Solution Manual For Introduction To Probability and Statistics 3rd Canadian Edition by Mendenhall
Solution Manual For Introduction To Probability and Statistics 3rd Canadian Edition by Mendenhall
Solution Manual For Introduction To Probability and Statistics 3rd Canadian Edition by Mendenhall
1.1 a The experimental unit, the individual or object on which a variable is measured, is the student.
b The experimental unit on which the number of errors is measured is the exam.
c The experimental unit is the patient.
d The experimental unit is the azalea plant.
e The experimental unit is the car.
1.2 a “Time to assemble” is a quantitative variable because a numerical quantity (1 hour, 1.5 hours, etc.) is
b “Number of students” is a quantitative variable because a numerical quantity (1, 2, etc.) is measured.
c “Rating of a politician” is a qualitative variable since a quality (excellent, good, fair, poor) is
d “Province or territory of residence” is a qualitative variable since a quality (ON, AB, BC, etc. ) is
1.3 a “Population” is a discrete variable because it can take on only integer values.
b “Weight” is a continuous variable, taking on any values associated with an interval on the real line.
c “Time” is a continuous variable.
d “Number of consumers” is integer-valued and hence discrete.
1.5 a The experimental unit, the item or object on which variables are measured, is the vehicle.
b Type (qualitative); make (qualitative); carpool (qualitative); one-way commute distance
(quantitative continuous); age of vehicle (quantitative continuous)
c Since five variables have been measured, the data is multivariate.
1.6 a The set of ages at death represents a population, because there have only been 15 different prime
ministers in Canadian history.
b The variable being measured is the continuous variable “age.”
c “Age” is a quantitative variable.
1.7 The population of interest consists of voter opinions (for or against the candidate) at the time of the election
for all persons voting in the election. Note that when a sample is taken (at some time prior or the election),
we are not actually sampling from the population of interest. As time passes, voter opinions change. Hence,
the population of voter opinions changes with time, and the sample may not be representative of the
population of interest.
1.9 a The variable “reading score” is a quantitative variable, which is usually integer-valued and hence
b The individual on which the variable is measured is the student.
c The population is hypothetical—it does not exist in fact—but consists of the reading scores for all
students who could possibly be taught by this method.
1.10 a–b The variable “category” is a qualitative variable measured for each of 50 people who constitute the
experimental units.
c The pie chart is constructed by partitioning the circle into four parts according to the total contributed
by each part. Since the total number of people is 50, the total number in category A represents
11/50 = 0.22 or 22% of the total. Thus, this category will be represented by a sector angle of
0.22(360) = 79.2°. The other sector angles are shown below. The pie chart is shown in the figure
d The bar chart represents each category as a bar with height equal to the frequency of occurrence of that
category and is shown in the figure below.
e Yes, the shape will change depending on the order of presentation. The order is unimportant.
f The proportion of people in categories B, C, or D is found by summing the frequencies in those three
categories, and dividing by n = 50. That is, (14 + 20 + 5)/50 = 0.78.
g Since there are 14 people in category B, there are 50 − 14 = 36 who are not, and the percentage is
calculated as (36/50)100 = 72%.
1.11 a–b The experimental unit is the pair of jeans, on which the qualitative variable “province” is measured.
c–d First, construct a statistical table to summarize the data. The pie and bar charts are shown in the
figures below.
e From the table or the chart, Quebec produced 8 25 0.32 of the jeans.
f The highest bar represents Ontario, which produced the most pairs of jeans.
g Since the bars and the sectors are almost equal in size, the three provinces produced roughly the same
number of pairs of jeans.
1.12 a The population of interest consists of voter opinions (political or religious) on the conflict between
Islam and the West.
b The population from which the pollsters have sampled is the population of all adults from
27 countries (no further details available).
c The percentages given in the exercise only add to 85%. We should add another category called
“Other,” which will account for the other 15% of the responses.
d Answers will vary.
1.13 a No, a few more Islamic countries (Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, etc.) can be added in the table.
b A bar chart is appropriate.
