do

Look at the pictures. Give the animals the
right names.


Look at the pictures. Narrate the story in your
language and then in English.

Teacher's Pages
This Unit is about sensitising children to creatures in nature. Spend time in
talking about experiences at a zoo and about the pictures in this Unit. Ask
children how can we be friends to animals? In what ways are zoo animals
our friends? Read more stories on animals to them.

Develop listening skills

Read the text.
Let the children close their eyes, hear and identify the following sounds as
you or some children make them –
Roar like a lion
Bark like a dog
Neigh like a horse
Moo like a cow
Quack like a duck
Chirp like a sparrow
Then ask them to open their eyes and ask them to roar like a ________.
Let the children say which animal it is. Add other sounds.

Develop pronunciation
Say aloud with children words like –
do zoo lake make
hump bump loud proud
funny bunny henny penny

Exposure to language
Let the sight words be the names of animals/ insects that the children have
seen. These can be hung on the trees/ walls in the school campus.

Develop speaking skills

Have a 'group recitation' between the class groups. Appreciate their efforts.
Do not force children who are not ready for speaking.

Read Funny Bunny let children tell what might have happened if the
animals had stopped to look around them. Look at the sign of To the fort.
Help children with making more signs for directions to the house, park etc.
Reading stories aloud, Repeated reading, Choral reading, story telling and
re-writing activities can be encouraged.

Develop writing skills

To look, imagine and write a few sentences on questions from the text
is now expected, but keep a check tag and see whether the children are
able to hold the pencil with a firm grip, and ensure they are able to
enjoy writing.
A class chart where everyone comes and writes her/his name under
their group (Red, Yellow, Blue, Green) is a wonderful opportunity to
see them enjoy writing time.
Make children construct meaningful sentences of opposites, so as to
make the meaning clear.

Getting ready to follow instructions

Teach words of greeting like namaskar/adab and other words that
mean 'hello'.
Have the children take turns pretending they are saying 'hello' to
something in the classroom. Let the other children guess what the
child is saying hello to.
Say the poem together ‘Hello and Good bye’—
All: Hello and Good bye
Group Red
When we are on a swing swinging low and then high.
Good bye to the ground, Hello to the sky.
Group Blue
Hello rain, Goodbye to the Sun
All: Hello and Goodbye.
Encourage the children to make a story in their own words by looking
at the picture story.
Take the children to visit a zoo. Talk about not hurting or teasing the
animals. Make a class collage.

Read and enjoy this poem

Mr. Nobody

I know a funny little man,

As quiet as a mouse,
Who does the mischief
that is done
In everybody’s house!
There’s no one ever
sees his face,
And yet we all agree
That every plate we break was
By Mr. Nobody.

New words
quiet, mischief, everybody, agree, nobody
Reading is fun

Who is Mr. Nobody?
Has anyone ever seen him?
Is there a Mr. Nobody in your house?

Let’s talk

Have you ever done something naughty?
What did you do?
What did you say?

Let’s share

Sometimes you want to look and find things for

yourself. T ick (?
) those that you did. Tell your friends.

I tried to see why the I went out of the house at

clock ticked. night to see the stars.

I climbed a tree to I climbed on

look into a nest. a stool to find biscuits.

Say aloud

Say aloud and circle the rhyming words –
1. A mouse ran into the house.
2. I can see the little bee.
3. That was a fat cat.
4. Give me a handkerchief.
Don’t do any mischief.

Let’s draw

Make groups of five children each. Each
group takes a big chart paper –
l group draws a Mr. Nobody.
The first
l child draws Mr. Nobody’s head.
The second
l child draws his clothes.
The third
l child draws the arms.
The fourth
l child draws his legs.
The fifth
l child draws Mr. Nobody’s hair.
l at Mr. Nobody. Isn’t he a funny
man? Colour him.

Let’s write

1. Fill in the blanks with a, e, i, o, u.

he __ d, __ rms, l __ gs, dr __ ss, h __ __ r

2. Add ‘no’, ‘some’ and ‘every’ to the word body

to make new words.

