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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems I
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems II
Editor: European Association for Ductile Iron Pipe Systems · EADIPS®/ Fachgemeinschaft Guss-Rohrsysteme (FGR®) e. V. III
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems IV
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems V
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems VI
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems VII
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems VIII
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 1: Introduction 1/1
1 Introduction
1.1 General
1.2 Cast iron as material for pipes
1.3 Joint technology
1.4 Modern ductile iron pipe techniques
1.5 Sustainability
1.6 Summary
1.7 References
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 1: Introduction 1/2
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 1: Introduction 1/3
urban road surfaces and for diverting traf- recognised the value of a long-lasting
fic are considerably higher. Therefore and pressure-resistant material for the
sustainable piping networks must have construction of high-pressure water pipe-
high safety margins. Ductile iron pipe lines for their castles and fortresses. And
systems are characterised by the highest thus cast iron set out on its path through
safety margins and meet all requirements the centuries as a piping material.
for sustainable piping networks.
1.2.1 Old pipelines in grey cast iron
1.2 Cast iron as material for pipes Cast iron pipes have been in use for more
than 500 years, initially as grey cast iron
pipes. Their long working life is legend- Fig. 1.1 :
There is no reliable information about ary. At the start they were used above all Cast iron pipe from the water supply
when and where the casting of iron was for the transport of drinking and indus- pipeline for Dillenburg Castle (1455)
first discovered. However it is known that trial water. By way of examples of the
the art of iron casting was practised in construction of old cast iron water pipe-
China, for example, much earlier than it lines, the following facts are known:
was in Europe.
1455 the oldest cast iron pipeline
The first iron suspension bridge was was built; this was the pipe-
constructed there in around 300 AD. The line supplying water for
first cast iron gun barrels were used in Dillenburg Castle (Fig. 1.1).
Europe in the 12th century. 1562 a water pipeline was laid
in Langensalza to supply
In the first half of the 15th century remark- the Jacobi and Rathaus
able achievements were already being fountains.
made in the casting of gun barrels. It is
probable that the first conduit pipes were Fig. 1.2:
also cast by gun founders on the orders of Flanged pipe from the park at the
local noblemen. Obviously they very soon Palace of Versailles
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 1: Introduction 1/4
1661 a water pipeline was laid For the urban supply networks (drinking
for the castle in Braunfels. water) constructed since the middle of
The cast iron pipes were the 19th century, grey cast iron was
in operation until 1875 and the available material almost without
were dug up during the exception. Later, steel came along as
course of sewer laying an additional material. The German gas
work in 1932. and water industry statistics (Bundesver-
1664 – 1668 the pipeline was laid in the band der Deutschen Gas- und Wasser-
grounds of the Palace of Ver- wirtschaft e. V. – BGW) for water indicate
sailles to feed the water foun- a proportion of cast iron pipes in the
tains there (Fig. 1.2). existing network in the Federal Republic
1710 – 1717 the construction of the Fig. 1.3: in the 20th century, up to the nineteen
cascades in the Kassel- Cast iron pipeline to supply the cascades fifties, of 85 %.
Wilhelmshöhe castle park of the Hercules monument in the Kassel-
with the Hercules monument. Wilhelmshöhe castle park with water In this area of municipal water distribu-
Cast iron pipeline to supply (UNESCO World Heritage site since June tion, the main area of application for cast
the water features with water 2013) iron pipes since about 1960 was pipes and
(Fig. 1.3). Since June 2013 fitting in ductile cast iron and valves in
the Hercules monument With the necessity of conveying ever spheroidal graphite cast iron*). The length
along with the cascades has larger volumes of water to consumers, the of cast iron pipelines worldwide is esti-
been a UNESCO World operating pressures in the supply lines mated at several 107 km, of which about
Heritage Site. increase. one third are pipes in ductile cast iron;
each year several 105 km are added to this.
Since the middle of the 19th century, as Increasingly advanced processes for The reasons for this high prevalence are,
a result of increasing industrialisation melting, casting and testing have led to among other things
and the considerable growth in popula- improvements in the material properties ■ the robustness of the pipe,
tion with constant improvements in the of cast iron and hence also in the quality ■ high safety margins, even with respect
standard of living, the consumption of of cast iron pipes. to unplanned load cases,
water has been steadily rising. ■ uncomplicated installation,
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 1: Introduction 1/5
■ hygienically safe for drinking water, and areas of application with signifi- In Germany, the centrifugal casting of iron
■ the long working life of the system as cantly higher internal pressures or other pipes has been practised since 1926. This
a whole, stresses, piping systems in ductile cast process, which is ideally suited to mecha-
■ the lowest damage rate of all piping iron have proved to be excellent. Duc- nised mass production, enabled the pipe
materials, tile iron pipe systems are all-rounders foundries to meet the constantly increas-
■ the lowest leakage rate, for everything to do with water, whether ing demand for cast iron pipes without
■ the lowest operating and maintenance we are talking about simple municipal difficulty.
costs, water supply pipelines installed in the
■ the fact that they can be used any- traditional way or the most complex of Over the course of time, cast iron has
where, from the simplest to the most pipeline constructions with a whole range also undergone further developments as
difficult ambient conditions. of special structures and particularly a material to adapt it to the increasing
sophisticated construction processes. loads placed on piping networks.
*) Note:
“spheroidal graphite cast iron” and “ductile cast iron” are synonyms 1.2.2 Improvements in the produc- For example, in around 1900 a tensile
for a type of cast iron in which the graphite is predominantly present tion process and material strength of at least 120 N/mm2 was being
in spheroidal form. The expression “ductile cast iron” is normally properties demanded for sand-cast pipes, while by
used for pipes and fittings while the official material designation the thirties the minimum tensile strength
according to standard EN 1563 [1.1] for valves reads “spheroidal In order to meet increased demands, the had already reached 200 N/mm2 for cen-
graphite cast iron“. Where pipes, fittings and valves are mentioned cast iron pipe industry has developed trifugally cast pipes.
in the same breath in the sections and chapters which follow, for the new and more efficient production pro-
sake of simplicity and for easier reading, the material designation cesses. In the early days, pipes were cast The beginning of production of pipes,
“ductile cast iron” is used. one by one in horizontal sand moulds and fittings and valves in ductile cast iron is
then, in 1885, the process changed to one to be seen as the most recent and also
These days, pipes, fittings and valves in where the pipes were cast in vertical sand the most significant stage in the devel-
ductile cast iron are the most important moulds arranged on a series of frames, opment of foundry technology. Further
elements in the construction of drinking meaning that the production process details about “ductile cast iron” can be
water and sewage pipelines across the could be continuous. However, the really found in Chapter 2 of this handbook.
world. With the more recent techno- significant innovation in cast iron pipe
logical developments such as trenchless production was the introduction of the
pipe laying and replacement processes centrifugal casting process (Chapter 3.3).
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The production of pipes, fittings and In the water supply industry, i.e. for the The introduction of spheroidal graphite
valves from ductile cast iron is described transport of drinking water and indus- cast iron has proved to be an advantage
extensively in Chapter 3. trial and process water, iron pipes and for valves. Because the tensile strength
fittings in ductile cast iron have been has been doubled, the wall thicknesses
used since the middle of the nineteen of valve bodies have been able to be
1.2.3 Piping systems in ductile sixties. In accordance with standard dramatically reduced, thus halving the
cast iron for water supply EN 545 [1.2], which applies to water pipe- weight. There are more details about the
and sewage disposal lines, the nominal sizes of pressure pipes material in Chapter 7.1.
in ductile cast iron range from DN 40 to
Ductile, or malleable, cast iron pipes have DN 2000 in pressure classes C 20 to C 100. In the sewage disposal industry, i.e.
been produced in Europe since 1951 and DIN 28603 [1.3] defines push-in joints the transport of domestic, commercial
in the Federal Republic of Germany from DN 80. and industrial wastewater, pipes and
since 1956. It is the spheroidal graphite fittings in ductile cast iron were first
formation which makes malleability and For external loads produced by the ground of all used mainly for wastewater
stretching ability possible with ductile itself and by traffic, attention has to be pressure lines in difficult terrain, e.g.
cast iron. These days the tensile strength paid to observing permissible ovalisation in areas where there is a risk of
of the material for ductile iron pipes is limits for the pipe of up to 4 %. subsidence or landslides and on
at least 420 N/mm2. In addition to this steep slopes, for water crossings
high tensile strength, which already The application ranges with respect to (culverts) and where installation
very clearly shows the improvement in permissible pressures are summarised conditions present static problems.
performance, it is above all the remark- in Table 1.1 (excerpt from Table 17 of According to standard EN 598 [1.4],
able malleability which is characteristic EN 545 [1.2]). which applies to sewers and sewage
of ductile iron pipes. pipelines, the use of piping systems
in ductile cast iron is not restricted
With the improvement in the metallurgy to the construction of buried gravity
of cast iron, the conditions are met for the pipelines.
use of ductile iron pipe systems in nearly
all areas of the urban piping infrastruc-
ture (water and sewage).
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1.3 Joint technology ones, but not moveable joints, and way that the bolt holes lie symmetrical
they transfer longitudinal and bending to both principal axes and their number
stresses from pipe to pipe. is divisible by four in all nominal sizes.
In addition to the further development
of cast iron and the production process, The individual advantages of push-in The joint dimensions of cast iron
in order to adapt to increasing operat- joints and flanged joints can be combined flanges (external diameter, bolt hole
ing pressures in the piping networks by installing flanged sockets and flanged circle diameter, raised face diameter,
improvements have also been made to spigots on the flanges of fittings. number and diameter of bolts, bolt
the joint technology. Essentially, two types hole diameter) are determined in
of joints are used for cast iron piping We shall look at the different types of EN 1092-2 [1.5]. Additional construc-
systems: joints in greater detail below, according tion dimensions for PN 10 to PN 40
■ push-in joints, to the chronological sequence of their flanges are also given in this EN
■ flanged joints. development or their introduction onto standard. A flanged joint consists of
the market. two flanges, a sealing element and a
Push-in joints are generally used for certain number of hexagon head
underground cast iron pipelines (pipes, bolts with nuts and washers. The
fittings, valves). These are flexible, 1.3.1 Flanged joints material of the sealing element
rubber-sealed joints which offer both depends on the purpose of use in
technical and economic advantages for One of the oldest types of joints for cast each case. The flanges of ductile iron
installation. iron pipes is the flanged joint (Fig. 1.2). pipes, fittings and valves are provided
These were standardised for the first time with raised sealing faces. Fig. 1.4
Flanged joints tend to be favoured for in 1882, in the so-called “Standard com- shows a flanged joint of this kind
pipelines above ground, as are used for ponents of the year 1882” produced by (nuts to EN ISO 4034 [1.6] and hexagon
example in pumping houses, waterworks the German Association of specialists in head bolts to EN ISO 4016 [1.7]).
or elevated tanks. As regards shut-off gas and water (DVGW) together with the
valves in urban water supply networks, Association of German Engineers (VDI).
for decades the flanged joint was also Notwithstanding these first standards and
commonly used in underground pipe- regardless of the material being used, by
lines for reasons of maintenance and 1926 the arrangement of the bolt holes
repair. Flanged joints are restrained had already been determined in such a
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Fig. 1.6:
Cut section of a packed socket joint from an
approximately 300 year old cast iron pipe –
water supply pipeline for the cascades at
Fig. 1.4: Fig. 1.5: the Kassel-Wilhelmhöhe castle park with
Flanged joint Packed socket joint the Hercules monument; UNESCO World
Heritage site since June 2013
Source: mhk, Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel
1.3.2 Packed socket joint The pipe joint is of immense importance and compression forces in the pipe run
for the reliability of a pipeline. In the without any adverse effects on tightness
Until the introduction of rubber-sealed area of cast iron pipes, the advantages at the connection points.
socket joints (around 1930) pipes and fit- of rubber-sealed socket joints were
tings in grey cast iron were mainly joined recognized very early on. After all, the Chapter 13 contains more details about
by means of packed sockets. These were rubber seal gives the pipeline flexibility the different types of sealing elements.
not restrained joints. The packed socket which allows it to adapt to the stresses
joint (Figs. 1.5 and 1.6) is rigid and is not produced by traffic vibrations and
tight in case of movement. ground movements as well as strain
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 1: Introduction 1/11
Detailed information about push-in joints 1.4 Modern ductile iron pipe
and their area of use can be found in techniques
Chapter 8.
The ductile iron pipe systems used today
1.3.6 Fields of use meet the requirements which are to be
demanded of new piping networks for
The fields of use according to pressure the transport of water and wastewater
classes (C classes) and minimum wall to a particularly high degree; there are
thicknesses emin for ductile iron pipes in additional fields of application in the field
the field of water supply are shown in of industrial pipelines, e.g. for
Fig. 1.9: Table 1.1. In the field of sewage trans- ■ turbine pipelines for power produc-
TYTON® push-in joint port, ductile sewers as per EN 598 [1.4] tion,
are standardised for gravity pipelines up ■ snow-making equipment,
to 6 bar operating pressure. For higher ■ fire extinguishing pipelines,
1.3.5 Push-in joints pressures, pipes of pressure classes ■ cooling water pipelines.
(C classes) according to EN 545 [1.2] are
Nowadays, rubber-sealed push-in to be selected. But, because of their high loading
joints according to DIN 28603 [1.3] are capacity, ductile iron pipes have also
predominantly used for ductile iron Special cases, such as the construction opened up new fields of activity in
pipelines: the TYTON® push-in joint of a culvert pipeline or where there construction technology, e.g. for
system has applications for the range is a low cover depth, higher internal ■ trenchless laying techniques,
between DN 80 and DN 1400, while the pressure loads or special linings and ■ foundation piles.
STANDARD push-in joint system is used coatings can be dealt with by
in the range from DN 80 to DN 2000. additional measures, either during Corresponding details are covered in
production or during installation. Chapters 22 and 23.
The TYTON® joint (Fig. 1.9) has been
used in Germany since 1957. The pro-
filed sealing element is produced from a
mixture of hard and soft rubber.
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Ductile iron pipe systems owe their excel- The possibility of also providing such duc- 1.5 Sustainability
lent properties above all to the following tile iron pipes, fittings and valves with
features: adequate external protection depending
■ the modern jointing technology in the on the aggressive nature of the soil takes In recent times, the term “sustainability”
form of push-in joints including the account of the practical realities during has gained increasing importance when
flexible restrained push-in joints, the installation of pipelines. assessing infrastructure investments.
■ the remarkable strength and stability In such a consideration, economic,
of the material, A comprehensive description of the environmental and technical aspects are
■ the highly developed types of corro- various types of coatings can be found examined and evaluated, and this applies
sion protection in the form of linings in Chapter 14. to the entire working life of the product.
and coatings suited to specific tasks.
All system components for the transport The key points of sustainability criteria
They offer high degrees of security of drinking water, operating and process for ductile iron pipe systems with respect
against the stresses produced by the water or sewage are basically provided to an economic, environmental and tech-
highest internal pressures. In addition, with appropriate linings in accordance nical assessment are shown in Tables 1.2,
the material means that they resist prac- with EN 545 [1.2] and/or EN 598 [1.4]. 1.3 and 1.4 [1.10].
tically all ground and traffic related loads. In particular this includes cement mor-
tar and polyurethane linings for pipes.
Quite particular emphasis should be Fittings and valves are mainly coated
placed here on their ability to resist all around with epoxy resin or enamel.
the resulting crushing and bending Chapter 15 contains details about linings.
stresses, as it is precisely these types
of stress which are considerably
reduced by the flexible, rubber-sealed
push-in joints.
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Table 1.2:
Economic sustainability criteria for ductile iron pipe systems
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Table 1.3:
Environmental sustainability criteria for ductile iron pipe systems
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Table 1.4:
Technical sustainability criteria for ductile iron pipe systems
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 2: Ductile cast iron as a material 2/1
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 2: Ductile cast iron as a material 2/2
In contrast to grey cast iron, where the free graphite is present in lamellar form,
the free graphite in ductile (malleable) cast iron is spherical in shape (sphe-
roidal graphite). This form of graphite favours the elasticity of the cast iron
and increases its inherent strength. It was only in the 1950’s that the industrial
production of cast iron pipes with spheroidal graphite (ductile iron pipes) began.
Fig. 2.1:
2.1 General When it is used for pipes, fittings and Cast iron with lamellar graphite
accessories, the material is referred (grey cast iron)
to as ductile cast iron. Its mechanical
Ductile cast iron is a plastically malleable, and technological properties are de-
tough iron-carbon material in which the scribed in standard EN 545 [2.1]. When
carbon fraction is predominantly present used in bodies for valves it is called
as elementary spheroidal graphite. The spheroidal graphite cast iron, as is usual
main way in which it differs from grey in mechanical engineering generally,
cast iron is in the shape of the graphite and its properties are determined in
particles. The word ductile comes from standard EN 1563 [2.2]. The two stand-
the Latin “ducere” = pliable (from ductus = ards are the work of different tech-
to lead) and means malleable. In static nical standardisation committees.
calculations, pipes in ductile cast iron are
therefore considered as having pliable With grey cast iron (Fig. 2.1), because of
properties or being flexible pipes. their notching effect the graphite lamellae
reduce the relatively high stability of the Fig. 2.2:
basic structure, whereby they cause its Cast iron with spheroidal graphite
elongation after fracture to fall below 1 %. (ductile cast iron)
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In ductile cast iron or spheroidal lamellar graphite (Fig. 2.3) the lines of So that, during the solidification phase,
graphite cast iron the graphite is tension are highly concentrated at the tips the carbon crystallises in a broadly
formed spherically (Fig. 2.2). Spheroids of the graphite lamellae, they flow around spheroidal shape, the molten iron has
(spherical mineral structures) affect the the graphite precipitated in spheroidal to be treated with magnesium. The
properties of the basic metallic struc- form almost undisturbed (Fig. 2.4). For result is a considerable increase in
ture to a considerably lesser extent this reason, ductile cast iron is able to strength and malleability as compared
than lamellae. While with cast iron with deform under load. with grey cast iron.
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The matrix of the pipes should be pre- The standardised values for the me-
dominantly ferritic (Fig. 2.6), as ferrite chanical properties of ductile cast iron
produces the highest elongation values at and spheroidal graphite cast iron are
the lowest hardness levels. Fittings, valve given in Tables 2.1 a and 2.1 b.
bodies and accessories are produced in
sand moulds and have a ferritic-pearlitic
structure. They do not need any additional
heat treatment (Fig. 2.7).
Fig. 2.7:
Ferritic-pearlitic structure
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Table 2.1 a:
Properties of ductile cast iron
Ductile DN 80 to 3) 3)
420 300 10 < 230
cast iron DN 1000
EN 545
Ductile [2.1]
Pipes DN >1000 420 300 7 < 230 3) 3)
cast iron
EN 598
Ductile Non-centrifuged
[2.3] 3) 3)
pipes, fittings 420 300 5 < 250
cast iron
DN 80 to DN 2000
The 0.2 % elongation limit (Rp0.2) can be determined. It should not be less than:
- 270 MPa if A t 12 % for DN 80 to DN 1000 or A t 10 % for DN > 1000
- 300 MPa in other cases
For centrifuged pipes from DN 80 to DN 1000 and a minimum wall thickness of t 10 mm the
elongation after fracture must be at least 7 %
No requirement
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Table 2.1 b:
Properties of spheroidal graphite ductile cast iron
500-7 500 320 7 180 – 220 6–8
(GGG 50) Valves and
400-15 400 250 15 140 – 180 8 –12
EN 1563 nantly ferritic
(GGG 40)
EN-GJS- Valves
for use at low purely
400-18LT 400 250 18 140 – 150 >12
tempera- ferritic
(GGG 40.3)
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L0 = 5 . d0 (2.1)
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 3: Production of pipes, fittings and valves 3/1
3 Production of pipes,
fittings and valves
3.1 Melting the iron
3.2 Magnesium treatment
3.3 Casting process
3.4 Post-treatment
3.5 Application of coatings and linings
3.6 Marking
3.7 Testing
3.8 References
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 3: Production of pipes, fittings and valves 3/2
The raw material for iron casting is pig iron; it is reduced from iron ore in the
blast furnace with the help of coke (iron from the first smelting). In most cases
this iron undergoes further processing in the iron foundry in solid form (pig iron
ingots). Occasionally, the molten pig iron is also directly processed to produce
pipes and fittings.
Iron foundries usually melt their iron Fittings, valve bodies and accessories are 3.1 Melting the iron
in cupola or electric furnaces from cast in sand moulds; the speed of cooling
recycled material and pig iron. Coke, oil here is low enough to mean that no
or natural gas is the fuel used here; no subsequent heat treatment is necessary. In most cases iron for the production of
reduction takes place. The crystallisation pipes, fittings, valves and accessories is
of the carbon dissolved in the liquid iron As a rule, the application of linings and produced as recycled material from steel
in the form of graphite nodules is achiev- protective coatings is part of the pro- scrap, cast iron scrap and foundry pig iron
ed by the addition of magnesium into the duction process. After casting, pipes and in the cupola furnace or in the electric
molten metal. fittings with flanges, as well as most of furnace.
the components of valves, first undergo
These days pipes are manufactured ex- mechanical processing. They are only 3.1.1 Melting in the cupola furnace
clusively by means of the centrifugal coated once this is done. Throughout
casting process, where the centrifugal the entire production process there is a The cupola furnace (Fig. 3.2) is the typi-
forces produce the pipe wall. The rapid defined system of controls and tests to cal melting plant of an iron foundry; it is
cooling applied here means that heat guarantee the specified properties of an upright shaft furnace which is charged
treatment of the pipes is necessary in the product, including marking. Fig. 3.1 from the top with the raw materials (steel
order to give them a malleable micro- shows an example of the flow through the scrap, cast iron scrap, recycled material
structure. production process. and coke as the fuel).
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Fig. 3.1:
Production of a ductile
iron pipe
Video 03.01:
Iron pipe foundry
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Fig. 3.3:
Discharge of molten iron from the mixer
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On the spigot-end side of the mould a constant volume of iron per unit of time barrel of the pipe as a result of centrifu-
collar is applied which corresponds flows over the pouring lip of the distri- gal force as the casting machine moves
approximately to the wall thickness of bution ladle into the pouring nozzle and longitudinally (Fig. 3.8).
the pipe. The casting machine equipped from there out into the pouring trough. At
in this way is tilted towards the socket side the beginning of casting the trough proj- Because of the interaction of movements,
and is arranged on rails so that it can be ects into the mould almost to the end of the iron is laid down on the wall of the
moved longitudinally. At the upper end the socket. Before the iron starts to flow, mould in a helix which, in the liquid
of the frame is the casting device with the mould is put into rotation. The iron state, merges into a homogenous pipe.
the distribution ladle which can take the flowing out at the tip of the pouring trough A thicker or thinner pipe wall is produced
volume of liquid iron for one or more is captured by the rotating mould, first by changing the volume of iron for the
pipes. A controlled, even speed of tilting filling the space between the socket core casting process.
means that during the casting process a and the mould and then forming the
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The speed of rotation of the mould carried away with them will, because of 3.3.2 De Lavaud process
is selected so that a centrifugal force their weight, be forced inwards and are
of 15 g to 30 g is exerted on the liquid easy to remove during later cleaning. With this process, the mould is cooled
iron. Because of the centrifugal force Because of the speed of cooling and the from outside with water. Its inside sur-
and because of the directional solidi- reduction in volume of the liquid iron face is peened to produce ball-shaped
fication of the pipe wall from the occurring on solidification, the pipe comes depressions. This cold-peening in-
mould side to the inside of the pipe, a away from the wall of the mould and can creases the strength of the surface and
particularly dense structure is produced. be pulled out mould on the socket side helps the liquid iron to be taken up with
The centrifugal force has a further effect (Fig. 3.9). the rotation movement of the mould. In
in that the oxidation products produced this way, the iron pipes spun in metal
during the casting process and any slag moulds take on the surface typical of
them. During or shortly before the
pouring process, an inoculation powder
is scattered into the mould. The process
allows for extremely short cycle times
because the pipe solidifies very quickly
and can be removed within a few seconds;
the next pipe can be cast immediately
afterwards (Fig. 3.10).
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 3: Production of pipes, fittings and valves 3/10
Between two casting operations, the 3.3.4 Older pipe production methods
inside temperature can drop to 200 °C and no longer in general use
below. The stress on the mould caused by
this unabsorbed temperature change is Sand moulding is the oldest method of
accordingly high, which explains its limit- producing cast iron pipes and fittings.
ed working life. For the production of pipes, two-part
horizontal sand moulds were originally
3.3.3 Wet-spray process used. Because of the high degree of
buoyancy during casting the process
With the wet-spray process the mould resulted in a restriction of pipe length.
is given an approximately 0.5 mm thick A further development was the moulding
layer of lining. This layer (quartz powder and casting in upright, seamless sand
bonded with bentonite) is wet-sprayed moulds (Fig. 3.11).
onto the mould before each casting pro-
cess. The process comes from an English- The pattern consists of a socket and a bar-
speaking area and bears the widely used rel part. The socket pattern is inserted into
name wet-spray. the vertically standing moulding box from
underneath and fixed. The barrel pattern
The thin lining reduces the amplitudes of is inserted from above and centred in the
the temperature change in the wall of the socket pattern with a conical stud.
mould, which favours the working life of
the mould. However, the lining has to be The moulding sand is put into the cavity
renewed after each casting; this extends between pattern and moulding box and
the cycle time accordingly. compacted.
a) Lost head g) Straw rope or wood
b) Pouring funnel wool wrapping
c) Moulding box h) Socket core
d) Moulding sand i) Socket flap
Fig. 3.11:
e) Core clamping tube k) Locking ring
Principle of the vertical
f) Core
static casting of pipes
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 3: Production of pipes, fittings and valves 3/11
In order to increase productivity, these 3.3.5 Production of flanged pipes 3.3.6 Production of fittings and
standing moulds were arranged in valve bodies using the sand
carousels (Fig. 3.12). Depending on the Flanged pipes (Fig. 3.13) with shorter casting process
design of the moulds and cores, straight overall lengths are mainly produced
pipes or pipes with up to two sockets in two-part horizontal moulds (dou- Using the centrifugal casting process it
or flanges could be produced. ble flanged pipe). In addition there are is only possible to produce rotationally
flanged pipes which are produced by symmetrical articles with cylindrical to
pre-welding or screwing cast iron conical external contours. Components
flanges onto spun cast iron pipes. Also with curves, branches or a number of
shrink-fitting and welding is common connections (sockets or flanges) as well
practice (Fig. 3.14). as valve bodies require a different form-
ing process.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 3: Production of pipes, fittings and valves 3/12
For this purpose, patterns in metal, plastic Figure 3.15 shows a production line for
or wood are used which completely map fittings with lost cores. Figures 3.16, 3.17
the external contour of the component. and 3.18 show examples of the prepara-
With these patterns, moulds are pro- tory work for the production of fittings
duced from pure quartz sand mixed with with lost cores.
a binder as the negative for the exter-
nal contour of the component. This sand
mould withstands the pressure and the
temperature of the liquid iron until it has
solidified. After that the sand mould is
crushed and the sand is used again in
the cycle. The mould is “lost” with each
casting. Fig. 3.16:
Pattern for the production of the sand
The internal contour of the casting is mould
also mapped in this process, whereby the
quartz sand for the “core” required here
usually gets its strength from an organic
binder. The cores must also resist the cast-
ing temperature of more than 1,300 °C.
Nevertheless they must yield to the
shrinkage pressure during solidification
so that the hollow part does not tear on
the core during shrinking. Finally, they
should also be easy to remove after the
casting has cooled. As the cast metal
solidifies, it burns the binder, the core
loses its cohesion and the loose sand can Fig. 3.15: Fig. 3.17:
be removed from the cooled casting. Production of fittings with lost cores Sand mould prepared for the insertion
of the lost core
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 3: Production of pipes, fittings and valves 3/14
With sand moulding, as a rule the speed 3.4.2 Fettling and mechanical
of cooling is so low that after solidifica- processing
tion a broadly ferritic-graphitic structure
with low proportions of pearlite is present Mould and core sand is blasted from cast
and the required mechanical values are parts using cut wire (blasting) (Fig. 3.20).
reached without annealing. Casting seams, gates and riser attach-
ments are separated and ground.
By contrast, fast cooling is characteristic
for the casting of pipes in water-cooled Fittings are checked for tightness in
moulds. Pipes produced in this way accordance with EN 545 [3.1] before
must be annealed, according to the applying the coating. Then, if necessary,
necessary level of workability and Fig. 19: the flange and spigot end are machined.
ductility. This is usually done in gas- Pipes in the continuous annealing furnace Components for valves are generally
fired continuous furnaces. At tem- subjected to machining after fettling.
peratures of around 920 °C to 950 °C, the Then they are blasted and taken to the
pipes rollthrough the furnace at a con- surface coating process directly after
trolled speed (Fig. 3.19). Carriages are this. After coating the components are
used to keep them moving which are assembled as complete valves. In the final
fixed onto a transport chain. The annea- process the valves undergo tightness
ling time and the temperature are estab- and function testing.
lished in a time-temperature diagram for
the furnace and these are automatically
controlled. Large-diameter pipes can
also be annealed standing on the socket
in batch furnaces. This enables oval-
isation of the pipes to be avoided.
Fig. 3.20:
Castings after blasting
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With both processes, mortar flow rate, so that it is technically clean, free of
pipe rotation speed and speed of travel rust, loose particles of material, dirt, oil,
are to be coordinated in such a way that grease and moisture. In order to meet
the nominal coating thickness for the these requirements, the surface of the
cement mortar coating keeps to a value pipes is blasted to preparation grade
of 5 mm over the entire length of the pipe SA 2 1/2 as per EN ISO 8501-1 [3.4]. The
barrel. The end face of the socket and pipes are first heated to about 50 °C in
the spigot end of the pipe remain free of order to ensure an acceleration of the
cement mortar. These parts also have a polymerisation of the components to
zinc coating and, after the cement mortar a mechanically resilient coating. The
coating has set, they are provided with a polyurethane is then sprayed onto the
finishing layer. rotating pipe (Fig. 3.25). The pore-free
PUR coating is applied to the entire pipe
The cement mortar coating of ductile cast barrel continuously from the end face Fig. 3.25:
iron pipes is standardised in EN 15542 of the socket up to and including the Applying the black PUR coating
[3.3]. According to EN 545 [3.1] these spigot end. After the coating process the
pipes can be installed in soils of any level coating is also checked to ensure that it
of corrosiveness. is free of pores.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 3: Production of pipes, fittings and valves 3/18
The PUR coating of ductile iron pipes tional acceleration. With this acceleration
is standardised in EN 15189 [3.5]. and with additional vibration forces, the
According to EN 545 [3.1] these pipes fresh mortar undergoes compaction and
can be installed in soils of any level of smoothing (Fig. 3.27).
