Safety Data Sheet: Section 1: Identification
Safety Data Sheet: Section 1: Identification
Safety Data Sheet: Section 1: Identification
GHS Pictogram s:
GHS Class: Ex trem ely flam m able liquid and vapor Category 1.
Aspiration Hazard, Category 1.
Eye Irritant, Category 2.
Specific Target O rgan Tox icity, Single Ex posure, Category 3.
Specific Target O rgan Tox icity, Repeated Ex posure, Category 2.
Carcinogen, Category 1B.
Hazardous to the aquatic environm ent, long-term , chronic, Category 2.
Hazard Statem ents: H224 - Ex trem ely flam m able liquid and vapor
H304 - May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
H319 - Causes serious eye irritation.
H336 - May cause drowsiness or dizziness.
cH373 - May cause dam age to organs through prolonged or repeated ex posure.
H351 - Suspected of causing cancer.
H411 - Tox ic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary Statem ents: Keep away from heat/spark s/open flam es/hotsurfaces. — No sm ok ing.
Ground/Bond container and receiving equipm ent.
Use ex plosion-proof electrical/ventilating/lighting equipm ent.
Use only non-spark ing tools.
Tak e precautionary m easures against static discharge.
In case of fire: Use dry chem ical, carbon diox ide to ex tinguish sm all fires. Use water for large fires.
Do not breathe dust/fum e/gas/m ist/vapours/spray.
Wash hands thoroughly after handling.
Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
O btain special instructions before use.
Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood.
Keep container tightly closed. Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.
IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several m inutes. Rem ove contact lenses, if present and easy
to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get m edical advice/attention.
IF O N SKIN (or hair): Rem ove/Tak e off im m ediately all contam inated clothing. Rinse sk in with
Contam inated work clothing should not be allowed out of the work place.
IF SW ALLO W ED: Im m ediately call a PO ISO N CENTER/doctor/… Do not induce vom iting.
Get m edical advice/attention if you feel unwell.
IF INHALED: Rem ove victim to fresh air and k eep at rest in a position com fortable for breathing.
Call a PO ISO N CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
Collect spillage.
Avoid release to the environm ent.
Dispose of contents/container in accordance with Local, State, Federal and Provincial regulations.
Em ergency O verview: DANGER! Ex trem ely Flam m able. Pulm onary aspiration hazard if swallowed.
Eye and Sk in irritant
Physical Health Hazard: This m aterial m ay contain varying concentrations of polycyclic arom atic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which have
been k nown to produce a phototox ic reaction when contam inated sk in is ex posed to sunlight. The
effect is sim ilar in appearance to an ex aggerated sunburn, and is tem porary in duration if ex posure is
discontinued. Continued ex posure to sunlight can result in m ore serious sk in problem s including
pigm entation (discoloration), sk in eruptions (pim ples), and possible sk in cancers.
This m aterial m ay contain or liberate hydrogen sulfide, a poisonous gas with the sm ell of rotten eggs.
The sm ell disappears rapidly because of olfactory fatigue so odor m ay not be a reliable indicator of
ex posure. Effects of overex posure include irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory tract,
blurred vision, photophobia (sensitivity to light), and pulm onary edem a (fluid accum ulation in the
lungs). Severe ex posures can result in nausea, vom iting, m uscle weak ness or cram ps, headache,
disorientation and other signs of nervous system depression, irregular heartbeats, convulsions,
respiratory failure, and death.
Signs/Sym ptom s: Effects of overex posure m ay include irritation of the digestive tract, irritation of the respiratory tract,
nausea, vom iting, diarrhea and signs of nervous system depression (e.g., headache, drowsiness,
dizziness, loss of coordination, disorientation and fatigue).
Target O rgans: May cause dam age to organs through prolonged or repeated ex posure. Laboratory anim al studies of
crude oil by the derm al and inhalation ex posure routes have dem onstrated tox icity to the liver, blood,
spleen and thym us
Crude oil, natural gas and natural gas condensate can contain m inor am ounts of sulfur, nitrogen and
ox ygen containing organic com pounds as well as trace am ounts of heavy m etals lik e m ercury, arsenic,
nick el, and vanadium . Com position can vary depending on the source of crude.
