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Minor Magicks: Sample File

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Small-Scale Spells & Items

Author: Carrie Schutrick

Contributing Author: Ian Johnston
Cover Design: Ian Johnston
Interior Art: V. Shane
Editor: Charles Greathouse
Proofreader & d20 Rules Wrangler: John Cooper
Layout & Product Developer : Ian Johnston
Layout Elements: Cari Buziak
Product Download Password: Vordin
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Some material herein is reprinted with permission from the December 11, 2002, issue of d20 Weekly and is copyright
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Products Beyond Imagination™


(page 4)

(page 4)

Magic Items
(page 18)

Appendix I: Spell Lists


(page 29)

Appendix II: Licenses & Legal

(page 32)

Introduction Spells
For adventurers, magic is often literally a matter of life and Not every spellcaster, PC or otherwise, will have access to every
death. The adventuring wizard’s ability to cast powerful spells, spell on this list. In many cases the spells were developed as part of
both offensive and defensive, can tip the balance of a fight in an apprenticeship; only the developing character, her teacher, and
favor of her party; if that fails, the cleric can restore wounded anyone she chose to teach the spell to will know it. Many of the
and even dead comrades to health. remaining spells just aren’t useful to a spellcaster whose goal is to go
But there are more spellcasters in the world than those out and adventure.
who go out and adventure. From apprentices or novices just
beginning to learn the craft, through the druid who has been Alter Creature
content to stay peacefully in her forest, to a retired paladin Transmutation
who no longer seeks out evil to defeat, there are spellcasters Level: Clr 3, Drd 2
everywhere who just don’t cast fireball or holy smite—such Components: V, S, M
things tend to lower property values and annoy the neighbors. Casting Time: 1 standard action
But that doesn’t mean that there’s no market for their services; Range: Touch
there will always be those who can’t cast spells themselves, but Target: Living creature touched
who can both benefit from and pay for magic. Duration: Instantaneous
Wealthy nobles and merchants are likely to have very Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
little interest in magic that increases their attack bonus or Spell Resistance: Yes
ups their AC. It’s far more useful, from their point of view, to You make a small, permanent change to a creature that will be
enchant their shoes to resist mud or make it harder for a thief passed to its offspring. You cannot change the creature’s basic form,
to steal their jewels. They want magic that eases the problems type, or attributes with alter creature, nor may you add abilities it
of day-to-day living, displays their wealth, and feeds their does not have or take away those it does. Things that can be altered
vanity. And there are all those non-adventuring spellcasters include fur length or color, eye color, ear shape, and so forth. You
around who are more than happy to supply what the wealthy may also make the creature slightly (up to 5%) smaller or larger.
want…for a price. fileOnce a given attribute has been changed with alter creature, that
There are also those magic users who, for whatever attribute may not be changed again except to return it to its original
reason, have not yet achieved a high enough level to cast the state. In addition to the save to avoid the effects of the spell, the
really world-shaking spells. But a low-powered spell caster creature must also succeed at a second Fortitude save or take 2
who has carefully chosen her spells can be a true asset even points of temporary Constitution damage.

to a party of relatively high-level characters; at the very least, Material Component: A mixture of rare herbs worth at least 100
she can give warning of approaching dangers and provide gp.