_________ body, _________ body, _________ body.

3. Seema wrote her father’s name like this –

Mr. Dinesh Dixit
Ram wrote his mother’s name like this –
Mrs. Sneha Ramdas
Write your father’s name as Seema did.

Write your mother’s name as Ram did.

Use ‘Mr.’ and ‘Mrs.’ to write more names you know.

The Zigzag Boy

I know a little zigzag boy,

Who goes this way and that.
He never knows just where he puts,
His coat or shoes or hat.

If you are not a zigzag child,

You’ll have no cause to say
That you forgot, for you will know
Where things are put away.

Can you make zigzag lines? See how

the zigzag boy runs.

Let’s practise

Curlylocks and the Three Bears

Once there was a girl

with curly hair. Her
name was
Curlylocks. One
day, she went into
the forest near
her house. She
saw a cottage.
“Is anybody
in?” she asked.
There was
nobody. The
Bear family lived in
the cottage. They
had gone for a
Curlylocks went in. She wanted to see who
lived there.
She saw three bowls of porridge on the
table. There was a big bowl for Papa Bear, a

middle size bowl for
Mama Bear and a tiny
little bowl for Baby
Curlylocks was
hungry. She ate the
porridge from the
big bowl. It was
very hot. She ate
from the middle size
bowl. It was too cold. She ate from the tiny
little bowl. It was just right.
Curlylocks ate up all the porridge. Then
she went to the bedroom.
There was a big bed for
Papa Bear, a middle
size bed for Mama
Bear and a tiny
little bed for
Baby Bear.
The big
bed was very

hard. The middle size bed was too soft. But
the tiny little bed was just right.
Curlylocks fell asleep in the tiny little bed.
The Bear family came back.
“Somebody ate my porridge!” shouted Papa
Bear in his big, gruff voice.
“Somebody ate my porridge too!” said
Mama Bear.
“Somebody finished all my porridge,” said
Baby Bear in his tiny little voice.
The Bear family went to the bedroom.
“Somebody slept in my bed,” shouted Papa
Bear in his big, gruff voice.
“Somebody slept in my bed too,” said
Mama Bear.
“Somebody is sleeping in my bed,” said
Baby Bear in his tiny little voice.
Curlylocks woke up. She saw the three
Bears. She jumped down and ran out of the
cottage as fast as she could.
– Adapted from Goldilocks and the Three Bears

New words
curly, cottage, bowl, porridge, hungry

Let’s read

My sister’s hair is soft and curly.
When I am hungry, I eat a lot.

Reading is fun

Who lived in the cottage in the forest?
What did Curlylocks see on the table?
Why did she eat up all the porridge from Baby
Bear’s bowl?
Whose bed did Curlylocks sleep in and why?

Let’s talk

Have you ever seen a forest? What did you
see there?
There is a plate of sweets lying on the
table. You want to eat some sweets.
What will you do?
Name a few things that you eat from a
bowl. What do you call a bowl in your language?

Let’s act

Pretend that you are Curlylocks. Tell your friends
what happened to you when you went into the
Bears’ cottage. You can say the story first in your
own language and then in English. Begin like this –
I am Curlylocks. I have curly hair. One day I ...

Let’s write

The Bear Family

Papa Bear Mama Bear Baby Bear

Bring pictures of your family members.
Take some chart-paper.

Write on it – My family

l pictures of your family members and write
their names. Use Mr. and Mrs. for elder people.
Write – This is me.

Stick your picture under it and write your name.


4 The word curly and hungry tells us about Curlylocks.
Can you find some more words which describe The
Bears and form them into sentences of your own.
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________

4 Write five lines on My Family.


Let’s listen and enjoy

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea.
To see what he could see, see, see.
But all that he could see, see, see,
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.

Make sentences with sea and see, tail and tale.

The Bear family went for a walk before dinner.
Somebody came in. Look at what they did!

