Philippine College of Health Sciences, Inc. 1813 C.M. Recto Ave., Manila
Philippine College of Health Sciences, Inc. 1813 C.M. Recto Ave., Manila
Philippine College of Health Sciences, Inc. 1813 C.M. Recto Ave., Manila
General Endotracheal
3 August 27,2008 1739641 Elegado,Marietta Calculus of the Gall Bladder Cholecystectomy Anesthesia Dr.Benjamin de Veza Ospital ng Maynila Medical Jomar C. Cordero,RN,MAN
4 May 11,2009 1538202 Babao,Pariad dela Incarcerated indirect inguinal Herniorraphy Right Subarachnoid Block Dr.Edelweis Velasquez Ospital ng Maynila Medical Robert Araneta, RN
Cruz herniorraphy right Center
Modified Radical Mastectomy General Endotracheal Ospital ng Maynila Medical
5 August 26,2009 1552565 Lorico,Amelia Breast Cancer Left Left Anesthesia Dr.Bemjamin de Veza Center Robert Araneta, RN
Prepared by:
Signature over printed name
Concurred by:
Approved by:
Signature over printed name of Chief Nurse NOEL C. CORDERO, R.N., M.A.N._________________
Date Signed: ________________________ Signature over printed name of Dean JOMAR C. CORDERO, R.N., M.A.N._________________
Degree: B.S.N., M.A.N.____________ Date Signed: __________________________________ Signature over printed name of Clinical Coordinator
a. PRC No. 0116547_________________ Degree: B.S.N., M.A.N._________________________ Date Signed: ____________________________________
Valid Until: August 15, 2012___________ a. PRC No. 0301208_________________________ Degree: B.S.N., M.A.N._________________________
b. PNA No. 14782____________________ Valid Until: December 25, 2012_________________ a. PRC No. 0384407______________________________
Valid until: Life Member_______________ b. PNA No. 13548___________________________ Valid Until: May 3, 2012___________________________
c. ANSAP No. 004243___________________ Valid until: Life member_______________________ b. PNA No. 001729______________________________
Valid until: December 10, 2010_________ c. ADPCN No. 0806_____________________________ Valid until: December 2010________________________
Valid until: December 2010___________________
NAME OF STUDENT: ___ Margaret C. Pua First Course (if any): Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy_______
Name and address of School: Philippine College of Health Sciences, Inc. School graduated: _Centro Escolar University____________
1813 C.M. Recto Avenue, Manila_______ Year of admission in the BSN Program: _2007_____________
Recognition and Accreditation Level: CHED / Level IV _______________ Year graduated from the BSN Program: _2009___________
Date when School was recognized: October 24, 1996_______________
No. Date of Operation Case No. Name of Patient Diagnosis Operation Type of Anesthesia Name of Surgeon Name of Hospital Supervised by
Performed Qualified Clinical Instructor
Incomplete Abortion 6
1 August 19,2008 1875480 Mirhan,Rowena weeks Age of Gestation Completion Curettage Intravenous Anesthesia Dr.Tawny Ann C. Gaspar Ospital ng Maynila Medical Marie Chona Balce, RN
Besunia Gravidity 3 Parity 2 Center
Pregnancy Uterine 41
2 August 27,2008 1879096 Ocarol,Sandra weeks Age of Gestation Central Venous Pressure Local Anesthesia Dr. Alma Jawali Ospital ng Maynila Medical Jomar C. Cordero,RN,MAN
Romero Gravidity 6 Parity 5 Severe Insertion Center
Pre eclampsia
Undescended Testis Ospital ng Maynila Medical
3 May 13, 2009 1540346 Dayrit, Jonelve Bilateral Orchiectomy Bilateral Subarachnoid Block Dr.Robelle Joan Peralta Center Robert Araneta, RN
Extracapsular Cataract
4 May 13, 2009 1540715 Seno, Luis Cataract Senile Mature Extractional with Posterior Local Anesthesia Dr.Frances May Gapay Ospital ng Maynila Medical Robert Araneta, RN
Both Eyes chamber Interior ocular lens Center
right eye
5 August 26,2009 1943189 Melencio,Alma Cataract Senile Mature Extracapsular Cataract Dr. Christy Ann
Right Eye Extractional with Posterior Local Anesthesia Samaniego Ospital ng Maynila Medical Robert Araneta, RN
chamber Interior ocular lens Center
Prepared by: right eye
Signature over printed name
Concurred by: Approved by: Noted by:
ASUNCION C. BALISADO, R.N.,M.A.N._______________ NOEL C. CORDERO, R.N., M.A.N.________________ JOMAR C. CORDERO, R.N., M.A.N.___________________
Signature over printed name of Chief Nurse Signature over printed name of Dean Signature over printed name of Clinical Coordinator
Date Signed: ___________________________________ Date Signed: __________________________________ Date Signed: ______________________________________
Degree: B.S.N., M.A.N._______________________ Degree: B.S.N., M.A.N._________________________ Degree: B.S.N., M.A.N._____________________________