Eye Contact: Im m ediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 to 20 m inutes. Ensure adequate flushing of
the eyes by separating the eyelids with fingers. Get im m ediate m edical attention. Rem ove contacts if
present and easy to do.
Sk in Contact: Im m ediately wash sk in with plenty of soap and water for 15 to 20 m inutes, while rem oving
contam inated clothing and shoes.
Get m edical attention if irritation develops or persists.
Inhalation: If inhaled, rem ove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration or give ox ygen by trained
personnel. Seek im m ediate m edical attention. If victim is not breathing, clear airway and im m ediately
begin artificial respiration. If breathing difficulties develop, ox ygen should be adm inistered by qualified
personnel. Seek im m ediate m edical attention.
Ingestion: Aspiration hazard. Do not induce vom iting or give anything by m outh because this m aterial can enter
the lungs and cause severe lung dam age. If victim is drowsy or unconscious and vom iting, place on the
left side with the head down. If possible, do not leave victim unattended and observe closely for
adequacy of breathing. Seek m edical attention.
Note to Physicians: At high concentrations hydrogen sulfide m ay produce pulm onary edem a, respiratory depression, and/or
respiratory paralysis. The first priority in treatm ent should be the establishm ent of adequate ventilation
and the adm inistration of 100% ox ygen. Anim al studies suggest that nitrites are a useful antidote,
however, docum entation of the efficacy of nitrites in hum ans is lack ing. If the diagnosis of hydrogen
sulfide poisoning is confirm ed and if the patient does not respond rapidly to supportive care, the use of
nitrites m ay be an effective antidote if delivered within the first few m inutes of ex posure. For adults the
dose is 10 m L of a 3% NaNO 2 solution (0.5 gm NaNO 2 in 15 m L water) I.V. over 2-4 m inutes. The
dosage should be adjusted in children or in the presence of anem ia, and m ethem oglobin levels,
arterial blood gases, and electrolytes should be m onitored closely.
Epinephrine and other sym pathom im etic drugs m ay initiate cardiac arrhythm ias in persons ex posed to
high concentrations of hydrocarbon solvents (e.g., in enclosed spaces or with deliberate abuse). The
use of other drugs with less arrhythm ogenic potential should be considered. If sym pathom im etic drugs
are adm inistered, observe for the developm ent of cardiac arrhythm ias.
Federal regulations (29 CFR 1910.1028) specify m edical surveillance program s for certain ex posures to
benzene above the action level or PEL (specified in Section (i)(1)(i) of the Standard). In addition,
em ployees ex posed in an em ergency situation shall, as described in Section (i)(4)(i), provide a urine
sam ple at the end of the shift for m easurem ent of urine phenol.
O ther First Aid: Before attem pting rescue, first responders should be alert to the possible presence of hydrogen
sulfide, a poisonous gas with the sm ell of rotten eggs, and should consider the need for respiratory
protection (see Section 8). Rem ove casualty to fresh air as quick ly as possible. Im m ediately begin
artificial respiration if breathing has ceased. Consider whether ox ygen adm inistration is needed. O btain
m edical advice for further treatm ent
Most im portant sym ptom s and A cute: Headache, drowsiness, dizziness, loss of coordination, disorientation and fatigue
effects Delayed: Dry sk in and possible irritation with repeated or prolonged ex posure.
Fire Fighting Instructions: Long-duration fires involving crude or residual fuel oil stored in tank s m ay result in a boilover. The
contents of the tank m ay be ex pelled beyond the containm ent dik es or ditches. All personnel should
be k ept back a safe distance when a boilover is anticipated (reference NFPA 11 or API 2021).
For fires beyond the initial stage, em ergency responders in the im m ediate hazard area should wear
protective clothing. W hen the potential chem ical hazard is unk nown, in enclosed or confined spaces, a
self contained breathing apparatus should be worn. In addition, wear other appropriate protective
equipm ent as conditions warrant (see Section 8).
Isolate im m ediate hazard area and k eep unauthorized personnel out. Stop spill/release if it can be
done safely. Move undam aged containers from im m ediate hazard area if it can be done safely. Water
spray m ay be useful in m inim izing or dispersing vapors and to protect personnel. Cool equipm ent
ex posed to fire with water, if it can be done safely. Avoid spreading burning liquid with water used for
cooling purposes.
