Project 1 California Farm Bureau Federation $152,250
Project 1 California Farm Bureau Federation $152,250
Project 1 California Farm Bureau Federation $152,250
Project Abstracts
Abstract: The purpose of this project is to strengthen California’s ability to respond to invasive
species that damage specialty crops. CISAC will leverage a broad network of experts and
stakeholder communities to draft a comprehensive list and strategic plan for the State. CISAC
will also develop an outreach plan to increase public awareness of invasive species impacts to
specialty crops. After working with state agencies to formalize the list and plans, CISAC will
monitor implementation progress and report to the Invasive Species Council of California and
the public.
Project Title: Olive Fruit Fly: Managing an Ancient Pest in Modern Times
Abstract: This project will continue efforts to release and evaluate these exotic parasitoids in
order to improve sustainable table and oil olive management. Table and oil olives are a unique
California specialty crop that is now threatened by olive fruit fly (OLF), which invaded the state
around 1998. Current management strategies rely on frequent applications of insecticide bait
sprays, which increase control costs and have non-target impacts. Moreover, the effectiveness of
insecticide-based programs is limited by abandoned and residential olive trees that act as
reservoirs for fly populations. For these reasons, classical bio-control programs were initiated in
2003 to introduce more effective natural enemies. Currently, four parasitoid species, which
screened via a quarantine process, have been selected for mass production, statewide field
release, and evaluation.
Project Title: Area Wide Mating Disruption for Vine Mealybug in Grapes
Abstract: The vine mealybug (VMB) is an invasive vineyard pest, ranked first in pest
importance by the American Vineyard Foundation (AVF) in 2006. Grapevine leafroll-associated
viruses (GLRaV) are a complex of viruses that are severely damaging wine grape production in
coastal regions, ranked first in pest importance in the 2008 AVF survey. Vine mealybug is a
vector of GLRaV strains. Although university and industry researchers have developed chemical
and biological controls for VMB, none have resulted in the exceptionally low 'vector' densities
needed to eliminate GLRaV spread. The project will test the area wide application of mating
disruption in Napa County. Mating disruption or the use of the sex pheromone to reduce mating,
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has been shown to reduce VMB populations, and may be an especially effective tool to maintain
this pest at low densities.
Abstract: This project builds on the successes of the Multi-Commodity Sustainability Practices
Program funded in the previous grant cycle which developed a sustainability strategic plan an
education and outreach model, and a sustainability practices framework for 10 California
Commodity groups. The project will use the education/outreach model and the practices
framework to develop self assessment tools for at least 8 commodity groups, convene at least 10
self assessment workshops for each of the commodity groups, and bench mark an agreed upon
set of practices and performance metrics for each group. The tools will be developed by a
stakeholder committee consisting of producer leaders from each commodity and University and
private sector agronomic experts. It will be facilitated by SureHarvest, an organization with
extensive experience in designing and carrying out such programs, including the California
Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance program.
Project Title: Development of High Throughput Assay for Rapid and Accurate Detection of
Regulated Citrus Pathogens
Abstract: Pathogen detection by real time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay has become
a common practice. This project is to develop standardized template preparation using pathogen-
infected citrus and amplification of target nucleic acid sequences in high throughput qPCR
assays capable of detecting multiple pathogens in a series of single and multiplex assays.
Pathogens include, but are not limited to, huanglongbing (HLB; `C. Liberibacter' spp.), tristeza
(Citrus tristeza virus), stubborn (Spiroplasma citri), citrus variegated chlorosis (Xylella
fastidiosa), leprosis (Citrus leprosis virus) and citrus viroids. Detection of Asian Citrus Psyllid
(ACP) in California has triggered regulatory agencies and the Citrus Research Board to sample
and test citrus throughout the state for HLB. Since several pathogens cause symptoms similar to
HLB, multiplex assays would be better to assess pathogen status. This project differs from others
because actual pathogens will be used as opposed to annotated sequences.
Project Title: Paso Robles Distinct & Different Direct-To-Consumer Marketing Campaign
Abstract: The Paso Robles Distinct & Different direct-to-consumer marketing campaign will
grow the market for vintners and growers in the Paso Robles American Viticulture Area by
creating awareness about the area's diversity among consumers, trade and media. The campaign
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will: 1. Strengthen marketing data and build practical tools to benefit more than 200 wineries and
100 independent grape growers, focusing on small emerging brands with education, marketing
tools and cost-sharing incentives. 2. Improve awareness among consumers and Millennial
Generation with events and new interactive technologies used by regional hospitality partners,
vintners and growers. 3. Build awareness of wine, culinary and tourism diversity by inviting
lifestyle media to visit the area, resulting in increased regional and national publicity. 4.
Leverage regional marketing programs and work with tourism partners to grow traffic to local
businesses that will increase direct-to-consumer sales for the Paso Robles wineries.
Abstract: Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP) is a serious new agricultural pest because of its ability to
vector a bacterium that causes a lethal disease in citrus, huanglongbing (HLB). The purpose of
this project is to evaluate the efficacy of organic pesticides for ACP control so science-based
control recommendations can be made to organic citrus growers. This bacterium is not known to
be established in California. Pesticides are effective at controlling ACP and subsequently
reducing disease vector pressure in conventional citrus orchards. However, organically-approved
chemical control options for organic citrus growers have not been well studied. Uncertainty over
the efficacy of control options provides a major management challenge for organic growers with
ACP infestations. Further, uncontrolled ACP populations in organic farms could be important
reservoirs that may adversely affect the success of area-wide management programs for ACP in
Project Title: Accelerated Development of Pest Resistant Baby Leaf Lettuce Cultivars
Abstract: Baby leaf lettuce is an important and highly valuable California crop, but the varieties
used are susceptible to many pests that reduce profits of lettuce producers and packers. The
purpose of this project is to reduce or eliminate grower and packing company losses on baby leaf
lettuce production from the pests downy mildew, Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitians (Xcv), and
leafminers. One objective is to develop resistant lettuce breeding lines and populations within
three years and release these to private seed companies for distribution to growers. This will
increase the number of available pest resistant baby leaf varieties, thereby reducing crop losses.