a. PRC No. 0116547______________________________ a. PRC No. 0301208_________________________ a. PRC No. 0384407________________________________
Valid Until: August 15, 2012______________________ Valid Until: December 25, 2012_________________ Valid Until: May 3, 2012_____________________________
b. PNA No. 14782______________________________ b. PNA No. 13548____________________________ b. PNA No. 001729_________________________________
Valid until: Life Member________________________ Valid until: Life member_______________________ Valid until: December 2010__________________________
c. ANSAP No. AN-004243________________________ c. ADPCN No. 0806_____________________________
Valid until: December 10, 2010__________________ Valid until: December 2010____________________
NAME OF STUDENT: __ Margaret C. Pua_____________________ First Course (if any): Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy_______
Name and address of School: Philippine College of Health Sciences, Inc. School graduated: _Centro Escolar University______________
1813 C.M. Recto Avenue, Manila_______ Year of admission in the BSN Program: _2007_______________
Recognition and Accreditation Level: CHED / Level IV _______________ Year graduated from the BSN Program: 2009______________
Date when School was recognized: October 24, 1996_______________
Concurred by: ASUNCION C. BALISADO, R.N., M.A.N.____________ Signature over printed name
Date Signed: ______________________________________ a. PRC No. 0116547_______________________________
Signature over printed name of Chief Nurse (OMMC) Degree: B.S.N., M.A.N.__________________________ Valid Until: August 15, 2012_____________________
b. PNA No. 14782________________________________ a. PRC No. 0039563____________________________ Date Signed: __________________________________ JOMAR C. CORDERO, R.N., M.A.N.__________________
Valid until: Life Member____________________________ Valid Until: October 12, 2012_____________________ Degree: B.S.N., M.A.N._________________________ Signature over printed name of Clinical Coordinator
c. ANSAP No. AN-004243________________________________ b. PNA No. 18153______________________________ a. PRC No. 0301208__________________________ Date Signed: _____________________________________
Valid until: December 10, 2010_________________________ Valid until: Life Member________________________ Valid Until: December 25, 2012_________________ Degree: B.S.N., M.A.N.____________________________
Concurred by: c. ANSAP No.257________________________________ b. PNA No. 13548____________________________ a. PRC No. 0384407______________________________
Valid until: Lifetime Member_____________________ Valid until: Life member_______________________ Valid Until: May 3, 2012__________________________
MARIE THERESE A. PACABIS, R.N., R. M., M. A. N.___ Approved by: c. ADPCN No. 0806_____________________________ b. PNA No. 001729_______________________________
Signature over printed name of Chief Nurse (DJFMH) Valid until: December 2010__________________ Valid until: December 2010________________________
Date Signed:___________________________________ NOEL C. CORDERO, R.N., M.A.N.______________ Noted by:
Degree: B.S.N., M.A.N.__________________________ Signature over printed name of Dean
Prepared by:
Margaret C. Pua
Signature over printed name
MARIE THERESE A. PACABIS, R.N., R. M., M. A. N. NOEL C. CORDERO, R.N., M.A.N.________________ JOMAR C. CORDERO, R.N., M.A.N.________________
Signature over printed name of Chief Nurse Signature over printed name of Dean Signature over printed name of Clinical Coordinator
Date Signed:_______________________________ Date Signed: __________________________________ Date Signed: __________________________________
Degree: B.S.N., M.A.N._______________________ Degree: B.S.N., M.A.N.______________________ Degree: B.S.N., M.A.N._______________________ ___
a. PRC No. 0039563______________________ a. PRC No. 0301208_________________________ a. PRC No. 0384407____________________________
Valid Until: October 12, 2009_______________ Valid Until: December 25, 2012________________ Valid Until: May 3, 2012________________________
b. PNA No. 18153_______________________ b. PNA No. 13548___________________________ b. PNA No. 004988_____________________________
Valid until: Life Member___________________ Valid until: Life member______________________ Valid until: December, 2009______________________
c. ANSAP No. 257__________________________ c. ADPCN No. 0806_____________________________
Valid until: Lifetime Member_______________ Valid until: December, 2009___________________