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General Conditions of Sale: 1. Application

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ABN 69 009 701 802


1. APPLICATION 6.2 Any times quoted for delivery are to be treated as best estimates
Until such time as Weir Minerals Australia Ltd ABN 69 009 701 802 or a only, not involving any contractual obligation, unless Weir has
related company of Weir Minerals Australia Ltd which applies these General specifically agreed in writing to negate this Clause 6.2 and to give a
Conditions of Sale to its sales (“Weir”) notifies a customer (“Purchaser”) of contractually binding commitment that dispatch or delivery will be
replacement General Conditions of Sale, these General Conditions of Sale within a specified time or on or by a specified date.
shall form part of any contract for the sale of goods (“Goods”) or supply of
6.3 Any contractually binding commitment by Weir to deliver on or by a
services (“Services”) by Weir to Purchaser, except as varied by written
specific date is subject to the provisions of Clause 18.3 below and
agreement between Weir and Purchaser. Conditions or terms of contract
also subject to Weir not being delayed by instructions or lack of
submitted by Purchaser in or with a purchase order or request for quotation
instructions from the Purchaser. The times quoted shall be
or other document or communication do not form part of any contract with
increased by the duration of any event of force majeure and by the
Weir unless and to the extent agreed to by Weir in writing.
period or periods of any such delay and any consequences of the
2. QUOTATIONS delay.
A quotation by Weir may be withdrawn or varied at any time, prior to
6.4 Weir may make delivery of and invoice any order either as a whole
acceptance by Weir of an order, and ceases to have any effect after 30
or progressively and effect delivery at any time within the period
days from the date of the quotation unless extended in writing by Weir.
advised by it for delivery of the order. If the Purchaser requests
Prices quoted are subject to variation in accordance with clause 5.
Weir to delay delivery or fails to give Weir adequate delivery
3. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDERS instructions, Weir may invoice the Purchaser and store the goods at
Weir is not bound by any order from Purchaser until and unless Weir the Purchaser’s expense.
notifies Purchaser in writing of its acceptance of that order.
4. TERMS OF PAYMENT Insurance cover is the responsibility of the Purchaser and all Goods will be
4.1 Unless other terms of payment are expressly provided for by Weir, at the Purchaser’s risk from the point of delivery as defined in Clause 6.
invoices are payable strictly net within 30 days from the invoice date Weir will not be responsible for any loss or damage occurring after the time
or the date on which Purchaser is notified that the Goods are ready of delivery or deemed delivery and will only arrange insurance upon written
for dispatch, whichever is the earlier. instructions from the Purchaser and at the cost of the Purchaser.

4.2 The due date for payment shall not be postponed on account of 8. AMENDMENT AND CANCELLATION
damage, non delivery or additions, alterations, minor omissions or The Purchaser shall not, after acceptance of order, cancel or amend it in
defects to, from or in the Goods which do not substantially affect the any way without the written approval of Weir. Weir may, on consenting to
commercial use of the Goods. Payments must be made without an amendment, revise its price and delivery schedule and amend the terms
setoffs, counter-claim or deduction. and conditions to reflect such change. In the event of an amendment or
cancellation, the Purchaser shall reimburse Weir for all costs and expenses
already incurred by Weir or for which Weir has or will become liable, and for
5.1 GST All prices quoted are exclusive of GST. In addition to the
any additional costs and expenses resulting from the amendment or
payment of the prices quoted, Purchaser must pay to Weir an
amount equal to any GST imposed on Taxable Supplies made by
Weir to the Purchaser. Weir must give the Purchaser a Tax Invoice The specification by Weir of any particular personnel, in any quotation or
in respect of each such Taxable Supply. “Taxable Supply”, “GST” tender, is subject to availability of those personnel and Weir reserves the
and “Tax Invoice” have the same meanings as in the A New Tax right to substitute any nominated personnel at any time.
