Cbup LP3
Cbup LP3
Cbup LP3
Week 1 of 4; Plan 3 of 12
Note: This summary lesson plan was designed to support the subsequent lesson plan that is a
reading experience lesson for The Sun is Also a Star.
S1: Students will be able to describe a person’s identity based on the intersection of
his/her multiple group identities
S2: Students will be able to analyze group and personal identity
a. Students will know what literary analysis is
b. Students will be able to identify figurative language in a text.
c. Students will be able to explain the impact of an identity on a person or text
S3: Students will be able to explain the influences on an identity over time or in various
a. Students will be able to discuss the multiple influences on a person’s identity.
b. Students will be able to discuss how and why an identity may change
AFFECTIVE (to feel/value) &/or NON-COGNITIVE
A1: Students will value learning about other’s identities as a tool to foster empathy.
a. Students will be able to learn about other’s identities.
b. Students will be able to practice using empathy as a tool to analyze other’s group
9.4 - The student will read, comprehend, and analyze a variety of literary texts including
narratives, narrative nonfiction, poetry, and drama.
9.5 The student will read and analyze a variety of nonfiction texts.
RL 9 – 10.1 - Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the
text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RL 9 – 10.2 - Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its
development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and
refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
Methods of Assessment
“Brain Dump” [Diagnostic; assesses student background knowledge and potential
misconceptions related to immigrants/immigration]
Reading Interest Survey [Diagnostic, assesses student attitude toward reading]
Practice Annotations [Formative; assesses U2b, U2c, U3a, S2a-c, S3a, S3b SOL 9.4,
SOL 9.5, CCS RL 9 – 10.1]
Exit Ticket [Formative; assesses U2b, U2c, U3a, S2a-c, S3a, S3b SOL 9.4, SOL 9.5,
CCS RL 9 – 10.1]
Procedures/Instructional Strategies
Students will be seated at two-person tables arranged in rows and facing the front of the room. I
will stand outside the classroom to greet students as they enter. The daily agenda will be written
on the board.
Post-it Notes
“My Korean-American Story: HJ Lee” [Appendix 6]
Immigrant Experiences Texts [Appendix 7]
The Sun is Also a Star interview [Appendix 8]
Reading interest survey [Appendix 23]
Promethean board, projector, and computer with internet access