Gastric Volvulus: Bang Chau, Susan Dufel
Gastric Volvulus: Bang Chau, Susan Dufel
Gastric Volvulus: Bang Chau, Susan Dufel
Emergency casebook 447
Figure 2 Organoaxial and mesenteroaxial rotation. Reproduced with permission from 2004 Learning
South India, between 1986 and 2000 considered carefully for conservative Emergency Medicine, 85 Seymour St, Hartford,
CT 06102, USA.
have a secondary cause, including even- treatment. The gold standard is open
tration of the diaphragm, Bockdalek laparotomy with detorsion and pre- Accepted 3 January 2007
hernia and incisional hernias.5 vention with anterior gastropexy.
Competing interests: None declared.
However, a study in 2000 with signifi- Nissen fundoplication decreases future
cantly more subjects found that the most occurrences in patients with a hiatal
common predisposing factor is a para- hernia.6 REFERENCES
oesophageal hiatal hernia (28/36).8 In summary, unless it stays in the
1 Green J. Gastric volvulus. Emedicine 2004.
Diagnosing a gastric volvulus is diffi- back of the diagnostician’s mind, gas- Available at http://
cult, since there is no one lab value/set of tric volvulus can be an easily missed
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2 Akoad M. Gastric volvulus. Emedicine, 2002.
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medical in nature. Conservative man- Bang Chau, Susan Dufel, University of 9 Coulier B, Ramboux A. Acute obstructive
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10 Cherukupalli C, Khaneja S, Bankulia P, et al. CT
tion is significant in conservative treat- Correspondence to: Dr B Chau, Hartford diagnosis of acute gastric volvulus. Dig Surg
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