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1. Susceptible-Dose Dependent (SDD):
“susceptible-dose dependent” is a new category for antibacterial susceptibility testing. If a particular
isolate falls under this category, we have to remember that the susceptibility of that isolate depends on
the dosing regimen used. Higher doses or more frequent doses or both is used to achieve concentration
levels that is likely to be clinically effective against the isolate. While prescribing that antibiotics
clinicians should give propoer consideration to the maximum approved dosage regimen.
2. Nonsusceptible (NS)
The “nonsusceptible” category is used for isolates for which only a susceptible interpretive criterion has
been designated because of the absence or rare occurrence of resistant strains.
Isolates for which the antimicrobial agent MICs are above or zone diameters below the value indicated
for the susceptible breakpoint should be reported as nonsusceptible.
Broth dilution tests. One of the earliest antimicrobial susceptibility testing methods
was the macrobroth or tube-dilution method [1]. This procedure involved preparing
two-fold dilutions of antibiotics (eg, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 µg/mL) in a liquid growth
medium dispensed in test tubes [1, 2]. The antibiotic-containing tubes were inoculated
with a standardized bacterial suspension of 1–5×105CFU/mL. Following overnight
incubation at 35°C, the tubes were examined for visible bacterial growth as evidenced
by turbidity. The lowest concentration of antibiotic that prevented growth represented
the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). The precision of this method was
considered to be plus or minus 1 two-fold concentration, due in large part to the
practice of manually preparing serial dilutions of the antibiotics [3]. The advantage of
this technique was the generation of a quantitative result (ie, the MIC). The principal
disadvantages of the macrodilution method were the tedious, manual task of preparing
the antibiotic solutions for each test, the possibility of errors in preparation of the
antibiotic solutions, and the relatively large amount of reagents and space required for
each test.
The miniaturization and mechanization of the test by use of small, disposable, plastic
“microdilution” trays (Figure 1) has made broth dilution testing practical and popular.
Standard trays contain 96 wells, each containing a volume of 0.1 mL that allows
approximately 12 antibiotics to be tested in a range of 8 two-fold dilutions in a single
tray [2, 4]. Microdilution panels are typically prepared using dispensing instruments
that aliquot precise volumes of preweighed and diluted antibiotics in broth into the
individual wells of trays from large volume vessels. Hundreds of identical trays can be
prepared from a single master set of dilutions in a relatively brief period. Few clinical
microbiology laboratories prepare their own panels; instead frozen or dried
microdilution panels are purchased from one of several commercial suppliers. The
cost of the preprepared panels range from approximately $10 to $22 each. Inoculation
of panels with the standard 5×105CFU/mL is accomplished using a disposable device
that transfers 0.01 to 0.05 mL of standardized bacterial suspension into each well of
the microdilution tray or by use of a mechanized dispenser. Following incubation,
MICs are determined using a manual or automated viewing device for inspection of
each of the panel wells for growth [2].
Figure 1
Figure 1
The advantages of the microdilution procedure include the generation of MICs, the
reproducibility and convenience of having preprepared panels, and the economy of
reagents and space that occurs due to the miniaturization of the test. There is also
assistance in generating computerized reports if an automated panel reader is used.
The main disadvantage of the microdilution method is some inflexibility of drug
selections available in standard commercial panels.
Antimicrobial gradient method. The antimicrobial gradient diffusion method uses the
principle of establishment of an antimicrobial concentration gradient in an agar
medium as a means of determining susceptibility. The Etest (bioMérieux AB
BIODISK) (Figure 2) is a commercial version available in the United States. It
employs thin plastic test strips that are impregnated on the underside with a dried
antibiotic concentration gradient and are marked on the upper surface with a
concentration scale. As many as 5 or 6 strips may be placed in a radial fashion on the
surface of an appropriate 150-mm agar plate that has been inoculated with a
standardized organism suspension like that used for a disk diffusion test. After
overnight incubation, the tests are read by viewing the strips from the top of the plate.
The MIC is determined by the intersection of the lower part of the ellipse shaped
growth inhibition area with the test strip.
