Buyers Guide Outdoor Instrument Transformers Ed 6 en
Buyers Guide Outdoor Instrument Transformers Ed 6 en
Buyers Guide Outdoor Instrument Transformers Ed 6 en
Buyer’s Guide
Table of content
Products Introduction 3
Explanations 4
PQSensor™ 58
ABB has been producing instrument transformers for All instrument transformers supplied by ABB are tailor-
more than 60 years. Thousands of our products perform made to meet the needs of our customers.
vital functions in electric power networks around the An instrument transformer must be capable of
world – day after day, all year round. withstanding very high stresses in all climatic conditions.
Their main applications include revenue metering, control, We design and manufacture our products for a service life
indication and relay protection. of at least 30 years. Actually, most last even longer.
We are flexible and tailor each instrument transformer the needs of our customers. Sizes other than those mentioned above can be supplied upon request.
The Rated Power Frequency Withstand voltage indicates the Pollution level
required withstand voltage. The value is expressed in kV rms. Environmental conditions, with respect to pollution, are some-
times categorized in pollution levels. Five pollution levels are
Rated SIWL described in IEC 60815-1.
For voltages ≥300 kV the power-frequency voltage test is
partly replaced by the switching impulse test. The wave shape There is a relation between each pollution level and a corre-
250/2500 µs simulates switching over-voltage. sponding minimum nominal specific creepage distance.
The rated Switching Impulse Withstand Level (SIWL) indi- Pollution level Creepage distance Creepage distance (Old)
cates the required withstand level phase-to-earth (phase- Phase - Ground voltage Phase - Phase voltage
to-ground), between phases and across open contacts. The mm/kV mm/kV
value is expressed in kV as a peak value. a - Very light 22 -
b - Light 28 16
Rated Chopped Wave Impulse Withstand voltage, c - Medium 35 20
Phase-to-earth d - Heavy 44 25
The rated chopped wave impulse withstand level at 2 μs e - Very Heavy 55 31
and 3 μs respectively, indicates the required withstand level
phase-to-earth (phase-to-ground).
Wind load
Rated frequency The specified wind loads for instrument transformers intended for
The rated (power) frequency is the nominal frequency of the outdoor normal conditions are based on a wind speed of 34 m/s.
system expressed in Hz, which the instrument transformer is
designed to operate in.
Simultaneous burden (IEC) The lower applied frequency decide the minimum capacitance
Metering windings and protection windings not connected in of coupling capacitor.
open delta are considered as simultaneously loaded. A pro-
tection winding connected in open delta is not considered as More information regarding instrument transformers
a simultaneous load. More detailed information about instrument transformers can
be found in our Application Guide, Outdoor Instrument Trans-
formers. Catalog Publication 1HSM 9543 40-00en
Wide range of instrument transformers with silicone rubber ABB manufacturing technique
(SIR) insulators The patented helical extrusion moulded silicone rubber insula-
ABB can supply most of our instrument transformers with tors without joints (chemical bonds between spirals) mini-
patented helical extrusion-moulded silicone rubber insulation. mizes electrical field concentrations and reduces build-up of
contamination. The cross-laminated fiberglass tube inside the
CT IMB 36 - 800 kV insulator provides high mechanical strength.
VT EMF 52 - 170 kV
CVT CPB 72 - 800 kV Completed tests
CC CCA/CCB 72 - 800 kV The silicone material used for ABB Instrument Transformers is
approved according to IEC and ANSI/IEEE standards.
−− Non-brittle Color
−− Minimum risk for handling and transport damages The (SIR) insulators for the instrument transformers are sup-
−− Minimum risk for vandalism plied in a light gray color.
−− Light-weight
−− Explosion safety Deliveries
−− Excellent pollution performance ABB in Ludvika has supplied instrument transformers with
−− Minimum maintenance in polluted areas (SIR) insulators for the most severe conditions, from marine
−− Hydrophobic climate to desert and/or polluted industrial areas.
A reference list can be provided on request.
There are several polymeric insulator materials available,
of which silicone has proven to be superior.
Experience of material
ABB has used silicone rubber (SIR) insulators since 1985,
starting with surge arresters, and has gained considerable More Information
experience thereof. For additional information please refer to publication
1HSM 9543 01-06en.
ABB’s oil minimum current transformers type IMB is based The secondary winding consists of double enamelled cop-
on a hairpin design (shape of the primary conductor) also per wire, evenly distributed around the whole periphery of the
known as tank type. The basic design has been used by core. The leakage reactance in the winding and also between
ABB for more than 60 years, with more than 160 000 units extra tapping is therefore negligible.
The design corresponds with the demands of both the IEC Heating in a vacuum dries the windings. After assembly all
and IEEE standards. Special design solutions to meet other free space in the transformer (app. 60%) is filled with clean
standards and/or specifications are also available. and dry quartz grain. The assembled transformer is vacuum-
treated and impregnated with degassed mineral oil. The trans-
The unique filling with quartz grains saturated in oil gives a former is always delivered oil-filled and hermetically sealed.
resistant insulation in a compact design where the quantity of
oil is kept to a minimum Tank and Insulator
The lower section of the transformer consists of an aluminum
The IMB transformer has a very flexible design that, for ex- tank in which the secondary windings and cores are mounted.
ample, allows large and/or many cores. The insulator, mounted above the transformer tank, consists
as standard of high-grade brown-glazed porcelain. Designs
Primary winding using light gray porcelain or silicon rubber can be quoted on
The primary winding consists of one or more parallel conduc- request.
tor of aluminum or copper designed as a U-shaped bushing
with voltage grading capacitor layers. The sealing system consists of O-ring gaskets.
The insulation technique is automated to give a simple and
controlled wrapping, which improves quality and minimizes Expansion system
variations. The IMB has an expansion vessel placed on top of the insula-
tor. A hermetically sealed expansion system, with a nitrogen
The conductor is insulated with a special paper with high cushion compressed by thermal expansion of the oil, is used
mechanical and dielectric strength, low dielectric losses and in the IMB as the standard design. An expansion system with
good resistance to ageing. stainless steel expansion bellows can be quoted on request.
