Atomic Structure A
Atomic Structure A
Atomic Structure A
All matter is composed of tiny particles called atom.An atom is the smallest particle of an element that
can exist and still have properties of an element.
The first theory regarding atom is given by Dalton but later on it discarded by scientists. After that
J. J. Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr and many other scientist gave their atomic model.
Cathode Rays
Scientists William Crookes 1879, Julius Pleuckar 1889 studied the electrical conduction
through gases at low pressures. Sir William Crookes designed discharge Tube.
The electronwas discovered at extremelylow pressure and highvoltage of the orderof10,000 volts.
J. J. Thomson’s Experiment and The Discovery of Electron
Properties of the cathode rays shows that these consist of streams of negatively charged particles
having verysmall mass. SirJ. J. Thomson called these particles corpuscles of negative electricity.
Later, G. J. Stoney called these particles electrons.
In 1897, an English physcist, J. J. Thomson studied the effect of electric field on cathode rays.
The discharge tube used by Sir J. J. Thomson consisted of the following parts:
a cathode (C),
a cylindrical metal disc having a fine hole at its centre, acts as anode (A) – this accelerates
the particles of the cathode rays,
another metal disc (D) having a fine hole at its centre in line with the hole in the anode.
the cathode rays (consisting of electrons) pass through these holes and strike the
fluoresecnt screen at the point E.
Two flatplates P1 and P2, which can be connected to a source of high voltage.
an electromagnet, generating field opposite to the field generated by the plates P1 and P2.
In the absence of any electrical or magnetic field, the cathode rays strike the fluorescent screen
at point E, and can be seen as a bright spot there.
When a high electric field is applied across the plates P1 and P2, the spot on the screen moves
towards the positively charged plate. Here, in figure the plate P2 is positively charged.
The bending of cathode rays towards the positive plate showed that the cathode rays consist of
negatively charged particles. The deflection suffered by the beam of cathode rays (or beam of
electrons) in Thomson’s experiment depends upon the strength of the electric field applied across
the electrodes.
(i) Similarly, when a magnetic field is applied on the cathode rays, these
rays are deflected in a direction which shows that they carry negative
(ii) The television picture tube is a cathode ray tube in which a picture is
produced due to fluorescence on the television screen coated with
suitable material. Similarly, fluorescent light tubes are also cathode
ray tubes coated inside with suitable materials which produce visible
light one being hit with cathode rays.
Properties of proton:
(a) Discovered by Goldstein
(b) Charge of +1.602 × 10–19 coulomb
(c) Mass is 1.672 × 10–27 kg or 1.0072 amu
Cathode Cathode ray rays
+ –
Illustration 1
What is the difference in the origin of cathode rays and anode rays?
Cathode rays originate from the cathode whereas anode rays are not produced
from the anode. They are produced from the gaseous atoms by knock out of
the electrons by high speed cathode rays.
Discovery of Neutron
So far we have studied by Rutherford’s atomic model that the mass of the atom is mainly due to
the protons and it is concentrated in the nucleus. Chadwick (1932), while studying the
bombardment of light elements, such as beryllium, boron and lithium, byfast moving -particles
obtained highlypenetrating radiations. These radiations were found to have high ionising power
and were not deflected by electric or magnetic field. These neutral particles were found to have
mass 1.675 × 10–24 g and were named neutrons.
The reactions responsible for the production of neutron were later found to be
(i) 2 He 92 Be
6C 1
( particle) ( Neutron)
4 11
(ii) 2 He 5 B 147 N 10 n
Thus, a neutron is defined as a sub-atomic particle which has mass almost equal to that of a
proton (1.675 × 10–27 kg) but has no charge.
Non-fundamental particles :
1. Positron (1e0 or e+ ) :
(i) Also called as positive electron.
(ii) Discovered byAnderson in 1932.
(iii) Positive counterpart of electron.
(iv) Mass of positron is same as that of electron m = 9.1 × 10–28 g
(v) Charge of positron is same but with opposite sign as that of electron, e = +1.6 × 10–19 C.
2. Neutrino andAntineutrino :
(i) These are particles of approximately zero mass and charge.
(ii) Discoverd by Pauling (1933) and Fermi (1934).
