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Andrew Norman-Music in Circles III

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62 ANDREW NORMAN MUSIC IN CIRCLES III (3.12.13) Commissioned by the a stow Endowment for Music Compo sition a Bl righam Young, University and members of LACO’s Sound Inve CHOTT Instrumentation " 2 Flutes 2 Oboes 2 Clarinets in Br 2 Bassoons (2nd doubles on Contrabassoon) 2 Homs in F 2 Trumpets in C 4 Trombone with F attachment (optional)* Vibraphone Strings ( This is a transposed score. “The fist performances ofthis piece were given on April 20 and 21, 2013, by Jeffrey Kahane and the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra at the Alex Theater in Glendale and Royee Hall in Los Angeles. “Noto: The trombone pais optional, twas added io qve extra weigh othe base ln because @ trombone was available for the premiere performance, but the piece can be performed without it Performance Notes for Strings ma.p. _ indicates a molto sul pont. bow placement, as elose to the bridge as possible without being on it bridge indicates bowing directly on the bridge. ‘The result shouldbe pitehless air sound, Damen the string to prevent unwanted ringing = indicates « non-specitied pitch, indicates a nonspecifed piteh fingered lightly. indicates a specified pitch fingered lightly. When used with m.s.p. or one of the advanced pressure levels, the result will not be a normal sounding harmonic. ‘Slow motion bow: move the bow as slow as you possibly can. When used with light LH fingers and medium bow pressure, the result wil bea pitehless gritty sound, like low-level feedback or white noise $$. incates medium bow pressure (heavier than one would typically use for the dynamic indicated), NEE indicates a slow bow with heavy bow pressure at a loud dynamic level. Used in conjuction with light LH fingers and a ‘molto sul pont. bow, the effect should a Toud seratch tone with no pitch, se indicates a move from normal pressure to heavy pressure, ‘indicates a sudden stop of the bow on the string. Dampen any ringing with the bow, The effect should be unnatural and jarring. indicates o bounce the bow, molto sul pont, while fingers | and 2 lightly jump around on strings Il and [Jl Follow the contour indicated but don't aim for any specific pitehes, The sound should should be scratchy, nasty, and pitchles. BEES stat witha fgh-fingered triple stop. Gliss up and back very rapidly. Using very little bow. atthe fog and su pont. whip 2°25 fiom the low to sting othe high wo strings and back in one shor stroke Bo. °) The bowing pattem wil loo someshing lik this ata The sound should be atoneless, sratchy rasp witha very strong accent. Roman numerals indicate string numbers. Arabie numerals indicate finger numbers. ‘Stems above or below aglssando indicate the length ofthe glissando, They are not meant tobe pulsed or articulated in any way A Note about String Divisis: Each section is divided into two halves, A and B, which should be distributed the players are called upon to play small solos identified by chair number, the traditional outside‘inside manner. In addition, Sune investment Canibus Lyra k Atan ‘ber bran Laveence Howley ‘knmand Arete Bab yen & Me Rose Rober ina Ata Clore Ben & Dave Diggins Fan Ere Bon aor Ken Chvistne Boner ‘Rober Barbara Baponer ‘Wendy & is Bronsted Baines & Brace Brougton| George & Satara Bye Mart & Nancy Chatoue bn Cooney Dona crock eve re, Witam Mx Ro Alen Evane& Anna Resi Fin of ACO Pat Sandy Gage Bebra Canter Sncew toy Dr tacnara aman Inman of Lin Herat Doras x Herener Sey & Martha Kahane \jrda Kahane & Php Welch ‘Stephen Kanter, nO. ‘Shares Kennel & Een Lohman Ca Kegon ‘slant Kolin ‘eres Lagu Gay Sana Larsen ‘Faery & atria Leduc ares Low ‘hin & Seon Rey Sam tove. Fionn ck aughin & De Susan M Lovell McLaoghin Noe Meee 8 wargaret Baer ‘ese ana Donn ton Sunny Moss Marner # avid Newman Ned & bara Novena ‘lose Pact lent & Unda Pane Prenes Fine Panos Inara of Marie Melzer Ray Main Droty Reece bi Rosowen & Cr Vanceve Suan Rosen nda & Mena Rosen {wa Ekzsbeh Berman Robart ‘Babar 4 Sin Sogo Dons & ervey Segal Steven & Trace Shatin Rober & Kory Shuman by Sth hana Gone Shuler Gregory Sousup Mary Jo Car Ws Fee Spnget ‘Stenway 8 Son an Stoven Seashine tate Tansy Egita 8 Try & Aldon E Lawrence tee & Koen Westin Has 8 Dane Welssborg Dr bene! Dv Renalé Wing & Sue Matson BoreiaYoungdan amare & Hainer, APC Music i in Circles ll “ge ose caiman ‘Sit shpat cel ol laacr ay est mate no wae td SRE MEAG HLe nd an tn eee ey petermonce, meeeinc? bf ian = ‘© 213seto Maie Craton. New You (ASCAP) [E] J=0 2 i ite tepeette — 19 ‘accel. moto 10 soa Aaa: 27 29 165, 35 oo eee 41 6

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