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Owner's Manual CH640, CH730, CH740: Liquefi Ed Petroleum Gas (LPG) or LPG/Natural Gas (NG) Fueled

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CH640, CH730, CH740

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) or LPG/Natural Gas (NG) Fueled

Owner's Manual

IMPORTANT: Read all safety precautions and instructions carefully before

operating equipment. Refer to operating instruction of
equipment that this engine powers.
Ensure engine is stopped and level before performing any
maintenance or service.
Warranty coverage as outlined in warranty card and on
KohlerEngines.com. Please review carefully as it provides you
specific rights and obligations.
To maintain compliance with applicable emission regulations,
exhaust system backpressure may not exceed limits which can
be found on KohlerEngines.com. Search by Model No., select
Read More, then select Specs tab.

Record engine information to reference when ordering parts or obtaining warranty coverage.

Engine Model
Serial Number
Purchase Date

24 590 29 Rev. C KohlerEngines.com

Safety Precautions
WARNING: A hazard that could result in death, serious injury, or substantial property damage.

CAUTION: A hazard that could result in minor personal injury or property damage.

NOTE: is used to notify people of important installation, operation, or maintenance information.


Explosive Fuel Carbon Accidental
can cause fires Monoxide can Starts can cause
and severe cause severe severe injury or
burns. nausea, fainting death.
or death.
If a gaseous Disconnect and
odor is detected, Avoid inhaling ground spark
ventilate area exhaust fumes. plug lead(s)
and contact before servicing.
an authorized Engine exhaust gases
service contain poisonous carbon
technician. monoxide. Carbon Before working on engine or
monoxide is odorless, equipment, disable engine
LPG is extremely flammable colorless, and can cause as follows: 1) Disconnect
and is heavier than air and death if inhaled. spark plug lead(s). 2)
tends to settle in low areas Disconnect negative (–)
where a spark or flame battery cable from battery.
could ignite gas. Do not WARNING Before disconnecting
start or operate this engine negative (-) ground cable,
in a poorly ventilated area Rotating Parts make sure all switches
where leaking gas could can cause are OFF. If ON, a spark
accumulate and endanger severe injury. will occur at ground cable
safety of persons in area. terminal which could cause
Stay away while an explosion if hydrogen
NG is extremely flammable, engine is in
is lighter than air, and rises. gas or LPG/NG fuel vapors
operation. are present.
Do not start or operate this
engine in a poorly ventilated Keep hands, feet, hair,
area where leaking gas and clothing away from all
could accumulate and moving parts to prevent
endanger safety of persons injury. Never operate engine WARNING
in area. with covers, shrouds, or Hot Parts can
To ensure personal guards removed. cause severe
safety, installation and burns.
repair of LPG/NG fuel Do not touch
supply systems must CAUTION engine while
be performed only by operating or just
qualified LPG/NG system Electrical Shock
can cause injury. after stopping.
technicians. Improperly
installed and maintained Do not touch
LPG/NG equipment could Never operate engine with
wires while heat shields or guards
cause fuel supply system engine is
or other components to removed.
malfunction, causing gas
Observe federal, state California Proposition 65 Warning
and local laws governing
LPG/NG fuel, storage, and Engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known
systems. to State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other
reproductive harm.

California Proposition 65 Warning

This product contains chemicals known to State of California to
cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.

2 KohlerEngines.com 24 590 29 Rev. C







A Oil Fill B Vaporizer C LPG Regulator D Debris Screen

Air Cleaner
E Dipstick F Oil Filter G Oil Drain Plug H Base
I Paper Element J Precleaner K Rubber Seal L Element Cover
Air Cleaner Air Cleaner Low-Profile Air
M Wing Nut N O P
Cover Knob Cleaner
Visit KohlerEngines.com for service parts information and purchasing options.

Pre-Start Checklist
1. Check oil level. Add oil if low. Do not overfill.
2. Check fuel gauge (if equipped). If LPG tank is low, have it refilled. Check fuel system
components and lines for leaks.
3. Check and clean cooling areas, air intake areas and external surfaces of engine (particularly
after storage).
4. Check that air cleaner components and all shrouds, equipment covers, and guards are in place
and securely fastened.
5. Check spark arrestor (if equipped).