3. Antiproton :
(i) Discovered by segre.
(ii) Mass of antiproton is equal to 1.673 × 10–24 g.
(iii) Charge of antiproton is equal to –1.6 × 10–19 C.
4. Meson :
(i) Discovered by Yakawa in 1935.
(ii) It may be positively charged, negatively charged and neutral.
(iii) On the basis of charge,the meson are of 3 types -meson, -meson and neutral
meson (°).
(iv) Meson indicated the stability of nucleus.
(v) Mass of meson is 200 times that of electron.
Sphere of
Thomson’s model of an atom could explain the main characteristics of the atom at that time. But it did not
have any experimental support. Therefore, it was opposed by his coscientists and was rejected.
Rutherford scattering experiment raised an objection against the model.
The prediction that an atom is electricallyneutral and has no net charge, is still accepted. This was indeed
a big contribution towards the structure of the atom.
This model is compared with a water melon in which seeds are embedded or
with a cake or pudding in which raisins (dried graphs/kishmish) are
embedded. That is why this model is sometimes called raisin pudding model
or watermelon model
Very few
Illustration 2
Why Rutherford’s model of atom is also called planetary model of atom?
Solution :
This model of atom is similar to our solar system where the nucleus is like the
sun and the electrons, are like the planets. That is why these electrons are also
called planetary electrons.
Nucleus Electron
The orbital revolution of the electron is not expected to the stable. Any particle in the circular
orbit would undergo acceleration.
According to classic science, whenever anycharge particle revolve in circular orbit and undergoes
acceleration, it emits radiation and loses energy.As a result of this, the orbit will become smaller
and the electrons will drop into the nucleus. This however does not happen.
Illustration 3
What is ratio of mass proton and electron?
1.67 1027 Kg
9.11031 Kg
(a) Electron revolves around the nucleus in a fixed circular orbit of definite energy. These
orbits or shells are called energy levels.
(b) Electrons move around only in those circular orbit in which its angular momentum is
integral multiple of . Where h = Plank’s constant.
mvr = n(h/2)
where, m = mass of the electron,
v = velocity of electron
n = number of orbit in which electron revolves i.e. n = 1,2,3 ..r = radius of the orbit
(c) As long as the electron occupy a definite energy level, it is said to be in stationary state.
(d) The energy is emitted or absorbed only when the electron jumps from one energy level
to another. This amount of energy emitted or absorbed is given by the difference of the
energies of the two energy levels concerned.
n = 2_____ E2 , E = E2 – E1; n = 2_____ E2 E = E1 – E2
n = 1_____ E1 , Absorbed energy; n = 1_____ E1 Emitted energy
Illustration 4
Why are Bohr’s orbits called stationary states?
This is because the energies of the orbits in which the electrons revolve are
(ii) The outermost shell (also called valence shell) cannot have more than 8 electrons
and the shell next to it cannot have more than 18 electrons.
(iii) It is not necessary for a given shell to complete itself, before another shell starts
forming.As a rule, new shell is formed as soon as the shell attains 8 electrons.
(iv) An atom becomes stable (i.e. it stops reacting with other elements), when its
outermost shell has 8 electrons or it has only one shell containing 2 electrons.
Each element has been assigned as atomic number (Z) that describes the number of protons in
the nucleus of an atom of that element. i.e. atomic number (Z) = number of proton = number of electron
(in a neutron atom). The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom determines the identity of the atom.
Every carbon atom (Z = 6) has six protons in the nucleus of the atom, whereas sodium atoms (Z = 11)
have eleven. Since atoms are electrically neutral, the nucleus of the carbon atom must be surrounded by
six electrons, and the sodium atom must contain 11 electrons.
e– e–
e– e–
e– n e– e– p+ p+ e–
p+ p+n p+n n+ +p++
12 n e–
p p p
p+n n + n p+
p+ n pn+
6C 11 Na + p n
p nn n + e–
p+ p+ p+ p+ p
e– n e– e–
e– e– e–
(a) (b)
The nucleus of an atom is also described by a mass number (A), which is the sum of the number of
protons and neutrons in the nucleus. The difference between the mass number and the atomic number of
an atom is therefore equal to the number of neutrons in the nucleus of that atom.