Ex tinguishing Media: Dry chem ical, carbon diox ide, or foam is recom m ended. Water spray is recom m ended to cool or protect
ex posed m aterials or structures. Carbon diox ide can displace ox ygen. Use caution when applying
carbon diox ide in confined spaces. Sim ultaneous use of foam and water on the sam e surface is to be
avoided as water destroys the foam . Water m ay be ineffective for ex tinguishm ent, unless used under
favorable conditions by ex perienced fire fighters.
Protective Equipm ent: As in any fire, wear Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), MSHA/NIO SH (approved or equivalent)
and full protective gear.
Unusual Fire Hazards: This m aterial can be ignited by heat, spark s, flam es, or other sources of ignition (e.g., static electricity,
pilot lights, m echanical/electrical equipm ent, and electronic devices such as cell phones, com puters,
calculators, and pagers which have not been certified as intrinsically safe).
Vapors m ay travel considerable distances to a source of ignition where they can ignite, flash back , or
ex plode. May create vapor/air ex plosion hazard indoors, in confined spaces, outdoors, or in sewers.
This product will float and can be reignited on surface water.
Vapors are heavier than air and can accum ulate in low areas. If container is not properly cooled, it can
rupture in the heat of a fire.
Hazardous Com bustion Com bustion m ay yield sm ok e, carbon m onox ide, and other products of incom plete com bustion.
Byproducts: Hydrogen sulfide and ox ides of nitrogen and sulfur m ay also be form ed.
Hazardous com bustion/decom position products, including hydrogen sulfide, m ay be released by this
m aterial when ex posed to heat or fire. Use caution and wear protective clothing, including respiratory
NFPA Ratings:
NFPA Health: 2
NFPA Reactivity: 0
Environm ental Precautions: Stop spill/release if it can be done safely. Prevent spilled m aterial from entering sewers, storm drains,
other unauthorized drainage system s, and natural waterways. Use foam on spills to m inim ize vapors.
Use water sparingly to m inim ize environm ental contam ination and reduce disposal requirem ents. If
spill occurs on water notify appropriate authorities and advise shipping of any hazard. Spills into or
upon navigable waters, the contiguous zone, or adjoining shorelines that cause a sheen or
discoloration on the surface of the water, m ay require notification of the National Response Center
(phone num ber 800-424-8802).
Methods for containm ent: Dik e far ahead of spill for later recovery or disposal. Absorb spill with inert m aterial such as sand or
verm iculite, and place in suitable container for disposal. Recom m ended m easures are based on the
m ost lik ely spillage scenarios for this m aterial; however local conditions and regulations m ay influence
or lim it the choice of appropriate actions to be tak en. Notify relevant authorities in accordance with all
applicable regulations.
Methods for cleanup: Im m ediate cleanup of any spill is recom m ended. If spilled on water rem ove with appropriate m ethods
(e.g. sk im m ing, boom s or absorbents). In case of soil contam ination, rem ove contam inated soil for
rem ediation or disposal, in accordance with local regulations.
Storage: This m aterial m ay contain or release poisonous hydrogen sulfide gas. In a tank , barge, or other closed
container, the vapor space above this m aterial m ay accum ulate hazardous concentrations of hydrogen
sulfide. Check atm osphere for ox ygen content, H2S, and flam m ability prior to entry. Keep container(s)
tightly closed and properly labeled. Use and store this m aterial in cool, dry, well-ventilated areas away
from heat, direct sunlight, hot m etal surfaces, and all sources of ignition. Store only in approved
containers. Post area "No Sm ok ing or O pen Flam e." Keep away from any incom patible m aterial (see
Section 10). Protect container(s) against physical dam age. O utdoor or detached storage is preferred.
Indoor storage should m eet O SHA standards and appropriate fire codes.
