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A Simulation-Based Study of TCP Dynamics Over HFC Networks: Omar Elloumi, Nada Golmie, Hossam A®®, David Su

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Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323


A simulation-based study of TCP dynamics over HFC

Omar Elloumi a,*,1, Nada Golmie b, Hossam A®® c, David Su b
Alcatel Corporate Research Center, Francis Wellesplein 1, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA
Ecole Nationale Sup
erieure des Tel
ecommunications de Bretagne, BP 78, 35512 Cesson Sevign
e, France

New broadband access technologies such as hybrid ®ber coaxial (HFC) are likely to provide fast and cost e€ective
support to a variety of applications including video on demand (VoD), inter-active computer games, and Internet-type
applications such as Web browsing, ftp, e-mail, and telephony. Since most of these applications use TCP as the
transport layer protocol, the key to their eciency largely depends on TCP protocol performance.
We investigate the performance of TCP in terms of e€ective throughput in an HFC network environment using
di€erent load conditions and network bu€er sizes. We ®nd that TCP experiences low throughput as a result of the well-
known problem of ACK compression. An algorithm that controls ACK spacing is introduced to improve TCP per-
formance. Ó 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Congestion avoidance; TCP; ATM; ACK compression; HFC

1. Introduction tions) to allow various nodes to share resources. It

also controls the upstream (from the stations to
The emergence of the HFC technology has a the headend) and the downstream link transmis-
signi®cant impact on already deployed Cable TV sions. MAC protocol speci®cations are being
networks. As a return path from the stations to the drafted by the IEEE 802.14 working group to ac-
headend becomes available, Cable network oper- commodate the needs of current and future net-
ators are able to add more services to television work applications.
broadcast. A medium access control (MAC) layer The IEEE 802.14 Draft document [6] contains
protocol is implemented at the root (or headend) various MAC characteristics such as, frame for-
and at each of the cable network nodes (or sta- mat, station addressing, timing and synchroniza-
tion procedures, and the ternary-tree mechanism
to resolve collisions resulting from two or more
Corresponding author. Tel.: +32-3-240-78-33; fax: +32-3- stations transmitting at the same time. The MAC
240-99-32. draft also provides the necessary ``hooks'' to sup-
E-mail addresses: omar.elloumi@alcatel.be (O. Elloumi), port higher layer services such as CBR, VBR and
nada.golmie@nist.gov (N. Golmie), hossam.a®®@enst-breta-
gne.fr (H. A®®), david.su@nist.gov (D. Su).
ABR services for ATM. Performance evaluation
This work was partially done while Omar Elloumi was a studies have been conducted on MAC protocol
guest researcher at NIST. elements such as contention resolution and band-
1389-1286/00/$ - see front matter Ó 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 8 9 - 1 2 8 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 3 9 - 5
308 O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323

width allocation [8,9]. Also, some preliminary results. In Section 6 a new algorithm for requesting
work has been presented on improving the ABR bandwidth for TCP ACK packets on HFC up-
service over HFC in [10]. But so far, little work has stream channel is described along with some per-
been done in studying the details and evaluating formance results. Concluding remarks are
the performance of the TCP protocol in an HFC presented in Section 7. Additional details on TCP
network environment. dynamics are given in Appendix A.
The performance of TCP in networks with slow
ACKs channel is studied in [3,14]. In [14], the au-
thors focus on the e€ect of asymmetric networks on 2. HFC MAC protocol overview
TCP performance and show, by means of analysis
and simulation, the performance degradation of The frame format of the MAC protocol de®ned
TCP Reno, due to frequent timeouts. However, this in [6] is shown in Fig. 1. The upstream channel is
study does not consider a speci®c MAC protocol in divided into discrete basic time slots, called min-
the reverse path (upstream channel). This model is islots. A variable number of minislots are grouped
appropriate for ADSL modems, or con®gurations to form a MAC layer frame as shown in Fig. 1.
that use a telephone line or cellular phone medium The headend determines the frame format by set-
in the reverse channel where the only delay is the ting the number of data slots (DS) and contention
sum of the queuing delay and the propagation de- slots (CS) in each frame and sends this information
lay. However, in the case of multiple access media, to the stations on the downstream using a CS
such as HFC, it is important to study the e€ect of Allocation message. Several minislots can be
MAC protocol and bandwidth reservation on TCP grouped together in order to form a DS that car-
performance. Finally, a study on the e€ect of ran- ries a MAC packet data unit (MPDU) which is
dom losses on TCP performance in an HFC envi- assumed to be an ATM cell plus the MAC layer
ronment [2] proposes some solutions to improve overhead. In Fig. 1 four minislots carry one
the performance but again does not take into ac- MPDU. The DS are explicitly allocated to a spe-
count the e€ect of the MAC layer. ci®c station by the headend using DS Grant mes-
We propose an algorithm that improves TCP sages sent on the downstream. CS ®t into one
performance under di€erent o€ered loads and minislot and are used by the stations to transmit
TCP data bu€er sizes. requests for bandwidth. Since more than one sta-
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. tion can transmit a request at the same time, CS
Section 2 presents the MAC model as speci®ed in are prone to collisions. The headend controls the
[6]. Sections 3 and 4 give background information initial access to the CS slots as well as manages the
on TCP and describe the simulation model, re- CRP by assigning a request queue (RQ) number to
spectively. Section 5 presents TCP performance each CS.