The carbon atom has a mass number of 12 because it contains six protons and six neutrons. The sodium
atom has a mass number of 23 because it contains 11 protons and 12 neutrons.
Illustration 5
How many protons, electrons and neutrons are present in 15 P?
Number of protons in one atom of Proton = Number of electrons in one atom of
proton = 15
Number of neutrons in one atom of P = (A–Z) = 30–15 = 15
Illustration 6
Calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in 80 35 Br .
Here, Z = 35, A = 80
No. of protons = Atomic Number = 35
No. of neutrons = A – Z = 80 – 35 = 45
As the atom is neutral, No. of electrons = No. of protons = 35.
2s 2p
3s 3p 3d
4s 4p 4d 4f
5s 5p 5d 5f
6s 6p 6d
7s 7p
1s2 2s2 1
2 p1x , 2 p y , 2 p1z
(4) (n + l) Rule
This rule states that electrons are filled in orbitals according to their n+1 values. When (n+l) is
same for sub energy levels, the electrons first occupy the sublevels with lowest ‘n’ value.
Thus, order of filling up of orbitals is as follows
1s < 2s < 2p < 3s < 3p < 4s < 3d < 4p < 5s < 4d < 5p < 6s < 4f < 5d
The elements containing only one, or seven electrons in their outermost shell show greater
chemical reactivity, i.e., such elements react very fast with other elements. For example, sodium and
chlorine having the follwing electronic configurations are highlyreactive.
Sodium 2, 8, 1 - Here, the outermost shell has only one electron: one more than the completely
Chlorine 2, 8, 7 - Here, the outermost shell has seven electrons: one less than that required to fill
the shell completely.
Ion Formation
The atomic number of sodium (Na) is 11. Its electronic configuration is 2, 8, 1. Na+ ion is
obtained when one electron is lost from sodium atom.
So, the electronic configuration of Na+ is 2,8. The electronic configuration 2,8 is the electronic
configuration of neon (Ne). Thus, Na+ resembles neon (Ne) in its electronic configuration
Na e
2, 8, 1 2, 8 electron
The atomic number of chlorine (Cl) is 17. Its electronic configuration is 2, 8, 7. Cl— ion is
obtained when one electron is gain from chlorine atom.
So, the electronic configuration of Cl— is 2, 8, 8. The electronic configuration 2, 8, 8 is the
electronicconfigurationofargon(Ar). Thus,Cl– resemblesargon (Ar) in its electronicconfiguration.
Cl e
Cl –
2, 8, 7 2, 8, 8
Illustration 7
What is the difference between the notations l and L?
‘l ’ represents azimuthal quantum number which can have value 0, 1, 2 etc. L
represents second Bohr orbit for which n = 2 always.
Zeeman Effect : In the presence of a magnetic field, each spectral line gets split up into closely
spaced lines. This phenomenon, known as Zeeman effect.
(d) For a given value of ‘I’ the total value of ‘m’ is equal to (2l + 1)
(e) Degenerate orbitals - Orbitals having the same energy are known as degenerate orbitals.
eg. for p-subshell px , py, pz
(iv) Spin Quantum number (s)
(a) The value of ‘s’ is +½ and –½, which is signified the spin or rotation or direction of
electron on it’saxis duringthe movement and the spin maybeclockwise and anticlockwise.
(b) It represents the value of spin angular momentum is equal to s ( s 1)
Spin of
e— electron e—
Illustration 8
What designation is given to an orbital having
(i) n = 2, l = 1 (ii) n = 3, l = 0
(iii) n = 5, l = 3 and (iv) n = 4, l = 2?
Solution :
(i) n = 2, l = 1 means 2p-orbital. (ii) n = 3, l = 0 means 3s-orbital.
(iii) n = 5, l = 3 means 5f-orbital. (iv) n = 4, l = 2 means 4d-orbital.
Shape of orbitals on the basis of quantum number
+ +
1s 2s
+ –
– –
2 px 2 py 2 pz
35 37
(ii) Chlorine 17 Cl and 17 Cl
The chemical properties of isotopes are similar but their physical properties are different. If an
element has no isotopes then the mass of its atom would be the same as sum of proton and
neutrons in it. But if an element occurs in isotopic forms then the we have to know the percentage
of each isotopic form and then the average mass is calculated.