With centrifugal rotation, part of the
Polyethylene coating mixing water is driven out. A concen-
tration of fine grains and fine ele-
The polyethylene coating consists of ments occurs towards the surface of
LDPE (low density polyethylene). It is the cement mortar lining. The cement
applied to the pipe using a soft adhesive; mortar lining hardens in curing
up to and including DN 500 this is done chambers at a defined air humidity
using the tubular extrusion process, as and temperature. The cement mortar
from and including DN 400 using the flat lining of ductile iron pipes is stand-
die wrapping extrusion process. ardised in EN 545 [3.1] and EN 598 [3.2].
Fig. 3.27:
The PE coating of ductile iron pipes is Polyurethane lining Centrifugal rotation –
standardised in EN 14628 [3.6]. Accord- applying a cement mortar lining
ing to EN 545 [3.1] these pipes can be The polyurethane used is a solvent-free
installed in soils of any level of corrosive- two-component system with resin and requirements the inside surface of
ness. hardening agent. Mineral fillers, pig- the pipe is ground and double-blasted
ments and additives are selected in such a to preparation grade SA 2 1/2 as per
Cement mortar lining way that the end product meets the func- EN ISO 8501-1 [3.4]. The pipes are first
tional requirements set and the drinking heated to about 50 °C in order to ensure
In the centrifugal rotation process, water regulations (e.g. DVGW). Before an acceleration of the polymerisation of
after the application of the fresh mortar applying the PUR lining, the inside sur- the components. This means that short
(sand-cement-water mixture) the pipe face of the pipe is cleaned so that it is cycle times can be achieved in the coating
is brought to a sufficiently high speed technically clean, free of rust, loose process.
of rotation so that the centrifugal accel- particles of material, dirt, oil, grease
eration is at least twenty times gravita- and moisture. In order to meet these
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 3: Production of pipes, fittings and valves 3/19
The polyurethane is then sprayed onto The inside of the socket is also lined with 3.5.2 Fittings and valves
the rotating pipe using a lance with a polyurethane. In combination with the
rotating nozzle (Fig. 3.28). The centri- PUR lining, an iron pipe is also provided Epoxy resin coating
fugal force produced by the rotation of with integral corrosion protection.
the pipe itself results in a very smooth As is the case with valves, the powder coat-
surface which has good hydraulic proper- After the coating process the lining ing of fittings with epoxy resin is becom-
ties. The pore-free polyurethane lining is is checked to ensure that it is free of ing increasingly important. According to
applied continuously to the whole of the pores. The PUR lining has a uniform EN 545 [3.1], fittings coated in this way are
pipe surface. and even appearance in terms of colour, suitable for soils of all classes of aggres-
smoothness and structure. Adhesive siveness. The same also applies to valves
strength, freedom from porosity, hard- coated with fusion bonded epoxy.
ness and coating thickness are checked
daily in production. To achieve this, the castings first of all
undergo surface treatment in the form
The polyurethane lining of ductile iron of blasting (preparation grade SA 2 1/2).
pipes is standardised in EN 15655 [3.7]. The castings are then heated to an object
temperature of approximately 200 °C and
dipped into a fluidised bed with epoxy
resin powder (Fig. 3.29) or coated electro-
statically using a spray gun (Fig. 3.30).
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 3: Production of pipes, fittings and valves 3/20
The epoxy powder coating of ductile iron Depending on the particular case, blast
fittings is standardised in EN 14901 [3.8] furnace cement is generally used here.
and RAL GZ 662 [3.9]. The epoxy coat- With this type of mortar application it is
ing of valve bodies is standardised not possible for excess water to be driven
in DIN 30677-1 [3.10], DIN 30677-2 [3.11], out; the preparation of the mortar using
DIN 3476 [3.12] and RAL GZ 662 [3.9]. the necessarily low water-cement ratio is
made possible by the addition of a syn-
Cement mortar lining thetic resin emulsion.
Fittings are lined with cement mortar Depending on the nominal size, the total
using the projection process in accord- coating thickness is 2.5 mm to 9 mm.
Fig. 3.29: ance with EN 545 [3.1] and EN 598 [3.2].
Epoxy powder applied by robots in the In this process a worm pump is used to As an external coating, fittings lined with
fluidised bed process pump the cement mortar through a tube cement mortar are usually provided with
and then through a rotating projection a 70 μm bitumen coating. In individual
head driven by compressed air onto the cases a two-component zinc rich paint
wall of the pipe, thereby compacting it. and a bitumen finishing layer are also
After curing at defined conditions the used.
fittings then undergo further processing.
The cement mortar lining of ductile iron
fittings is standardised in EN 545 [3.1]
and EN 598 [3.2].
Fig. 3.30:
Electrostatic application of epoxy powder
with a spray gun
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 3: Production of pipes, fittings and valves 3/21
Technical enamelling The basic material consists of so- The slip is applied to the casting by
called enamel frits. These are produced dipping, pouring (Fig. 3.32) or spraying
Vitreous enamel as a coating material by smelting (at over 1,200 °C) and (Fig. 3.33) and then dried at d 110 °C.
tends to be used in places where vessels, then quenching and breaking up This is then followed by the actual firing
pipes, fittings and valves need to be natural inorganic materials including process, in a temperature range of
protected against chemical exposure and quartz, feldspar, borax, soda, potash, between 750 °C and 900 °C depending on
in some cases also extreme conditions aluminium oxide and other metal the quality of the enamel.
(Fig. 3.31). oxides. The enamel frits are milled
with additives and water to produce an
With ductile cast iron as the base material, enamel slip.
vitreous enamel produces a combination
which offers a range of significant prop-
erties, for example:
■ a smooth, anti-adhesive surface,
■ a high degree of hardness,
■ a glass-like, fully inorganic structure,
■ a high chemical resistance.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 3: Production of pipes, fittings and valves 3/22
The enamelling of ductile cast iron 3.6 Marking The marking of material, production date
fittings and valves is standardised in and nominal size is cast into or onto the
DIN 51178 [3.14]. A detailed description 3.6.1 Marking of pipes and fittings product.
of the enamelling technique can be found in ductile cast iron
in Chapter 7.2. The marking of the material as “ductile
The marking of pipes and fittings cast iron”, which must also be visible after
(Fig.3.34) is defined in product stand- installation, consists of three raised or
ards EN 545 [3.1] and EN 598 [3.2] recessed points arranged in a triangle or
and also in EADIPS®/FGR® - Standard three parallel, notch-shaped depressions
33 [3.15]. The marking of allowable on the end face of the socket.
operating pressures (PFA) for the
restrained flexible push-in joints of For socket pipes produced by means
pipes is covered in EADIPS®/FGR® - of the centrifugal casting process, the
Standard 75 [3.16] (Figs. 3.35 and 3.36). marking is basically applied to the
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 3: Production of pipes, fittings and valves 3/23
In this case nominal size, manufacturer The following markings can also be cast,
identification and year are to be cast into applied with paint or enclosed with the
the inside of the socket where they will packaging:
not interfere with the function of the joint. ■ Reference to the relevant standard
(e.g. EN 545 [3.1]),
Coloured markings for the wall thick- ■ Indication of the certification authority
ness class and for the type of lining and (e.g. DVGW).
coating, but also additional markings, will
be applied to the end face of the socket For flanged pipes with welded, shrink-
or directly behind the socket. fit or screwed flanges the marking is
Fig. 3.35: cast into the back of the flange and for
Marking of a ductile iron pipe with Fittings will be marked as following in cast flange pipes it is applied to the pipe
restrained flexible push-in joint in accordance with product standards: barrel.
accordance with [3.16] ■ Marking of the manufacturer,
■ Marking of the year of manufacture, FGR® marking with a number (the
■ Marking for ductile cast iron, number is allocated to a manufacturer),
■ Nominal size DN, e.g. FGR® 2, indicates that this manu-
■ Nominal pressure PN for flanges, facturer is a member of the Euro-
■ The degree mark for bends. pean Association for Ductile Iron Pipe
Systems · EADIPS® / Fachgemeinschaft
The markings are cast onto the outside of Guss-Rohrsysteme (FGR®) e. V.
the body of the fitting.
Fig. 3.36:
Marking of allowable operating pressure
(PFA) in accordance with [3.16]
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3.7 Testing rial testing laboratories. These values Tightness and function tests on fittings
are to be tested on cylindrical test and valves are incorporated at an appro-
bars machined from the pipe wall. priate point in the overall course of their
3.7.1 Testing the pipe production. This also applies to all testing
The requirements for the lining and of material properties, dimensions and
After the annealing process and after the tests which need to be carried other criteria as required in the product
tightness testing, ductile iron pipes with out are defined in EN 545 [3.1] and and coating standards for process control.
or without zinc coating undergo dimen- EN 598 [3.2]. Regular testing in the con-
sional checking on combined fettling text of certification ensures consistent Depending on the agreement reached, the
and testing lines. In addition, they are quality, as in e.g. DVGW test specifi- results of the testing of pipes, fittings and
checked for any flaws outside and inside cation GW 337 [3.19] and DVGW supple- valves are recorded in a works certificate
by means of visual inspection. For ment GW 337-B1 [3.20]. or an acceptance certificate in accordance
example, wall thickness measurements are with EN 10204 [3.21].
taken with quick-test gauges. The sockets 3.7.2 Testing fittings and valves
and spigot ends are checked with limit
gauges. Hardness testing is carried out for For castings, fittings and valve bodies
a subsequent assessment of the annea- produced in sand moulds, similar testing
ling process. An evaluation of ferrite levels criteria to those for pipes apply. However,
and ductility (elongation after fracture) is unlike the procedure for pipes, with
provided by the ring flattening test (defor- fittings the specimens cannot be taken
mation of a ring cut from the pipe) on the from the casting itself without destroy-
fettling and testing line; compact-ability is ing it. Mechanical properties are tested
a reference value for ductility. on cylindrical test bars taken from
separately cast U or Y specimens; hard-
Instead of the ring flattening test, a ball ness can be measured on the casting itself.
indentation test can also be carried out. For the quick-test for ductility, sound
The precise mechanical strength values velocity measurement is carried out using
(tensile strength, 0.2 % yield point, ultrasound, either on a separately cast
elongation after fracture and Brinell test bar or on the casting itself.
hardness) are determined in mate-
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4 Quality management
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4 Quality management
This chapter is being prepared.
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5 Design of pipes
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5 Design of pipes
This chapter is being prepared.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 6: Design and marking of fittings 6/1
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 6: Design and marking of fittings 6/2
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7/1
7 Valves
7.1 Valves in spheroidal graphite cast iron
7.2 Corrosion protection of valves in spheroidal graphite cast iron
7.3 Principles of hydraulics and the design of valves
7.4 Isolation valves
7.5 Tapping valves
7.6 Control valves
7.7 Air valves
7.8 Hydrants
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7/2
7 Valves
Valves are components in piping systems which, in addition to the function of
“conducting the medium” (directing, changing the nominal width), also have the
functions of blocking or regulating the rate of flow and the pressure. Depending
on use, different materials are commonly used. The following chapter looks at
valves in which the main material is spheroidal graphite cast iron.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.1/1
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.1/2
7.1 Valves in spheroidal graphite 7.1.1 Classification of valves For the isolation function only the “fully
cast iron open” or “closed” valve positions are
In general, valves can be distinguished permissible. With regulating valves on
according to their the other hand, all intermediary positions
The following section contains general ■ functional features, are also admissible.
information on function, construction, ■ basic design and
connection and material. This information ■ type of connection. Table 7.1.1-02 contains a classification of
is obligatory for all valves. For valves in The functional features of valves are valves according to basic design.
the drinking water area, the requirements defined in EN 736-1 [7.1-01]. Table
for materials in contact with drinking 7.1.1-01 contains a classification of Table 7.1.1-03 gives a comparison of
water also apply. valves according to their functional designs, connection possibilities and func-
features. tional features.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.1/3
Table 7.1.1-01:
Classification of valves according to functional features
Isolating valve Blocking or releasing the flow Shutoff valve, gate valve,
of substance butterfly valve
Regulating valve Reducing the working pressure Pressure reducing valve, throttle valve
Control device Separate or combined control of pressure, Control valve, control butterfly valve, regu-
temperature and volume lating cock, servo valve
Safety valve 1) Preventing excess pressures and Outlet valve, safety valve,
subsequent shutoff safety shutoff valve
Bursting disc safety device Preventing excess pressures without Bursting disc safety device
subsequent shutoff
Return flow inhibitor Preventing a reversal of flow Non-return valve, check valve
[German designation differs] in DIN EN 736-1 [7.1-02]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.1/4
Type of connection
Wedge, plate, piston, Cup, cone, Teller, cylinder Ball, cone (tap), Disc, plate, rotary plug Diaphragm, tube
diaphragm, disc (piston), ball, needle cylinder
Design examples
Gate valve, slide valve, Shutoff valve, throttle Ball cock, cylinder cock, Butterfly valve, Diaphragm shutoff valve,
dam gate valve, safety valve, one-way stopcock check valve, eccentric diaphragm return flow
non-return valve, hydrant rotary plug valve inhibitor
This also includes the eccentric rotary plug valve
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.1/5
Criterion Design
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.1/6
“Cast iron”, a material which was already A summary of the types of spheroidal
being used at a very early stage, not only graphite cast iron normally used today
offers a high degree of freedom in its for the production of valves and fittings
shaping but it also has great strength can be found in Table 7.1.2-01.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.1/7
Table 7.1.2-01:
A comparison of the properties of different types of spheroidal graphite cast iron for valves as per EN 1563 [7.1-03]
and ductile cast iron for fittings as per EN 545 [7.1-04]
EN 545 [7.1-04] Fittings EN 545 420 270 t5 < 250 170.000 pre-
[7.1-04] dominantly
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.1/8
Although spheroidal graphite cast iron The modern types of corrosion pro- 7.1.3 Materials in contact with
is a material which has been very tection for components in spheroidal drinking water
broadly perfected, further development graphite cast iron provide reliable cover
potentials can nevertheless be identified for all areas of use as regards soil type The 2nd amendment to the drinking water
for the future: and medium carried (Chapter 14 and regulation which came into effect on
Chapter 15). 13 December 2012 and in particular its
■ new moulding processes guarantee- article 17, Requirements for materials,
ing castings of the highest precision Stainless steel is used among other means that in future the German Federal
and the most complex configuration, things for drive shafts and other un- Environmental Agency will determine
■ 3D development of valves – coated parts. Bolts are produced in legally binding evaluations. These con-
construction with FEM simulation, A2 quality as a minimum (material tain test specifications, test parame-
construction of pattern equipment, no. 1.4301). Stem nuts and other com- ters and guidelines for methods. This
solidification simulation, rapid ponents subject to tribological stress also includes positive lists of basic and
prototyping, are usually in copperalloys. working materials and substances
■ development of ADI materials which come into contact with drinking
(ADI = Austempered Ductile Iron) NBR and EPDM as per EN 681-1 water. The former Federal Environ-
with tensile strength > 1,000 MPa [7.1-05] are usually used for the seals mental Agency guidelines, which had a
and acceptable elongation at break, (Chapter 13). voluntary character, will be replaced by
■ development of materials with wall these evaluation regulations.
thicknesses up to 2 mm and high
fatigue strength (3.8 % C; 2.9 % Si; Valve bodies in spheroidal graphite cast
0.04 % Mn; 0.040 % Mg) and wall thick- iron are always coated with epoxy or
ness reductions by means of micro- enamel. The drinking water has no contact
alloys, with the spheroidal graphite cast iron.
■ silicon doped ferritic cast iron with
improved mechanical properties The epoxy resins used as corrosion pro-
(up to 3.2 % Si), EN-GJS-500-12, tection meet the requirements of the
■ development of new welding filler guidelines for the hygienic assessment
materials with 58 % Ni for the reli- of organic coatings in contact with drink-
able production of a pearlitic structure. ing water of the German Federal En-
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.1/9
vironmental Agency (UBA) [7.1-06]. Other functional parts such as gate valve
Annex 5 of the coating guideline wedges as well as flaps and gaskets are
[7.1-07] contains a list of approved counted as elastomer materials in con-
products. tact with drinking water. DVGW work-
sheet W 270 [7.1-08], Enhancement of
In addition, all components and all coat- microbial growth on materials in con-
ings of an organic nature which come tact with drinking water is to be ob-
into contact with drinking water are to served for this. In addition, the Federal
be tested for their potential to enhance Environment Agency elastomer guide-
microbial growth in accordance with line applies [7.1-11].
DVGW worksheetW 270 [7.1-08].
Furthermore the requirements and test
For enamelled valve bodies which come methods of the Federal Environment
into contact with drinking water, a draft Agency lubricants guideline [7.1-12]
enamel guideline is under preparation are to be observed for the lubricants
at the Federal Environment Agency. which are used on the moving functional
It is planned that the draft will be elements in valves.
published in 2013 and the evaluation
regulations will be established one year
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.1/10
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.1/11
[7.1-08] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 270 Part 6: Evaluation process and [7.1-12] Umweltbundesamt, Deutschland
Vermehrung von Mikroorga- requirements regarding the UBA-Schmierstoffleitlinie –
nismen auf Werkstoffen für den hygienic suitability in contact Leitlinie zur hygienischen Beur-
Trinkwasserbereich – with drinking water] teilung von Schmierstoffen im
Prüfung und Bewertung 2013-01 Kontakt mit Trinkwasser
[DVGW worksheet W 270 (Sanitärschmierstoffe)
Enhancement of microbial [7.1-10] Umweltbundesamt, Deutschland [UBA- Lubricant Guideline –
growth on materials in contact Empfehlung – Guideline for the hygienic
with drinking water – Trinkwasserhygienisch geeig- assessment of lubricants in contact
Test methods and assessment] nete metallene Werkstoffe with drinking water
2007-11 [Recommendation – (sanitary lubricants)]
List of metallic materials suitable 2010-11
[7.1-09] DIN 50930-6 for contact with drinking water]
Korrosion der Metalle – 2012-12
Korrosion metallener Werkstoffe
im Innern von Rohrleitungen, [7.1-11] Umweltbundesamt, Deutschland
Behältern und Apparaten bei UBA-Elastomerleitlinie –
Korrosionsbelastung durch Leitlinie zur hygienischen Beur-
Wässer – teilung von Elastomermaterialien
Teil 6: Bewertungsverfahren und im Kontakt mit Trinkwasser
Anforderungen hinsichtlich der (Elastomerleitlinie)
hygienischen Eignung in Kontakt [UBA-Rubber Guideline –
mit Trinkwasser Guideline for the hygienic assess-
[Corrosion of metals – ment of elastomer materials in
Corrosion of metallic materials contact with drinking water
under corrosion load by water (Elastomer Guideline)]
inside of pipes, tanks and 2012-05
apparatus –
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.1/12
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.2/1
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.2/2
7.2 Corrosion protection of valves Epoxy powder coating guarantees a Duty Corrosion Protection of Powder
in spheroidal graphite cast seamless and homogenous all-over Coated Valves and Fittings (GSK), sets
iron coating (inside and outside). Because high requirements for epoxy pow-
corrosion primarily tends to start at the der coating. It possesses the following
transition between different types of characteristics:
7.2.1 Epoxy coating coating, a pore-free and flawless coating
is the best protection against corrosion. ■ hygienic and bacteriological safety,
The epoxy coating of valves has mean- Smooth internal surfaces ensure a high ■ chemical resistance,
while become the standard coating degree of protection against abrasion ■ smooth surface, low tendency for
method for all valves in the areas of raw and incrustation. incrustation,
water, drinking water and wastewater. ■ absence of pores both inside and
Because of its good adhesion, hardness outside (test voltage 3 kV),
Alongside the use of high-quality epoxy and dimensional stability under thermo- ■ high impact and pressure resistance,
paints, epoxy powder coating, also known setting, epoxy powder coating can also be ■ suitable for all soil classes as per
as EP coating, has become particularly used on the contact surfaces of sealing DIN 50929-3 [7.2-06], OENORM
popular for valves, being environmentally elements in valves. B 5013-1 [7.2-07] and DVGW
friendly and free of solvents. In the fusion worksheet GW 9 [7.2-08],
bonding process the coating powder melts Epoxy powder coating requires little ■ coating thickness t 250 μm,
and becomes chemically bonded to the energy for the coating process. ■ full protection (continuous),
previously blasted metallic surface. ■ high adhesive strength of at least
According to the epoxy powder coat- 12 N/mm2 after 7 days immersion
The overall, pore-free and complete pro- ing of fittings described in EN 14901 in hot water,
tection provided by epoxy powder coating [7.2-01], external and internal epoxy ■ no emissions of solvents during the
with a minimum coating thickness of coatings for valves (Figs. 7.2.1-01, coating process,
250 μm durably protects the fitting in all 7.2.1-02 and 7.2.1-03) are standard- ■ resistance to gases in accordance with
soil classes. The smooth internal surface ised in standards DIN 30677-1 [7.2-02], DVGW worksheet G 260 [7.2-09].
also prevents incrustation. DIN 30677-2 [7.2-03] and DIN 3476
[7.2-04]. In particular RAL GZ 662
[7.2-05], the standard issued by the
Quality Association for the Heavy
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.2/3
Fig. 7.2.1-02:
Gate valve with flanges – epoxy powder
coating inside and outside in accordance
with RAL GZ 662 [7.2-05]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.2/4
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.2/5
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.2/6
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.2/7
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.2/8
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.2/9
7.2.3 References Chapter 7.2 [7.2-03] DIN 30677-2 [7.2-05] RAL – GZ 662
Äußerer Korrosionsschutz von Güte- und Prüfbestimmungen –
[7.2-01] EN 14901 erdverlegten Armaturen; Schwerer Korrosionsschutz von
Ductile iron pipes, fittings and Umhüllung aus Duroplasten Armaturen und Formstücken
accessories – (Außenbeschichtung) für erhöhte durch Pulverbeschichtung –
Epoxy coating (heavy duty) of Anforderungen Gütesicherung
ductile iron fittings and [External corrosion protection of [Quality and test provisions –
accessories – buried valves; Heavy duty corrosion protection
Requirements and test methods heavy-duty thermoset plastics of valves and fittings by powder
[Rohre, Formstücke und Zubehör coatings] coating –
aus duktilem Gusseisen – 1988-09 Quality assurance]
Epoxidharzbeschichtung 2008
(für erhöhte Beanspruchung) [7.2-04] DIN 3476
von Formstücken und Zubehör- Armaturen und Formstücke für [7.2-06] DIN 50929-3
teilen aus duktilem Gusseisen – Roh- und Trinkwasser – Korrosion der Metalle;
Anforderungen und Korrosionsschutz durch EP-Innen- Korrosionswahrscheinlichkeit
Prüfverfahren] beschichtung aus Pulverlacken (P) metallischer Werkstoffe bei
2006 bzw. Flüssiglacken (F) – äußerer Korrosionsbelastung;
Anforderungen und Prüfungen Rohrleitungen und Bauteile in
[7.2-02] DIN 30677-1 [Valves and fittings for untreated Böden und Wässern
Äußerer Korrosionsschutz von and potable water – [Corrosion of metals;
erdverlegten Armaturen; Protection against corrosion by probability of corrosion of metallic
Umhüllung (Außenbeschichtung) internal epoxy coating of coating materials when subject to
für normale Anforderungen powders (P) or liquid varnishes (F) – corrosion from the outside;
[Corrosion protection of burried Requirements and tests] buried and underwater pipelines
valves; 1996-08 and structural components]
coating for normal requirement] 1985-09
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.2/10
[7.2-07] OENORM B 5013-1 [7.2-09] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt G 260 [Vitreous and porcelain enamels-
Oberflächenschutz mit Gasbeschaffenheit Inside and outside enamelled valves
organischen Schutzmaterialien [DVGW worksheet G 260 and pressure pipe fittings for un-
im Siedlungswasserbau – Gas quality] treated and potable water supply –
Teil 1: Abschätzung der Korrosions- 2013-03 Quality requirements and testing]
wahrscheinlichkeit und Schutz von 2009-10
unlegierten und niedriglegierten [7.2-10] EN ISO 12944-4
Eisenwerkstoffen Paints and varnishes – [7.2-12] DEV-Richtlinie
[Corrosion protection by organic Corrosion protection of steel struc- Qualitätsanforderungen und
coatings for water and waste- tures by protective paint systems – Prüfvorschriften für emaillierte
water engineering in residential Part 4: Types of surface and Gussarmaturen und Druckrohr-
areas – surface preparation formstücke für die Roh- und Trink-
Part 1: Assessment of corrosion [Beschichtungsstoffe – wasserversorgung
probability and protection of Korrosionsschutz von Stahlbauten [Quality requirements and test speci-
unalloyed and low-alloyed ferrous durch Beschichtungssysteme – fications for enamelled cast iron
materials] Teil 4: Arten von Oberflächen und valves and ductile iron fittings for
2013-12-1 Oberflächenvorbereitung] untreated and potable water supply]
1998 2006-09-27
[7.2-08] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 9
Beurteilung der Korrosions- [7.2-11] DIN 51178 [7.2-13] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 270
belastungen von erdüberdeckten Emails und Emaillierungen – Vermehrung von Mikro-
Rohrleitungen und Behältern aus Innen- und außenemaillierte organismen auf Werkstoffen für
unlegierten und niedrig legierten Armaturen und Druckrohr den Trinkwasserbereich –
Eisenwerkstoffen in Böden formstücke für die Roh- und Prüfung und Bewertung
[DVGW worksheet GW 9 Trinkwasserversorgung – [DVGW worksheet W 270
Assessment of the corrosion level Qualitätsanforderungen und Enhancement of microbial
of buried pipes and tanks in unal- Prüfung growth on materials in contact
loyed and low-alloyed ferrous with drinking water –
materials in soils] Test methods and assessment]
2011-05 2007-11
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.3/1
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.3/2
7.3 Principles of hydraulics and 7.3.1 Hydraulic principles The resistance of a component can be
the design of valves determined mathematically or by hydrau-
Physical laws influence the basic con- lic measurements. The result is the flow
Valves need to be designed for specific struction, nominal size and equipment of resistance coefficient, referred to as zeta.
applications so that they can fulfil their control valves. Therefore it is also impor- As a rule the Greek letter ȗ (zeta) is used
desired functions correctly. Below you tant to consider these laws when selecting as the symbol in formulas.
will find some explanations on the basic a control valve.
design of valves. Pressure Flow resistance coefficient
The terms used have been taken from Bernoulli’s equation describes the
EN 736-1 [7.3-01], EN 736-2 [7.3-02] and If solid bodies on top of each other are changes in pressure across a pipeline
EN 736-3 [7.3-03]. moved against each other, there is a through which a medium is flowing. This
resistance to be overcome. This resist- equation is also referred to as the law of
When designing valves, the difference ance is determined by the roughness conservation of energy. Bernoulli assumes
between isolation valves and control of the surfaces in contact, among other that, when a medium is flowing through
valves is an important aspect. While, as a things. The same also applies in a com- a pipeline, energy is not lost but is sim-
rule, isolation valves are selected accord- bination of a solid body and a liquid such ply converted. The energy contained in
ing to the nominal size and pressure rat- as water. The roughness of the surface a medium flowing through a pipe can be
ing of the pipeline, the choice of control of the solid body determines the level of described as follows.
valve is made on the basis of the hydrau- the resistance. The rougher the surface,
lic requirements of the control task to be the greater the resistance. However, the It contains:
performed. geometry of the solid body guiding the
flow also affects the resistance; changes ■ Pressure energy p [N/m²]
In order to assist the user in selecting the of direction increase it. Bearing this in
correct valve for his purposes, manufac- mind, components along the line of flow ■ Potential (stored) energy
turers publish specific technical data on can be considered and the resistance Epot = ݃ [ ݖ כ ߩ כN/m²] (7.3.1)
their valves. determined for each point. Finally the
individual resistance values can be added
together to produce an overall resistance.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.3/3
Between the inlet (point 1) and the outlet Simply the fact that that friction has to be
(point 2) these energy proportions change overcome on the way through the pipeline
(Fig. 7.3.1). results in a change in the energy propor-
tions. This means that the energy state can
be described as follows:
ఘ ఘ ఘ
ଵ + ߩ ݖ כ ݃ כଵ + ܿଵଶ = ଶ + ߩ ݖ כ ݃ כଶ + ܿ כଶଶ + ܿ כଶଶ כσ Ɍ = ܿݐݏ݊.
ଶ ଶ ଶ
[N/m²] (7.3.4)
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.3/4
Thus we arrive at: The equation of continuity states that the Kv-value
same volume of flow is present at every
ଵ = ଶ + ܿ כଶ כσ Ɍ [N/m²] point in the pipeline, regardless of its local For the selection and dimensioning of
(7.3.5) diameter. control valves, a characteristic value is
usually used – the Kv-value or flow coef-
or transposed It follows that: ficient.
