Honey: Learn Why Regular Honey Just Doesn't Cut It. For Your Free Printable On Why Manuka Honey Is A Must Buy!
Honey: Learn Why Regular Honey Just Doesn't Cut It. For Your Free Printable On Why Manuka Honey Is A Must Buy!
Honey: Learn Why Regular Honey Just Doesn't Cut It. For Your Free Printable On Why Manuka Honey Is A Must Buy!
Historically honey has been used for medicinal purposes dating back
thousands of years. Seeing that it is one of nature’s richest
antimicrobial sources, it shouldn’t surprise us to hear that many
archeologists claim that while excavating the tombs of Egyptian royals
from thousands of years ago, they discovered unspoiled honey in
pots. (1)
Learn why regular honey just doesn't cut it. Click here for your free printable on why Manuka
honey is a must buy!
Whether it was with the Far Eastern Vedic tradition, ancient Greek
mythology or in Biblical times, where the promised land was known as
the “land flowing with milk and honey,” cultures around the globe have
praised honey for being an amazing healing treasure.
Raw or pasteurized
Filtered or unfiltered
Comb (with the edible beeswax inside) liquid or whipped
Local or imported
As a rule of thumb, you get what you pay for. Most products at
conventional supermarkets are not much different from high fructose
corn syrup. To get good honey today, you pretty much have to go to
your local health food store, local farm co-op or go online to purchase
the real deal.
However, it’s not impossible to find Manuka honey, and as you’ll see,
there are many reasons to seek it out.
Top 10 Manuka Honey Benefits
Manuka honey benefits have been touted in the natural health world
for a long time and even more in recent years because a growing
body of research is starting to support thousands of years of folk
medicine use. Some of the top Manuka honey uses are and benefits
Most people claim that applying honey on affected areas for a few
minutes and then washing off with gentle soap and water usually does
the trick. Repeat this every day or every other day for the best results.
3. Combats Staph Infections (MRSA)
Several studies have come out describing how Manuka honey can
help treat and prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease. Due to its
superior antimicrobial activity, researchers from the School of
Dentistry at the University of Otago in New Zealand discovered
that chewing or sucking on a Manuka honey product not only caused
a 35 percent decrease in plaque, but it led to a 35 percent reduction in
bleeding sites in people suffering from gingivitis. (9) Also calcium, zinc
and phosphorus are all important nutrients for healing teeth.
Coupling with this 2011 research showing how Manuka stops the
growth of sore throat-causing Strep bacteria, it is no wonder that so
many people benefit almost instantly from taking a spoonful of honey
when they don’t feel well. (12) Recently it has even been approved by
the National Cancer Institute to be used to treat inflammation in the
throat from chemotherapy.
8. Helps Allergies
The researchers also found that there was very little difference
between the birch pollen honey users and the regular honey users.
So, taking Manuka honey on a regular basis may really help
your seasonal allergies and lessen your need for medications. (13)
9. Beauty Treatment and Health Booster
Taken daily, Manuka honey has an elixir effect that boosts energy and
enhances your quality of life. Because of its nutrient-dense profile, it
boosts vitality, youthful energy, and has been known to improve skin
tone and texture.
There are many health disorders associated with poor sleep, such as
heart disease, type II diabetes, stroke and arthritis. Since honey is
proven to aid in quality sleep, it also helps lower the risk of these and
many other heath problems.
Amino acids
B vitamins (B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid)
Yet with Manuka honey, the nutritional content is up to four times that
of normal flower honeys. This is what is called the Unique Manuka
According to the UMF association, the UMF rating actually tests the
antibacterial performance of a honey and compares it to phenol, a
disinfectant. The Active Manuka Honey Association that does the
testing states:
0–4 — Non-therapeutic
4–9 — Maintenance level with general honey health benefits
10–14 — Supports natural healing and bacterial balance
15+ — Superior levels of phenols that are highly therapeutic but
shouldn’t exceed taking 1 tablesppon at a time