Fig. 1. Frame format of 802.14 MAC protocol.

O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323 309

The basic MAC operation is as follows. Upon describe two basic concepts of TCP related to
the arrival of the ®rst data packet, a station congestion avoidance and control.
generates a request minislot data unit (RMDU) TCP congestion avoidance and control mecha-
and waits for a CS Allocation message from the nisms have signi®cantly evolved in the past few
headend that reserves a group of CS with RQ ˆ 0 years although the protocol packet format and its
for newcomer transmission. The station randomly state machine have remained unchanged. Most
selects a CS in that group and transmits its versions of TCP control mechanisms aim at im-
RMDU. Since multiple stations may attempt to proving the estimation of available network
send their RMDUs in the same upstream CS a bandwidth and preventing timeouts in order to
collision may occur. A Feedback message is sent maintain stability and throughput.
to the station after a round trip time (which is The slow start algorithm was proposed by
also equal to a frame length) informing it of the Jacobson [11] as a congestion avoidance and
status of the CS used (note that a station has no control algorithm for TCP after a congestion col-
means of knowing the status of its request since lapse of the Internet. This algorithm introduces a
its transmitter and receiver are tuned on di€erent congestion window mechanism to control the
frequencies). number of bytes that the sender is able to transmit
In case of a successful request transmission before waiting for an acknowledgment. For each
(Feedback ˆ Successful), the station activates its received acknowledgment, two new segments are
data transmission state machine and exits the sent. When the window size reaches a threshold
contention process. Subsequently a Data Grant value, SSThreshold, the algorithm operates in
message will be sent by the headend. There are two congestion avoidance mode. The slow start is
grant scheduling algorithms considered in this triggered every retransmission timeout by setting
paper: ®rst come ®rst serve (FCFS) and round SSThreshold to half the congestion window and
robin (RR). For FCFS, the HE grants each station the congestion window to one segment. In the
the totality of the requested slots before giving any congestion avoidance phase, the congestion win-
grants to other stations. For RR, the grants are dow is increased by one segment every round trip
distributed to stations in a round robin fashion. A time (RTT). Thus when the mechanism anticipates
station sends a cell and waits for all the other a congestion, it increases the congestion window
stations that have successfully transmitted requests linearly rather than exponentially. The upper limit
to the HE to send their data. Once a station is for this region is the value of the receiver's ad-
assigned a DS to send its data it may use a special vertised window. If the transmitter receives three
®eld in the MPDU to send other requests in pig- duplicate acknowledgments, SSThreshold is set to
gybacking thus bypassing the contention process. half of the preceding congestion window size while
In case of a collided CS, the feedback message this latter is set to one packet for TCP Tahoe and
contains a particular RQ number to be used for half of the previous congestion window for TCP
collision resolution (Feedback ˆ RQ). That is the Reno. At this point the algorithm assumes that the
station needs to retransmit its request in a CS packet is lost, and retransmits it before the timer
group with that RQ number. The CS groups are expires. This algorithm is known as the fast-re-
usually allocated in the order of decreasing RQ transmit mechanism.
values. For each RQ value, the headend assigns a TCP Tahoe experiences low throughput when
group of CS. A CS within the group is selected packets are lost because of the slow-start algo-
randomly in the range …0::2†. rithm. TCP Reno performs better in the case of
single packet loss within one window of data be-
cause the congestion window is decreased by half
3. TCP protocol background information rather than set to one. However, in the case of
multiple packet losses, TCP Reno also experiences
Most of today's Internet applications use the low throughput since it can easily be subject to
TCP protocol as de®ned in [15]. In this section, we timeouts leading to long idle periods. This is out-
310 O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323

lined in [5,14]. In [5], the author proposes the so- with a smaller spacing than the spacing corre-
called ``New-Reno'' algorithm to avoid this prob- sponding to their data packets (called ACK com-
lem. pression) [13,21]. Furthermore, ACK compression
TCP self-clocking principle [11] estimates the may lead to a rapid network queue build-up and a
bottleneck bandwidth by letting the sender rate high packet loss percentage as shown in [21]. Even
exactly match the available bandwidth along the with in®nite bu€ers, the network utilization is ex-
network path. Thus if the time to process packets pected to drop considerably.
at the receiver is constant, ACKs are spaced ac-
cording to the bottleneck in the forward path. If
the network is symmetric, the ACK spacing is 4. Simulation model
preserved in the backward direction since the ACK
packet size is much smaller than the data packet In this section we provide a description of the
size and thus less likely to encounter congestion. simulation environment and parameters. We use
When the sender transmits a packet for each ar- the NIST ATM network simulator [7] to imple-
riving ACK, the packet sending rate matches the ment TCP Tahoe and TCP Reno as described in
bottleneck service rate and this constitutes a ``self- [20]. The simulator also features a MAC protocol
clocking'' mechanism, an ``idealized state'' as for HFC networks as described in [6]. The network
mentioned in [13,18,21]. However, this mechanism model considered is illustrated in Fig. 2. It consists
fails in the case of delay variations in both the of a hybrid ATM-HFC con®guration where a TCP
forward and backward directions. In particular, in source in the ATM network sends packets to a
the case of two-way TCP trac, ACK spacing is TCP destination in the HFC network. We believe
not preserved due to the interaction between data that this set-up re¯ects a typical usage in an HFC
packets and ACKs: ACKs accumulate behind network environment since most applications in
large data packets and then leave the bottleneck HFC networks serving residences, such as Web

Fig. 2. Simulation model.