ଵ െ ଶ = ο= ܿ כଶ כσ Ɍ [N/m²] ܣ = ܿ כ ܣଵ ܿ כଵ = ܣଶ ܿ כଶ = ܿݐݏ݊. The Kv-value is a parameter for the
(7.3.6) achievable throughput of a medium –
[m³/s] (7.3.7) liquid or gas – through a component. The
Kv-value is expressed either as [m3/h] or Flow velocity as [L/min]. Where water is the medium,
with =ܣ ܦ כଶ [m²] (7.3.8) the Kv-value indicates the volume of flow
Flow velocity describes the speed at which with a pressure difference of 1 bar over
a medium is transported through a pip- the length of the component. It is appli-
ing system. As a rule the nominal sizes of it then follows cable for a water temperature of between
pipelines are designed with energy-saving 5 °C and 30 °C. When a control valve is
aspects in mind, meaning that different ܦଶ = ටܦଵଶ כభ [m] (7.3.9) fully open it is referred to as the Kvs-value.
nominal sizes may be present in the same
pipeline system. Using the equation of The Kv-value is calculated as follows:
continuity, the optimum nominal size for Key:
the control valve can be determined. A = cross-sectional area of the ܭ௩ = ܸሶ כට [m³/h] (7.3.10)
nominal pipe size [m²]
c = flow velocity [m/s]
D = internal diameter of the Key:
nominal size [m] Kv flow coefficient [m³/h]
ܸሶ volume flow =
throughput volume [m³/h]
ǻS actual pressure difference
present [bar]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.3/5 Cavitation energy conversion occurs from pressure cess is not without loss, so that even
energy to kinetic energy and lost energy higher pressure losses are experienced
The deductions using the Bernoulli (Fig. 7.3.2). in addition.
equation at the end of Chapter
show that control actions change the After the water has passed through the Depending on the conditions of operat-
physical parameters of pressure and throttling point it undergoes another ing parameters this may mean that the
speed of flow. Control valves only work energy conversion. Because the flow pressure of the water in the throttling
at their best with higher speeds. This cross-section is now larger again, the point is lower than the vapour pressure
means that very high flow velocities speed of flow reduces. This means of the water. This then leads to the for-
can occur at throttling points. At the that kinetic energy is converted back mation of vapour bubbles in the flow of
throttling points only, considerable to pressure energy. However, this pro- water.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.3/6
The probability of this gets higher as forming a micro water jet, which shoots
the pressure after the throttling point through the vapour bubble. This process
approaches the level of atmospheric is summarised by the term “cavitation”
pressure. Depending on the pressure (Fig. 7.3.5).
and temperature of the water, it changes
its physical state. With an air pressure of Pressures of up to 10,000 bar have been Fig. 7.3.4:
1 bar and a temperature of 100 °C vapour able to be determined in micro water jets, Vapour bubble formation in a throttling
bubbles begin to form: the water boils regardless of the pressure in the pipe point
(Fig. 7.3.3). cross-section. These are the kind of ener-
gies which are used for waterjet cutting, of
The water in drinking water pipelines steel for example. A similar effect is also
usually has a temperature of between produced by cavitation in valves used for
5 °C and 20 °C in our latitudes. The asso- control purposes.
ciated vapour pressure is then at around
0.015 bar absolute, or about 0.9 bar below In order to keep the consequences of
atmospheric pressure. cavitation as slight as possible, there
are the following possibilities: Fig. 7.3.5:
Once the pressure in the throttling point ■ Directing the imploding vapour bub- Schematic diagram of cavitation
reaches vapour pressure or below, the bles to the centre of the component
formation of vapour bubbles begins. The so that they do not actually come into
intensity of the vapour bubble formation contact with it (Fig. 7.3.6).
depends on the degree to which the pres- ■ Use of a material with a higher resist-
sure is below vapour pressure (Fig. 7.3.4). ance to cavitation.
■ Selection of an appropriate valve to
After the throttling point a further energy avoid cavitation. Fig. 7.3.6:
conversion takes place. The increased Directing vapour bubbles to the centre of
pressure in the medium which this causes In order to evaluate cavitation in pipe- the pipe
then has an effect on the vapour bubbles. line systems with control valves, the
The vapour bubbles are “dented” under sigma cavitation index is applied.
the increased pressure and they implode,
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.3/7
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.3/8
This results in a minimum diameter of 7.3.3 References Chapter 7.3 [7.3-04] EN 1074-1
81.6 mm for the control valve. Allowing a Valves for water supply –
tolerance for the flow velocity to be less [7.3-01] EN 736-1 Fitness for purpose requirements
than specified, this suggests a nominal Valves – Terminology – and appropriate verification tests –
size of DN 80 for the control valve. Part 1: Definition of types Part 1: General requirements
of valves [Armaturen für die Wasserver- Checking for the absence [Armaturen – Terminologie – sorgung –
of cavitation Teil 1: Definition der Grund- Anforderungen an die Gebrauchs-
bauarten] tauglichkeit und deren Prüfung –
Once the nominal size and pres- 1995 Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen]
sure rating have been established, a 2000
specific valve is selected. Each valve has [7.3-02] EN 736-2
a specific characteristic for the Valves – Terminology – [7.3-05] EN 1074-2
sigma cavitation index. A valve is Part 2: Definition of components Valves for water supply –
said to be cavitation-free if its of valves Fitness for purpose requirements
cavitation lines ( and ) are [Armaturen – Terminologie – and appropriate verification tests –
below the “valve in operating situation” Teil 2: Definition der Armaturen- Part 2: Isolating valves
line ( )(Fig. 7.3.7). teile] [Armaturen für die Wasserver-
1997 sorgung –
Anforderungen an die Gebrauchs-
[7.3-03] EN 736-3 tauglichkeit und deren Prüfung –
Valves – Terminology – Teil 2: Absperrarmaturen]
Part 3: Definition of terms 2000 + A1:2004
[Armaturen – Terminologie –
Teil 3: Definition von Begriffen]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/1
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/2
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/3
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/4
Smooth and homogeneous coatings, such The gate valves meet the requirements
as the epoxy resin powder coating accord- of both EN 1074-2 [7.4-04] and EN 1171
ing to GSK guidelines for heavy-duty [7.4-05]. Also to be considered are DVGW
corrosion protection RAL GZ 662 [7.4-01] Worksheets GW 336-1 “Stem extensions
or enamelling to DIN 51178 [7.4-02] and for underground installation – Part 1:
DEV guideline [7.4-03], prevent incrus- Standardisation of interfaces between
tations from forming in the valve body. buried valves and spindle extensions”
Because of the free and smooth pas- [7.4-06] and W 363 “Isolating valves, check
sage, the resilient seated gate valve has valves, air valves and control valves made
broadly replaced the metal seated valve from metal for drinking water distribu-
Fig. 7.4.1-08: as the standard gate valve. It is available tion systems – Requirements and testing”
Resilient seated wedge gate valve with in nominal pressure stages PN 10, PN 16 [7.4-07].
spigot end and socket end and PN 25.
Other standards to be considered are:
Resilient seated gate valves are not EN 558 [7.4-08], EN 736-1 [7.4-09],
suitable as flow control and regulation EN 1503-3 [7.4-10], EN 12516-2 [7.4-11]
devices – they are simple ON/OFF valves. and EN 12516-4 [7.4-12].
The reason for this lies in the geometry
of the wedge guiding. When the wedge
moves into the cross-sectional area of Metal seated wedge
flow, high forces occur in the intermediate gate valves
positions which put stress on one side of
the opening; if it stays in this intermediary The metal seated wedge gate valve
position for long, this can cause damage. (Fig. 7.4.1-09) is characterised by a
Where the flow is restricted to a high metal shut-off device which moves into a
degree there is also the risk of cavitation so-called valve bag in the lower part of
Fig. 7.4.1-09: damage to the valve body. In addition, the the body when the valve closes.
Metal seated wedge gate valve resilient seated wedge gate valve also has
poor control characteristics.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/5
Table 7.4.1-01:
Field of application of resilient seated knife gate valves
The drawback with this type of construc- Resilient seated Stem
tion lies with the sealing principle, in terms knife gate valves
of the valve bag and the high breakaway
Stem nut
torque when the valve opens. In the open Resilient seated knife gate valves are
position, flow resistances occur with a used above all in wastewater and in-
deadwater area, favouring the formation dustrial applications for the widest
of deposits and incrustations. This can range of media. As pressures in these
result in high actuating torques on open- areas of use are normally lower than
ing and closing. Metal seated gate valves with drinking water applications, it is
are normally used in the area of water and usually the simpler and cheaper
Valve plate
wastewater, in industrial applications and design of knife gate valve which is
in district heating systems up to a nominal selected. Fig. 7.4.1-10 shows the
pressure of PN 40. construction of a resilient seated knife U-frame
gate valve. They are produced in nomi-
nal sizes DN 50 to DN 1400 for operating
pressures of up to 16 bar. Table 7.4.1-01
gives some examples of the fields of use Fig. 7.4.1-10:
of resilient seated knife gate valves. Construction of a knife gate valve
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/6
Resilient seated knife gate valves Resilient seated knife gate valves are used A major advantage of the gate valve
(Figs. 7.4.1-11, 7.4.1-12 and 7.4.1-13) above all in wastewater applications, but construction is the completely free pas-
essentially consist of a cast valve body, they are also used for controlling other sage when the valve is open and the valve
a stainless steel valve plate and a stem liquid media. They are not suitable for plate which is impervious to dirt. Because
drive, often with integral position display. use with drinking water. Resilient seated of the free passage through the valve
Depending on the application, various knife gate valves are primarily installed body, no solids can get stuck in the valve.
sealing materials and operating methods in shafts and structures, but constructions
are possible. are also available for installation under-
ground (Fig. 7.4.1-14).
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/7
Knife gate valves with a fully devel- 7.4.2 Butterfly valves The designs most commonly used today
oped flange (through bolt holes and are resilient seated centric or double-
blind threaded holes) can be used both General eccentric butterfly valves.
for installation between flanges and
for end-of-line applications without a After the gate valve, the second most Butterfly valves essentially consist of a
counter-flange. The short K1 face-to-face frequently installed type of valve for valve body, which is installed in the pipe-
length meets standard EN 558 [7.4-08]. water supply applications is the line with flanged joints, and a shut-off
butterfly valve (Figs. 7.4.2-01, 7.4.2- element, referred to as the butterfly disc.
Modular systems make other configu- 02, 7.4.2-03, 7.4.2-04, 7.4.2-05, 7.4.2- The butterfly disc is usually adjusted by
rations possible, such as: 06 and 7.4.2-07). They have a shut-off means of a gear mechanism and, in the
■ electrical display of limit positions, element located in the cross-section of open position, lies parallel to the direc-
■ scraper for cleaning the valve plate, the line which is referred to as the tion of flow (Fig. 7.4.2-03). The standard
■ triangular or pentagonal orifices for butterfly disc. Just like gate valves, range of nominal sizes goes from DN 50 to
regulation purposes, butterfly valves are purely shut-off DN 4000 and the normal pressure stages
■ numerous actuator and actuator devices (ON/OFF function). range from PN 6 to PN 40.
extension possibilities.
Fig. 7.4.2-01:
Examples of butterfly valves with hand-wheel – butterfly valve coated with epoxy resin
powder (left) and fully enamelled butterfly valve (right)
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/8
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/9
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/10
possibility of producing the butter- Types of body construction In pipelines as from DN 500, butter-
fly disc in the widest range of ma- fly valves of length R15 with integral
terials. This offers the advantage that In the construction of water supply bypasses are also used. For pipelines
the valve can be used for the widest pipelines, it is mainly butterfly valves in waterworks, and above all with
range of mediums. with flanges and face-to-face lengths in smaller nominal sizes, short sandwich-
■ Simple eccentric mounting of the accordance with EN 558 [7.4-08] series type butterfly valves in length R20 are
butterfly disc – the shaft is arranged R14 which are installed (Fig. 7.4.2-11). also used (Fig. 7.4.2-13).
on the pipe axis of the valve body Alternatively, butterfly valves with
outside the seating surface of the but- push-in joints can also be supplied
terfly disc (Fig. 7.4.2-09). With this, (Fig. 7.4.2-12).
as well as the centric mounting of
the shaft, the butterfly disc performs
a purely rotary movement.
■ Double eccentric mounting of the
butterfly disc – the shaft is arranged
both outside the pipe axis of the valve
body and outside the seating surface
of the butterfly disc (Fig. 7.4.2-10).
This means that the butterfly disc per-
forms a relative movement resulting
from a linear and rotary movement
of the butterfly disc. In this move-
ment, when it leaves the seating sur-
face, the seal applied to the butterfly
disc is completely separated from the
seating surface in the valve body after
a short rotation movement, thereby
making opening and closing easier. Fig. 7.4.2-08: Fig. 7.4.2-09: Fig. 7.4.2-10:
The double eccentric butterfly valve Centric design Simple eccentric design Double eccentric design
can react to pressure from both sides.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/11
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/12
With flange-mount butterfly valves, a Sealing principles ■ As a rule, eccentrically mounted
distinction is made between the follow- butterfly discs are designed with re-
ing designs: Depending on the type of construction, silient seating. The main seal, in the
different sealing principles and body form of a profile-ring seal, is clamp-
■ Wafer-type: designed for clamping designs are used: ed and fixed to the butterfly disc. The
(Fig. 7.4.2-14), body belonging to this type comes in
Lug-type: designed with threaded ■ With centrically mounted butterfly two different designs of seating sur-
blind holes (Fig. 7.4.2-15), discs, the valve body is designed with face. In one version the profile sealing
U-type: designed for U-form clamping a rubber sleeve. This sealing principle ring seals onto a corrosion-protected
(Fig. 7.4.2-16). also allows the use of a body in the seating surface prefabricated directly
form of a flange-mount butterfly valve. into the body (Fig. 7.4.2-17).
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/13
In the other version the body has a 7.4.3 Ball valves ■ Firstly there are ball valves con-
stainless steel ring in the seating structed with the ball plug mount-
area of the body (Fig. 7.4.2-18) or Ball valves have robust forms of shell. ed and run directly in the valve
a seating area produced by overlay Ball valves are generally used as shut- body. The drive shaft is not used
welding (Fig. 7.4.2-19). This sealing off elements. They mainly consist of balls for mounting but only for actuation.
principle requires on the one hand a which present a through-hole in the open With this type of construction the seals
mounting of the butterfly disc which position. Figs. 7.4.3-01 and 7.4.3-02 are required for making the valve tight
is at least eccentric and on the other schematic diagrams of the functions of are housed in the body. The ball plug
hand a body in different face-to-face a ball valve. constantly presses the seal into the
lengths. body (Fig. 7.4.3-03).
Resilient seated ball valves are mostly ■ With the other construction principle,
Practical tip: used in the water industry. There are basi- the ball plug is double-eccentrically
With butterfly valves for flanged connec- cally two different construction principles mounted in the body with the use of
tions it must be borne in mind that, in the available: shafts on both sides. In a similar way
open position, the butterfly disc projects to butterfly valves, the ball plug pivots
beyond the end of the body. Particularly in its seat.
with flange-mount butterfly valves, it is
important to check that there is no danger
of collision with adjacent components.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/14
To date, ball valves have found their use Double eccentric ball valve
above all in pipelines carrying water at
higher pressure stages of up to 100 bar The basic construction of ball valves used
and higher flow rates of up to 15 m/s. in the water supply industry is based on
The undisrupted flow at the outlet of the positive experiences with double
the ball valve also means that they are eccentric butterfly valves. With just a 3°
predestined for installation in the intake pivoting movement, the ball plug moves
before turbines and pumps. In the double free of the seating on opening. This means
eccentric construction, the ball valve can that the working life of the profile seal is
be used for control functions because of considerably increased.
the behaviour of the pressure loss coef-
ficient ȟ. Fig. 7.4.3-04:
Ball valve with slider crank mechanism and
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/15
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/16
With these construction features, al- 7.4.4 References Chapter 7.4 [7.4-03] DEV-Richtlinie
though the ball valve is not suitable Qualitätsanforderungen und
for flow control and regulation op- [7.4-01] RAL – GZ 662 Prüfvorschriften für emaillierte
erations, it is the ideal isolating valve Güte- und Prüfbestimmungen – Gussarmaturen und Druckrohr-
for higher pressure stages and flow rates Schwerer Korrosionsschutz von formstücke für die Roh- und
(Fig. 7.4.3-09). Armaturen und Formstücken Trinkwasserversorgung
durch Pulverbeschichtung – [Quality requirements and test
The entirely free and undisturbed pas- Gütesicherung regulations for enamelled cast
sage through the valve (Fig. 7.4.3-04) [Quality and test provisions – iron valves and pressure pipe
means that only very slight pressure loss- Heavy duty corrosion protection fittings for untreated and potable
es occur. For this reason this valve is not of valves and fittings by powder water supply]
only used for the flushing and draining coating – 2006-09-27
of main lines but it is also very often in- Quality assurance]
stalled before turbines or as a start-up 2008 [7.4-04] EN 1074-2
valve after pumps (Fig. 7.4.3-05). Valves for water supply –
[7.4-02] DIN 51178 Fitness for purpose requirements
Ball valves are either mechanically, elec- Emails und Emaillierungen – and appropriate verification tests –
trically, pneumatically or hydraulically Innen- und außenemaillierte Part 2: Isolating valves
actuated. Armaturen und Druckrohr- [Armaturen für die Wasser-
formstücke für die Roh- und versorgung –
Trinkwasserversorgung – Anforderungen an die Gebrauchs-
Qualitätsanforderungen und tauglichkeit und deren Prüfung –
Prüfung Teil 2: Absperrarmaturen]
[Vitreous and porcelain enamels – 2000 + A1:2004
Inside and outside enamelled
valves and pressure pipe fittings
for untreated and potable water
supply –
Quality requirements and testing]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/17
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.4/18
[7.4-12] EN 12516-4
Industrial valves –
Shell design strength –
Part 4: Calculation method for
valve shells manufactured in
metallic materials other than
[Industriearmaturen –
Gehäusefestigkeit –
Teil 4: Berechnungsverfahren
für drucktragende Gehäuse
von Armaturen aus anderen
metallischen Werkstoffen
als Stahl]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.5/1
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.5/2
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.5/3
Basically, tapping valves without op- The purpose of auxiliary shut-off devices
erational shut-off usually consist of the is to prevent the medium being carried
following two components: from escaping when the tapping equip-
ment is being assembled or taken down.
■ Connection piece without operational There are different designs of auxiliary
shut-off, shut-off devices:
■ Clamp (this serves to attach the
connection piece to the supply pipe- ■ as an additional shut-off integrated
line). into the tapping valve for operational
The connection piece may be threaded, ■ an auxiliary and operational shut-off
for example, to enable it to be connected device in one unit,
to other supply pipelines. ■ as a separate and reusable tool (is
installed during the assembly of
7.5.3 Tapping valves with the tapping valve).
operational shut-off
The different types of operational
The purpose of the operational shut-off shut-off devices (Fig. 7.5.3-01) are
device is to allow the flow of water in the covered in DIN 3543-2 [7.5-01].
branch pipeline to be interrupted and,
in case of underground piping systems,
it is usually actuated by means of a stem
extension with an operating key.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.5/4
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.5/5
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.5/6
7.5.4 Tapping process for tapping Tapping using separate on different, commercially available
valves tapping equipment tapping valves using an adapter are to
be preferred. Tapping can be done
There are different methods for tapping For tapping purposes, the tapping device manually or with motor-driven equip-
the main pipeline: is fixed to the tapping valve by means of a ment (e.g. compressed air or electric
■ Tapping by means of an integral threaded or flanged connection. Universal drive) (Fig.7.5.4-02).
milling tool or punch, tapping devices which can be mounted
■ Tapping using separate tapping
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.5/7
7.5.5 References Chapter 7.5 [7.5-03] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 336-2 [7.5-06] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 336
Erdeinbaugarnituren – Wasseranbohrarmaturen;
[7.5-01] DIN 3543-2 Teil 2: Anforderungen und Anforderungen und Prüfungen
Anbohrarmaturen aus Prüfungen [DVGW worksheet W 336
metallischen Werkstoffen [DVGW worksheet GW 336-2 Tapping valves for water –
mit Betriebsabsperrung – Stem extensions – Requirements and testing]
Maße Part 2: Requirements and 2004-06
[Metallic tapping stop valves – test methods]
Dimensions] 2010-09 [7.5-07] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 365
1984-05 Übergabestellen
[7.5-04] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 332 [DVGW worksheet W 365
[7.5-02] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 336-1 Auswahl, Einbau und Betrieb von Transfer points]
Erdeinbaugarnituren – metallischen Absperrarmaturen 2009-12
Teil 1: Standardisierung der in Wasserverteilungsanlagen
Schnittstellen zwischen erd- [DVGW worksheet W 332
verlegten Armaturen und Selection, installation and
Einbaugarnituren operation of metallic isolation
[DVGW worksheet GW 336-1 valves in water distribution
Stem extensions – installations]
Part 1: Standardisation of inter- 2006-11
faces between underground
valves and stem extensions] [7.5-05] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 333
2010-09 Anbohrarmaturen und Anbohr-
vorgang in der Wasserversorgung
[DVGW worksheet W 333
Tapping valves and tapping
process in water supply]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.5/8
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.6/1
7.6.1 General
7.6.2 Areas of application
7.6.3 Designs
7.6.4 Operating limits
7.6.5 References Chapter 7.6
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.6/2
7.6 Control valves The main areas of use of control valves Valves using an external power source
■ Water pumping for reservoirs and Valves which are operated by an exter-
7.6.1 General dams, nal power source are moved to the
■ Bypass pipelines for hydropower required regulating position by drive
Control valves are special valves con- plants, mechanisms such as a hand wheel, elec-
structed specifically for performing con- ■ Long-distance pipelines, tric actuators and pneumatic or hydrau-
trol functions in the water supply industry. ■ Water treatment in waterworks, lic drives. With smaller dimensions the
In contrast to gate valves and butterfly ■ Water supply to pumping stations, usual construction is a seating sur-
valves, which are mainly used as shut- ■ Controlling the intake of elevated tanks, face arranged vertically to the pipe axis
off devices in pipeline systems, control ■ Drinking water networks, (Fig. 7.6.1). With this type of design the
valves meet the particular requirements ■ Cooling water circuits for industrial valve is referred to as a piston valve.
of controlled operations. Control valves and power station applications.
are predominantly used for applications
where volume flow rates need to be accu- Another example of use is controlling
rately metered or water pressure has to be the air supply to aeration basins in sew-
precisely regulated or reduced. To achieve age treatment plants. In this case con-
this, control valves can be operated in any trol valves are also used with air as the
position between fully open and closed. medium because their control character-
istics allow for better metering than knife
7.6.2 Areas of application gate valves or waver-type butterfly valves
Control valves are suitable both for puri-
fied and drinking water and for cooling 7.6.3 Designs
water at temperatures which are custom-
arily as high as 50° C. Control valves are basically divided into
two different groups. One group requires
an external power source and the other
is by own-medium controlled. Fig. 7.6.1:
Piston valve
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.6/3
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.6/4
With the pressure-relieved valve pis- Piston valves are mainly operated by
ton the power required for operating the electric drive mechanisms (Fig. 7.6.6).
valve is largely independent of operating However hand-wheels are also used
conditions. Pressure and flow rate are (Fig. 7.6.7) as well as, for container
affected by the position of the interior inlets, levers with floats (Fig. 7.6.8).
parts and the control cylinder. The seal
on the valve seat is produced by O-rings Plunger valves
or securely fitted profile sealing rings.
The plunger valve (Fig. 7.6.9) is a
straight form control valve with a flow
cross-section which is annular in every
Fig. 7.6.7:
Piston valve with hand-wheel
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.6/5
Inside the valve body the plunger (also Large numbers of plunger valves are Internal parts are usually entirely made
called the piston) is moved by a crank in use around the world, including of stainless steel. A major advantage of
mechanism in the direction of flow axial some valves in pressure stage PN 160 the plunger valve is the fact that the
to the seating surface of the valve. (Fig. 7.6.10). The compactly designed plunger runs through stainless longi-
body is generally produced in high-qual- tudinal guides hard-faced or screwed to
Plunger valves are regulating devices ity ductile cast iron. the valve body (Fig. 7.6.11). This pro-
which generate different pressure drops vides an optimum guide for the plunger
in piping systems by continuously con- In some particular applications plunger and thus ensures free of play sliding
stricting the flow at the valve seat accord- valves have also been produced from with extremely low actuation forces at
ing to the plunger setting. Depending on special materials such as high-grade the same time.
the application, the nominal size of the steel.
valve must be sufficiently dimensioned The shape of the outlet of the plunger
to be able to achieve the greatest rate valve is variable (Figs. 7.6.12 to 7.6.14)
of flow required with the lowest pres- and, like a kind of construction kit, it
sure difference and to relieve maximum allows the valve characteristics to be
pressure differences over the long term changed. This is a very important advan-
without damage. Additionally no damage
whatsoever must be caused by vibrations
or cavitation effects along the course of
travel to the piping system downstream
or to the structure as a whole.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.6/6
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.6/7
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.6/8
With pilot-operated control valves there pressure (P2) (Fig. 7.6.19). The mov- the valve. By preloading the spring
are also applications in which plunger ing parts of the valve are pressure- accordingly, the desired value for the
valves are used. In this case special compensated as regards the forward back pressure can be set or changed.
drives are necessary for use in water pressure which means that this has
(Fig. 7.6.18). no effect on the control function of Direct-operated
control valves
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.6/9
If the back pressure drops below the set 7.6.4 Operating limits
value, the valve opens. When it increases
again it then closes. If there is a balance The maximum operating temperatures
between the force on the valve plate and and operating pressures specified in the
the spring force, then the valve stays in manufacturer’s technical documenta-
an intermediate position. tion should not be exceeded. The closed
valve should only be loaded up to the Special applications maximum allowable pressure Ps,max. This
may be different from the PN. In com-
The use of valves for controlling com- mon parlance, PN refers to the nominal
pressed air is one possible application. pressure. However the definition accord-
Special gate valves can also be used ing to EN 1333 [7.6-02] states that the
for regulating the air supply to aer- PN is merely an alphanumerical param-
ation tanks in sewage treatment plants, eter to ensure that pipeline parts can be
such as knife gate valves (Figs. 7.6.20 connected with each other.
and 7.6.21) or butterfly valves, since the
operating pressures to be governed are The maximal allowable flow velocity
very low. With operating pressures above is based on EN 1074-1 [7.6-03]. Over
0.5 bar the requirements of the pressure and above this and regardless of the
equipment directive [7.6-01] are to be Fig. 7.6.20: Fig. 7.6.21: pressure stage, control valves should
observed. Knife gate valve with Knife gate valve be operated with a flow speed of up to
perforated aperture with control 5 m/s. These are considered as reference
orifice values at full operating pressure. If the
flow speed is any higher, this can result
in turbulence in the valve and even cav-
itation. Exceptions are use as the end
valve in the bottom outlets of reservoirs
and dams.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.6/10
When it comes to selecting the correct 7.6.5 References Chapter 7.6 [7.6-03] EN 1074-1
nominal diameter (DN) there is a signifi- Valves for water supply –
cant phrase in DVGW technical infor- [7.6-01] DIRECTIVE 97/23/EC Fitness for purpose requirements
mation sheet W 335 [7.6-04]: “With all DIRECTIVE 97/23/EC OF THE and appropriate verification tests –
control valves, correct dimensioning does EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND Part 1: General requirements
not depend on the nominal diameter of OF THE COUNCIL of 29 May 1997 [Armaturen für die Wasserver-
the pipeline but on the flow rate and on the approximation of the laws sorgung –
the operating pressures”. of the Member States concerning Anforderungen an die Gebrauchs-
pressure equipment tauglichkeit und deren Prüfung –
For this reason it is important to have „Pressure Equipment Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen]
the equipment data to hand when select- Directive (PED)“ 2000
ing a control valve so that suitability can [Richtlinie 97/23/EG
be checked against the manufacturer’s des europäischen Parlaments [7.6-04] DVGW-Merkblatt W 335
technical data. und des Rates vom 29. Mai 1997 Druck-, Durchfluss- und Niveau-
zur Angleichung der Rechts- regelung in Wassertransport und
Another important operating limit for vorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten -verteilung
control valves is cavitation. A cavitation über Druckgeräte – [DVGW technical information
study needs to be carried out for each „Druckgeräterichtlinie (DGRL)“] sheet W 335
application so that the control valve can 1997-05-29 Pressure, flow and level control
perform sustainably and without damage in water transport and water
(Chapter 7.3). [7.6-02] EN 1333 distribution]
Flanges and their joints – 2000-09
Pipework components –
Definition and selection of PN
[Flansche und ihre Verbindungen –
Rohrleitungsteile –
Definition und Auswahl von PN]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.7/1
7.7.1 General
7.7.2 Air release
7.7.3 Aeration
7.7.4 Selection of air valves
7.7.5 References Chapter 7.7
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.7/2
7.7 Air valves The gas bubbles trapped in pipelines pressures and rising temperatures. This
(air, carbon dioxide etc.) reduce the free means that air bubbles (Fig. 7.7.1) tend
cross-section of flow, increase the pres- to collect at
7.7.1 General sure loss in the pipeline and in some cases ■ static high points
cause unwanted pressure surges. (L 1, L 3, L 6, L 7) and
According to DVGW technical information ■ hydraulic high points (L 2, L 4).
sheet W 334 [7.7-01] the accumulation of As a rule, air valves are installed in shafts Hydraulic high points sometimes occur
air in drinking water pipelines can lead to or buildings. They can also be installed on in certain operating situations and are
considerable dynamic pressure changes pipelines running above ground. However transitory in nature.
on account of the different density of there are also designs which are suitable
the two types of medium. It is therefore for buried installation in the form of air 7.7.3 Aeration
important that pipelines are kept as free valve sets.
of air as possible. Aeration by means of automatic air valves
7.7.2 Air release is necessary in the following cases:
Air can get into pipelines in a number of ■ the draining of sections of pipeline,
ways, for example: Air release is not necessary in normal ■ where negative pressures are pro-
■ dissolved in the water, network operation as branches in the duced, to protect the pipeline (for
■ present in empty or drained pipeline, hydrants and above all house example behind pipe burst safety
pipelines, connections automatically provide devices) (Fig. 7.7.1).
■ sucked in at high points, venting. Even with long-distance pipe-
■ sucked in from a sump pit, lines, no forced air release is required 7.7.4 Selection of air valves
■ introduced via surge vessels. if the speed of flow is sufficient to carry
the air bubbles away, even when the Most air valve designs (Fig. 7.7.2) are
To protect the pipeline against unaccep- pipeline runs along a downward gra- based on the float principle with and
table pressure fluctuations and ensure dient. In cases where disruptive accu- without lever reinforcement.
that it functions without problem, air mulations of air can form, automatically
release or air admission is necessary for operating air release valves are used.
the equipment in the pipeline depending Air is mainly to be expected in water
on operating status. pipelines in places where certain con-
ditions are present, such as decreasing
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.7/3
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.7/4
Large diameter float Small diameter float The air valve can be effective for both
main ventilation and operational air
The float is raised by the operating The float is raised by the operating release. This state occurs for example
medium and always stays closed under medium and closes the nozzle (Fig. 7.7.3). when starting to fill a pipeline with water.
pressure even when air accumulates It opens again if air bubbles accumulate
during operation (Figs. 7.7.3 and 7.7.4). in the body during operation (Fig. 7.7.4).