Write about all the things kept in the wrong
A ball ________ Papa Bear’s plate.
A flower ________ Mama Bear’s plate.
A plant _________ Baby Bear’s chair.

What else do you see in the picture?

Teacher's Page
Unit 6 is about further building the children’s imagination to 'think', make
a picture in their mind and then share this image with the class. Discover
how every child sees every story he hears or reads in a different way and
gives a sense of adventure to knowing other people. He learns that each of
his friends has a different picture of Curlylocks.

Develop pronunciation
New words like – mischief, quiet, hungry, curly etc., can now be repeated,
hearing and speaking these sounds are more important than writing them.
Use sight words in the classroom by putting them on cards. Let the children
read these words and make sentences.
Reinforce understanding of the way words like big, middle and tiny and
phrases help the reader follow and visualise the action of a story.

Develop speaking skills

The mother tongue can be given its due place by being used for discussion
and understanding, along with an engagement with English.
All groups can speak about the pranks/tricks they played on someone.
Circle two words in each group that rhyme

cut but fun tree pail bee pat egg leg

time rope soap man mat fan

Develop writing skills

? Teach children the correct way to write Mr. and Mrs.
? Begin Mr. and Mrs. with a capital and put a period or full stop after
Mr. and Mrs.
? Give more similar sounding but different spelling words to children to
frame (deer-dear, tail-tale, their-there…) into sentences.
? Make children write meaningful and constructive sentences. (My
family, My best friend...)

Recite this poem

On My Blackboard I can Draw

On my blackboard I can draw,

One little house with one green door,
Two brown gates that open wide,
Three red steps that lead inside,
Four little chimneys painted white,
Five little windows shining bright,
Six yellow marigolds straight and tall,
Growing up against the wall.

New words
gates, wide,
lead, chimney,
Reading is fun

How many windows does the house have in
this poem?
Where do the marigolds grow?

Say aloud

draw drain drip

brown brain brick
three throw thread
grow grapes grey

Let’s listen

Every room becomes dirty if not cleaned. Let’s
clean our classroom while singing this poem.
I’m going to sweep the dirt away
I’m going to sweep the dirt away,
I’m going to sweep the dirt away.
Woosh, woosh, woosh.

– Rose Fyleman

Let’s write

These are the two rooms of the house. Colour

them. Based on this activity, complete the
paragraphs –

This is my _______.
It has ____ window.
The colour of my
bed is ___________.
There are _________
pictures on the

This is a _________.
It has ____________
in it. We watch
_____________ here.
It has ____________
curtains. It has
____________ table.

Using the pictures as clues fill in the blanks –

He is
as busy as a Raj is
_________. as slow as a

This pen is My hair is

as light as a as black as
_________. _________.

Ask your friend to –

keep his mouth keep his mouth keep his mouth

wide open half shut fully shut

Ask someone to close the door using the words –

wide open, half shut and fully shut.

Find the right sentence –
Read the pairs of sentences below. Fill in
the blanks in the second sentence with the
opposite of the word in red.

The boy is running very fast.

The boy is walking very .

The clown is very happy.

The clown is very .

The girl is walking on a loose rope.

The girl is walking on a rope.

Change from singular to plural by adding
es, ies and ves.
For example:
buffalo buffaloes baby babies knife knives
hero _________ fly ________ wolf ______
potato ___________ lady ________ loaf ______

Fun time

Can you crawl like a baby?

Crawl... crawl... crawl...

Can you hop like a grasshopper?

Hop... hop... hop...

Can you zoom like an aeroplane?

Zoom... zoom... zoom...

Make it Shorter

One day, Akbar drew a line on the floor and

ordered, “Make this line shorter, but don’t
rub out any part of it.”

No one knew what to do. Each minister looked
at the line and was puzzled.
No one could think of any way to make it
longer. No one could think of how it could be made
shorter without erasing it.
Birbal started smiling. When it was his turn,
he went near the line.
Discuss with your partner what Birbal would do.

Now read further –

Birbal drew a longer line under the

first one. He didn’t touch the first line.
Everyone in the court saw
what he drew and
said – “That’s true.
The first line is
shorter now!”