How to calculate the atomic mass of an element from the mass numbers of its isotopes
% of Cl 35 % of Cl 37
Isotopic mass of chlorine mass of Cl 35 mass of Cl 37
100 100
75 25
35 37 35.5
100 100
Illustration 9
If bromine occurs is in the form of say two isotopes 35 Br ( 49.7%) and
35 Br (50.3%) , then calculate the atomic mass of bromine atom.
79u 49.7 81u 50.3
Atomic mass of bromine = 80 u
49.7 50.3
So, the atomic mass of bromine is 80.
The two different atoms which have same atomic masses but different atomic number is called as
40 40 40
e.g. 18Ar 19 K 20Ca
Atomic mass 40 40 40
Atomic number 18 19 20
Potassium Calcium
Ion or atom or molecule or species which have the same number of electron is called isoelectronic
Substance which have same number of electron and atoms called Isosters.
e.g. CO2 N 2 O
22 22
The elements which have same value of (n–p) is called isodiapheres.
14 16
e.g. 7N 8O
value of (n – p) 0 0
Elements which contain same number of neutron is called isotones.
30 31 32
e.g. 14Si 15P 16S
number of neutrons 16 16
The elements like uranium, thorium, radium and polonium emit some invisible, ionizable rays which effect
a photographic plate just like ordinary light rays.
This spontaneous emissionof invisible, ionizable radiationbysome elements likeuranium, thorium, radium
& polonium due to splitting of their nucleus is called radioacivity& the element which emit such radiations
are called radioactive elements.
Radioactivity was discovered by a (French physicist Henri Bacquerl in 1896).
Radioactive rays Alpha Beta
Electric field
Aligning slot
Lead shield
-decay : 238
92 U α
- decay 234
90 Th + 42 He + energy
-decay : 14
6 C β
- decay 14
7 N + 0-1 e + energy
Applications of Radioactivity
(i) The radioactive isotopes are used to estimate the age of fossils like dead plants
and animals, and rocks called as radio-chemical dating or radio-isotope dating.
An important case is (carbon-dating). Which is a method of estimating the age of old
carbon containing objects like dead plants and animals by measuring the levels of C-14
radioactivityin them.
(ii) The radioacive isotopes are used as ‘tracers’ in medicine to detect the presence
of tumors and blood clots etc in the human body.
(a) Arsenic - 74 tracer is used to detect the presence of (tumors)
(b) Sodium-24 tracer is used to detect the presence of (blood clot)
(c) Iodine-131 radioisotope is used to determine the activity of (thyroid gland)
2. In Industries :
(i) For detecting leakages in water and oil pipe lines.
(ii) For investigation of wear and tear, study of plastics and alloys, thickness
3. In Agriculture :
(i) C14 to study kinetics of plant photosynthesis.
(ii) P32 to find nature of phosphate which is best for given soil and crop.
(iii) Co60 for protecting potato crop from earth worm.
(iv) Sterilization of insects for pest control.
4. In Scientific research :
(i) K40 to find age of meteorites.
(ii) S35 in factories.
5. As Tracers :
(i) Avery small quantity of radio isotope present in any specimen is called tracer.
(ii) This technique is used to study complex biochemical reactions, in detection of
cracks, blockages, etc., tracing sewage or silt in sea.
6. In Geology :
(i) For dating geological specimens like ancient rocks, lunar rocks using Uranium.
(ii) For dating archaeological specimens, biological specimens using C14.
Atom is smallest particle consisting of three fundamental particles namely electron, proton and neutron.
Electron : Discovered by J.J. Thomaon, negatively charged particle carrying 1.60 × 10–19 C and has
mass of 1.60211 × 10–31 kg.
Proton is a positively charged particle and has mass equal to 1.672614 × 10–27 kg.
Neutron is a neutral particle and has mass equal to 1.67492 × 10–27 kg.
Proton was discovered by Goldstein and neutron by Chadwick.