"Em pty" containers retain residue and m ay be dangerous. Do not pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder,
drill, grind, or ex pose such containers to heat, flam e, spark s, or other sources of ignition. They m ay
ex plode and cause injury or death. "Em pty" drum s should be com pletely drained, properly bunged, and
prom ptly shipped to the supplier or a drum reconditioner. All containers should be disposed of in an
environm entally safe m anner and in accordance with governm ental regulations. Before work ing on or in
tank s which contain or have contained this m aterial, refer to O SHA regulations, ANSI Z49.1, and other
references pertaining to cleaning, repairing, welding, or other contem plated operations
Special Handling Procedures: Mercury and other heavy m etals m ay be present in trace quantities in crude oil, raw natural gas, and
condensates. Production and processing of these m aterials can lead to "drop-out" of elem ental
m ercury in enclosed vessels and pipe work , typically at the low point of any process equipm ent because
of its density. Mercury m ay also occur in other process system deposits such as sludges, sands, scales,
wax es, and filter m edia. Personnel engaged in work with equipm ent where m ercury deposits m ight
occur (confined space entry, sam pling, opening drain valves, draining process lines, etc), m ay be
ex posed to a m ercury hazard (see sections 3 and 8).
Hygiene Practices: Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or sm ok e when using this product. Contam inated
work clothing should not be allowed out of the work place.
Engineering Controls: Use appropriate engineering control such as process enclosures, local ex haust ventilation, or other
engineering controls to control airborne levels below recom m ended ex posure lim its. Good general
ventilation should be sufficient to control airborne levels. W here such system s are not effective wear
suitable personal protective equipm ent, which perform s satisfactorily and m eets O SHA or other
recognized standards. Consult with local procedures for selection, training, inspection and m aintenance
of the personal protective equipm ent.
Eye/Face Protection: Wear appropriate protective glasses or splash goggles as described by 29 CFR 1910.133, O SHA eye
and face protection regulation, or the European standard EN 166.
Sk in Protection Description: Wear appropriate protective gloves and other protective apparel to prevent sk in contact. Consult
m anufacturer's data for perm eability data.
Respiratory Protection: W here there is potential for airborne ex posure to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) above ex posure lim its, a
NIO SH approved, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or equivalent operated in a pressure
dem and or other positive pressure m ode should be used. Under conditions where hydrogen sulfide
(H2S) is NO T detected, a NIO SH certified air purifying respirator equipped with organic vapor
cartridges/canisters m ay be used.
A respiratory protection program that m eets or is equivalent to O SHA 29 CFR 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2
should be followed whenever work place conditions warrant a respirator's use. Air purifying respirators
provide lim ited protection and cannot be used in atm ospheres that ex ceed the m ax im um use
concentration (as directed by regulation or the m anufacturer's instructions), in ox ygen deficient (less
than 19.5 percent ox ygen) situations, or under conditions that are im m ediately dangerous to life and
health (IDLH).
If benzene concentrations equal or ex ceed applicable ex posure lim its, O SHA requirem ents for personal
protective equipm ent, ex posure m onitoring, and training m ay apply (29CFR1910.1028 - Benzene).
Work place m onitoring plans should consider the possibility that heavy m etals such as m ercury m ay
concentrate in processing vessels and equipm ent presenting the possibility of ex posure during various
sam pling and m aintenance operations. Im plem ent appropriate respiratory protection and the use of
other protective equipm ent as dictated by m onitoring results (See Sections 2 and 7).
O ther Protective: Facilities storing or utilizing this m aterial should be equipped with an eyewash and a deluge shower
safety station.
PPE Pictogram s:
State, local or other agencies or advisory groups m ay have established m ore stringent lim its. Consult an
industrial hygienist or sim ilar professional, or your local agencies, for further inform ation.
Chem ical Stability: Stable under norm al am bient and anticipated conditions of use.
Conditions to Avoid: Avoid high tem peratures and all sources of ignition. Prevent vapor accum ulation.
Incom patible Materials: Avoid contact with strong ox idizing agents and strong reducing agents.