24 590 29 Rev. C KohlerEngines.com 3

Starting Cold Weather Starting Hints
1. Use proper oil for temperature expected.
WARNING 2. Disengage all possible external loads.
Carbon Monoxide can cause Stopping
severe nausea, fainting or death.
1. If possible, remove load by disengaging all
Avoid inhaling exhaust fumes. PTO driven attachments.
Engine exhaust gases contain poisonous 2. Turn fuel valve to full closed position and
carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is allow engine to continue running until it runs
odorless, colorless, and can cause death if out of fuel. Turn key switch to OFF position.
inhaled. Switching off key switch prior to allowing
engine to run out of fuel may create a
Angle of Operation
Rotating Parts can cause severe
injury. Refer to operating instructions of equipment
this engine powers. Do not operate this engine
Stay away while engine is in exceeding maximum angle of operation; see
operation. specification table. Engine damage could result
Keep hands, feet, hair, and clothing away from insufficient lubrication.
from all moving parts to prevent injury. Never
operate engine with covers, shrouds, or Engine Speed
guards removed. NOTE: Do not tamper with governor setting to
NOTE: Do not crank engine continuously for increase maximum engine speed.
more than 10 seconds. Allow a 60 Overspeed is hazardous and will void
second cool down period between warranty.
starting attempts. Failure to follow
these guidelines can burn out starter
NOTE: Upon start-up, a metallic ticking may
occur. Run engine for 5 minutes. If
noise continues, run engine at mid
throttle for 20 minutes. If noise persists,
take engine to your local Kohler
authorized dealer.
NOTE: If starter is engaged while flywheel is
rotating, starter pinion and flywheel ring
gear may clash resulting in damage to
1. Place throttle control (if equipped) into idle
position. Place choke control (if equipped)
into ON position.
2. Slowly turn fuel valve on LPG (propane) tank
or NG line (if equipped) to full open position.
3. Turn key switch to START position. Release
switch as soon as engine starts. If starter
does not turn engine over, shut off key switch
immediately. Do not make further attempts to
start engine until condition is corrected. Do
not jump start. See your Kohler authorized
dealer for trouble analysis.

4 KohlerEngines.com 24 590 29 Rev. C

Maintenance Instructions

Before working on engine or equipment, disable
Accidental Starts can cause engine as follows: 1) Disconnect spark plug
severe injury or death. lead(s). 2) Disconnect negative (–) battery cable
Disconnect and ground spark from battery.
plug lead(s) before servicing.
Normal maintenance, replacement or repair of emission control devices and systems may be
performed by any repair establishment or individual; however, warranty repairs must be performed
by a Kohler authorized dealer found at KohlerEngines.com or 1-800-544-2444 (U.S. and Canada).
For safety and health reasons, many states require special licensing or certification for servicing
LPG fuel systems. Check local and state regulations before choosing a repair establishment to
perform fuel system repairs.

Maintenance Schedule
Every 25 Hours1
● Service precleaner element.
Every 100 Hours1
● Check oil cooler fins, clean as necessary (if equipped).
● Change oil.
● Replace air cleaner element.
● Remove cooling shrouds and clean cooling areas.
Every 200 Hours1
● Change oil filter.
Every 500 Hours or Annually1
● Check all lines (high pressure/vacuum) including fittings for leaks.
● Drain regulator of accumulated fuel deposits.
● Replace spark plugs and set gap.
Every 500 Hours or Annually1,2
● Have lock-off/filter serviced.
● Have combustion deposits removed if using non-synthetic oil.
Every 1500 Hours1,2
● Have regulator disassembled, cleaned, and reset.
● Have vaporizer disassembled, cleaned, and serviced.
Perform these procedures more frequently under severe, dusty, dirty conditions.
Must be performed by a Kohler authorized dealer or qualified LPG personnel only.

24 590 29 Rev. C KohlerEngines.com 5

Oil Recommendations Change Oil and Filter
Synthetic oil is recommended for use in Change oil while engine is warm.
LPG/NG fueled engines. Non-synthetic oil must
be low ash* rated oil. Oils (including synthetic) 1. Clean area around oil fill cap/dipstick, drain
must meet API (American Petroleum Institute) plug/oil drain valve.
service class SG, SH, SJ, or SL. Select a. Remove drain plug and oil fill cap/
viscosity based on air temperature at time of dipstick. Allow oil to drain completely.
operation as shown in table below.
*Low ash is defined as less than 1% sulfated
ash. b. Open oil drain valve cap; if needed,
attach a length of 1/2 in. I.D. hose to
direct oil into appropriate container; twist
10W-30 valve drain body counterclockwise and
pull. Remove dipstick. Allow oil to drain
SAE 30
5W-30 2. Clean area around oil filter. Place a container
under filter to catch any oil and remove filter.
°F -20 0 20 32 40 50 60 80 100
Wipe off mounting surface.
°C -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 a. Reinstall drain plug. Torque to 10 ft. lb.
(13.6 N·m).
Check Oil Level or
NOTE: To prevent extensive engine wear or b. Close oil drain valve body, remove hose
damage, never run engine with oil level (if used), and replace cap.
below or above operating range 3. Place new filter in shallow pan with open end
indicator on dipstick. up. Fill with new oil until oil reaches bottom of
Ensure engine is cool. Clean oil fill/dipstick threads. Allow 2 minutes for oil to be
areas of any debris. absorbed by filter material.
1. Remove dipstick; wipe oil off. 4. Apply a thin film of clean oil to rubber gasket
on new filter.
a. Press-in cap: reinsert dipstick into tube;
press completely down. 5. Refer to instructions on oil filter for proper
6. Fill crankcase with new oil. Level should be
b. Thread-on cap: reinsert dipstick into at top of indicator on dipstick.
tube; rest cap on tube, do not thread cap
onto tube. 7. Reinstall oil fill cap/dipstick and tighten
2. Remove dipstick; check oil level. Level
should be at top of indicator on dipstick. 8. Start engine; check for oil leaks. Stop engine;
correct leaks. Recheck oil level.
3. If oil is low on indicator, add oil up to top of
indicator mark. 9. Dispose of used oil and filter in accordance
with local ordinances.
4. Reinstall dipstick and tighten securely.