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.7/5 Lever principle Middle: Under negative pressure the float drops down. The nozzle valves open and air is
introduced into the pipeline. The liquid level falls accordingly.
A float is attached to a lever which in
turn is mounted on an articulated joint. Right: As soon as the pressure wave goes back to positive pressure, the central valve plate
The lever performs a pivoting movement closes the large nozzle. In this process, the free-moving valve plate acts like a non-
(Fig. 7.7.8). return valve. The air that is drawn in by this action can now only escape slowly and
in a controlled way through the two small nozzles. The two columns of water are
slowed down and slowly merge with each other. An abrupt collision is avoided
along with the effects resulting from this.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.7/6
Operational venting
Valve tappet
Fig. 7.7.6:
Sectional view of a single chamber valve with valve lever for small and large air volumes
Fig. 7.7.8:
Different lever principles for air valves –
the illustration shows the operational
venting process. The float is attached to a
lever. A valve tappet on the lever closes the
venting hole under positive pressure. Under
negative pressure the float drops and the
hole is opened. Air can escape.
Fig. 7.7.7:
Air valve with lever function for sewage pipelines under pressure
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.7/7
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.7/8
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.7/9
As regards aeration parameters it is gen- Air valves for small The valve is fitted with an internal
erally assumed that the pressure in the volumes of air thread and can be mounted directly on
pipeline should not be below the abso- the pipeline (Fig. 7.7.15). Valves of this
lute pressure of 0.8 bar (0.2 bar negative Air valves are available for the admis- kind are mainly used for installation in
pressure). According to experience, the sion and release of small volumes of air. buildings.
limits are met with sufficient certainty if
the air inlet speed in the correctly dimen-
sioned aerator is no more than 80 m/s.
Also, the speed of 80 m/s should not be
exceeded for reasons of noise prevention.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.7/10
[7.7-02] EN 805
Water supply –
Requirements for systems and
components outside buildings
Fig. 7.7.15: [Wasserversorgung –
Air valve for small volumes of air with internal threaded connection Anforderungen an Wasserver-
sorgungssysteme und deren Bau-
teile außerhalb von Gebäuden]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.8/1
7.8 Hydrants
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.8/2
7.8 Hydrants Possible fields of application for hydrants: More far-reaching regulations (specific
■ Taking off extinguishing water, to individual countries) can be found
■ Ventilating pipelines, in standards EN 14384 [7.8-03] and
7.8.1 Field of use ■ Flushing piping networks, particu- EN 14339 [7.8-04].
larly in end sections for reasons
A hydrant is part of the central ex- of hygiene, As it must be assumed that the users of
tinguishing water supply for towns ■ Producing temporary network hydrants will have different qualifica-
and communities. It makes firefight- connections, tions, high requirements are set for
ing possible but it also helps public ■ Emergency water take-off, construction, ease of operation, ease of
users (e.g. road maintenance and ■ Short-term water supply, e.g. for maintenance and operational safety:
urban departments) and private users construction purposes, funfairs, etc.,
(e.g. street cleaning companies and ■ Bridging for emergency supplies, 1. Low flow resistance:
open-air festival organisers) to take water ■ Drainage of pipelines, ■ A hydrodynamically efficient con-
from the public water supply network ■ Leak detection. struction of the shell and valve body,
(communal water supply). In addition, ■ Minimum flow rate at 1 bar pressure
hydrants prove to be very helpful for Depending on the position of the outlet difference (kV value):
operational measures such as the opening, a distinction needs to be drawn pillar hydrants as per Table 7.8.-01,
flushing and ventilation of piping between underground and pillar hydrants. underground hydrants to EN 14339
networks. They are the only valves Pillar hydrants are preferable for fire- [7.8-04]
which allow drinking water to be taken fighting purposes; they are easy to find, - 60 m³/h for DN 80 and
directly from the supply network. easily accessible and ready for operation - 75 m³/h for DN 100.
at all times. However, in densely built-up
DVGW worksheet W 331 [7.8-01] covers areas and in narrow streets with heavy 2. Pressurised water tightness:
the choice, installation and operation traffic, underground hydrants have to be ■ For hydrants with automatic drainage,
of hydrants and DVGW worksheet used and their location must be identified the main shut-off device must be
W 405 [7.8-02] deals with the provision with indication plates. closed before the drainage device
of extinguishing water. opens or the drainage device must
be closed before the main shut-off
device opens.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.8/3
Table 7.8.-01:
Minimum flow rate values kV for pillar hydrants as per Table 4 of EN 14384 [7.8-03]
Does not apply to DN 80
– Combination of DN/size of outlet not permissible
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.8/4
5. Actuating the main shut-off device: 7.8.2 Materials 7.8.3 Pillar hydrants
■ In accordance with EN 1074-6
[7.8-05] the following maximum ■ Valve shell parts are generally Pillar hydrants used in the public water
actuation torque values apply: constructed in spheroidal graphite supply system must meet the require-
- DN 65: 85 Nm, cast iron to EN 1563 [7.8-07] and steel. ments of EN 14384 [7.8-03], EN 1074-1
- DN 80: 105 Nm, In accordance with EN 14384 [7.8-03], [7.8-08], EN 1074-6 [7.8-05] and other
- DN 100: 130 Nm, other materials are also permissible. national regulations where applicable
- DN 150: 195 Nm. For example, upper sections in alumin- such as DVGW worksheet W 386 (P)
ium are also available (Fig. 7.8.2-01). [7.8-09].
6. Protection of the stem seal: ■ PUR (polyurethane) and EPDM (eth-
■ Protection against the ingress of sur- ylene propylene diene monomer) Construction
face water and dirt above the seal are used as materials for shut-off
(O-rings). elements. ■ Pillar hydrants project above ground
level and have a main shut-off valve
7. No deadwater spaces: and one or more water take-off points.
■ All parts which come into contact
with drinking water must be within ■ Pillar hydrants consist of two parts:
the flow zone during opening or when the bottom section of the hydrant
in the open position. which contains the main valve and is
installed underground plus the top
8. Internal and external coating: part of the hydrant which is gener-
■ Internal and external coating is ally flanged onto the bottom part at
covered in Chapter 7.2. ground level.
Fig. 7.8.2-01:
Pillar hydrant – upper part in aluminium
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.8/5
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.8/6
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.8/7
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.8/11
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.8/12
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 7: Valves 7.8/14
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 8: Push-in joints 8/1
8 Push-in joints
8.1 General
8.2 Types of joint
8.3 Fields of use
8.4 References
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 8: Push-in joints 8/2
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Table 8.3: Under DVGW testing specification DVGW A joint of the present type will remain
Groupings of nominal sizes for type tests on Arbeitsblatt GW 337 [8.4], which is man- leak tight even under the highest loading
push-in joints under EN 545 [8.1] datory for ductile iron pipes and fittings from internal pressure and even when the
DN grouping Preferred DN in in Germany, the tests on the functional end of a pipe is mis-aligned and angularly
each grouping fitness for purpose of joints are carried deflected to the maximum in the socket.
out as externally monitored type tests. The test certificates for the type tests
80 – 250 200 This attestation of conformity is an impor- which have to be carried out show this to
300 – 600 400 tant part of the FGR® quality seal by be the case. The high dimensional stability
which the members of EADIPS® (Euro- of the sockets is one of the ways in which
700 – 1000 800
pean Association for Ductile Iron Pipe these characteristics are achieved
1100 – 2000 1600 Systems) provide evidence of the suitabi-
lity of their products (ductile iron pipes, What all the push-in joint systems have
fittings and valves) with regard to the in common is that they are able to move
In Germany, the standard which governs safety, security, fitness for purpose, quality, and act as longitudinally displaceable
designs of joints which meet the require- hygiene and environmental compatibility joints. Hence they do not transmit bending
ments described above is DIN 28603 [8.3]. required in water supply. moments or longitudinal forces.
The dimensions and permitted devia- The requirements in these respects which
tions (tolerances on dimensions) given are laid down by standards documents If longitudinal forces have to be trans-
in this standard are important for ensu- are fundamental to the ability of the duc- mitted from pipe to pipe or from pipe to
ring that the functional requirements tile iron pipe system to perform properly fitting/valve, restrained designs of joint
are met. By specifying these characte- and they can only be met by ensuring the have to be used. These are dealt with
ristics, DIN 28603 [8.3] becomes one of following: in detail in Chapter 9. The long-term
the significant bases of DVGW Arbeits- ■ The dimensions of the individual parts absence of leaks at the joints is ensured by
blatt GW 337 [8.4], which is the document of the joint have to be properly mat- the permanently elastic properties of the
governing certification. ched to one another. gasket itself but also by the match achie-
■ The elastomeric gaskets have to with- ved by design between the spigot end of
stand high stresses. the pipe, the socket and the gasket.
Even when the permitted tolerances pro-
duce a worst-case pairing of dimensions
at the joint and the spigot end is mis-
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 8: Push-in joints 8/5
aligned to the maximum in the socket, the 8.2 Types of joint The significant dimensions of this joint
joint will remain leak tight under all the are laid down in DIN 28603 [8.3] for the
types of pressure-induced stress which nominal sizes from DN 80 to DN 1400.
may occur. 8.2.1 The TYTON® push-in joint
The sealing function in the TYTON®
Because of their axial mobility and The push-in joint most widely used in push-in joint is performed by a profiled
angular deflectability and because of the Germany is the TYTON® push-in joint gasket which consists of a softer rubber
elasticity of the gaskets used, the joints system. There are standards for it over mixture (the sealing part) and a harder
are able to follow even large movements the range from DN 80 to DN 1400. Since rubber mixture (the retaining part).
of the ground, e.g. mining subsidence or it was launched on the German market
earthquakes, and to remain leak tight in 1957, it has proved its worth a million The design of the gasket can also be seen
as they do so. A limit is set to the mis- times over in pipelines for drinking water, from Fig. 8.2. On being fitted into the
aligning travel by the structural design, raw water, wastewater and sewage. socket, the gasket is seated in the sea-
whereby forces due to differences in set- ling chamber with a small amount of pre-
tlement are transmitted to the spigot end Fig. 8.2 is a cross-section showing the compression, i.e. the outside diameter of
by the centralising collar and the gasket structural design of the joint. its softer sealing part is larger than the
plays only a small part in transmitting inside diameter of the sealing chamber
the load. in the socket. The result of this is that,
at the sealing bead which it forms, about
Its sealing function is no more affected by 30 % of the gasket projects into the cross-
high internal pressures than it is by par- TYTON® gasket sectional area into which the spigot end
tial vacuums or by pressures above atmos- Retaining part Sealing part of the pipe is going to be pushed. The sui-
pheric acting on the joint from outside. tably matched diameters of the sealing
Centralising collar chamber, the sealing bead and the pipe
For fitting in water and wastewater pipe- cause the gasket to be highly deformed
lines and sewers, the quality of the gaskets and hence a high pressure to be applied
complies with EN 681-1 [8.5] to the sealing surfaces.
More detailed information on the gaskets Fig. 8.2: If the spigot end of the pipe is mis-aligned,
can be found in Chapter 13. TYTON® push-in joint system the gasket cannot be compressed to an
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 8: Push-in joints 8/6
excessive degree by an external load on 8.2.2 The STANDARD push-in joint The maximum angular deflections for the
the pipe because a structural limit is set TYTON® and STANDARD push-in joints
for the mis-aligning travel firstly by the The structural design and the operation can be seen from Table 8.1.
centralising collar and secondly by the of the STANDARD push-in joint are com-
limiter in the sealing chamber. Behaviour parable to those of the TYTON® push-in
is similar when there are movements joint. In Germany, the dimensions of the 8.3 Fields of use
producing angular deflections, for which joint are laid down in DIN 28603 [8.3]
structural limits are likewise set. (Form C) for nominal sizes from DN 80
to DN 2000. The purpose of joints between pipes is
The harder annular part of the gasket (the to help to provide a supply of satisfac-
retaining part) is moulded to a claw-like A schematic view of the joint is shown tory drinking water, to help to ensure
shape and engages in the retaining groove in Fig. 8.3. that wastewater and sewage are safely
in the socket. It holds the gasket firmly disposed of and to help to protect bodies
in position when the end of the pipe is The gasket consists of rubber of a single and watercourses of surface and under-
pushed in and also later when a load is hardness. ground water. Other fields of use for duc-
applied by the internal pressure. tile iron pipes with push-in joints are in
Under a load applied by internal pressure, the transportation of raw water and pro-
the retaining part is supported against cess water and they are also used in irri-
the centralising collar and, by being so gation and in systems for fire-fighting and
supported, closes off the gap between the snow-making – although it is mainly in a
centralising collar and the pipe. It thus restrained form in which they are used in
prevents the gasket from being forced these latter cases (Chapter 9).
out even at very high internal pressures. Centralising
The joint remains sealed even up to the collar In the case of pressure pipes of ductile
bursting pressure of the pipe system. iron, the TYTON® system and STANDARD
system push-in joints are used in water
The bead-like sealing part composed of pipelines to EN 545 [8.1] and in sewers
softer rubber is compressed when the spi- and pipelines for sewage and wastewater
got end is pushed in in such a way that a Fig. 8.3: to EN 598 [8.2].
reliable seal is obtained. STANDARD push-in joint system
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for the compression of the TYTON® and [Rohre, Formstücke, Zubehörteile [8.5] EN 681-1
STANDARD gaskets to be selected, by aus duktilem Gusseisen und ihre Elastomeric seals –
design, to be so high that it can be relied Verbindungen für die Abwasser- Material requirements for pipe joint
upon that roots will not grow into the entsorgung – seals used in water and drainage
joint. Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren] applications –
Root intrusion has in fact never been 2007+A1:2009 Part 1: Vulcanized rubber
found in sewage or wastewater pipelines [Elastomer-Dichtungen –
with properly assembled TYTON® push- [8.3] DIN 28603 Werkstoff-Anforderungen für
in joints [8.6]. Rohre und Formstücke aus Rohrleitungs-Dichtungen für Anwen-
duktilem Gusseisen – dungen in der Wasserversorgung
Steckmuffen-Verbindungen – und Entwässerung –
8.4 References Zusammenstellung, Muffen und Teil 1: Vulkanisierter Gummi]
Dichtungen 1996 + A1:1998 + A2:2002 +
[Ductile iron pipes and fittings – AC:2002 + A3:2005
[8.1] EN 545 Push-in joints –
Ductile iron pipes, fittings, Survey, sockets and gaskets] [8.6] Köhne, H.:
accessories and their joints for 2002-05 Verwurzelungsschäden in
water pipelines – Entwässerungsleitungen in
Requirements and test methods [8.4] DVGW-Prüfgrundlage GW 337 Gelsenkirchen
[Rohre, Formstücke, Zubehörteile Rohre, Formstücke und Zubehör- [Damage from root penetration
aus duktilem Gusseisen und ihre teile aus duktilem Gusseisen für in drainage pipelines in
Verbindungen für Wasserleitungen – die Gas- und Wasserversorgung – Gelsenkirchen]
Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren] Anforderungen und Prüfungen awt abwassertechnik 5 (1991),
2006 [DVGW test specification GW 337 S. 37 u. 38
Ductile cast iron pipes, fittings
[8.2] EN 598 and accessories for gas and
Ductile iron pipes, fittings, water supply –
accessories and their joints for Requirements and tests]
sewerage applications – 2010-09
Requirements and test methods
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 9: Restrained socket joints 9/1
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ø di
N´ p N´
act on pipelines and their joints. that a newly installed component is capa-
ble of withstanding for a relatively short
External forces occur in the case of bur- duration, in order to insure the integrity
ied pipelines, e. g. in the form of stresses and tightness of the pipeline.
which are generated during the filling of PFA is the maximum hydrostatic pressure
the trench and the compaction of the fill; that a component is capable of withstand-
added to these there are the earth-load ing continuously in service.
ø da
N p N
and the static and dynamic loads arising
from the top cover and from traffic. The internal pressure generates the fol-
lowing internal forces. In the wall of a pipe
which is closed off at both ends, the inter-
nal pressure generates stresses which are Fig. 9.1:
in equilibrium within the pipe. Forces due to internal pressure
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 9: Restrained socket joints 9/3
The axial force has to be transmitted to The internal pressure also gives rise to
the soil by thrust blocks installed at the forces R which have to be transmitted
left and right ends or by restrained joints. into the soil at changes of direction and
In this way, as in pressure testing as shown cross-section and at branches and valves,
in Fig. 9.2 for example, the axial force doing so at bends for example in the way p 2
has to be transmitted to the soil over an shown in Fig. 9.3.
enlarged area by suitable means in such
a way that the allowable pressure per unit
area on the soil is not exceeded. R = 2 ⋅ N ⋅ sin
[kN ] (9.3)
The resultant force R can be transmitted
into the soil either via thrust blocks, e. g. of da
concrete, or, via friction between the pipe
and the soil, by means of restrained joints,
From the pressure pump
or in other words by activating the passive Fig. 9.3:
Steel plate
soil pressure. The sizing and construction Resultant force R at a bend
Thrust block of concrete thrust blocks are dealt with in
Chapter 11.
Fig. 9.2:
How a dead end is supported
in a pressure test
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9.2 Types of joint city areas where there is not much room ■ In the testing of restrained joints,
for thrust blocks, or where pipelines are it is permissible for slight displace-
pulled in in any trenchless installation ments (of a few millimetres) to occur
If the joints which are used to install duc- techniques. Restrained socket joints are between the socketed ends of pipes
tile iron pressure pipes and fittings are used in cases like these. Chapter 22 and the plain ends. However, visible
considered, they can be divided into the on trenchless installation techniques deformations of parts of restrained
following two groups: provides detailed information on these joints (tie-rods and the like) are not
■ Socket joints are used mainly for techniques. permissible.
buried pipelines. They are consider- ■ All parts of restrained joints must be
ably more economical to make and adequately protected against corro-
install than flanged joints. They can be 9.3 Bases for the design and sion.
deflected angularly and normally they dimensioning of restrained ■ In new pipelines, it is not enough for
are not restrained (Chapter 8). The socket joints only the joint between a bend and the
forces described above can be trans- next pipe to be restrained. The number
mitted into the soil by using concrete of joints which need to be restrained
thrust blocks (Chapter 11). DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 368 [9.1] specifies depends on how high the test pressure
■ Flanged joints are used mainly in the following requirements to be met by is, on the friction between the outer
installations where the pipelines restrained joints: wall of the pipes and the surround-
are not buried, such for example as ■ Restrained joints must safely transmit ing soil, on the level of the water table
in pipeline-carrying tunnels, pump the longitudinal forces which occur and on the length of the next directly
houses, waterworks, service reservoirs during the installation phase of pipe- adjoining pipe on either side of the
and industrial plants. They are rigid lines, while they are being tested, and bend. A minimum of 12 m on either
and restrained. while they are in operation. side must have restrained joints (mini-
■ The joints must withstand the forces mum dimensioning under GW 368
However, in practice there are cases which arise at the allowable test [9.1]). If a pipe connected to the bend
where on the one hand restrained socket pressure is shortened, additional restraints are
joints are required but on the other hand PTyp = 1.5 · PFA + 5 bars. necessary.
the joints need to be capable of deflect-
ing angularly, e. g. in unstable soils where
thrust blocks are not possible, in inner-
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A practical tip: 9.4 Types of restrained joint copper ring is fitted round the pipe as a
Do not use the shortened length of pipe guide and the bead is applied alongside
at the bend itself (Fig. 9.4). it (Fig. 9.5).
A basic distinction which is made is
between positive locking and friction Rather than a welded bead, what may also
locking designs. In positive locking joints, be used is a BLS® / VRS®-T clamping ring
Poor solution E the forces are transmitted by elements (Fig. 9.15).
which are formed to be integral with the
pipes (e. g. welded beads on the spigot
ends) in combination with force-trans-
mitting elements. In the friction locking
Shortened length of pipe
designs, the forces are transmitted by a
E frictional connection, e.g. by toothed ele-
ments which take a firm grip on the sur-
face of the spigot end.
Detailed information on determining the In the case of cut pipes, the bead can Fig. 9.5:
length L [m] of pipeline which has to be be applied on the installation site by A welded bead being applied
restrained can be found in section 9.6. manual arc welding. For this purpose, a on the installation site
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In the case of fittings which have a spigot Positive locking restrained joints
end, the bead which transmits force may with an external retaining chamber
also be integrally cast and machined. Its
dimensions are the same as in the case of A design which has an external retain-
pipes of the nominal size concerned. ing chamber which has to be fixed sepa-
rately to a collar on the socket is shown
In the BAIO® positive locking system, in Fig. 9.13. At the end face of the socket,
the force-transmitting elements consist the pipes have a collar extending round
of integrally cast lugs on the spigot end in a circle to which a ring containing the
and recesses in the sockets into which the retaining chamber is fixed by means of
lugs fit. The two parts are locked together hooked bolts. The longitudinal forces are
by turning after the fashion of a bayonet transmitted from the welded bead on the
joint. The system is used on fittings and spigot end, via a thrust-restraint ring, to
valves. the retaining chamber and from there
via the hooked bolts to the socket of the
Positive locking restrained joints next pipe.
with an internal retaining chamber
Table 9.1 is an overview of the types of
The positive locking joints with an inter- joint, their ranges of application and their
nal retaining chamber which are widely allowable angular deflections.
used at the moment are the BLS® / VRS®-T,
the Universal Ve and the BAIO® push-
in joints. They cannot be combined with
one another because there are differences
between the force-transmitting elements,
the form of the welded bead and the dis-
tance of the latter from the end of the
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Table 9.1: Type of joint Range of DN Allowable operating pressure Allowable angular
Overview of nominal sizes PFA [bar] deflection [°]
positive locking
Positive locking TIS-K® 100 –300 As stated by manufacturer 3
push-in joints
restrained joints with UNIVERSAL Ve 350–400 3
an internal retaining
chamber 500–800 2
900 As stated by manufacturer 1,5
1000 1,2
1200 1,1
BLS® / VRS®-T 80–150 5
200 –300 4
400 3
As stated by manufacturer
500 3
600 2
800 –1000 1,5
BAIO® 80 –300 As stated by manufacturer 3,
Positive locking Hydrotight 400 –500 3
restrained joints with 600 –700 2
As stated by manufacturer
an external retaining
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The TIS-K® system The UNIVERSAL Ve system The BLS® /VRS®-T system
In the TIS-K® restrained joint (Fig. 9.6), Longitudinal force is transmitted by The positive locking BLS® / VRS®-T sys-
force is transmitted from one pipe to the the retaining ring of the TIS-K® sys- tem allows the two assembly operations
next, or from a fitting, via the welded bead tem, whereas the gasket is part of the ■ make a seal, and
and the retaining ring, into the socket. STANDARD system (form C under ■ lock,
The retaining ring is slit or in segments DIN 28603 [9.2]) (Fig. 9.7). to be broken down into two separate steps
and is matched to the outside diameter The allowable angular deflections for which have to be performed and checked
of the pipes. pipes are given in Table 9.1. one after the other. In the first step, the
The construction of the TIS-K® restrained push-in joint (TYTON® or VRS®-T)
push-in joint is the same for both pipes is assembled. In a second step, it is then
and fittings. made restrained by the insertion of lock-
ing elements.
The joint still has the full original
angular deflectability of the TYTON® joint In the nominal size range from DN 80 to
(Table 9.1). DN 500, the locking elements are locks
(Figs. 9.8 and 9.9), whereas from DN 600
to DN 1000 they are wide plate-like seg-
ments (Fig. 9.10). In the case of the locks,
a distinction has to be made between the
TIS-K® retaining ring TIS-K® retaining ring “right” and “left” types and they have to
TYTON® gasket STANDARD gasket be inserted as detailed in the installation
instructions. When the assembly process
has been completed, a rubber catch is
inserted in the opening in the socket face
which is still open to prevent the locks
from shifting (Fig. 9.9).
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Welded bead
Rubber Locking TYTON® gasket
catch segment Socket
Fig. 9.9:
Locking Welded bead
chamber Layout of the locks and the rubber catch Insertion openings
TYTON®/VRS®-T gasket in the BLS® / VRS®-T joint (DN 80 to DN 500
Left lock Socket nominal sizes); high-pressure lock only for
DN 80 to DN 250 nominal sizes
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Insertion openings
Once the locking segments have all been openings which match the lugs on the The Hydrotight system
inserted in the gap at the socket, they are spigot end. Once the spigot end has been
all moved around the circumference until inserted in the socket, it is turned through Fig. 9.13 is a cross-section through a joint
none of the humps on them can be seen an eighth of a revolution and thus locked, of this kind when it has been completely
through the openings in the socket and on the bayonet principle. assembled. Before the joint is assem-
they are then fixed in place with a clamp- bled, the retaining ring (A) and the slit
ing strap or a clamping clip (Fig. 9.11). Fig. 9.12 shows a positive locking BAIO® securing ring (B) are slid onto the spigot.
socket and the matching BAIO® spigot end When the joint has been made, the two
The BAIO® system of a dead end of the kind which is used as rings are drawn up against the socket and
an end closure in a pressure test. For this screwed tight with the hooked bolts (C)
The positive locking BAIO® system is used purpose, the dead end has a screw-thread and nuts (D). The joint is then extended
for fittings and valves. On their outer face, for a venting plug and two hand-levers to so that all the force-transmitting members
the spigot ends carry four lugs evenly dis- allow it to be turned. are resting against one another.
tributed around the circumference, while
the sockets have a retaining chamber
whose front wall contains four receiving
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 9: Restrained socket joints 9/11
9.4.2 Friction locking Type of joint Range of DN Allowable operating pressure Allowable angular
push-in joints nominal sizes PFA [bar] deflection [°]
BRS®/ TYTON SIT 80–300 3
Table 9.2 provides an overview of the As stated by manufacturer
PLUS® 350–600 2
types of friction locking push-in joint and
their ranges of application and allowable BLS® / VRS®-T 80–150 5
angular deflections. with clamping 200–300 4
ring As stated by manufacturer
400 3
500 3
STANDARD Vi 350–400 3
As stated by manufacturer
500–600 2
Novo SIT® 80–400 3
450–700 As stated by manufacturer 2
800 1
Universal Vi 350–400 3
As stated by manufacturer
500–700 2
BAIO-SIT 80–300 As stated by manufacturer 3
Hawle-STOP 80–200 As stated by manufacturer 3
Hydrotight 80–300 3
internal 400 As stated by manufacturer 3
500 2
Hydrotight 80–500 3
external As stated by manufacturer
600–700 2
Table 9.2: The manufacturer’s applications engineering department should be consulted before these joints are used in culverts or
Overview of friction locking push-in joints above-ground pipelines and before they are installed on slopes or in casing tubes or pipes or in utility tunnels.
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The BRS® system The BLS® /VRS®-T system On their inner side, the clamping rings
with a clamping ring have toothed pressure-applying surfaces.
In this system, a TYTON SIT PLUS® gas- Under the rules shown below, their use is
ket which has stainless steel segments With this system, the application of welded confined to buried pipelines and the rules
vulcanised into it (Fig. 9.14) is used in beads to pipes which have been shortened also state that they may only be used in
place of the usual gasket. These segments on site can be dispensed with. Instead of pipe sockets (Fig. 9.16).
have sharp, hardened teeth which cut into the locks, two halves of a clamping ring
the surface of the end of the pipe. are inserted in the insertion openings Clamping rings should not be used for
in the socket and are clamped onto the trenchless installation techniques or in
spigot end with bolts (Fig. 9.15). culvert or bridge-carried pipelines or on
slopes or in casing tubes or pipes or in
utility tunnels.
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Clamped joint
Direction (without welded bead)
of installation
Uncut pipe with
B A welded bead
Joint made with locks Clamped joint Joint made with locks
(with welded bead) (without welded bead) (with welded bead)
Identifying ring
Fig. 9.16: TYTON SIT PLUS® gasket
Rules for the use of clamping rings
Fig. 9.17:
friction locking push-in joint
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The STANDARD Vi system The Novo SIT® system The UNIVERSAL Vi system
The STANDARD Vi system operates on The socket has a integrally cast retaining In this case too the sealing and longi-
a similar principle (Fig. 9.18). Stainless chamber. In contrast to the TYTON SIT tudinal-force-transmitting functions are
steel segments with hardened teeth which PLUS® system, the sealing and retaining separate from one another. The retain-
have been ground to a sharp edge are vul- functions are separate from one another. ing, i. e. transmitting, function is per-
canised into the STANDARD gasket. The The design of the retaining ring causes formed by the Novo SIT® ring whereas
teeth engage in the surface of the spigot it always to remain resting against the the STANDARD gasket does the sealing
end and thus transmit the longitudinal retaining chamber as the spigot end is (Fig. 9.20).
forces. inserted, which means that the travels
for extending the joint are only short.
(Fig. 9.19).
Identifying ring Novo SIT® retaining ring Novo SIT® retaining ring
STANDARD Vi gasket
TYTON® gasket STANDARD gasket
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2807 thrust restraint gasket
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9.4.3 Friction locking screwed- In the case of the restrained screwed- The screwed-socket systems which use
socket joints socket joint which uses locking elements, a clamping ring exist in two variants:
the collar of the screwed ring, to which the variant using a single clamping ring
Friction locking screwed-socket joints a wrench can be applied, contains tan- (Fig. 9.28) and the variant using a special
are used mainly for repairs. In the case of gential insertion passages, rectangular in clamping ring (Fig. 9.29).
these joints a distinction is made between cross-section, which are inclined in the
systems using locking elements and ones inward direction in the opposite direc- Table 9.3 provides an overview of the
using a clamping ring. tion to that in which the ring is screwed friction locking designs of screwed-socket
in. Toothed wedges are driven in through joint and of their ranges of application,
these insertion passages and these cut into operating pressures and allowable deflec-
the spigot end and produce a restrained tions.
joint (Fig. 9.27).
