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Oded Rae Tal 2005 World Gas

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The world according to gas

Conference Paper · January 2005

DOI: 10.1144/0060571


1 648

5 authors, including:

Stuart D Burley
Keele University


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The world according to gas

A. ODEDRA,1,2 S. D. BURLEY,1,3,* A. LEWIS,1,4 M. HARDMAN1 and P. HAYNES1,5

BG Group, 100 Thames Valley Park Drive, Reading, Berkshire RG6 1PT, UK
Present address: BG North America, 5444 Westheimer, Suite 1200, Houston, Texas 77056, USA
Present address: BG India, Sahar Plaza, M.V. Road, East Andheri, Mumbai, India 400 059
(email: stuart.burley@bg-group.com); and Basin Dynamics Research Group, University of Keele,
Staffordshire ST5 5BG, UK
Present address: BG Norge Limited, PO Box 780, 4007 Stavanger, Norway
Present address: BG Canada, 700, 150 6th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3Y7, Canada
Corresponding author

Abstract: Proven global reserves of conventional natural gas are immense, with some 5500 £ 1012 SCF
recognized world-wide, sufficient for around 60 years supply at current global gas production rates. However,
total global growth in demand for gas is expected to average 3.2% over the coming decade and is projected to
double by 2025. Along with accelerating liberalization of gas markets, this growth in demand will generate huge
opportunities for gas explorers and producers. The exploration and reservoir engineering challenges are to find
and produce three times more gas over the next 20 years than the industry has found in cumulative total since
1970. Current estimates suggest that 50% of conventional gas resources have been discovered to date. These
resources are well characterized and exploration will have to extend deeper into sedimentary basins, in deeper
waters, and in new plays, as well as creatively re-evaluate current acreage, to discover additional conventional
natural gas. Tertiary deltas will be a major exploration play over the next decade.
In the future, unconventional gas resources will be used increasingly to supplement high volume demand in
developed markets and as a major longer-term source of energy. Natural gas in low permeability sandstone
reservoirs, coal beds and fractured shale already accounts for more than 25% of natural gas production in the
USA. Additionally, enormous volumes of natural gas are generated by methanogenic bacteria during early burial
in marine sediments, much of which then contributes to frozen methane hydrates on the continental slopes. At
present, much of this unconventional natural gas is categorized as hypothetical and requires fundamental
scientific research before it can be considered as an economic resource.
Historically, the commercial imperative has been to find gas close to markets. Shipping of liquefied gas, liquid
gas derivatives and potentially solid methane hydrates (LNG, GTL and GTS technologies) around the globe, are
changing the traditional patterns of gas exploration, transportation and market supply as new producers and
demand centres emerge. LNG has already been transformed from a small volume, exotic trade into a sophisticated
global market and GTL is likely to follow, opening global gas exploration and production to deep waters and
plays far removed from markets.

Keywords: natural gas, gas reserves, gas exploration and production, LNG

The most immediate problems facing humanity over the next 50 recoverable reserves) and in the Southern North Sea (estimated in
years are recognized internationally as being dominated by the excess of 160 £ 1012 SCF ultimate recoverable reserves) during
four Es: Energy, Economics, Environment and Education (Simon the 1960s, natural gas as a source of energy became more pro-
1995). Of these, a cheap and effective supply of energy is essential minent (Petroleum Geological Circle 1993) and contributed to the
for powering the world’s economies. Global energy use has status of Britain as a net exporter of energy. Initi
evolved over the last 50 years from a coal base through oil to being ally, European energy policy was considered too important to
dominated today by natural gas. It is debatable when the switch in leave to the market so politicians retained control on supply. All
emphasis from oil to gas took place, but most commentators that changed in the 1980s, when the UK Conservative government
now suggest that the age of natural gas has arrived (Holditch 2001; forced the privatization of oil, coal and electricity industries. In
EIA 2003; NPC 2003). Indeed, natural gas is increasingly the this respect, Britain set the pace for liberalizing energy markets, a
fuel of choice. It is the cleanest of all the fossil fuels, is abundant practice continuing around the world today. European privatized
and relatively cheap, providing stability of supply, and proven power companies made a ‘dash for gas’, building new gas power
global reserves are sufficient for some 60 years supply (BP 2003). stations. This heralded the start of a rapid decline of coal
However, it has not always been so. During the first half of production in the UK, leading eventually to the closure of all
the twentieth century there was little use for natural gas. It was Scotland’s mines and all but one in Wales. By 1990, gas was the
considered a by-product of oil production and priced so cheaply preferred fuel for power generation and domestic heating across
that exploration was curtailed and new pipelines were financially much of Europe and North America, whilst many industrial and
unviable. Natural gas was either burnt-off as waste or pumped petrochemical plants were powered by natural gas.
back to maintain reservoir pressure enabling more oil production. Despite this demand, in most industrialized nations, and
But with the huge gas discoveries onshore Netherlands (the especially the USA, domestic gas production is declining because
Groningen gas field has, for example, some 97 £ 1012 SCF of easily detectable accumulations have been discovered and reserves

