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C. S. Grant Provides An Account of Last Month's "Teaser 4" - Hold-Up in The Badlands

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Battle – September ‘78

C. S. Grant provides an account of last month's "Teaser 4"—

Hold-up in the Badlands.
This teaser was fought, as three days to march) in "Badlands". They were followed
recommended, in the American preparation for a major attack by by the 6th Alabama Infantry and
Civil War period. The Federal the main army. There is no a battery of guns. The somewhat
force took Red's part possibility of returning safely surprised Federal garrison
commanded by Ray McGarry, through the "Badlands" as your responded by hastily mounting
assisted by Peter Sheppard and supplies are exhausted and your the 6th Pennsylvanian Cavalry
Chris Spickett. Their garrison troops weary. Thus, you must who moved south down the road
comprised :- seize the farm or, failing this, you towards the southern bridge
1. 8th Illinois Cavalry will have to break out to the while gunners scrambled to bring
2. 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry north or east which is open and their battery into action south of
3. 12th Connecticut Infantry undefended country". the farm. As more of the
4. 5th Vermont Infantry This force was made up as Confederate forces appeared
5. 1 battery of guns follows:— (The period is shown they came under fire from these
The commander's orders read : in one column and the letter guns. The 6th Pennsylvanian
— "You command a garrison referring to the maps in the Cavalry passed the south bridge
force protecting the extreme left other) to meet and charge the 2nd
flank of the army. To the south Period Letter Unit Virginia Cavalry who had hoped
are the "Badlands", a swampy 1 A 2nd Virginia to reach the bridge first (map 1,
area which would take the Cavalry period 5).
Confederates beyond, about 2 B 6th Alabama The Confederate guns suffered
three days difficult march to Infantry casualties from the fire of the
cross. To the north and east of 3 C 1 battery of Union battery as they came into
your position lies friendly territory guns action on the road between the
but with no other troops. Your 4 D 4th Georgia wood and the lake. In the 7th
task is to guard the flank of the Cavalry period a lucky round smashed
army and prevent any enemy 5 E 7th Louisiana through one of the Rebel guns
incursions". Infantry destroying it. At this point the
Meanwhile, Andrew Green, a 6 F 3rd Arkansas cavalry melee broke off with the
Confederate of some years' Infantry 2nd Virginia Cavalry retiring
standing, was in command of the 7 G 5th Texas somewhat the worse for wear
Rebel force, assisted by Ian Infantry and the 6th Pennsylvania
Osborn and Rob Waldren. Their The game commenced with the Cavalry falling back to take up a
orders were:— "Your force's aim arrival of the 2nd Virginia dismounted position near the
is to secure the exit from the Cavalry leading a tired and artillery. However, during the
"Badlands" (through which you weary Rebel army out of the melee, the Federal General had
have just taken an exhausting supposedly impassable wisely brought the 5th Vermont
Battle – September ‘78

down to the south bridge and Arkansas, 4th Georgia and 7th Connecticut infantry disengaged
onto the east bank where they Louisiana regiments advancing and withdrew.
now stood prepared to withstand on a broad front. The latter unit By the 16th period (map 3) the
any assault on this likely moved in open order across the Union forces were retiring on all
Confederate goal. A fire fight marshy ground and suffered fronts and the Rebel yell
now ensued between this unit some casualties from the Union resounded through the farm
and the 6th Alabama. guns firing canister. While this buildings. The Confederates had
Meanwhile, the Confederates proceeded, the appearance of secured
continued to advance north on the 5th Texas infantry proved too their objective, the exit from the
their left and the Federal forces much for the 5th Vermont who "Badlands" was ready for their
decided to fall back without wavered, then fell back losing main force and they had
contesting the western bridge. casualties as they went. This achieved a well-deserved victory.
By period 10 (map 2) the withdrawal enabled the Texas It seems appropriate to sum up
Confederate army was pushing infantry to turn north to support with a few observations on the
forward on the left and had the attack on the farm which was game. The first, and one which is
crossed the river, while on the now developing from the west. most satisfying, is that the game
right the action was still centered This situation was not entirely to proved to be well balanced,
on the southern bridge. The the liking of the 6th Pennsylvania realistic and, most important of
Federal artillery had, however, Cavalry who wavered, failed to all, enjoyable. All this self praise
been fortunate and had return fire on the Texans, then apart, the forces and instructions
succeeded in destroying the quickly mounted and retired enabled this game to take place
second Rebel gun. The 8th north-east. in Dover, almost 500 miles away
Illinois Cavalry had dismounted The 7th Louisiana now charged from myself with no questions on
and occupied the wood north- the 12th Connecticut infantry how it should be done or any
west of the farm while the 12th inflicting heavy casualties on queries of a more specific
Connecticut filled the gap them. This attack was supported nature. From this point of view,
between the wood and the by the 3rd Arkansas and 4th the Teaser seems to contain the
stream. While this flank Georgia. Against such makings of a good game which
appeared sound, things were opposition, and seeing the 8th can quite quickly be set up and
going less well for the Union Illinois cavalry retiring, the brave
forces on the
south bridge.
The 6th
attempted to
take the bridge
but had to fall
back and
withdraw after
suffering heavy
however the
5th Vermont
were also
much depleted
and did not
look able to
withstand an
assault from
the 5th Texas
Infantry who
were now
towards them.
A concerted
attack was
now made on
the left flank by
the 3rd
Battle – September ‘78

played with little preparation or particular by the Federal forces in open order and their cavalry
further instruction. who could well have as mounted infantry. This no
This game was the first strengthened their position by a doubt stems from the strict
American Civil War battle to rage few rapidly dug trenches. One disipline of Roman Cohorts and
over the Grant table top for many must remember in particular the Napoleonic columns with which
a year (modesty precludes me latter years of the Civil War and the players were more
from giving an exact date but the the trench warfare tfiat heralded, accustomed . ..
centenary of the end of that war could one but see it, the While it is a cause of some
springs readily to mind). A deadlock of the first World War. disappointment that I am unable
number of those playing were However, the rapid trench to report any "Spickett's charge"
quite unfamiliar with the battles digging of the Civil War period (ouch!), I feel that the success of
and tactics of the Blue and Grey was not one with which many of the "Badland's" battle will ensure
and were likewise somewhat the players were familiar and that it will not be long before the
unaccustomed to doing battle in thus the subject was never Dover wargamers find
such unsuitable country. muted, perhaps to the detriment themselves dressed again in
of the north. Blue and Grey.
The mention of tactics brings me Another tactical observation was NEXT MONTH:
to my second point on the game the slight loathing by certain Dawn attack in the Horse and
which was the lack of digging, in commanders to use their infantry Musket period

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