O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323 311

browsing (HTTP) or ®le downloads (FTP), suggest Fig. 3 illustrates the protocol stack for a TCP
that the amount of data sent by the stations is connection end system. We use an AAL5 encap-
much less than the amount of data received. sulation of IP packets. After segmentation, cells
The selected network topology is chosen with are queued in a FIFO queue inside the MAC layer.
one TCP connection for a better understanding of In this paper, unlike what is described in [14], we
TCP dynamics. Link capacity between TCP source assume that the FIFO queue inside the MAC layer
and SW1 is set to 155 Mbits/s, while the link ca- is large enough to accommodate all incoming
pacity between SW1 and SW2 is set to 6 Mbits/s to ACKs from a single TCP connection. This is a
represent the bottleneck link. The propagation realistic assumption since for a 1 KB packet size
delay between SW1 and SW2 is set to 1:25 ms. and a 64 KB maximum congestion window, a
SW1 and SW2 implement the early packet discard maximum of 64 ACKs can accumulate in the
strategy (EPD) [16]. FIFO queue (we believe that losses should not
The TCP source is assumed to have an in®- happen in a transmitter). Also, we assume that
nite number of packets to send. In order to driver interface bu€ers can hold up to 50 IP
stress contention on the upstream channel, we packets of 1 KB each [19] (Table 1).
consider 200 stations with on±o€ sources send- Simulation parameters for both the MAC and
ing data upstream. This constitutes the back- TCP protocols are given in Tables 2 and 3, re-
ground trac. Sources generate ®xed size 48 spectively.
byte packets (encapsulated in ATM cells) ac-
cording to a Poisson distribution with a mean
arrival rate of k ˆ …L  UR  48†=…53  N †. L Table 1
is the percentage of the o€ered load, UR is the MAC model parameters
upstream channel rate and N is the number of Simulation parameter Value
stations. Number of active stations 200
Distance from nearest/farthest station to 25/200 km
Downstream data transmission rate 30 Mbits/s
Upstream data transmission rate 3 Mbits/s
Propagation delay 5 ls/km
Length of simulation run 15 s
Length of run prior to gathering statistics 1s
Guardband and preamble between trans- Duration of 5
missions bytes
Data slot size 64 bytes
Contention Slot Size 16 bytes
DS/CS size ratio 4:1
Cluster size 2.27 ms
Maximum request size 32
Headend processing delay 1 ms

Table 2
TCP parameters
Simulation parameter Value
Maximum transfer unit (MTU) 1 KB
Timeout granularity 500 ms
Packet processing time 100 ls
Congestion avoidance algorithm TCP Reno
Maximum congestion window size 64 KB
Initial SSThreshold 8 KB
Fig. 3. TCP end node model.
312 O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323

Table 3 1
10% offered load
Bandwidth-RTT product 20% offered load
30% offered load
40% offered load
Percentage of Mean (KB) Max (KB) r 0.8
50% offered load

o€ered load (%)

10 11.794 26.236 2.715

Effective throughput
20 13.316 28.923 3.253
30 15.300 34.426 4.081
40 27.433 103.663 11.262 0.4
50 193.019 462.776 97.942


5. Performance of TCP over HFC

40 60 80 100 120 140 160
EPD threshold (cells)

Fig. 4. TCP e€ective throughput vs EPD threshold, FCFS HE

In this section we analyze the dynamics of TCP
grant allocation.
trac for the network con®guration previously
described. We consider the e€ective throughput of a
single TCP connection as a function of the EPD 2
threshold in SW1 (the bottleneck switch) for dif-
10% offered load
20% offered load
ferent upstream o€ered loads and grant scheduling 30% offered load
40% offered load
50% offered load
algorithms, namely, FCFS, and RR (see Section 0.8

2). We de®ne the e€ective throughput, as the

throughput that is usable by higher layer protocols
Effective throughput


[16]. It does not account for packets discarded by

the EPD algorithm nor successfully retransmitted 0.4

TCP packets. A detailed analysis of TCP conges-

tion window and bottleneck switch bu€er dy-
namics is given in Appendix A.