This design is also very suitable for primary windings with On request – Capacitive voltage tap
many primary turns. This is used when the primary current is The capacitive layers in the high voltage insulation can be
low, for instance unbalance protection in capacitor banks. utilized as a capacitive voltage divider. A tap is brought out
(Ex. ratio 5/5 A) from the second to last capacitor layer through a bushing on
the transformer tank (in the terminal box or in a separate box,
Cores and secondary windings depending on the IMB tank design). An advantage of the ca-
The IMB type current transformers are flexible and can nor- pacitive terminal is that it can be used for checking the condi-
mally accommodate any core configuration required. tion of the insulation through dielectric loss angle (tan delta)
measurement without disconnecting the primary terminals.
Cores for metering purposes are usually made of nickel alloy, The tap can also be used for voltage indication, synchronizing
which features low losses (= high accuracy) and low satura- or similar purpose, but the output is limited by the low capaci-
tion levels. tance of the layers.
The protection cores are made of high-grade oriented steel The load connected must be less than 10 kohms and the tap
strip. Protection cores with air gaps can be supplied for spe- must be grounded when not in use.
cial applications.
Service life
The IMB transformer is hermetically sealed and the low and 10
even voltage stress in the primary insulation gives a reliable 3
Expansion system
The expansion system, with a nitrogen gas cushion, increases
operating reliability and minimizes the need of maintenance 4
and inspections. This type of expansion system can be used
in the IMB since the quartz filling reduces the oil volume and a
relatively large gas volume minimizes pressure variations.
Quartz filling
Minimizes the quantity of oil and provides a mechanical sup-
port for the cores and primary winding during transport and in
the event of a short-circuit.
The IMB covers a wide range of primary currents up to 4 000 A.
It can easily be adapted for large and/or many cores by in-
creasing the volume of the tank.
Resistance to corrosion
The selected aluminum alloys give a high degree of resistance
to corrosion, without the need of extra protection. Anodized
parts for IMB 36-170 kV can be offered on request, for use in
Current Transformer IMB
extreme environments.
IMB >170 kV can be delivered with a protective painting.
1 Gas cushion 7 Capacitive voltage tap
Seismic strength 2 Oil filling unit (hidden) (on request)
The IMB has a mechanically robust construction, designed to 3 Quartz filling 8 Expansion vessel
withstand high demands of seismic acceleration without the 4 Paper-insulated primary 9 Oil sight glass
need of dampers. conductor 10 Primary terminal
5 Cores/secondary windings 11 Ground terminal
6 Secondary terminal box
ABB’s inductive voltage transformers are intended for The insulator, in its standard design, consists of high quality,
connection between phase and ground in networks with brown glazed porcelain. The voltage transformers can also be
insulated or direct-grounded neutral points. supplied with silicone rubber insulators.
The design corresponds with the requirements in the IEC and Expansion system
IEEE standards. Special design solutions to meet other stan- The EMF has an expansion vessel placed on the top section
dards and customer requirements are also possible. of the porcelain. The EMF has a closed expansion system,
The transformers are designed with a low flux density in the without moving parts and with a nitrogen cushion, that is
core and can often be dimensioned for 190% of the rated compressed by the expansion of the oil. A prerequisite for this
voltage for more than 8 hours. is that the quartz sand filling reduces the oil volume, and the
use of a relatively large gas volume, which gives small pres-
Primary windings sure variations in the system.
The primary winding is designed as a multi-layer coil of double
enamelled wire with layer insulation of special paper. Ferro-resonance
Both ends of the windings are connected to metal shields. The design of the EMF notably counteracts the occurrence of
ferro-resonance phenomena:
Secondary and tertiary windings
In its standard design the transformer has a secondary − − The low flux in the core at the operating voltage gives a
measurement winding and a tertiary winding for ground fault large safety margin against saturation if ferro-resonance
protection, but other configurations are available as required. oscillations should occur.
(2 secondary windings in a design according to IEEE standard) − − The flat magnetization curve gives a smooth increase of
The windings are designed with double enamelled wire and core losses, which results in an effective attenuation of the
are insulated from the core and the primary winding with ferro-resonance.
pressboard (presspahn) and paper.
The windings can be equipped with additional terminals for If the EMF transformer will be installed in a network with
other ratios (taps). a high risk for ferro-resonance, it can, as a further safety
precaution, be equipped with an extra damping burden, on a
Core delta connected tertiary winding. See the figure below.
The transformer has a core of carefully selected material, to
give a flat magnetization curve. The core is over-dimensioned R
with a very low flux at operating voltage. S
Heating in a vacuum dries the windings. After assembly, all A N A N A N
free space in the transformer (approximately 60%) is filled with
clean and dry quartz grains. The assembled transformer is a n a n a n
vacuum-treated and impregnated with degassed mineral oil.
The transformer is always delivered oil-filled and hermetically
da dn da dn da dn
Service Life 2
The low and even voltage stresses in the primary winding give
a reliable product with a long service life. EMF and its prede-
cessors have been supplied in more than 55 000 units since
the 1940s.
Expansion system 4
The expansion system based on the nitrogen cushion gives
superior operating reliability and minimizes the need of main-
tenance and inspection of the transformer.
Quartz filling
Minimizes the quantity of oil and provides a mechanical sup-
port to the cores and primary winding.
Resistance to corrosion
EMF 52-170: The selected aluminum alloys give a high degree
of resistance to corrosion without the need of extra protection.
Anodized aluminum can be offered on request.
Seismic strength
EMF is designed to withstand the high demands of seismic
ABB’s Capacitor Voltage Transformers (CVTs) are intended The design of the capacitive elements is consistent with
for connection between phase and ground in networks requirements of revenue metering, with the active component
with isolated or grounded neutral. of aluminum foils insulated with polypropylene film and paper
and impregnated with PCB free synthetic oil. The synthetic oil
ABB offers a world-class CVT with superior ferro-resonance has superior and consistent insulating properties when com-
suppression and transient response. pared to mineral oil.
The design corresponds to the requirements of IEC and ANSI The automated processing of the capacitor units further
and all national standards based upon them. Special designs contributes to the long term high reliability and performance
to meet other standards and customer unique specifications of the CPB.
are also available.
Electromagnetic Unit (EMU)
The high quality, state of the art, automated manufacture of The voltage divider and the electromagnetic unit are connect-
the capacitor elements provides consistent quality to ensure ed by internal bushings, which is necessary for applications
long term reliability and performance. Due to the optimized with high accuracy.
proportions of the mixed dielectric, the capacitor elements
are subject to low electrical stress with high stability under The EMU has double-enamelled copper windings and an iron
extreme temperature variations. core assembled with high quality magnetic core steel and is
oil impregnated and mounted in a hermetically sealed alumi-
CPB portfolio features num tank with mineral oil filling.
