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PME Essential Oil Brochure

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Process Metal Engineer Agro Pvt. Ltd.

Makers of
Premium Quality
Essential Oils

Registered Office: Plot No. 46, 47, Chandra Nagar, PO-Parvati Nagar (Ajnl), Nagpur, (India)-27

Contact: 8087134502, 7600694736, 705787122Email: processmetalengineers@gmail.com

Corporate Office: Villa Maube, Distrite Boane Maputo MPM 101, Mozambique (SADC/Southern Africa)

Contact: +258 845461493


Essential Oils

Essentials oils are concentrated liquid and micronutrients. Even some drops of
containing aromatic compounds sourced essential oil have potent effects on
from various parts of plants like flowers, emotional well-being, physical health or
barks, seeds, fruits, roots etc. They are spiritual mindfulness. Some of the
extracted by various processes like steam essential oils are known to cure various
distillation, cold pressing, solvent ailments including skin infections,
extraction etc. Every essential oil is a depression and even cancer.
unique blend of various volatile
The composition of essential oil is greatly
compounds that lend them a distinct
influenced by nature of the plants, when
aroma and beneficial properties.
and how the plants are harvested and also
For centuries, many ancient civilizations by the method and duration of
including India’s have known essential oils processing. Thus each step right from
and used them for various applications. selecting the right strain of plants,
Some of them are known to be antiseptic, geographical locations to final processing
antibacterial, anti-parasitic etc. They are and packaging plays important role in
rich source of various types of vitamins creating the finest quality of essential oils.


Ut eu

Our mission, our vision

Despite being an agrarian economy, In the initial phase, we are cultivating

India has not yet fully tapped the the aromatic plants in the farms
potential of medicinal and aromatic leased by PME and extracting
plants cultivation and their utilization. essential oils using our In-house
These plants are boon to Indian processes. We have collaborated with
farmers, as they require less various Indian research institutes to
irrigation, less pesticides and few of provide us with high quality planting
these plants once planted provides material, establishment of herbal
the yield at regular intervals for 5-8 gardens, technology development
years. and setup of integrated quality
management. In the long run, we are
We at PME, have a network of the
going to enlist other farmers
finest agricultural research institutes
especially from drought-hit regions of
and farmers in India to procure
the country to cultivate the aromatic
essential oils. Our vision is large-scale
plants and will buy back the same.
cultivation of aromatic and medicinal
Our vision is to provide better
plants, extraction of essential oils
opportunity to Indian farmers and to
using state-of-the-art technology. We
usher them to the prosperity,
are aiming not only to meet the
continuous income and self-reliance.
current domestic demand of these oils
but also to export them globally.

PME Quality Commitment

Knowledge and Experience

Our technology is developed
by collaborating with only the
best minds in this field.

Premium Quality We provide

essential oil of 100% purity,
which are sourced directly from
our farms.

Honesty and integrity is the

building blocks of our business
model. We believe in fair trade
practices and to ensure best
customer satisfaction.

List of our 100% pure and natural Essential Oil
Oil of Lemongrass
Cymbopogon flexuosus

Product Description

Lemon grass is a perennial plant, has been cultivated in India since ancient times.
Due to its consistently high citral content and high solubility in alcohol, it is one of
the most sought after essential oil from India. Lemon grass oil is a rich source of
Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, foliate and Vitamin C. It has beneficial

Standard: IS:327 micronutrients like phosphorous, manganese, calcium, zinc, iron etc. Lemon
grass oil aroma increases awareness and reduces mental stress and fatigue.
Plant Part: Leaf

Extraction Method: Steam

Distillation Application

Aroma: Herbaceous, citrus

1. Flavoring Agent 4. Precursor for geraniol
Main Chemical Component:
2. Perfuming Agent 5. Cosmetics and Skin care products
Geraniol, nerol
3. Mosquito repellant ingredient 6. Medicine and aromatherapy
Shelf life: 24 months

Oil of Palmarosa

Cymbopogon martini
1. Flavoring Agent

2. Perfuming Agent

3. Mosquito repellant Product Description

Palmarosa is a tall grass, cultivated in the wetlands of India. Its floral rose aroma
has given its name as palmarosa. Palmarosa essential oil is obtained by steam
distillation of stem of dried leaves. In the past, Turks blended the oil with more
expensive rose oil while in India, it was used to treat influenza and various
Standard: IS:526 types of infections. It has several therapeutic applications from skin infections,

Plant Part: Stem

Extraction Method: Steam Application


Aroma: floral, rose 1. Flavoring Agent 4. Precursor for geraniol

Main Chemical Component: 2. Perfuming Agent 5. Cosmetics and Skin care products

geraniol, linalool, 3. Mosquito repellant ingredient 6. Medicine and aromatherapy

Shelf life: 24 months

List of our 100% pure and natural Essential Oil
Rose Oil
Rosaceae family

Product Description

Rose oils are mainly cultivated from either Rosa damascena or rosa centifolia.
Rose plant is a perennial shrub is primarily grown in the temperate regions
including India. Due to floral pleasant fragrance, it is one of the most widely

Plant Part: Leaf used essential oil in the perfumery. Its extraction process is labour intensive
and complex in nature and hence rose oil is very expensive. It is beneficial for
Extraction Method: Solvent
extraction, Steam Distillation skin problems and has antimicrobial properties. It has anti-depressant and

Aroma: floral, rose

Main Chemical Component: Application

citronellol, Geraniol, nerol

Shelf life: 24 months 1. Flavoring Agent 3. Cosmetics and Skin care products

2. Perfuming Agent 4. Medicine and aromatherapy

Lavender Oil

Lavandula angustifolia

Product Description

Lavender is a perennial shrub grown in different parts of world and known to

man for its fragrance since ancient times. Lavender has derived its name from
its latin name Lavare, which means ‘to wash’, due to its aroma which inspires

Plant Part: flower freshness. Lavender oil is extracted from the flowers of some species of lavender
family. It is mainly used in perfumery.
Extraction Method: Steam

Aroma: floral,liliac

Main Chemical Component:

linalool, linalyl acetate 1. Flavoring Agent 4. Cosmetics and Skin care products

Shelf life: 24 months 2. Perfuming Agent 5. Medicine and aromatherapy

3. Mosquito repellant ingredient


Registered Office: Plot No. 46, 47, Chandra Nagar,
PO-Parvati Nagar (Ajnl), Nagpur
(India) -27

Contact : 8087134502, 7600694736, 705787122

Email : processmetalengineers@gmail.com
Corporate Office : Villa Maube, Distrite Boane Maputo

MPM 101, Mozambique

(SADC/Southern Africa)

Contact : +258 845461493

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