40 60 80 100 120 140 160
EPD threshold (cells)

5.1. Simulation results Fig. 5. TCP e€ective throughput vs EPD threshold, RR HE

grant allocation.
The e€ective throughput for FCFS and RR
scheduling is depicted in Figs. 4 and 5, respec-
tively. The y-axis gives the throughput as a per- product computed in Table 3 does not con®rm this
centage of the maximum throughput on the assumption. For di€erent upstream o€ered loads
bottleneck link (6 Mbits/s) (this includes 5 bytes of with a maximum congestion window size of 64
ATM header overhead). We note that throughput KB, we ®nd that the maximum window size is
is low in Figs. 4 and 5 meaning that the TCP greater than all mean products (with the exception
connection is unable to ®ll the network pipe. This of 50% load).
behavior could be caused by a high bandwidth-
RTT product. However, the bandwidth-RTT 5.2. Results analysis

The dynamics of the TCP congestion window

suggest that the TCP source su€ers from frequent
We assume that the switch bu€er is large enough to ensure
that if the ®rst cell of a packet is accepted (based on the EPD
timeouts and fast retransmit fast recovery periods.
algorithm), all remaining cells from the same packet are This prevents the congestion window from reach-
queued. ing its optimal value and completely ®lling the
O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323 313

forward link. ACK compression is known to break Packet size=l1 ˆ 1:55 ms where Packet size is the
down the TCP self-clocking algorithm because size of the data packet and l1 is the forward link
compressed ACKs clock out data packets at a rate capacity. This is also equal to the minimum spac-
equal to their arrival rate. The ACK compression ing between two TCP data packets. In our simu-
behavior is usually observed when ACKs en- lation we assume that the time to process a TCP
counter non-empty queues (in the backward di- packet and send its corresponding ACK is con-
rection). When ACKs leave the bottleneck bu€er stant. Thus the spacing between ACKs should be
their spacing is smaller than the original spacing at equal to the spacing between their corresponding
queue entry [1,21]. To depict this problem we plot data packets. However, in Figs. 6 and 7 for a large
the interarrival time of consecutive ACKs for 30% number of received ACKs, the spacing between
o€ered load with FCFS and RR in Figs. 6 and 7, them is less than the minimum spacing between the
respectively. In Fig. 6, we can identify two groups data packets. This con®rms that ACK compres-
of ACK interarrival times at y ˆ 0:34 ms and sion is the main reason for the low e€ective
y ˆ 1:19 ms. The interval between two data throughput observed. Further investigations and
packets sent back to back is given by studies of the MAC layer protocol help us deter-
mine that the ACK-compression identi®ed in this
case is the result of the grant allocation mechanism
that is used to send ACK packets at the MAC
7 layer. The interval between two ACKs is equal
to ACK size=Rateupstream , where ACK size ˆ
NDataSlot SizeDataSlot . Values of inter ACK spacing
equal to 2  64  8=3000 ˆ 0:34 ms (Figs. 6 and
Inter ACKs arrival (ms)

4 7) correspond to the case where two ACKs are sent

back to back in the same frame (Fig. 9(a)). The
second group of points at y ˆ 1:19 ms corresponds
2 to ACKs being sent back to back in two di€erent
frames. In this case, the spacing between two
ACKs is equal to two DSs (corresponding to an
6.5 7 7.5
time (s)
8 8.5 9 ACK packet) and n1 CS (Fig. 1). Since each DS
corresponds to four CSs, the spacing is given by
Fig. 6. ACK interarrival time with FCFS HE grant scheduling, 7  64  8=3000 ˆ 1:19 ms. Note that each
upstream o€ered load ˆ 30%.
ACK requires two DSs and there are 20 CS (or ®ve
DSs) in each cluster for a total of seven DSs. This
8 is illustrated in Figs. 9(b) and (c). With RR
scheduling, we note that the minimum ACK
spacing is also equal 0.34 ms when the request
queue at the HE contains only one request from
the TCP receiver station. Fig. 8 shows the distri-
Inter ACKs arrival (ms)

bution of ACK spacing for both FCFS and RR. It

is clear that although the minimum spacing be-

3 tween packets is 1:55 ms (for packets sent back to

back), more than 85% of the ACK spacing is lower
than the theoretical minimum spacing between
packets for FCFS. However, for RR scheduling
0 we can see that the percentage of ACK spacing
below 1:55 ms is relatively low since the RR al-
9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5
time (s)

Fig. 7. ACK interarrival time with RR HE grant scheduling, gorithm introduces spacing during scheduling.
upstream o€ered load ˆ 30%. This explains why better throughput is obtained in
314 O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323

spacing equal to ACK size=l2 where l2 is the up-
Round Robin
stream rate. For FCFS scheduling, the following
condition, Packet size=l1 > ACK size=l2 , guaran-
0.5 tees ACK compression. This condition is necessary
but not sucient for RR scheduling since in case of
multiple requests queued at the HE, the ACK

0.3 spacing can be greater than ACK size=l2 .