ODEDRA , A., BURLEY , S. D., LEWIS , A., HARDMAN , M. & HAYNES , P. 2005. The world according to gas. In: DORÉ , A. G. & VINING , B. A. (eds) Petroleum
Geology: North-West Europe and Global Perspectives—Proceedings of the 6th Petroleum Geology Conference, 571 –586. q Petroleum Geology Conferences
Ltd. Published by the Geological Society, London.

closest to market produced. Future exploration for gas must extend use for electricity generation are also expected, replacing old coal-
further afield, to deeper waters and deeper within basins, using fired generators and nuclear power plants set to retire in the coming
smarter wells and cleaner operations. Two consequences arise decade. Total natural gas consumption in Western Europe is pro-
from this scenario. First, technologies to bring stranded gas to jected to increase from 15 £ 1012 SCF in 2001 to 26 £ 1012 SCF
market, such as liquefied natural gas (LNG), offshore gas to liquids in 2025. In developing countries, annual gas demand growth is
(GTL) and gas to solids (GTS), will be used more widely and a forecast to be even stronger, rising by an average 5% annually to
global market in these products will develop (Hakes 1997; Stosur 2015. Asia is expected to increase annual gas consumption by
2001). Secondly, there will be a drive towards exploration for 8% (BP 2003). Much of the growth will provide for electricity
so-called ‘unconventional gas resources’. These resources com- generation, but infrastructure projects are also underway for
prise methane which occurs in petroleum systems that do not natural gas to displace polluting home heating and cooking fuels
conform to the normal concept of source, reservoir and trap. in major urban areas in countries such as China and India. Rapid
Forward-looking governments have already introduced incentives growth in natural gas use is also projected for Mexico, at 6% per
to promote the production of these gas resources. Enormous year (EIA 2003).
potential reserves are to be gained here, if they can be exploited In a world where greenhouse gas emissions may be increasingly
economically. The current US focus on unconventional gas controlled by international regulation, the lower environmental
resources is a template for the global exploration plays that will impact of natural gas compared with oil and coal is also a major
emerge to meet the increasing demand for gas supply over the next factor contributing to the increased demand for natural gas. The
50 years. same level of energy derived from burning natural gas saves 50%
Given this context, this contribution reviews the global con- of carbon emissions relative to coal and 30% relative to oil. Thus,
ventional and unconventional natural gas resource base, highlights as governments implement policies that limit carbon emissions,
some of the key technologies that characterize the exploration fuel substitution from coal and oil to gas and its by-products
and production of natural gas and sets the market scene for the (synthesis gas, syncrude, methanol and hydrogen) is inevitable.
drivers of future gas demand growth. Natural gas availability, its low cost and its relative environmental
cleanliness all favour a growing reliance on gas in industrial
processes, as a fuel for transport and in residential use. However,
Global gas demand the main driver for gas use is the huge surge in global power
The world’s hunger for energy is led by an increasing demand demand. Electricity consumption is forecast to rise by an annual
across industrialized and developing nations alike. This demand is average of 3% to 2020 and accelerate beyond this date. Within this
caused by the need for cheap and reliable electricity generation, context, natural gas use for power generation should double over
domestic energy requirements and a demand for less polluting the same period, largely due to advances in gas-fired technologies
transport in major conurbations. The US Energy Information and the increased use of combined-cycle gas turbines that have
Agency (EIA 2003) predicts a future with a compound annual highly efficient, clean operations, with low capital costs and
growth rate for gas consumption of 3.2% in the years 2000 to shorter construction times.
2020, the strongest growth of all fuels. The Paris-based Inter-
national Energy Agency takes a similar view, forecasting a
doubling of gas use between 2002 and 2030, with the natural gas World gas reserves
share of the world energy market rising from 23% to 30% over the
same period (Fig. 1). This growth will generate some 40 £ 1012
Resources and reserves
SCF of new annual gas requirement over the next decade, An assessment of natural gas volumes in the subsurface
equivalent to 150% of the present US gas market. necessitates a knowledge of the geology of the prospective region,
North America is predicted to have the largest increase in requiring examination of as much geological data as are available
natural gas use between 2001 and 2025, at 20 £ 1012 SCF. Western (McCabe 1998). ‘Resources’ are estimates of the global hydro-
Europe will also dramatically expand its gas use over the same carbon endowment that are considered to have the potential to be
period, at an average annual rate of 2.5%. Liberalization of natural recovered eventually, as defined by the US Geological Survey
gas markets in the European Union has been underway since the (1976). Although the total endowment of hydrocarbons is finite,
passage of the Natural Gas Directive in 1998 and, in a majority of how these volumes are determined varies with time and how
the member countries, natural gas infrastructures are planned to be much data are available. Historically, the recoverable resource
fully open to third-party access by 2008. Increases in natural gas base has increased through time with improvement in knowledge
and the development of new technologies.
The term ‘reserves’, by contrast, defines only that part of the
known resource that has the potential to be recovered within the
foreseeable future under current economic conditions and with
current technology (generally up to c. 20 years hence). Reserves
are, therefore, saleable quantities of hydrocarbons that can be
technically and economically recovered from a known accumu-
lation at a given point in time. Part of the resource base is
continually converted to reserves through ‘appraisal’ as they are
discovered or become economically viable. Hydrocarbon reserves
are always subject to uncertainty, at least until the end of field life.
At any point in time there is a best estimate view of reserves and an
upside and a downside to this figure. The range of uncertainty
gradually decreases with time as the field is developed (Fig. 2) and
reserves are classified according to the level of confidence that can
Fig. 1. The historical world production of hydrocarbons, nuclear and be assigned to their presence based on current knowledge,
renewable energy supplies, expressed as a percentage of total market share, technology and economic assumptions:
and predicted energy demand from 2004 (based on EIA 2003; BP 2003;
Tinker 2003). The increased demand for gas will continue unabated for the . proven (or 1P, p90) – the amount of hydrocarbons that can
next 50 years and beyond. absolutely be guaranteed to be recoverable;