New words
order, rub, puzzle, erase, court

Reading is fun

What did Akbar order one day?
What did each minister do?
How did Birbal make the line shorter?

Say aloud

Which letters cannot be heard when we say
the words?

short shorter

bright brighter

dark darker

light lighter

big bigger

fast faster

Team time

Discuss with your partner and draw pictures to
show the following –

1. The ball on Left Right

the left side
is bigger than
the one on the
Rita Radha

2. Rita is shorter
than Radha.

Raghu Ratan
3. Raghu’s basket
is heavier
than Ratan’s.

Rajat Raj
4. Rajat is taller
than Raj.

Picture story
The mouse and the pencil

One day a little mouse was

looking for something to eat.
He found a pencil.
“I’m going to bite you,”
said the mouse. And he bit
it hard.

“You are hurting me,”

said the pencil. “Let me
draw you one last picture
and then you can do
what you like!”
“Very well,” said the mouse.

The pencil drew a big

“Is that a cheese?” asked
the mouse.
“We’ll call it a cheese,” said the Pencil
and it drew three little circles inside the
big one.

“That’s an apple,” squeaked the

“Let’s call it an apple,” said the
pencil and it began drawing some
funny curved things near the second

“Why, those are

cucumbers,” said the
mouse, licking his lips.
“I wish you’d hurry. I simply can’t wait to get
my teeth into them!”

The pencil drew two little

triangles on the top circle.
“Oh, oh!” squeaked the mouse.
“Now you’ve made it like a cat!
Don’t go on!”

But the pencil went on,
till it had drawn long
whiskers and a mouth on
the top circle.
And the mouse cried
out in terror, “It’s a real
cat! Help!”

Now see if YOU can draw

a cat that looks real
enough to frighten away
the mice!
– V. Suteyev

Describe the cat in your own words.

Let’s make

Material required –
A 2” by 2” square piece of chart
paper, red and black sketch pens
and glue.

Method –
Colour the square chart paper
with the colour of your choice.

Hold any one corner of the square

between your thumb and pointer
finger and roll the chart paper with
your other hand in such a way that
it takes the shape of a cone.

Apply glue to the outer edge and stick it.

Your pencil cap is ready. Put it on the end
of your pencil and see how nice it looks.

Let’s practise

Teacher's Pages

This Unit helps children to gain confidence by not just drawing anywhere but
getting an opportunity to draw on the class blackboard. When done by a
sensitive teacher, this will sow seeds of self-esteem and the ‘I can’ feeling.
Before beginning the lesson please observe the child’s inclination for simple
puzzles as in –
(a) What will come next?

= ?
Give the children more creative experiences that enrich their personalities.

This unit shows the children that language is more than talking, reading and
listening. Language creates pictures just as crayons, paints and clay can
create pictures. Help children feel that words can be used to make things
appear vividly.

Help children identify the new words centred on pictures and colours.

Develop listening skills

Read the lesson and let the children share with you what they feel Birbal was
thinking about. Then give them some inputs/and let them change the ending
of the story as they would have liked. Encourage the children to read more
stories on using wit and humour.

Develop vocabulary
In this section the teacher can use various objects to show children some

For example: A big book, bigger book and the biggest book.
A tall boy, taller boy and the tallest boy etc.
? Explain the children about different ways of making singular-plurals
(es, ves, ies).

? Give more activities of adjectives (Black, sad, happy, long...)
? Talk to children about the different rooms in their house.

Develop reading skills

During the picture story you can walk around in the class. This activity is an
individual activity to encourage children into the habit of understanding and
interpreting the text through the medium of drawing. After the class has
finished drawing, give some time to the children to close their eyes and think.
(clue: relation between cat and mouse. Ans: The mouse would run away seeing
the cat). Now ask the children to write a sentence and then read it aloud.

Let the class

? Imagine their favourite food.
? Draw a picture of the dress their brother/sister wore.
? What he saw on his way to school. So that they get into the habit of
observing minutely and colourfully.

