Rubric Feasibility Study
Rubric Feasibility Study
Rubric Feasibility Study
DIMENSION 1 2 3 4 5 Score Related life skills
MEETING DEADLINES Study delivered with a delay Study delivered with Study delivered with a delay Study delivered on time Behaving in
above 7 days a delay above 3 days less than 3 days responsible way
IDENTIFICATION OF Students are unable to Students break down the Students break down the Students break down the Problem solving,
ACTIVITIES breakdown the objectives in objectives into specific objectives into specific objectives into specific Designing
activities which would make activities which are not entirely activities, in most cases activities, always
the project feasible rigorous, but enough to make according to priority, according to priority,
the project feasible sequencing and feasibility sequencing and feasibility
criteria criteria
DESCRIPTION OF Students cannot identify all the Students identify the actions Students identify all the Students identify all the Problem solving,
ACTIVITIES’ ACTIONS actions and resources needed and resources needed to run actions and resources actions and resources Designing
AND RESOURCES to run the project the project , but their needed to run the project. needed to run the project.
articulation is not always Their articulation is Their articulation is always
detailed and accurate almost always detailed detailed and accurate
and accurate
Total score