The portfolio consists of three versions of Capacitor Voltage
Dividers (CVDs), light, medium and heavy, combined with two The primary winding is divided into a main part, and a set of
sizes of Electromagnetic Units (EMU). The two sizes of EMU externally adjustable connected trimming windings. The nomi-
comprise a medium size optimized in respect to market re- nal intermediate voltage is approximately 22/√3 kV.
quirements for number of windings and performance. A lighter
EMU is available where customers have lower burden require- The EMU incorporates an inductive reactor, connected in
ments. The light capacitance CVD is manufactured up to 245 series between the voltage divider and the high voltage end
kV and can only be incorporated with the lightweight EMU. of the primary winding to compensate for the shift in phase
This special cost effective combination is in this document angle caused by the capacitive reactance of the CVD. This
designated CPB(L). inductive reactance is tuned individually on each transformer
to achieve the required accuracy.
Capacitor Voltage Divider
The capacitor voltage divider (CVD) consists of one or more For special applications, such as HVDC stations, measure-
capacitor units, assembled on top of each other, with each ment of harmonics, etc an alternative EMU is available without
unit containing the required number of series-connected, oil- a separate compensating reactor. For this special type of EMU
insulated capacitor elements. The units are completely filled the function of the compensating reactor and primary wind-
with synthetic oil, hermetically sealed with stainless steel bel- ing of the intermediate transformer are combined into one
lows and incorporate o-ring seals throughout the design. device. This arrangement gives additional advantages such as
a wider frequency operating range and further improvement in
the transient response. This special type of EMU is limited to
lower burden requirements.
Life time 2
The low voltage stress within the capacitor elements ensures
a safe product with an expected service life of more than 30
years. The long term reliability and performance is further
ensured by the state of the art, automated manufacture and
processing of the capacitor elements and units.
Transient properties
The high intermediate voltage and high capacitance result in
good transient properties.
The adjustment windings for ratio adjustment are accessible
in the terminal box, under a sealed cover.
Stray capacitance 4 3
The design with the compensating reactor on the high voltage
side of the main winding ensures less than 200 pF stray ca- 6 5
pacitance, which is the most stringent requirement in the IEC
standard for carrier properties.
The CPB has a high Quality Factor as a result of the compara- 12
tively high capacitance combined with the high intermediate
voltage. The Quality Factor = Cequivalent x U2intermediate is a mea-
sure of the accuracy stability and the transient response. The
higher this factor, the better the accuracy, and the better the
transient response. Electromagnetic unit
4 Oil level glass
Capacitor Voltage Divider 5 Compensating reactor
1 Expansion system 6 Ferro-resonance damping circuit
2 Capacitor elements 7 Primary and secondary windings
3 Intermediate voltage bushing 9 Gas cushion
8 Primary terminal, flat 4-hole Al-pad 11 Terminal box
10 Low voltage terminal (for carrier frequency use) 12 Core
Life time
The low voltage stress within the capacitor elements ensures
a safe product with an expected service life of more than 30
For revenue metering and protection in high voltage Brief performance data
networks, the oil-paper insulated current transformer IMB
is the most sold transformer in the world. Installation Outdoor
− − Designed for widely shifting conditions, from polar to Design Tank (Hairpin) type
desert climate
− − Flexible tank type design allows large and/or many Insulation Oil-paper-quartz
Highest voltage for equipment 36-765 kV
The unique quartz filling minimizes the quantity of oil and
provides a mechanical support to the cores and primary Max primary current Up to 4 000 A
Due to the low center of gravity the IMB is very suitable Short-circuit current Up to 63 kA/1 sec
for areas with high seismic activity.
From international studies we can see that the IMB design Insulators Porcelain
is a reliable product (failure rate more than 4 times lower On request silicon rubber (SIR)
than average) with no need for regular maintenance.
Creepage distance ≥ 25 mm/kV
(Longer on request)
Service conditions
Ambient temperature -40 °C to +40 °C
(Others on request)
Material Maintenance
All external metal surfaces are made of an aluminum alloy, The maintenance requirements are small, as IMB is hermeti-
resistant to most known environment factors. Bolts, nuts, cally sealed and designed for a service life of more than 30
etc. are made of acid-proof steel. The aluminum surfaces do years. Normally it is sufficient to check the oil level and that no
not normally need painting. We can, however, offer anodized oil leakage has occurred. Tightening of the primary connec-
aluminum or a protective paint. tions should be checked occasionally to avoid overheating.
IMB 36 – 800 is as standard equipped with aluminum bar
terminals, suitable for IEC and NEMA specifications. Other
customer specific solutions can be quoted on request.
Maximum static and dynamic force on the terminal is up to
6 000 and 8 400 N respectively, depending on type of IMB.
Maximum torsional moment is 1 000 Nm.
100 75
Type Total Height to Ground Flashover Length across Dimension of Height to Spacing for
height primary level distance primary terminal bottom tank terminal box mounting holes
terminal height bushing
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
IMB 36 1) 2000 1635 840 630 475 270 410 460 60 410
IMB 72 1)
2000 1635 840 630 475 270 410 460 60 410
IMB 123 1) 2490 2125 840 1120 475 270 410 460 60 410
IMB 145 1) 2490 2125 840 1120 475 270 410 460 60 410
IMB 170 1) 2700 2335 840 1330 475 270 410 460 60 410
IMB 245 1) 3320 2950 860 1915 439 270 410 460 60 410
IMB 245 2) 3640 3050 965 1915 439 270 395 885 485 450
IMB 300 2) 4150 3405 965 2265 491 270 395 885 485 450
IMB 362 2) 4600 3855 965 2715 491 270 395 885 485 450
IMB 420 2)
5000 4255 965 3115 491 270 395 885 485 450
IMB 420 3) 5505 4760 1365 3220 491 320 380 1040 783 500
IMB 420 4) 5580 4790 1390 3220 526 360 410 1105 805 600
IMB 550 3) 6105 5360 1365 3820 491 320 380 1040 783 500
IMB 550 4) 6180 5390 1390 3820 526 360 410 1105 805 600
IMB 800 4) 8540 6790 1390 5220 526 360 410 1105 805 600
Standard tank, 2)
Hexagonal tank, 3)
Octagon tank, 4)
HV tank
IMB 36 - 170
IMB 245 1)
IMB 245 2)
Additional weights
Weight indicated in table above is for standard IMB.