Getting ready to follow instructions

Circle the words that name things –
? The ant was small.
? The mouse was happy.
? The house had a green door.
? The chimneys were painted white.

Read and enjoy this poem

I am the Music Man

I am the music man,

I come from far away,
And I can play.
What can you play?
I play the piano.
Pia, pia, piano, piano, piano,
Pia, pia, piano, pia, piano.
I am the music man,
I come from far away,
And I can play.
What can you play?
I play the big drum.
Boomdi, boomdi, boomdi boom,
Boomdi boom, boomdi boom.
Boomdi, boomdi, boomdi boom,
Boomdi, boomdi, boom.
Pia, pia, piano, piano, piano,
Pia, pia, piano, pia, piano.

New words
music man, far away, play, piano, drum, boom

Let’s read

Sonia is learning to play the piano.

Reading is fun

What are the two instruments that the music
man can play?
Where does the music man come from ?

Let’s talk

If the music man comes to you, what
would you ask him to play for you?
What would you like to learn – music,
dance or karate?

Say aloud

piano van wind

pin valley wet
pail vote wild

Sing this song aloud together. Make up a tune.

Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!
From home to school we go!
Just keep on singing
All day long
124 Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!
Let’s write

Make sentences using words from the table –

For example: A farmer works in the field.

A farmer acts songs

A soldier flies in the field
A singer plays a uniform
An electrician wears lights
A pilot sings music
An actor repairs a plane
A musician works in films

Now write the sentences here –

1. _______________________________________________________.
2. _______________________________________________________.
3. _______________________________________________________.
4. _______________________________________________________.
5. _______________________________________________________.
6. _______________________________________________________.
7. _______________________________________________________.

How many musical instruments can you find in
this maze? Try to circle at least four.

i l s t u p

k p i a n o

t o t r s t

a p a a d l

r d r u m k

a f l u t e

Change these words from singular to plural.
bench ___________
brush ___________
glass ___________
box ___________
bus ___________
tomato ___________
deer ___________
sheep ___________
tooth ___________
goose ___________
woman ___________
mouse ___________
ox ___________
child ___________
man ___________
class ___________

The Mumbai Musicians

Once upon a time, there lived a donkey

named Goopu. He had worked for many
years in the house of a farmer. He had
carried many heavy sacks of corn and
sugarcane, from the farm to the factory. He
was now very tired and old.
The farmer said to Goopu, “You are a
good donkey. Take this sack of corn and go
and see the world, before you
become too old.”
Goopu smiled and said
goodbye. He set off
towards the city of
“I am good at
music. I will go to
Mumbai and be a
musician there.”
On the way he
met a dog.

“Where are you going?” asked Doopu.
“I am going to Mumbai to be a musician. Would
you like to come too?” asked Goopu.
“Yes, I would,” replied Doopu.
Off went the two friends on the dusty road to
They saw a ball of fur in the middle of the road.
“Who are you?” they asked.
“I am Furry, the cat,” said the cat.
“Would you like to come with us to become a
musician?” asked Goopu and Doopu together.

“Oh! I would love to come
along,” replied Furry.
So off went the three
together to become
Mumbai musicians.
Soon they met
Cuckoo, the cock.
“I love music and wish
to join your band.”
They all
reached a
with a
were tired
and hungry. They peeped
in through the window
and saw a table with
delicious food. They
decided to sing to let the
people inside know that
they were musicians.

They sang. The people inside thought that ghosts
had come to scare them. They ran away as fast as
they could!
Goopu, Doopu and Furry went into the house and
ate the food, till they could eat no more.

– Adapted from The Bremen Town Musicians

by Grimm
New words
tired, musician, peeped, delicious, ghosts, scare

Reading is fun

Why did the farmer tell Goopu to see the world?
Why did Goopu, Doopu and Furry want to go to
Why did the people in the house run away?

