IRM Report ISO 31000 2018 v3
IRM Report ISO 31000 2018 v3
IRM Report ISO 31000 2018 v3
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Appendix A:
Structure of ISO management system standards
Appendix B:
Components of ISO 31000: 2018
In order to evaluate ISO 31000 and, in the separate ISO 31000 contains much valuable information and it
guide, the updated COSO framework, a recognised format represents robust, high-level guidelines for the management
is necessary. The International Standards Organisation of risk. However, there is no step-by-step checklist to
(ISO) published a highly regarded guide to the format for implementation of the risk management initiative.
management system standards entitled Annex SL. The The challenge for risk professionals is to rearrange the
Annex SL format for management system standards is guidance in ISO 31000 to align with their own approach
summarised in Appendix A of this guide. to implementing a risk management initiative. This guide
provides an analysis of ISO 31000, a comparison with the
Annex SL describes seven substantive components of a ISO format for management system standards (Annex SL)
management system standard. These are grouped in this and outlines a checklist for the implementation of a risk
guide as ‘Scope and Design’ components and ‘Control and management initiative in Section 9.
WEF supports the analysis that stakeholders are more There are an increasing number of risks faced by
engaged today, seeking greater transparency and organisations. Some of these risks relate to managing the
accountability for managing the impact of risk, while organisation and others relate to rapid and/or unexpected
also critically evaluating leadership ability to embrace changes in the marketplace. Most organisations need to
opportunities. Even success can bring with it additional manage risks associated with:
downside risk, such as the risk of not being able to fulfill • Variable cost or availability of raw materials.
unexpectedly high demand or maintain expected business • Cost of retirement/pension/social benefits.
momentum. Organisations and board members need to be • Increasing importance of intellectual property (IP).
more adaptive to change. They need to think strategically • Greater supply chain and joint venture dependency and
about how to manage the increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity.
complexity and ambiguity of the world. • Reputation becoming more important and more
Following the global financial crisis in 2008, all organisations • Regulatory pressures and legislative requirements
are taking a greater interest in risk and risk management. It increasing.
is increasingly understood that the explicit and structured
management of risk brings benefits. By taking a proactive The changes in the marketplace can be even more dramatic
approach to risk and risk management, organisations will be and include:
able to achieve the following four areas of improvement: • Volatile markets and globalization of customers, suppliers
• Strategy, because the risks associated with different and products.
strategic options will be fully analysed and better strategic • Increased competition in the marketplace and greater
decisions will be reached. customer expectations.
• Tactics, because consideration will have been given • Product innovation and rapid changes in product
to selection of the tactics and the risks involved in the technology.
alternatives that are available. • Threats to national economies and restricted freedom of
• Operations, because events that can cause disruption will world trade.
be identified and actions taken to reduce the likelihood of • Potential for international organised crime and increased
these events, limit the damage and contain the cost. political risks.
• Compliance will be enhanced because the risks associated • Extreme weather events resulting in destruction and/or
with failure to achieve compliance with statutory and population shift.
customer obligations will be recognized.
Continual Integrated
Human &
Cultural Structured &
Factors Comprehensive
Value Creation
Best Available Protection Customised
Dynamic Inclusive
Implementation Risk Treatment
Permission to reproduce extracts from British Standards is ISO 31000 states that the guidelines should be used by
granted by BSI Standards Limited (BSI). No other use of this people who create and protect value in organisations by
material is permitted. British Standards can be obtained in managing risks, making decisions, setting and achieving
PDF or hard copy formats from the BSI online shop: objectives and improving performance. The guidelines are applicable to all types and sizes of organisations and
relevant to all external and internal factors and influences.
They also state that managing risk assists organisations
in setting strategy, achieving objectives and making
informed decisions. Managing risk is part of governance and
leadership and is fundamental to how organisations are
managed at all levels.
The risk management context is part of the internal context Risk treatment is also a vitally important part of the risk
of an organisation. The internal context refers to the management process and ISO 31000 provides information
organisation itself, the activities it undertakes, the range on the selection of risk treatment options, the preparation
of skills and capabilities available within the organisation, and implementation of risk treatment plans. ISO 31000
and how it is structured. Internal stakeholders and their states that the selection of risk treatment options involves
expectations are part of the internal context. balancing the potential benefits of introducing further risk
treatment (controls) against the associated cost, effort
Internal context is about the culture of the organisation, or disadvantages. The risk treatment plan should clearly
the resources that are available, receiving outputs from the identify the timescale and responsibilities for implementing
risk management process and ensuring that these influence the selected risk treatments.
behaviours that support and provide governance of risk and
risk management. The internal context concerns objectives, The guidelines provided in ISO 31000 includes information,
the capacity and capabilities of the organisation, as well as advice and guidance on all the steps required to implement
the business core processes that are in place. An important risk management and ensure continual improvement in
consideration regarding the internal context is how the performance. As illustrated in Section 8, there is a high
organisation makes decisions. degree of completeness in ISO 31000 compared with the
requirements of Annex SL. Section 9 of this guide provides
Having discussed the context for the organisation, ISO a consolidated approach to the implementation of a risk
31000 provides considerable information on the risk management initiative in terms of plan, implement, measure
management process and provides a diagram that is and the learn (PIML).
included in this guide as Figure 3. It should be noted that the