Another objective is to generate critically needed information regarding the Xcv-lettuce
pathosystem, this will increase the effectiveness of developing new resistant cultivars and lead to
improved cultural control measures due to the identification of important inoculums sources.
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Abstract: California Granny Smith (G. Smith) apple growers and handlers from several
counties have been negatively impacted by the fluctuation of release dates given by county
officials and the subjectivity of current starch iodine testing methods. The project will use
consumer taste testing, historical G. Smith release dates, and scientific evidence, to provide
maturity standardization for the apple industry leading to increased production, trade, and value.
The results of this test will be developed by a stakeholder committee of producer members and a
private sector researcher.
Abstract: Building on the communications plan funded under the 2009 SCBGP, the California
Specialty Crop Communications Coalition (CSCCC) seeks to create and execute a promotional
campaign that communicates the value of the specialty crop industry to the consumer. The
CSCCC will utilize a 'free groceries for a year' sweepstakes to drive consumers to the CSCCC
website where they can register for the contest and learn more about the benefits the specialty
crop industry provides the State. While visiting the website, consumers will have the opportunity
to interact with farmers representing CSCCC member specialty crop commodities. By using
farmers to communicate the positioning strategy and message concepts developed by the
CSCCC, the website will create a stronger sense of affinity between consumers and the farmers
who produce their food, as well as generate greater trust and confidence in the specialty crop
Project Title: Engaging Social Media - The Voice of California's Specialty Crops
Abstract: This project will engage social media to raise consumer awareness on California
specialty crops and the farmers who grow our food. Consumers are increasingly interested in the
food supply i.e. how their food is grown and where it is coming from. By telling California’s
agricultural story through the social media, there is increased visibility, improving consumer
willingness to try products and enhancing the overall competitiveness of specialty crops.
Specifically this project will highlight specialty crops and farmers through a social media
campaign. This campaign will include web videos and blogs, as well as active Facebook and
Twitter dialogue. Changing traditional media messaging into a conversation through social
media will help local food groups; media and mainstream agriculture tell better stories. The
result of this project will be a social media based educational resource that documents the
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diversity of California's specialty crop industry and its farm innovations, environmental
contributions and stewardship.
Abstract: This project will significantly expand and improve the online specialty crop
production information now available at the University of California’s established Fruit & Nut
Research and Information Center website and call-in center. UC Cooperative Extension Farm
Advisors, specialists and faculty, cooperating with commodity board members and industry
stakeholders, will direct the information resource development. The objective is to support
specialty crop production by having the most current, time critical, data based information
organized online in accessible, instructive and interactive formats available with call-in backup.
SCBGP funding will support writing, video recording, programming, formatting, evaluating and
testing website content, and most importantly, the ability of the Center to obtain ongoing support
from the fruit and nut industries.
Abstract: The California Healthy Food Access Consortium project is currently supporting
efforts in six foodsheds of San Diego, Los Angeles, Fresno, Monterey, Oakland and San
Francisco to direct market healthy, sustainably grown local fresh fruits and vegetables to
nutritionally vulnerable county citizens. This project builds on a previous project funded under
the 2009 SCBGP, with plans to expand to 8 counties adding Sacramento and Santa Clara
Counties. The Consortium would encourage the purchase of eligible specialty crops by SNAP,
seniors and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) clients at farmers markets in these foodsheds.
The project would leverage SCBGP with additional foundation resources to provide the healthy
foods grown by California farmers for direct marketing to improve the nutritionally needs of
vulnerable people in the designated foodsheds.
Project Title: Development of a Steam Injection System for Control of Replant Disease in Fruit
and Nut Orchards without Fumigants
Abstract: Preplant fumigation commonly is used to enhance survival and early tree growth in
replanted orchards. Newly planted trees can suffer from an array of biotic and abiotic issues
including a hostspecific microbial complex, parasitic nematodes, as well as soil physical and
chemical problems. Although this problem can be minimized with fumigation and soil
disturbance during preparation of the field, the phase out of methyl bromide and regulatory
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restrictions on other fumigants clearly outline the need for a non-fumigant approach for
maintaining orchard productivity and competitiveness. The objective is to develop and optimize
a tractor-mounted steam injection auger for soil disinfestation at individual tree sites in tree nut
and stone fruit orchards.
Project Title: Monitoring and Management of Mealy Plum and Leaf-Curl Plum Aphids in
Prunes Using Sex Pheromones
Abstract: Mealy plum aphid (MPA) (Hyalopterus pruni) and leaf-curl plum aphid (LCPA)
(Brachycaudus helichrysi) are the primary insect pests affecting California's (CA) dried plum
(i.e. prune) crop. California produces about 70% of the world's prunes and over 99% of prunes
grown in the US. Spring populations of MPA and LCPA inflict significant damage to prunes by
their feeding and production of honeydew. Sex pheromones are used for communication between
male and oviparous female aphids only during fall. These fall matings result in the overwintering
eggs that give rise to the damaging Spring populations. Conventional sprays are used in most
prune orchards for aphid control, often during dormancy. Dormant sprays present the risk of
runoff into surface waters. This project's goal is to use sex pheromones to improve monitoring
and provide an alternative control (mating disruption) for MPA and LCPA.
Abstract: Western Growers Foundation will work with the California Department of Education
to provide $1,000 to 100 child care/pre-school sites. These competitive grants will be applied for
through their Child Care Centers and awarded to pre-school sites for garden equipment, supplies,
and professional development. SCBGP funding supports Garden-enhanced Nutrition Education
(GENE). Through these gardens, California’s youngest students are provided opportunities for
experiential nutrition education through planting, harvesting, and eating fruits and vegetables.
Dietary habits begin during the early stages of life. Two recent studies of CA child care agencies
reveal servings of fruit and vegetables are well below recommended levels. GENE for Pre-school
Children Grants impacts: nutrition education related to fruit and vegetables as food choices for
pre-school children; the foods served at their homes; and California’s specialty crops served to
pre-school children in the USDA's Child Care Food Program.
Abstract: This project will conduct a 'California Grown' umbrella marketing effort that will
feature growers who are the heart and soul of the California specialty crop industry. The outreach
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will include securing profiles of growers in a variety of industries and translating their stories to
consumers through a mix of consumer marketing tactics. By reading, seeing and hearing the
story of California agriculture straight from the grower, it will help to instill pride in Calfiornia
grown products, while also inspiring consumers to do their part by looking for and buying locally
grown products. Consumer marketing tactics employed in this campaign will build on
previously executed tactics and will include video production, public relations outreach, creation
of a dedicated website and point of purchase promotion.
