2018 KAIST Undergraduate Letter of Reommendation International
2018 KAIST Undergraduate Letter of Reommendation International
2018 KAIST Undergraduate Letter of Reommendation International
Applicant Information
Name in English
Intended Major
(Check v) (Submitted by Oct 31, 2017) (Submitted by Jan 10, 2018) (Submitted by Jun 29, 2018)
Recommender Information
Name in English
Position / Title
School Name
School Address
Zip code City Country
Telephone E-mail
I have carefully filled out this evaluation by myself, and I am aware that my opinions provided herein may
continue to serve as a reference in the subsequent admission process within KAIST.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Signature Date (yyyy/mm/dd)
Please return this letter after sealing and signing across the back of the envelope by the document
submission deadline to:
How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant? _______________________________________________
How well do you know the applicant? very well well moderately do not know well
Cumulative GPA: __________ on a __________ scale. This CGPA is weighted unweighted.
Highest CGPA in graduating year : ________________
Number of students in graduating year: _______________ students
Applicant’s rank in graduating year: _______________ out of _________________ students
If you do not rank, please indicate applicant’s percentile: top ___________%
Please rate the applicant in the table below based on you and other teachers’ evaluation of the applicant.
Exceptional Excellent Good Below No basis for
throughout Average
(top 3%) (top 10%) (top 25%) average judgment
Intellectual curiosity
Academic potential
Interpersonal Relationship
Community service
I think this student desires to enthusiastically strongly fairly strongly with reservation
attend KAIST
1. What are the three adjectives that come to your mind to describe the applicant?
1) __________________, 2) __________________, 3) ____________________
2. Based on your discussion with other teachers, please provide your opinion on the applicant’s potential to become a
scientist or engineer who would contribute to the betterment of society. Please use concrete examples to tell us about
his/her academic ability, intellectual curiosity, creativity, motivation, leadership skills, heart for community service,
interpersonal relationships, reputation among teachers, etc. (300 words or less)
3. Please give constructive criticism of the applicant’s weakness. (100 words or less)
4. In addition to what has been mentioned above, please provide other useful information that would help us better
understand the applicant (e.g. the applicant’s family situation, educational environment, or ways of coping with
adversity, etc.). (200 words or less)