Screwed socket
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Type of joint Range of DN Allowable operating Allowable angu- Nominal Allowable oper- Angular
nominal sizes pressure PFA [bar] lar deflection [°] size DN ating pressure deflection
PFA [bar] [°]
Using locking elements 80–300 As stated by manufacturer 2
Using clamping ring 80–300 As stated by manufacturer 3 80 – 300 As stated by
Using special clamping ring 300–400 As stated by manufacturer 3 400 manufacturer
The clamp consists of two or three iden- The manufacturer has to demonstrate the
tical parts which are clamped together fitness for use of restrained joint systems
by bolts. The restraint is produced by the by carrying out tests under EN 545 [9.3].
interaction between the retaining part,
which engages behind the socket, and The requirements and testing conditions
the toothed pressure-applying plates, for this demonstration are dealt with in
which are pressed against the pipe. detail in Chapter 8 “Push-in joints”. For
Clamps (type M) (Fig. 9.30) can be used the “Tested” mark of the DVGW (German
for TYTON® joints and screwed-socket Technical and Scientific Association for
joints. Fig. 9.30: Gas and Water) to be obtained, these fit-
A restrained push-in joint fitted with ness tests have to be carried out under
Clamps are fitted once the socket joint clamps (type M) external monitoring. In the final analysis,
has been connected; the joint retains its it is the details given in the manufactur-
full capacity for angular deflection. ers’ catalogues which determine the field
The range of application of the type M of application of restrained joints.
clamp is shown in Table 9.4.
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A practical tip The other restrained pipes which follow Frictional force from the earth load
The shift of the bend which causes the the two mentioned will only be displaced at the top of the pipe
soil resistance to be activated results in axially, when the skin friction R will be
angular deflection of the two pipes in the activated. This friction depends on the The first frictional force R1 is determined
sockets of the bend. If the two pipes are to length L [m] of the restrained section of from the earth load above the pipe
deflect to a neutral angle, the shift of the the pipeline and on the weights of the (Fig. 9.35).
bend can be anticipated by setting the two earth load, the pipe and the filling of
pipes to a negative deflection (Figs. 9.33 water.
and 9.34). R1 P GB P DE H J B > kN/m@
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 9: Restrained socket joints 9/21
DE J W > kN/m@
GW (9.8)
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 9: Restrained socket joints 9/22
α α
cos = 2 (9.13) N = μ ⋅ L ⋅ ∑ G + μ ⋅ E + E ⋅ cos [kN ]
2 E 2
ER α
= E ⋅ cos [ kN ] (9.14)
2 2
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 9: Restrained socket joints 9/23
From this, the length L of pipeline which DVGW Arbeitsblatt GW 368 [9.1] brings
has to be restrained can be found. the results of these calculations together
in tables, which saves one from having to
Taking a pipe length of 6 m and the follow- do a vast amount of calculating work.
ing values For calculations which are not covered
by the values in the tables, an online
JB = 18 kN/m3 calculating program is available un-
JW = 10 kN/m3 der “Tools for calculations”, button
JR = 70.5 kN/m3 (ductile cast iron) “DVGW GW 368“, on the www.eadips.org
website of the European Association for
the length L of pipeline which needs to Ductile Iron Pipe Systems · EADIPS® /
be restrained can be calculated as follows Fachgemeinschaft Guss-Rohrsysteme
for ductile iron water pipelines and for a (FGR®) e.V.
system test pressure STP.
After installation, individual socket joints
§ D·
0 ,79 STP DE 2 all .Vh ¨ P cot ¸ are often in an unextended state and make
1 © 2¹
L > m@ (9.18) it necessary for extension to be performed
P 36 H 7 ,85 DE 221 ,5 emin before the ends of the pipeline are con-
nected to fixed points (e. g. structures, bur-
ied pipelines) (Fig. 9.39). The extension
Where pipelines are within the water zero. In these cases, it is recommended travels of the individual restrained joint
table, the resulting buoyancy reduces the that the entire pipeline be safeguarded systems are a few millimetres.
forces due to weight and the soil resistance with restrained joints.
and hence the frictional force. At changes in direction in a vertical plane, During the planning phase and in the
Where installation takes place within the the resultant force acts outwards at the course of installation, particular care must
water table in cohesive soils and where outside of the bend. As a result the forces be taken to follow the manufacturer’s
there are cohesive soils of soft and stiff Gw and GR due to weight in equation 9.17 installation instructions and any special
consistency which are difficult to compact may tend towards zero. directions (Chapters 19 and 22).
(soil types B 2 to B 4 under GW 310 [9.4]),
the coefficient of friction μ tends towards
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 9: Restrained socket joints 9/24
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 9: Restrained socket joints 9/29
[9.3] EN 545
9.9 References
Ductile iron pipes, fittings,
accessories and their joints for
water pipelines –
[9.1] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 368 Requirements and test methods
Längskraftschlüssige Muffenverbin- [Rohre, Formstücke, Zubehörteile aus
dungen für Rohre, Formstücke und duktilem Gusseisen und ihre Verbin-
Armaturen aus duktilem Gusseisen dungen für Wasserleitungen –
oder Stahl Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren]
[DVGW worksheet GW 368 2010
Restrained socket joints for
ductile iron and steel pipes, [9.4] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 310
fittings and valves] Widerlager aus Beton –
2002-06 Bemessungsgrundlagen
[DVGW worksheet GW 310
[9.2] DIN 28603 Concrete thrust blocks –
Rohre und Formstücke aus Principles of sizing]
duktilem Gusseisen – 2008-01
Steckmuffen-Verbindungen –
Zusammenstellung, Muffen und
[Ductile iron pipes and fittings –
Push-in joints –
Survey, sockets and gaskets]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 9: Restrained socket joints 9/30
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 10: Mechanical joints – wide-tolerance couplings and flange adaptors 10/1
10 Mechanical joints –
wide-tolerance couplings
and flange adaptors
10.1 General
10.2 Construction and operation
10.3 Wide-tolerance couplings
10.4 Wide-tolerance flange adaptors
10.5 Preloading of gasket
10.6 Ranges of pipe outside diameters
10.7 Allowable angular deflection
10.8 Restraint
10.9 References
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 10: Mechanical joints – wide-tolerance couplings and flange adaptors 10/2
Technical development has progressed and, as a result, dedicated types of joint, Nominal Bolt tightening torques
such as push-in socket joints or welded joints are now the norm for pipe systems size in Nm
of all materials. In addition, the latest technology includes dedicated couplings for Up to DN 80 55 – 165
specific materials. However, given the wide variety of materials used in the water
industry, connecting pipeline components of different materials with long term DN 100
reliability is a real challenge. This is a job which can be done by couplings which and above 95 – 120
are able to cover pipe diameters of quite a wide tolerance range or ones which
are even capable of adapting different connecting systems to each another.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 10: Mechanical joints – wide-tolerance couplings and flange adaptors 10/3
Wide-tolerance couplings (Fig. 10.1 and
Fig. 10.2) connect two plain pipe-ends by
making a mechanical joint to each pipe.
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10.4 Wide-tolerance
flange adaptors
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 10: Mechanical joints – wide-tolerance couplings and flange adaptors 10/6
10.5 Preloading of gasket tion, i.e. higher bolt tightening torques are 10.6 Ranges of pipe outside
required for reliable long-term operation diameters
even though considerably lower values
The self-augmenting sealing action as the may produce a short-term seal.
internal pressure rises which is known to Specific-size mechanic joints, such
occur as a result of the socket geometry in For this purpose, manufacturers draw as Gibault couplings for example, are
the case of TYTON® rubber gaskets does attention in their documentation to designed for a relatively small range of
not occur in mechanical joints. In wide- clearly specified requirements. It has pipe outside diameters and can thus often
tolerance couplings and flange adap- to be ensured that these requirements only be used for a single type of pipe.
ters, the pressure with which the gasket are complied by the use of suitable tools Under DN 14525, wide-tolerance coup-
system is applied must therefore make (torque wrenches) (Table 10.1). lings (Fig. 10.4) and flange adapters are
allowance for the long-term relaxation of designed for defined minimum working
the elastomer even at the time of connec- diameter ranges for each nominal size up
to DN 600 (Table 10.3).
Table 10.3:
Minimum working diameter range under EN 14525 [10.2]
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10.7 Allowable angular deflection Unless some additional support is provi- GW 368 [10.6] in Germany. Depending
ded, wide-tolerance couplings adjust to on the installation and operating condi-
the displacement by “floating”. tions, there are pipe materials, such as
The minimum value of angular deflection polyethylene for example, which may be
defined in EN 14525 [10.2] relates to the It needs to be borne in mind in this case subject to considerable expansion when
entire tolerance range of the given wide- that where pipes of widely differing out- there are wide variations in temperature.
tolerance connector. The bodies of wide- side diameters are connected, experience The resulting changes in length may make
tolerance couplings and flange adaptors shows that there tends to be considerably it necessary for there to be restrained
have to be designed for an angular deflec- more angular deflection at the connection joints in a pipe system, possibly even
tion of at least 3° in the case of pipes of to the smaller pipe. This is because of the when there are no thrust forces from the
the maximum allowable outside diameter. amount of space available in the body and internal pressure.
Because of this, pipes of smaller outside also because of the smaller overlap bet-
diameters have considerably more space ween the parts of the joint. On the basis of their construction, wide-
for angular deflection in the body of the tolerance joints of restrained design can
wide-tolerance coupling or flange adap- be divided into integrated and indepen-
tor. Where required, it may therefore be 10.8 Restraint dent systems.
necessary for the user to set a limit on
the possible angular deflection to enable
the joint to maintain its full sealing per- In most applications, flexible joints such
formance, which becomes less good the as MEGA-Flex joints are adequate regard-
more the angular deflection specified by less of their nature.
the manufacturer is exceeded.
In the case of non-restrained pressure
A sideways, heightwise or angular dis- pipe systems, thrust blocks are installed.
placement between the pipe ends to be In Germany these are designed as speci-
connected can be compensated for by a fied in DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 310 [10.5].
wide-tolerance coupling within the limits Restrained pressure pipe systems do not
set by the allowable angular deflections require any thrust blocks. The number of
at the two joints. restrained joints between pipes is calcu-
lated as specified in DVGW-Arbeitsblatt
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 10: Mechanical joints – wide-tolerance couplings and flange adaptors 10/8
Linked ring
Gland of plastic bodies
Gasket Restraining
Minimum allowable
pipe outside Maximum allowable
Fig. 10.7: diameter pipe outside diameter
BAIO® - Multijoint® cut-in sleeve
transition fitting
Body of coupling
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 11: Safeguarding with concrete thrust blocks 11/1
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 12: Durability 12/1
12 Durability
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12 Durability
This chapter is being prepared.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 13: Gaskets 13/1
13 Gaskets
13.1 General
13.2 Types of gaskets
13.3 Properties
13.4 Gaskets for drinking water pipelines
13.5 Gaskets for sewage drains and pipelines
13.6 References
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 13: Gaskets 13/2
13.1 General Gaskets are also a reliable means of Although in the past only gaskets made
preventing impurities and pollution of of vulcanised natural rubber (NR) were
the groundwater caused by the escape used, over the last 25 years or so gas-
It is not possible to provide constant of waste water and gases. The different kets have been exclusively made of syn-
checking and monitoring of buried pipe- fields of application often demand the thetic rubber, which is superior to
lines. Therefore the long-term reliability use of different types of gaskets which natural rubber in terms of chemical
of the gaskets in the pipe joints is particu- need to be produced from high quality and temperature resistance as well as
larly important. elastomer materials. The need for durability. EPDM (ethylene propylene
joints which are going to remain tight diene monomer) is used for drinking
The reliability and durability of the over the long term is reflected in a water and NBR (acrylonitrile butadiene
sealing material used contributes to a range of requirements for strength, elastomer) is used for waste water. The
high degree to the security of the pipeline. resistance to deformation under pres- field of application for push-in joints
This security serves to protect our most sure (resilience), ageing characteristics according to EN 545 [13.01], e.g. for drink-
essential food – drinking water. and chemical resistance. ing water, ranges from 0 °C to 50 °C for
EPDM gaskets.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 13: Gaskets 13/3
For waste water as per EN 598 [13.02] the In the context of European construction 13.2 Types of gaskets
upper limit for NBR gaskets depending on products regulations, EN 681-1 [13.03]
nominal sizes 45 °C (up to and including has since been harmonised to include the
DN 200) and 35 °C (above DN 200). CE marking requirement. The national 13.2.1 TYTON® gasket
requirements for the production and
For applications above these tempera- testing of gaskets for push-in joints in The profile of the TYTON® gasket is
tures it is recommended that other syn- ductile iron pipes are summarised in shown in cross-section in Fig. 13.1. It
thetic elastomers are used, such as FPM DVGW test specification VP 546 [13.04], to consists of a combination of two types
(fluoro rubber) because of their resistance become DVGW worksheet W 384 [13.05]. of rubber: the one with a hardness of
at higher temperatures. 55 IRHD (International Rubber Hard-
ness Degree) is designed for optimum
Materials standard EN 681-1 [13.03] sealing function and long-term elasticity
applies to gaskets in drinking water and (sealing part).
waste water pipelines.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 13: Gaskets 13/4
The other part, with a hardness of The TYTON® gasket (Fig. 13.2) is
85 IRHD, has the job of keeping the standardised in DIN 28603 [13.06] for The gasket consists of a homogenous
gasket in place during the assembly of the the nominal sizerange from DN 80 to rubber material with a hardness of
joint (holding part). DN 1400. Depending on the area of use, 67 IRHD. The STANDARD gasket
as a rule it consists of synthetic rubber (Fig. 13.4) is standardised in DIN 28603
Because the sealing part adapts itself qualities EPDM or NBR. [13.06] for the nominal sizerange from
to fit between the inside of the push-in DN 80 to DN 2000.
joint and the outside of the pipe, high 13.2.2 STANDARD gasket
restoring forces are produced. The effect 13.2.3 Flat gaskets
is to seal the joint, not only under low and Fig. 13.3 shows the STANDARD gasket
high internal pressures but also in case of in cross-section. As with the TYTON® Flat gaskets are used for sealing
positive and negative outside pressures. gasket the joint is sealed by the flanged joints (Fig. 13.5). The sealing
restoring force of the radially compressed effect is produced by the fact that
ring. two flanges are pressed against each
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 13: Gaskets 13/5
Fig. 13.5:
Example of a flat gasket to DIN EN 1514-1 [13.07]
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13.3.2 Tensile strength and ultimate of all connection parts and when select- With an ideal elastic behaviour, the
elongation ing the quality of rubber to be used. specimen would resume its initial
dimensions after the pressure is
Tensile strength and ultimate elongation CS = ⋅100 [%] (13.1) released. However the test shows that
are properties of rubber which are easily the specimen retains a slight perma-
determined. Ageing effects, which can be The compression set according to Equa- nent deformation (Fig. 13.7, b), which is
traced back to oxidative degradation, can tion 13.1 is determined on cylindrical referred to as the compression set and
easily be recognised by changes in tensile specimens which are pressed together stated as a % of the total deformation a.
strength and ultimate elongation among for a specified length of time at a given
other things. temperature in the axial direction by 25 %
(Fig. 13.7, a).
13.3.3 Compression set
e.g. 0.32 mm
Good compression behaviour is neces- = 8 % of a
sary in order to ensure the function of the e.g. 4 mm
gasket even when the joint moves. = 25 %
The sealing chamber gap of the pipe joint e.g. 16 mm
= 100 %
which is formed between socket and pipe
must be permanently filled with rubber
even during the settlement of the pipe
in such a way that the gasket applies
sufficient contact pressure force to the
sealing surfaces.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 13: Gaskets 13/8
13.3.4 Stress relaxation 13.3.5 Ageing The change in properties brought about
by cooling should however not exceed a
As well as the compression set, stress For a joint to remain tight and problem- certain level with rubber gaskets so that
relaxation is another measure of the free over decades, in addition to the elastic no difficulties occur during assembly at
elasticity of a rubber gasket. For the seal properties, the ageing behaviour of the low temperatures. The following note
to have good durability, the gasket must rubber has a decisive role to play. Ageing has therefore been included in the
have the lowest possible degree of stress is essentially influenced by light, oxygen, assembly instructions for gaskets for
relaxation. temperature and medium. ductile iron pipes:
Compressive stress relaxation (CSR) Therefore ISO 2230 [13.11] specifies that Practical tip:
and compression set (CS) are identically gaskets should be stored in cool and dark At temperatures below 0 °C gaskets may
loaded in the test period (25 % defor- conditions. be subject to a certain increase in hard-
mation). While with the CS it is the ness. With assembly temperatures below
deformation path which determines the The ageing behaviour is usually tested 0 °C the gaskets should therefore be
result, with CSR it is the residual stress by means of a 7-day ageing test at stored at a temperature above +10 °C
which gives the result. +70 °C. Here the changes in hardness, wherever possible in order to simplify
tensile strength and elongation at assembly. The gaskets should only
Stress relaxation is more difficult and breakmeasurements are compared be taken out of storage (e.g. in a heated
expensive to determine and requires with the condition as new. contractor’s shed) shortly before
a longer time, which is why the com- assembling the joints. In order to test the
pression set is preferred for routine 13.3.6 Behaviour in the cold behaviour of the gaskets when cold, the
testing. increase in hardness after storage in the
At low temperatures, the hardness of rub- cold is measured (70 hours at -10 °C).
The restoring force occurring with a con- ber increases. This behaviour is rever- For higher requirements there is also the
stantly held deformation is measured as sible and does not cause any loss of qua- possible option of cold testing at -25 °C
a function of time. The decrease in the lity. When it warms up again the rubber as per EN 681-1 [13.03].
restoring force over time, measured as a % reverts to its original properties.
of the initial value, is the stress relaxation.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 13: Gaskets 13/9
13.3.7 Ozone resistance This is tested and evaluated on the basis In individual cases this may lead to
of the change in volume of a specimen in storage for a number of years; however,
A particular form of oxidative degradation – accordance with ISO 1817 [13.12] after because of the special formulation of the
ozone cracking – is tested by checking 7 days storage in distilled or deionised gaskets as regards their length of use,
ozone resistance. water at 70 °C. More far-reaching require- this is possible without problem as long
ments are to be determined in accordance as the prescribed storage conditions are
For the test, a specimen of rubber is with EN 681-1 [13.03]. observed.
stretched and exposed to an ozone-
charged atmosphere at a specified 13.3.9 Time of storage According to ISO 2230 [13.11] the
temperature and for a certain time. At storage period should not exceed the
the end of the test, no cracks should be In order to guarantee a supply of gaskets storage times stated in Table 13.1
visible on the surface of the rubber. which meets market requirements, longer- (extract).
term storage is usual and necessary.
However, for use in sewage drains and EPDM, FKM, VMQ 10 years + 5 years
pipelines the gasket’s resistance to waste
water is to be established in accordance Selection specific to application as per ISO 2230 [13.11]
with EN 681-1 [13.03]. Checking and evaluation as per ISO 2230 [13.11]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 13: Gaskets 13/10
TYTON® and STANDARD gaskets for Sewage drains and pipelines must be
use in drinking water pipelines are pre- durably tight. For this reason, in addition
dominantly in EPDM as per EN 681-1 to a functioning pipe and joint system, the
[13.03]. They should not affect the colour, gasket requires a rubber quality which
the odour, the taste and the bacteriological offers the most durable possible resist-
properties of the drinking water. ance to the conditions to be expected in
a sewage pipeline, above all from aggres-
The requirements for these gaskets are sive media. As a rule, gaskets in NBR are
determined in DVGW test specification used for this.
VP 546 [13.04], to become DVGW work-
sheet W 384 [13.05] in future. This defines In order to provide evidence of the resist-
the requirements with respect to hygiene ance of NBR material against the organic
in the rubber guidelines of the German impurities most commonly found in waste
Environmental Agency (UBA) [13.13] and water, extensive investigations have been
the requirements with respect to micro- carried out [13.15], [13.16] and [13.17].
biology of DVGW worksheet W 270
[13.14]. More far-reaching information on gaskets
as regards technique and application can
be found in Chapters 8 and 9.
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 13: Gaskets 13/12
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 14: Coatings 14/1
14 Coatings
14.1 General
14.2 Works-applied coatings on pipes
14.3 Coating of fittings and valves
14.4 On-site measures
14.5 References
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 14: Coatings 14/2
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 14: Coatings 14/3
Table 14.1:
Fields of use for underground pipelines of ductile iron with coatings to EN 14628 [14.3], EN 15189 [14.4],
EN 15542 [14.6], DIN 30674-3 [14.9] and -5 [14.10], EN 14901 [14.5], DIN 51178 [14.14] in conjunction with
DIN 30675-2 [14.8] for pipes, and EN 14901 [14.5] and DIN 51178 [14.14] for fittings and valves.
No. Coating on pipes Thickness of Coating recommended Suitable bedding for Fields of
coating for joints corrosion protection use in the
form of soil
1 Zinc coating with finishing 130 g/m2 of zinc None Not provided I, II
layer (cover coating), to with finishing layer
DIN 30674-3 [14.9] to EN 545 [14.1] Provided I, II, III 2)
2 Zinc coating with 200 g/m2 of zinc None Not provided I, II
finishing layer, to with 100 μm
OENORM B 2560 [14.11] polyurethane Provided I, II, III 2)
finishing layer
3 Cement mortar coating 5.0 mm Heat-shrinkable material or Not provided I, II, III
to EN 15542 [14.6] B-50M1) coating to DIN 30672
[14.12] or rubber collars
4 Polyethylene coating 1.8 to 3.0 mm Heat-shrinkable material or Not provided I, II, III
to EN 14628 [14.3] B-50M1) coating to DIN 30672
5 Polyurethane coating 700 μm None Not provided I, II, III
to EN 15189 [14.4]
6 Polyethylene sleeving to 0.2 mm Same as pipes Provided3) I, II, III
DIN 30674-5 [14.10] in
conjunction with
DIN 30674-3 [14.9]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 14: Coatings 14/4
No. Coating on pipes Thickness of Coating recommended Suitable bedding for Fields of
coating for joints corrosion protection use in the
form of soil
7 Epoxy coating to 250 μm ■ None if pipes are zinc Not provided I, II, III
EN 14901 [14.5] coated (nos. 1 and 2)
■ Heat-shrinkable material or
B-50M1) coating to DIN 30672
[14.12] or rubber collars, if
pipes are coated as in
nos. 3 to 5
8 Coating of technical 250 μm ■ None if pipes are zinc Not provided I, II, III
enamel to DIN 51178 [14.14] coated (nos. 1 and 2)
■ Heat-shrinkable material or
B-50M1) coating to DIN 30672
[14.12] or rubber collars, if
pipes are coated as in
nos. 3 to 5
At sustained temperatures of T 330 °C, the B-50M coating to DIN 30672 [14.12] or
the C-30M coating to DIN 30672 [14.12] may be used for joints.
Not suitable when there is constant exposure to eluates of pH < 6 and in peaty, boggy, muddy and marshy soils
The directions given in section 4.1 need to be followed.
Note: By agreement, materials for corrosion protection covered by DIN 30672 Part 1
[14.12] may be used for coating ductile iron pipes away from the joints
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 14: Coatings 14/5
There is also standard DIN 30675-2 [14.8] aluminium by mass 15 %) and an epoxy of corrosion protection, then the poly-
which provides information on provisi- finishing layer has been available. For this ethylene coating to EN 14628 [14.3], the
ons for corrosion protection when there is coating, the mass of metal is increased to cement mortar coating to EN 15542 [14.6]
an electrochemical action. As part of this 400 g/m2. or the polyurethane coating to EN 15189
it also deals with electrically insulating [14.4] may be used, as desired.
socket joints. Another of the active protective systems is
zinc applied in a mass of 200 g of Zn/m2 The “zinc coating with protective finishing
with a polyurethane finishing layer at layer” corrosion protection system is sta-
14.2 Works-applied least 100 μm thick. There is a standard ble in its field of use, the cast iron being
coatings on pipes for this coating in Austria in the form of separated from the soil by the finishing
OENORM B 2560 [14.11]. layer.
14.2.1 Zinc coating with The fields of use of these active protec- Pores in the finishing layer or injuries
finishing layer tive systems are laid down in Annex D of to the coating when the pipes are being
EN 545 [14.1] in the form of exclusion cri- installed “heal” and close due to the pro-
The standard coating given to ductile iron teria and they are shown in Table 14.2. ducts of reaction produced by the zinc,
pipes is a zinc coating with a finishing which are only sparingly soluble in moist
layer, to EN 545 [14.1] and EN 598 [14.2]. Under the German rules, these stipula- ground (a dielectric). These products form
In the majority of soils, this active coa- tions are supplemented by DIN 30675-2 when metallic zinc reacts with constitu-
ting provides lasting protection against [14.8]; Germany also recognises what is ents of the surrounding soil.
damage by corrosion. The zinc coating known as bedding suitable for corrosion
and the finishing layer act synergistically, protection. This consists of chemically Fig. 14.1 shows the remote action of the
i.e. the combined effect they have in pro- neutral sands which stop the pipeline zinc coating: in the rectangular areas, the
tecting against corrosion is better than from coming into direct contact with cor- coating had been injured by removing it
the sum of the effects that the individual rosive types of soil. before the test pipes were buried for nine
coatings would have. years in a test field.
Table 14.1 shows the fields of use for the
For some years now, a coating which com- systems, the soil classes being determined
prises a zinc-aluminium layer (proportion as indicated in DIN 50929-3 [14.7]. If the
of zinc by mass 85 % and proportion of soil conditions call for a higher standard
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 14: Coatings 14/6
Table 14.2:
Fields of use and soil conditions for zinc-based active coatings,
as specified in Annex D of EN 545 [14.1]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 14: Coatings 14/7
layer Under EN 545 [14.1] and EN 598 [14.2],
Oxide skin
Zinc the zinc coating on ductile iron pipes
may also be provided with an at least
Cast wall Injury
70 μm thick coating of bituminous paint.
Fig. 14.3 shows ductile iron sewer pipes
Fig. 14.2: to EN 598 [14.2] which have a reddish-
Cathodic protective effect of the zinc brown coloured finishing layer of bitu-
at injuries to the protective layer minous paint.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 14: Coatings 14/8
Ductile iron pipes with a cement mortar The polyethylene coating forms a layer of
coating, Fig. 14.4, can be used in soils of high electrical resistance separating the
all types. The cement mortar coating stops cast iron from the native soil. The layer
corrosive media from penetrating and needs to be at least 1 mm thick purely
withstands mechanical stresses during to provide corrosion protection and the
transport and installation. This coating rest of its thickness serves to improve the
has proved its worth particularly for the ability of the protective layer to withstand
trenchless installation techniques of mechanical loads. Fig. 14.5 shows ductile
which increasing use is now being made. iron pipes with a polyurethane coating.
Under EN 15542 [14.6], the ability of
the cement mortar coating to withstand Fig. 14.4:
mechanical loads is determined by two Ductile iron pipes with a
requirements: cement mortar coating
■ bond strength
■ impact strength.
Should injuries nevertheless happen to
These requirements are formulated in occur (e.g. when installation is by the
such a way that the possibility of damage burst lining technique), the damaged
to the layer of cement mortar can be ruled areas are protected by the layer of zinc
out both in the course of proper transport and the remote action which it has.
and when installation takes place even
in the most difficult terrain. For the pro- The joint regions are protected after
duction of the cement mortar coating see assembly, see section 14.4.2.
Chapter 3, section 3.5. Ductile iron pipes
with a cement mortar coating are shown
in Fig. 14.4. Fig. 14.5:
Ductile iron pipes with a
polyethylene coating
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EN 14628 [14.3] makes a distinction bet- 14.3 Coating of fittings and valves
ween the standard thickness coating and
the increased thickness coating.
Fittings and valves come in a wide variety
The requirements and tests specified in of shapes and designs and because of this
EN 14628 [14.3] are formulated in such the characteristic feature of the methods
a way that the polyethylene coating will and processes for coating them is often
withstand the usual stresses which occur that the coating materials are applied
during transport, storage and installa- simultaneously to all the surfaces of the
tion. The joint regions are protected after components, i.e. both the internal and
assembly, see section 14.4.2. external surfaces, in a single step.
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The quality and testing requirements extensive system of in-house and external 14.3.2 Enamel coating of fit-
for powder coatings of valves and fit- monitoring ensures that the quality of the tings and valves
tings which are laid down in RAL-GZ 662 coating remains consistently high.
[14.20] are more demanding than those Technical enamel can be used as a coating
in EN 14901. The bond strength is higher The method of producing the coating is material for fittings and valves in soils
than in EN 14901 (12 N/mm2 as compared described in section 3.5.2. of all types. DIN 51178 [14.14] , English
with 8 N/mm2) and the test voltage for title: Vitreous and porcelain enamels –
freedom from pores is 3 kV rather than The coating can be used in soils of any Inside and outside enamelled valves and
1.5 kV. Also, the cathodic disbonding test desired corrosiveness. pressure pipe fittings for untreated and
was introduced as an indicator of resis- potable water supply – Quality require-
tance to undermining of the coating at ments and testing, was published in Octo-
injuries. The layer thickness and impact ber 2009.
resistance are of the same levels. An
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The enamelling creates a strong physical The properties of the internal and exter- Recently there has been an increasing
and chemical bond (an ion bond) to the nal enamel coatings are as follows: trend towards this type of coating being
ductile iron. It is formed by processes of ■ internal corrosion protection of proven replaced by the epoxy coating to EN 14901
diffusion from the substrate material to effectiveness, [14.5].
the enamel and vice versa. Requirements ■ high resistance to corrosion in all
and tests are given in DIN 51178 [14.14]. soils, Fig. 14.10 shows fittings with an external
Fig. 14.9 shows some fully enamelled ■ coating is continuous internally and coating of bituminous paint and a variety
fittings. externally, of linings.
■ high resistance to mechanical stres-
■ secure against undermining of coa-
ting, even when the surface is injured
■ resistance to ageing a
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15 Linings
15.1 General
15.2 Linings of pipes, fittings and valves
for drinking water pipelines
15.3 Linings in pipelines for raw water
15.4 Linings of pipes, fittings and valves
for pipelines for wastewater and sewage
15.5 Linings in pipelines for non-drinking
and cooling water
15.6 References
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Generally speaking, the types of lining depend on the applications for which
ductile iron pipe systems are used.