Figure 2
Figure 2
A Staphylococcus aureus isolate tested by the Etest gradient diffusion method with
vancomycin (VA), daptomycin (DM), and linezolid (LZ) on Mueller-Hinton agar. The
minimum inhibitory concentration of each agent is determined by the intersection of
the organism growth with the strip as measured using the scale inscribed on the strip.
The gradient diffusion method has intrinsic flexibility by being able to test the drugs
the laboratory chooses. Etest strips cost approximately $2-$3 each and can represent
an expensive approach if more than a few drugs are tested. This method is best suited
to situations in which an MIC for only 1 or 2 drugs is needed or when a fastidious
organism requiring enriched medium or special incubation atmosphere is to be tested
(eg, penicillin and ceftriaxone with pneumococci) [5-7]. Generally, Etest results have
correlated well with MICs generated by broth or agar dilution methods [5-9].
However, there are some systematic biases toward higher or lower MICs determined
by the Etest when testing certain organism-antimicrobial agent combinations [6, 10].
This can represent a potential shortcoming when standard MIC interpretive criteria
derived from broth dilution testing [10] are applied to Etest MICs that may not be
Disk diffusion test. The disk diffusion susceptibility method [2, 11, 12] is simple and
practical and has been well-standardized. The test is performed by applying a bacterial
inoculum of approximately 1–2×108CFU/mL to the surface of a large (150 mm
diameter) Mueller-Hinton agar plate. Up to 12 commercially-prepared, fixed
concentration, paper antibiotic disks are placed on the inoculated agar surface (Figure
3). Plates are incubated for 16–24 h at 35°C prior to determination of results. The
zones of growth inhibition around each of the antibiotic disks are measured to the
nearest millimeter. The diameter of the zone is related to the susceptibility of the
isolate and to the diffusion rate of the drug through the agar medium. The zone
diameters of each drug are interpreted using the criteria published by the Clinical and
Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI, formerly the National Committee for Clinical
Laboratory Standards or NCCLS) [13] or those included in the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA)-approved product inserts for the disks. The results of the disk
diffusion test are “qualitative,” in that a category of susceptibility (ie, susceptible,
intermediate, or resistant) is derived from the test rather than an MIC. However, some
commercially-available zone reader systems claim to calculate an approximate MIC
with some organisms and antibiotics by comparing zone sizes with standard curves of
that species and drug stored in an algorithm [14, 15].
Figure 3
A disk diffusion test with an isolate of Escherichia coli from a urine culture. The
diameters of all zones of inhibition are measured and those values translated to
categories of susceptible, intermediate, or resistant using the latest tables published by
the CLSI.
Figure 3
A disk diffusion test with an isolate of Escherichia coli from a urine culture. The
diameters of all zones of inhibition are measured and those values translated to
categories of susceptible, intermediate, or resistant using the latest tables published by
the CLSI.
The advantages of the disk method are the test simplicity that does not require any
special equipment, the provision of categorical results easily interpreted by all
clinicians, and flexibility in selection of disks for testing. It is the least costly of all
susceptibility methods (approximately $2.50-$5 per test for materials). The
disadvantages of the disk test are the lack of mechanization or automation of the test.
Although not all fastidious or slow growing bacteria can be accurately tested by this
method, the disk test has been standardized for testing streptococci, Haemophilus
influenzae, and N. meningitidis through use of specialized media, incubation
conditions, and specific zone size interpretive criteria [12].
The Vitek 2 System (bioMérieux) is highly automated and uses very compact plastic
reagent cards (credit card size) that contain microliter quantities of antibiotics and test
media in a 64-well format. The Vitek 2 employs repetitive turbidimetric monitoring of
bacterial growth during an abbreviated incubation period. The instrument can be
configured to accommodate 30–240 simultaneous tests. The susceptibility cards allow
testing of common, rapidly growing gram-positive, and gram-negative aerobic
bacteria, and S. pneumoniae in a period of 4–10 h. An older, less automated, Vitek 1
System is still used in some laboratories. The system is more limited with a 45-well
card and does not include S. pneumoniae .