Special Decom position Products: Therm al decom position or com bustion m ay liberate carbon ox ides, aldehydes, and other tox ic gases or
Eye: Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test : 100 m g [ Mild ] (RTECS)
Sk in: Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rabbit LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : >2000 m g/k g [ Details of
tox ic effects not reported other than lethal dose value ] (RTECS)
Ingestion: O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : >4300 m g/k g [ Details of tox ic effects not reported
other than lethal dose value ]
O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : >5000 m g/k g [ Gastrointestinal - Hyperm otility,
diarrhea ] (RTECS)
Carcinogenicity: May cause cancer Chronic application of crude oil to m ouse sk in resulted in an increased incidence of
sk in tum ors. IARC concluded in its Crude O il Monograph that there is lim ited evidence of
Reproductive Tox icity: Inadequate inform ation available. Derm al ex posure to crude oil during pregnancy resulted in lim ited
evidence of developm ental tox icity in laboratory anim als. Decreased fetal weight and increased
resorptions were noted at m aternally tox ic doses. No significant effects on pup growth or other
developm ental landm ark s were observed postnatally.
N-Hexane :
Eye: Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test : 10 m g [ Mild ] (RTECS)
Inhalation: Inhalation - Rat LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent k ill : 48000 ppm /4H [ Details of tox ic effects
not reported other than lethal dose value ]
Inhalation - Rat LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent k ill : 627000 m g/m 3/3M [ Details of tox ic
effects not reported other than lethal dose value ] (RTECS)
Ingestion: O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : 15840 m g/k g [ Details of tox ic effects not reported
other than lethal dose value ]
O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : 29700 m g/k g [ Behavioral - Som nolence (general
depressed activity) Gastrointestinal - Changes in structure or function of salivary glands
Gastrointestinal - Hyperm otility, diarrhea ] (RTECS)
Reproductive Tox icity: Prolonged ex posure to high concentrations of n-hex ane (>1,000 ppm ) resulted in decreased sperm
count and degenerative changes in the testes of rats but not those of m ice.
Neurological Effects: Ex cessive ex posure to n-hex ane can result in peripheral neuropathies. The initial sym ptom s are
sym m etrical sensory num bness and paresthesias of distal portions of the ex trem ities. Motor weak ness
is typically observed in m uscles of the toes and fingers but m ay also involve m uscles of the arm s,
thighs and forearm s. The onset of these sym ptom s m ay be delayed for several m onths to a year after
the beginning of ex posure. The neurotox ic properties of n-hex ane are potentiated by ex posure to
m ethyl ethyl k etone and m ethyl isobutyl k etone.
Ethyl Benzene :
Eye: Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test : 500 m g [ Severe ] (RTECS)
Sk in: Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rabbit LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : 17800 uL/k g [ Details of
tox ic effects not reported other than lethal dose value ]
Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rabbit LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : >5000 m g/k g [ Details of
tox ic effects not reported other than lethal dose value ] (RTECS)
Inhalation: Inhalation - Rat LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent k ill : 55000 m g/m 3/2H [ Details of tox ic
effects not reported other than lethal dose value ] (RTECS)
In rats and m ice ex posed to 0, 75, 250, or 750 ppm ethyl benzene in a two year inhalation study there
was m ild dam age to the k idney (tubular hyperplasia), liver (eosinophilio foci, hypertrophy, necrosis),
lung (alveolar epithelium m etaplasia), thyroid (hyperplasia), thyroid (hyperplasia) and pituitary
(hyperplasia). In anim al m odels (particularly rats), ethyl benzene affects the auditory function m ainly
in the cochlear m id-frequency range and ototox icity was observed after com bined ex posure to noise
and ethyl benzene. There is no evidence of either ethyl benzene-induced hearing losses or ototox icity
with com bined ex posure to ethyl benzene and noise in work ers.
Ingestion: O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : 3500 m g/k g [ Liver - O ther changes
Kidney/Ureter/Bladder - O ther changes ]
O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : 3500 m g/k g [ Details of tox ic effects not reported other
than lethal dose value ] (RTECS)
Carcinogenicity: Rats and m ice ex posed to 0, 75, 250, or 750 ppm ethyl benzene in a two year inhalation study
dem onstrated lim ited evidence of k idney, liver, and lung cancer. Ethyl benzene has been listed as a
possible hum an carcinogen by IARC.