System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. If the Purchaser
intends to export the Goods, so that Weir will be exempt from GST
If the Purchaser makes default in payment or fails to carry out any part of
in respect of its supply of the Goods, it must provide Weir with
any contract of which these General Conditions of Sale form part or shall
copies of the shipping documents, and such other documentation as
become bankrupt or commit any act of bankruptcy or compound with its
Weir may reasonably require, within 60 days after the date of Weir’s
creditors or have judgment entered against it in any court or, being a
invoice, otherwise an amount equal to the GST will be payable by
company, have a provisional liquidator, receiver or manager appointed or
the Purchaser to Weir.
enter into any other form of insolvency administration, Weir may at its option
5.2 Unless otherwise specified in writing by Weir, all prices quoted are and without prejudice to any of its rights and remedies under the contract,
ex works (the location specified by Weir in its tender or quotation), suspend or terminate the contract or require payment in cash before or on
unpacked, and all costs of freight and delivery from Weir works, and delivery notwithstanding any other terms of payment specified in the
packing, will be to the Purchaser’s account. contract. If Weir terminates the contract pursuant to this clause, all amounts
payable for work performed up to the date of termination, whether or not
5.3 Where Goods or raw materials or components for Goods are to be
otherwise then due for payment, will become immediately due and payable.
Weir will not be liable to the Purchaser for any loss or damage the
(a) the quoted prices for those Goods are based on the foreign
Purchaser suffers because Weir has exercised its rights under this clause.
currency rate of exchange disclosed in Weir’s quotation and if
no rate of exchange is disclosed, are based on the 10. RETURN OF GOODS
Commonwealth Bank of Australia Foreign Exchange Rates, Weir may, at its absolute discretion, agree to accept the return of any of
published on the date of the quotation. Goods which have not been made or purchased specifically for the
Purchaser and credit the Purchaser with the invoice value of the Goods
(b) unless otherwise specified in writing by Weir, the quoted prices
provided the Goods is returned in “as purchased” condition and the prior
shall be adjusted upwards or downwards as the case may be
written approval of Weir has been obtained by the Purchaser for the return
to reflect the difference between the base rate of exchange
of the Goods. Weir reserves the right to charge a restocking fee for the
referred to in (a) and the actual rate of exchange prevailing on
return of Goods to stock.
the day Weir remits the foreign currency amount for the Goods
or raw materials or components, or if Weir hedges the order for 11. WARRANTIES
the Goods or raw materials or components, the rate hedged by 11.1 New Goods If within a period of 12 months from the date of delivery
Weir and advised to the Purchaser in writing prior to Weir’s (or in the case of diesel-operated pumps, within the first 1,000 hours
remitting the foreign exchange currency amount. of operation, whichever first expires) (“warranty period”) any new
Goods sold by Weir (other than purchased equipment as referred to
5.4 Any increases in the rate of GST, any increases in customs duty on
in Clause 11.4) are found to be defective in materials or
imported Goods or raw materials or components for Goods (whether
workmanship, or do not conform to any applicable drawings and
because of a change in the Customs Tariff Classification and/or
specifications approved in writing by Weir, or (in the case of Goods
rate), and any new carbon trading or emissions trading or other
which are Weir-manufactured pumps) do not perform in accordance
levies, imposts, duties or taxes, applicable to or impacting on the
with the current applicable water performance curves supplied as
cost to Weir of the Goods or Services, between the date of Weir’s
part of the Weir quotation or published by Weir as at the date of the
tender or quotation and the date of invoice, will be to Purchaser’s
quotation (within the tolerances specified in applicable Australian
account, and will be payable by Purchaser within 30 days from the
Standards), then Weir will, at its option, either repair or provide
date of Weir’s invoice.
replacement parts or Goods provided that:
6. DELIVERY & STORAGE (a) the Purchaser has given written notice to Weir of any alleged
6.1 Delivery shall be deemed to occur when the Purchaser is informed defect within the warranty period;
by Weir that the Goods are ready for collection at Weir’s works. (b) the Purchaser has provided Weir a reasonable opportunity to
perform all appropriate tests on the Goods;
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(c) the defective Goods or parts are promptly returned to a and whether or not such loss or damage was foreseeable.
designated Weir service centre. Any defective Goods or parts The term "consequential damages" in these General
replaced will become Weir property and the repaired or new Conditions of Sale shall include, but not be limited to,
Goods or parts will be delivered free to the Purchaser’s site; economic loss including loss of actual or anticipated
and profits, business interruption, loss of use, revenue,
(d) no warranties are given by Weir as to the water performance of reputation and/or data, .increased cost of working, loss or
pumps other than in a test facility designated by Weir. damage to equipment or other property, and liabilities of
the Purchaser to its customers or third persons.
