Natural Disasters Unit
Natural Disasters Unit
Natural Disasters Unit
This month your 4th grade student will begin his or journey through the
layers of the Earth and learn about the natural hazards of our planet! They will
explore ways to reduce the negative impacts of natural disasters through many
different subjects that make up STEAM: science, technology, engineering, art,
mathematics, and so much more!
Throughout the unit, your student will investigate topics such as:
The layers of the Earth
Plate tectonics
How earthquakes and tsunamis form
Safety measures to utilize in the event of a natural disaster
Harm-reduction and disaster relief engineering practices
While many students are extremely fascinated by natural disasters and enjoy
the topics, they are still meeting the 4th grade California State Science Standards
(Next Generation Science Standards – NGSS) as well as exploring and covering many
other math and ELA Common Core standards! This unit will allow the students to
explore engineering in depth, uncover knowledge about the world around them, and
showcase these new skills to educate and empower the community.
The students will be utilizing all of their knowledge over the entire unit to
create a poster to share life saving tips with their peers and the local community.
The students will research safety measures to use in the event of an earthquake and
then design a poster outlining their Natural Disaster Management Plan.
3. What are the two main metals that make up the Earth’s core?
4. Describe, in your own words, how the earth’s layers were formed?
(see “The Four Layers”)
Lesson Six
Name: Natural Disasters Overview
Subject: Earth Science
Grade Level: 4
a. 4-ESS3-2. Generate and compare multiple solutions to reduce the
impacts of natural Earth processes on humans. [Clarification
Statement: Examples of solutions could include designing an
earthquake resistant building and improving monitoring of volcanic
activity.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to
earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.]
a. Textbooks
b. Worksheets
i. Natural Disasters Match Up
c. Digital resources
i. PowerPoint: definitions of natural disasters and short video
example of each
d. Assistive technologies
e. Other
a. The student will be able to identify types of natural disasters by filling
out worksheet and matching definitions with names.
b. Academic language
i. Earthquake
ii. Volcano
iii. Tsunami
iv. Cyclone
v. Flood
vi. Drought
vii. Bushfire
viii. Avalanche
a. Informal (formative)
i. Thumbs up if students think they know all the different types
of natural disasters
ii. Natural disasters match up worksheet
b. Formal (summative)
i. Reflection in science journal
a. Anticipatory set
i. Engage students with open-ended questions: what is a natural
disaster? How many kinds of natural disasters can you name?
How would you describe them?
ii. Activate prior knowledge: we have spent some time learning
about earthquakes but today we are going to discuss many
other kinds of natural disasters and explore how they affect
our planet and communities!
b. Instruction and modeling
i. PowerPoint of different types of natural disasters with
definition and video example of the damage they can do to the
ii. Compare and contrast the different natural disasters together
on the whiteboard
c. Guided practice
i. Worksheet: natural disasters match up
d. Closure
i. Partner talk about their experiences if they have seen any of
these natural disasters before
ii. Go through worksheet and match up correct answers
iii. Discuss as a class the effects of natural disasters and
brainstorm ideas on how to help communities affected by
1. Displaced populations
2. Health risks
3. Food shortages
4. Ideas to help: disaster proof building designs, put
together an evacuation plan, provide immediate relief to
disaster-affected communities, support long term
recovery of those communities
e. Independent practice
i. Write reflection in science journal on types of natural disasters
and how to help disaster-affected communities
a. Provide visual models, definitions and videos of each natural disaster
Lesson Seven
Name: Simulated Disaster Relief Challenge (may be completed over multiple days)
Subject: Engineering, Global/international content, diverse cultural perspectives
Grade Level: 4
a. 3–5-ETS1-1. Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a
want that includes specified criteria for success and constraints on
materials, time, or cost.
b. 3–5-ETS1-3. Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are
controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a
model or prototype that can be improved.
a. Textbooks
b. Worksheets
c. Digital resources
i. Video showing the aftermath of tsunami in Indonesia
d. Assistive technologies
e. For each student group provide:
i. 1 raw egg (buy extras as inevitably some get broken before
ii. tape, 2 feet; more tape makes the activity easier and less tape
makes it more difficult so scale as you like
iii. white glue, such as Elmer's Glue
iv. a drop target, such as a dot painted on a grassy field, chalk on a
sidewalk, etc.; it is important to be able to measure the
distance from the target to the actual impact spots
v. 1 measuring device, such as a ruler, yardstick or tape measure
vi. 10 sheets of paper, such as 8.5" x 11 copy paper, but any kind
will do
vii. 1 large black plastic trash bag
viii. 10 pipecleaners
ix. 15 cottonballs
x. 3 wide rubberbands
xi. 10 Popsicle sticks
a. The student will be able to understand the importance of engineers
and the complex problems faced when sending disaster relief supplies
to remote countries by simulating and creating an airdrop delivery.
b. Academic language
i. Kinetic and potential energy
a. Informal (formative)
i. Teacher observation of partner work
b. Formal (summative)
i. Egg drop device project
ii. Reflections in science journals
a. Anticipatory set
i. Activate prior knowledge: energy transfer, conservation of
energy, potential energy and kinetic energy
ii. Engage students: Show video of the aftermath of tsunami in
iii. Have you ever heard of disaster relief supply package drops?