If we denote by Reserv time…t† the time between
the ®rst ACK arrival (at the MAC transmitting
queue) and the receipt of grants (to send waiting
ACKs) the necessary and sucient condition to
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
have an idle period is W …t†=l1 > Reserv time…t†‡
Inter ACKs arrival (ms)
D, where W …t† is the congestion window size at the
Fig. 8. Distribution of ACK interarrival time for FCFS and time the packet corresponding to the ®rst ACK is
RR, upstream o€ered load ˆ 30%. sent and D is the propagation delay between the
TCP receiver and sender. This idle period is due to
the fact that TCP must wait for incoming ACKs
Fig. 5 with RR than with FCFS in Fig. 4. Fig. 10 before sending new data and is equal to
illustrates the HFC grant compression of TCP Reserv time…t† ‡ D ÿ W …t†=l1 . For FCFS HE
ACKs. TCP data packets arrive to the TCP des- grants scheduling, the queue occupancy q…t† in
tination at intervals equal to Packet size=l1 . For switch1 after an idle period is characterized by
each TCP packet, an ACK is generated and
2  l2  Packet size
queued in the MAC layer FIFO queue. The MAC q0 …t† ˆ ÿ l1
ACK size
layer sends requests with a request size equal to its
queue size. Since the time between the ®rst request if TCP is operating in slow start phase;
transmission and the reception of grants can be …1 ‡ 1=W …t††  l2  Packet size
q0 …t† ˆ ÿ l1
relatively large compared to Packet size=l1 (due to ACK size
collisions and contention resolution), the FIFO if TCP is operating in congestion avoidance
queue builds up. When a successful request is re- phase:
ceived at the HE, depending on the scheduling al-
gorithm used, grants for more than one ACK are For RR HE grants scheduling, the queue occu-
sent to the station. If we consider the FCFS grant pancy q…t† in switch1 after an idle period is char-
allocation at the HE (Fig. 10), ACKs are sent with a acterized by

Fig. 9. ACK compression scenarios.

O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323 315

environment. As explained in Section 5, TCP low

throughput is mainly attributed to ACK com-
pression. For a better TCP throughput, ACKs
spacing in the upstream channel should be equal to
the TCP data spacing in the downstream path.
Solutions to this problem vary in complexity and
implementation. In [13], authors propose the use
of separate queues for ACKs and data respectively
to improve TCP performance over ATM in the
case of two-way trac. This ensures that ACKs
are not subject to delay and delay variation caused
by TCP data packets. Similarly, a possible im-
provement of the TCP e€ective throughput is to
prevent ACKs from being subject to delay and
delay variation inside the MAC layer. For exam-
ple, the HE can predict the number of data slots
needed by a station to send its ACK packets based
on the number of TCP packets it forwards in the
downstream direction. However, such scheme
would require the processing of each ATM cell
header in order to ensure that the ATM cell is part
of a data packet. It also requires a good estimator
for the RTT (between the HE and the station) and
the processing delay at the HE. We believe that
Fig. 10. HFC grant compression of TCP ACKs. other mechanisms for ACK spacing can be im-
plemented in the station MAC layer with less
2  a…t†  l2  Packet size complexity.
q0 …t† ˆ ÿ l1 We ®rst investigate the performance of TCP
ACK size
if TCP is operating in slow start phase; over HFC using piggybacked requests for sending
ACK packets. Then we propose an algorithm for
…1 ‡ 1=W …t††  a…t†  l2  Packet size ACK spacing that signi®cantly increases TCP
q0 …t† ˆ ÿl1
ACK size throughput.
if TCP is operating in congestion avoidance
phase; 6.1. TCP performance using piggybacking
where a…t† is a reduction factor inversely propor- Piggybacking in the MAC layer consists in
tional to the number of requests R…t† being served sending requests for additional data transmission
by the HE scheduler. a…t† is given by a…t† ˆ 1=R…t† along with a data packet without having to go
In all cases the bu€er occupancy in switch1 starts through contention. After the ®rst request for data
building up when q0 …t† > 0. Thus the necessary transmission (sent in contention), subsequent re-
condition to have packet losses is given quests are transmitted in the extended bandwidth
by q0 …t†=B > …l2  Packet size†=…ACK size  W …t†) request (EBR) ®eld of the MAC data PDU. Since
where B is the bu€er size in switch1. the request is piggybacked in the DS, it is not
subject to contention. We plot in Figs. 11 and 12
6. Solutions to the ACK compression behavior the e€ective throughput of a TCP connection, us-
ing piggybacking for sending ACK packets, as a
In this section we discuss possible improve- function of the EPD threshold for both FCFS and
ments of TCP performance in an HFC network RR HE scheduling. Note that in order to keep the
316 O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323

1 60
10% offered load
20% offered load
30% offered load
40% offered load
50% offered load 50

Effective throughput


RTT (ms)




0 0
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
EPD threshold (cells) time (s)

Fig. 11. TCP e€ective throughput vs EPD threshold, FCFS HE Fig. 13. RTT with RR, EPD threshold ˆ 160 cells, upstream
grant allocation and piggybacked requests. o€ered load 30%.

1 60
10% offered load
20% offered load
30% offered load
40% offered load
50% offered load 50

Effective throughput

RTT (ms)





0 0
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
EPD threshold (cells) time (s)

Fig. 12. TCP e€ective throughput vs EPD threshold, RR HE Fig. 14. RTT with RR ‡ piggybacking, EPD threshold ˆ 160
grant allocation and piggybacked requests. cells, upstream o€ered load 30%.

