Tex Watson's Appeal
Tex Watson's Appeal
Tex Watson's Appeal
2d (2013)
they may incur as a result of counseling and advising bankruptcy court conducted a hearing on Payne's motion
with me or representing me in Court. on May 29, 2012. At the hearing, Watson's counsel
objected to Payne turning over the cassette tapes to
While representing Watson, Mr. Boyd recorded the LAPD, asserting the cassette tapes were subject to
discussions between Watson and himself. The recorded the attorney/client privilege. Watson's counsel further
conversations are contained on eight cassette tapes. Mr. contended that the waiver was limited to Chaplain
Boyd subsequently sold a copy of the cassette tapes to Hoekstra and/or any authors or publishers selected by
Chaplain Raymond G. Hoekstra with the International Chaplain Hoekstra in cooperation with the book on
Prison Ministries for $49,000 for partial payment of Watson's life.
Watson's legal fees. The cassette tapes formed, in part, the
basis of Chaplain Hoekstra's book, “Will You Die for Me? At the conclusion of the hearing, the bankruptcy court
The Man Who Killed for Charles Manson Tells His Own held as follows:
Story: Tex Watson as told to Chaplain Ray.”
... The burden of proof to establish the existence of the
*2 Presumably prior to Mr. Boyd releasing the cassette attorney/client privilege rests on the party asserting the
tapes to Chaplain Hoekstra, Watson executed a “Waiver privilege. See, e.g., In re Santa Fe International Corp.,
of Attorney–Client Privilege.” The waiver, which was 272 F.3d 705, 5th Circuit, 2001; U.S. v. Kelly, 569 F.2d
signed by Watson in September 1976, provides as follows: 928, 5th Circuit, 1978.
Mr. Boyd passed away on August 29, 2009. On December The Court having reviewed the motion and the
14, 2009, the law firm of Boyd Veigel, P.C. filed a attachments thereto, including the written waiver of
voluntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition in the United attorney/client privilege signed by Tex Watson in
States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Texas. September 1976 and having considered the testimony of
Linda Payne (hereinafter “Payne”) was appointed as the the Chapter 7 Trustee, finds that Tex Watson has failed
trustee for the firm's bankruptcy estate. As the trustee for to establish that the attorney/client privilege applies.
the firm, Payne came into possession of the cassette tapes The Court finds that Tex Watson as a matter of law
as well as two boxes of paper files concerning Watson. 1 expressly waived his attorney/client privilege as to the
tapes in question. Therefore, the Court will grant the
Upon learning that Payne was in possession of the cassette motion.
tapes, the Los Angeles Police Department (hereinafter
*3 TR., May 29, 2012 Hearing, pp. 22–23. On May 31,
“LAPD”) sent a letter to Payne on March 19, 2012
2012, the bankruptcy court ordered the Trustee to turn
requesting the original cassette tapes. Thereafter, Payne
over the cassette tapes to the LAPD. On June 12, 2012,
filed a motion with the bankruptcy court on April 27,
Watson appealed the bankruptcy court's May 31, 2012
2012. Payne sought an order from the court directing
her to turn over the cassette tapes to the LAPD. The
Prior to filing the notice of appeal, Watson filed a pro After filing his notice of appeal, Watson designated the
se motion with the bankruptcy court requesting the issues to be decided on appeal. Those issues are as follows:
bankruptcy court to permit the LAPD to listen to the
cassette tapes in the presence of the Trustee or another 1. Whether a Chapter 7 trustee is permitted to waive
person appointed by the court. Watson further requested the United States Constitution's Fifth Amendment
that the court order the LAPD to return the cassette tapes privileges on behalf of a law firm debtor's client;
to Watson's attorney after the LAPD finished listening to
2. Whether a non-lawyer Chapter 7 trustee is permitted
the cassette tapes. Watson initially stated in his motion
to file pleadings;
that his 1976 waiver was a limited waiver of the attorney/
client privilege and only applied to those assisting in the 3. Whether the non-lawyer Chapter 7 trustee “has
preparation of the book on his life. However, Watson also authority to release Debtor law firm, Boyd Veigel,
stated the following: P.C.'s attorney/client privileged information from the
law firm client to a third-party who is not a party,
9. I, Charles D. Watson, believe it would be the will
creditor, or judgment creditor;” and
of Bill Boyd, and pray the court's will, that the LAPD
listens to The Tapes, but not take possession of The 4. Whether Watson's rights under the United States
Tapes as ordered by the court. Constitution have been violated by the bankruptcy
11. The LAPD, nor anyone else including the Trustee,
have information concerning the contents of The Tapes, *4 The court notes that with the exception of Watson's
except the Debtor and myself. In the eyes of justice, I am arguments concerning the application of the attorney/
fully willing for the LAPD to listen to the tapes to satisfy client privilege to the cassette tapes and the application of
their investigation, but not to take possession, since they the waiver to the same, the remaining arguments presented
are not their property. on appeal were not advanced in the bankruptcy court.
