Gellan Gum Algal Paper
Gellan Gum Algal Paper
Gellan Gum Algal Paper
Rapid Paper
Although the nuclear genome sequence of Cyanidio- genome project aimed at promoting an understanding of plant
schyzon merolae 10D, a unicellular red alga, was recently evolution and molecular biology. In addition, its simple life
determined, DNA transformation technology that is impor- cycle also facilitates laboratory manipulations (Terui et al.
tant as a model plant system has never been available thus 1995, Kuroiwa 1998). Despite its usefulness as a model plant
far. In this study, improved culture conditions resulted in a system, the basic methods for cultivating C. merolae have not
faster growth rate of C. merolae in liquid medium (dou- been investigated sufficiently to take advantage of it. Under
bling time = 9.2 h), and colony formation on gellan gum conventional culture conditions with continuous illumination
plates. Using these conditions, spontaneous mutants (5- (35 µmol photons m–2 s–1) at 40°C with aeration, the doubling
fluoroortic acid resistant) deficient in the UMP synthase time was reported as approximately 32 h in liquid medium.
gene were isolated. The lesions were then restored by intro- And limited use of cultures on solid plate media has been
ducing the wild-type UMP synthase gene into the cells sug- reported for C. merolae 10D (Toda 1996). In this study, we
gesting DNA transformation by homologous recombination. investigated these culture conditions to obtain a faster growth
rate, and examined the possibility for nuclear transformation
Keywords: Cultivation — Cyanidioschyzon merolae — 5-FOA using exogenous DNA and the improved cultivation conditions.
resistance — Homologous recombination — Red algae —
Transformation. Results and Discussion
Abbreviations: 5-FOA, 5-fluoroorotic acid; MA medium, modi- To improve the cultivation conditions, the composition of
fied Allen medium; OMP, orotidine 5′-monophosphate; UMP, uridine the medium was examined. In our laboratory thus far, C. mero-
5′-monophosphate. lae has been grown in Allen’s photoautotrophic medium (Allen
1959), replacing the trace elements with Arnon’s A6 solution
for experimental convenience. Previously, Dr. Seckbach sug-
gested that 2× Allen’s medium; in which all ingredients are
Introduction concentrated two times more than the original Allen’s medium,
supports better cyanidiophycea growth (Seckbach 1994). Thus,
Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D is a unicellular red alga we examined C. merolae growth in Allen’s media concentrated
that lives in acid hot springs rich in sulfate (pH 1.5, 45°C). This to various strengths. As a result, the doubling time in the dou-
alga contains one nucleus, one mitochondrion and one plastid, ble strength 2× Allen’s medium was shortened from 32 to 24 h,
and is considered one of the most primitive algae by many lines however, increasing concentrations of the ingredients up to
of evidence (Kuroiwa 1998, Nozaki et al. 2003, Matsuzaki et fivefold did not improve this growth rate further. Thus, 2×
al. 2004). A sample of C. merolae 10D was isolated (Toda et al. Allen’s medium was used for the subsequent experiments.
1995) from the hot spring algal collection provided from Dr. When the iron ingredient of the 2× Allen’s medium was
Pinto, Naples University. Because this thermophilic alga does mixed with the other ingredients prior to autoclaving, a signifi-
not possess any rigid cell walls, C. merolae is a suitable mate- cant amount of sediment appeared, which was inconvenient for
rial for studies of biochemistry, structural biology and biotech- the experimental manipulations. To prevent this the iron ingre-
nology. Furthermore, the nuclear (Matsuzaki et al. 2004) and dient was added after autoclaving. Considering the modifica-
the organelle (Ohta et al. 1998, Ohta et al. 2003) genome tions described above, a modified Allen’s autotrophic medium
sequences of C. merolae were recently determined by a nuclear (MA medium) was established for C. merolae growth (Table 1).
Corresponding author: E-mail,; Fax, +81-3-5841-8476.