Project Title: Expanding Usage and Consumption of Prunes Through Introduction of Healthy,
High Fiber Prune Breakfast Bread
Abstract: This project would increase prune sales by introducing them as a key ingredient in a
new sliced bread, part of a $10 billion category that would be a new market for the grower-
owners' prunes. The bread's key ingredients are diced prunes, prune powder, and prune
concentrate, all made from undersized fruit or byproducts of prune processing with little
alternative value. The project would be to test market prune bread in the US Northwest; a
successful test would lead to a future national introduction through the national distribution
network. Grant funds would be used for website creation; television, print, radio and online ads;
public relations; and in-store signage. The product would use California grown prunes only.
Project Title: Improving Forage Resources for Pollinators of California's Specialty Crops
Abstract: Honey bees are required to pollinate 1/3 of the food supply, including $6 billion in
California specialty crops. Yet, the important role of the honey bee in pollination of crops is
often undervalued. Bees require a diversity of food sources to maintain health. Increased
herbicide use in farming, on highways and along waterways has resulted in reduced habitat and
biodiversity. California’s prolonged drought has resulted in decreased wildflowers and
agricultural land laying fallow thereby not producing flowers or a crop. Wildfires have destroyed
natural pollinator habitat. Loss of nectar sources, expansion of single crop acreage and
urbanization have further combined to seriously affect available food sources for pollinators.
This project will encourage land owners and land managers to produce food resources for
pollinators, specifically forage crops for honey bees pollinating California specialty crops.
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Project Title: What's Growin' On? 10th Edition - Focus on Specialty Crops
Abstract: The California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom (CFAITC) will develop a
16-page standards-aligned, activity-based newspaper supplement to showcase California
specialty crops and improve the public's appreciation of agriculture's value to the health and
well-being of all Californians. A 4-page Spanish version of the supplement will also be
developed. CFAITC will disseminate the supplements through online availability, offering free
classroom sets to California teachers, distributing at educator conferences and trainings and
inserting into six California newspapers. This comprehensive outreach plan will provide a
unified message to Californians on behalf of all specialty crop farmers and ranchers.
Project Title: Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) Mating Disruption in Caneberries
Abstract: LBAM is an invasive pest causing direct losses for caneberry growers in Santa Cruz
County. It is also the target for preventative pesticide applications by other berry growers in the
quarantine area to avoid infested fruit that would embargo their crop. Hand-applying large
numbers of dispensers by ground over broad areas is reported to be effective against LBAM in
New Zealand on apples. Although aerial application of LBAM pheromone in California is
controversial, ground-applied pheromone could be effective as a control for organic and
conventional growers. A replicated and controlled study that was conducted on 120 acre of
caneberries in 2009 to evaluate 3 dispenser technologies showed that at a pheromone rate of 25
milligrams per acre, LBAM moths caught in traps were statistically reduced relative to untreated,
but they were not completely disrupted. The project will study a series of pheromone rates up to
the top Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered rates to identify the greatest extent of
control that is possible.
Abstract: This project will 'scale up' the existing Brentwood-Richmond Farm 2 Table
Community Supported Agriculture, increasing CSA membership from 100 families to 500
families. The Contra Costa Community CSA will create new markets for specialty crop farmers
while increasing the access to fresh fruits and vegetables for low-income areas of Richmond and
the East Bay Area. The project builds on a successful collaboration between the Brentwood
Agricultural Land Trust (BALT), the Richmond Children's Foundation and Contra Costa County
to develop an innovative distribution model that improves food security by directly linking
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specialty crop farmers with their urban neighbors. Low income families will continue to receive
CSA boxes at a reduced cost that is offset by sponsoring families. The partners will develop a
business plan for the 'scaled-up' CSA, identify efficient ways to aggregate and transport source-
identified specialty crops from local producers and provide nutrition programs to CSA families.
Abstract: The project will develop and implement a data-driven targeted education project to
speed adoption of sustainable practices that conserve natural resources and enhance the
competitiveness of California wine. In early 2010, California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance
(CSWA) released the 2009 Sustainability Report that provides in-depth analysis on the adoption
status of practices associated with 227 criteria from the Code of Sustainable Winegrowing
Practices. Responding to market demand, the project builds on CSWA's 'Cycle of Continuous
Improvement' that enables growers and vintners to evaluate operations, learn new approaches
and innovations, develop action plans for improvement, and implement changes to increase
adoption of sustainable practices. Using assessment data supporting the 2009 Report, CSWA will
identify key areas in need of improvement in California wine regions and develop targeted
education events and materials focused on best practices such as water efficiency, integrated pest
management, and other natural resource concerns.
Project Title: Scalable Solutions to Reduce Water Use & Salinity in California Winery & Food
Processing Cleaning Operations
Abstract: The project will compare and analyze current cleaning and sanitation practices of
California wineries and food processors. This information will then be used to help facilities
select methods that offer improved environmental performance (e.g., reducing water use,
minimizing chemical inputs, reducing entrained salts, reducing the volume and strength of
process wastewater, and other factors). Project partners will evaluate conventional, widely used
products, as well as more innovative "green" products and approaches; original work on green
chemistry options will also be trialed. Results will be shared with California wineries and other
specialty crop processors, and will address several of the California Department of Food and
Agriculture’s priority areas, including water and energy efficiency, water quality, regulatory
challenges, and acceleration of Best Management Practices implementation.
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Project Title: Extending Knowledge of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Orchard Crops
Abstract: The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) has funded many Pest
Management Alliance programs based on the idea of effective suppression of damaging pests
and diseases using the safest and most environmentally friendly tactics. CDPR proposes to take
the successes achieved in on-going programs and extend them to a broader audience through an
attractive and informative website using the concept of the 'story booth'. An example of the story
booth concept is portrayed in the 'Saving the Sierra' website:
CDPR proposes to create a website that will feature successful integrated pest management in
California orchard crops through a combination of words, images, and voices to extend the
message to both agricultural and urban communities, including firsthand accounts by the growers
and numerous men and women who work the fields, the scientists that develop and test the ideas,
and the field consultants who link growers to the science of agriculture.