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Table 15.1:
Overview of types of water and similar media to be transported and the main requirements which the lining has to meet
Medium transported Main properties of the medium Requirements for the lining
Drinking water meeting the In lime-carbonic acid equilibrium ■ Corrosion protection
drinking water regulations ■ Drinking water hygiene
Water similar to drinking water In lime-carbonic acid equilibrium ■ Corrosion protection
such as water for non-drinking ■ Drinking water hygiene
use and cooling water
Raw water not meeting the Often lime-dissolving (acid) ■ Corrosion protection
drinking water regulations
Wastewater complying with DWA (German Meets the guideline values laid down ■ Corrosion protection in the submerged area
Association for Water, Wastewater in DWA Merkblatt M 115-2 [1] and in the atmosphere in the drainage sewer
and Waste) Merkblatt M 115-2 [1] ■ Abrasion resistance
■ Resistance to chemicals
■ Resistance to jet cleaning
Industrial wastewater which is outside Contains acid to alkaline components ■ Corrosion protection in the submerged area
the requirements of DWA (German and in the atmosphere in the drainage sewer
Association for Water, Wastewater ■ Abrasion resistance
and Waste) Merkblatt M 115-2 [1] ■ Resistance to chemicals
■ Resistance to jet cleaning
■ Temperature resistance
Brines High in salt ■ Corrosion protection
■ Abrasion resistance
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Table 15.3:
Overview of the applications of linings for fittings and valves
Drinking water Lining of polymer-modified Epoxy coating to DIN 3476 [7] Coating based on bitumen
under EN 545 [2] cement mortar and RAL GZ 662 [6] or on epoxy paint
Epoxy coating to EN 14901 [5]
and RAL GZ 662 [6]
Vitreous enamel to DIN 51178 [8] Vitreous enamel to DIN 51178 [8] As for internal surfaces
Polyurethane lining to EN 15655 [3] — As for internal surfaces
Sewage under Lining of polymer-modified Epoxy coating to DIN 3476 [7] Coating based on poly-
EN 598 [4] and other cement mortar and RAL GZ 662 [6] urethane or epoxy paint
types of water
Epoxy coating to EN 14901 [5]
and RAL GZ 662 [6]
Vitreous enamel to DIN 51178 [8] Vitreous enamel to DIN 51178 [8] As for internal surfaces
Polyurethane lining to EN 15655 [3] — As for internal surfaces
Industrial wastewater Epoxy coating to EN 14901 [5] Epoxy coating to DIN 3476 [7] As for internal surfaces
and RAL GZ 662 [6] and RAL GZ 662 [6]
Vitreous enamel to DIN 51178 [8] Vitreous enamel to DIN 51178 [8] As for internal surfaces
Polyurethane lining to EN 15655 [3] — As for internal surfaces
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The process technology, the monitoring Association for the Heavy Duty Corro-
to ensure that the production param- sion Protection of Powder Coated Valves
eters laid down are observed and the and Fittings.
quality testing of the finished coating are
governed by the RAL-GZ 662 [6] quality The epoxy coating is also one of those
assurance test specifications entitled listed in standards EN 545 [2] and EN 598
“Heavy-duty corrosion protection of [4] and there are standards for the coating
powder coated valves and fittings” which itself in the form of EN 14901 [5] and
are issued by the GSK Quality DIN 3476 [7].
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Fig. 15.7:
Fig. 15.6: Surfaces in contact with drinking water
Fittings during the enamel firing in the region of the TYTON® joint
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15.2.6 European rules and 15.3 Linings in pipelines Cement mortar linings based on high-
regulations for raw water alumina cement have proved successful
for raw water which does not meet the
One special feature which exists in the drinking water directives. This lining is
field of drinking water is that there is a Raw water often does not meet the drink- applied in pipes by the spin centrifuging
standard for pipelines for drinking water ing water regulations. It is often highly technique and is therefore very highly
in the form of the European Construction lime-dissolving acid water. compacted. High-alumina cement mor-
Products Directive. The aim of this is to tar contains virtually no free lime and
prevent there from being trade barriers of In the course of time, lime-dissolving is resistant to lime-dissolving water.
the sort which would result from differing water may adversely affect the strength Polymer-modified cement mortar too is
national requirements. of cemetitious materials by dissolving the resistant to lime-dissolving water.
calcium carbonate containing in them.
The intention is however for the indi- Pipes with polyurethane linings to
vidual national rules and regulations to The processes which this involves are all EN 15655 [3], fittings and valves with
continue to exist. This means that a Euro- the more intensive the higher is the lime- epoxy coatings to EN 14901 [5] and fit-
pean approval procedure has to be set dissolving capacity and the lower is the tings and valves which are enamelled to
up under which requirements and test compaction of the lining. DIN 51178 [2] are likewise suitable for
methods for components in contact with transporting raw water.
drinking water will be developed which
can be adopted in all the member states
without the national levels of protection
having to be abandoned. Once this pro-
cedure comes into force, it will be pos-
sible for approval from the point of view
of drinking water hygiene to be obtained
for the component concerned in all the
states of the EU by the passing of a single
approval test.
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15.4 Linings of pipes, fittings This enables it to withstand not only 15.4.2 Polyurethane linings of
and valves for pipelines for chemical stresses such as those from soft, pipes and fittings
wastewater and sewage acid or very salt water but also mechanical
stresses caused for example by detritus There is a standard for ductile iron pipes
in the wastewater or sewage or by high- and fittings with polyurethane linings
Wastewater and sewage contain consider- pressure jet-cleaning. for sewerage applications in the form of
ably more materials than drinking water EN 598 [4]. The field of use in this case
or raw water. Wastewater in public drain- The lining of high-alumina cement mortar covers gravity and pressure sewers. In the
age systems must meet the guideline val- is highly compacted by the spin centrifug- long term, the lining must withstand dif-
ues given in DWA-Merkblatt M 115-2 [1]. ing process and is cured at high tempera- ferent mechanical and chemical stresses
This gives general guideline values for tures in special curing chambers in such a such as those from soft, acid or very
the most important criteria governing the way that the aluminium hydrates acquire salt water and also mechanical stresses
characteristics of, above all, non-domestic the stable cubic crystalline structure caused for example by detritus in the sew-
wastewater. which is the basis for the high resistance age or by high-pressure jet-cleaning.
However, there are many cases where of this lining.
these guideline values are exceeded by The polyurethane lining to EN 15655 [3]
industrial wastewater before it is treated. The joint region is protected against is applied to the smoothed and abrasive
attack by an epoxy coating. blasted internal surfaces of pipes and fit-
15.4.1 Cement mortar linings tings by the two-component hot spray-
of pipes and fittings ing technique. It acts as a high-resistance
electrical insulator between the medium
There is a standard for ductile iron pipes flowing through and the iron and ensures
and fittings for sewage disposal in the resistance to wastewater and sewage of
form of EN 598 [4]. The field of use in all kinds.
this case covers gravity and pressure sew-
ers. The lining must withstand different
mechanical and chemical stresses in the
long term. It is produced with high-alu-
mina cement as a binder.
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16 Structural design
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16 Structural design
This chapter is being prepared.
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17 Hydraulic design
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17 Hydraulic design
This chapter is being prepared.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 18: Welding of ductile iron pipes 18/1
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 18: Welding of ductile iron pipes 18/2
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 19: Transport, storage and installation 19/1
19 Transport, storage
and installation
19.1 General
19.2 Pipeline installation regulations
19.3 Transport of ductile cast iron pipes, fittings and valves
19.4 Installation of ductile iron pipe systems
19.5 Installation
19.6 Pipe trenches
19.7 Special pipeline installation cases
19.8 References
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supplementary sets of rules available in 19.3 Transport of ductile cast iron 19.3.1 Transport and storage of pipes
different European countries to complete pipes, fittings and valves
these. Table 19.1 provides a summary Loading and unloading
for individual countries.
Ductile iron pipes, fittings and valves Ductile iron pipes d DN 350 are deliv-
With pipelines for transporting the food for drinking water and wastewater ered as pipe bundles and larger ones as
“drinking water”, the highest require- pipelines are to be protected by appro- single pipes. The precise number of pipes
ments are set not just for the components priate means against damage and pol- per bundle, as well as the weight in each
but also for the planning and construction lutions during transport and storage. case, can be found in the manufacturer’s
engineers. European directive 98/83/EC EADIPS®/FGR® standard 74 [19.14] is to documentation.
[19.13] on the quality of water intended be followed for the packaging of fittings
for human consumption has been and valves. When loading and unloading pipes and
implemented in the EU member states The manufacturer’s instructions for trans- pipe bundles by crane, lifting straps
and is to be observed. port, storage and installation must be are to be used. Where individual pipes
observed. are unloaded using crane hooks, this
must be done with wide, padded hooks
(Figure 19.1) which are attached to
the head ends as otherwise there is a
Table 19.1: danger of damaging the pipe and its
Summary of rules specific to individual countries as a supplement to coating.
EN 805 [19.1] and EN 1610 [19.2]
Country Supplementary rules for Figure 19.2 gives an idea of how lifting
tackle should be used for transporting
EN 805 [19.1] EN 1610 [19.2] pipes.
Germany DVGW worksheet DWA-A 139 [19.9];
W 400-2 [19.7]; ATV-DVWK-A 142 [19.6] As an alternative to loading and unload-
DIN 2000 [19.8] ing by crane, suitable forklift trucks can
Austria OENORM B 2538 [19.10] OENORM B 2503 [19.11] also be used.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 19: Transport, storage and installation 19/4
Particular attention must be paid here Pipes and pipe stacks should only be
to ensure that set down on wooden beams or other
■ the pipes cannot tip sideways suitable materials.
over the fork They should
(the fork should be 1.5 m wide), ■ not be set down abruptly,
■ the pipes cannot roll off the fork, ■ not be shed by the vehicle,
■ the fork is sufficiently padded so ■ not be hauled or rolled, Fig. 19.3:
that damage to the pipe is avoided. ■ be secured against rolling and slipping, Sleeper for stacking ductile iron pipes
■ be stored on a level, load-bearing
During the loading and unloading surface.
process nobody must be beneath or on
top of the pipe or pipe bundle, or If ductile iron pipes are stored in a stack The ductile iron pipes are prevented from
within the hazard area of the crane. then they should be laid on wooden rolling off flat wooden beams by nailing
supports at least 10 cm wide, with a dis- on wooden wedges (Figure 19.6).
tance of approx. 1.5 m from the pipe ends
(Figures 19.3, 19.4 and 19.5).
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 19: Transport, storage and installation 19/5
Fig. 19.4:
Arrangement of wooden supports for stacking ductile iron pipes
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Stacking heights for ductile iron pipes Before cutting the steel straps it is slipping and rolling (Figure 19.8). The
are stated in the manufacturer’s informa- important to make sure that protection caps on drinking water pipes
tion. Stacking heights of more than 3 m ■ the pipe stack stands on firm ground should only be removed immediately
on the installation site are to be avoided which is as level as possible and does before installation (Figure 19.9).
for safety reasons. not slope,
■ the pipes are secured against rolling 19.3.2 Transport and storage
Individual pipes are to be secured using and slipping, of fittings
wooden wedges (Figure 19.7). ■ nobody is standing on or in front of
the stack of pipes. In accordance with EADIPS®/FGR® Opening up pipe bundles standard 74 [19.14] fittings should Distributing the pipes preferably be dispatched in cage pallets
The pipe bundles are secured with steel along the installation site (Figure 19.10). Consignment on dis-
or plastic straps. The straps should only posable pallets is permissible for site
be cut using suitable tools (plate shears If the pipes are laid out alongside the pipe deliveries (Figure 19.11). Fittings must
or side cutters) to avoid damage to the trench before being installed, they are to be stacked and arranged in such a way
pipes and the risk of injury to personnel. be placed on wooden supports or similar that they cannot damage each other.
as already described and secured against
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 19: Transport, storage and installation 19/7
Fig. 19.9:
The protective caps of ductile iron pipes for drinking water supply are only to be removed directly before installation
Fig. 19.10:
Ductile fittings in a cage pallet ready for dispatch
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Fig. 19.11:
Preparation of fittings ready for dispatch on disposable pallets
Individual parts or articles which do not ■ As from DN 350 openings are also
fit into a cage pallet are to be packed and to be closed by suitable means,
dispatched on Europallets or disposable e.g. covers in weather-resistant
pallets. Wherever possible the individual materials, shrink film or similar.
parts should not project beyond the edge When using steel straps, the coating
of the pallet. of the fittings is to be protected at
the points of contact with the steel
The following advice [19.14] should also straps.
be followed for fittings:
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Fig. 19.13:
Arrangement of valves on disposable pallets ready for dispatch
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The body ends must be protected in order Explanations about the storage condi- Cutting of pipes
to prevent the ingress of foreign matter tions for gaskets can be found in Chapter
and moisture. For valves with polymer 13.3.9, taking account of ISO 2230 [19.16]. The outside diameter of pipes up to
or elastomer seats, it is important that DN 300 is at least up to 2/3 of the pipe
these seats are also protected against UV length away from the spigot end in the
radiation. The protective caps for valves 19.4 Installation of ductile permissible area (Table 19.2), i.e. these
with flange connections must correspond iron pipe systems pipes can be cut on site within this area.
to EN 12351 [19.15]. Valves with polymer Individual manufacturers also allow
or elastomer seats must be delivered in larger cutting areas (Figure 19.14).
such a way that the sealing material is The most important condition for the
not put under compressive stress. With successful construction of these sys-
all other valves, the closing device must tems lies in following the manufactur-
be in the closed position during delivery. er’s installation instructions.
Individual parts or articles which do not The condition of pipes, fittings and valves
fit in cage pallets are to be packed and in ductile cast iron as well as accessories
dispatched on Europallets or disposable needs to be checked before installation.
pallets. Wherever possible the individual
parts should not project beyond the edge 19.4.1 Installation of pipes
of the pallet.
DVGW worksheet W 346 [19.17] supple-
19.3.4 Storage of accessories ments the specific instructions and rec-
ommendations for cement mortar linings.
The manufacturer’s instructions contain
information about the storage of parts For ductile iron pipes with restrained
such as gaskets. flexible push-in joints the allowable
operating pressure marking (PFA) is Fig. 19.14:
to be observed in accordance with Example of marking on a ductile iron pipe –
EADIPS®/FGR® standard 75 [19.18] the pipe can be cut in the area with a
(Chapter 3.6.1). longitudinal stripe
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Table 19.2:
Permissible outside pipe diameters for cutting ductile iron pipes in mm
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The swarf produced when cutting the Fig. 19.17: Fig. 19.19:
pipes is to be removed. Separation cut on a pipe Spigot end with insertion marking
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 19: Transport, storage and installation 19/13 Repair of any deformation Shaped Wood Assembling push-in joints
of pipe ends occurring
after cutting (rounding) Non-restrained push-in joints are
Force applied
described in Chapter 8.2 and restrained
The spigot ends of larger diameter pipes push-in joints in Chapter 9.2.
or the cut ends produced after shorten-
ing pipes may not be perfectly round. Information is provided in the installa-
However, by taking advantage of the elas- tion instructions from ductile iron pipe
tic properties of the material, rounding manufacturers for the installation of
the pipes is possible. To do this, e.g. a Shaped Wood push-in joints covering cleaning, apply-
jack is put on the inside of the pipe. So ing suitable lubricants, inserting rubber
as not to damage the cement mortar Fig. 19.20: gaskets and checking the correct seating
lining by this process, the jack is tight- Rounding a pipe spigot end with a jack of the rubber gasket.
ened between pieces of hardwood which
are shaped to fit the inside of the pipe Appropriate assembly equipment is listed
(Figure 19.20). for the various nominal size ranges by
the manufacturers of ductile iron pipes
Pipes with push-in joints > DN 1000 (Figures 19.21, 19.22 and 19.23).
can generally be assembled without
difficulty without any rounding device, When assembling pipe joints using an
even if some ovalisation has occurred excavator, a suitable intermediate layer is
due to storage and transport. to be provided between pipe and excavator
shovel, e.g. a shaped wooden block.
Fig. 19.21:
Example of assembly equipment for pulling
ductile iron pipes d DN 300 together
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Flanged joints are described in Chap- Chapter 18 (this chapter is being pre-
ter 1.3.1 (Figure 1.4) and Chapter pared) contains explanations about
9.2. Flanged pipes are dealt with in welding onto ductile iron pipes, such
Chapter 3.3.5 (Figure 3.13). The manu- as the welding on of flanges, branches,
facturer’s installation instructions are outlets and puddle flanges as well as
to be observed for the assembly of the application of welding beads for
flanged joints; recommendations for restrained pipes.
the screw lengths for flanged joints can Fig. 19.26:
be found in EADIPS®/FGR® standard 30 19.4.2 Installation of fittings Representation of a bolted gland joint
Fittings must not be cut, ground or Assembling bolted otherwise processed.
gland joints Assembling push-in joints
Bolted gland joints are described in
Chapter 1.3.4 (Figure 1.8). The manu- With all assembly techniques, the
facturer’s installation instructions are to fittings are to be aligned centrally and
be observed for the assembly of bolted axially before and during the assembly
gland joints (Figure 19.26). of the push-in joint pipes. For the correct
assembly of the joint the use of assembly
equipment (Figures 19.27 and 19.28)
is advisable. The manufacturer’s instal-
lation instructions are to be followed.
Fig. 19.27:
Use of assembly equipment specific to
nominal diameter
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Deeper anchoring of the shoring may Another possibility for avoiding thread- shoring unit, but should only be used in
mean that insertion over two shoring ing over two shoring units is making the areas where this makes sense. The pipes
units and the deep layer of struts are bottom of the trench deeper. In this case can then be threaded in at these locations
not necessary. attention must be paid to the anchor- and transported horizontally within the
ing depth of the shoring. These alterna- shored trench.
tives do not necessarily apply for every
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 19: Transport, storage and installation 19/20 Swinging in
The pipe manufacturer’s installation instructions are to be observed; in Germany TB Bau specifications are also to be observed
Fig. 19.37:
Threading in within two shoring units
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Table 19.3:
Thickness of the lower bedding layer
19.6.4 Embedding the pipes The thickness of the cover in the 19.6.5 Cover height
compacted state should reach a height
Embedding is very important in deter- of 15 cm above the crown of the pipe The cover height is the distance between
mining the load and stress distribution when more lightweight compaction the crown of the pipe and ground level.
over the circumference of the pipe. equipment is used and 30 cm with For drinking water pipelines it is impor-
heavier compaction equipment before tant that they are installed at a frost-
For embedding purposes, suitable soil starting on the compaction of the main free depth. The limit values for cover
which will not damage the parts of the filling. heights at which ductile iron pipes can
pipeline and the coating is to be filled in be installed without structural analysis
layers on either side of the pipeline and Pipelines which are subject to a risk of are given in the applicable standards
sufficiently compacted. floating must be provided with buoyancy EN 545 [19.27] and EN 598 [19.28].
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 19: Transport, storage and installation 19/24
For cover heights outside the areas 19.7 Special pipeline 19.7.2 Laying pipes uphill
stated or more favourable installation installation cases
conditions, separate static calculations Where the soil is sufficiently firm, there
may be necessary. Structural design is are cross supports which can support a
stipulated in e.g. ATV-DVWK-A 127 The features of certain important pipeline on a steep slope. In such a case
[19.29], Austrian standard B 5012 [19.30], application cases are described below. a concrete thrust block secures the bot-
[19.31] and SIA 190 [19.12]. Otherwise the Technical Department of tom bend (at the foot) and the pipes to be
the cast iron pipe manufacturer should installed upwards from there are driven
19.6.6 Bedding material be consulted for help with technical so far into the socket that they stand in
problems. the base of the socket.
A homogenous, well-compactable fill-
ing material is to be used as the pipe 19.7.1 Pipelines in sloping On the hillside itself then, depending
bedding material. The permissible and steep areas on the gradient, every 2nd or 3rd pipe is
grain sizes depend on the pipe coating secured behind the socket with a con-
and can be found in the pipe manufac- When installing pipes in sloping and crete block which is anchored in the
turer’s installation instructions. Before steep areas, additional forces come into natural soil (Figure 19.42). At the same
use, the bedding material is to be evalu- play which require corresponding safe- time the concrete blocks act as protec-
ated with respect to its corrosion likeli- guarding measures depending on the tion against the undercutting of the pipe-
hood according to DIN 50929-3 [19.32], gradient, such as restrained push-in line. Their dimensions are based on e.g.
[19.33], DVGW worksheet GW 9 [19.34] joints and cross supports. As a rule this DVGW worksheet GW 310 [19.21]. Slopes
or Austrian standard B 5013-1 [19.35] is necessary with gradients of more than on which landslides are to be expected
and tested as regards its suitability for 15°. require the installation of geotextiles as a
the pipe coating envisaged according to slidable pipe surround in order to release
DIN 30675-2 [19.36]. The installation of concrete, wood or the pipe from ground forces.
heavy clay barriers prevents the back-
filled pipe trench from acting like a
drainage ditch and so allowing water to
run under the pipeline.
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[19.8] DIN 2000 [Long-distance, district and [19.13] Council Directive 98/83/EC
Zentrale Trinkwasserversorgung – supply pipelines of water Council Directive 98/83/EC
Leitsätze für Anforderungen supply systems – of 3 November 1998 on the
an Trinkwasser, Planung, Bau, Additional specifications con- quality of water intended
Betrieb und Instandhaltung cerning OENORM EN 805] for human consumption
der Versorgungsanlagen – 2002-11-01 [Richtlinie 98/83/EG
Technische Regel des DVGW Richtlinie 98/83/EG des Rates
[Central drinking water supply – [19.11] OENORM B 2503 vom 3. November 1998
Guide lines regarding require- Kanalanlagen – über die Qualität von Wasser für
ments for drinking water, plan- Planung, Ausführung, den menschlichen Gebrauch
ning, construction, operation Prüfung, Betrieb – http://www.bmub.bund.de/filead-
and maintenance of plants – Ergänzende Bestimmungen zu min/bmu-import/files/pdfs/allge-
Technical rule of the DVGW] den OENORMEN EN 476, EN 752 mein/application/pdf/wasserrl.pdf]
2000-10 und EN 1610 1998-11-03
[Drain and sewer systems –
[19.9] DWA-A 139 Design, construction, [19.14] EADIPS®/FGR®-Norm 74
Einbau und Prüfung von Abwasser- testing, operation – Formstücke und Armaturen
leitungen und -kanälen Complementary provisions aus duktilem Gusseisen –
[DWA worksheet A 139 concerning OENORM EN 476, EN 752 Verpackung von Form-
Installation and testing and EN 1610] stücken und Armaturen
of drains and sewers] 2012-08-01 [Ductile iron fittings and valves –
2010-01 Packaging of ductile iron
[19.12] SIA 190; SN 533190 fittings and valves]
[19.10] OENORM B 2538 Kanalisationen – 2013-06
Transport-, Versorgungs- und Leitungen, Normal- und
Anschlussleitungen von Sonderbauwerke
Wasserversorgungsanlagen – [Sewage systems –
Ergänzende Bestimmungen Pipelines, standard and
zu OENORM EN 805 special constructions]
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 20: Pressure tests 20/1
20 Pressure tests
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20 Pressure tests
This chapter is being prepared.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 21: Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water 21/1
21 Commissioning of
ductile iron pipelines
for drinking water
21.1 Preliminary comment
21.2 Preventive measures
21.3 Cleaning measures
21.4 Flushing with water
21.5 Flushing with water and air
21.6 Impulse-flushing method
21.7 Other cleaning techniques
21.8 Disinfection process
21.9 Disinfection agent
21.10 Handling and disposal
21.11 Inspection and release of the pipeline
21.12 Measures for existing cast iron pipelines
21.13 Summary
21.14 Closing comments, additional information and prospects
21.15 References
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 21: Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water 21/2
21 Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water pipelines”, SVGW guideline W1000
[21.3]; in Austria in ÖVGW guideline
Drinking water legislation lays down requirements for our most important W 55 “Hygiene in reservoirs and pipe-
food – drinking water. Water supply companies are obliged to supply hygienically line networks” [21.4].
impeccable water and it is for this reason that comprehensive standards and
regulations specifying requirements, test methods and practices are available It is important that no substances
both for extraction and storage equipment and for distribution networks. should be found in the pipeline which
can serve as nutrient substrates for
microorganisms. Basically these sub-
strates can originate from inappropriate
pipe materials and assembly agents or
21.1 Preliminary comment Hence the title of DVGW worksheet they can be introduced via impurities.
W 291 “Disinfection of water supply
equipment” which appeared in 1986. The first possibility can be avoided if
Apart from their fittings and valves, However experience has taught us that components with DVGW certification,
ductile iron pipelines consist mainly disinfection alone rarely produces the for example, are envisaged right from
of pipes with cement mortar linings. desired result. Preventive measures and the planning stage. This requirement
DVGW worksheet W 346 [21.1] describes cleaning play an important role. The is included in e.g. DIN 2000 [21.5]
the handling of pipes and fittings with revised edition of DVGW worksheet (Section 6.6: Materials, Section 6.6.1:
this tried and tested lining and provides W 291 [21.2] bears the title “Cleaning Microbiological and sanitary require-
advice on commissioning pipelines and and disinfection of water distribution ments, Section 6.6.3: Testing and
putting them into operation in its two equipment” in order to indicate the certification). Basically, only materials
annexes, Annex 1: Changes in the pH importance of careful preliminary with valid sanitary certificates should
value, Annex 2: Flushing and disinfecting. cleaning. The worksheet places the be used. Components with e.g. DVGW
emphasis on cleaning, while disinfection certification guarantee that the corre-
Formerly, disinfection was the general is seen as an additional safety measure. sponding qualifications have been
term usually used for measures for get- In Switzerland this issue is dealt with in met. Also Section 17 of the latest
ting the equipment into a hygienically the “Recommendations for the cleaning version of the German drinking
impeccable condition. and disinfection of drinking water. water ordinance dated 2 August 2013
[21.6] specifies requirements for the
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 21: Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water 21/3
extraction, processing and distribution The second possible means of ingress When installing a new pipeline it
of drinking water. These components for impurities arises during the should also be borne in mind that,
are to be planned, constructed and manufacturing of pipeline compo- for example, only assembly agents
operated at least in accordance with nents, during their handling – includ- certified according to DVGW test
the generally accepted technical rules ing storage and transport – and during specification VP 641 [21.15] should
and standards. The entrepreneur and their installation. By means of be used. These are only used for
other owners of equipment of this appropriate packaging, for example the assembly process itself and must
kind must make sure that only suitable protective caps for pipes, fittings be able to be flushed out. For check-
materials and substances are used for and valves, the contamination of ing the characteristics of assembly
new constructions or during servicing surfaces in contact with water can agents in terms of rinsing/flushing
and maintenance. The German Federal be avoided. Instructions for this can them out of valves, DVGW test
Environment Agency (UBA) determines be found in EN 805 [21.11] and also specification W 363 [21.16], standard
assessment criteria so that the require- in DVGW worksheet W 400-2 [21.12] Annex A “Checking the rinsing/flush-
ments can be met in practice [21.7]. For (Section 5: Incoming goods inspection, ing capability of assembly agents” and
the area of drinking water, accredited transport and storage of parts for pipe- [21.17] are applied in Germany. Thread
certification bodies issue certificates to lines, Section 7.2: Cleaning parts for cutting agents must meet the require-
confirm that these requirements have pipelines) for all pipeline parts during ments of DVGW worksheet W 521 [21.18]
been met. Similarly in Switzerland, transport and storage, DVGW work- in Germany.
according to SVGW guideline W4-1 sheet W 346 [21.1] for cast iron pipes
[21.8] (Planning, project organisation, and fittings and EN 1074-1 [21.13] Appropriate cleaning mobilises and
construction, testing, operation and (Section 8: Packaging) for valves. For removes the unavoidable substances
maintenance of drinking water net- fittings and valves, EADIPS®/FGR® which could adversely affect the
works outside buildings) products with standard 74 [21.14] should also be quality of the drinking water. Finally,
SVGW certification are considered to be observed. disinfection has the aim of killing
suitable for the construction of drink- or damaging microorganisms which,
ing water supply equipment. In Austria despite careful cleaning, still remain
this subject is regulated in Austrian in the equipment.
standards B 5014-1 [21.9] and B 5014-2
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 21: Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water 21/4
For the successful commissioning of a drinking water pipelines are basically 21.3 Cleaning measures
drinking water pipeline there are three fitted with pipe caps when they leave
terms to be found in DVGW worksheet the production line. The same applies
W 291 [21.2] and similarly in SVGW for valves, where foil often protects the The cleaning of pipelines is aimed at
guideline W1000 [21.3], SVGW guide- packaging units. The caps are there getting rid of impurities, deposits and
line W4-3 [21.19] and ÖVGW guideline to prevent impurities and even small other undesirable substances. Such
W 55 [21.4]: animals from getting inside the substances can lead in the long term
components during storage and trans- to the proliferation of micro-organisms
■ preventive measures, port. Obviously these caps must stay on surfaces in contact with water and
■ cleaning, in place until the joints are assembled hence to a multiplication of the colony
■ disinfection. with the components. count in the water or to contamination
of the water. The first stage involves
These terms serve as guidelines and Impurities introduced by personnel, mobilising these substances. After that
are explained below. by working materials such as dirty they must be completely flushed out of
rags for wiping off the sockets and the system. In no case should they be
pipe brushes as well as pollutants allowed to be deposited again elsewhere,
21.2 Preventive measures introduced from the air (the oily mist thereby resulting in further detrimen-
of exhaust gas given off by 2-stroke tal effects to the water. For cleaning
pipe cutters!) must be excluded. purposes a basic distinction needs to be
A condition for the problem-free com- During breaks in work and overnight made between newly installed pipelines
missioning of newly installed drink- the ends of the pipeline need to be and existing ones.
ing water pipelines is compliance with sealed to be watertight. There is often
sanitary requirements right from a risk that heavy rain or groundwater Newly installed pipelines contain
the planning stage and throughout will inundate the pipe trenches. Soil agents to assist with assembly as well
installation. Hence the preventive getting into the pipeline is the main as impurities occurring unintentionally.
measures properly begin with the cause of persistent recontamination. In all cases these are to be mobilised
correct choice of pipeline parts along The ends of pipelines must be closed and flushed away. In the event of
with their storage, transport and off sufficiently tightly so that nei- “incidents” such as unforeseen and
installation. Pipes and fittings in ther groundwater and dirty water nor unplanned events like the ingress
ductile cast iron for the production of animals can penetrate. of mud in bad weather during the
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21.7 Other cleaning techniques example, pig diameters are too small, Cleaning with scrapers is predominantly
water for carrying away the mobilised carried out before the renovation of old
deposits can get into the section of cast iron pipelines with cement mortar.