o€ered load comparable to the simulations per- that RR scheduling gives better performance re-
formed in Section 5, we only use piggybacking for sults than FCFS scheduling. We attribute this to
the transmission of TCP ACK packets (i.e. not for the spacing introduced by the RR scheduling that
background trac). As a direct result of piggy- increases the probability to send requests for ad-
backing the e€ective throughput increases for both ditional ACK transmissions in every DS granted.
FCFS and RR scheduling (especially for EPD In Figs. 15 and 16 the ratio of successful piggy-
threshold values larger than 100 cells). backed requests over the total number of requests
To illustrate this improvement we plot the RTT is shown for FCFS and RR scheduling, respec-
measured at the TCP sender for 30% o€ered load tively. As the EPD threshold in the forward
with and without piggybacking in Figs. 13 and 14, direction is increased, the ratio of successful re-
respectively (with EPD threshold set to 160 cells). quests for both scheduling algorithms increases as
We ®rst observe that the RTTs obtained are con- well. Thus a larger bottleneck bu€er enables larger
siderably reduced. We also compute the standard TCP congestion window values and leads to a
delay deviation with and without piggybacking to continuous TCP data ¯ow. However, with FCFS
be equal to 1:38 and 4:17 ms, respectively. We note scheduling we observe that the ratio of successful
O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323 317

1 0.7
10 % offered load FCFS
20 % offered load Round Robin
0.9 30 % offered load
40 % offered load 0.6
50 % offered load

0.7 0.5





0.3 0.2


0 0
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
EPD threshold (cells) Inter ACKs arrival (ms)

Fig. 15. Ratio of successful piggybacked requests over the total Fig. 17. Distribution of ACK interarrival time for FCFS and
number of requests, FCFS HE grant allocation. RR, upstream o€ered load ˆ 30%.

10 % offered load
the contention percentage in the case of multiple
20 % offered load
30 % offered load
40 % offered load
TCP sources and gives a shorter upstream delay.
50 % offered load
However, the throughput for 50% o€ered load
remains low due to the relatively large delay in-
curred. In Fig. 17, we plot the interarrival of TCP
ACKs. Compared to Fig. 8, we note a reduction in

the ratio of ACKs sent back to back: with a

spacing equal to 0:34 ms. Moreover a relatively

large number of ACKs arrive with a spacing

greater than 1:55 ms (which is the minimum
spacing between data packets) and hence further
40 60 80 100 120 140 160
alleviate the ACK compression phenomenon re-
EPD threshold (cells)
Fig. 16. Ratio of successful piggybacked requests over the total Although piggybacking introduces spacing be-
number of requests, RR HE grant allocation. tween consecutive acknowledgements, it hardly
adapts to variable load (see next section).

requests decreases as the upstream o€ered load 6.2. Acknowledgments spacing

increases. The continuity of data ¯ow is perturbed
with FCFS and the station cannot take full ad- Piggybacking does not adapt itself to a situation
vantage of piggybacking. A contrario for the case where the o€ered load periodicity (rate) is di€erent
of RR scheduling where TCP ACKs are sent with from the arriving packet rate (it does not conserve
a spacing proportional to the number of stations the optimal spacing between acknowledgments).
having data to send. This spacing allows the sta- In this case requests that are piggybacked arrive at
tion to send requests for subsequent ACKs along the HE with a rate relative to the o€ered load and
with the ACK packets using piggybacking which do not match the packet rate. We logically loose
improves TCP performance. Note that the highest some bandwidth. We present now a new algorithm
ratio of successful piggybacked requests happens that, in addition to reducing the delay using pig-
at 50% o€ered load due to the ``large'' spacing gybacking, dynamically controls the spacing be-
introduced on TCP ACKs. From the results ob- tween TCP ACKs. It is reactive so that the interval
tained, we can conclude that piggybacking reduces value is adjusted according to the variation be-
318 O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323

Fig. 18. The ACK spacing algorithm.

tween TCP data packet arrivals. This interval is 1

10% offered load
chosen as to increase the bandwidth and to prevent 20% offered load
30% offered load
40% offered load
packet losses. We ®rst describe the algorithm and 0.8
50% offered load

give a pseudo code description of the necessary

calculations. We then comment the simulation
Effective throughput

results, compare the two solutions and discuss
feasibility issues.
Dynamic rate tracking algorithm. The algorithm 0.4

tracks the bottleneck rate capacity l1 . It then

calculates the adequate ACK rate lp for the mea- 0.2

sured l1 :
lp ˆ l1 =Packet size: 0
40 60 80 100
EPD threshold (cells)
120 140 160

Di€erent methods may be used to estimate the Fig. 19. TCP e€ective throughput vs EPD threshold, RR HE
bottleneck rate. Some have been already proposed grant allocation, minimum spacing.
in rate based ¯ow control algorithms [12,17]. We
use a very simple method well adapted to TCP spacing algorithm given. We note that it improves
behavior in SlowStart and congestion-avoidance TCP performance for di€erent o€ered loads. It
working regions. It measures the minimal interar- prevents premature and frequent packet losses due
rival time s between two back to back packets to to ACK compression. As expected, no improve-
decide of the ACK sending rate (spacing). Since ment can be achieved beyond a load of 50%. This
each ACK corresponds to two ATM cells (for is due to the large bandwidth delay product in-
Classical IP over ATM), the requested spacing is curred at this load. In order to validate the choice
then set to s=2. This is adapted to TCP, since it of the minimal interarrival time between two
usually sends packet pairs in both SlowStart and consecutive ACKs, we did simulations using the
congestion-avoidance regions. We can measure average and the maximum interarrival values.
and always use the shortest interarrival time be- Results are given in Figs. 20 and 21, respectively.
tween two consecutive packets. The pseudo code Although TCP performance is improved with a
for the proposed algorithm is as follows (Fig. 18): mean value based estimation, it degrades for the
Simulation results. Fig. 19 gives the e€ective maximum value based estimation. Minimum
throughput of TCP over HFC using the ACK based estimation proves to be optimal in our case.
O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323 319