Abstract: American Farmland Trust will conduct focus groups with growers, commodity
groups, private services providers, academics and others with knowledge of specialty crop
production to better understand barriers to adoption of Beneficial Management Practices by
specialty crop growers and to determine the best strategies for encouraging growers to adopt
cost-effective practices that improve the environmental performance of their farming operation.
The assessment will focus on irrigation and nutrient management to improve water, air and soil
quality in a cost-effective manner. Results of the focus groups will be analyzed and reported
with recommendations that identify the methods that will work best for growers. Follow-up
group and individual interviews with users of the report will be conducted to measure the
effectiveness of the report. Information will be compiled on the types of new programs being
implemented, crops and regions targeted, type of delivery mechanisms and effectiveness of the
new approaches.
Project 27 Alliance for Food and Farming $180,000
Abstract: The project seeks to correct the misconception that some fresh produce items contain
excessive amounts of pesticide residues. Claims by activist groups about unsafe levels of
pesticides have been widely reported in the media for many years, but have largely gone
uncontested. Continued media coverage of this misleading information is damaging to producers
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of California specialty crops and may also have a negative impact on public health. Utilizing
sound science backed by a team of nutrition and toxicological experts, the Alliance for Food and
Farming will seek to provide the media, the public and various target audiences with information
about the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables. The goal is to generate more balanced media
reporting and change public perception about the safety of produce when it comes to pesticide
Project Title: California Almond Sustainability Program (CASP): Integrating Resource Issues
with Beneficial Management Practices (BMP) Implementation
Abstract: The California Almond Sustainability Program (CASP), launched in 2009, educates
almond growers & collects information regarding adoption of irrigation & nutrient use Beneficial
Management Practices (BMP). Energy & air quality practice information will be included by
mid-2010. This project: (1) expands the subjects addressed to include pest management, water
quality, soil quality, & ecosystem management; & (2) partners with Community Alliance with
Family Farmers extensive Almond Pest Management Alliance network of growers, university
researchers, farm advisors, & other industry stakeholders to expand outreach of CASP in the
almond growing community. SureHarvest will work collaboratively with key almond grower &
industry stakeholders to develop the additional subject modules, coordinate data management for
the outreach process, & provide project administration.
Abstract: Well over half the California fig crop goes to low-value bulk paste. This market has
been pressured by low-cost Turkish imports, causing California fig-bearing acreage to drop by
52% in ten years. A contract with a food product development firm will be entered into to
develop value-added fig paste products that would be difficult for low-cost bulk importers to
duplicate. Concept products, or "protocepts," will be created based on research on target
consumers and in consideration of current processing capacities. Protocepts will be tested by
consumer panels & in-home users for feedback. Protocept finalists will undergo final revisions &
ship for final tests & trial sales calls.
Project Title: Building Successful Farm to School Models to Enhance Markets for Specialty
Abstract: Professionals in California's schools and agricultural industry are now generally
aware of farm to school practices that can increase availability of fresh fruits and vegetables for
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school children, but resources, technical assistance, and training are required to develop fully
functional programs. The team for this project will work with three committed school districts
and their regional partners to (1) expand their procurement of local, seasonal fresh produce; (2)
enhance their ability to integrate school food, nutrition education, school gardens and classroom
lessons by providing outreach and professional development to food service personnel, teachers,
administrators and parent volunteers; and (3) assess changes in food preferences and dietary
behaviors of children in participating schools. Children, professionals and regional farmers in
focus areas will be directly impacted while developing farm to school models for other districts
to emulate.
Project Title: Best Management Practices for Hybrid Onion Seed Production to Improve Crop
Sustainability in California
Abstract: Hybrid onion seed production in California is primarily in Colusa County and the
Imperial Valley, on about 2000 acres, and valued at $12 million annually to growers and $40
million in retail sales to industry. While clearly a specialty, small acreage crop, onion seed
production is important to these local economies with different varieties shipped worldwide.
Although acreage harvested has increased by about 50% during the past 5 years, yields (lbs/ac)
have declined by about 75% statewide, resulting in millions of dollars in losses (county crop
report data). The unpredictable, variable, and declining onion seed yields threaten the viability of
this high value specialty crop in our rural areas. University of California Cooperative Extension
will develop best management practices for onion seed production in California that will focus
on pollination ecology, iris yellow spot virus (newly introduced to California in 2002), and onion
thrips control.
Project Title: Sacramento Valley Beginning Farmer Training and Incubator Program
Abstract: The Sacramento Valley Beginning Farmer Training and Incubator Program will
provide the first ever opportunity for a diverse population of beginning farmers in the region to
gain valuable training and real experience both "in the classroom" and on the ground. The
training program duration, curriculum, cost, and numbers of participants per year will be
determined in the first year of the grant, with the assistance of partners Soil Born Farm, Sierra
Orchards, Agriculture & Land-Based Training Association, Agricultural Sustainability Institute
at the University of California Davis, Western Center for Ag Equipment, Russell Ranch,
California FarmLink, Sacramento Area Council of Governments, and Western Growers, among
others. In the 2nd year, creation of an incubator program will provide the opportunity for trainees
to gain valuable farming experience utilizing a network of specialty crop incubator sites,
technical assistance and support resources (including access to loans and equity-building tools),
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mentors, and market access, all to successfully prepare them to farm specialty crops in
Project 33 Cuties Clementine Cooperative $300,000
Project Title: Increasing Sales of California Mandarins by Identifying and Preventing Dryness
Abstract: In collaboration with scientists from the National Wildlife Research Center, the
California Department of Food and Agriculture plans to conduct laboratory efficacy trials of an
anthraquinone-based repellent to minimize impacts of wild birds to production of blueberries,
lettuce, melons, and ginseng. This research will include lab efficacy trials with American Crows
offered treated almonds, horned larks offered treated lettuce seedlings, grackles offered treated
melons, and wild turkeys offered treated oats associated with straw coverings used to produce
Project Title: California Specialty Crop Communication Coalition Social Media Outreach Plan
Abstract: The California Specialty Crop Communications Coalition (CSCCC) will create and
execute a social media outreach plan. This project will identify where online conversations about
the California specialty crop industry are currently taking place, determine what topics are
important to consumers, and engage consumers in real-time dialogue designed to educate them
about the benefits the industry provides the state. The CSCCC will conduct research on current
trends in social media and develop a platform that will present the value of the industry and
connect consumers to the source of their food supply. Utilizing the social media platform
developed in this project, the CSCCC will become a trusted source of information for consumers
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and will aim to transform the relationships developed in the online community into lasting
allegiances to the industry.