distribution of these proven gas reserves in 2003 is shown in

Fig. 4. Most are located in the former Soviet Union (FSU) and
the Middle East, which together account for over 70% of current
world conventional gas reserves. The USA has only 5% of global
conventional natural gas reserves. In the period 1995– 2000, some
600 £ 1012 SCF conventional gas reserves were discovered
(Deutsche Bank 2003). Over this period, individual discoveries
of over 2 £ 1012 SCF were made in Kazakhstan, Siberia, deep-
water West Africa, North Africa (Nile), South East Asia,
Azerbaijan, offshore Trinidad– Venezuela, Bolivia and Norway
(EIA 2003). These discoveries encompass a wide spectrum of play
types, but are dominated by Palaeozoic carbonate build-ups, deep-
water clastics, deltas and high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT)
New gas discoveries have continued apace in the FSU and in
OPEC countries since the 1980s, whilst they have been in decline
in the USA over the same time interval, and with only minor
Fig. 2. The conceptual framework for definition of resources and reserves. growth in the rest of the world. If the reserves remaining at the
Resources are unproven hydrocarbons within leads and prospects that end of the year are divided by the production in that year (the
have the potential to be produced. Once a field is discovered, reserves are R/P ratio), the result is the length of time that those remaining
defined as proven, probable and possible. The range of reserves
reserves would last if production were to continue at that rate and
uncertainty decreases until field abandonment. FPA, full project approval.
no new reserves were found. The world-wide R/P value is around
60 years, significantly higher than for oil. Natural gas R/P ratios
. probable (or 2P, p50) – the amount of hydrocarbon that can be are lowest in the well-developed markets such as USA and Europe
reasonably expected to be recovered; and highest in the resource-rich areas of the Middle East, FSU and
. possible (or 3P, p10) – the amount of hydrocarbon that can be Africa. Together, the USA and Europe have produced more than
envisaged under favourable circumstances to be recoverable. 50% of their total estimated conventional natural gas reserves. In
large parts of the rest of the world resources remain poorly
The definition of these reserves has to comply with international quantified and have been largely unexploited. Outside the USA
criteria set by the US Securities and Exchange commission (SEC). and Europe, it is estimated that less than 10% of total conventional
The 1P, 2P and 3P reserves converge as the field is produced and natural gas resources have been produced.
are only equal at the time of abandonment.
The total complement of world natural gas resources is New conventional gas plays. The United States Geological
potentially enormous (Fig. 3) and is estimated to range between Survey ‘World Petroleum Assessment’ (USGS 2003) estimates
750 000 to 1 200 000 £ 1012 SCF (BP 2003; EIA 2003; Tinker that the volume of undiscovered conventional natural gas resources
2003; USGS 2003). More than 90% of this endowment is classified is 5000 £ 1012 SCF. In fact, as technology has advanced over the
as unconventional and likely to be characterized by low recovery last five years, the estimate of undiscovered gas has increased by
factors. How much of this resource will ever be assigned as 15%, suggesting these estimates may be conservative.
reserves is currently unknown. Of these inferred resources, the FSU holds some 38%; the
Middle East (mostly in Iran and Qatar) and North Africa region
claim another 35%. A significant part of the predicted undiscov-
Conventional gas reserves
ered resources outside of the Middle East lie offshore in water as
Conventional natural gas constitutes methane and associated light deep as 4000 m. Recent reviews of potential petroleum provinces
hydrocarbons which occur in discrete accumulations in petroleum of the twenty-first century (e.g. Downey et al. 2003) list some 20
systems driven by buoyancy (comprising a source, migration key continuing and emerging provinces world-wide (Alaska,
fairway, reservoir and trap) and generated by thermogenic Canada, North Atlantic Margins, Rocky Mountains (USA),
processes (US Bureau of Mines and USGS 1976). Kazakhstan, Timan – Pechora Basin, Russia, Indonesia, Papua
The estimate for global conventional natural gas reserves was New Guinea, offshore North West Australian continental shelf,
5500 £ 1012 SCF in 2003 (EIA 2003). This estimate has onshore China, Gulf of Mexico, Venezuela, southern South
moved upwards each year since the 1970s. The geographical America, Iran, Libya, Egypt, Algeria (offshore West Africa)).

