Sbdes Budget 2018-19 v20180331
Sbdes Budget 2018-19 v20180331
Sbdes Budget 2018-19 v20180331
Budget Forecast
MI Program (86.2%)
Mandarin Teaching Assistants 43,200 42,330 870 64,800
English Teaching Assistants 42,010 35,518 6,492 60,444
Subtotal MIP - TAs 85,210 77,848 7,362 125,244 - -
Better Chinese ($40 per K student) - net of DS 1,920 0 1,920 1,920
Teacher Discretion
Books ($800/classroom => $400/existing) 3,200 2,501 699 3,200
Supplemental ($1,700/classroom => $1K/existing) 6,800 6,662 138 7,400
Start-up Funding ($1K/new classroom avg) 2,000 2,043 (43) 2,000
Subtotal MIP - Others 13,920 11,206 2,714 14,520 - -
99,130 89,054 10,076 139,764 - -
Enrichment (4.6%)
Visual and Performing Arts 2,000 - 2,000 3,000
PE Classes (and Equipment) 300 - 300 300
STEM Classes 3,000 - 3,000 9,400
5,300 - 5,300 12,700 - -
Field Trips (1.7%)
Field Trips, Cultural Assemblies 2,000 2,835 (835) 3,000
2,000 2,835 (835) 3,000 - -
Community Support
Beautification (use grants first) - - -
Teacher Appreciation - - -
- - - - - -
Outreach/Recruiting (0.9%)
Marketing Supplies and Expenses 1,000 767 233 1,000
1,000 767 233 1,000 - -
School Supplies (1.7%)
Classroom Supplies (Bigger ticket items) 2,000 - 2,000 3,000
2,000 - 2,000 3,000 - -
General Program Instructional Support (2.6%)
Professional Development School Budget - School Budget
Principal Discretion 3,000 775 2,225 3,000
Others (est. when Title I funds run out) - - - 0
3,000 775 2,225 3,000 - -
Operating Expenses (2.2%)
Filings Fees, Accounting Software 216 120 96 336
General Liability Insurance Coverage 2,300 2,150 150 2,300
Workers Compensation Coverage - - - -
2,516 2,270 246 2,636 - -
Fundraising Expenses (0.0%)
General Expenses - 20 (20) 100
Goods and Services - 244 (244) 400
- 264 (264) 500 - -