Project 36 Cachuma Resource Conservation District $256,226
Abstract: The project will improve the long-term competitive position of small/medium-acreage
strawberry growers by providing technical outreach in Spanish. Growers are facing
unprecedented production pressures yet maintaining a critical volume of growers is essential to
the long-term viability of statewide strawberry production. Much information exists in English
related to strawberry production but appropriate information available in Spanish is minimal.
The project will develop a field-ready Spanish Strawberry Production Manual and distribute it to
300 growers, impact 100 growers through 12 workshops, and conduct field visits to 50 growers.
The project will facilitate grower access to up-to-date technical information in Spanish to enable
growers to effectively address common challenges in strawberry production. Cachuma Resource
Conservation District will provide these growers with agricultural outreach and continuing
education opportunities that will help to enable them to become sustainable specialty crop
Project 37 The Regents of the University of California, Davis $137,765
Project Title: Spinosad Resistance in California Olive Fruit Fly (Bactrocera oleae) Populations
Abstract: Olive fruit fly (OLF) is the most serious insect pest of cultivated olives worldwide.
First detected in 1998, it is now found throughout California. OMRI-approved spinosad (GF-
120) bait is the only insecticide used for OLF control in California. Recently, University of
California, Davis (UCD) has documented that this exclusive use of spinosad has led to as much
as a 13 fold increase in resistance ratios compared with untreated European populations. UCD
will survey resistance ratios in OLF populations from California regions not sampled in UCD
previous study, select a resistant OLF strain from California as a lab colony that can be used to
isolate resistance-related mutations, identify mutations in the acetylcholine receptor subunits that
are linked to spinosad resistance, shed light on the resistance mechanism, determine associated
genetic markers that can be easily used as a molecular test for assessing frequency of the
resistance alleles, and document need for additional control products.
Abstract: California Agricultural Export Council (CAEC) will partner with interested members
as well as groups representing California products such as almonds, pistachios, prunes, raisins,
walnuts, and wine. California faces fierce competition in Europe; CAEC seeks to leverage
"brand California" to grow sales and price premiums. CAEC’s "California On Board" project
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would target travelers on Germany's busiest railway, the Deutsche Bahn, during 3 major events
in March 2012 that jointly draw over 700,000 in a 175 mile radius (Hannover, Dusseldorf, and
Berlin) and drive heavy ridership. It is modeled on a successful event coordinated by the
California Department of Food & Agriculture in 2002 and includes: ads on in-train television; a
California menu option & brochures in 290 dining cars; event tie-ins (space in Wine Institute and
CA Travel and Tourism Commission pavilions), and; media and public relation campaigns.
Project 39 Ecology Center $150,000
Project Title: Ecology Center Nutrition Food and Farming Policy Programs
Abstract: The Ecology Center's (EC) Nutrition, Food, and Farming Policy (NFFP) programs
work directly with residents, farmers, and lawmakers to improve nutrition by increasing
consumption of California specialty crops. EC's NFFP programs are: (i) the Berkeley Farmers'
Markets, increasing the consumption of California specialty crops by serving over 200 specialty
crop growers and 10,000 shoppers each week for over $3 million a year in farm-to-consumer
sales; (ii) the EBT Program, providing Farmers' Markets across the state with the technology and
training needed to accept EBT; (iii) the Berkeley Food Policy Council, a city-wide coalition of
nonprofits, health service providers, schools, government agencies, and residents, connecting
local agriculture with the community through replicable food policies and programs; and (iv)
Farm Fresh Choice, promoting the health benefits of California specialty crops to over 36,000
low-income youth and families with nutrition/disease-prevention education, farm stands,
tastings, and culturally relevant cooking classes.
Project Title: California's Specialty Commodity Opportunity Outlook: Global Analysis and
Prioritization of Leading and Emerging Export Market Opportunities for Specialty Commodities
Abstract: The Center for International Trade (CITD) will work with the leading global research
firm to the U.S. Department of Agriculture to research, create and circulate an electronic
Specialty Commodity Opportunity Outlook that uniformly quantifies and prioritizes export
markets for California's top 20 specialty commodities, which represent more than 6 billion of the
state's specialty commodity exports. Such a guide does not exist and there is no off-the-shelf
report to meet this need. This project helps special commodity groups quickly and effectively
quantify and qualify existing and prospective growth opportunities through 2014. It will further
assess the relative importance of countries, key trends driving historical and forecast
consumption map opportunities globally. It will also support the private/public sector in
developing strategic plans and marketing activities that will effectively increase exports of
California’s specialty commodities. CITD will work with the California Department of Food &
Agriculture to circulate this guide online and its availability and use.
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Project Title: Launching a Cal Ag Almanac: Putting California Specialty Crops on the Map
Abstract: The Cal Ag Almanac will be a syndicated web feed of California Specialty Crop
information - what's in season where - for print and online newspapers to feature on their
weather and food pages. The feed will include a map (interactive for websites) with lively crop
icons showing the general locations of specialty crop production throughout California during
any given week. The feed will also include geocoded crop information provided as a data layer
for weather maps, in order to show connections between weather and production. An
accompanying brief, 'what's in season' report, will provide additional updates about selected
crops. Data will be collected by means of a password-protected interactive website, which will
allow specialty crop growers and associations, starting with Buy California, to report crop news
by regional location. Data will be distributed as a feed to registered users, starting with the San
Francisco Chronicle (print and online) and then expanding to other media outlets.