Atomic number is the number of protons present in the nucleus of an atom whereas Mass number is
the sum total of protons and neutrons. (may called nucleons)
Isotopes are different atoms of the same element having same atomic number but different number of
35 37
neutrons e.g. [ 11 H ; 12 D ; 13 T and 17 Cl ; 15 Cl ]
Isobars areAtoms of different elements having same mass number but different number of protons.
40 40 40
[ 18 Ar ; 19 K; 20 Ca ]
Isotones areAtoms of different elements having same number of neutrons e.g .[ 146 C ; 157 N ; 168 O ]
Filling of orbital’s by electrons take place according to Aufbau Rule; Pauli’s exclusion Principle and
Hund’s rule maximum multiplicity.
To write the electronic configuration of a cation, first write the electronic configuration of atom and then
remove number of electrons equal to the units of positive charges starting from the outermost shell.
Rutherford’s model of atom was modified by Bohr in 1913.
He postulated that so long as the electron is in a particular orbit it neither absorbs nor emit energy. In
other words no energy is required for the movement of the electrons in these orbits on the other hand a
definite amount of energy is absorbed or emitted when the electron moves from one orbit to the other.
Space in which there is maximum probability of finding the electron is known as orbital.
Pauli’s Exclusion Principle : According to Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, “no two electrons in an atom
can have all the four quantum number same” i.e. if two electrons occupy the same orbital they must
have opposite spin hence it restricts the number of electrons to two in an orbital.
Maximum number of electrons in
(i) s-sub shell can be 2; (ii) p-sub shell can be 6
(iii) d- sub shell can be 10; (iv) f-sub- shell can be 14
Aufbau Principle
“An electron enters the orbital’s that has least energy” i.e. electron enters the orbital for which n
+ l is minimum, however, if n + 1 is same for two configuration then election will enter the orbital
with lower value of n.
The sequence of filling the orbital’s is 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d , 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p , 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p,
7s and so on.
Hund’s Rules of Maximum multiplicity or minimum pairing
“No pairing of electrons in a degenerate orbital can take place until each degenerate orbital is
This is because the electron should be maximum distance apart so as to have minimum repulsion
and secondary electron entering different orbits should have paralled spin so that maximum
possible exchanges can take place.
[NCERT Questions]
Q.1 What are canal rays? [9040410392]
Ans. Canal rays are positively charged radiations. These rays consist of positively charged particles known as
protons. They were discovered by Goldstein in 1886.
Q.2 If an atom contains one electron and one proton, will it carry any charge or not?[9040410443]
Ans. An electron is a negatively charged particle, where as a proton is a positively charged particle. The
magnitude of their charges is equal. Therefore, an atom containing one electron and one proton will not
carry any charge. Thus, it will be a neutral atom.
Q.3 On the basis of Thomson's model of an atom, explain how the atom is neutral as a whole.
Ans. According to Thomson's model of the atom, an atom consists of both negatively and positively charged
particles. The negativelycharged particles are embedded in the positivelycharged sphere. These negative
and positive charges are equal in magnitude. Thus, by counter balancing each other's effect, they make
an atom neutral.
Q.4 On the basis of Rutherford's model of an atom, which subatomic particle is present in the
nucleus of an atom? [9040410291]
Ans. On the basis of Rutherford's model of an atom, protons (positively charged particles) are present in the
nucleus of an atom.
Q.5 Draw a sketch of Bohr's model of an atom with three shells. [9040410342]
Ans. Bohr's model of an atom with three shells.
Q.6 What do you think would be the observation if the -particles scattering experiment is carried
out using a foil of a metal other than gold? [9040410393]
Ans. If the -scattering experiment is carried out using a foil of a metal rather than gold, there would be no
change in the observation. In the -scattering experiment, a gold foil was taken because gold is malleable
and a thin foil of gold can be easily made. It is difficult to make such foils from other metals.
Q.7 Name the three sub atomic particles of an atom. [9040410444]
Ans. The three sub atomic particles of an atom are:
(i) Protons(ii) Electrons, and (iii) Neutrons
Q.8 Helium atom has an atomic mass of 4u and two protons in its nucleus. How many neutrons
does it have? [9040410495]
Ans. Helium atom has two neutrons. The mass of an atom is the sum of the masses of protons and neutrons
present in its nucleus. Since helium atom has two protons, mass contributed by the two protons is
(2 × 1)u = 2u.Then, the remaining mass (4 – 2)u = 2u is contributed by neutrons.