Lebanon Egypt Indonesia Turkey
Islamic Countries
1.14 a–b The variable being measured is a qualitative variable, which would be described as “educational
c The numbers represent the percentages of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal population who fall in each
of the five educational attainment categories.
d–e The percentages falling in each of the five categories have already been calculated, and the pie chart
(Aboriginal) and bar chart (non-Aboriginal) are shown in the figures below and on the next page.
e a ry y l
e nl oo
gr om da lO h
e pl n S c
D di co oo h
ty e/ Se ch ig
si at t S H
er ic os h n
iv if P ig a
n rt e H th
U Ce m ss
o e
ty S L
1.15 a Yes. The total percentage of education level in each bar graph is 100.
b Yes. There is a significant increase (from 39% to 46%) in the post-secondary education attainment
over the years.
c The pie chart is shown below. The bar chart is probably visually more interesting.
f The bar chart is easier to follow; the pie chart is visually more interesting.
g Gender, type of device being used (laptop, desktop, tablet, phone), and Internet connection speed
(high speed) may be some other interesting variables that one might want to explore.
1.17 The most obvious choice of a stem is to use the ones digit. The portion of the observation to the right of the
ones digit constitutes the leaf. Observations are classified by row according to stem and also within each
stem according to relative magnitude. The stem and leaf plot is shown below.
1 | 6 8
2 | 1 2 5 5 5 7 8 8 9 9
3 | 1 1 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 leaf digit = 0.1
4 | 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 1 2 represents 1.2
5 | 1 1 6 6 7
6 | 12
Relative Frequency
1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6 6.1 6.6
c From b, the fraction less than 5.1 is that fraction lying in classes 1–7, or
2 5 7 5 50 43 50 0.86
d From b, the fraction larger than 3.6 lies in classes 5–10, or
14 7 3 2 50 33 50 0.66
e The stem and leaf plot has a more peaked mound-shaped distribution than the relative frequency
histogram because of the smaller number of groups.
1.19 a As in Exercise 1.17, the stem is chosen as the ones digit, and the portion of the observation to the right
of the ones digit is the leaf.
b The stems are split, with the leaf digits 0 to 4 belonging to the first part of the stem and the leaf digits
5 to 9 belonging to the second. The stem and leaf plot shown below improves the presentation of
the data.
3 | 2 3 4
3 | 5 5 5 6 6 7 9 9 9 9 leaf digit = 0.1
3 | 0 0 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 1 2 represents 1.2
4 | 5 8
1.20 a Since the variable of interest can only take the values 0, 1, or 2, the classes can be chosen as the
integer values 0, 1, and 2. The table below shows the classes, their corresponding frequencies, and
their relative frequencies.
Relative frequency
0 1 2
b Using the table in part a, the proportion of measurements greater than 1 is the same as the proportion
of “2,” or 0.30.
c The proportion of measurements less than 2 is the same as the proportion of “0” and “1,” or
0.25 + 0.45 = 0.70.
d The probability of selecting a “2” in a random selection from these twenty measurements is 6/20 = 30.
e There are no outliers in this relatively symmetric, mound-shaped distribution.
1.21 a The scale is drawn on the horizontal axis and the measurements are represented by dots.
0 1 2
b Since there is only one digit in each measurement, the ones digit must be the stem, and the leaf will be
a zero digit for each measurement.
c 0 | 0 0 0 0 0
1 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 | 0 0 0 0 0 0
d The two plots convey the same information if the stem and leaf plot is turned 90o and stretched to
resemble the dotplot.
1.22 The line chart plots “day” on the horizontal axis and “time” on the vertical axis. The line chart shown
below reveals that learning is taking place, since the time decreases each successive day.
Time (sec.)
1 2 3 4 5
1.23 a–b The line graph is shown below. Notice the change in y as x increases. The measurements are
decreasing over time.
0 2 4 6 8 10
1.24 a The test scores are graphed using a stem and leaf plot generated by MINITAB.
2 5 57
5 6 123
8 6 578
9 7 2
(2) 7 56
9 8 24
7 8 6679
3 9 134
b–c The distribution is not mound-shaped, but is rather bimodal with two peaks centred around the scores
65 and 85. This might indicate that the students are divided into two groups—those who understand
the material and do well on exams, and those who do not have a thorough command of the material.
1.25 a The range of the data 32.3 0.2 32.1 . We choose to use eleven class intervals of length 3
(32.1/11 = 2.9, which when rounded to the next largest integer is 3). The subintervals 0.1 to < 3.1,
3.1 to < 6.1, 6.1 to < 9.1, and so on, are convenient and the tally is shown below.
Relative frequency
0 10 20 30
b The data is skewed to the right, with a few unusually large measurements.
c Looking at the data, we see that 36 patients had a disease recurrence within 10 months. Therefore, the
fraction of recurrence times less than or equal to 10 is 36/10 = 0.72.