(Listen to student responses.) Disaster relief groups and the
armed forces must deliver life-sustaining and sometimes
delicate supplies of food and equipment to people in areas very
difficult to reach, often where no nearby roads, trains or
airports are located.
iv. These supplies must reach designated landing areas accurately
and intact. When things do not go as planned, bags of food can
burst from the impact, and sometimes supplies completely
miss the target landing areas.
v. Your engineering challenge today is to apply what you know
about energy (potential, kinetic, conservation of energy) to
attempt to solve this real-life problem by testing techniques for
dropping precious supplies (hold up an egg), as represented by
a fragile raw egg, accurately and safely from a designated
height. Let's get started!
b. Instruction and modeling
i. Divide class into groups of two. Inform students that engineers
solve problems by first identifying the design requirements
and constraints. For this design challenge, the requirements
and constraints are:
1. Design something that will protect your egg (which
represents fragile relief supplies) so it survives the air
2. The dropped egg must remain intact and land close to
the target area.
3. Your building supplies are limited to what you are
provided by the teacher
4. Your egg protection system will be tested from the
height of 6 feet.
5. You will have 40 minutes to design and create your egg
protection device
c. Guided practice
i. Students brainstorm in partner groups and sketch their design
along with a short description and their reasoning. This is what
engineers do.
ii. After the students complete their design idea, they will receive
the supplies.
iii. When time is up, teams will bring their designs outside to the
drop location and the teacher will drop each design from a
height of six feet. Students will bring science notebooks to
sketch the results of their drop. Have each group discuss what
they did and how their designs were intended to protect the
eggs and ensure they landed close to the target. Make sure they
describe what did and did not work about their designs, as well
as what they might do to make them better.
d. Closure
i. Discuss as a class what ideas worked best to protect the egg.
Why do you think they worked? Which ideas looked promising
in the design phase, but did not work well? What went wrong?
e. Independent practice
i. Write reflections in science journal explaining what went well
with their design and what they would change in the future to
improve their design.
a. Provide additional scaffolding to student pairs who appear to be
struggling, provide models of previous designs
Lesson Eight
Name: Tsunami Attack!
Subject: Earth Science/Math
Grade Level: 4
Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative
comparison, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for
the unknown number to represent the problem, distinguishing
multiplicative comparison from additive comparison.
a. Textbooks
b. Worksheets
i. KWL Sheet
c. Digital resources
d. Assistive technologies
e. Other
i. Large clear bowl
ii. Water
iii. Sand/pebbles
a. The student will be able to conceptualize how big a tsunami is by
dividing 1,000 feet by his or her own height.
b. Academic language
i. Tsunami
ii. Tectonic plate
iii. Energy
a. Informal (formative)
i. Math activity
b. Formal (summative)
i. KWL chart (L section)
a. Anticipatory set
i. Do you know what a tsunami is? A tsunami is a special kind of
wave, but what makes it different from a normal wave?
ii. Have students fill out K and W section of KWL chart.
iii. How Tsunamis Work Ted-Ed Video:
b. Instruction and modeling
i. The difference is that an average wave is just a surface
disturbance of the water, while a tsunami is a disturbance that
reaches all the way to the bottom of the ocean. A tsunami is a
really large wave. In fact, a tsunami can be a wave that reaches
more than 1,000 feet high!
ii. Classroom demonstration: To demonstrate the difference in
waves, use a clear bowl of water. Blow across the surface of the
water and ask students notice the waves that form. Next,
quickly pour a large cup of sand or pebbles into the water at
one end of the bowl. Have the students compare the waves. Are
they the same size? The wave caused by the sand created a
larger wave because the sand disturbed (moved) a lot more
water than the wind. In the ocean, no matter how hard the
wind blows, it cannot disturb water more than a few meters
below the surface. An earthquake, an underwater landslide
(much like our cup of sand) or a volcano each has the power to
disturb the water all the way from the surface to the sea floor.
Basically, a tsunami occurs when something moves the sea
floor. Tsunamis are typically larger and more destructive than
a normal wave caused by wind.
c. Guided practice
i. Math activity: How high are Tsunamis? Remember that
tsunamis can reach more than 1,000 feet high! How tall is this?
1. Have the students measure their height and calculate
how many of them stacked on top of each other it would
take to reach 1,000 ft. For example, if a student is 4 feet
tall, it would take 1000/4 = 250 of them stacked on top
of each other to be as tall as a tsunami!
d. Closure
i. Have students share what they learned about tsunamis
e. Independent practice
i. Finish L section of KWL chart and paste in science journal
a. GATE students may calculate the ratio of their height to the height of a
200 foot tsunami, 500 foot tsunami, etc.