distractions. Besides, if you’ve got to nickel-and-dime the

dragon to death, you need all the nickels and dimes you can Alter Plant

get. Transmutation
There are hundreds of small problems that are far more Level: Clr 3, Drd 2
easily solved with magic than with technology. Granted, not Components: V, S, M
everyone can use magic—but that’s what magic items are Casting Time: 1 standard action
for. The important thing to remember is that magic works Range: Touch
even when you’re not Target: Living plant touched
adventuring. On Duration: Instantaneous
days when you Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
don’t feel up to Spell Resistance: Yes
seeking out evil, As alter creature, save that the spell affects plants and plant creatures.
keep in mind
that you can Animate Toy
use magic to Transmutation
make your Level: Sor/Wiz 1
living Components: V, S, F
instead. Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Object touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You grant motion and the semblance of life to a toy. The object
must be no larger than Tiny, and must be in the shape of a living
creature of some sort. As part of the casting, you designate a living
being to be the object’s master.
The object behaves in most ways as if it were a creature of the
type it mimics. However, it will not purposely injure any living
creature, nor will it willingly venture more than 10 feet from its Calculation
master. If it is taken out of that radius, it turns inert until it is Divination
within 10 feet again. Though it gains the physical abilities of the Level: Sor/Wiz 1
appropriate type of creature—a wooden bird can fly and a cloth Components: V, S, F
fish can swim—it has no real intelligence or will; a model of an Casting Time: 1 standard action
intelligent creature cannot talk or really understand speech. Any Range: Touch
animated toy can obey simple commands from its master, along the Target: 1 creature/level
lines of “sit down” or “come here,” however. Duration: 1 hour/level
Focus: A gem worth at least 10 gp that is firmly attached to the Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
object before casting begins. Spell Resistance: Yes
Popular with merchants, bankers, and engineers, calculation
Anosmia grants its target the ability to do arithmetic and simple
Illusion (Glamer) math without the possibility of error. At the DM’s option,
Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 calculation may add a circumstance bonus of +2 to checks for
Components: V, S, M such skills as Profession (architect) or the more math-intensive
Casting Time: 1 standard action versions of astrology.
Range: Long Focus: A miniature abacus.
Area: 15-ft.-radius emanation centered on a creature, object, or
point in space Capture Image
Duration: 1 minute/level Illusion
Saving Throw: Will negates or none (object) Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Spell Resistance: Yes or no (object) Components: V, S, F
For the duration of the spell, no scent of any kind enters or emerges Casting Time: 1 standard action
from the affected area. While anosmia lasts, no creature within its Range: See text
area leaves a scent trail, foiling trackers who use that method. The fileTarget: See text
effect is immobile but may be cast on a mobile object (like a stone). Duration: Permanent (D)
Material Component: A flower with no scent. You capture an image that you can see in the metal frame that
is the focus of the spell. The image may be anything you can
Appraisal see, whether with your own eyes or through the use of such

Transmutation spells as clairvoyance. The image will be whatever is enclosed

Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 in the frame at the time of casting, as seen from your point
Components: V, S, F of view. If you have low-light vision or darkvision, the image

Casting Time: 1 standard action includes those things that normal sight cannot see—and if it

Range: Touch was taken in total darkness, anyone who has normal vision
Target: Creature touched sees only solid black filling the frame. The image is opaque,
Duration: 1 hour/level but insubstantial; objects may pass through it without
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) disrupting it. The frame may be used as many times as you
Spell Resistance: Yes like, but each new image replaces the one already there.
You grant the target a +4 enhancement bonus to all Appraise checks. Focus: A metal frame worth at least 1 gp that can be held
Focus: A tiny model scale. in one hand.