Q.9 Write the distribution of electrons in carbon and sodium atoms? [9040410292]
Ans. The total number of electrons ina carbon atom is 6. The distribution ofelectrons in carbon atom is given by:
First orbit or K-shell = 2 electrons
Second orbit or L-shell = 4 electrons
or, we can write the distribution of electrons in a carbon atom as 2, 4.
Thetotalnumberofelectrons inasodium atom is11.Thedistribution ofelectrons insodium atomis given by:
First orbit or K-shell = 2 electrons
Second orbit or L-shell = 8 electrons
Third orbit or M-shell = 1 electron
or, we can write distribution of electrons in a sodium atom as 2, 8, 1.
Q.10 If K and L shells of an atom are full, then what would be the total number of electrons in the
atom? [9040410343]
Ans. The maximum number of electrons that can occupy K and L-shells of an atom are 2 and 8 respectively.
Therefore, if K and L-shells of an atom are full, then the total number of electrons in the atom would be
(2 + 8) = 10 electrons.
Q.11 How will you find the valency of chlorine, sulphur and magnesium? [9040410394]
Ans. If the number of electrons in the outer most shell of the atom of an element is less than or equal to 4, then
the valency of the element is equal to the number of electrons in the outer most shell. On the other hand,
if the number of electrons in the outer most shell of the atom of an element is greater than 4, then the
valencyof that element is determined bysubtracting the number of electrons in the outer most shell from 8.
The distribution of electrons in chlorine, sulphur, and magnesium atoms are 2, 8, 7; 2, 8, 6 and 2, 8, 2
respectively.Therefore,the number of electrons in the outer most shell of chlorine, sulphur, and magnesium
atoms are 7, 6 and 2 respectively.
Thus, The valency of chlorine = 8 – 7 = 1
The valency of sulphur = 8 – 6 = 2
Q.13 With the help of Table 4.1, find out the mass number of oxygen and sulphur atom.
Ans. Mass number of oxygen = Number of protons + Number of neutrons = 8 + 8 =16
Mass number of sulphur = Number of protons + Number of neutrons = 16 + 16 = 32.
Q.14 For the symbol H, D and T tabulate three sub-atomic particles found in each of them.
Ans. Symbol Proton Neutron Electron
H 1 0 1
D 1 1 1
T 1 2 1
Q.15 Write the electronic configuration of any one pair of isotopes and isobars.[9040410344]
Ans. Two isotopes of carbon are C612, C613 .
[Isotopes have the same electronic configuration]
and The electronic configuration of C612 is 2, 4.
The electronic configuration of C613 is 2, 4.
and Ca2040, Ar1940 are a pair of isobars
The electronic configuration of Ca2040 is 2, 8, 8, 2.
The electronic configuration ofAr1840 is 2, 8, 8.
(i) Protons are present in the nucleus of an atom.
(ii) Protons are positively charged.
(iii) The mass of a proton is approximately 2000 times as the mass of an electron.
Q.18 What are the limitations of Rutherford's model of the atom? [9040410497]
Ans. According to Rutherford's model of an atom, electrons revolve around the nucleus in fixed orbits. But,
an electron revolving in circular orbits will not best able because during revolution, it will experience
acceleration. Due to acceleration, the electrons will lose energy in the form of radiation and fall into the
nucleus. In such a case, the atom would be highly unstable and collapse.
Q.21 What are the limitations of J.J. Thomson's model of the atom? [9040410446]
Ans. According to J.J. Thomson's model of an atom, it consists of a positively charged sphere with neutrons
embedded in it. However, it was later found that the positively charged particles reside at the center of
the atom called the nucleus, and the electrons revolve around the nucleus.
Moreover, Thomson attributed that the mass of an atom due to electrons and protons are evenly spread
throughout the atom. This is not in agreement with the observations of Rutherford who concluded that
mass is concentrated in a very small space in the center of the atom later called nucleus.