Let’s talk

If you were to join the
animal band, which
animal would you
want to be? Create the
sound of that animal.
Get together with your
friends. As a group
create the sound of the
animal each one of you
wants to be.
The donkey saw a ball
of fur and it was a cat. If you were to see a big ball
of fur what could that be?

Let’s sort out these words –
Pick the words from the bags and put them on the
right shelf. One has been done for you. Say the
words aloud.

bell line lip

leg nest dice
hill deep meal
pig fish
kite well
smile seed street

Short ‘e’ words


Short ‘i’ words


Long ‘e’ words


Long ‘i’ words


Let’s write

Do you play any musical instrument?
Yes, I __________________________________________.

If no, which instrument do you want to learn?
I would _______________________________________.

Add the word of the opposite gender in the given

Anju’s mother and ____________ came to the school.

My uncle and __________ came to visit us on


The lion and __________ looked lovingly at their cub.

The King and __________ sat on beautiful thrones.

The man is running and the ___________ is walking.

My grandfather and ____________________ went to

the market.

Fun time

Let’s play Bingo –

Write any nine words from the given list in the
boxes. Put only one word in one box.
The teacher will call out any six words. If the word
she calls out is in the box put a cross on it. The
one who crosses out all the words first shouts
“Bingo” and is the winner.

smooth light
slow up
good happy

In what way are these musical instruments
different from each other? Put them into three
groups based on how they are played.

Tabla Flute






u play wi in
at yo th tr




you blo
s that w
t in
en to
tr u
I ns

This is the picture of a musical instrument
called a Jaltarang.
Make your own Jaltarang
Get six
l to ten bowls of the same
size and shape.
l water into the bowls.
Keep the water at
different levels.
Use two
l pencils and
strike the rim of the
bowls to make musical sounds.

The word Jaltarang is made up of two words Jal - water,
tarang - music. Now make new words by joining two
words. One has been done for you.

news + paper bath + room
school + bag time + table
tooth + paste foot + ball
neck + lace car + pet
some + one

Let’s practise

Teacher's Page

Unit 8 encourages the children to learn/hear music or musical instruments.

Children can be asked to sing the poem aloud with the class orchestra – where
children clap, tap and drum their tiffin boxes, benches, etc. to make the
sounds of musical instruments. If possible, the teacher should show the
children musical instruments before beginning the lesson.

The teacher can inculcate in children a love for the old and the weak.
Children love stories and as the Unit is read, an emphasis can be laid on the
generosity of the farmer (who not only asked the donkey who was growing
old to see the world but also gave him some corn) by using voice
modulation. This can often be done during fun time.

In the Let’s talk section teacher should try to encourage the children by
reminding them the names of various animals that can be kept at home.

In the Fun time section teacher should call out the opposites of the twelve
words given in random order.

In the Let’s write section of the poem, teacher should emphasise the usage
of ‘a’ by asking the children to pick up objects and name them with an ‘a’.
e.g., a pencil box.

In the Let’s say section see that children distinguish between ‘b’ and ‘v’ and
‘v’ and ‘w’ sounds.

Develop listening skills

This unit calls for a new listening skill. As you read the poem, the children
listen to the sound of words. They grow in their appreciation and
understanding of the beauty and feeling which some words convey. Let the
children read the poem with you until most of them learn to say it. Ask them
how the poem makes them feel.

Raising awareness
An exposure to the English language is important. Prepare the child to receive
language. This is more important than asking her/him to learn texts by heart.

Do you have a grandparent who does things for you?
Let’s read about the Granny in this poem.

Granny Granny Please Comb my Hair

Granny Granny
Please comb my hair.
You always take your time,
You always take such care.
You put me to sit on a cushion
Between your knees;
You rub a little coconut oil,
Parting gentle as a breeze.
... Granny
You have all the time in the world,
And when you’re finished
You always turn my head and say,
“Now, who’s a nice girl?”

– Grace Nichols
New words
care, cushion, knees, gentle, breeze, world, nice
Reading is fun
What does the little girl want her Granny to do?
What does Granny rub on her hair?
Does the little girl love her ‘Granny’?

