English Lesson 4
English Lesson 4
English Lesson 4
Curriculum area & Understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and topic as
Content well as the degree of formality (ACELA1504 - Scootle )
Student prior Knowledge of fairy tales, theme and plot, reading and
knowledge classifying.
Materials & Resources Images of scenes/settings.
Introduction (15 min) Discuss setting and theme. What is it? How does it affect the
story? Show image as example and work with class to describe
it Is it happy, sad, how do they feel? Discuss key words,
descriptive words, emotions, feelings etc.
The paragraph may start with ‘once upon a time’ or ‘long, long
Modifications Students can use the words based on the image that was discussed
with the whole class.
Assessment of student Group participation, contribution. Words/descriptive language used.
Evaluation Students displayed their opening paragraphs on wall with images and
words. Paragraphs were very descriptive, enticing, and suited the
themes selected.
Some students not happy with a ‘spookier’ image over a castle image.
I explained the need for contrasting images to create a variety of
settings. Most students responded well to this lesson.