11.2 Repaired Goods For repaired Goods, the warranty period is 6
months from the date of repair and shall only apply to Goods or 12. INDEMNITIES
parts repaired or replaced by Weir. No separate warranty shall Subject to clause 11, the Purchaser indemnifies and holds Weir
apply to repaired Goods as a whole or to parts not repaired or harmless from and against all liabilities, losses, damages, costs or
replaced by Weir. expenses incurred or suffered by Weir and from and against all
actions, proceedings, claims or demands made against Weir, arising in
11.3 Exceptions The warranties given by Weir in 11.1 and 11.2 above
either case as a result of:
do not cover:
(a) the Purchaser’s failure to comply with any laws, rules,
(a) Fair “wear and tear”, or failures or damage not reported to Weir
standards or regulations applicable in relation to the Goods or
within the warranty period.
Services or the use of the Goods or Services;
(b) Failures or damage due to misapplication, abuse, improper
(b) any use of the Goods or Services contrary to any instructions
installation or abnormal conditions of operation.
or warnings given by Weir;
(c) Failures or damage due to operation, either intentional or
(c) any other negligence or any breach of duty by the Purchaser;
otherwise, above or below rated capacities or in an otherwise
(d) any compliance or adherence by Weir with any instructions by
improper manner.
the Purchaser in relation to the Goods or Services or their
(d) Failures or damage resulting from Goods which have been in
manner of preparation or delivery; or
any way tampered with or altered by anyone other than an
(e) any failures resulting from the incorporation of, or failure of,
authorised representative of Weir.
non-Weir manufactured or supplied parts in the Goods.
(e) Goods damaged in shipment or without the fault of Weir.
(f) Failures or damage resulting from the incorporation of, or 13. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS
failure of, non-Weir Mineral manufactured or supplied parts in 13.1 All descriptions, specifications, drawings and particulars of weights
the Goods. and dimensions attached to or submitted with any quotation or
tender are approximate only and the descriptions and illustrations
11.4 Purchased Equipment Weir does not warrant any equipment or
contained in Weir’s catalogues, price-lists and other advertisement
other goods of other manufacturers which is designated by the
matter, are intended merely to present a general idea of the Goods
Purchaser or purchased by Weir for resale to the Purchaser either
or the Services described therein, and none of these shall form part
separately or as a part of or operating in conjunction with equipment
of any contract between Weir and the Purchaser.
or other goods manufactured by Weir. For such equipment or other
goods, the Purchaser must rely on the warranty given by the 13.2 Only such descriptions, specifications, drawings and particulars of
manufacturer of the equipment or other goods. weights and dimensions as are specifically agreed by Weir in writing
to form part of the contract shall do so. The designs and
11.5 Supply of Services When Weir supplies Services to the Purchaser
information concerning the Goods or the Services and as contained
including laboratory testing, process development, equipment on any drawings which are supplied must not be disclosed to a third
selection, design (as part of design and manufacture), detail, party without Weir’s prior written consent.
contract supervision and contract management, Weir shall exercise
due care and skill in undertaking such Services. 14. INSPECTION AND TESTING
14.1 Representatives of the Purchaser approved by Weir will be given
11.6 Limitation of Liability
access to Weir’s works or another site designated by Weir during
(a) Subject to 11.6(b), Weir’s total liability under any contract of normal office hours, for the inspection of the Goods and (subject to
which these General Conditions of Sale form part shall in no 14.2 and 14.3) for any testing of the Goods which is specified in the
event exceed the total price of the Goods and/or Services scope of works attached to or referred to in Weir’s quotation, in
supplied. order to ensure compliance with specification. The Purchaser must
(b) If any term, condition or warranty is implied into these General make appointments for those inspections through Weir’s nominated
Conditions of Sale by law, and cannot be excluded or modified, representative, giving at least 5 days’ written notice (or such shorter
then the term, condition or warranty shall be deemed to be period as may be agreed by Weir), and must be accompanied on
included in these General Conditions of Sale and the such inspections by Weir personnel or other persons designated by
exceptions and limitations in 11.1 to 11.5 do not apply to such Weir.
statutory rights and remedies, Provided That Weir’s liability for 14.2 Where practicable, Weir will subject Goods to Weir’s standard tests
a breach of any such term, condition or warranty, including any before delivery. If tests other than Weir’s standard tests are
consequential loss which the Purchaser may sustain, shall be required, these, unless otherwise agreed, shall be conducted at
limited, at the option of Weir, to either replacing or repairing the Weir’s nominated place of works or at some other place nominated
Goods or, in the case of Services, to supplying the Services by Weir in its sole discretion and may at its option be charged for as
again. extras. Any such charges will be payable by Purchaser within 30
(c) Subject to 11.6(b): days from the date of Weir’s invoice.