1.26 a The data represent the average annual incomes of Albertans divided into five educational categories.
A bar chart would be the most appropriate graphical method.
b The bar chart is shown below.
Average Income
es es es es rie
at at at at
d u d u d u d u go
a a a a e
Gr Gr Gr Gr at
ol a e te ey
ho om re ra v
Sc pl eg ct
o ur
gh Di r D
Hi d lo ce
an he s/ or
e c er F
at Ba st ur
fic a
rti M
Ce lL
Educational Level
c The average salary for Albertans residents increases substantially as the person’s educational level
1.27 a Use the tens digit as the stem, and the ones digit as the leaf, dividing each stem into two parts.
3 | 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4
3 | 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9
4 | 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3
4 | 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 8
5 | 0 0
5 | 5
b We use class intervals of length 5, beginning with the subinterval 30 to < 35. The tally is shown
Relative Frequency
30 35 40 45 50 55 60
c The two graphs are very similar, with the relative frequency histogram a bit more visually appealing.
If the student chose to create the stem and leaf plot without splitting the stems into two parts, the stem
and leaf plot would not be very helpful in describing the data set.
d Use either the stem and leaf plot, the table, or the relative frequency histogram. The proportion of
children in the interval 35 to < 45 is (15 + 12)/50 = 0.54.
e The proportion of children aged less than 50 months is (12 + 15 + 12 + 8)/50 = 0.94.
1.28 a This is similar to previous exercises. The pie chart is shown below.
b The Pareto chart is a bar chart with the heights of the bars ordered from large to small. This display is
more effective than the pie chart.
es ta es da es ys es es es ys
n el n na n a n n n a
rl i D rl i rl i rw rl i rli rl i w
Ai Ai Ca Ai Ai Ai tA
i i r
n d
t al es es
i ca i te US nt ra
er Un thw in
e W h w
r nt an ut
No Co er
ic So
c The larger the airline, the more difficult it may be to serve passengers without any complaints. Other
variable might be “size of airline” or “number of passengers served” or “airfare.”
1.29 a Use the ones digit as the stem, and the portion to the right of the ones digit as the leaf, dividing each
stem into two parts.
0 | 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
0 | 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9
1 | 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4
1 | 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9
2 | 1 2 3
2 | 5 8 leaf digit = 0.1
3 | 1 1 1 2 represents 1.2
3 | 6
4 |
4 | 5
5 | 2
b Looking at the original data, we see that 25 customers waited 1 minute or less. Therefore, the fraction
of service times less than or equal to 1 is 25 60 0.4167 .
c The smallest measurement is 0 2, which is translated as 0.2.
1.30 a The data ranges from 0.2 to 5.2, or 5.0 units. Since the number of class intervals should be between 5
and 20, we chose to use 11 class intervals, with each class interval having length 0.50 (5.0/11 = 0.45,
which rounded to the nearest convenient fraction is 0.50). We must now select interval boundaries
such that no measurement can fall on a boundary point. The subintervals 0.1 to < 0.6, .6 to < 1.1, and
so on, are convenient, and a tally is constructed.
Relative frequency
0 1 2 3 4 5
a The distribution is skewed to the right, with several unusually large observations.
b For some reason, one person had to wait 5.2 minutes. Perhaps the supermarket was understaffed that
day, or there may have been an unusually large number of customers in the store.
c The two graphs convey the same information. The stem and leaf plot allows us to actually recreate the
actual data set, while the histogram does not.
1.31 a–b The dotplot and the stem and leaf plot are drawn using MINITAB.
Dotplot of Calcium
2 26 89
4 27 11
4 27
5 27 5
5 27 6
4 27 9
3 28 11
1 28 2
c The measurements all seem to be within the same range of variability. There do not appear to be any
1 3 9
1 4
8 4 5666778
11 5 124
11 5 579
8 6 01
6 6 5669
2 7 04
c The five youngest prime ministers—Clark, Mulroney, Harper, Campbell, and Meighen—are all
Conservative. Although this does not tell us much, we can guess that the trend of transferring the
leadership to younger generations in Conservative party is faster.
1.33 a We choose a stem and leaf plot, using the ones and tenths place as the stem, and a zero digit as the
leaf. The MINITAB printout is shown below.