Table 1 Modified Allen’s (MA) autotrophic medium ml–1, Kanto Kagaku, Japan), nalidixic acid (10 µg ml–1, Itoh et
al. 1997), novobiocin (100 µg ml–1), and 5-fluoroorotic acid
(NH4)2SO4 2.62 g liter–1 (5-FOA) (800 µg ml–1) effectively prevented growth, while
KH2PO4 0.54 g liter–1 ampicillin (1 mg ml–1), kanamycin (1 mg ml–1), spectinomycin
MgSO4·7H2O 0.5 g liter–1 (1 mg ml–1), bleomycin (20 µg ml–1), and vancomycin (1 mg
CaCl2·2H2O 0.14 g liter–1 ml–1) had no effect on growth. The lack of growth inhibition by
FeCl3 (EDTA·2Na) 0.016 g liter–1 (0.028 g liter–1) kanamycin and bleomycin was consistent with the results of
Trace elements (2× A6 solution) Yagisawa et al. (2004). In other organisms such as yeast (Sac-
Adjust the pH to 2.5 with H2SO4 charomyces cerevisiae), 5-FOA is used to select mutants defi-
250× Fe solution (filtered sterilization) is 7 g liter–1 EDTA·2Na and cient in orotidine 5′-monophosphate (OMP) decarboxylase
4 g liter–1 FeCl3. because 5-FOA is converted to a highly toxic compound, 5-
A6 solution is 2.85 g liter–1 H2BO3, 1.8 g liter–1 MnCl2·4H2O, 0.105 g fluorouracil, by this enzyme (Boek et al. 1987). Conversely,
liter–1 ZnCl2, 0.39 g liter–1 Na2MoO2·2H2O, 0.04 g liter–1 CoCl2·6H2O,
0.043 g liter–1 CuCl2. OMP decarboxylase-deficient mutants show auxotrophy for
250× Fe solution was sterilized by filtration and added to the medium uracil, and the structural gene for this enzyme (URA3 in S. cer-
after the addition of all other ingredients and completion of autoclaving. evisiae) can be used as a selectable marker for genetic transfor-
mation (Boek et al. 1987, Peck et al. 2000). Taking advantage
When the liquid culture was performed under higher light con- of this, a gene in C. merolae encoding OMP decarboxylase was
ditions (90 µmol photons m–2 s–1) and bubbled with 5% (v/v) identified based on its nuclear genome sequence (Matsuzaki et
CO2 at 40°C, doubling time was shortened further, down to al. 2004). In C. merolae, OMP decarboxylase was found to be
9.2 h (Fig. 1A). However, cells grown under illumination with expressed as a fused protein with orotidine-5′-phosphoribosyl-
200 µmol photons m–2 s–1 showed a decrease in the growth rate transferase, which is encoded by URA5 in S. cerevisiae, as in
and a yellowish color, suggesting they were suffering from high Arabidopsis thaliana and Homo sapiens (Nasr et al. 1994). Its
light stress at this light intensity. Under the growth conditions corresponding gene was named URA5.3 in C. merolae. The
tested [35 µmol photons m–2 s–1, 0.04% (v/v) CO2, 40°C], C. inhibitory concentration of 5-FOA was roughly the same as in
merolae formed colonies on the MA-0.4% gellan gum plates S. cerevisiae; basically no colonies emerged when 107 cells
(Fig. 1B); no colony formation has previously been observed were spread on MA-0.4% gellan gum plates containing 800 µg
on plates based on the original Allen’s medium. The addition ml–1 5-FOA (data not shown). To obtain spontaneous 5-FOA-
of 0.4% glycerol to the medium also improved the plate and resistant mutants, 9×107 cells were spread on nine MA-0.4%
liquid culture growth of C. merolae (data not shown), indicat- gellan gum plates containing 800 µg ml –1 5-FOA and 500 µg
ing that there are further possibilities for improving culture ml–1 uracil. Eight independent clones were isolated after 2
conditions. months of plating, and designated M1–M8, respectively. 5-
The construction of a nuclear transformation system is FOA resistance and uracil auxotrophy was a stable phenotype
important for making C. merolae a model experimental organ- as shown in Fig. 2A and B. The entire DNA of three clones,
ism. For this purpose, it is essential to establish selectable M1, M3 and M4, was isolated, and the nucleotide sequences of
marker genes and selection conditions. To find potentially use- the DNA regions around the URA5.3 gene were directly deter-
ful drugs for marker selection, various available antibiotics and mined after the PCR amplification using combinations of the
drugs generally used for genetic selection were tested, and their primers listed in Table 2. As a result, we found that a dA7 tract
effect on growth was examined using MA plates. It was in the mid-portion of the URA5.3 open reading frame (462
revealed that chloramphenicol (100 µg ml–1), imazapyr (500 µg amino acids) had mutated to a dA8 tract as a result of a frame
Fig. 2 Analysis of spontaneous 5-FOA-resistant C. merolae mutants. (A) Sensitivity to 5-FOA of the wild type and M3 and M4 mutants grown
on MA-0.4% gellan gum plates containing 800 µg ml–1 5-FOA and 500 µg ml–1 uracil. The three spots represent reproducibility. (B) Effects of
uracil on 5-FOA-resistant mutant growth. The M4 mutant was grown in the presence (crosses) or absence (open circles) of 2.5 mg ml–1 uracil. The
wild type was also grown in the absence of uracil as a control (closed squares). (C) The domain structure of UMP synthase (URA5.3) in C. mero-
lae, whose amino terminal and carboxy terminal domains correspond to orotidine-5′-phosphoribosyltransferase and OMP decarboxylase, respec-
tively. The grey area represents the catalytic site of OMP decarboxylase while the black area indicates the changed amino acid stretch of the
URA5.3 protein as a result of a frameshift mutation in M3 and M4. The structure of the mutated region was also shown in detail. The nucleotide
sequence of the URA5.3 gene has been deposited in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under Accession No. AB164641, and the depicted
nucleotide sequence of the wild-type gene corresponds to positions 3,602 to 3,655.
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