Laboratory Exercise 3: Using Logic Instructions
Laboratory Exercise 3: Using Logic Instructions
Laboratory Exercise 3: Using Logic Instructions
In this exercise we will examine the use of logic instructions in the Nios II instruction set. Logic instructions are
useful for manipulation of bit strings and for dealing with data at the bit level where only a few bits may be of
special interest. They are essential in dealing with input/output tasks, as will be illustrated in Laboratory Exercise
The background knowledge needed to do this exercise can be acquired from the tutorial Introduction to the
Altera Nios II Soft Processor, which can be found in the University Program section of the Altera web site.
We will use the DE-series Basic Computer with your application programs being loaded in the SDRAM
Part I
Consider the Nios II assembly-language program in Figure 1. It examines a word of data and determines the
maximum number of consecutive 1s in that word. For example, the word 0x937a (1001001101111010) has a
maximum of four consecutive 1s. The code in the figure calculates the number of consecutive 1s for the data
0x90abcedf. This code is available in the file lab3 part1.s. Note that this code is based on a clever (not obvious)
idea that we can count the number of consecutive 1s by shifting the number and ANDing it with the shifted result
until the number consists of all 0s. Make sure that you understand how this idea works.
.global start
movia r8, TEST NUM /* Load r8 with the number to be tested */
mov r9, r8 /* Copy the number to r9 */
mov r10, r0 /* Clear the counter to zero */
beq r9, r0, END STRING COUNTER /* Loop until r9 contains no more 1s */
srli r11, r9, 0x01 /* Calculate the number of 1s by shifting the number */
and r9, r9, r11 /* and ANDing it with the shifted result. */
addi r10, r10, 0x01 /* Increment the counter. */
mov r12, r10 /* Store the result into r12 */
br END /* Wait here when the program has completed */
Perform the following:
1. Create a directory lab3 and a subdirectory lab3 part1. Copy the file lab3 part1.s into this directory.
2. Using the Altera Monitor Program, create a new project, part1, in the directory lab3 part1. Specify that
the DE-series Basic Computer and the assembly language program in the file lab3 part1.s should be used,
using the procedure introduced in Lab 1.
3. Compile and load the program.
4. The Monitor Program will display the disassembled view of the code loaded in the memory. Note that the
pseudoinstruction movia in the original program has been replaced with a pair of machine instructions, orhi
and ori. This is different from the exercise in Part 2 of Lab 1 where the movia psudoinstruction was replaced
by the pair orhi and addi. Using the ori instruction instead of addi is a more intuitive choice. We forced
this choice by including the macros in the “nios macros.s” file.
5. Run the program. When the program is running, you will not be able to see any changes (such as the
contents of registers or memory locations) in the monitor windows, because the monitor program cannot
communicate with the processor system on the DE-series board. But, if you stop the program the present
state of these components will be displayed. Do so and observe that the program has stopped executing
at the last Branch instruction which is loaded in the memory location 0x28. Also note that the number of
consecutive 1s in our test number is 4 as indicated by the contents of register r12.
6. Return to the beginning of the program by clicking on the icon . Now, single step through the program by
clicking on the icon . Watch how the instructions change the data in the processor’s registers.
7. Set the Program Counter to 0x08, which will bypass the first two instructions which load the test number
into register r8. Also, set the value in register r8 to 0xabcdef90. How many consecutive 1s are there in this
number? Run the program to see if you are right.
Part II
In this part, we will examine one more time how instructions are formed.
Part III
The program in Figure 1 uses a clever idea of ANDing the test data with its shifted version to determine the
number of consecutive 1s. Develop another program that accomplishes the same task but which is not based on
this idea. Run and test your program.
Part IV
One might be interested in the longest string of alternating 1s and 0s. For example, the binary number 101101010001
has a string of 6 alternating 1s and 0s, as highlighted here: 101101010001. Assume that the two end bits can be
part of the longest string. For example, 1010 has 4 consecutive bits of alternating 1s and 0s.
Part V
In this part we want to convert an 8-digit binary coded decimal (BCD) number, which is stored as ASCII-encoded
characters, into a packed form where each digit occupies four bits. ASCII code for decimal digits represents each
digit as a byte in which the upper four bits are set to 0x3 and the lower four bits are the value of the digit. Assume
that the 8-digit ASCII-encoded number is stored in 8 bytes at addresses BCD ASCII to ASCII BCD + 7 in the
order from the most-significant to the least-significant digit (as they would be stored if obtained from a keyboard
input device). The derived 32-bit packed BCD number is to be stored at address BCD PACKED.
Write a program that accomplishes the desired conversion. Run your program and test it with some sample data.
1. Determine the machine code representation for the three instructions in Part II
2. Write the assembly language programs for Parts III to V
c Altera Corporation.