1.34 a Histograms will vary from student to student. A typical histogram, generated by MINITAB, is shown
b Since 4 out of 20 players have averages above 2.4, the chance is 4 out of 20 or 4/20 = 0.2 or 20%.
4 0 3444
7 0 556
10 1 024
10 1 69
8 2
8 2 8
7 3 11
5 3
5 4
5 4
5 5
5 5
5 6 2
The distribution is skewed to the right, with four outliers, marked by “HI” in the stem and leaf plot.
b The dotplot of the weekend gross ticket sales is given below.
The stem and leaf plot is more informative as compared to the dotplot. We can identify the numerical
values of the potential outliers and also original data can be reconstructed from the stem and leaf plot.
1.36 a The variable being measured is a discrete variable: the number of contaminated waste sites in each
province or territory in Canada.
1 1 7
2 2 1
3 3 4
5 4 44
(3) 5 567
5 6
5 7 88
The distribution is skewed to the right, with three unusually high numbers of contaminated waste sites
(Ontario, British Columbia, and Quebec).
c In comparison to other provinces, the three largest provinces—Quebec, Ontario, and British
Columbia—have very large numbers of contaminated sites. However, despite their large land sizes,
Nunavut and Northwest Territories have relatively fewer contaminated sites. The pattern is not very
clear. Some other variables such as population size, number of industries, etc. may help to explain the
relationship better.
Comparing graphs from parts a–c, the Pareto chart seems more effective since it is very easy to
compare the relative membership of the organized religions.
1.38 a “Ethnic origin” is a qualitative variable since a quality (ethnic origin) is measured.
b “Score” is a quantitative variable since a numerical quantity (0–100) is measured.
c “Type of establishment” is a qualitative variable since a category (McDonald’s, Burger King, or
Subway) is measured.
d “Mercury concentration” is a quantitative variable since a numerical quantity is measured.
1.39 To determine whether a distribution is likely to be skewed, look for the likelihood of observing extremely
large or extremely small values of the variable of interest.
a The distribution of non-secured loan sizes might be skewed (a few extremely large loans are
b The distribution of secured loan sizes is not likely to contain unusually large or small values.
c Not likely to be skewed.
d Not likely to be skewed.
e If a package is dropped, it is likely that all the shells will be broken. Hence, a few large number of
broken shells is possible. The distribution will be skewed.
f If an animal has one tick, it is likely to have more than one. There will be some “0”s with uninfected
rabbits, and then a larger number of large values. The distribution will not be symmetric.
1.40 a The number of homicides in Vancouver during a one-month period is a discrete random variable since
it can take only the values 0, 1, 2, ….
b The length of time between arrivals at an outpatient clinic is a continuous random variable, since it
can be any of the infinite number of positive real values.
c The number of typing errors is a discrete random variable, since it can take only the values 0, 1, 2, ….
d Again, this is a discrete random variable since it can take only the values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
e The time required to finish an examination is a continuous random variable, similar to the random
variable described in part b.
1.43 Stem and leaf plots may vary from student to student. The most obvious choice is to use the tens digit as
the stem and the ones digit as the leaf.
7 | 8 9
8 | 0 1 7
9 | 0 1 2 4 4 5 6 6 6 8 8
10 | 1 7 9
11 | 2
1.44 a Side-by-side bar charts were used to compare EQAO scores pre- and post-JUMP training.
b Answers will vary.
1.45 a–b Answers will vary from student to student. Students should notice that the distribution is skewed to
the right with a few pennies being unusually old. A typical histogram is shown below.
Relative frequency
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Age (Years)
1.46 a Answers will vary from student to student. A typical histogram is shown below. It looks very similar
to the histogram from Exercise 1.45.
Relative frequency
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
Age (Years)
b The stem and leaf plot is drawn using MINITAB. There is one outlier, x = 41.
1.47 Answers will vary from student to student. The students should notice that the distribution is mound-shaped
with the number of seats won in most of the elections being between 75 and 125. There were an unusually
high number of seats won in two of the elections (208 and 211 seats).
0 50 100 150 200
1.48 a Answers will vary from student to student. The relative frequency histogram below was constructed
using classes of width 200 starting at x 150 . The value x 2468.53 is not shown in the table, but
appears on the graph.
250 650 1050 1450 1850 2250
Annual Rainfall (mm)
b Since Prince Rupert is located west of the Coastal mountain, it is not unusual that the average rainfall
would be very high.
c The value x 1154.66 (Vancouver) does not lie far from the centre of the distribution. It would not be
considered unusually rainy.
