Live Loads
Live Loads
Live Loads
4.5 LOADS ON HANDRAIL, GUARDRAIL, guardrail system loadings specified in Section 4.5.1.
GRAB BAR, VEHICLE BARRIER SYSTEMS, Vehicle barrier systems in garages accommodating
AND FIXED LADDERS trucks and buses shall be designed in accordance with
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
4.5.1 Loads on Handrail and Guardrail Systems
All handrail and guardrail systems shall be 4.5.4 Loads on Fixed Ladders
designed to resist a single concentrated load of 200 lb The minimum design live load on fixed ladders
(0.89 kN) applied in any direction at any point on the with rungs shall be a single concentrated load of 300
handrail or top rail and to transfer this load through lb (1.33 kN), and shall be applied at any point to
the supports to the structure to produce the maximum produce the maximum load effect on the element
load effect on the element being considered. being considered. The number and position of
Further, all handrail and guardrail systems shall additional concentrated live load units shall be a
be designed to resist a load of 50 lb/ft (pound-force minimum of 1 unit of 300 lb (1.33 kN) for every 10 ft
per linear foot) (0.73 kN/m) applied in any direction (3.05 m) of ladder height.
along the handrail or top rail. This load need not be Where rails of fixed ladders extend above a
assumed to act concurrently with the load specified in floor or platform at the top of the ladder, each side
the preceding paragraph, and this load need not be rail extension shall be designed to resist a single
considered for the following occupancies: concentrated live load of 100 lb (0.445 kN) in any
direction at any height up to the top of the side rail
1. One- and two-family dwellings.
extension. Ship ladders with treads instead of rungs
2. Factory, industrial, and storage occupancies, in
shall have minimum design loads as stairs, defined in
areas that are not accessible to the public and that
Table 4-1.
serve an occupant load not greater than 50.
Intermediate rails (all those except the handrail),
and panel fillers shall be designed to withstand a 4.6 IMPACT LOADS
horizontally applied normal load of 50 lb (0.22 kN)
on an area not to exceed 12 in. by 12 in. (305 mm by 4.6.1 General
305 mm) including openings and space between rails The live loads specified in Sections 4.3 through
and located so as to produce the maximum load 4.5 shall be assumed to include adequate allowance
effects. Reactions due to this loading are not required for ordinary impact conditions. Provision shall be
to be superimposed with the loads specified in either made in the structural design for uses and loads that
preceding paragraph. involve unusual vibration and impact forces.
Table 4-1, shall be permitted to be reduced in EXCEPTION: Live loads for members
accordance with the requirements of Sections 4.7.2 supporting two or more floors shall be permitted to be
through 4.7.6. reduced by 20 percent.
Table 4-1 Minimum Uniformly Distributed Live Loads, Lo, and Minimum Concentrated Live Loads
Recreational uses
Bowling alleys, poolrooms, and similar uses 75 (3.59)a
Dance halls and ballrooms 100 (4.79)a
Gymnasiums 100 (4.79)a
Reviewing stands, grandstands, and bleachers 100 (4.79)a,k
Stadiums and arenas with fixed seats (fastened to the floor) 60 (2.87)a,k
One- and two-family dwellings
Uninhabitable attics without storage 10 (0.48)l
Uninhabitable attics with storage 20 (0.96)m
Habitable attics and sleeping areas 30 (1.44)
All other areas except stairs 40 (1.92)
All other residential occupancies
Private rooms and corridors serving them 40 (1.92)
Public roomsa and corridors serving them 100 (4.79)
Ordinary flat, pitched, and curved roofs 20 (0.96)n
Roofs used for roof gardens 100 (4.79)
Roofs used for assembly purposes Same as occupancy served
o o
Roofs used for other occupancies
Awnings and canopies
Fabric construction supported by a skeleton structure 5 (0.24) nonreducible 300 (1.33) applied to
skeleton structure
Screen enclosure support frame 5 (0.24) nonreducible and 200 (0.89) applied to
applied to the roof frame supporting roof frame
members only, not the screen members only
All other construction 20 (0.96)
Primary roof members, exposed to a work floor
Single panel point of lower chord of roof trusses or any point 2,000 (8.9)
along primary structural members supporting roofs over
manufacturing, storage warehouses, and repair garages
All other primary roof members 300 (1.33)
All roof surfaces subject to maintenance workers 300 (1.33)
Classrooms 40 (1.92) 1,000 (4.45)
Corridors above first floor 80 (3.83) 1,000 (4.45)
First-floor corridors 100 (4.79) 1,000 (4.45)
Scuttles, skylight ribs, and accessible ceilings 200 (0.89)
Sidewalks, vehicular driveways, and yards subject to trucking 250 (11.97) 8,000 (35.60)q
Stairs and exit ways 100 (4.79) 300r
One- and two-family dwellings only 40 (1.92) 300r
Element KLLa
Interior columns 4
Exterior columns without cantilever slabs 4
Edge columns with cantilever slabs 3
Corner columns with cantilever slabs 2
Edge beams without cantilever slabs 2
Interior beams 2
All other members not identified, including: 1
Edge beams with cantilever slabs
Cantilever beams
One-way slabs
Two-way slabs
Members without provisions for continuous shear transfer normal to
their span
In lieu of the preceding values, KLL is permitted to be calculated.