Additional weights may occur depending on requirements and configuration.
The current transformer can be reconnected to adapt for vary- The advantage of primary reconnection is that the ampere-
ing currents. The IMB type can be delivered in a configuration turns remains the same and thereby the output (VA). The dis-
that permits reconnecttion either on primary or secondary advantage is that the short-circuit capability may be reduced
side, or a combination of the two. for the lower ratio(s).
Primary reconnection
Two primary ratios for two turns Two primary ratios, connected for one turn
C2 C1
Connection above is for the lower current Connection above is for the higher current
Secondary Reconnection
P1 P2
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
For revenue metering and protection in high voltage Brief performance data
networks, the oil-paper insulated voltage transformer
EMF is the most sold inductive voltage transformer in the Installation Outdoor
Design Inductive type
− − Designed for widely shifting conditions, from polar to
desert climate. Insulation Oil-paper-quartz
− − Low flux in the core at operating voltage gives a wide
safety margin against saturation and ferro-resonance. Highest voltage for equipment 52-170 kV
The unique quartz filling minimizes the quantity of oil and Voltage factor (Vf) Up to 1.9/8 hrs
allows a simple and reliable expansion system.
Insulators Porcelain
On request silicon rubber (SIR)
Service conditions
Ambient temperature -40 °C to +40 °C
(Others on request)
Material Normally it is only necessary to check that the oil level is cor-
EMF 52-170: All external metal surfaces are made of an rect, and that no oil leakage has occurred. The transformers are
aluminum alloy, resistant to most known environment factors. hermetically sealed and therefore require no other inspection.
Bolts, nuts, etc. are made of acid-proof steel. The aluminum
surfaces do not normally need painting. We can, however, of- A comprehensive inspection is recommended after 30 years.
fer a protective paint or anodized aluminum. This provides increased safety and continued problem-free
operation. The inspection methods and scope very significant-
Creepage distance ly depending on the local conditions. As the primary winding
EMF is available as standard with normal or long creepage is not capacitive graded, the measurement of tan-delta gives
distances according to the table on page 34. Longer creep- no significant result. Therefore oil sampling for dissolved gas
age distances can be quoted on request. analysis is recommended for checking the insulation.
The transformer must be assembled on a flat surface. An un- The disposal should be carried out in accordance with local
even surface can cause misalignment of the transformer, with regulatory requirements.
the risk of oil leakage.
The porcelain can, after it has been crushed, be used as
Assembly instructions are provided with each delivery. landfill.
EMF 52-170
EMF 123-170
20 mm 20 mm
EMF 52 - 84 must not be tilted more than 60° during transport and storage.
EMF 123 - 170 is normally packed for vertical transport (3-pack). However, it can be transported in a horizontal position and is
available on request for horizontal transport (1-pack).
The CPB is designed for revenue metering and protection Brief performance data
in high voltage networks.
The high quality, state of the art, automated manufacture Installation Outdoor
of the capacitor elements provides consistent quality
to ensure long term reliability and performance. Due to Design Capacitor type, complies with IEC
the optimized proportions of the mixed dielectric the and ANSI standards
capacitor elements are subject to low electrical stress
with high stability under extreme temperature variations. Insulation
The CPB is designed for a wide range of shifting CVD Aluminum-foil / paper /
conditions including polar and desert climates. polypropylene-film, synthetic oil
Service conditions
Ambient temperature -40 °C to +40 °C (Other on request)
Material The damping circuit has two bridged terminals; d1- d2, be-
All external metal surfaces are made of an aluminum alloy, hind a sealed covering hood in the terminal box. In particular
resistant to most known environment factors. Bolts, nuts, etc. cases, and after agreement, this bridge can be opened, to
are made of acid-proof stainless steel. The aluminum surfaces check that the circuit is intact, by resistance measurement.
do not normally need painting. We can however offer anodiza-
tion or protective paint, (normally light gray). Ratio adjustment
The transformer of the electromagnetic unit has five adjust-
Creepage distance ment windings on the earth side of the primary winding. The
As standard the CPB is offered with creepage distance numbers of turns of these windings have been chosen so that
25 mm/kV. Longer creepage distances can be offered on the ratio can be adjusted ±6.05% in steps of 0.05%. These
request. windings are externally accessible, behind a sealed cover-
ing hood in the secondary terminal box. The CVT is delivered
Silicone Rubber Insulators adjusted for a specified burden and class, and normally no
The complete CPB range is available with silicone rubber further adjustment is necessary.
insulators. Our SIR insulators are produced with a patented
helical extrusion molding technique, which gives completely If needed, the adjustment windings enable exchange of the
joint-free insulators with outstanding performance. All CVTs voltage divider on site, and readjustment of the transformer
with this type of insulators have the same high creepage dis- for the new combination of voltage divider/electromagnetic
tance, 25 mm/kV phase-phase, as porcelain. unit.
The CPB is normally delivered with a flat 4-hole aluminum pad,
suitable for bolts with C-C from 40 to 50 mm and for connecting
normal aluminum cable clamps.
Other primary terminals can be offered on request, such as a
round aluminum studs, Ø=30 mm.
Test forces at the primary terminal as per IEC 60044-5 clause 7.6
In the terminal box are also terminals (d1-d2) for damping circuit,
terminals for the adjustment windings (B1 to B11) and the capac- Standard terminal box
itor low voltage terminal ”L” (for power line carrier equipment). The transformer can also be equipped with larger
terminal box with space for power line carrier equipment.
Ground terminals
The transformer is normally equipped with a ground clamp with a
cap of nickel-plated brass for IEC conductors 8 – 16 mm
(area 50 – 200mm2) and for ANSI conductors # 2 SOL to 500
MCM, which can be moved to either mounting foot.
The transformer normally has one or two windings for continuous load and one earth-fault winding.
Other configurations and/or designs according to other standards (ANSI, CAN, etc) can be offered according to requirements.
*) The IEC standards state as standard values for effectively earthed systems 1.5/30 sec. For systems without effective earthing with automatic earth fault tripping, a rated voltage
factor 1.9/30 sec. is stated. For systems with insulated neutral point without automatic earth fault tripping 1.9/8 hrs is stated.
The above values are total maximum values for the secondary Since the residual voltage winding is not loaded except dur-
winding(s), voltage 100/√3 or 110/√3 V and one or no residual ing a fault, the effect of its load on the accuracy of the other
voltage winding, class 3P, intended for connection in open windings is disregarded in accordance with IEC.
delta, voltage 100 or 110 (100/3 or 110/3) V.