Project Title: Heat-tolerant Lettuce and Spinach Varieties for Adaptation to Global Warming
and Low Land Cost Areas of California
Abstract: Adapting horticulture to global warming and climate change is essential to meet the
need of growing population and increasing demand for fruits, vegetables, and other horticultural
products. There is an urgent need to mitigate the abiotic stresses through improvement of leafy
vegetable crops. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service will
screen, study, and identify heat-tolerant lettuce and spinach varieties that can also be grown in
low land cost areas of California. This project will help ensure the long-term future, reduce
production costs, and improve the profitability and sustainability of lettuce and spinach crops.
Project Title: California Strawberries and Insulin Resistance (IR) in Humans: Combating a
Major Risk Factor for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Through Diet
Abstract: A project to evaluate and confirm the role of strawberry in reducing insulin resistance
(IR) in humans. Anthocyanin-rich fruits like strawberries are suggested to have favorable effects
on human health due to their ability to modulate oxidative-, inflammatory- stress in peripheral
and central tissues. Insulin resistance correlates strongly with inflammation. Research has shown
that consumption of strawberry along with a meal representing the typical American diet
significantly decreased measures of oxidation and inflammation. Follow up work in cell culture
suggests that strawberry components interact in the insulin signaling cascade to improve insulin
action. Collectively, this research supports the project and hypothesis for testing that
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polyphenolic compounds derived from strawberry will restore impaired oxidative stress- and
inflammatory- mediated insulin signaling resulting in decreased IR and provide a net benefit to
chronic disease risk reduction.
Project Title: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables: A Centerpiece for a Healthy School Environment
Abstract: This project supports expansion of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetables: A Centerpiece for
a Healthy School Environment (FFVCHSE) trainings. The project team of experts in nutrition,
agriculture, and garden-based learning representing California state agencies, the University of
California, and other partners around the state have provided training and technical assistance to
school personnel and their partners since 2006. The team will utilize a proven and successful
FFVCHSE training program to train school personnel and their partners in educational and
administrative activities that support the incorporation of more fresh fruits and vegetables in
school meals and snacks. The FFVCHSE was developed and piloted by the project team in early
2009 through a USDA Team Nutrition Training Grant. The 2010 California Specialty Crop
Grant would allow UC Santa Cruz to sustain and expand the 2009, 2010, and 2011 statewide,
two-day, spring and fall FFVCHSE trainings through the summer of 2013.
Project Title: Unified Production Nursery Systems Approach for Integrated Pest Management
(IPM) and Best Management Practices (BMP)
Abstract: Various invasive plant pests and diseases severely impact the ability to compete and
increase the cost of business for all nursery segments. California's nursery industry already uses
best management practices (BMP) in combination with IPM approaches to exclude and prevent
spread of several major pests. Unifying these pest specific systems approaches into a proven
methodology and keeping BMP current safeguards nurseries from spreading or transporting pests
as nurseries conduct business and ship plants. The combined segments compile, review, validate,
integrate and disseminate best grower practices throughout the industry, making it more
profitable and sustainable while benefiting crop agriculture and the environment.
Project 46 Ecological Farming Association $128,987
Project Title: On-Farm Practices to Manage Water Supply and Supply Reliability Risks
Abstract: The California Natural Resources Agency predicts a drying trend throughout
California and altered precipitation amounts and patterns, posing a significant risk to California
agriculture through loss of water supply and supply reliability. This project will increase the
implementation of science-based drought-management best practices among specialty crop
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growers through technical seminars and field days; partnering with technical experts to develop a
curriculum (a slideshow, fact sheets and other materials) that we will deliver to existing producer
networks and through online venues; and working with technical support entities to increase
funding for and delivery of water management support services. Curriculum will focus on the
interplay of cultural practices and irrigation management in mitigation of water supply risks with
information about financial and technical support, updates on policy/regulations that affect farm
water, and grower input on barriers to adoption of water best management practices.
Project 47 Almond Board $304,254
Project Title: Carbon Dynamics of Orchard Floor Applied Chipped Almond Prunings as
Influenced by Irrigation Methods, Soil Type, Cover Crop Management and Farm Practices
Abstract: Chipping of annual prunings in almonds rather than burning has increased over recent
years due mostly to air quality regulations. Increasingly, this product is applied back to the
orchard floor. Soil type, irrigation method, farm management and between-row vegetative cover
vary significantly among almond orchards throughout the state and can significantly influence
the Carbon (C) affects of applied prunings. Past and ongoing work conducted by Holtz, et al.
focused on the influence of chipped tree residue on various parameters in the San Joaquin
Valley. The Almond Board will build on this work through a state wide survey of almond
production practices, development of a comprehensive C literature review, modeling of soil C
and N dynamics and development of a comparison between total C impacts of applied prunings
compared with burning. It is hypothesized that an accumulation of soil C will occur in otherwise
low organic matter soils and will show C sequestration opportunities and overall soil quality
Abstract: California is America's best source for high quality cut flowers. When you buy
California cut flowers you're buying flowers that implicitly meet the strictest of growing
standards, were raised in a world-class growing environment and were probably in the field just
24 - 48 hours ago. However, with intense overseas competition, California flower farms must
continually find new ways to differentiate their product beyond quality and freshness. Therefore,
the California Cut Flower Commission (CCFC) will demonstrate the environmental benefits of
buying California Grown flowers over its competitors. The primary focus of the study will
examine CA flower farmers' current sustainability practices and establish a carbon footprint
analysis method that compares imported flowers to California Grown flowers. Once the analysis
is complete, the CCFC will conduct a comprehensive public relations campaign targeting
industry, media and consumers with findings from the study.
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Project Title: California Grown Marketing and Public Relations Campaign in Canada
Abstract: This project will create a marketing and public relations campaign in Canada to
increase exports of California specialty crops to this market. Activities will focus on
strengthening relationships with the media, retail sector, and building top-of-mind consumer
awareness of California grown products, emphasizing the important role they play when
Canadian products are out-of-season.
Project Title: Field Testing a Carbon Offset and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) Model for
California Wine Grape Growers to Drive Climate Protection and Innovation
Abstract: This project seeks to field test, evaluate and implement a climate protection incentive
system incorporating the DeNitrification DeComposition (DNDC) model and practices that
improve air quality, reduce emissions, improve carbon sequestration potential, and promote other
environmental benefits. A DNDC crop model for wine grapes (currently under development)
will be field trialed, leading to the development of well-tested management practices that deliver
measurable climate benefits. This project will result in knowledge and tools to help California
wine grape growers reduce emissions and increase carbon sequestration, participate in emerging
GHG emission reduction markets, and assist in developing incentives for natural resource
conservation and sustainable winegrowing. New knowledge and tools for wine grapes will
expedite the development of opportunities for table grape and raisin growers and other specialty
crop producers, thus extending the benefits to a much larger number of growers and acres.