Fig. 3. The approximate global gas endowment, expressed as 1012 SCF and distinguished as resources and reserves, here estimated in total at around
755 800 £ 1012 SCF. Based on data in EIA (2003), BP (2003), Tinker (2003) and USGS (2003).

Fig. 4. The global distribution of conventional gas resources and booked reserves. Data from BP (2003), EIA (2003) and USGS (2003), with BG estimates
included. Figures shown on the map for gas volumes are 1012 SCF for each region: figures on the pie chart are expressed as percentages. Key for major
regions with gas discoveries and reserves (in 1012 SCF): 1, Siberian Basin, 1150; 2, Qatar Dome 450; 3, Zagros Fold Belt 402; 4, Iraq– Iran, 292; 5, Ghawar
Arch, 220; 6, Amu-Darya Basin, 206; 7, Rub Al-Khali Basin, 185; 8, Gulf Coast Mesozoic, 184; 9, Southern North Sea, 0.167; 10, Indonesia, 166; 11,
North Caspian, 157; 12, German–Polish Trough, 138; 13, Northern Gulf of Mexico, 136; 14, Orinoco Delta, 128; 15, Ahnet Basin, 112; 16, Australian
NW Shelf, 98; 17, Ukraine Basins, 98; 18, sub-Andean Fold Belt, 88; 19, West African Margin, 86; 20, NW Atlantic Margin 68.