For other configurations please consult ABB. Stated values should only be considered as maximum values.
Please note that modern meters and protection require much
If the transformer has more than one continuously loaded lower burdens than those above and to achieve best accuracy
winding, possibly with different classes, the table above must burdens should not be specified higher than necessary.
be applied to the sum of these burdens and the highest ac-
curacy class.
Other standards
Quoted on request.
Test voltages above are valid for altitudes ≤1000 meters above sea level.
*) 5 pC at test voltage 1.2 x Um/√3
Other standards
Quoted on request.
CPB 123 1)
1 11200 1025/1005 3075 1300
CPB 123 1)
1 15400 980 3160 1307
CPB 123 2)
1 15400 980 3160 1307
CPB 145 1)
1 9100 1235/1215 3625 1600
CPB 145 1)
1 12900 1190 3880 1634
CPB 145 2)
1 12900 1190 3880 1634
CPB 145 2)
1 20200 1400 4650 1960
CPB 170 1)
1 7800 1445/1425 4250 1786
CPB 170 1)
1 10800 1400 4650 1960
CPB 170 2)
1 10800 1400 4650 1960
CPB 170 2)
1 17000 1400 4650 1960
CPB 245 1)
1 5600 2005/1985 6125 2619 Others on request.
CPB 245 1)
1 7700 1960 6510 2723 Normally porcelain
CPB 245 2)
1 7700 1960 6510 2723 for the nearest
CPB 245 2)
2 12100 1960 6320 2560 higher voltage.
CPB 300 1)
2 6400 2380 7760 3268
CPB 300 2)
2 6400 2380 7760 3268
CPB 300 2)
2 10100 2800 9300 3920
CPB 362 1)
2 5400 2800 9300 3920
CPB 362 2)
2 5400 2800 9300 3920
CPB 362 2)
2 8500 2800 9300 3920
CPB 420 1)
2 4800 3220 10630 4356
CPB 420 2)
2 4800 3220 10630 4356
CPB 420 2)
3 8800 4200 13950 5505
CPB 550 1)
2 3700 4200 13980 5882
CPB 550 2)
2 3700 4200 13980 5882
CPB 550 2)
3 5800 4200 13950 5505
CPB 800 2)
4 4400 6060 21080 8500
Lightweight oil tank, 2)
Medium oil tank, 3)
Primary teminal excluded, 4)
Valid for standard terminal box only
CPB 72 - 245
Note! The number of capacitor divider units can, for some voltages, be higher than in the drawings above.
Please check in the table on the next page
CPB 123 1)
1 11200 1925 1025/1005 225 335 640/650 335
CPB 123 1)
1 15400 1960 980 225 335 675 355
CPB 123 2)
1 15400 2035 980 305 335 750 355
CPB 145 1)
1 9100 2135 1235/1215 225 335 640/650 335
CPB 145 1)
1 12900 2170 1190 225 335 675 355
CPB 145 2)
1 12900 2245 1190 305 335 750 355
CPB 145 2)
1 20200 2455 1400 305 335 750 355
CPB 170 1)
1 7800 2345 1445/1425 225 335 640/650 335
CPB 170 1)
1 10800 2380 1400 225 335 675 355
CPB 170 2)
1 10800 2455 1400 305 335 750 355
CPB 170 2)
1 17000 2455 1400 305 335 750 355
CPB 245 1)
1 5600 2905 2005/1985 225 335 640/650 335
CPB 245 1)
1 7700 2940 1960 225 335 675 355
CPB 245 2)
1 7700 3015 1960 305 335 750 355
CPB 245 2)
2 12100 3405 1960 305 335 750 355
CPB 300 1)
2 6400 3750 2380 225 335 675 355
CPB 300 2)
2 6400 3825 2380 305 335 750 355
CPB 300 2)
2 10100 4245 2800 305 335 750 355
CPB 362 1)
2 5400 4170 2800 225 335 675 355
CPB 362 2)
2 5400 4245 2800 305 335 750 355
CPB 362 2)
2 8500 4245 2800 305 335 750 355
CPB 420 1)
2 4800 4590 3220 225 335 675 355
CPB 420 2)
2 4800 4665 3220 305 335 750 355
CPB 420 2)
3 8800 6035 4200 305 335 750 355
CPB 550 1)
2 3700 5570 4200 225 335 675 355
CPB 550 2)
2 3700 5645 4200 305 335 750 355
CPB 550 2)
3 5800 6035 4200 305 335 750 355
CPB 800 2)
4 4400 7825 6060 305 335 750 355
Lightweight oil tank, 2)
Medium oil tank, 3)
Primary teminal excluded, 4)
Valid for standard terminal box only
CPB 72 1)
24900 210/240 44 770 860 0.94x1.67x1.98 3)
3.1 3)
CPB 72 2)
24900 280/310 62 980 1070 0.94x1.67x1.98 3)
3.1 3)
CPB 123 1)
11200 200/220 40 750 810 0.94x1.67x2.33 3)
3.6 3)
CPB 123 1)
15400 230/280 45 840 990 0.94x1.67x2.33 3)
3.6 3)
CPB 123 2)
15400 300/350 63 1050 1200 0.94x1.67x2.33 3)
3.6 3)
CPB 145 1)
9100 210/280 41 785 995 0.94x1.67x2.54 3)
4.0 3)
CPB 145 1)
12900 230/300 47 845 1055 0.94x1.67x2.54 3)
4.0 3)
CPB 145 2)
12900 300/370 65 1055 1265 0.94x1.67x2.54 3)
4.0 3)
CPB 145 2)
20200 350/440 78 3x520 3x610 3x(2.73x0.65x1.08) 4)
3x1.9 4)
CPB 170 1)
7800 220/250 43 3x385 3x415 3x(2.73x0.65x1.08) 4)
3x1.9 4)
CPB 170 1)
10800 240/320 48 3x410 3x490 3x(2.73x0.65x1.08) 4)
3x1.9 4)
CPB 170 2)
10800 320/400 66 3x490 3x570 3x(2.73x0.65x1.08) 4)
3x1.9 4)
CPB 170 2)
17000 350/440 76 3x520 3x610 3x(2.73x0.65x1.08) 4)
3x1.9 4)
CPB 245 1)
5600 240/280 47 3x435 3x475 3x(3.29x0.65x1.08) 4)
3x2.3 4)
CPB 245 1)
7700 280/390 53 3x475 3x585 3x(3.29x0.65x1.08) 4)
3x2.3 4)
CPB 245 2)
7700 350/460 71 3x545 3x655 3x(3.29x0.65x1.08) 4)
3x2.3 4)
CPB 245 2)
12100 410/540 92 1080+475 1300+670 0.94x1.67x2.33 + 1.76x1.54x0.72 5)
4.0 + 1.9 5)
CPB 300 1)
6400 330/470 63 845+485 1085+695 0.94x1.67x2.54 + 1.97x1.54x0.72 5)