(i) All conditions, warranties, terms, undertakings, 14.3 If the Purchaser or its representative fails or is unable to attend the
representations and obligations, not expressly set out in
tests after being given notice by Weir of not less than 7 days that it
these General Conditions of Sale or in any written is ready to carry out the tests referred to in 14.1 and/or 14.2, the
contract of which these General Conditions of Sale form tests will proceed in the absence of the Purchaser or its
part, whether arising under statute, common law, equity, representatives.
custom, trade usage or otherwise (including without 14.4 The water performance of Weir-manufactured pumps in accordance
limitation, any implied condition, warranty, term or with 11.1 above can be verified where required by the Purchaser
representation as to the correspondence of the Goods or with water performance tests carried out in a test facility designated
Services with any contract description or as to by Weir. Additional charges and delivery extension apply if this
merchantable quality, fitness for any purpose or safety of verification is required.
the Goods or Services, or operating performance where
such performance is conditional on empirical factors or on 15. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS
the whole installation or on the individual or overall 15.1 Weir is the owner of certain patents and registered designs as well
operation or on the skills of an operator), whether made as other intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to,
known or not and any liability of Weir to compensate or copyright (together the “Intellectual Property Rights”). Weir has also
indemnify any person or persons in respect of the made certain applications for patents. The Purchaser must not
foregoing, are expressly negatived and excluded; directly or indirectly manufacture or purchase from any third party
(ii) In no event shall Weir be liable for any special, indirect, the subject matter of the Intellectual Property Rights or the patent
consequential, incidental or punitive losses or damages applications, or in any way infringe the Intellectual Property Rights
whether in contract, tort (including without limitation or patent applications. The Intellectual Property Rights remain at all
negligence), equity, under statute or on any other basis, times the exclusive property of Weir.
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paid in full for the Goods and for all other goods supplied by Weir.
15.2 Weir retains ownership of the copyright and all other intellectual
Notwithstanding this paragraph, the Purchaser shall not represent
property rights in all drawings, manuals and other documents and
to any third parties that it is in any way acting for Weir and Weir will
materials provided to the Purchaser in connection with the Goods
not be bound by any contracts with third parties to which the
and/or Services. The Purchaser may only use such documents and
Purchaser is a party.
materials for its own internal business purposes and to the extent
necessary for it to enjoy the benefit of the Goods and/or Services, 17.5 If any payment by the Purchaser to Weir is overdue, in whole or in
and may not disclose any of them to any third party without the prior part, or the Purchaser is otherwise in default under any contract
written consent of Weir, which may be granted or withheld in the with Weir, or the Purchaser shall become bankrupt or commit any
absolute discretion of Weir. act of bankruptcy or compound with its creditors or have judgment
entered against it in any court or, being a company, have a
15.3 The Purchaser must keep confidential all information contained in
provisional liquidator, receiver or manager appointed or enters into
all drawings, manuals and other documents and materials provided
any other form of insolvency administration, all sums then owing by
by Weir to the Purchaser in connection with the Goods and/or
the Purchaser to Weir in respect of the Goods or in respect of other
Services, except to the extent that such information is in or comes
goods supplied by Weir shall become immediately due and payable
into the public domain otherwise than through any act or omission
and Weir may (without prejudice to any of its other rights) recover
of the Purchaser. It must only disclose such information to its
and resell the Goods and any other goods supplied by Weir and
employees, directors and advisers on a need-to-know basis.
may, for that purpose, enter upon the Purchaser’s premises by its
15.4 Where and to the extent that the Goods or the Services ordered servants or agents, and Weir is irrevocably authorised to effect such
have been designed by the Purchaser, the Purchaser is liable for entry, including the use of such reasonable force as is necessary to
and agrees to indemnify Weir against any and all costs, expenses, effect such entry, and to use the name of the Purchaser and to act
liabilities and losses suffered or incurred by Weir arising from any on behalf of the Purchaser, if necessary, to recover possession of
claims of infringement or alleged infringement of any third party’s the Goods and any other goods supplied by Weir and to detach the
intellectual property rights. Goods and any such other goods from any other object to which the
Goods have been attached or of which the Goods form a
15.5 Where the Goods or the Services supplied are designed by Weir
constituent part.