6 KohlerEngines.com 24 590 29 Rev. C

Oil Sentry™ (if equipped) Fuel Conversion
This switch is designed to prevent engine NOTE: When switching from NG to LPG fuel
from starting in a low oil or no oil condition. Oil or LPG to NG fuel, battery must be
Sentry™ may not shut down a running engine temporarily disconnected for safety and
before damage occurs. In some applications to reset system.
this switch may activate a warning signal. Read
your equipment manuals for more information. Some engines are equipped to convert between
LPG and NG. Models with fitting and jet should
follow these instructions for conversion. Other
Fuel Recommendations metering valves should be installed following
instructions given by equipment it powers.
Shut off fuel supply before any servicing is
WARNING performed.
Explosive Fuel can cause fires LPG Operation
and severe burns. Installation of jet in regulator fitting is required
If a gaseous odor is detected, for LPG operation.
ventilate area and contact an
authorized service technician. Switching from NG to LPG
Remove fuel inlet hose. Inspect internal threads
LPG is extremely flammable and is heavier of regulator fitting to ensure they are clean and
than air and tends to settle in low areas dry. Install jet into fuel elbow orifice for LPG
where a spark or flame could ignite gas. Do operation. Reconnect and fully tighten fuel inlet
not start or operate this engine in a poorly hose.
ventilated area where leaking gas could
accumulate and endanger safety of persons Outlet pressure should be checked and if
in area. required, set at secondary regulator to 4.0 to
5.0 psi by qualified personnel.
NG is extremely flammable, is lighter than air,
and rises. Do not start or operate this engine NG Operation
in a poorly ventilated area where leaking gas Removal of jet from regulator fitting is required
could accumulate and endanger safety of for NG operation.
persons in area.
Switching from LPG to NG
To ensure personal safety, installation and
repair of LPG/NG fuel supply systems must Remove LPG fuel jet from regulator fitting.
be performed only by qualified LPG/NG Disconnect hose, remove jet from orifice, and
system technicians. Improperly installed and reconnect hose.
maintained LPG/NG equipment could cause Recommended fuel inlet pressure for NG
fuel supply system or other components to systems is 11 in. water (engine off). Reduced
malfunction, causing gas leaks. pressure could result in hard starting.
Observe federal, state and local laws
governing LPG/NG fuel, storage, and

This engine is certified to operate on LPG or

LPG Engines
LPG from an appropriate LPG fuel tank
(supplied separately) is required to operate this
NG Engines
NG from an approved system or source of
supply can be used to operate this engine.

24 590 29 Rev. C KohlerEngines.com 7

LPG Regulator Air Cleaner
In compliance with government emission NOTE: Operating engine with loose or
standards, regulator is preset at factory to damaged air cleaner components
provide proper supply of fuel. No adjustment or could cause premature wear and
resetting of regulator is to be made. All service failure. Replace all bent or damaged
relating to regulator must be performed by components.
a Kohler authorized dealer or qualified LPG
personnel only. NOTE: Paper element cannot be blown out
with compressed air.
Over time, fuel deposits can accumulate
inside regulator. Removing these deposits is Loosen knob and remove air cleaner cover.
recommended (Nikki regulators only). Follow Precleaner:
steps below to drain Nikki Regulators.
1. Remove precleaner from paper element.
1. Turn fuel supply valve off, run engine out of
fuel, and turn off ignition switch. 2. Replace or wash precleaner in warm water
with detergent. Rinse and allow to air dry.
2. Disconnect and ground spark plug leads.
3. Saturate precleaner with new engine oil;
3. Remove 1/8" pipe plug from bottom of squeeze out excess oil.
regulator. Remove any accumulated
deposits. 4. Reinstall precleaner over paper element.
4. Reinstall plug using Teflon® pipe sealant (not Paper Element:
Teflon® tape) on threads and tighten securely. 1. Clean area around element. Remove wing
If required, a replacement plug can be found nut, element cover, and paper element with
at KohlerEngines.com. precleaner.
2. Separate precleaner from element; service
Lock-Off/Filter Assembly precleaner and replace paper element.
Lock-Off/Filter Assembly opens, closes, and 3. Check condition of rubber seal and replace if
filters liquid fuel flow from supply tank before necessary.
reaching vaporizer.
4. Install new paper element on base; install
Vaporizer precleaner over paper element; reinstall
Vaporizer changes Liquefied Petroleum (LPG) element cover and secure with wing nut.
from supply tank to a gaseous/vapor state. Reinstall air cleaner cover and secure with
Spark Plugs
Breather Tube (if equipped)
Ensure end of breather tube is properly
CAUTION connected.
Electrical Shock can cause injury.
Do not touch wires while engine
is running.