Q.22 What are the limitations of Rutherford's model of atom? [9040410447]
Ans. According to Rutherford's model of an atom, electrons revolve around the nucleus in fixed circular
orbits. We know, any particle revolving in a circular orbit would experience acceleration. Due to this
acceleration, the electrons revolving in circular orbits will lose energyin the form of radiation and finally
fall into the nucleus. In such a case, atom would be highly unstable which is not true.
Q.24 Compare all the proposed models of an atom given in this chapter. [9040410295]
Ans: Thomson's Model :
1. An atom consists of a positively charged sphere and the electrons are embedded in it.
2. The negative and positive charges are equal in magnitude. As a result the atom is electrically
Rutherford's Model :
1. An atom consists of a positively charged center in the atom called the nucleus. The mass of the
atom is contributed mainly by the nucleus.
2. The size of the nucleus is very small as compared to the size of the atom.
3. The electrons revolve around the nucleus in well-defined orbits.
Bohr's Model :
1. Bohr agreed with almost all points as said by Rutherford except regarding the revolution of
electrons for which he added that there are only certain orbits known as discrete orbitsinside the
atom in which electrons revolve around the nucleus.
2. While revolving in its discrete orbits the electrons do not radiate energy.
Q.25 Summarize the rules for writing of distribution of electrons in various shells for the first eighteen
elements. [9040410346]
Ans. Following rules are followed to fill electrons in different energy levels.
1. If n gives the number of orbit or energy level, then 2n2 gives the maximum number of electrons
possible in a given orbit or energy level. Thus,
Ist orbit or K-shell will have 2 electrons,
IInd orbit or L-shell will have 8 electrons,
IIIrd orbit or M-shell will have 18 electrons.
2. If it is the outermost orbit, then it should have not more than 8 electrons.
3. There should be step-wise filling of electrons in different orbits, i.e., electrons are not accompanied
in a given orbit if the earlier orbits or shells are incompletely filled.
different elements. For example, Ne has atomic number 10 and sodium has atomic number 11 but both
of them have mass numbers as 22 represented by, Ne1022, Na1122.
Na 1e
79 81
Q.29 If bromine atom is available in the form of, say, two isotopes 35 Br(49.7%) and 35 Br(50.3%) ,
49.7 50.3
= 79 × + 81 ×
100 100
= 39.26 + 40.74 = 80 u
Average atomic mass of Br = 80 u.
Q.30 The average atomic mass of a sample of an element X is 16.2 u. What are the percentages of
16 18
isotopes 8 X and 8 X in the sample? [9040410347]
Ans: Atomic mass of element X = 16.2 u
Let the percentage of isotope 168 X be x.
Q.31 If Z = 3, what would be the valency of the element? Also name the element.[9040410398]
Ans. If Z = 3, i.e., atomic number is 3. The element is lithium and has distribution of electrons as 2, 1.
And so, lithium has a valency of 1.
Q.32 Composition of the nuclei of two atomic species X and Y are given as under
Protons = 6 6
Neutrons = 6 8
Give the mass numbers of X and Y. What is the relation between the two species?
Ans: Mass number of X = 6 + 6 = 12
Mass number of Y = 6 + 8 = 14
Since X and Y both have atomic numbers as 6 but mass numbers are different, therefore, these are
Q.33 For the following statements, write T for True and F for False. [9040410500]
(a) J.J. Thomson proposed that the nucleus of an atom contains only nucleons.
(b)Aneutron is formed by an electron and a proton combining together. Therefore, it is neutral.
(c) The mass of an electron is about 1/2000 times that of proton.
(d) An isotope of iodine is used for making tincture iodine, which is used as a medicine.
Ans: (a) False (b) False (c) True (d) True
Put tick () against correct choice and cross ( ) against wrong choice in the following questions:
Q.34 Rutherford's alpha-particle scattering experiment was responsible for the discovery of [9040410297]
(A)Atomic Nucleus (B) Electron (C) Proton (D) Neutron.
Ans: (A)
Q.37 Which one of the following is a correct electronic configuration of sodium? [9040410450]
(A) 2, 8 (B) 8, 2, 1 (C) 2, 1, 8 (D) 2, 8, 1
Ans: (D)
Q.38 Complete the following table. [9040410298]