Xylenes :
Eye: Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test : 87 m g [ Mild ]
Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test : 5 m g/24H [ Severe ] (RTECS)
Sk in: Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rabbit LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : >1700 m g/k g [ Details of
tox ic effects not reported other than lethal dose value ] (RTECS)
Inhalation: Inhalation - Rat LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent k ill : 5000 ppm /4H [ Details of tox ic effects
not reported other than lethal dose value ] (RTECS)
Ingestion: O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : 4300 m g/k g [ Liver - O ther changes
Kidney/Ureter/Bladder - O ther changes ] (RTECS)
Reproductive Tox icity: Both m ix ed x ylenes and the individual isom ers produced lim ited evidence of developm ental tox icity in
laboratory anim als. Inhalation and oral adm inistration of x ylene resulted in decreased fetal weight,
increased incidences of delayed ossification, sk eletal variations and resorptions, but no evidence of
O ther Tox icological Inform ation: Rats ex posed to x ylenes at 800, 1000 or 1200 ppm 14 hours daily for 6 week s dem onstrated high
frequency hearing loss. Another study in rats ex posed to 1800 ppm 8 hours daily for 5 days
dem onstrated m iddle frequency hearing loss.
Benzene :
Eye: Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test : 88 m g [ Moderate ]
Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test : 2 m g/24H [ Severe ] (RTECS)
Sk in: Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rabbit LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : >9400 uL/k g [ Details of
tox ic effects not reported other than lethal dose value ] (RTECS)
Inhalation: Inhalation - Rat LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent k ill : 10000 ppm /7H [ Details of tox ic effects
not reported other than lethal dose value ] (RTECS)
Ingestion: O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : 930 m g/k g [ Behavioral - Trem or Behavioral -
Convulsions or effect on seizure threshold ]
O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : 1 m L/k g [ Details of tox ic effects not reported other
than lethal dose value ]
O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : 1800 m g/k g [ Details of tox ic effects not reported other
than lethal dose value ]
O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : 6400 m g/k g [ Peripheral Nerve and Sensation -
Recording from peripheral m otor nerve Blood - Changes in other cell count (unspecified) Blood -
Changes in leuk ocyte (W BC) count ] (RTECS)
Carcinogenicity: Benzene is an anim al carcinogen and is k nown to produce acute m yelogenous leuk em ia (a form of
cancer) in hum ans. Benzene has been identified as a hum an carcinogen by IARC, the US National
Tox icology Program and the US-O ccupational Safety and Health Adm inistration.
Reproductive Tox icity: Som e studies in occupationally ex posed wom en have suggested benzene ex posure increased risk of
m iscarriage and stillbirth and decreased birth weight and gestational age. The size of the effects
detected in these studies was sm all, and ascertainm ent of ex posure and outcom e in som e cases relied
on self-reports, which m ay lim it the reliability of these results.
O ther Tox icological Inform ation: Prolonged or repeated ex posures to benzene vapors can cause dam age to the blood and blood
form ing organs, including disorders lik e leuk openia, throm bocytopenia, and aplastic anem ia.
Hydrogen Sulfide :
Inhalation: Inhalation - Rat LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent k ill : 444 ppm [ Lungs, Thorax , or Respiration
- O ther changes Gastrointestinal - Hyperm otility, diarrhea Kidney/Ureter/Bladder - Urine volum e
increased ]
Inhalation - Rat LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent k ill : 820 m g/m 3/3H [ Details of tox ic effects
not reported other than lethal dose value ]
Inhalation - Rat LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent k ill : 700 m g/m 3/4H [ Details of tox ic effects
not reported other than lethal dose value ]
Inhalation - Rat LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent k ill : 470 m g/m 3/6H [ Details of tox ic effects
not reported other than lethal dose value ]
Inhalation - Rat LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent k ill : 444 ppm /4H [ Details of tox ic effects not
reported other than lethal dose value ] (RTECS)
Naphthalene :
Sk in: Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : >2500 m g/k g [ Details of tox ic
effects not reported other than lethal dose value ]
Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rabbit LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : >20 gm /k g [ Details of tox ic
effects not reported other than lethal dose value ] (RTECS)
Ingestion: O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill : 490 m g/k g [ Details of tox ic effects not reported other
than lethal dose value ] (RTECS)
Carcinogenicity: Naphthalene has been evaluated in two year inhalation studies in both rats and m ice. The US National
Tox icology Program (NTP) concluded that there is clear evidence of carcinogenicity in m ale and fem ale
rats based on increased incidences of respiratory epithelial adenom as and olfactory epithelial
neuroblastom as of the nose. NTP found som e evidence of carcinogenicity in fem ale m ice (alveolar
adenom as) and no evidence of carcinogenicity in m ale m ice. Naphthalene has been identified as a
carcinogen by IARC and NTP.