10% offered load
In Fig. 22, we plot the distributions of ACK in-
terarrival times for the minimum, mean and
20% offered load
30% offered load
40% offered load

maximum based estimations. With the minimum

50% offered load

and mean estimation more than 80% of the ACK

interarrival times fall close to 1:55 ms, which is
Effective throughput


also the minimum spacing between two consecu-

tive TCP data packets. There is relatively few
ACKs compressed (spacing less than 1:55 ms).
However, for the maximum based estimation,
while the ACK compression behavior is corrected,
a large number of ACKs arrive with an interarrival
40 60 80 100 120 140 160
time greater than 1:55 ms. This results from large
EPD threshold (cells)
delays in grant reception increasing ACK spacing
Fig. 20. TCP e€ective throughput vs EPD threshold, RR HE and triggering periods of TCP inactivity.
grant allocation, maximum spacing. Piggybacking vs ACK spacing. As we have
mentioned in the beginning of this paragraph, al-
1 though piggybacking reduces the ACK compres-
sion behavior, by introducing some kind of
10% offered load
20% offered load
30% offered load

spacing on successive ACKs, it does not adapt to

40% offered load
50% offered load

the o€ered load and it may not match the original

spacing between ACKs. In this situation ACKs
Effective throughput

spacing can result in ACK compression and bad


performance. To show this shortcoming, we sim-

ulated di€erent bottleneck rates (link capacity be-
tween SW1 and SW2): 1.5 Mbits/s from 0 to 10 s, 2
0.2 Mbits/s from 10 to 20 s and 2.5 Mbits/s from 20 to
30 s of the simulation time (see Fig. 23). Our goal
is to compare the stability of piggybacking and
ACK spacing. We found that ACK spacing algo-
40 60 80 100 120 140 160
EPD threshold (cells)

Fig. 21. TCP e€ective throughput vs EPD threshold, RR HE rithm prevents from TCP timeouts for the three
grant allocation, mean spacing.






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Inter ACKs arrival (ms)
Fig. 23. Comparison of piggybacking and ACK spacing with
Fig. 22. Distribution of ACK interarrival time for ACK di€erent bottleneck rates: 1.5, 2, 2.5 Mbits/s for 20% o€ered
spacing algorithm. load, EPD threshold ˆ 100 cells.
320 O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323

bottleneck rates. For piggybacking, while the vestigated the e€ect of piggybacking on TCP per-
performance is similar to ACK spacing when the formance and found that it reduces the delay and
bottleneck rate is under 2.5 Mbits/s, a lot of the delay variation of TCP ACKs. As a result TCP
timeouts are observed when the bottleneck rate is eciency is improved in all cases. However, pig-
set to 2 and 1.5 Mbits/s. For 1.5 Mbits/s the gybacking can still result in bad performance when
throughput degradation is very visible (large pe- the data path capacity is small.
riods of inactivity). The spacing introduced by Finally, an algorithm for ACK spacing is pro-
piggybacking does not always match the bottle- posed and is shown to give optimal performance
neck rate, and ACKs can be subject to compres- for di€erent o€ered loads and network bu€er sizes.
sion. This algorithm is very simple and aims at con-
Feasibility and implementation. As far as feasi- serving the ACKs interarrival time, to respect the
bility and implementation are concerned, we be- TCP self-clocking mechanism. This algorithm can
lieve that three conditions are necessary to ensure be generalized for other applications, since even if
proper operation of the proposed algorithm. First packets are subject to delay (due to grant re-
the HE grant allocation algorithm must be able to quests), it is desirable to conserve, at the MAC
schedule grants for ACK transmissions at a con- layer, the spacing introduced by the applications.
stant rate. This can be easily achieved since HE However, since the MAC layer can handle packets
scheduling algorithms are expected to provide from di€erent ¯ows, conserving the delay between
constant bit rate (CBR) service. The second con- packets on a per-¯ow basis is a complex problem,
cern is the value of the clock granularity. As and is in our opinion a good research area in the
pointed out in [18], clock granularity can bias the case of HFC networks. In practice, in the case of
estimation of the interarrival of consecutive residential access, it is expected that only one
packets or ACKs. This problem is likely to happen network application is used in each terminal.
in a high speed network environment. However, in In this paper we studied TCP eciency, how-
this case, the MAC layer has a very ®ne timer ever, we believe that more studies need to be led in
granularity: depending on the upstream bit rate, order to investigate other issues such as TCP
minislot intervals could be in the order of few ls. fairness and delay over HFC. Although, we used
Finally, the algorithm presented can be imple- TCP-RENO in our simulations to re¯ect the large
mented using an additional option in the HFC majority of TCP/IP stacks, it may be interesting to
MAC layer that permits to specify an interval for examine the performance of di€erent TCP algo-
transmitting data. This is achieved at the cost of a rithms, such as SACK-TCP and New-Reno. These
slight increase in the MAC grant request PDU algorithms are known to give better performance
size, namely an 8 bit ®eld containing the trans- in the case of frequent packet losses. Our simula-
mission rate. tions were made using a single TCP connection
since our goal was to focus on the e€ect of the
MAC protocol on TCP performance rather than
7. Concluding remarks to study the interaction between di€erent TCP
connections. Our future work will also include the
This paper gives performance results and im- interaction between multiple TCP connections.
provements of the TCP protocol over HFC net-
works. First, we have shown by means of
simulations that poor TCP performance is ob- Appendix A. Analysis of TCP behavior
served due ACK compression. We compared the
performance of FCFS and RR HE scheduling al- In this appendix we examine TCP congestion
gorithms and found that RR scheduling results in window and SW1 bu€er (corresponding to the
better performance due to the ``natural'' spacing bottleneck link) dynamics for 30% of the upstream
introduced on successive TCP ACKs. This reduces o€ered load using di€erent MAC layer algorithms:
the ACK compression behavior. Second, we in- (1) ``pure RR'', (2) RR ‡ piggybacking and, (3)
O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323 321