4.0 + 2.2 5)
CPB 300 2)
6400 400/540 81 1070+470 1310+680 0.94x1.67x2.54 + 1.97x1.54x0.72 5)
4.0 + 2.2 5)
CPB 300 2)
10100 460/650 108 3x505 + 1x570 3x600 + 1x855 3x(2.73x0.65x1.08) + 2.18x1.54x0.72 6)
3x1.9 + 2.4 6)
CPB 362 1)
5400 360/520 67 3x415 + 1x540 3x495 + 1x780 3x(2.73x0.65x1.08) + 2.18x1.54x0.72 6)
3x1.9 + 2.4 6)
CPB 362 2)
5400 430/590 85 3x490 + 1x525 3x570 + 1x765 3x(2.73x0.65x1.08) + 2.18x1.54x0.72 6)
3x1.9 + 2.4 6)
CPB 362 2)
8500 460/650 104 3x505 + 1x570 3x600 + 1x855 3x(2.73x0.65x1.08) + 2.18x1.54x0.72 6)
3x1.9 + 2.4 6)
CPB 420 1)
4800 380/560 71 3x440 + 1x600 3x530 + 1x870 3x(2.94x0.65x1.08) + 2.39x1.54x0.72 6)
3x2.1 + 2.6 6)
CPB 420 2)
4800 450/630 89 3x515 + 1x 585 3x605 + 1x855 3x(2.94x0.65x1.08) + 2.39x1.54x0.72 6)
3x2.1 + 2.6 6)
CPB 420 2)
8800 570/860 138 3x500 + 2x555 3x600 + 2x845 3x(2.73x0.65x1.08) + 2x(2.18x1.54x0.72) 6)
3x1.9 + 2x2.4 6)
CPB 550 1)
3700 430/670 75 3x480 + 1x700 3x600 + 1x1060 3x(3.43x0.65x1.08) + 2.88x1.54x0.72 6)
3x2.4 + 3.2 6)
CPB 550 2)
3700 500/740 93 3x555 + 1x685 3x675 + 1x1045 3x(3.43x0.65x1.08) + 2.88x1.54x0.72 6)
3x2.4 + 3.2 6)
CPB 550 2)
5800 690/1070 160 3x540 + 2x675 3x670 + 2x1055 3x(2.73x0.65x1.08) + 2x(2.18x1.54x0.72) 6)
3x1.9 + 2x2.4 6)
CPB 800 2)
4400 720/1170 164 3x525 + 3x610 3x635 + 3x945 3x(2.94x0.65x1.08) + 3x(2.39x1.54x0.72) 6)
3x2.1 + 3x2.6 6)
Insulators Porcelain
On request silicon rubber (SIR)
Service conditions
Ambient temperature -40 °C to +40 °C
(Others on request)
Material Maximum static test force on the primary terminal in all direc-
All external metal surfaces are made of aluminium alloy resis- tions is:
tant to most known environment factors.
Bolts, nuts, etc. are made of acid-proof stainless steel. −− 72 kV: 500 N
The aluminium surfaces do not normally need painting. −− 123 - 170 kV: 1000 N
−− 245 - 362 kV: 1250 N
Creepage distance −− 420 - 550 kV: 1500 N
As standard, CCA and CCB are offered with creepage distance −− 800 kV: 1300 N
25 mm/kV phase-phase (IEC pollution class Heavy).
Longer creepage distances can be offered on request. Higher can be quoted on request.
Silicone Rubber Insulators (SIR) Low voltage terminal/Ground clamp and support insulators
The complete CCA/CCB range is available with silicone rub- The coupling capacitor is normally equipped with an
ber insulators. Our SIR insulators are produced with a patent- L-terminal/Ground clamp with a cap of nickel-plated brass for
ed helical extrusion moulding technique that gives completely conductors 8-16 mm (area 50-200 mm2) which can be moved
joint-free insulators with outstanding performance. to either mounting side, front or rear.
All CCA/CCB with this type of insulators have the same high
creepage distance, 25 mm/kV phase-phase, as porcelain. A stainless steel bar terminal, 80 x 145 x 8 mm, can be quot-
ed on request. The bar can be supplied undrilled or drilled
Mechanical stability according to IEC or NEMA standards.
The mechanical stability gives sufficient safety margin for nor-
mal wind loads and conductor forces. Support insulators, for mounting the CCA/CCB insulated from
the support structure (mainly for PLC application) are part of
Rating plates the delivery.
Corrosion resistant rating plates with laser engraved text are
used. General data is to be found on the lowest capacitor unit PLC and Line trap
whilst measured capacitance is marked on each capacitor unit. Modern PLC equipment is adaptable for a wide range of
coupling capacitors. Any specific capacitance is then not
Primary terminal required. Only a minimum capacitance is usually specified
CCA/CCB is normally delivered with a flat 4-hole aluminium due to choice of frequency. A line trap can in most cases be
pad suitable for bolts C-C from 40 to 50 mm for connecting mounted directly on top of the coupling capacitor for system
regular aluminium cable clamps. voltage 245 kV and below.
Other primary terminals can be offered on request such as a
round aluminium studs, Ø=30 mm. Special capacitances
Other capacitance values than those listed below are available
on request.
CCA: Number of capacitor units, capacitance, total height, flashover and creepage distance
Minimum nominal values
Type Number of Standard A Flashover distance Creepage Protected Poreclain with
capacitor units capacitance Total height Polymer/porcelain distance creepage distance extra long creepage
pF (+10; -5%) mm mm mm mm
CCA 72 1 23500 1140 675/700 2200 890
CCA 123 1 14500 1420 955/980 3160 1282
CCA 145 1 12600 1630 1165/1190 3880 1545 Offered on request.
