Eng Ineering Definit Ion Project Engineering
Eng Ineering Definit Ion Project Engineering
Eng Ineering Definit Ion Project Engineering
EDS Philosophy Y
Metering Philosophy Y
Telecomms Philosophy Y
PLMS Philosophy N If project involves a pipeline.
Telecommunication System Functional Specifications Y
Integrated Control & Safety System (ICSS) Specification Y May need to be split into three specs if not an ICSS
General Instrumentation Specification Y
Package Equipment Specification N Usually combined into Gen Inst Spec unless specified in ITT
Wellhead Control Panel Specification N If project involves wellheads
Metering Specification N If project involves Fiscal/Custody Transfer Metering.
Instrument Data Sheets N Only if ITT requires them.
Prelim Inst Cable Schedule N For Level 2c estimates only or if specified in the ITT
Control and Safety System Topology Diagram Y
Typical Telecommunication Room Layout Y
Shutdown Cause & Effect Charts N These are a Process D ept. deliverable at FEED stage.
ICSS Database including I/O Sched & Index Y Could be Intools or Excel, depending upon size of Project
Prelim Inst Cable Block Diagram N Only if ITT requires them
Control Room Layout Drawing Y
Overall Telecommunication System Block Diagram Y
Bulk Instrument MTO N For Level 2c estimates only or if specified in the ITT
Technical Requisition for LLI's N For Level 2c estimates only or if specified in the ITT
Basis of Design / Philosophy Y
Protection Design Philosophy Y
Trace Heating Philosophy Y
LV Switchgear Specification Y
MV Switchgear Specification Y
UPS Specification Y
Long Lead Item (Generator) Specification Y
Long Lead Item (Power Transformer) Specification Y
MV Motor Specification Y
LV Motor Specification Y
Overall Single Line Diagram Y
Power System Studies Y
Electrical Requirements for Packaged Equipment Y
Verification of Client Specification and Applicable National Codes Y
Electrical Load List Y
Cable Schedules Y
LV Swtichboard Datasheet Y
MV Switchboard Datasheet Y
Long Lead Item (Power Transformer) Datasheets N
Long Lead Item (Generator) Datasheets N
AC UPS Datasheet Y
DC UPS Datasheet Y
MV Motor Datasheets Y
LV Motor Datasheets Y
Power Layouts Y
Cable Routing Layout Y
Substation Layouts Y
UPS Single Line Diagram Y
MV Single Line Diagram Y
LV Single Line Diagram Y
Instrument Power Supplies Single Line Diagram Y
Bulk Material MTO Y
Basis of Design N
Equipment Specifications Y
Project Specifications Y
Project Procedures N
Equipment List Y
Emission Study N
Compressor & Driver Selection Study Report Y
Mechanical Equipment Data Sheets Y
Package Data Sheets Y
Technical Requisition for LLI's N
Technical Bid Evaluation N
BDaeossfi isg n Y
PipelinPeh ilosophies Y
GeotechnicalS urveyS pecification Y
TopographicS urveyS pecification Y
CSPu rveSyp ecification Y
ConstructionS pecifications Y
MateriaSl pecificationsL LI's Y
PipeliSnteu dies Y
DesTko Rpo utinSgt udy Y
PipelineT ransienAt nalysis Y
ScopoeWf orfko Sru rveys Y
InterfaMcae trix Y
Permitsa ndC onsentMs atrix Y
Constraints Matrix and Crossings Schedule Y
Derogationst oN ationaCl odes Y
PipelineM echanicalD esignR eport Y
MaterialSs electionR eport Y
StresAsn alysRise port Y
PipelineC PD esignR eport Y
PipelinSei teV isiRt eport Y
OveralFl ieldL ayoutD rawing Y
SurveRyo utinDg rawings Y
TrialP it& B oreholeL ocationD rawings Y
LandA llocationD rawings Y
RoutiDnrga wings Y
Maps/SatellitIem agery Y
PipelineS ystemS chematic Y
MateriaDla tSah eets Y
RequisitioLnLs I's N
TechnicaBl idE valuationL LI's N
MateriTaal ke-off Y
BDaeossfi isg
if not an ICSS