Synopsis 2 Deek Sha
Synopsis 2 Deek Sha
Synopsis 2 Deek Sha
3 System Development 4
Life Cycle
4 Feasibility Study 5
5 Design 6
7 DFD Symbols 8
9 Modules 14
10 Database 15-18
Synopsis 2014CSA1406
Synopsis 2014CSA1406
The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) is an Autonomous
Scientific Society of Department of Electronics and Information
Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology,
Government of India.
After being denied a Cray supercomputer by the United States in 1987 due to a
fear of it being used for military purposes, India started a program to develop an
indigenous supercomputer in collaboration with Russia. Supercomputers were
considered a double edged weapon capable of assisting in the development
of nuclear weapons. For the purpose of achieving self-sufficiency in the field, C-
DAC was established by the Department of Electronics in 1988. Vijay Bhatkar was
hired as the Director of C-DAC.
The final result of the effort was the PARAM 8000, which was installed in 1991. It
is considered India's first supercomputer.
C-DAC provides several courses in the field of advanced computing and software
development. Among these are the hpc certification course C-DAC Certified HPC
Professional Certification Programme (CCHPCP). CDAC organises advanced
computing diploma programmes through the Advanced Computing Training
School (ACTS) located all over India. The PG Diploma courses include
specialisations in Embedded System Design, VLSI, etc.
Synopsis 2014CSA1406
The Project entitled “Elan Club ” is a web based application software developed in
JAVA Language using JAVA as front end.
The main aim of “Elan CLub” is to improve the services of Customers and Vendors.
It maintains the details of the Customer payments , product receipts , addition of
new customers , products and also supports updating and deleting for the same.
It also stores the details of the invoices generated by the customer and payments
made by them with all Payments details such as Credit Card.
The primary features of the project are high accuracy , design flexibility and easy
availability . It uses Database Tables representing Entities and the relationships
between them.
The central concept of the application to allow the customer to shop virtually
using the Internet and allow the customers to buy the items and articles of their
own choice . The information pertaining to the products , customers , suppliers
are stored on RDBMS at the server side.
Synopsis 2014CSA1406
Synopsis 2014CSA1406
Depending on the result of the initial investigation, the survey is expanded to
more detailed feasibility study. A feasibility study is a test of system proposal
according to its work ability impact on the organization, ability to meet the users
need and effective user or resources.
It focuses on three major questions:-
1) What are the user’s demonstrable needs and how does the
candidate system meet them?
2) What resources are available for a given candidate system and
is the problem worth solving?
3) What is the likely impact of the candidate system on the
organization? How well does it fit within the organization
master MIS plans?
The result of the feasibility study is a formal proposal. This is simply a report-a
formal document detailing the nature and scope of proposed solution. The
proposal summarizes what is known and what is going to be done.
Synopsis 2014CSA1406
Design is the first step into the development phase for any engineered product or
system. Design is a creative process. A good design is the key to effective system.
The term “design” is defined as “the process of applying various techniques and
principles for the purpose of defining a process or a system in sufficient detail to
permit its physical realization”. It may be defined as a process of applying various
techniques and principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process or a
system in sufficient detail to permit its physical realization. Software design sits at
the technical kernel of the software engineering process and is applied regardless
of the development paradigm that is used. The system design develops the
architectural detail required to build a system or product. As in the case of any
systematic approach, this software too has undergone the best possible design
phase fine tuning all efficiency, performance and accuracy levels. The design
phase is a transition from a user oriented document to a document to the
programmers or database personnel.
System design goes through two phases of development –
Logical design
Physical Design
The Logical design shows logical flow of a system and define the boundaries of a
system. It includes the following steps -
Reviews the current physical system – its data flows, file content, volumes,
Frequencies etc.
Prepares output specifications – that is, determines the format, content
and Frequency of reports.
Prepares input specifications – format, content and most of the input
Prepares edit, security and control specifications.
Specifies the implementation plan.
Prepares a logical design walk through of the information flow, output,
input, Controls and implementation plan.
Reviews benefits, costs, target dates and system constraints.
Synopsis 2014CSA1406
Synopsis 2014CSA1406
A square defines a source or destination of system data.
Synopsis 2014CSA1406
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Synopsis 2014CSA1406
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Synopsis 2014CSA1406
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