CCA 170 1 10500 1840 1375/1400 4600 1835 Normally insulator as
CCA 245 1 7500 2400 1935/1960 6510 2610 for the nearest higher
CCA 300 2 6300 3170 2330/2380 7760 3090 voltage
CCA 362 2 5200 3590 2750/2800 9200 3670
CCA 420 2 4700 4010 3170/3220 10630 4250
CCA 550 2 3500 4990 4150/4200 13980 5610
CCB: Number of capacitor units, capacitance, total height, flashover and creepage distance
Minimum nominal values
Type Number of Extra high A Flashover distance Creepage Protected Poreclain with
capacitor units capacitance Total height Polymer/porcelain distance creepage distance extra long creepage
pF (+10; -5%) mm mm mm mm
CCB 145 1 18900 1840 1375/1400 4600 1835
CCB 170 1 15700 1840 1375/1400 4600 1835 Offered on request.
CCB 245 1 11300 2540 2075/2100 6990 2805 Normally insulator as
CCB 300 2 9400 3590 2750/2800 9200 3670 for the nearest higher
CCB 362 2 7900 3590 2750/2800 9200 3670 voltage
CCB 420 2 7100 4010 3170/3220 10630 4250
CCB 550 2 5200 4990 4150/4200 13980 5610
CCB 800 3 3500 7440 6225/6300 20970 8415
Note! The number of capacitor units can, for some voltages, be higher than in the drawings above.
Please check in the table on page 54.
Type Net weight incl. oil Oil Shipping weight Shipping dimensions Shipping volume
3-pack 3-pack 3-pack/Total
kg kg kg LxWxH m3
CCA 72 140 17 565 1.33 x 1.55 x 0.80 1.6 1)
CCA 123 170 18 675 1.61 x 1.55 x 0.80 2.0 1)
CCA 145 190 21 735 1.82 x 1.55 x 0.80 2.3 1)
CCA 170 220 22 825 2.03 x 1.55 x 0.80 2.5 1)
CCA 245 280 27 1060 2.59 x 1.55 x 0.80 3.2 1)
CCA 300 370 41 730 + 670 2 x (1.8 2 x 1.55 x 0.80) 2.3 + 2.32)
CCA 362 410 44 810 + 750 2 x (2.03 x 1.55 x 0.80) 2.5 + 2.52)
CCA 420 460 49 895 + 835 2 x( 2.24 x 1.55 x 0.80) 2.8 + 2.82)
CCA 550 560 55 1095 + 1035 2 x (2.79 x 1.55 x 0.80) 3.5 + 3.52)
Type Net weight incl. oil Oil Shipping weight Shipping dimensions Shipping volume
3-pack 3-pack 3-pack/Total
kg kg kg LxWxH m3
CCB 145 250 23 930 2.03 x 1.55 x 0.80 2.5 1)
CCB 170 250 18 930 2.03 x 1.55 x 0.80 2.5 1)
CCB 245 340 25 1220 2.79 x 1.55 x 0.80 3.5 1)
CCB 300 480 46 925 + 865 2 x (2.03 x 1.55 x 0.80) 2.5 + 2.52)
CCB 362 480 37 925 + 865 2 x (2.03 x 1.55 x 0.80) 2.5 + 2.52)
CCB 420 540 41 1015 + 955 2 x (2.24 x 1.55 x 0.80) 2.8 + 2.82)
CCB 550 660 43 1260 + 1200 2 x (2.79 x 1.55 x 0.80) 3.5 + 3.52)
CCB 800 990 65 1260 + 1200 + 1200 3 x (2.79 x 1.55 x 0.80) 3.5 + 3.5 + 3.53)
The PQSensor™ offers a unique, convenient and cost a substation environment and does not meet safety require-
effective method of faithfully reproducing harmonic ments for isolation between high voltage and low voltage
content using Capacitive Voltage Transformers (CVT) parts.
without the need for Resistive-Capacitor Dividers (RCD)
Most power quality monitors are currently receiving their
− − The PQSensor™ offers a practical and economical solution inputs from wound or inductive type voltage transformers
for wide bandwidth measurements using CVTs. (VTs). The advantage with VTs is that they can also provide
− − Eliminates the need for special high voltage instrument inputs into conventional revenue meters and relays and
transformers or wide bandwidth voltage dividers. therefore may already be present if harmonic measurement is
− − Can be retrofitted to in-service CVTs or installed in new being considered as an add-on. What is not well understood
units. is that wound VT’s have a limited frequency range. Graph
− − CVTs can continue to be used in normal ways to feed re- 1 shows the performance of typical wound VT (Reference:
lays and other standard devices and at the same time to be CIGRE Working Group 36). It can be seen that the frequency
used for power quality monitoring. response becomes unacceptable around 500 Hz, well below
− − It can be used to detect CVT internal ferroresonance. the frequency limit established in the major standards. The
upper limit increases for lower voltage class units but worsens
General description for higher voltage class units.
A power quality sensor is available to very accurately measure
power quality parameters such as harmonics and flicker over Capacitor voltage transformers have become the dominant
a wide bandwidth from sub synchronous to high frequencies. technology for voltage measurement at transmission voltage
The PQSensor™ current probes are installed in capacitor levels because they provide reliable and accurate perfor-
voltage transformers (CVTs) at the ground connection points mance at reasonable cost. CVTs, because they are essentially
in the secondary terminal box. The PQSensor™ signal-con- tuned to the system frequency, are not in themselves capable
ditioning unit can be mounted on the CVT support structure of harmonic measurement. Because of the prevalence and
making the retrofit installation simple. reasonable cost of this technology, much effort has been ex-
pended to add the functionality of harmonic measurement.
Power quality assessment has become an increasingly impor- There is a solution for employing CVTs for harmonic measure-
tant requirement in the management of electric supply sys- ment. A power quality sensor, to be used in conjunction with
tems. This recognition has led to the introduction of several CVTs, has been developed and patented which overcomes
standards for power quality measurement and monitoring. All the aforementioned objections. One of the important advan-
standards such as IEEE 519, IEC 61000-4-30 and 61000-4-7 tages of the technology, in addition to its cost effectiveness, is
and UK Engineering Recommendation G5/4 require measure- the speed of installation in in-service CVTs.
ments up to the 50th harmonic. Flicker standard IEC 61000-
4-15 require measurement of modulating frequency between
0.5 Hz to 33 Hz. Relative transformation ratio
CVT Input
Capacitive voltage transformer cannot faithfully reproduce
harmonic content on their output. Addition of PQSensor™
allows CVTs to be used in power quality and high frequency
50 measurements.