and are found by a Court to have breached a third party’s
intellectual property rights, Weir shall have the right to do such 18. GENERAL
things as are necessary to remedy that breach. 18.1 Non-waiver The fact that Weir fails to do, or delays in doing,
something it is entitled to do under any contract of which these
General Conditions of Sale form part, does not amount to a waiver
16.1 If any dispute arises between the Purchaser and Weir in relation to
of any right or remedy with respect to any existing or subsequent
or in connection with a sale or supply of Goods or Services by Weir
breach or default.
to the Purchaser, they will use their best endeavours to resolve that
dispute in a spirit of good faith and on a commercially realistic basis 18.2 Severability If any provision of any contract of which these General
by mutual negotiation or by mediation prior to commencing litigation Conditions of Sale form part is void, voidable, illegal or
proceedings. unenforceable it shall be severed from the contract but without in
any way affecting the effectiveness, validity, legality or enforceability
16.2 Any mediator shall be an independent person chosen by the parties
of the remaining provisions of the contract.
or, at their request, nominated by the Australian Commercial
Disputes Centre. Each party shall bear its own costs. Any mediation 18.3 Force Majeure Weir shall not be considered in default or liable if
shall take place in Sydney. The costs of the mediator shall be borne there is any failure to perform or delay in performing any of its
by the parties equally. obligations under any contract of which these General Conditions of
Sale form part, to the extent that such failure or delay is due to an
16.3 If any dispute, controversy or claim has not been resolved within 30
event of force majeure, but Weir shall use all reasonable
days after written notice from one party to the other giving details of
endeavours to cure such event (if curable) and to comply with its
the dispute, controversy or claim, each party will be entitled to seek
obligations under that contract, and as soon as any such event
relief from an appropriate court.
ceases to affect the performance of its obligations under that
16.4 This Clause 16 does not prevent either party from seeking or contract Weir shall use all reasonable endeavours to resume
obtaining from a court any injunctive or other interlocutory relief compliance with such obligations. In these General Conditions of
which it may urgently require. Sale, an “event of force majeure” means any act of God or other
occurrence outside the reasonable control of Weir including, but not
limited to, war (whether declared or not), acts of public enemies,
17.1 The Goods shall remain the sole and absolute property of Weir as
industrial disputes, strikes, lock-outs, accidents, hurricanes, fire and
legal and equitable owner, and the property in and title to the Goods
shall not pass from Weir to the Purchaser until the Purchaser has
paid Weir in full for the Goods and for all other goods supplied by 18.4 Interest The Purchaser must pay Weir interest on all overdue
Weir. payments due to Weir under these General Conditions of Sale at
the Corporate Overdraft Interest rate (monthly Charging Cycle) (or
17.2 Until title and property in the Goods passes, the Purchaser holds
its successor) from time to time charged by the Commonwealth
the Goods as bailee in the capacity of a fiduciary for Weir, and
Bank of Australia, plus 2% per annum, calculated on daily rests
must mark the Goods or store them separately and keep all
from and including the due date to and including the date of
necessary records, so that the Goods can at all times be clearly
identified and distinguished as the property of Weir.
18.5 Governing Law These General Conditions of Sale and each
17.3 If the Goods in any way become attached to or a part of another
contract of which they form part are governed by and must be
object before the Purchaser has paid Weir in full for the Goods and
construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales.
for all other goods supplied by Weir, property in so much of the
object as is comprised by the Goods shall remain with Weir and
shall not pass from Weir to the Purchaser until the Goods and all
other goods supplied by Weir have been paid for in full. Until Weir is
paid in full for the Goods and all other goods supplied by Weir the
Purchaser holds any objects to which the Goods are attached or of
which the Goods form a constituent part as bailee in the capacity of
a fiduciary for Weir and shall store such objects separately so as to
be readily identifiable.
17.4 If the Goods (or any objects to which the Goods are attached or of
which the Goods form a constituent part) are on sold by the
Purchaser to a third party prior to payment by the Purchaser in full
for the Goods and all other goods supplied by Weir, the Purchaser
does so as agent for Weir and the Purchaser unconditionally agrees
to keep the proceeds of such on sale in a separate bank account on
trust for Weir and, at Weir’s request, to assign to Weir any debt
owed to the Purchaser in respect of the on sale, until Weir has been
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