Let’s talk
Do your grandparents live with you?
Do you spend some time with them?
How do you help them?

Let’s share

What do you call ‘Grandmother’ in your language?
What do you call ‘Grandfather’ in your language?
Do you know any old people? Can you name them?
How can you make them happy? Discuss
with your class.
Have you ever gone out with your grandparents?

Word building
Make new words using letters from the word
GRANDPARENTS. You may use the letters in any
order. One has been done for you.



Sometimes we replace the names of people
with another word, instead of repeating
the name. Replace the names in the
sentences using a word from the box.
It, I, He, She, My, You
1. Meena is playing with a doll. _____ is a girl.
2. Ram is climbing a tree. _____ is a boy.
3. Do not eat that mango. _____ is not ripe.

Let’s write

Suppose you go to stay with your grandparents

for a week. Make a list of things that you would
like to take with you for them. Do not forget to
put a, an or the before each thing.
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________

Fun Time

Make a Thank you card for your

You need –
Chart paper of any k You
colour of 9 inches x
12 inches, sketch pens, sticker,
design block.

Make it this way –
1. Fold the paper into two.
2. Draw or stick pictures on it.
3. Write a message inside.
Begin with Dear

Activity time

This is an outline of
Meena’s grandfather. Add
his hat, tie, moustache,
glasses, stick, etc. Write
each word in the given
box. Colour the picture
and write his name.

A Picnic
This is a family picnic scene. Give names to all the
people. Look at the picture and make sentences
using phrases given in the box.
eating food together, picking up wrappers or
waste papers, serving food, playing football,
talking to elderly people, fishing with grandfather

The Magic Porridge Pot
Once, there was
a little girl
named Tara. She lived
with her mother. They
were very poor.
One day she went to a
forest. There she met an
old woman. The old woman
gave her a pot. She said,
“This is a magic pot. It will cook
porridge for you when you say,
‘Cook-Pot-Cook’. It will stop making
porridge when you say, ‘Stop-Pot-Stop’.”
Tara was very happy. She ran to her mother
and said, “Mother, we will no longer be hungry
as I have got a magic pot.”
Tara said to the pot, “Cook-Pot-Cook” and
the pot cooked porridge. Her mother was very
happy and they both ate porridge.
One day, when Tara had gone out, her
mother felt hungry. She said to the pot, “Cook-
Pot-Cook”. The pot started cooking porridge.

After eating it her mother said, “Do not
cook Pot”. But the pot went on cooking.
Soon the porridge started spilling on
the floor. Mother called out again, “Wait – do
not cook anymore.” But the pot did not stop.
Mother ran out of the house and the porridge
followed her. Soon there was porridge everywhere.
The whole village saw it. They ran to eat the porridge.
When Tara came back, she saw that the road was
full of porridge. She ran back as fast as she could.
She heard her mother shout, “Tara the pot is cooking
and it will not stop.”
Tara called out, “Stop-Pot-Stop” and it stopped
cooking porridge.
– A folk tale

New words
magic, cook, porridge, spilling,
whole, village

Reading is fun

Where did Tara go one day?
What did the old woman give Tara?
What did the magic pot cook?
Who said, “Do not cook Pot”?
Why was there so much porridge on the road?

Let’s talk

What do you eat for your breakfast?
Would you like to eat wheat porridge?
Have you seen any magic? Tell us about it.
What do you call magic in your own language?

Say aloud

pot caught cook boon

dot bought hook soon
cot taught book moon
hot fought took spoon

Let’s write

Fill in the blanks with a, an or the

Once there was _____ beautiful garden.

_____ garden had _____ apple tree, _____

orange tree and _____ guava tree.

In _____ garden lived _____ big giant. _____ giant

did not like children to play in _____ garden.

____ giant used to eat _____ fruit every day from _____

garden. But he did not share these with ____________

children. So his garden dried up.