1.49 a The line chart is shown below. The year does not appear to have an effect on his winning time.
Time (seconds)
1957 1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006
b Since the year of the race is not important in describing the data set, the distribution can be described
using a relative frequency histogram. The distribution shown below is roughly mound-shaped with a
few unusually slow (x = 129.2, x = 128.0) race times.
Relative frequency
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
Time (seconds)
1.50 a The quantitative variable “number of high-speed Internet users” is measured over time for two
different types of broadband Internet connections. Some sort of comparative bar charts or a line chart
should be used.
b The number of both DSL and cable modem Internet users can be expected to rise steadily in the future.
12 Variable
Cable Modem
Users 8
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
1.51 a Most of the provinces/territories have very few Conservative seats (9 out of 13 have 10 or fewer seats
won); the distribution should be skewed to the right.
b–c Histograms will vary from student to student, but should resemble the histogram generated by MINITAB
in the figure below. The distribution is indeed skewed to the right, with one outlier: Ontario (x = 40).
Relative frequency
0 10 20 30 40
Conservative Party of Canada
1.52 a Like Conservatives, most of the provinces/territories have very few Liberal seats (11 out of 13 have
9 or fewer seats), the distribution should be skewed to the right.
b–c Histograms will vary from student to student, but should resemble the histogram generated by MINITAB
in the figure below. The distribution is indeed skewed to the right, with one outlier: Ontario (x = 54).
Relative frequency
0 10 20 30 40 50
Liberal Party of Canada
1.53 Stem and Leaf Plot: Conservative Party of Canada, Liberal Party of Canada
Stem and leaf of Stem and leaf of
Conservative Party of Canada N = 13 Liberal Party of Canada N = 13
Leaf Unit = 1.0 Leaf Unit = 1.0
HI 54
a–b As in the case of relative frequency histogram, both the distributions are skewed to the right with one
outlier on each (Ontario). When the stem and leaf plots are turned 90o, the shapes are very similar to
the histograms.
c Since the total of 308 House of Commons seats are distributed very disproportionately among
different provinces and territories, with only four provinces having more than 15 seats, these graphs
will be skewed right.
d The pie chart and the Pareto chart are both more effective than the bar chart. Note: The charts
constructed in parts a–c may vary from student to student since Zimbabwe’s share was given as a
range (8–13%) and this share is used as 13% in constructing the above graphs.
1.55 a–b Answers will vary. A typical relative frequency histogram is shown below. The gaps and bimodal
nature of the histogram probably is due to the fact that the samples were collected at different
c The dotplot is shown below. The locations seem to be responsible for the unusual gaps and peaks in
the relative frequency histogram given in part b.
1.56 a–c Answers will vary. The line chart should look similar to the one shown below.
80 Variable
70 Support
05 06 06 00
20 20 20 2 il 2 2
r, ry
, y, r r,
be ua Ap uar Ap o be
m br n t
Fe Ja Oc
S ep
d The horizontal axis on the EKOS chart is not an actual timeline, so that the time frame in which these
changes occur may be distorted.
1.57 a The measurements are obtained by counting the number of beats for 30 seconds, and then multiplying
by 2. Thus, the measurements should all be even numbers.
b The stem and leaf plot is shown below.
Relative frequency
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
d The distribution of pulse rates is mound-shaped and relatively symmetric around a central location of
75 beats per minute. There are no outliers.
1.58 a–b This is similar to previous exercises. The percentages add up to 100%, and the pie chart is shown
1.59 Answers will vary. The distribution is roughly mound-shaped. A typical histogram is shown below.
Relative frequency (%)
40 60 80 100 120
Cost of Living Index
b Answers will vary. The stem and leaf plot generated by MINITAB uses the tens place as the stem and
the ones place as the leaf.
2 4 28
2 5
6 6 2469
9 7 134
(6) 8 344568
11 9 014
8 10 0119
4 11 679
1 12
1 13 0
c Since the data appears in Mercer’s site, this global investment consulting agency may have chosen the
cities of its business priorities.
1.60 a The heights of the six bars do increase as the prices increase, but not in the correct proportion to the
actual prices. The price scale starts at $8.50. So, although the height of “Alberta Highest = $10.79”
looks more than double of “Alberta Lowest = $9.50,” the actual price is only about 14% higher.
b The bar graph that accurately portrays the retail price comparison is shown below. There are not much
differences among four prices.