the MAC layer leading to additional packet losses.
This results in setting the congestion window and
25000 the slow start threshold to a fourth of its initial
value (when the ®rst packet loss is detected). As
congestion window size (Bytes)

shown in [4], this slows down the TCP connection
since TCP operates in the congestion avoidance
phase with a very small congestion window. In

Fig. 25, we note that the frequency of the bu€er
occupancy cycles is high. The queue size drops
5000 frequently to 0, due to the size of the window that
is frequently reduced to half or fourth of its size
7 8 9 10 11 12 and never reaching its optimal value. In Fig. 26, we
time (s)
plot the dynamics of the congestion window using
Fig. 24. TCP congestion window for 30% upstream o€ered piggybacking. Timeouts are less frequent than
those observed in Fig. 24. This explains why pig-
gybacking improves TCP performance by reduc-
RR ‡ ACK spacing. In Fig. 24 we identify two
pathological problems with the TCP congestion
window. We note that TCP su€ers from frequent 30000

timeouts leading to large periods of inactivity. As 25000

pointed out by Hoe in [5], if more than one packet
congestion window size (Bytes)

belonging to a window of data is lost, TCP Reno 20000

retransmits only one packet using the fast re-

transmit algorithm. The remaining lost packets are 15000

retransmitted after a timeout. This is depicted in

Fig. 24 at t ˆ 8 and t ˆ 10 s. Multiple packet losses 10000

are the result of ACK compression as explained in 5000

Section 5. The second problem leading to TCP low
throughput can be observed from Fig. 24 at 0

t ˆ 8:35 and t ˆ 8:63 s. Immediately after a fast

7 8 9 10 11 12
time (s)

retransmit of a lost packet, multiple ACK packets Fig. 26. TCP congestion window for 30% upstream o€ered
are received in a burst due to grant compression at load, piggybacking.




queue size (cells)

queue size (cells)





7 8 9 10 11 12
0 time (s)
7 8 9 10 11 12
time (s)
Fig. 27. SW1 bu€er dynamics for 30% upstream o€ered load,
Fig. 25. SW1 bu€er dynamics for 30% upstream o€ered load. piggybacking.
322 O. Elloumi et al. / Computer Networks 21 (2000) 307±323


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David Su is the manager of the High
Omar Elloumi has obtained the engi- Speed Network Technologies group of
neering degree in Computer Science the Information Technology Labora-
from the Ecole Nationale des Sciences tory at the National Institute of Stan-
de l'Informatique, Tunisia and the dards and Technology. His main
Ph.D. from the University of Rennes I, research interests are in modeling,
France in 1995 and 1999, respectively. testing, and performance measurement
During his Ph.D. studies he was with of communications protocols. He has
the Networks and Multimedia De- been involved in modeling and evalu-
partment of the Ecole Nationale ation of protocols as they are being
Superieure des Telecommunications de developed by standardization organi-
Bretagne working on architectural and zations. These include protocols for
performance aspects of TCP/IP and the asynchronous transfer mode
ATM integration. Since April 1999, he (ATM) networks, hybrid ®ber-coaxial
has been a member of the Trac and networks, optical networks, and pico-cell wireless networks. He
Routing Technologies project, Network Architecture Depart- has also participated in the development of standard confor-
ment, Alcatel Corporate Research Center. His research interests mance test suites for testing of X.25, Integrated Services Digital
are in the area of trac analysis, QoS in the Internet and ¯ow Network (ISDN), Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI),
admission control. and ATM network protocols. Before joining NIST in 1988, Dr.
Su was with GE Information Service Company as the manager
of internetworking software for support of GE's world wide
Nada Golmie received the M.S. degree data network. From 1973 to 1976, he was an Assistant Pro-
in Electrical and Computer Engineer- fessor in Computer Science at the Florida International Uni-
ing from Syracuse University, New versity in Miami, FL. Dr. Su received his Ph.D. degree in
York, in 1993 and the B.S. in Com- Computer Science from the Ohio State University in 1974.
puter Engineering from the University
of Toledo, OH, in 1992. Since 1993,
she is a research engineer in the High
Speed Networks Technologies group
at the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST). Her research
interests include modeling and perfor-
mance evaluation of network proto-
cols, media access control, and quality
of service for ATM, IP, HFC, WDM
and wireless network technologies.

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