Blood Tell Capture Sound

Divination Illusion
Level: Clr 2, Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close Range: See text
Target: 1 creature/level, all of which must be within 15 feet of one Target: See text
another Duration: Permanent (D)
Duration: Instantaneous You record the sounds that you can hear, whether through
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) your own ears or the use of remote-sensing spells such as
Spell Resistance: Yes clairaudience. You may capture sound for as long as you
You learn some specific information about the target creatures’ concentrate, for up to 1 minute per level. If you can hear
genetics or heredity, such as whether any of them has a disease that more than one thing and wish to capture only one, you may
they will pass to their offspring. You know whether any of them make a Concentration check at a DC of 10+5 per sound to be
are related to each other, and if so in what degree; you may also ignored; if you fail, everything you can hear is recorded. You
determine whether they are related to a specific other creature which must make this check once for every minute you record.
is not included in the spell, but only if you have some part of that Once a sound has been recorded, it can be played back
other creature, such as a hair or drop of blood. Illusions do not fool at will by any creature that holds the focus. The sound plays
blood tell, but a polymorph does. at the volume at which it was recorded. You may replace the
recorded sound on the focus at will, but doing so completely Clear Skin
erases whatever was there originally. Conjuration (Healing)
At the DM’s option, bards may use capture sound to make Level: Clr 0
a sort of audible scroll. If this is allowed, the rules regarding Components: V, S, F
time, expense, and XP cost should be the same as a paper Casting Time: 1 standard action
scroll. Triggering the stored spell then destroys the focus. Range: Touch
Sorcerers and wizards cannot store a spell in this fashion. Target: Creature touched
Focus: A hand-held model drum worth at least 1 gp. Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Cat’s Balance Spell Resistance: No
Transmutation You remove minor blemishes and imperfections from a creature’s
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 skin, and prevent it from developing any more until the spell’s
Components: V, S, M duration ends. Clear skin can handle acne, smallpox scarring, small
Casting Time: 1 standard action birthmarks, and so forth, but large scars or birthmarks require
Range: Touch stronger measures. Discolored skin caused by actual damage such as
Target: Creature touched sunburn or the growth of tumors is also unaffected.
Duration: 1 hour/level Focus: A piece of smooth quartz.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes Clever Hands
You grant the target a +4 enhancement bonus to all Balance Transmutation
and Tumble checks. Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Drd 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Material Component: A pinch of cat’s fur. Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Chill Water Range: Touch
Evocation [Cold] fileTarget: 1 creature/level
Level: Sor/Wiz 0 Duration: 1 hour/level
Components: V, S Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: Yes
Range: Close You grant the target creatures a +4 competence bonus to all Craft

Target: 1 gallon of water checks for the duration of the spell.

Duration: See text Material Component: A miniature set of appropriate tools.
Saving Throw: None (object)

Spell Resistance: No Confetti


You cause water to become colder at a rate of 1 degree per Conjuration

round. It will continue to chill as long as you concentrate or Level: Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
until it freezes. When you cease concentration, the spell ends Components: V, S, M
immediately and the water will warm up again at whatever Casting Time: 1 standard action
rate the environment dictates. This spell can be used to Range: Close
inflict 1d3 points of cold damage to creatures with the water Area: 10-ft radius emanation centered on a point in space
subtype. Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Clean Wound Spell Resistance: No
Conjuration (Healing) You fill the air with multicolored confetti, which flutters to the
Level: Clr 1, Drd 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1 ground over the course of about three rounds. In still air the drifting
Components: V, S, M confetti provides partial cover (10% miss chance) during the round
Casting Time: 1 standard action in which it appears.
Range: Touch Unlike prestidigitation, confetti creates real, solid slips of paper
Target: Creature touched that do not fade away. They can even be gathered and used as
Duration: Instantaneous material components for further castings.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) Material Component: A few pieces of confetti that are thrown
Spell Resistance: No into the air as the final action of casting the spell.
You clean a wound so that its bearer is less likely to get an
infection. Dirt and foreign matter are painlessly removed, and Cook
the subject gains a +5 circumstance bonus on his next roll to Evocation
resist the effects of diseases caused by attacks, e.g. filth fever or Level: Brd 0, Clr 0, Sor/Wiz 0
mummy rot (see the DMG for more information on diseases). Components: V, S
If clean wound is cast within 10 rounds of when the wound Casting Time: See text
was received, the subject gets an extra saving throw to avoid Range: Touch
contracting the disease in the first place. Target: The contents of a container of no more than one cubic foot
Material Component: An ounce of clean water. capacity
Duration: Instantaneous Count
Saving Throw: None (object) Divination
Spell Resistance: No Level: Clr 0, Drd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
You cause the contents of a container to cook according to a recipe Components: V, S
you recite as part of the casting. A simple recipe (“heat three eggs Casting Time: 1 standard action
until cooked, while stirring”) will of course take considerably less Range: Medium
time than a complex one. Regardless of how long it would take Area: Up to 100 sq ft/level
normally, the spell completes the cooking in the length of time it Duration: Instantaneous
takes to recite the recipe. Saving Throw: None
You must put all the relevant ingredients in your container Spell Resistance: No
before you begin to cast the spell. If any ingredients mentioned in You specify a type of creature or object, such as “horses” or
the recipe are not present, the spell fails. It is likewise ineffective if “sacks of grain.” Upon casting the spell, you know how many
you attempt to use it to prepare anything but food; you cannot brew of that type of thing there are within the target area. The spell
a potion using cook. functions only on external appearance, so a dragon under an
Note that the spell functions even if the container you are using illusion that made it appear to be a horse would be counted as
is not suitable for the finished product--you can cook soup in a a horse.
porous container, but you may regret it afterwards.
Detect Cheating
Copy Divination
Universal Level: Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Level: Clr 1 (or Clr 0, see text), Sor/Wiz 1 Components: V, S
Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action
Casting Time: 1 round/page or see text Range: Close
Range: Touch Target or Area: See text
Target: 2 pages/level fileDuration: See text
Effect: Copies a text Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Duration: Permanent Spell Resistance: No
Saving Throw: None (harmless) You enchant creatures, areas, or gaming equipment so that
Spell Resistance: No games in which they are involved are harder to cheat at. This