Lesson Nine
Name: Epicenter and Waves
Subject: Physical Science - Energy
Grade Level: 4
a. 4-PS3-1. Use evidence to construct an explanation relating the speed
of an object to the energy of that object. [Assessment Boundary:
Assessment does not include quantitative measures of changes in the
speed of an object or on any precise or quantitative definition of energy.
b. 4-PS3-2 Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be
transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric
currents. [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include
quantitative measurements of energy.]
a. Textbooks
b. Worksheets
c. Digital resources
d. Assistive technologies
e. Other
i. Cups
ii. Water
iii. Straws
a. The student will be able to create and analyze the energy released and
its effect outward from an earthquake by observing water droplets.
b. Academic language
i. Epicenter
ii. Energy
iii. Surface waves
iv. Plate tectonics
a. Informal (formative)
i. Class discussion, teacher observation
b. Formal (summative)
i. Science journal observations, diagram, and reflection
a. Anticipatory set
i. Review prior knowledge about earthquakes, letting students
lead discussion
b. Instruction and modeling
i. Students read Geography4Kids articles on plate tectonics and
earthquakes; discuss the new concepts of epicenter and energy
c. Guided practice
i. Give each student water cup filled halfway and straw. I explain
to the class that we will be using the straw as a water dropper.
Students will need to hold their finger on the end of the straw
to trap water inside. They will then drop one drop onto their
cup of water to create ripples. Students will practice dropping
water drops into their cups. When it appears that students
have a handle on making droplets, we can conduct our
ii. Students wait for their water to be still, before dropping a drop
into the water. They will write observation notes into their
science journals. They can conduct their experiments as many
times as needed in order to get all the notes, paying special
attention to the initial droplet and the ripples it
makes. Students draw diagrams that depict what they are
seeing, labeling the cup and using the words epicenter and
surface waves.
d. Closure
i. Class discussion:
1. How are the ripples created in the water similar to
those we have learned about in earthquakes?
2. Discuss the energy released from the focus and
epicenter and how this determines the magnitude of the
e. Independent practice
i. Reflection in science journals about what they learned.
a. Students may come to the back table and conduct the experiment with
scaffolding from the teacher
Lesson Ten
Name: Natural Disasters Safety Poster
Subject: Science, Art, Literacy, Changemaker project
Grade Level: 4
a. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.7. Conduct short research projects that build
knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.
b. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.8. Recall relevant information from
experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital
sources; take notes and categorize information, and provide a list of
c. 4-ESS3-2. Generate and compare multiple solutions to reduce the
impacts of natural Earth processes on humans. [Clarification
Statement: Examples of solutions could include designing an
earthquake resistant building and improving monitoring of volcanic
activity.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to
earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.]
a. Textbooks
b. Worksheets
i. Poster Rubric
c. Digital resources
i. Internet access for research
d. Assistive technologies
e. Other
i. Poster boards
ii. Markers
a. The student will be able to share ideas of safety measures to use in the
event of a natural disaster by researching, designing, and creating a
poster for the community.
b. Academic language
i. Earthquake
ii. Natural disaster management plan
a. Informal (formative)
i. Teacher observation
b. Formal (summative)
i. Final poster design
ii. Rubric: poster organization
a. Anticipatory set
i. Imagine that you live in an area that is at risk of a particular
natural disaster e.g. volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods,
or bushfires. These natural disasters cannot be prevented.
However; the risk to lives and property can often be lessened
through the implementation of a natural disaster management
plan. What would you do to protect yourself and your
ii. Activate prior knowledge: We’ve learned a lot about
earthquakes in the past few weeks. We also participate in
safety routines such as our annual school earthquake drills and
we even designed models of earthquake-safe buildings. Now
let’s put our knowledge into action! As we live in an area at risk
for earthquakes, what tips could we share with our community
to create a safer environment in the event of an earthquake?
b. Instruction and modeling
i. Explain that students will brainstorm and research some the
things that people can do to keep safe in the event of this
natural disaster. Design and create a poster for your classroom
that clearly displays this life saving information. We will also
be posting these around the community so that others may
learn ways to be safe in the event of an earthquake!
ii. Carefully design a draft of your poster on a piece of letter size
paper. When you are happy with your design, transfer your
information onto a larger piece of poster paper. Display your
poster so that everyone can learn your tips for keeping safe in
a natural disaster.
iii. You might like to include some of the following ideas:
1. Safe/unsafe places to take shelter
2. Safe/unsafe actions
3. How to maintain communication with family and
emergency crews
4. Important emergency equipment
iv. Your poster should be informative, easy to read, and visually
appealing. These tips might help:
1. Only include the most important information
2. Use clear and concise language
3. Use short sentences or bullet points
4. Use large, clear writing and a simple font
5. Arrange the information carefully around the page
6. Include tables, charts, photos, drawings, and diagrams
where appropriate
7. Apply a consistent color scheme
8. Leave some white space on the poster so it does not
look too crowded
c. Guided practice
i. Pass out rubric.
ii. Students will research earthquake safety tips and design draft
of poster.
d. Closure
i. Students share the draft of their earthquake management
poster with the class.
e. Independent practice
i. Complete and submit final poster design
a. ELL students may create poster in their first language so that
members of his/her community can benefit from the information.