Project Title: Development of Market Based Best Practices for California Kiwifruit
Abstract: This project is designed to research and evaluate the potential to reposition and sell
California kiwifruit through retail and other channels and improve the profitability and sales of
California kiwifruit thus improving grower return and providing industry stabilization.
Project 52 Tuleyome $75,000
Abstract: The Woodland Community Garden will have 30 to 60 garden plots on half an acre of
land near the city center, public transportation and low income housing. The garden will improve
the health of the community in many ways. Native plants and California specialty crop garden
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plants will create wildlife habitat and increase biodiversity in the urban area. Benefits will also
reach beyond the community; gardeners and gardeners families will use less fossil fuel and be
active participants in the sustainable farming movement. These people will no longer be passive
food consumers with diets dictated by our food system, a system in which a fast-food hamburger
is cheaper than a head of lettuce. Similarly, the garden will provide an opportunity for
intergenerational and cross-cultural connections, as well as opportunities for recreation, exercise,
therapy, and education.
Project 53 California Department of Food and Agriculture $96,000
Project Title: Host a Plenary Panel on the Essential Role of Specialty Crops in Meeting the
Growing Food and Energy Demands of the World. Also Participate in the Sixteenth United
Nations (UN) Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Kyoto Protocol
Abstract: Building on the accomplishments made at the first two Governors’ Global Climate
Summits in 2009 and 2008, California will host the Governors’ Global Climate Summit 3 at the
University of California, Davis (UC Davis) November 15 - 16, 2010. A key feature at the third
annual summit will be a plenary panel hosted by the California Department of Food and
Agriculture on what the role of agriculture, especially specialty crops, will play in meeting the
world's growing food and energy needs. Information from the plenary panel will be essential to
the discussions at the United Nations Conference of Parties 16 in Mexico.
Project 54 California Department of Food and Agriculture $484,271
Abstract: The purpose of this project will be to prepare a Master Environmental Impact Report
(Master EIR) to support the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s statewide program
for the protection of specialty crops through the control and eradication of non-native invasive
species (invasive or pest). Producers of specialty crops across the state have been, and continue
to be, negatively impacted by the ongoing invasion of invasive pests. The project will use the
services of an environmental consulting firm to prepare an environmental impact report based on
the collection and assessment of the latest scientific data and independent research. The final
Master EIR will include five program elements: Public Outreach; Statewide Survey;
Containment; Rapid Response; and Research. The grant funds will be used for the Human Health
and Ecological Risk Assessment portion of the project.
Project 55 The Regents of the University of California, Center for Produce Safety $296,368
Project Title: Developing and Validating Practical Strategies to Improve Microbial Safety in
Composting Process Control and Handing Practices
Abstract: Compost as soil amendment and organic fertilizer is a major source of nutrients for
plant growth. Although the high temperatures generated by microbial activities during active
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composting can inactivate pathogens, survival or re-growth of foodborne pathogens during the
composting process or in finished compost can be problematic for vegetable production. This
study uses a systems approach to address pathogen control during the composting process and
subsequent storage and handling of finished products and develops and validates some practical
strategies which can be readily adopted by composting operators or growers. The partners in this
project will validate the thermal inactivation data of E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in compost
using naturally occurring isolates; optimize and validate the finished compost as physical
covering and straw as the base of passive static compost heaps and windrow compost piles;
apply the pathogen growth model to determine the potential of finished composts to support the
pathogen growth, and investigate the growth, survival, and control of foodborne pathogens in the
finished compost. Results from this study will provide practical methods or practices on compost
production and handling to eliminate or reduce pathogen contamination of compost, thereby
helping the produce industry to grow safe products for human consumption.
Project 56 The Regents of the University of California, Center for Produce Safety $142,523
Abstract: The project will help the leafy greens produce industry determine if wild amphibians
(frogs, toads) and reptiles (lizards, snakes) are potential carriers of E. coli O157:H7 and
Salmonella in the central California coast produce production region. The project will identify
management practices and prevention strategies that reduce the risk of contamination of leafy
greens and nearby waterways by these species. Statistical procedures and epidemiological
methods will be used to complete three objectives: 1) determine if wild amphibians and reptiles
are reservoirs of E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in the central California coast; 2) identify farm
production practices, environmental factors and control strategies that reduce the risk of
contamination from amphibian and reptile species in the leafy greens produce growing
environment, and 3) extend knowledge of preventing produce contamination by amphibians and
reptiles to the produce community. The science-based data from this study will support co-
management to promote both food safety and environmental goals in the central California coast.
Specifically, the results will improve pre-season and pre-harvest environmental assessments and
interventions as required in the Leafy Green Marketing Agreement (LGMA) metrics, in
particular those addressing animal intrusions.
Project 57 The Regents of the University of California, Center for Produce Safety $296,360
Project Title: Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Bioaerosols from Cattle Production Areas:
Evaluation of Proximity and Airborne Transport on Leafy Green Crop Contamination
Abstract: A clear role for dust or wind in the transport of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from cattle
to produce crops has not been determined. The research objectives are to: (1) Determine if E.
coli O157:H7 is transported by dust or wind from cattle production to leafy green crops, and (2)
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Determine the impacts of environmental conditions and proximity on any dust/wind transmission
of E. coli O157:H7. In each of two years, spinach will be planted in plots at distances from 60 to
180 meters from a cattle feedlot. Spinach plants will be collected every two weeks and
examined for E. coli O157:H7 and nonpathogenic E. coli. Weather data, including rainfall
volumes and intensity, air temperature, wind direction and speed, and relative humidity will be
recorded at 15-min intervals by an on-site weather station. Thus, if E. coli O157:H7 is found to
be transmitted to spinach by dust or wind, the effects of distance and other environmental factors
on the transport process can be determined. This information is critical to the produce industry
for understanding the risks associated with growing crops in close proximity to cattle production,
and for determining safe distances between cattle feedlots and crop production.
