Bris Ceremony
Bris Ceremony
Bris Ceremony
The Kvatterin passes the infant from mother to the kvatter. The kvatter
brings the infant into the sanctuary to begin the ceremony.
When the infant is brought into the room, everyone stands and greets
him with the words "Baruch Haba" - "Blessed is the one arriving"...
1. Elijah was a champion for the mitzvah of Bris in his day, he was
given the privilege to share in every Bris.
2. Elijah will herald the messianic era.Since each child has the potential
to help bring the Messiah, Elijah comes to greet the child who can help
him bring the messianic era to all mankind.
Once the child is placed on the chair, the Mohel recites the following...
3. Sandak
Wrapped in a tallit is usually the father, a grandfather, a very close
friend or a very respected Torah scholar.
Someone then takes the baby from the Chair of Elijah, and puts the
baby into the lap of the Sandak. The Sandak sits on a nearby chair. The
ceremony will be done on the Sandak's lap.
The mohel asks the father if he may act as the father's proxy for this
special commandment of circumcision (the father has the right to
perform the circumcision himself. Usually, the father appoints the
mohel as his proxy, since it requires many details).
Praised are You, Adonai our God, who rules the universe, whose
mitzvot add holiness to our lives and who gave us the mitzvah of
circumcision. (Amen - All)
Here the Mohel circumcises the baby. There are several steps to
the act of circumcision: cutting of the foreskin, moving aside the
remaining skin (p'riah) and squeezing blood (metzizah, usually
with a sterile narrow tube). Usually the baby will cry briefly but
quiet down almost immediately. The mohel soothes the baby
either by offering him either a finger to suck on, a pacifier, or a
bit of wine.
4. Father’s Blessing
Immediately after the circumcision is performed the father recites the
following blessing...
Praised are You, Adonai our God, who rules the universe, whose
mitzvot add holiness to our lives and who gave us the mitzvah to
bring our son into the covenant of Abraham our father and Sarah
our mother.
5. All respond loudley...
6. Completing of Bris
The Mohel completes the Bris and the infant is taken from the Sandek's
lap and given to the Sandek standing.
7. Mohel’s Blessing
The Mohel or a guests that you wish to honor takes the cup of wine in
his right hand and recites the following blessing...
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who creates
the fruit of the vine: (Amen - All)
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who
sanctified the beloved one from the womb, set His statute in his
flesh, and sealed his descendants with the sign of the holy
Covenant. Therefore, as a reward of this (circumcision), the
living God, our Portion, our Rock, has ordained that the beloved
of our flesh be saved from the abyss, for the sake of the
Covenant which He has set in our flesh. Blessed are You Lord,
who makes the Covenant (Amen - All)
After naming the child, the person who recited the blessings drinks
some wine.
10. Now the Mohel and father recite the following prayer:
Mohel Says:
(baby's father's Hebrew name)
the son of (baby's Hebrew name)
who has now been circumcised for the sake of Your great Name.
May his heart be open as the portal of the Great Hall in the
Temple in Your holy Torah, to learn and to teach, to observe and
to practice; grant him long life, a life imbued with the fear of sin,
a life of wealth and honor; and fulfill the desires of his heart for
good. Amen, and so may it be Your will.
11. The kvatter takes the infant from the sandak and hands
him to the kvatterin, who hands him back to the mother.