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Poetry Portfolio

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Advanced Writing

Poetry Portfolio Assessment

Now that we’ve spent a good long while learning about poetic forms and writing poetry, you will be editing and turning
in a portfolio of your best work. For this assignment, I will be looking for poetic skills over artistry, as well as your ability
to reflect on your own writing.

You will be turning in:

 A collection of your finest work—edited, revised and polished—comprised of 5 or more poems of your own
 A 1 page+ artist statement about each of those poems (or 5, if more than 5 are submitted), in which you explain
the purpose/theme of your poem, the stylistic and poetic choices you made in writing them, and discuss your
writing process.

Here’s how you will be graded:

_____Poems were carefully constructed and edited (2 pts)
_____Poems used poetic devices as discussed in class (2 pts)
_____At least one poem adhered to a strict poetic form (1 pt)
_____Poems had a clear purpose or theme (2 pt)


Artist Statements will each be graded on the following rubric and scores will be averaged.

Criteria 3 2 1
Author’s Purpose Student provided a thorough Student provided a good Student provided minimal or
or Theme analysis of his/her purpose in analysis of his/her purpose in vague analysis of his/her
writing the poem OR the writing the poem OR the purpose in writing the poem
theme addressed within the theme addressed within the OR theme addressed within
poem. S/he cited 3+ pieces of poem. S/he cited less than 3 the poem. No evidence was
evidence from the poem to pieces of evidence from the given.
support the analysis poem to support the analysis.
Author’s Style Student provided a thorough Student provided a good Student provided minimal or
analysis of his/her stylistic analysis of his/her stylistic vague analysis of his/her
and poetic choices when and poetic choices when stylistic and poetic choices
writing the poem. S/he cited writing the poem. S/he cited when writing the poem. No
3+ pieces of evidence from less than 3 pieces of evidence evidence was given.
the poem to support the from the poem to support the
analysis analysis.
Author’s Process Student discussed his/her Student discussed his/her Student provided minimal
writing process in detail, writing process in detail, discussion of his/her writing
including drafting and including drafting and process.
revising, as well as any revising.
challenges or inspiration that
Grammar and No errors in grammar or Errors did not interfere with Errors interfered with clarity
Conventions conventions clarity

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