Project 58 The Regents of the University of California, Center for Produce Safety $70,104
Project Title: Rapid Testing of Flume Water Organic Load to Better Assess the Efficacy of
Free Chlorine Against Escherichia coli O157:H7 During Commercial Lettuce Processing
Abstract: In response to continued outbreaks involving E. coli O157:H7 and other bacterial
pathogens, the safety of fresh produce has now become a top priority. Although bagged salad
mixes and other such products available in supermarkets have been commercially washed
multiple times in various chemical sanitizers to minimize the risks from hazardous
microorganisms, such practices will not totally ensure end-product safety. As product residues
accumulate in the water during processing and reduce the effectiveness of commonly used
commercial sanitizers, bacterial contaminants in this water are readily transferred to previously
uncontaminated product. The study will explore some of the water quality issues related to
chlorine effectiveness with the goal being to identify several easily measureable water related
factors (example - the amount of lettuce debris in the water) that can be easily monitored by the
industry to increase the effectiveness of chlorinated sanitizers.
Project 59 The Regents of the University of California, Center for Produce Safety $45,008
Project Title: Non Invasive Imaging Approaches to Evaluate Potential Infusion Of Pathogens
During Vacuum Cooling Of Lettuce Leaves and Real Time Dynamics of Microbes on Leaf
Tissues as a Function of Moisture Content
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risks of infiltration during a vacuum cooling process and practical approaches to address the risk
Project 60 The Regents of the University of California, Center for Produce Safety $169,575
Project Title: Developing Buffer Zone Distances Between Sheep Grazing Operations and
Vegetable Crops to Maximize Food Safety
Abstract: Recent outbreaks of human infection with E. coli O157:H7 and other bacteria linked
to consumption of produce have raised concerns that sheep and other ruminants may elevate
pathogen levels within the soil, and have the potential of being transmitted to produce fields via
aerosols. Buffer zones between crop production fields and livestock operations are important to
prevent potential transmission of pathogens from animals to crops. Currently, there is little
information related to appropriate combinations of time and distance between livestock
operations and crop systems, particularly in terms of pathogen survival in animal feces, soil,
aerosols, and pathogen movements through wind, water or flies. The California Leafy Green
Products Handler Marketing Agreement (LGMA) suggests that a distance of 400ft exist between
a concentrated animal feeding operation and the edge of a crop and 30ft for grazing
lands/domestic animals, but recognize a lack of science on which to base this recommendation.
This research aims to investigate factors associated with the survival of bacterial pathogens from
initial deposition as feces, to presence in soil before and after irrigation events, to presence of
pathogens in dust generated in fields with active livestock grazing, and investigate the distance
which pathogens can be transferred by aerosolized particles.
Project 61 The Regents of the University of California, Center for Produce Safety $58,554
Project Title: Developing a Program to Educate the Walnut Supply Chain as it Pertains to
Product Handling and Safety
Abstract: Walnuts have not been implicated in any food borne illness outbreaks to date.
However, recent Salmonella outbreaks associated with almonds and more recently pistachios
have highlighted the vulnerability of nut crops as potential vectors for food borne pathogens. The
California walnut industry has a critical interest in preventing outbreaks associated with walnuts
and limiting the scope should there be an outbreak. This project describes the development and
implementation of education and training programs specific to the walnut industry, to be
delivered to 60+ walnut “handlers” operating in California. The program seeks to bring all
walnut handlers up to a common level of knowledge about food safety hazards, processes and
programs through a series of on-line educational modules. The modules will cover the basics of
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Homeland Security
(HMLS), Product Protection and Defense and Safety, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
(HACCP), and principals of Trace/Recall. The second part of the program will entail a series of
group meetings with handlers to prepare a hazard analysis appropriate for the individual
operations. Training and implementation materials will be developed to aid in addressing the
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identified hazards. Finally, a second series of workshops provide training in developing trace-
recall and food security programs.
Project 62 The Regents of the University of California, Center for Produce Safety $330,541
Abstract: Mandatory glove use when handling raw produce and the practice of sanitizing gloves
with bleach is common despite uncertainty that these practices improve the safety of foods. Here,
the impacts of glove use (frequency of changing and glove composition) and sanitation (using
bleach and a novel sanitizer developed at the University of Georgia (UGA) on cross-
contamination of raw head lettuce by bacterial (E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella) and viral
(norovirus) pathogens during harvest will be investigated. Since build-up (soil and lettuce
residue) on gloves likely impacts transfer of pathogens to and from gloves, accumulation of these
materials on gloves over time (0.5, 1, 2 and 4 hr) will be quantified for volunteer harvesters
wearing either rubber or nitrile gloves. In the lab, natural accumulation will be mimicked on
gloves and the likelihood of pathogen transfer to gloves and head lettuce will be investigated.
Finally, a novel sanitizer will be evaluated for its efficacy in removing organic material
accumulation and inactivating pathogens on gloves as compared to bleach. This study will
provide a scientific basis for making recommendations on glove use and sanitation during
harvesting head lettuce and will contribute to improving the safety of fresh produce.
Project 63 The Regents of the University of California, Center for Produce Safety $56,935
Abstract: Salmonella spp. has been implicated in numerous outbreaks of foodborne illness tied
to the consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts, seeds and spices. Multistate outbreaks of
salmonellasis due to consumption of tomatoes, mangos, melons and raw almonds have
highlighted the ability of Salmonella to persist in a wide range of pre- and postharvest
environments. Exposure to large swings in moisture, temperature, and nutrient levels are
expected in these environments. The relative tolerance to these conditions is known differ among
strains of Salmonella. In addition, some of the environmental stressors may trigger a variety of
survival response mechanisms in some strains providing further competitive advantage. While
strain dependent survival phenomena have been documented, the mechanism of these differences
is not clear. The research seeks to increase our understanding of the environmental factors that
trigger survival mechanisms in outbreak-related strains of Salmonella and to better elucidate
those mechanisms related to desiccation tolerance and environmental persistence. The results
will help the produce industry to better interpret Salmonella-positive test results and should assist
in making informed decisions related to pre and postharvest risks of contamination.
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