With particularly persistent contami- pipeline to be cleaned.
nations, combined flushing and pigging
or special cleaning techniques can be In special cases, high-pressure cleaning 21.8 Disinfection process
used. For pigging, sponge rubber balls and cleaning with scrapers are methods
or plastic pigs come into use. In both which are used. High-pressure clean-
cases equipment needs to be provided ing can be used regardless of surface The simplest process for disinfecting
for the insertion and removal of the quality. However, the cleaning nozzles, pipelines which is still widely used
pigs. Hydrants, and preferably free-flow pressure and distance from the wall today is the standing technique. The
hydrants, are suitable for the sponge must be adapted to the type of surface disinfecting agent is left to stand in the
rubber balls. With pipelines which need in order to avoid damage. Hot water completely filled section of pipeline for
to be cleaned frequently, e.g. for raw or can improve the cleaning. In addition at least 12 hours.
process water, pigging fittings are to be a disinfecting agent can be used spar-
recommended. ingly in a targeted manner. Particu- With the standing technique, the disin-
larly in this case measures should fecting agent gets into the pipeline
Sponge rubber balls are normally used be taken to dispose of or process the by adding the solution to be applied
for cleaning pipelines up to DN 150. flushing water appropriately. to the water by means of metering
While more loosely adhering deposits pumps or injectors providing a constant
and sediments can be mobilised and For pipelines which are not accessible, ratio via a connection piece, an air valve
flushed out using sponge rubber balls, jetting lances are used with the jet or a hydrant. During the standing time
special pigs can also remove persistent directed backwards and a free outflow fittings in the section of pipeline being
deposits. Attention must be paid to of the flushing water. In accessible treated, such as valves or hydrants,
cleanliness during the handling and pipelines short sections can be cleaned should be operated so that the disin-
storage of pigs for drinking water manually. In this case it is possible to fectant can also get into areas where the
pipelines. During the cleaning process, concentrate the cleaning on particularly flow is poor.
precautions are to be taken to ensure heavily soiled areas. Safety specifications
that the pig does not become stuck in are to be observed in all cases.
the section being cleaned. And if, for
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Chlorine and hydrogen peroxide are In recent years the use of disinfecting disinfection agents for pipelines are:
available as ready-to-use dosage solu- agents based on chlorine and hypo-
tions. Commercial chlorine bleaching chlorite has been decreasing. Reasons ■ chlorine/hypochlorite 50 mg/L
agent has a chlorine content of 130 g/L for this are, among other things, the ■ hydrogen peroxide 150 mg/L
to 150 g/L. Solutions of hydrogen restricted area of application, the pro- ■ chlorine dioxide 6 mg/L
peroxide often have a content of 30 % duction of undesirable by-products and
or 50 %. Chlorine bleaching agent and the expense of disposal. Modern disin- The efficacy of the disinfection agent
hydrogen peroxide solutions are to be fecting agents are based on hydrogen depends essentially on the pH value.
stored in the dark, cool and tightly peroxide or chlorine dioxide. Calcium With pH values < 8 the disinfection
sealed. Light, heat and impurities hypochlorite and potassium perman- solutions with the concentrations
accelerate deco position. Hydrogen ganate do not play any significant role recommended in DVGW worksheet
peroxide solutions often contain in pipeline disinfection. W 291 [21.2] work well. However at
stabilisers. higher pH values the effectiveness
DVGW worksheet W 291 [21.2] dedi- of chlorine/hypochlorite and hydro-
Chlorine dioxide solution can easily be cates a special section to disinfection gen peroxide quickly subsides. Such
produced on site with two components agents. Advice on the choice of dis- conditions can arise with construction
with good storage stability. The ready- infection agent and safe working components in cementitious materials
to-use dosage solution usually has a practices can also be found there. The and/or soft water. DVGW worksheet
chlorine dioxide content of 3 g/L. It relevant table provides information W 346 [21.1] provides information in its
is stable for weeks if stored correctly. on chemicals for disinfecting equip- Annex 2 on the efficacy of disinfection
Meanwhile single-component products ment and gives a summary of the agents with pipelines lined with cement
are also available for producing chlorine commercial form, storage and appli- mortar depending on the type of water.
dioxide solutions. Calcium hypochlorite cation concentrations. Special sections In pipelines with untreated cement
and potassium permanganate are sol- deal with the individual disinfection mortar lining the pH value can increase
ids from which dosage solutions can be agents including their chemical prop- considerably with soft water of water
produced before use. erties and fields of application. The types WKSI and WKSII and hence the
application concentrations recom- efficacy of chlorine/hypochlorite and
mended in DVGW worksheet W 291
[21.2] for the major.
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The redox voltage or oxidation-reduc- Cement mortar without pre-treatment with pre-treatment 1)
tion potential (ORP) is often used for
estimating efficacy. The ORP is the
mixed potential of all oxidation and KS 4,3 in mmol/L < 0,5 0,5 bis 2 >2 < 0,5 0,5 bis 2 >2
reduction reactions (redox reactions) Chlorine/hypochlorite – 0 2) + 0 2) 0 +
occurring in the water, where the
substances contained in the water Hydrogen peroxide – 2), 3) 0 2) + 0 2), 3) 0 +
and in the material as well as their Chlorine dioxide + + + + + +
possible chemical reactions are not 1)
known. Therefore the redox potential + good If applicable water treatment with WKSI and with WKSII
cannot be calculated from the con- 0 adequate High disinfection agent concentration and long working time
centration of disinfection agent – poor Improves efficacy with addition of 1 % phosphoric acid
alone. Added to this is the fact that
many redox reactions are dependent
on the pH value. Figure 21.3 shows the untreated cement mortar lining then, To be recommended in these cases are
correlation between redox potential as a consequence of the increase in the disinfection agents with an ORP which
and pH value for the major disinfection pH value, the ORP required for disin- has a zero or low dependency on the
agents. fection of EH > 800 mV cannot be pH value, such as chlorine dioxide for
achieved with many disinfection agents, example.
In order to achieve a germicidal effect or can only be achieved with high con-
there should be an ORP of EH > 800 mV. centrations and long reaction times. If a cement mortar lined pipeline is put
These conditions apply not only to the Among these disinfection agents are, into operation with sufficiently hard
water but they must also be ensured for example, the frequently used water, then surface layers are formed
at the water/material phase interface. chlorine/hypochlorite which, at pH on the surface of the mortar.
If soft, slightly buffered water is used values above 8, increasingly causes
for filling a pipeline which has a fresh, difficulties with disinfection.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 21: Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water 21/13
All disinfection agents have a tendency
ClO2 to decay, light and dust as well as heavy
metal compounds and organic materials
have an accelerating effect. Therefore
H2O 2 disinfection agents, and above all their
dosage solutions, must always be stored
in cool and dark conditions. Only the
equipment recommended by the manu-
EH = 800 mV facturer is to be used for handling them.
If too much dosage solution is taken out
of the storage container it must not be
put back.
pH value
Dosage solutions should not be stored
Fig. 21.3: for too long. The manufacturer’s in-
ORP of the disinfection agents chlorine (hypochlorous acid)/hypochlorite (HClO/ClO-), structions must be followed. The free
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and chlorine dioxide (ClO2) depending on pH value [21.23] chlorine content of commercially avail-
able chlorine bleaching agents dimin-
ishes constantly depending on tempera-
Good buffering of harder water alle- 21.10 Handling and disposal ture. DVGW worksheet W 229 [21.24]
viates the increase in the pH value. provides information on this correla-
Accordingly, surface layers and good tion. This disintegration also produces
buffering of the water favour the Information on the storage, handling and undesirable by-products. Therefore it is
achievement of the necessary redox disposal of disinfection agents can be essential that the content of free chlorine
potential. found in the manufacturer’s data sheets is checked after longer storage times.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 21: Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water 21/14
In contrast to hydrogen peroxide and cation there are e.g. pump sprays with also on partial sections. It is essential
chlorine dioxide solutions, sodium hydrogen peroxide concentrations of that the measures stated in e.g. standard
hypochlorite solution is alkaline around 3 %. These allow parts or joints ISO 5667-5 [21.25] – also included in the
(chlorine bleaching agent) with pH to be disinfected on site. German standard method for the analy-
values between 11.5 and 12.5. After it sis of water, wastewater and sludge; gen-
has been added, the pH value of the DVGW worksheets W 291 [21.2] and eral information (Group A); (A 14) – are
treated water inevitably rises. With soft W 346 [21.1], Annex 2, ÖVGW guide- taken into account when taking the
water this affects the efficacy of the line W 55 [21.4] and SVGW guideline samples. This includes run-out, clean-
disinfecting solution and with very hard W 1000 [21.3] all provide information ing and flaming of the extraction valves.
water it can lead to the precipitation of on the disposal of water containing
calcium carbonate. Reducing the pH disinfection agents. The success of cleaning and disinfec-
value by mixing the solution with acids tion measures is to be checked by micro-
is to be discouraged because chlorine biological examinations. Basically, pipe-
gas can escape and this may trigger an 21.11 Inspection and release lines should only be put into operation
incident. of the pipeline once corresponding test results produce
evidence of complete microbiological
Disinfection solutions containing safety and the limit values specified
chlorine should basically be treated After disinfection, the disinfection for chemical substances are respected.
before they are introduced into the solution is flushed out of the pipeline Inspections with limit values and tests
sewage system or into bodies of water. and it is filled with the water to be trans- are based on the drinking water regula-
The possibilities here are dilution, ported subsequently. No more disin- tions. If the result is not satisfactory the
chemical neutralisation with e.g. fection agent should be able to be measures must be repeated.
sodium thiosulphate or filtration detected in the last filling of water.
through activated carbon filters. Approximately two to three times the It should be mentioned that, on the
pipeline capacity is necessary for the basis of microbiological examinations
Disinfection agents based on hydrogen flushing. At the end of the flushing after thorough cleaning, e.g. using the
peroxide are available under various process water samples are to be taken impulse-flushing method, there may be
trade names. As an dosage solution they from the pipeline for microbiological no need for disinfection [21.21]. This is
have hydrogen peroxide concentrations examination. This is done at the end of of particular interest if there is not
of around 35 % or 50 %. For spray appli- the pipeline or, with longer pipelines, enough water available or there are
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 21: Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water 21/15
large flushing volumes to be disposed of. speed. By adding disinfecting agents, dis- Raw water pipelines have a tendency
The impulse-flushing method reduces infection can be achieved if necessary to incrustation, particularly with high
the amount of water required for clean- during the flushing process. In all cases iron and manganese contents. Depend-
ing and can save the need for subsequent the instructions of DVGW worksheet ing on the operating method and type
disinfection and rinsing of the pipeline. W 291 [21.2] are to be observed. of raw water it can happen that, because
of traces of dissolved oxygen, oxidation
It happens time and again that water and precipitation already occur before
21.12 Measures for existing quality is adversely affected by malfunc- treatment of the water. It is currently
cast iron pipelines tions, exceptional events or emergencies. being investigated whether and to what
Examples are failures in water purifi- extent microbial iron ochre formation
cation, the ingress of impurities into the is a cause of the negative impacts [21.27].
After repairs and other work on a pipe- drinking water pipeline via leaks, or an
line, the sections of the pipeline need to unintentional connection with pipelines In order to safeguard the performance
be put back into operation as quickly as which do not carry drinking water. The capability of these pipelines, regular
possible. Therefore there is no time left Federal environmental agency gives maintenance is necessary, for example
for standard disinfection and sampling recommendations on provisions for by flushing with rubber balls or pigging.
with the issuing of a release. In this case a sufficient disinfection capacity in By contrast, compressed air “pigs” fit
it must be ensured by other means that such cases [21.26]. After disinfection every pipe cross-section and reliably
the drinking water pipeline is in perfect of the specific area of drinking water carry the mobilised deposits away. The
condition from the hygiene viewpoint using mobile equipment, it is above all causes of deposits in raw water pipe-
after completion of the work. Particu- essential to understand the cause of lines as well as measures for avoiding
lar attention is to be paid here to clean the problem. After remedial measures, and removing them, above all using the
practices when carrying out the work. the drinking water supply system in impulse-flushing method, are described
It is recommended that the com- question must be thoroughly cleaned. in [21.28].
ponents are checked for cleanli- As this normally involves impurities
ness and disinfected with spray which are difficult to remove, highly
solution before their installation. effective cleaning measures are indi-
After the end of the work the section cated. The impulse-flushing method
of pipeline is to be thoroughly flushed has proved itself here. Its efficacy can
through with water, if possible at high be increased by the injection of solids.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 21: Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water 21/16
21.13 Summary 21.14 Closing comments, papers [21.35], [21.36]. There is now
additional information some important new knowledge avail-
and prospects able about biofilms in systems carrying
When planning, constructing and com- drinking water, in particular regarding
missioning new pipelines, attention the VBNC state of bacteria. VBNC means
needs to be paid to aspects of hygiene. 21.14.1 European rules viable but not culturable. The disin-
Table 21.5 provides information on work and standards fectant influences the transitions bet-
before, during and after cleaning and ween the culturable and VBNC stages of
disinfection. Preventive measures take In contrast to DVGW rules and standards, certain bacteria. It can alter the popu-
account of sanitary aspects during the to date European rules and standards do lations and favour fast-growing bacteria.
planning and construction of pipelines. not contain any particular standard for Cleaning does not mean the same thing
After disinfection, arrangements need the commissioning or the cleaning and as disinfection. Effective cleaning is a
to be made for the proper elimination disinfection of pipelines. precondition for the success of disin-
of the water containing disinfecting EN 805 [21.11] only provides informa- fecting measures.
agent and for putting the pipeline into tion on disinfection in Section 12. Here,
operational condition by flushing it with flushing with drinking water without any In the explanations it is clearly described
drinking water. Microbiological testing disinfection agent with or without the what cleaning means – namely removing
provides information on whether the addition of air is considered as part of impurities, deposits and other undesir-
measure was completed successfully. The disinfection. Annex A.28 together with able substances from the pipelines. In this
pipeline may only be put into operation Table A.3 offers advice on the selection process all loose deposits are to be
once the release has been given. of the disinfection agent. mobilised and carried away. In no case
should they be deposited again else-
21.14.2 Research projects where, thereby leading to further
detriment to the drinking water. The
In recent years a number of research removal of deposits reduces the possi-
projects have helped with a better bility of the implantation of micro-
understanding of connections in terms organisms and optimises the operating
of cleaning and disinfection. The results condition of the drinking water system.
are published in the form of thesis
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Table 21.5:
Sanitary aspects when planning, constructing and commissioning pipelines
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Simulated calculations show areas where Based on DVGW worksheet W 291 The first step in eliminating impurities
there is insufficient flow. Such areas in [21.2] and as a supplement to EN 806-4 is always cleaning. This also applies
joints and components can result in [21.38], DVGW worksheet W 557 [21.37] for microbial contaminations. Micro-
an increased biofilm formation during was produced. In fact pipes and fittings organisms embedded in particles or
operation and must be constructively in ductile cast iron according to EN 545 corrosion products are not really killed
minimised. Also the length of little-used [21.39] are normally only used out- with the help of disinfection agents
outlets should be limited to a maximum side buildings, but this worksheet as these do not reach the micro-
of three times the internal diameter. In nevertheless contains information on organisms. Therefore the particles or
the event of contamination, areas of the operation of distribution networks corrosion products have to be removed
low flow can only be reached by means of such outstanding importance that it by flushing or other cleaning measures.
of intensive cleaning processes such is worth mentioning here. System disinfection may be necessary
as the pulsed impulse-flushing method. as an additional safety measure. De-
Simulated calculations have already DVGW worksheet W 557 [21.37] was posits favour the growth of micro-
helped with the optimisation of com- published in October 2012 with the organisms, which can then result in
ponents with the aim of reducing prob- knowledge available at that time but it adverse microbial effects. In order to
lems with increased biofilm formation did not yet take account of the results of prevent this, cleaning is necessary when-
during operation, as well as improving the latest research project [21.36]. In its ever there is a presence of deposits.
cleaning and disinfection. structure it reflects the three themes of Where the quality of the drinking water
DVGW worksheet W 291 [21.2]: has been adversely affected by micro-
21.14.3 DVGW worksheet ■ preventive measures, bial action, cleaning must be carried
W 557 [21.37] ■ cleaning, out as the first measure. In these cases,
■ disinfection. additional disinfection of the system
While DVGW worksheet W 291 [21.2] may be necessary after cleaning.
concerns water distribution systems, DVGW worksheet W 557 [21.37] em-
rules were needed for drinking water phasises the importance of cleaning The worksheet refers to the stress on
installations inside buildings as a before disinfection. This advice applies materials due to disinfection. Each
result of different operating conditions, equally for water distribution, in par- system disinfection places stress on
nominal sizes, materials, components and ticular for impurities and contamination. the materials and components of the
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 21: Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water 21/20
drinking water installation, meaning The new DWA rules take account of the 21.15 References
that damage may occur to the drinking maintenance of wastewater pressure
water installation. Repeating system pipes. Here cleaning is possible by means
disinfection at regular intervals in order of pigging, flushing with compressed air [21.1] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 346
to prevent contaminations is not to be or the impulse-flushing method. The Guss- und Stahlrohrleitungsteile mit
recommended for this reason. corresponding insertion equipment ZM-Auskleidung –
or pigging traps need to be envisaged Handhabung
21.14.4 Revision of DVGW during planning and construction. Static [DVGW worksheet W 346
worksheet W 291 [21.2] compressed air flushing should pre- Cast iron and steel pipes and com-
vent deposits while the impulse-flush- ponents with cement mortar lining –
After more than 15 years the revision of ing method can target the cleaning to Handling]
DVGW worksheet W 291 [21.2] is pend- sections of the pipeline where it is 2000-08
ing. Work begins in 2015. needed. Both processes normally work
online and use accumulated water for [21.2] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 291
21.14.5 Cleaning and maintenance cleaning. Reinigung und Desinfektion von
Cleaning is not only necessary at the [DVGW worksheet W 291
time of commissioning in order to expel Cleaning and disinfection of
impurities and assembly agents but also water distribution systems]
plays a major role in the maintenance 2000-03
of pipelines. It ensures a hygienically
impeccable condition and security of [21.3] SVGW-Richtlinie W1000
supply. Particularly with raw water Empfehlungen für die Reinigung
pipelines, regular cleaning is necessary und Desinfektion von Trink-
if, for example, the pipeline is affected wasserleitungen
by iron ochre formation [21.23]. [SVGW guideline W1000
Recommendations for cleaning
and disinfection of drinking
water pipelines]
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 21: Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water 21/21
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 21: Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water 21/22
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 21: Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water 21/23
[21.18] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 521 [21.20] SVGW-Richtlinie W4-5 [21.22] Immel, S., Schimmelpfennig, S.,
Gewindeschneidstoffe für die Richtlinie für Wasserverteilung – Klein, N., Utke, C., und Gnirss, R.:
Trinkwasser-Installation – Planung, Projektierung, Brunnengalerien und Rohwas-
Anforderungen und Prüfung Bau, Prüfung sowie serleitungen online reinigen
[DVGW worksheet W 521 Betrieb und Instandhaltung [Inline cleaning of well galleries
Thread cutting agents for der Trinkwasserverteilung and raw water pipelines]
drinking water installation – außerhalb von Gebäuden – wwt – Wasserwirtschaft
Requirements and testing] Teil 5: Praxisunterlagen, Themen- Wassertechnik,
1995-12 blatt Nr. 7: Rohrnetzspülung Heft 1–2,
[SVGW guideline W4-5 2014, S. 15 ff.
[21.19] SVGW-Richtlinie W4-3 Guideline for water distribution –
Richtlinie für Wasserverteilung – Planning, project development, [21.23] Klein, N. und Rammelsberg, J.:
Planung, Projektierung, construction, testing as well as Inbetriebnahme von Rohrleitungen
Bau, Prüfung sowie operation and maintenance mit Zementmörtel-Auskleidung
Betrieb und Instandhaltung of drinking water distribution [Commissioning of cement
der Trinkwasserverteilung systems outside buildings – mortar lined pipelines]
außerhalb von Gebäuden – Part 5: Practical data sheet, data 3R international (48),
Teil 3: Bau und Prüfung sheet No. 7: Network flushing] Heft 3-4,
[SVGW guideline W4-3 2013-3 2009, S. 144 ff.
Guideline for water distribution –
Planning, project development, [21.21] Bernemann, M. und Farke, O.: [21.24] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 229
construction, testing as well as Bau einer Trinkwassertransport- Verfahren zur Desinfektion
operation and maintenance leitung DN 700 in Paderborn von Trinkwasser mit Chlor
of drinking water distribution [Construction of a drinking water- und Hypochloriten
systems outside buildings – main DN 700 in Paderborn] [DVGW worksheet W 229
Part 3: Construction and testing] bbr – Fachmagazin für Leitungs- Disinfection procedures
2013-3 bau, Brunnenbau und Geothermie of drinking water with
2007-02, S. 16 ff. chlorine and hypochlorite’s]
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 21: Commissioning of ductile iron pipelines for drinking water 21/25
[DVGW worksheet W 348 [21.35] Erkenntnisse aus dem BMBF [21.38] EN 806-4
Requirements of bituminous (Deutsches Bundesministerium Specifications for installations
coatings of ductile iron fittings für Bildung und Forschung) – inside buildings conveying water
and in the jointing area of Verbundprojekt for human consumption –
ductile iron pipes and unalloyed „Biofilme in der Trinkwasser- Part 4: Installation
and low-alloyed steel pipes] Installation“ [Technische Regeln für
2004-09 http://www.biofilm-hausin- Trinkwasser-Installationen –
stallation.de/dokumente/ Teil 4: Installation]
[21.33] DVGW-Verzeichnis wasser- Thesenpapie_2_0.PDF 2010
fachlicher Produkte
http://www.dvgw-cert.com/?id=34 [21.36] Erkenntnisse aus dem Projekt [21.39] EN 545
http://mycert.dvgw-cert. „Biofilm-Management“ Ductile iron pipes, fittings,
com/verzeichnisse/index/ Erkennung und Bekämpfung accessories and their joints
von vorübergehend unkul- for water pipelines –
[21.34] EN 16421 tivierbaren Pathogenen Requirements and test methods
Influence of materials on water in der Trinkwasser-Installation [Rohre, Formstücke, Zubehör-
for human consumption – http://www.biofilm-management. teile aus duktilem Gusseisen
Enhancement of microbial de/sites/default/files/Projektmeet- und ihre Verbindungen
growth (EMG) ings/Bonn_2014/Thesenpapier/ für Wasserleitungen –
[Einfluss von Materialien auf Wasser Thesenpapier%201.1.pdf Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren]
für den menschlichen Gebrauch – 2010
Vermehrung von Mikroorganismen] [21.37] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 557
2014 Reinigung und Desinfektion von
[DVGW worksheet W 557
Cleaning and disinfection of
drinking water installations]
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22.1 General In parallel with this method of replac- As time went on, further techniques were
ing pipes along the same route, addi- developed which are more or less widely
22.1.1 Historical development tional techniques were developed for used. A few examples of these processes
the trenchless installation of ductile iron are cutting or ploughing in or the pulling
The roots of the construction method pipes. First and foremost here is the hori- (relining) of ductile iron pipelines.
known as the trenchless installation tech- zontal directional drilling (HDD) tech-
nique lie in soil displacement hammers. nique. The first successful example of Ductile cast iron is a tough iron-carbon
The burst lining technique was developed directional drilling was the roughly 180 m material in which the carbon element is
from this at the beginning of the 1980s. long crossing under the Pajaro River predominantly present as graphite in free
British Gas was already using modified in the vicinity of the Watsonville (Cali- form. Pipes and fittings in ductile cast
soil displacement rockets for the trench- fornia) in 1972. The essential details of iron are structurally treated as flexible
less replacement of pipelines on a large this technique were taken from the deep pipes. Pipes produced in rigid materials
scale in the early eighties. Burst lining was drilling process for oil, for example, and were scarcely able to safely cope with the
developed further over the years. Then, in then further refined. In the years which mechanical tensile and bending loads
1990, Berliner Wasserbetriebe in collabo- followed, up to 1980, the controlled hori- produced during trenchless installation.
ration with the Karl Weiss company intro- zontal directional drilling technique
duced the press/pull or Hydros technique. progressed rapidly. At this time the first So the development of trenchless pipe
This in turn was later developed into the projects using the HDD technique were installation techniques is inseparably
auxiliary pipe technique. Since then both also being carried out in Europe. linked with ductile iron pipes, their
techniques have been applied by Berliner push-in joints and their external pro-
Wasserbetriebe with ductile iron pipes. In In addition to this classic trenchless tech- tection techniques. Soon the potential
Berlin alone, around 10,000 m of pipelines nique, another possibility had been estab- of restrained push-in joints developed
in nominal sizes of DN 80 to DN 500 are lished for the trenchless replacement of as a substitute for concrete thrust blocks
replaced in this way each year. old pipelines – so-called pipe relining. was recognised for the first trenchless
This method consists of pulling a smaller installation techniques. Since then ductile
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iron pipe systems have come to represent without prospect of compensation. In this Nevertheless experience is gradually
the benchmark in terms of reliability and respect it is hardly possible to make a fair showing that trenchless installation and
efficiency in trenchless installation tech- financial comparison between trench- replacement techniques can generally
niques. less and open techniques because the be more cost effective than conventional
“social” costs borne by the public at large, open technique. For example, a regional
In 2012 a summary of current installation although perfectly capable of being esti- gas and water supply company has pub-
techniques was published in ISO 13470 mated, are not taken into account when lished a comparison between open and
[22.1]. contracts are awarded. closed construction methods as shown
in Table 22.1.
22.1.2 Efficiency aspects of
trenchless installation
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Table 22.2:
Rough cost comparison of construction techniques [22.2]
An estimated comparison of the costs W 400-1 [22.9] emphasises the predomi- 22.1.3 Ecological aspects of trench-
of closed replacement techniques with nant influence which the choice of piping less installation techniques
those using the open method also shows system has in connection with the choice
clear potentials for savings with the closed of construction technique. In the development of trenchless instal-
technique (Table 22.2). lation techniques, first of all it was eco-
The key areas for the choice of piping nomic considerations which were in the
In order to safeguard the workmanship system are given as the following [22.9]: forefront in order to emphasise advan-
of drinking water pipelines installed 1. Bedding and conditions of use tages as compared with conventional
or replaced using the trenchless (e.g. diffusion characteristics, capacity techniques using open trenches, mak-
technique, over recent years the DVGW reserves), ing their use possible with most public
in Germany, for example, has produced 2. Features of the corrosion protection pipeline projects. Once the trenchless
a comprehensive set of rules (series system and joint technology, technique had become established
commencing GW 320-1) which takes 3. Positive experiences found with par- and was being widely used, its posi-
account of precisely this requirement ticular systems, tive influence on ecological considera-
[22.3 to 22.8]. This describes the quality 4. Appropriate availability (delivery tions became clear. It is to the credit of
parameters for current trenchless instal- times, stocks, system continuity). the GSTT (German Society of Trench-
lation and replacement techniques and less Technologies) that the beneficial
determines limit values and measurement effects of trenchless techniques on the
specifications for them. DVGW worksheet reduction of CO2 and fine particulate
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 22: Use of ductile iron pipes for trenchless installation techniques 22/5
– impermeability to diffusion X
safeguards drinking water in all soil and
installation conditions, protects against
environmentally harmful hydrocarbons,
protectsg groundwater in sewage transport
– linings approved to food hygiene X Xensure hyhygienic and environmentally safe
standards transport
transport of drinking water
– scrap as the raw material X Xminimises
minimises the consumption of primary and
fossil raw
fossil raw materials and reduces CO2 emissions
– ductile iron can be recycled X Xsaves reso
saves resources for present and future
– low expenditure on maintenance and X Xavoids wa
avoids waste, minimises the consumption
repair expenses with long operating ofof
resources and reduces CO2 emissions
working life
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 22: Use of ductile iron pipes for trenchless installation techniques 22/8 Positive locking 22.3.3 Fields of use for restrained tile iron pipes, it is predominantly posi-
push-in joints push-in joints tive locking restrained push-in joints
that are recommended. For burst lining,
With positive locking push-in joints the Opinions differ in the individual according to DVGW technical informa-
forces are transmitted across shaped el- countries of Europe as to which type tion sheet GW 323 [22.7], only positive
ements (e.g. welding beads) to the spigot of restrained push-in joint should locking joints are permissible.
ends in combination with force transmit- be used or is best recommended for
ting elements (e.g. locks or segments) and which installation technique. So for In other European countries friction
cast-on or pre-fixed thrust resistance example in Germany, according to the locking restrained push-in joints are
chambers (Figures 22.5 and 22.6). DVGW worksheets GW 320-1 [22.3], also permitted. They should be used in
GW 321 [22.4], GW 322-1 [22.5], GW consultation with the pipe manufacturer.
322-2 [22.6] and GW 324 [22.7] on the
subject of trenchless installation of duc- Technical data on positive locking
restrained push-in joints (traction forces,
curve radiuses etc.) according to DVGW
Worksheet GW 320-1 [22.3] are given in
Table 22.3.
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Table 22.3:
Technical data on positive locking restrained push-in joints according to Table A.6 – Allowable traction forces, angular deflection
and curve radiuses for pipes in ductile cast iron with BLS® 1) joints (incl. VRS®-T for DN 80 – DN 500 and TKF for DN 600 – DN 1000)
and TIS-K (type pressure testing Ptyp = PFA x 1.5 + 5 bar, reduced by the safety factor S = 1.1 for construction condition) [22.2]
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Enlarging the nominal size by up to lines replacement using the open trench
three stages is possible. If the new pipe- technique may be more cost effective
line can be smaller than the old pipe- [22.16].
line, pipe relining is an available alter-
native. Of equal importance is the accuracy of the
documentation on the existing old pipe-
With ductile iron pipes, an upsizing line. Among other things the following
dimension (Figure 22.8) which is larger points are to be documented:
than the diameter of the socket is to be
selected. Based on DVGW technical infor- ■ Diameter and material of the old pipe,
mation sheet GW 323 [22.7], the required ■ Change of nominal sizes and materials,
distance to adjacent supply carriers and ■ Cover depth,
the depth of cover are to be determined Figure 22.8: ■ Changes of direction,
according to the upsizing dimension (UD). Definition of the upsizing dimension UD ■ Horizontal and vertical offset sections,
The following minimum distances are ■ Branch pipes or connections,
to be observed: ■ Condensate drains,
is difficult from a work safety point of ■ Valves,
■ parallel line: > 3 x UD, min. 40 cm, view when replacing pipes in open ■ Concrete thrust blocks,
■ parallel fragile lines < DN 200: trenches does not apply here. ■ Fittings, clamps, etc.,
> 5 x UD, min. 40 cm, ■ Parallel and crossing line equipment.
