Geometric Modeling and Associated With Computational Geometry
Geometric Modeling and Associated With Computational Geometry
Geometric Modeling and Associated With Computational Geometry
Geometric models are usually distinguished from procedural and object-oriented models, which
define the shape implicitly by an opaque algorithm that generates its appearance. They are also
contrasted with digital images and volumetric models which represent the shape as a subset of a
fine regular partition of space; and with fractal models that give an infinitely recursive definition
of the shape. However, these distinctions are often blurred: for instance, a digital image can be
interpreted as a collection of colored squares; and geometric shapes such as circles are defined
by implicit mathematical equations. Also, a fractal model yields a parametric or implicit model
when its recursive definition is truncated to a finite depth.
Methods of defining points,lines,arcs and circle:
Methods of defining Surface modeling geometry:
Combinatorial computational geometry, also called algorithmic geometry, which deals with
geometric objects as discrete entities. A ground laying book in the subject by
Preparata and Shamos dates the first use of the term "computational geometry" in this sense
by 1975.[1]
Numerical computational geometry, also called machine geometry, computer-aided
geometric design (CAGD), or geometric modeling, which deals primarily with representing
real-world objects in forms suitable for computer computations in CAD/CAM systems. This
branch may be seen as a further development of descriptive geometry and is often considered
a branch of computer graphics or CAD. The term "computational geometry" in this meaning
has been in use since 197
Given n points in the plane, find the two with the smallest distance from each other.
One could compute the distances between all the pairs of points, of which there are n(n-1)/2, then
pick the pair with the smallest distance. This brute-force algorithm takes O(n2) time; i.e. its
execution time is proportional to the square of the number of points. A classic result in
computational geometry was the formulation of an algorithm that takes O(n logn). Randomized
algorithms that take O(n) expected time,[3] as well as a deterministic algorithm that takes
O(n log log n) time,[4] have also been discovered.
Problem classes
The core problems in computational geometry may be classified in different ways, according to
various criteria. The following general classes may be distinguished.
Static problems
In the problems of this category, some input is given and the corresponding output needs to be
constructed or found. Some fundamental problems of this type are:
Convex hull: Given a set of points, find the smallest convex polyhedron/polygon containing
all the points.
Line segment intersection: Find the intersections between a given set of line segments.
Delaunay triangulation
Voronoi diagram: Given a set of points, partition the space according to which points are
closest to the given points.
Linear programming
Closest pair of points: Given a set of points, find the two with the smallest distance from
each other.
Euclidean shortest path: Connect two points in a Euclidean space (with polyhedral obstacles)
by a shortest path.
Polygon triangulation: Given a polygon, partition its interior into triangles
Mesh generation
Boolean operations on polygons
The computational complexity for this class of problems is estimated by the time and space
(computer memory) required to solve a given problem instance.
Geometric query problems
In geometric query problems, commonly known as geometric search problems, the input consists
of two parts: the search space part and the query part, which varies over the problem instances.
The search space typically needs to be preprocessed, in a way that multiple queries can be
answered efficiently.
Some fundamental geometric query problems are:
Range searching: Preprocess a set of points, in order to efficiently count the number of points
inside a query region.
Point location: Given a partitioning of the space into cells, produce a data structure that
efficiently tells in which cell a query point is located.
Nearest neighbor: Preprocess a set of points, in order to efficiently find which point is closest
to a query point.
Ray tracing: Given a set of objects in space, produce a data structure that efficiently tells
which object a query ray intersects first.
If the search space is fixed, the computational complexity for this class of problems is usually
estimated by:
the time and space required to construct the data structure to be searched in
the time (and sometimes an extra space) to answer queries.
For the case when the search space is allowed to vary, see "Dynamic problems".
Dynamic problems
Yet another major class is the dynamic problems, in which the goal is to find an efficient
algorithm for finding a solution repeatedly after each incremental modification of the input data
(addition or deletion input geometric elements). Algorithms for problems of this type typically
involve dynamic data structures. Any of the computational geometric problems may be
converted into a dynamic one, at the cost of increased processing time. For example, the range
searching problem may be converted into the dynamic range searching problem by providing for
addition and/or deletion of the points. The dynamic convex hull problem is to keep track of the
convex hull, e.g., for the dynamically changing set of points, i.e., while the input points are
inserted or deleted.
The computational complexity for this class of problems is estimated by:
the time and space required to construct the data structure to be searched in
the time and space to modify the searched data structure after an incremental change in the
search space
the time (and sometimes an extra space) to answer a query.
Some problems may be treated as belonging to either of the categories, depending on the context.
For example, consider the following problem.