Price ($)
BC Price Alberta Lowest Alberta Median Alberta Highest
1.61 Answers will vary. Students should notice that the first distribution (12:00–1:30) is mound-shaped and the
distribution (4:30–6:00) is slightly skewed.
1.62 Answers will vary. A typical relative frequency histogram is shown below. There is an unusual bimodal
Relative frequency
50 60 70 80 90
Old Faithful
1.63 a–b The MINITAB stem and leaf plot is shown below. The distribution is slightly skewed to the left.
1 2 2
2 2 4
4 2 66
4 2
7 3 000
(1) 3 3
7 3
7 3 667
4 3 8899
10 0 2222233333
10 0 444
7 0 666
4 0 8
3 1 0
2 1 2
1 1
1 1
1 1 8
b The distribution of planned rated capacities for the world’s 20 largest plants is skewed to the right.
1.65 The data should be displayed with either a bar chart or a pie chart. Because of the large number of
categories, the bar chart is probably more effective.
r k ue te ed ay d n ld d er
lve Bl
ac Bl hi tR Gr Re w Go Re th
Si rk W h k m Bro rk O
a ig ar iu t Da
/D Br /D ed gh
m m M Li
iu iu
ed ed
1.66 a–b The dotplot is shown below. The distribution is slightly skewed to the right.
10 20 30 40 50 60
Tim Hortons
c The number of Tim Hortons should be related to the number of customers. The cities with larger
populations may be more likely to have a larger number of Tim Hortons shops.
36.0 36.5 37.0 37.5 38.0
a–b The distribution is approximately mound-shaped, with one unusual measurement, in the class with
midpoint at 38.5°C (x = 38.22). Perhaps the person whose temperature was 38.22°C had some sort of
c The value 37°C is slightly to the right of centre.
2 The important variables in this study are diastolic and systolic blood pressure, which can be described
singly with histograms in various categories (male vs. female or by age categories). Further, the
relationship between systolic and diastolic blood pressure can be displayed together using a scatterplot or a
bivariate histogram.
3 Answers will vary, depending on the choice of class boundaries or the software package which is used. The
histograms should look fairly mound-shaped. A typical side-by-side histogram generated by MINITAB is
shown below.
Relative frequency (%)
80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Systolic Blood Pressure
5 In determining how a student’s blood pressure compares to those in a comparable sex and age group,
female students (ages 15–20) must compare to the population of females, while male students (ages 15–20)
must compare to the population of males. The student should use his or her blood pressure and compare it
to the scatterplot generated in part 4.
b The collected data is based on population, in the sense that the sample taken is randomly selected from the
population and meant to be representative of the population.
g The bar chart is shown below. The chart graphically portrays the counts for each type of tip.
h The relative frequencies are obtained by dividing the counts by the total sample size (300):
k The proportion of respondents who chose either “Secure it” or “Make a friend” is the sum of their
respective relative frequencies: 0.246667 + 0.140000 = 0.386667 or 38.67%.
b The variable is the time (in seconds) students take to wash their hands.
e A dotplot is shown below. The value that occurs most often is 5. The range of the data is from 0 to 20. The
data is distributed more to the lower values. There are a few gaps in the data as well.
f The distribution of data is skewed to the lower values, as most students took 10 seconds or less to wash
their hands.
g The line chart was constructed by using the students’ numerical order (student 1, 2, ... 25) as the
x-variable and the amount of time they washed their hands as the y-variable.
i We count 17 students that washed their hands for less than 10 seconds, or 17/25 = 68%.
j We count 21 students that washed their hands for at least 5 seconds, or 21/25 = 84%.
k No, we cannot comfortably state that most students wash their hands for 5 seconds or less. This is because
only 9 students out of 25 (36%) wash their hands for 5 seconds or less. This leaves the majority of students
washing their hands for more than 5 seconds.
l The stem and leaf plot is below. Note that the colon represents the decimal point in this case.
0 : 00
4 : 00
5 : 00000
6 : 00
7 : 00
8 : 00
9 : 00
10 : 00
11 : 0
12 :
13 : 0
14 :
15 : 0
16 : 0
17 :
18 :
19 : 0
20 : 0
m The data is skewed right, as the tail of the distribution is on the right (i.e., the higher values).