■ parallel fragile lines from DN 200: In the area of distribution networks the
> 5 x AM, min. 100 cm, use of burst lining (or any trenchless
■ crossing lines at critical distance open replacement) is above all dependent on
wherever possible, the number of intermediate installation
■ pipe cover: > 10 UD. pits necessary. Intermediate installation
pits have to be created for house connec-
Another advantage of burst lining old tions, valves, changes of direction and
pipes in asbestos cement can be seen in cross-section and branch pipes. Bends
the fact that the problematic process- up to 11° can usually go through. With a
ing and disposal of the old pipes, which tighter series of house connection pipe-
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 22: Use of ductile iron pipes for trenchless installation techniques 22/12
With burst lining a distinction is made The force needed for bursting is intro- With this technique the force is intro-
between dynamic and static processes. duced in the longitudinal direction of the duced through a traction rod in the
With both techniques forces are intro- pipe by a kind of soil displacement ham- bursting head which is run from the
duced into the old pipeline to destroy mer. This is driven by compressed air from target pit through the old pipeline from
it when the bursting head is used. a compressor. In order to guide the burst- the traction unit to the bursting head
Brittle materials are burst into frag- ing head it is winched from the target pit (Figures 22.11 and 22.12).
ments (Figure 22.9), all others are cut by a traction cable pulled through the old
open (Figure 22.10). The fragments or pipe. The dynamic technique is above all During the pulling process the traction
cut pipes are pushed into the surround- suitable for highly compacted and stony unit is supported against the wall of the
ing earth. soils and brittle old pipes. It is not suitable target pit. The traction rod is successively
for laying new ductile iron pipes. dismantled. The static technique is suit-
able for easily displaceable, homogeneous
soils and is suitable for laying new ductile
iron pipes.
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As a rough classification, the following However, the traction forces to be The usual pipe lengths are between 50 m
tractive power levels can be assumed expected are also still dependent on a and 200 m. Longer lengths are also pos-
depending on the diameter of the old pipe; few other factors, such as e.g. the upsizing sible theoretically as in fact only a small
refer to [22.17]: dimension, the type of soil to be found and part of the tensile force is due to the pipe
pipe lengths. The major part of the tensile material and its length and consequently
■ d DN 250 ➝ 400 kN, forces is produced by the breaking of the to surface friction. But pipe lengths are
■ > DN 250 d DN 400 ➝ 770 kN, old pipe and the upsizing. Added to this is usually limited by local circumstances
■ > DN 400 d DN 600 ➝ 1250 kN, a relatively small proportion from surface such as changes in direction or other
■ > DN 600 d DN 1000 ➝ 2500 kN. friction with the new pipe. components.
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The lengths which are actually possible Video 22.02: Berlin street regulations. All unused
and practicable are to be determined indi- Burst lining, demo site in Lennestadt construction materials have to be
vidually for each project. completely removed.
Meanwhile there are also practical ex- 22.4.2 Press/pull technique Hence the development of two spe-
periences with the replacement of ductile cial pipe replacement techniques –
pipe materials (spheroidal graphite cast General the press/pull technique and the
iron and steel) with ductile iron pipes. auxiliary pipe technique – was almost
Here the old pipes are cut open with The greatest innovative boost in the inevitable. With both techniques pipelines
special perforating and cutting wheels domain of trenchless replacement came can be replaced along the same route
(Figure 22.13) and then bent open with from Berlin. The oldest grey cast iron net- without digging trenches with new
the upsizing head until the new pipe work of water pipes in Germany, dating pipelines of the same or larger nominal
can be drawn through. Use up to nomi- back more than 120 years, is in opera- sizes, e.g. new DN 125/150 for old DN 100
nal size DN 400 has been tried and tested tion here and in urgent need of replace- (Table 22.4), where the pipes of the old
[22.18] ( Video 22.02). ment. The ambient conditions in Berlin pipeline are salvaged, either in frag-
make replacement more difficult, mainly ments or in whole pipes. This offers the
because of the following two require- following advantages:
■ Valuable raw materials are put back
1. The pipelines lie in the area of the into the cycle,
roots of trees lining the street pave- ■ Surfaces and nature are only affected
ments. The trees are under strict pro- to a minimum extent,
tection and the roots may in no case ■ the underground space is not
be damaged. The use of pipe trenches obstructed by additional pipelines.
and conventional installation is not
2. Replacement techniques in which
the old pipes, either whole or in
Figure 22.13: fragments, remain in the trench,
Cutting whell for old pipes in steel cannot be used because of the
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Table 22.4: ■ Depending on the machine technol- The distance between the intermediate
Maximum nominal size enlargement ogy used, with a max. noise emission pits depends on the nominal size of the
with trenchless replacement of < 54.5 dB(A) a particularly “quiet” old pipes and its condition, the nominal
and dust-free site is possible. In fact in size of the new pipe, the machine technol-
Maximum residential areas it is possible to work ogy, the type of soil, the status of trees and
Nominal size without night-time interruptions. roots and, naturally, traffic conditions and
nominal size
of old pipe the presence of utility lines. Depending
of new pipe
Above all in inner-city construction pro- on technique and location, the distance
DN 80 DN 150 jects with extremely densely laid piping between the intermediate pits should
DN 100 DN 200 networks, lines running parallel or cross- not exceed 25 m to 50 m. In normal cases,
ing lines are at high risk when heavy civil where the route runs in a straight line
DN 150 DN 200 engineering equipment is used in open or there is a minimum curve radius of
DN 200 DN 300 trenches. This risk is minimised with the 170 m, there is a distance of 100 m to
use of trenchless replacement techniques. 180 m between launch and target pits.
DN 300 DN 400
Before the replacement process, the old
DN 400 DN 400 Both techniques (press/pull and aux- pipeline is taken out of operation. Resi-
iliary pipe techniques) are used with dents continue to be supplied by tempo-
supply pipelines in the nominal size range rary water pipelines, where the water is
Additional plus points of the two tech- DN 80 to DN 400. fed into the disconnected house connec-
niques are: tion pipelines in the house connection
■ There is no need to move bus stops or Requirements: pits.
reroute bus services. ■ a machine pit to take the machine
■ Delivery traffic in shopping streets is technology, Description of technique
hardly affected at all. ■ an assembly pit for the new pipes
■ Other utility lines are not put at risk (about 7 m long), In the press/pull technique ( Video
by excavations. ■ intermediate pits for house connec- 22.03) the old pipe is pushed onto a
tions and branch pipes. splitting cone, broken up and removed
in fragments from the machine or inter-
mediate pit (Figure 22.14). The new
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Video 22.03:
Presentation of the press/pull technique – Example in Switzerland
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Firstly a coupling traction rod is inserted As the socket acts much like an upsiz-
into the old pipeline and anchored onto ing element, in general only forces from
a transition adapter at the end of the surface friction are produced here, while
old pipeline (Figure 22.14) so that the the 6 m long barrel of the pipe, which is
old pipe is pushed out of the ground in smaller in diameter, makes no contribu-
the replacement process. No fragments tion to the production of surface friction
remain in the bedding zone of the new forces.
pipeline. The new pipe is also attached
to the transition adapter and simulta- At the back wall of the target pit, the
neously drawn along afterwards as the hydraulic press/pull equipment (traction
pipe is removed. unit) is supported e.g. by a steel construc-
tion as a thrust bearing (Figure 22.17).
Figure 22.15: The traction forces are introduced across
Launch and assembly pit the traction rod at the transition adapter The thrust bearing is calculated according
as axial compressive forces in the end of to the reaction forces and the nominal
the old pipeline. In some cases it can hap- size and only allows for a small overlap
pen that the old pipe is already so weak with the pipe so that as far as possible no
that it cannot take up the axial forces earth is pushed into the pit. The hydraulic
occurring and thus cannot be pushed piston of the press/pull equipment allows
out of the ground. In such cases the old the old pipe to be pushed out without
pipe must be reinforced in advance. This vibrations and jolting. In the intermediate
can be done for example by pulling in an construction pits the old pipe is pushed
empty pipe and then filling the empty gap across a splitting cone or shattered with
between the old pipe and the empty pipe an automatic pipe cracker (Figure 22.18).
with concrete.
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After complete removal of the last of the 22.4.4 Horizontal directional drilling
old pipes the route is now occupied by the
reusable auxiliary pipes (Figure 22.21). General
These now take up the loads of the cover
and the traffic and so secure the sewage In contrast to the techniques described
channel. in Chapters 22.4.1, 22.4.2 and 22.4.3
for replacing existing pipelines using the
In the last stage of the work, the new pipe same route, the following technique for
is connected up to the auxiliary pipes in the trenchless installation of a new pipe-
the pipe channel by means of a traction line of ductile iron pipes is now described.
head with an integrated tension force This includes horizontal directional drill-
gauge. The auxiliary pipes are drawn ing (HDD), cutting in, ploughing in and
Figure 22.22: back into the machine pit and with them guided pilot jacking. While the last-named
Steel pipes pushed out the new pipeline is pulled into the exist- techniques play a rather subordinate role,
ing pipe channel (Figure 22.21). As the the HHD technique practically represents
auxiliary pipes are being dismantled and an everyday form of trenchless installa-
Then the mechanical press pushes the old removed in the machine pit, the assem- tion of ductile iron pipes.
pipes out into the assembly pit by means bly of the new pipes is taking place in
of restrained auxiliary steel pipes until the pipe installation pit. If an upsizing Since the beginning of the nineties the
they have been completely removed (Fig- traction head is used, larger dimension development of this technique has been
ure 22.22). new pipes can also be pulled in. Usu- closely linked with ductile cast iron pipes.
ally a small overcut of 10 % to 15 % more As early as 1993, in experimental tests
If the old pipe cannot take the high press- than the external diameter of the socket Nöh [22.20] installed 60 m long DN 150
ing forces to be expected, it is cut in the is used. pipelines with positive locking push-in
intermediate pits and removed in shorter joints and extracted them from the pipe
pieces of pipe. channel again to assess the surface
stresses. The excellent results formed the
basis for a double culvert of 2 x DN 150
of around 200 m in length which
was installed in 1994 near Kinheim
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 22: Use of ductile iron pipes for trenchless installation techniques 22/22
■ Pilot boring,
■ Upsize boring,
■ Pulling in.
Figure 22.23:
Diagram of the horizontal directional drilling technique
Video 22.05:
HDD for a DN 500 culvert at Geel in Belgium
Video 22.06:
HDD for a DN 900 culvert at Alzira in Spain
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This is the first stage of producing a The purpose of upsize boring is, where
drilled channel from the starting point necessary, to enlarge the pilot bore to a
to the target pit into which the pipe string diameter sufficient for the insertion of
can be drawn. The pilot hole is driven in the utility pipe in a number of stages by
a controlled way using a drill head on the the use of appropriate tools. To do this
end of a drill pipe. In this process a watery an upsizing head is mounted on the pilot
bentonite suspension, the so-called drill- drill string, the size and design of which
ing fluid, escapes under high pressure at are based on the soil conditions in each
the drill head which is pumped through case and the dimension of the pipe to be
the drill pipe by the drilling machine to pulled through subsequently (Figures
the drill head. The drilling fluid serves the Figure 22.24: 22.25 and 22.26).
dual purpose of transporting the detached Drill head for pilot boring
material away and supporting the drill The upsizing head is drawn through the
hole. The drill head is designed dif- borehole under constant rotation and so
ferently for different soil types. With in the drill head above the route of the widens the pilot bore. The soil removed
sandy soils the outlet nozzles are gener- pipeline. Deviations from the target pipe- is carried away with the drilling mud,
ally sufficient for loosening and carrying line are corrected by steering movements. which simultaneously supports the chan-
away the drilling spoil. In rocky ground The precision of steering is so high these nel bored.
drill heads equipped with roller chisels days that it is possible to have pilot bores
can be used. arrive in a target area of only 1 m² after The upsizing process is repeated with ever
lengths of more than 1,000 m. larger drill heads until the desired inter-
The pilot boring is guided by controlled nal diameter of the channel is achieved.
rotation of the bevelled control surface of With ductile iron pipes the diameter of the
the drill head, the swerving movement of bore is based on the outside diameter of
which can be pushed by rotation in the the sockets. Usually an overcut of 20 % to
desired direction (Figure 22.24). The 30 % larger than the socket is necessary.
actual position of the drill head is located
by radio signals from a transmitter housed
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Figure 22.35:
Towing vehicle
Figure 22.34:
Diagram of the ploughing-in technique
Video 22.07:
Ploughing in DN 150 ductile iron pipes
Figure 22.36:
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 22: Use of ductile iron pipes for trenchless installation techniques 22/28
Figure 22.39:
Launch pit with sloping ramp
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As the pipeline is pulled in, additional technique is so high that even the high
protection tubes, cables and warning tape requirements for gravity sewers can be
can be installed at the same time. In order met.
to fill the annular space or to reduce fric-
tion forces a bentonite suspension can be Basic conditions for guided pilot boring
introduced. Individual pipeline strings are displaceable soil, piping lengths
are connected one beneath the other with < 120 m, no stones > 80 mm in the route
collars. Any surface distortions existing and a groundwater level above the pipe
after the installation of the pipeline are of less than 3 m. The available machine
then evened out by running the excavator technology currently allows the instal-
over them. lation of pipes with a maximum outside
diameter of 1,000 mm. This approximately
Figure 22.40: 22.4.7 Guided pilot boring corresponds to a ductile iron pipe with
Launch pit positive locking restrained push-in joints General of nominal size DN 800.
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In the third stage of the work the ductile If necessary the bentonite mixture can
iron pipe with positive locking restrained be pushed through a feed pipeline which
push-in joint is released into the target runs through the new pipe in the area of
shaft and connected to the traction head the hole opener between pipe and soil.
of the foremost casing pipe. The fric-
tion-locked casing pipes are now drawn Coatings
back to the launch shaft. Here they are
retrieved together with the feed auger Basically, for this technique, pipes with
(Figure 22.42). cement mortar coating to EN 15542 [22.12]
or polyurethane coating to EN 15189
All further product pipes are connected to Figure 22.43: [22.13] are used. The area of the joint
the pipe previously pulled in very quickly. Hole Opener is protected with a protective rubber
The traction head carries a tensile force sleeve and/or a sheet steel cone.
gauge with which the pulling forces work-
ing on the pipe string can be measured Many innovations are based on proven
and documented. products where skilful adaptation
and reorientation has developed them
As an alternative to the pulling head a further for new conditions of use and
so-called hole opener (Figure 22.43) can basic requirements. This is also the case
also be used with a connection for ductile with the ZM-U-Plus pipe which has
iron pipes (Figure 22.44) [22.22]. This been in use in Berlin for a number of
has the advantage that the utility pipe years.
to be laid can be installed to millimetre
precision, which is particularly important Initially developed and success-
when installing gravity sewers. The fric- fully because of the desire of Berliner
tional forces produced on the casing can Wasserbetriebe (BWB) for a trench-
be reduced by lubrication with bentonite. less pipe replacement technique in the
domain of drinking water which could
Figure 22.44: keep to the track in coarse-grained and
Coupling for ductile iron pipes loose soils containing gravel, the tech-
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 22: Use of ductile iron pipes for trenchless installation techniques 22/32
nique of trenchless laying of new pipe- An advantage of guided pilot jacking is the
lines opened up an entirely new area of low overcut. Therefore there is no or only
use. a little amount of settlement as a result.
The technique is technically mature. It
With the ZM-U-Plus cement mortar combines the known technique of guided
coated pipe (Figure 22.45) ductile iron pipe jacking which has been tried and
pipes are so thickly coated with cement tested in the field of sewer construction
mortar up to the outside contour of the with the pull-in technique for restrained
socket that externally they have a cylin- ductile iron pipes. Traffic and environ-
drical contour without any recognisable ment are only affected to a slight extent.
socket. The cement mortar coating is
extremely mechanically robust. It resists 22.4.8 Relining technique
enormous friction forces over the entire Figure 22.45:
circumference of the pipe barrel. Once the ZM-U-Plus pipe General
joints are assembled the gap between the
end face of the socket and the spigot end When replacing pipelines using the relin-
is closed with flexible material and then Miscellaneous ing technique a new pipeline is drawn
sealed with special tape. or pushed into an existing pipeline. This
As a result the individual pipeline sec- always results in a reduction of the clear Push-in joint tions can be conventionally assembled inside diameter. When relining with
in the installation pits (previously launch ductile iron pipes the reduction of the
As the utility pipe is pulled in by guided and pulling pits) with the help of standard cross-section of the pipeline depends on
pilot boring, here again the use of posi- fittings. For pipelines to be fully locked, the diameter of the sockets of the new
tive locking restrained push-in joints is restrained fittings are to be used. By using pipeline. As a rule this is two nominal size
necessary. Allowable traction forces and these fittings, with pressure pipelines the stages. The hydraulic efficiency of the
operating pressures for the positive lock- ends of the pipeline can also be closed for pipeline is reduced. However this is in
ing restrained push-in joints are given in pressure testing before connection. part compensated by the smoother inter-
Table 22.3. nal surface (lower wall roughness) of
Shoring of the ends of the pipeline is not the new pipeline. Old pipelines are often
necessary in this case. incrusted on the inside und therefore
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 22: Use of ductile iron pipes for trenchless installation techniques 22/33
have a high wall roughness. The relining With sewage pipelines too, the speed of Description of technique
technique can be used for drinking water flow increases with relining, which in
pipelines, industrial water pipelines and many cases means that sedimentation With the relining technique, pipes in
pressurised and gravity sewage pipelines. of the solids carried in the wastewater is ductile cast iron to EN 545 [22.10] or
Pipe relining is based on DVGW Work- avoided. It is because of the solids depos- EN 598 [20.11] are pulled or pushed
sheet GW 320-1 [22.3]. ited that wastewater pipelines often have into the old, existing pipeline sliding on
to be cleaned at relatively short intervals the socket and protected with a sheet
In Germany the consumption of drinking by high pressure flushing or pigging. In steel cone (Figure 22.46). Because of the
water by the public and by industry has some cases this may be unnecessary with high longitudinal bending resistance of
been declining for some years. Accord- the use of a smaller diameter. With all ductile iron pipes, only one support per
ing to information from the German pipelines where the distance is not too pipe (in this case the socket) is neces-
Federal Statistics Office the per capita short between changes of direction or side sary. Additional supports/skids are not
consumption in 1990 was still around connections, replacement using the relin- normally required. Figure 22.47 shows
145 L/(i · d); by 2007 it had dropped to ing technique is always more cost effec- a special relining measure in which the
around 120 L/(i · d). It has a very strong tive than laying a new pipeline in open new pipes have been provided with skids.
regional variation between 90 and pipe trenches. This applies in particular The very small annular gap has not been
135 L/(i · d). where pipelines run under hard surfaces filled.
(e.g. road surfaces) or in built-up areas.
Therefore reducing the hydraulic
cross-section of a pipeline often brings In the relining technique with ductile iron
advantages for the operator because the pipes, depending on the conditions locally,
speed of flow of the water is raised again section lengths of far more than 1,000 m
and the drinking water spends less time can be renovated in one process. All that
lying idle in the pipeline, which means is required for this is one launch pit and
that hygiene problems can often be one target pit. As regards the nominal size
avoided. of the new pipe, there are no limits.
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 22: Use of ductile iron pipes for trenchless installation techniques 22/34
In the first stage, launch pits (Figure are also used (Figures 22.51 and 22.52).
22.48) and target pits (Figure 22.49) These have the additional advantage that,
are set up along the pipeline to be reno- compared with customary methods, the
vated. Their position depends above all trasction forces are considerably reduced.
on points of constraint such as changes Because of the high longitudinal bending
of direction and, of course, the beginning resistance of ductile iron pipes, only one
and end of the pipeline. The size of the bracket per pipe is necessary, just behind
pits depends on the machine technology each socket.
used and the new pipe material. For duc-
tile iron pipes, their length of about 6 m is With the simultaneous pulling/pushing of
crucial, entailing a construction pit size of a number of pipelines, at least one guide
Figure 22.46: around 8 m. the size of the assembly pit is rail should be provided in order to prevent
Sheet steel cone for protecting the socket based on the nominal size to be installed. the twisting of the pipe string.
The old pipeline is then cut off in the In almost all cases pipelines are put
construction pit. Good preparation of the together using the single pipe assembly
old pipeline will be important later. From technique. Even here, the short assembly
measures carried out in the past it has times (Table 22.5) allow for fast progress.
been shown that, with good preparation of
the old pipeline, removal of incrustations
(Figure 22.50), closing of joint gaps in the
pipe invert, application of a lubricant in
the invert of the pipe, etc. a friction coef-
ficient of μ d 1,0 can always be achieved.
This means that only part of the actual
pipe weight is pulled.
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Table 22.5:
Individual pipe assembly – Assembly times for pushing in /pulling
Nominal size Number of Assembly time with- Assembly time using a Assembly time using
DN installation out joint protection protective sleeve shrink-on sleeves
engineers [min] [min] [min]
80 1 5 6 15
100 1 5 6 15
125 1 5 6 15
150 1 5 6 15
200 1 6 7 17
250 1 7 8 19
300 2 8 9 21
400 2 10 12 25
500 2 12 14 28
600 2 15 18 30
700 2 16 – 31
800 2 17 – 32
900 2 18 – 33
1000 2 20 – 35
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 22: Use of ductile iron pipes for trenchless installation techniques 22/38
Table 22.6:
Allowable pushing-in forces according to DVGW Worksheet GW 320-1, Table A.7 [22.3] for ductile cast iron pipes
(depending on joint, without safety factor – the safety factor must be adapted to local circumstances, i.e. in particular
curve radiuses and angular deflection, and correspond to the pipe manufacturer’s application technology)
Nominal size External diameter Wall thickness class Wall thickness Allowable com- Allowable
(DN/OD) pression strength pushing-in force
DN da smin ızul Fzul
[mm] [mm] [N/mm2] [kN]
80 98 10 4.7 550 138
100 118 10 4.7 550 168
125 144 9 4.7 550 206
150 170 9 4.7 550 244
200 222 9 4.8 550 339
250 274 9 5.2 550 513
300 326 9 5.6 550 723
350 378 9 6.0 550 968
400 429 9 6.4 550 1246
500 532 9 7.2 550 1912
600 635 9 8.0 550 1085
700 738 9 8.8 550 1767
800 842 9 9.6 550 2595
900 945 9 10.4 550 3561
1000 1048 9 11.2 550 4669
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 22: Use of ductile iron pipes for trenchless installation techniques 22/39
The compressive strength of ductile cast When pushing in (Figure 22.55) the
iron is ıD = 550 N/mm2. Without taking spigot end is always first pushed into
account of a safety factor, therefore, a the socket of the last pipe installed.
pressing force of P = ıD x AWall is possible The spigot end of the first pipe installed
where Awall represents the cross-section is to be provided with a centering head
surface of the cast iron wall transmitting (Figure 22.56). This can be made
the force. available on loan by manufacturers.
The permissible pushing-in forces are As with the pulling process, at least two
given in DVGW Worksheet GW 320- construction pits are necessary. The size
1, Table A.7 [22.3] (Table 22.6). The of the pushing and assembly pit depends
values stated there do not include any on the pipe length (usually 6 m), the
safety factors. Before planning or start- pushing equipment used and the nomi- Figure 22.55:
ing construction, it is recommended that nal size of the pipes to be installed. The Pushing in a pipe
contact is made with the manufacturer’s size of the target pit depends on nominal
technical service department to determine size and any other components.
the relevant values. Depending on how
the route runs (gradient, radiuses) and the
condition of the old pipelines, different
safety factors are to be selected.
Figure 22.56:
Centering head
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 22: Use of ductile iron pipes for trenchless installation techniques 22/40 Pulling in
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 22: Use of ductile iron pipes for trenchless installation techniques 22/41
of cement mortar coated pipes are 22.5 References [22.3] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 320-1
protected with rubber sleeves or PE Erneuerung von Gas- und Wasser-
shrink-on material to DIN 30 672 [22.26]. rohrleitungen durch Rohreinzug
[22.1] ISO 13470: oder Rohreinschub mit Ringraum
The socket joint protection will be given Trenchless applications of [DVGW worksheet GW 320-1
additional mechanical protection during ductile iron pipes systems – Replacement of gas and water
pulling and pushing in processes with a Product design and installation pipelines by pipe pulling or pipe
sheet steel cone (Figure 22.59). [Grabenlose Anwendungen von pushing with annular gap]
gusseisernen Rohrsystemen – 2009–02
Produktauslegung und -installation]
2012-07 [22.4] DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 321
Steuerbare horizontale
[22.2] Steinhauser, P.: Spülbohrverfahren für Gas-
Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtungen, und Wasserrohrleitungen –
Betrachtungen bei der grabenlosen Anforderungen, Gütesicherung
Erneuerung – und Prüfung
Vortragsskript des Seminars NO DIG – [DVGW worksheet GW 321
Grabenlose Erneuerung bei alter, Horizontal directional drilling
schadhafter Kanalisation – technique for gas and water
Technische Akademie Hannover pipelines –
[Economic considerations for Requirements, quality
trenchless replacement – assurance and testing]
Presentation script for the “NO DIG – 2003-10
Trenchless replacement of old and
damaged pipelines”
Seminar at the Hannover
Technical Academy]
Figure 22.59:
Fitting the sheet steel protective cone
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[22.17] Rameil, M.: [22.19] Hobohm, S. und Schaffarczyk, F.: [22.21] Hobohm, S.:
Rohrleitungserneuerung mit Weltneuheit auf der Spülbohren mit
Berstverfahren – WASSER BERLIN duktilen Gussrohren –
Praxisleitfaden für Planer, Auftrag- INTERNATIONAL 2011 – Verfahrensbeschreibung, Vorteile,
geber und ausführende Press-/Zieh-Verfahren mit Einsatzgrenzen, Beispiele
Bauunternehmer – Bodenentnahme GUSSROHR-TECHNIK,
2. Auflage GUSS-ROHRSYSTEME, Heft 47 (2013), S. 50 ff
[Pipeline replacement with the Heft 46 (2012), S. 53 ff [Horizontal directional
bursting technique – [World premiere at drilling with ductile iron pipes –
Practical guide for planners, WASSER BERLIN process description, advantages,
clients and building contractors – INTERNATIONAL 2011 – fields of application, examples
2. edition] The press-pull technique DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS,
2010 with soil removal Issue 47 (2013), p. 48 ff]
[22.18] Levacher, R.: Issue 46 (2012), p. 51 ff] [22.22] Brucki, O. und Rau, L.:
Erneuerung einer Verbindungs- Mit Spezialrohren aus
leitung DN 400 zwischen zwei [22.20] Nöh, H.: duktilem Gusseisen durch die
Wasserwerken im Berstlining- Moseldüker Kinheim – Berliner Müggelberge
und Spülbohrverfahren Grabenloser Einbau von GUSS-ROHRSYSTEME,
[Replacement of a DN 400 Gussrohrleitungen mit der Heft 45 (2011), S. 46 ff
connecting pipeline between FlowTex-Großbohrtechnik [With special ductile
two waterworks using the burst [Culvert at the river Mosel near iron pipes through
lining and directional drilling Kinheim – Berlin’s Müggel Hills
technique] Trenchless installation of DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS,
GUSSROHR-TECHNIK, cast iron pipelines with the Issue 45 (2011), p. 42 ff]
Heft 40 (2006), S. 17 ff FlowTex large-scale
drill technique]
Heft 30 (1995), S. 25 ff
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E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 22: Use of ductile iron pipes for trenchless installation techniques 22/46
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 23: Some new main applications for ductile iron pipes 23/1
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 23: Some new main applications for ductile iron pipes 23/2
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 24: Standards, directives and technical rules 24/1
24 Standards, directives
and technical rules
24.1 General
24.2 The Standards Database
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 24: Standards, directives and technical rules 24/2
The Standards Database linked to this chapter The Standards Database gives the
is constantly updated. numbers, titles and dates of issue (edi-
tions) of the standards, directives and
technical rules listed in it.
Given below are details of the types of standards, directives, technical rules
and other codes which are of significance to ductile iron water, wastewater On the search template, you can optimise
and sewage pipelines, i.e. to pipes, fittings and valves, and which are listed in a your search for a standard, directive or
Standards Database. technical rule, and can find the result of
the search quickly, by entering search
criteria. Some of these are preset. The
preset search criteria also include the
24.1 General For the field of ductile iron pipe systems, options of selecting the country in which
national rules are also included in the documents apply and their language.
listing to supplement the above.
The standards, directives, technical rules The listing of standards and other docu- The results of a search are shown in the
and other codes which are of signifi- ments contained in the Standards Data- form of a table and can be printed out.
cance to ductile iron pipelines, some of base does not claim to be complete. When Clicking on the „Details” button will show
which are referred to in this E-Book, are applying the standards, directives and you all the stored information on the stan-
covered by a Standards Database. The technical rules listed in the Standards dard or other document selected, source
standards and draft standards listed in the Database, it is essential to use the version of supply included.
Standards Database are not only national with the latest date of issue (the latest
standards such as German DIN standards, edition). Clicking on the link below will take you to
Austrian OENORM standards, Swiss SN the EADIPS®/FGR® Standards Database:
standards und Italian UNI standards, but eadips.org/normen/
above all European standards (EN) and
also international standards (ISO).
E-Book – Ductile iron pipe systems Chapter 25: Index 25/1
25 Index
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25 Index
This chapter is being prepared.
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26 Imprint
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1 6
2 7
3 8
7 1
9 8
4 9