Ecotox icity: Ex perim ental studies of acute aquatic tox icity show values for crude oil in the range of 2 to over 100
m g/L. These values are consistent with the predicted aquatic tox icity of these substances based on
their hydrocarbon com positions. Crude oil should be regarded as harm ful to aquatic organism s, with
the potential to cause long term adverse effects in the aquatic environm ent. Classification: H411;
Chronic Cat 2.
Bioaccum ulation: Log Kow values m easured for the hydrocarbon com ponents of this m aterial range from less than 2 to
greater than 6, and therefore would be regarded as having the potential to bioaccum ulate.
Biodegradation: Most crude oils are not regarded as readily biodegradable. Most of the non-volatile constituents are
inherently biodegradable; som e of the highest m olecular weight com ponents are persistent in water.
Mobility In Environm ental Media: Crude oil spreads as a film on the surface of water, facilitating loss of its lighter com ponents by
volatilization. In air, the volatile hydrocarbons undergo photodegradation by reaction with hydrox yl
radicals with half-lives varying from 0.5 days for n-dodecane to 6.5 days for benzene. The lower
m olecular weight arom atic hydrocarbons and som e polar com pounds have low but significant water
solubility. Som e higher m olecular weight com pounds are rem oved by em ulsification and these also
slowly biodegrade; others adsorb to sedim ent and sink . A further rem oval process from water involving
the heavier fraction is agglom eration to form tars, som e of which sink .
Waste Disposal: Consult with the US EPA Guidelines listed in 40 CFR Part 261.3 for the classifications of hazardous
waste prior to disposal. Furtherm ore, consult with your state and local waste requirem ents or guidelines,
if applicable, to ensure com pliance. Arrange disposal in accordance to the EPA and/or state and local
The generator of a waste is always responsible for m ak ing proper hazardous waste determ inations and
needs to consider state and local requirem ents in addition to federal regulations.
This m aterial, if discarded as produced, would not be a federally regulated RCRA "listed" hazardous
waste. However, it would lik ely be identified as a federally regulated RCRA hazardous waste for the
following characteristic(s) shown below. See Sections 7 and 8 for inform ation on handling, storage and
personal protection and Section 9 for physical/chem ical properties. It is possible that the m aterial as
produced contains constituents which are not required to be listed in the MSDS but could affect the
hazardous waste determ ination. Additionally, use which results in chem ical or physical change of this
m aterial could subject it to regulation as a hazardous waste.
Container contents should be com pletely used and containers should be em ptied prior to discard.
Container residues and rinseates could be considered to be hazardous wastes.
RCRA Num ber: EPA Waste Num ber(s) • D001 - Ignitability characteristic • D018 - Tox icity characteristic (Benzene)
DO T Hazard Class: 3
California PRO P 65: This m aterial m ay contain detectable quantities of the following chem icals, k nown to the State of
California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm , and which m ay be subject to the
warning requirem ents of California Proposition 65 (CA Health & Safety Code Section 25249.5):
Various Polycyclic Arom atic Hydrocarbons: Sk in Cancer
Toluene: Developm ental Tox icant, Fem ale Reproductive Tox icant
N-Hexane :
Section 313: EPCRA - 40 CFR Part 372 - (SARA Title III) Section 313 Listed Chem ical.: 1.0% de m inim is
Ethyl Benzene :
Section 313: EPCRA - 40 CFR Part 372 - (SARA Title III) Section 313 Listed Chem ical.: 0.1% de m inim is
Xylenes :
Section 313: EPCRA - 40 CFR Part 372 - (SARA Title III) Section 313 Listed Chem ical.: 1.0% de m inim is
Benzene :
Section 313: EPCRA - 40 CFR Part 372 - (SARA Title III) Section 313 Listed Chem ical.: 0.1% de m inim is
Hydrogen Sulfide :
Naphthalene :
Section 313: EPCRA - 40 CFR Part 372 - (SARA Title III) Section 313 Listed Chem ical.: 0.1% de m inim is
HMIS Reactivity: 1