Notification SAMEER Scientific Officer Posts
Notification SAMEER Scientific Officer Posts
Notification SAMEER Scientific Officer Posts
The contents of the full advertisement including Application Form to be submitted online along
with terms and conditions can be viewed at
Applications should be submitted online only.
Applications will be accepted online only till twenty one (21) days from date of publishing in
employment news.
Candidates are required to register, complete and submit the online form. Subsequently
candidates should print the completed form and submit the same along with attested copies of
relevant documents for verification so as to reach before 31st March 2018.
The Registrar
Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research (SAMEER)
IIT Campus. Powai
Mumbai 400076.
Envelope should be super scribed with the advertisement number, Name of the Post applied for
with Code. Applications will be rejected if no hard copy of downloaded form is received.
General Conditions
1. Age Limit (as on closing date of advertisement) Scientific Officer SB: not exceeding 35 years
a) The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST/regular Government servants
working in posts which are in the same line and also relaxable by 3 years for OBC
candidates not belonging to creamy layer and 5 years for contract employees working in
b) Benefit of age relaxation will be available to the SC/ST/OBC candidates only for the posts
which are reserved for the respective category. For example, an SC candidate will get the
benefit of age relaxation only if the post applied for is reserved for SC category.
2. Qualification:
Candidates should be in possession of First class (minimum 60% or equivalent CGPA) degree
awarded by the university up to the closing date of application. Candidates should possess the
prescribed experience in the relevant fields as mentioned under the column “Experience” with
documentary proof.
3. Experience:
Crucial date for counting experience will be the closing date of applications. The experience
possessed before acquiring the essential qualifications will not be counted. In such cases, the
required experience will be counted only from the date the essential qualifications are
acquired. The prescribed Essential Qualifications/experience is bare minimum and mere
possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for written test/skill test.
4. Short listing Procedure: Based on the response, the screening will be restricted to those with
higher percentage of marks and/or more experience.
5. Selection Procedure
a) The short listed candidates will be required to appear for a written test followed by
personal interview of shortlisted candidates in written test.
b) Written tests and interviews will be held in SAMEER, Mumbai though the posting can be
in any of the centres of SAMEER or project locations within the country.
c) Persons working in the Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertakings/
Autonomous Bodies/ Semi Government organizations should forward their application
through proper channel and/or submit a ‘NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from the
employer at the time of the interview
d) Final selection will be based on performance in the interview.
6. How to Apply
Candidates are required to register and fill the online form available at
Once the form is complete, candidates must send print out of the form to address mentioned
above along with applicable fee.
7. Fee:
The application fee will be amounting to Rs. 100/- in case of general/OBC candidates and Rs.
50/- in case of SC/ST/PH category candidates.
The fee has to be paid via Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Society for Applied Microwave
Electronics Engineering and Research” payable at Mumbai. If an applicant applies for more
than one post, he will have to pay application fee for all the posts for which he applies.
8. Applications will be accepted online only till twenty one (21) days from date of publication
of the advertisement in the Employment News. Candidates should download a copy of online
application form and submit the same to Registrar, SAMEER, IIT Campus, Powai, Mumbai
400076. The envelope should be super scribed with advertisement number and name and
code of the post applied for. The envelope should reach before 31st March 2018.
9. The printout of the online application along with the attested copies of all relevant
documents in support of date of birth, educational qualifications (supported by appropriate
mark sheets indicating the subjects offered at the examinations), caste and experience
should be produced at the time of written test/interview. Certificates from referees should
also be produced at this time. Candidates who report for the written test without any of the
supporting documents will not be allowed to appear for written test.
10. The above positions are against the sanctioned strength. However the initial appointment
will be on contract for a period of three years and the fresh appointees will be considered
for regularization in the services of the Society based on their performance. The
procedure will be governed by the clause 25 of Bye-Laws of SAMEER, reproduced below:
“All fresh appointments to the Society shall initially be on contract for a period of three
years. The performance of the employee during the initial period of three years shall be
monitored and he / she will be considered for regularization in the services of the society
only on basis of satisfactory performance. On completion of probation period and issue of
orders in writing to that effect, an employee would be treated as a regular employee unless
otherwise provided under terms and conditions of appointment. The relative seniority shall
be determined with respect to actual date of joining the Society on a particular grade.”
18. Candidates must ensure that they fill in the correct information. Candidates who furnish
false information will be disqualified for screening test/interview. The services of such
persons shall be liable to be terminated, even if they are selected and join SAMEER.
19. Appointment for all the posts is subject to successful medical examination
20. The candidate belonging to SC/ST/OBC should clearly indicate their category in the
application form and should submit proof of the same in the prescribed format at the
time of interview failing which they will be treated as unreserved candidates and
subsequent representations for the change of community status will not be entertained.
21. Candidates will have to produce all original certificates for verification at the time of
22. Application received without attested copies of certificate for essential qualification,
experience or incomplete applications will be summarily rejected .No correspondence
would be entertained in this regards.
23. Candidates desirous of applying for more than one post must apply separately for each
post indicating post code.
SAMEER strives to have workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are
encouraged to apply.