Clean out spark plug recess. Remove plug and

1. Check gap using wire feeler gauge. Adjust
gap, see specification table for adjustment.
2. Install plug into cylinder head.
3. Torque plug to 20 ft. lb. (27 N·m).

8 KohlerEngines.com 24 590 29 Rev. C

Oil Cooler (if equipped) Leakage Check/Testing
1. Clean fins with a brush or compressed air. With fuel valve fully opened, engine not
running, turn key switch ON. Check all fuel
2. Remove two screws securing oil cooler, and system connections and lines for leaks using
tilt to clean back side. soapy water. Any leakage must be corrected
3. Reinstall oil cooler. before restarting engine. Have service
performed by a Kohler authorized dealer or
Air Cooling qualified LPG/NG personnel only.

WARNING If engine will be out of service for 2 months or
more follow procedure below.
Hot Parts can cause severe
burns. 1. Change oil while engine is still warm from
operation. Remove spark plug(s) and pour
Do not touch engine while about 1 oz. of engine oil into cylinder(s).
operating or just after stopping. Replace spark plug(s) and crank engine
slowly to distribute oil.
Never operate engine with heat shields or
guards removed. 2. Disconnect negative (-) battery cable.
3. Separate LPG tank from unit and store
Proper cooling is essential. To prevent over separately in an area designated for safe
heating, clean screens, cooling fins, and other LPG tank storage.
external surfaces of engine. Avoid spraying
water at wiring harness or any electrical 4. Store engine in a clean, dry place.
components. See Maintenance Schedule.

Repairs/Service Parts
We recommend that you use a Kohler
authorized dealer for all maintenance,
service, and replacement parts for engine.
To find a Kohler authorized dealer visit
KohlerEngines.com or call 1-800-544-2444
(U.S. and Canada).

24 590 29 Rev. C KohlerEngines.com 9

Do not attempt to service or replace major engine components, or any items that require special timing or adjustment procedures. This work
should be performed by a Kohler authorized dealer.
Possible Cause
Restricted Dirty Faulty Dirty/
Problem Improper Dirt In Lock-off Debris Incorrect Engine Dirty Air Spark Restricted
No Fuel Fuel Fuel Line Fuel Filter Screen Oil Level Overloaded Cleaner Plug Regulator
Will Not Start ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Hard Starting ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Stops Suddenly ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Lacks Power ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Operates Erratically ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Knocks or Pings ● ● ● ● ● ●
Skips or Misfires ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Backfires ● ● ● ● ●
Overheats ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

High Fuel Consumption ● ●

24 590 29 Rev. C
Engine Specifications

Capacity Spark Plug Maximum Angle

Model Bore Stroke Displacement Oil(Refi of Operation
ll) Gap (@ full oil level)*

3.03 in. 38 cu. in. 0.02 in.

CH640 (77 mm) 2.64 in. (624 cc) 1.7-1.9 U.S. qt. (0.51 mm) 25°
CH730 3.27 in. (67 mm) 44 cu. in. (1.6-1.8 L) 0.03 in.
CH740 (83 mm) (725 cc) (0.76 mm)
*Exceeding maximum angle of operation may cause engine damage from insufficient lubrication.
Additional specification information can be found in service manual at KohlerEngines.com.
Exhaust Emission Control System for gaseous fuel models CH640, CH730, and CH740 is EM for
U.S. EPA, California, and Europe.
Any and all horsepower (hp) references by Kohler are Certified Power Ratings and per SAE J1940
& J1995 hp standards. Details on Certified Power Ratings can be found at KohlerEngines.com.

24 590 29 Rev. C KohlerEngines.com 11

© 2015 by Kohler Co. All rights reserved.
KohlerEngines.com 24 590 29 Rev. C

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