Accordingly, the court need not address these issues. In re
On June 13, 2012, the bankruptcy court denied Watson's
Ginther Trusts, 238 F.3d 686, 689 (5th Cir.2001) (“ ‘It is
motion without prejudice “to his ability to pursue
well established that [the appellate courts] do not consider
his argument that the LAPD should be prevented
arguments or claims not presented to the bankruptcy
from disclosing the contents of the recordings to the
court.’ ”).
general public in a non-bankruptcy forum of appropriate
As evidenced by the Contract of Employment, Watson
assigned all of his property to the Debtor to pay his
legal fees. Accordingly, the cassette tapes are the Debtor's
LEGAL STANDARD property. Since the cassette tapes constitute property of
the bankruptcy estate which can be “used” by the Trustee,
This court has jurisdiction to hear appeals from “final the bankruptcy court was within its discretion to approve
judgments, orders, and decrees” of a bankruptcy court. the turn over of the cassette tapes to the LAPD. See 11
28 U.S.C. § 158(a)(1) (2006). The court reviews legal U.S.C. § 363(b).
conclusions of the bankruptcy court de novo. United States
Dep't. of Educ. v. Gerhardt (In re Gerhardt), 348 F.3d The issue then becomes whether the cassette tapes are
89, 91 (5th Cir.2003). The findings of fact made by the protected by the attorney/client privilege. As noted by
bankruptcy court will not be disturbed unless found by the the bankruptcy court, the party asserting the attorney/
district court to be clearly erroneous. FED. R. BANKR.P. client privilege bears the burden of demonstrating its
8013. The court reviews mixed questions of law and fact applicability. See In re Santa Fe Int'l Corp. ., 272 F.3d
de novo. In re ASARCO, L.L.C., 702 F.3d 250, 257 (5th 705, 710 (5th Cir.2001). The party asserting a privilege also
Cir.2012) (citation omitted). bears the burden of demonstrating that the privilege has
not been waived. James v. Harris County, 237 F.R.D. 606,
609 (S.D.Tex.2006). Here, the evidence established that
DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Watson executed a written “Waiver of Attorney–Client
Privilege” with respect to the cassette tapes. The evidence
further revealed that the cassette tapes were disclosed to LAPD listening to the contents of the cassette tapes. Such
statement alone constitutes a waiver of the attorney/client
Chaplain Hoekstra for the purpose of writing a book
about Watson's life. The evidence also showed that the
cassette tapes were sold to Chaplain Hoekstra for $49,000
which paid a portion of Watson's legal fees. Based on
the evidence presented to the bankruptcy court, the court CONCLUSION
finds that Watson waived his attorney/client privilege
when the cassette tapes were sold to Chaplain Hoekstra. Based on the foregoing and having applied the
“When relayed to a third party that is not rendering appropriate standards of review, the court hereby
legal services on the client's behalf, a communication is AFFIRMS the holdings of the bankruptcy court.
no longer confidential, and thus it falls outside of the
reaches of the [attorney/client] privilege.” Nguyen v. Excel IT IS SO ORDERED.
Corp., 197 F.3d 200, 207 (5th Cir.1999). Finally, the court
notes that if any question existed with respect to Watson's
All Citations
waiver of the attorney/client privilege, the court need look
no further than Watson's pro se motion to find the answer. Not Reported in F.Supp.2d, 2013 WL 1222342
Watson clearly states that he has no objection to the
1 The paper files are not at issue on appeal.
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