The Phoenix, Sensititre ARIS 2X, Vitek 1 and 2, and WalkAway instruments have
enhanced computer software used to interpret susceptibility results including “expert
systems” for analyzing test results for atypical patterns and unusual resistance
phenotypes [16]. Two studies [17, 18] have shown that providing rapid susceptibility
test results can lead to more timely changes to appropriate antimicrobial therapy,
substantial direct cost savings attributable to ordering of fewer additional laboratory
tests, performance of fewer invasive procedures, and a shortened length of stay. These
benefits are best realized when coupled with extended laboratory staffing schedules,
and real-time, electronic transmission of verified results. One of the early
shortcomings of rapid susceptibility testing methods was a lessened ability to detect
some types of antimicrobial resistance including inducible β-lactamases and
vancomycin resistance. However, the recently FDA-cleared instruments have made
significant improvements in large part through modifications of the instruments'
computer software to either provide extended incubation for problematic organism-
drug combinations, or by editing of susceptibility results using expert software to
prevent unlikely results from being reported. In some cases these modifications result
in prolonged incubation (ie, >10 h) of test panels to assure accurate results, thus
rendering them less “rapid.”
The laboratory must test and report the antimicrobial agents that are most appropriate
for the organism isolated, for the site of the infection, and the institution's formulary
[13, 19]. The CLSI provides tables that list the antimicrobial agents appropriate for
testing members of the Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas, and other gram-negative
glucose nonfermenters, staphylococci, enterococci,
streptococci, Haemophilus species, etc. [13]. The listings include recommendations
for agents that are important to test routinely, and those that may be tested or reported
selectively based on the institution's formulary.
The availability of antimicrobial agents for testing by the laboratory's routine testing
methodology must next be determined. The disk diffusion and gradient diffusion
procedures offer the greatest flexibility including testing of newly available drugs.
Most broth microdilution or automated test panels contain ⩽96 wells, effectively
limiting the number of agents tested or the range of dilutions of each drug that can be
included. Manufacturers of commercially prepared panels have attempted to deal with
this problem by offering a number of different standard panel configurations, or by
including fewer dilutions of each drug in a single panel [19]. Another solution to this
problem is testing antimicrobial agents that have activities that are essentially the
same as the desired formulary drugs. The CLSI susceptibility testing document [13]
lists groups of some antimicrobial agents with nearly identical activities that can
provide practical alternatives for testing.
A “susceptible” result indicates that the patient's organism should respond to therapy
with that antibiotic using the dosage recommended normally for that type of infection
and species [13, 20]. Conversely, an organism with a MIC or zone size interpreted as
“resistant” should not be inhibited by the concentrations of the antibiotic achieved
with the dosages normally used with that drug [13, 20]. An “intermediate” result
indicates that a microorganism falls into a range of susceptibility in which the MIC
approaches or exceeds the level of antibiotic that can ordinarily be achieved and for
which clinical response is likely to be less than with a susceptible strain. Exceptions
can occur if the antibiotic is highly concentrated in a body fluid such as urine, or if
higher than normal dosages of the antibiotic can be safely administered (eg, some
penicillins and cephalosporins). At times, the “intermediate” result can also mean that
certain variables in the susceptibility test may not have been properly controlled, and
that the values have fallen into a “buffer zone” separating susceptible from resistant
strains [13, 20]. Generally, reporting of a category result of susceptible, intermediate,
or resistant provides the clinician with the information necessary to select appropriate
therapy. Reporting of MICs could aid a physician is selecting from among a group of
similar drugs for therapy of infective endocarditis or osteomyelitis, in which therapy
is likely to be protracted.
It is important that the tables used for susceptibility test interpretations represent the
most current criteria. Indeed, the CLSI documents are reviewed and updated
frequently, usually once per year. Use of old or outdated information from the original
editions of FDA-approved drug labels or older CLSI tables could represent a serious
shortcoming in the reporting of patients' results.
What Is the Acceptable Accuracy of a Susceptibility Test Method?