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Past Tense Lesson Plan

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Michelle Kearsley

Date of Lesson: March 1, 2018

Ms. Bagley (Edgewood Elementary School)

TCNJ - School of Education - Lesson Plan

1.Title: Past Tense Lesson Plan, Grade 3

2. Lesson Essential Question: How do you form the past tense of a verb?

3. Standard:
Form and use the simple (e.g., I walked; I walk; I will walk) verb tenses.

A. Learning Objectives: Students will be able to form the past tense of a verb
and use it in a sentence.

B. Assessments: The students will complete a “ticket-out” that the teacher will
collect and evaluate.
Learning Objectives Assessments

Students will be able to form the past The students will complete a “ticket-out”
tense of a verb and use it in a sentence. that the teacher will collect and evaluate.

5. Materials:
 Notes on projector
 Bingo call cards
 Bingo cards
 Bingo chips
 Ticket out
 a pencil

6. Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge: The students will know what a
verb is and some examples of verbs.

7. Lesson Beginning: The teacher will ask the students what a verb is and call on
students for a response. The students will be on the rug. The students will listen to the
teacher and answer the question. The teacher will ask the students for examples of
verbs. The students will give the teacher examples of verbs.

8. Instructional Plan: Time needed approximately 25 minutes

What the teacher will What the students Materials the teacher Approx.
be doing: will be doing: needs to have ready: Time:

The teacher will ask the The students will Notes on projector.
students what a verb is be on the rug. The 2 min
and call on students for students will listen
a response. to the teacher and
answer the

The teacher will ask the The students will Notes on projector. 1 min
students for examples of give the teacher
verbs. examples of verbs.

The teacher will ask the The students will Notes on projector. 1 min
students what the past listen to the teacher
tense of walk is. The and answer the
teacher will wait for a question.
response and guide the
students to the correct

The teacher will review The students will Notes on projector. 1 min
simple past tense rules. listen to the
The teacher will use teacher. The
hand gestures to students will give a
determine the thumb up, thumb
understanding of the down, or a thumb
students. in the middle to
show their level of

The teacher will ask the The students will Notes on projector. 1 min
students what the past listen to the teacher
tense of study is. The and answer the
teacher will guide the question.
students to the correct

The teacher will review The students will Notes on projector. 1 min
the rules for the past listen to the
tense of verbs that end teacher. The
with a “y”. The teacher students will give a
will use hand gestures thumb up, thumb
to determine the down, or a thumb
understanding of the in the middle to
show their level of

The teacher will ask the The students will Notes on projector. 1 min
students what the past listen to the teacher
tense of plan is. The and answer the
teacher will guide the question.
students to the correct

The teacher will review The students will Notes on projector. 1 min
the rules for the past listen to the
tense of verbs that end teacher. The
with a vowel followed by students will give a
one consonant. The thumb up, thumb
teacher will use hand down, or a thumb
gestures to determine in the middle to
the understanding of the show their level of
students. understanding.

The teacher will tell the The students will Bingo cards. 1 min
class that they will be listen to the
playing bingo to practice teacher.
past tense. The bingo
cards will be on the
students’ desks.

The teacher will call the The students will None. 2 min
students to their seats. quietly walk back to
their desks.

The teacher will lead the The students will Bingo cards, bingo call 7 min
class in a game of past listen to the teacher cards, and chips.
tense Bingo. The class and play Bingo.
will play until every
student gets Bingo.

The teacher will collect The students will Bingo cards and chips. 2 min
the bingo cards and help the students
chips. will put their bingo
cards and chips in
the center if their
The teacher will explain The students will Ticket-out. 4 min
the ticket-out and pass it complete the ticket
out to each student. out and hand it to
the teacher once
they are finished.

a. Differentiation: The teacher will guide the students in answering the questions if
they are struggling. The teacher will help the students complete the “ticket-out” if they
are having difficulty.

b. Questions: “What is a verb?” What are some examples of verbs?” “What is the
past tense of walk?” “What is the past tense of study?” “What is the past tense of plan?”

c. Classroom Management: The teacher will call the students to and from the
carpet by table grouping to make it more orderly transition from the carpet to the desks.
The teacher will pass out the worksheets and lima beans to the groups and let them
distribute the papers among themselves.

d. Transitions: The teacher will call the students to the rug by table groups.

9. Closure: The teacher will explain the ticket-out and pass it out to each student. The
students will complete the ticket out and hand it to the teacher once they are finished.

Ticket Out

Directions: Write the past-tense of the verb

in parentheses on the blank line to complete
the sentence.

1. They _______________ cookies for the bake sale. (bake)

2. I _________________ with Ms. Crowley yesterday. (study)

3. He _______________ his backpack before he put it on his

back. (zip)


Ticket Out

Directions: Write the past-tense of the verb in

parentheses on the blank line to complete the

1. They _______________ cookies for the bake sale. (bake)

2. I _________________ with Ms. Crowley yesterday. (study)

3. He _______________ his backpack before he put it on his

back. (zip)

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