Copy allows you to exactly duplicate as many pages of text as your spell comes in several versions, depending on what is to be
level permits. The pages may be no larger than two feet on a side, enchanted.
and you must provide the blank parchment or paper upon which Creatures: In this case, the targets are up to 4 creatures

you wish to copy. (Objects other than pieces of paper may be used, per level. They must all be within 15 feet of each other when

but if they are not roughly flat, or are thicker than ½ inch, the the spell is cast, though they may move apart afterwards.
spell fails.) You may also copy illustrations, but the spell produces If any creature resists the effects, the caster will know. Any
a monochrome rendering rather than a full-color picture. Thus, of the creatures affected may then begin playing a game. If
sketches, line drawings, and other black-and-white images are the any participant performs an action that is not allowed by
best candidates. the rules, all targeted creatures are immediately aware of
To copy a page, you must lay the original flat, face up, and cover the infraction’s nature and who committed it. This can be
it with the blank sheet. The triggering word may be spoken as many anything from changing the position of a piece in chess to an
times as your level permits, copying onto a fresh sheet each time; illegal blow in trial combat. At least one of the target creatures
you may also change originals. The extended casting time is a result must have a thorough knowledge of the rules of the game.
of having to move your originals and blanks. Detect cheating lasts until the game is finished or 1 hour per
While you may use copy on spells written in spellbooks or on level, whichever comes first. The spell also keeps score.
scrolls, many of the limitations on pp 178-179 of the PH still apply. Area: Detect cheating may be cast on a playing field of up
The process still costs 100 gp per page, though it takes only half as to 100 square feet per caster level. Anyone using the field is
long (12 hours, instead of the normal 24). If the pages are disturbed subject to the spell’s effects. Duration and effect are as above.
while the spell is at work, the process is disrupted and must begin Object: When cast upon gaming equipment, detect cheating
again. Casting copy on a scroll transfers the text from the original to affects one “set” per level, where a set is enough equipment
the new page, leaving the original blank. to play a standard game, e.g. a chess board and all the pieces,
Material Component: A pinch of charcoal (or other powdered a ball and goal markers, etc. Though the duration and effect
pigment) or a drop of ink. The color of the pigment determines the are standard, the spell’s duration does not take effect until
color of the copy. someone starts playing. This version can be cast at any time;
Note: Clerics whose god grants the Knowledge domain have it remains quiescent until players begin using the equipment.
access to this spell as an orison. If the equipment itself is dishonest—weighted dice, for
example—the spell fails, and the caster will know why.

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