Word building

Look at the letters given below and make words
starting with them.
k _____________ _____________ _____________
p _____________ _____________ _____________
j _____________ _____________ _____________
t _____________ _____________ _____________
m _____________ _____________ _____________

Let’s eat

Your mother makes delicious porridge. Would
you also like to learn how to make it?
Ask your mother or an older person to help you.
You need – Milk, porridge, sugar

1. Take hot milk.

2. Add cooked porridge.

3. Add sugar and eat it.

Repeat this recipe in your language to the class.

It is your friend’s birthday. For decoration in her
party you are presenting a bunch of balloons to
her. These balloons are your friendship balloons.
Choose a name for each from the box and
colour them.


caring sharing kind friendly

helpful forgiving truthful

Would you like to tell the class a story about any
one of these balloons?

Loving Grandfather

“Ever since grandpa fell

down and sprained his
arm, he has changed!”

“He has become very

quiet. He does not even
speak to us!”

“He keeps sleeping

the whole day. He
is very sad!

He does not
even go out!”


Grandpa loved to go
for walks. He loved to
do his exercises!

We must try to make
him go for a walk
I can see grandpa’s with us and do some
friends. Let us talk exercise in the park!
to them!

Thank you, my children,

for taking me out in the
fresh air. It’s been a long
time I have been with my
friends or for a walk.

Grandpa, your friends
are here. Talk to them
while we play. They
have missed you!

Let’s read

Read the picture story aloud (3 students).

Reading is fun

Tick (?
) the right answer.
1. Grandfather sprained his
(a) leg (b) back (c) arm

2. Grandfather loved
(a) eating (b) walking (c) sleeping

3. Grandfather missed his

(a) food (b) books (c) exercise

Before Grandfather fell After he fell

Grandfather used to go Now he ______________.
for walks.
Grandfather used to talk. Now he is ____________.
Grandfather met many Now he does not _____
friends. _____________.

Let’s practise

Teacher's Pages

The main emphasis of Unit 9 is to further sensitise children to their home

environment. Unit -1 began with 'myself' and 'my own feelings for the world.' A
gradual shift to the child's engagement with experiences, thoughts, feelings
and relationships with her/his immediate family and friends have been subtly
built in from Unit to Unit.
Love for elders and sharing and caring for the old is a feeling which when
generated at this young age will go a long way to give children a feeling of
interdependence with their world. It is when this true feeling is expressed
that language will flow (so the emphasis is on language building and not
Motivate the children to read short stories and speak/narrate in their
own words.
Encourage them to look at pictures and talk about them.
Read the story/poem aloud with proper stress, punctuation, rhythm and
intonation, as the children repeat after you.
Most teachers will recognise that one child’s speech is different from that of
other children. Perhaps a child hesitates, strutters, or blocks when
attempting to communicate. The rhymes and stories in this book will give
the child many successful speech experiences through choric speaking.

In Say aloud put stress on the underlined syllables.
By this Unit children should be able to do independent reading and
comprehend the story.
Use of repetitive sounds or words like ‘cook-pot-cook’ is a source of joy for
the child, who may overcome timidity and speech difficulties easily and
Put a word-chart of spellings from the lesson on the wall/board.
Ask children to think of a time when they were sick and who looked
after them.

The chart paper used for the Thank you card in Fun time should be 9 x 12
inches thick.

A few classroom suggestions

Ask the children to share their feelings about any incident/story they know
where an animal has helped old and sick people.
Cards should be made and given to grandparents or older people whom
they like.
Vocabulary games must be encouraged and played, e.g., teachers will write
four capital letters on the board. Each student chooses one and copies it
down. Now write 3-4 lower case letters on the board. Again, let each child
will choose one. Continue writing 3-4 letters at a time. Let students
complete the words. Each time they complete one word, they may start a
new word (using a capital letter).
The teacher can act out the picture story along with the students in a group.
Then students can enact it independently. This can be done following the
red, blue, green, yellow group method. Dramatisation can bring a story or
poem to life.

Raising awareness
Invite grandparents to the school. Ask them to talk about their school days
with the children.


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