It is as simple as Kirchoff’s law. Easy and quick to retrofit to
-50 in service CVTs.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 t (ms)
PQSensorTM 0
-50 -50
-100 -100
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 t (ms) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 t (ms)
Vi Vc
probe 2 Signal
Wide bandwith
output 0-20 mA
Current modul
probe 1
Absolute gain error 0.5% at operating frequency, measured at either outputs into 75 Ω terminations.
Gain stability over operating temperature range,
at operating frequency, (measured at “Diff Output” 0.3% of full-scale output.
with 75 Ω termination)
Gain stability over operating temperature range,
at operating frequency, (measured at the integral 0.4% of full scale output. This does not include any effects of the CVT.
output with 75 Ω termination)
Frequency response 5 Hz up to 20 kHz
Frequency response measured of “Diff Output” − 0.17 dB max at 5 kHz with respect to gain at operating frequency.
Frequency response of “Output” − 0.25 dB max. It will not have DC response.
Phase error Less than 1.5 degrees at 3 kHz and less than 3 degrees at 5 kHz. Improved phase response is
offered on request for special applications
Maximum burden 150 Ω pure resistive. This corresponds to a maximum voltage at the measurement device (e.g.
power quality monitor) of 3 V rms at a current of 20 mA. The burden may be selected to be any
value up to the maximum to suit the measurement device (the monitor). All figures related to
accuracy and error mentioned in this document would also apply for burdens up the maximum
Output current levels Differential current output of 20 mA rms, driving 75 Ω through 300 meters of cable.
Cable capacitance is typically 100 pF/m.
Operating temperature range -40 to +55 °C
Power supply input voltage 48 V dc ±10% or 85-260 V dc/ac ±10%.
The unit can be supplied from the CVT nominal output of 69 V ac. Power consumption 200 mW.
Size Signal conditioning module: 10.2 x 6.3 x 3.6 inches (260 x 160 x 92 mm).
Current transformers: outer and inside diameters of 2 inches (50 mm) and .8 inches (20 mm), a
depth of .8 inches (20 mm).
Outdoor specification Conform to IP 65.
Roxtec CF 16 Kit 1: Handles maximum one 9.5-32.5 mm Roxtec CF 16 Kit 2: Handles maximum one 9.5-32.5 mm
cable, two 10-25 mm cables and six 3.5-16.5 mm cables. cable and four 10-25 mm cables.
ABB AB, High Voltage Products has been certified by Type tests
Bureau Veritas Quality International (BVQI) to fulfill the The type tests reports for tests performed on transformers
requirements of Quality management system ISO 9001, types similar to customer specifications are available.
Environmental management systems ISO 14001 and
Occupational health and safety management system Routine tests
OHSAS 18001. The following tests are performed on each transformer as
standard before delivery in accordance with applicable stan-
Routine tests for current transformers IMB Routine tests for inductive voltage transformers EMF
b. Power-frequency withstand test on primary winding b. Power-frequency withstand test on primary winding
(applied test, 75 Hz for one minute)
c. Partial discharge measurement
c. Partial discharge measurement
d. Power-frequency withstand test on secondary windings
d. Power-frequency withstand test on secondary windings
e. Power-frequency withstand test between winding sections (applied test 4 kV, 50 Hz for one minute)
g. Determination of errors
(One transformer in each batch is type-tested for accuracy. ABB specific tests
Remaining units at a reduced number of burdens. Complete a. Sealing test
error curves on all transformers must be ordered separately.)
b. Measurement of no load current I0 at √3 x rated voltage
IEC 60044-1 clause 6.3
Measurement of capacitance and tan delta Other standards
The tests described above also fully satisfy other standards,
ABB specific tests such as IEEE.
a. Sealing test
Routine tests for capacitor voltage transformers CPB Routine tests for capacitor voltage transformers CPB and
Electromagnetic unit
IEC 60044-5, § 8.2 ANSI C93.1-1999, § 6.3
Electromagnetic unit: e, f, g, h, j
Capacitor Voltage Divider/Coupling Capacitor: a, b, c, d, g
Capacitor Voltage Transformer: i, j
b. Capacitance and tan delta measurement at 2.2.1 Dielectric test of primary winding, four times perfor-
power-frequency (9.2) mance reference voltage (1 min.)
d. Measurement of partial discharge (10.2.3) 2.2.3 Dielectric test on secondary windings and adjustment
windings, 4 kV (1 min.)
e. Verification of terminal markings (10.3)
* Dielectric test of low voltage terminal, 10 kV (1 min.)
f. Power-frequency withstand tests on the electromagnetic
unit (10.4) * Inspection and measurement of the damping circuit
g. Power-frequency withstand test on low voltage terminal 6. Verification of terminal marking and polarity.
5. Accuracy test
h. Power-frequency withstand tests on secondary windings
(10.4.2) Capacitor Voltage Divider/Coupling Capacitor
ANSI C93.1-1999, § 6.3
i. Ferro-resonance check (10.5) * Sealing test
j. Accuracy check (determinations of errors) (10.6) 1.1 Measurement of capacitance and dissipation factor for
each capacitor unit before dielectric test
ABB specific tests: Electromagnetic unit
− − Sealing test 2.1 Dielectric test, voltage according to table above
− − Inspection of damping circuit.
* Partial discharge test of each capacitor porcelain
The following information is required with your order: The following information is required with your order:
− − Quantity − − Quantity
− − Standard/Customer specification − − Standard/Customer specification
− − Frequency − − Frequency
− − Highest voltage for equipment − − Highest voltage for equipment
−− Rated insulation level − − Rated insulation level
The following information is required with your order: The following information is required with your order:
− − Quantity − − Quantity
− − Standard/Customer specification − − Standard/Customer specification
− − Frequency − − Frequency
− − Highest voltage for equipment − − Highest voltage for equipment
− − Rated insulation level − − Rated insulation level
Additional requirements
− − Capacitance - high or extra high
− − Ambient temperature
− − Height above sea level if >1000 m
Please state “normal” system and test voltages according
to actual standard when ≤1 000 m a.s.l.
− − Other requirements?
Publication 1HSM 9543 42-00en, Edition 6, 2009-12 Outdoor Instrument Transformers, Buyer’s Guide, Photo: Hasse Eriksson
ABB AB ©Copyright 2009 ABB
High Voltage Products All right reserved