Without doubt, Tertiary deltas are destined to be one of the gas in recent years, with a number of large discoveries, notably
major gas plays of the next decade. Recent discoveries on on the North West shelf of Australia and at Tangguh in Indonesia.
modern deltas including the Nile (some 14 £ 1012 SCF), Orinoco Large onshore Bolivian gas and condensate discoveries (such as
(Venezuela and Trinidad, some 28 £ 10 12 SCF) and the Margarita, Itau and Sabalo) in highly fractured and thrusted
Krishni – Godavari Delta, India (18 £ 1012 SCF) highlight the Palaeozoic sediments have proved technically challenging but
enormous gas potential of this play. Examination of creaming are a feature of activity in the Southern Cone. Significant gas dis-
curves for typical Tertiary deltas over the last 30 years clearly coveries offshore Trinidad and Venezuela suggest the Orinoco
demonstrates the trend of initial discoveries in conventional oil- Delta has more to reveal, whilst much of the southern offshore
prone Mesozoic plays, followed by gas discoveries of several Brazilian basins remains unexplored and gas prospective.
1012 SCF in the shallower Tertiary sections (Fig. 5). A combination
of rapid Tertiary sedimentation to carry Mesozoic and early Tertiary Reserves growth. A major component of ensuring continued
source rocks into the gas generation window along with regional supply of natural gas is the ability to recover more of the gas-
structuration (growth faulting and basement-related movements), initially-in-place (GIIP) that has already been discovered. This
are key to providing an active petroleum system and trapping process is known as reserves growth (Morehouse 1997). Assuming
mechanisms. Newly emerging giants, such as the MacKenzie Delta stable prices, reserves growth occurs in two ways. First, 3D
in Canada, are likely to be significant exploration provinces of the seismic imaging and high resolution logging techniques delineate
next decade. Also high on the exploration agenda are the geological accumulations of gas either between wells or simply not
provinces of the Arctic region, which remain relatively unexplored, recognized in existing wells. These discoveries allow for
but are estimated to contain 25% of the undiscovered gas resources substantial increases in the original estimates of GIIP. Additional
(Ahlbrandt 2002). Already some 30% of the world’s oil and gas wells or improved well completions can then be used to increase
resides in the Arctic region, 40% of which is in West Siberia, the reserves and production. Secondly, improved production design,
worlds’ largest petroleum basin (Ulmishek 2003). New plays for well location and well maintenance enable operators to obtain
gas are being targeted in North Alaska, the Sverdrup Basin, West better recovery from existing wells so that less gas is left in the
and East Greenland, the Norwegian Arctic and the Russian Arctic. ground. These techniques increase the efficiency of recovery and,
South East Asia and Australia have proved to have no shortage of therefore, reserves and production, from a given GIIP.

Fig. 5. Exploration history in a typical Tertiary delta basin play, from the Indian continental shelf. Initial wildcat exploration discovered oil, which was
followed by exploration targeting the Mesozoic oil play. Subsequent exploration has successfully focused on Tertiary gas prospects.

Incremental reserves growth of gas from existing fields and

their satellites will be a major contributor to conventional gas
supply (USGS 2003). Amazingly, potential additions to reserves
through more optimal production in existing fields are estimated
globally at 3300 £ 1012 SCF, which equates to 75% of the
estimated total undiscovered gas resources. In the USA, com-
pletely new field discoveries have added only around 1012 SCF per
year. Despite this, total reserves have declined by only a small
margin – the remainder of the production has come from reserves
growth which, in the USA, is estimated to provide an additional
500 £ 1012 SCF from existing fields beyond current reserve esti-
mates. The Southern North Sea has produced some 34 £ 1012 SCF
of gas since gas first came ashore from the West Sole Field in 1967 Fig. 6. The liquid derivatives of methane produced via ‘synthesis gas’,
(DTI 1999), most of which has been produced from the Lower a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, through to ‘synthetic crude’,
Permian Rotliegend aeolian and fluvial sandstone play and is producing a variety of low sulphur, high quality fuels. As well as liberat-
estimated to retain 15 £ 1012 SCF of undiscovered gas (Gautier ing stranded gas, sequestration of carbon and sulphur result from the
2003). Stretching eastwards into the North German Plain and process, as methane is converted to hydrogen and carbon monoxide,
Polish Trough this play fairway is estimated to have ultimate providing an additional driver for this technology.
recoverable resources of around 160 £ 1012 SCF of gas (Glennie
1998). Reserves in this fairway are expected to increase through
the application of new technologies, such as seismic processing diesels. Several commercial GTL plants are already in operation,
and interpretation techniques, which recognize ever more subtle with a combined liquids capacity of over 100 000 BBL per day
traps (Brooks et al. 2001). This is exactly the strategy adopted by (b/d), which is projected to reach 106 b/d by 2007 (Thackeray
exploration companies when creatively re-evaluating existing 2003). Natural gas can also be converted to other marketable
acreage for new plays (Maynard & Gibson 2001). The concepts liquids and, over the next two decades, direct production of
being developed in the North Sea will be extended globally. hydrogen will be an economic prospect (Fig. 6). This will enable
sequestration of carbon and sulphur as methane is converted to
Stranded gas. Methane is difficult to transport, as a gas, over hydrogen and carbon monoxide in the process. Taking GTL
long distances. Some 80% of current gas demand is met by sup- technology offshore is already a technical reality that can be used
plies from wells within the host country where it is consumed. As to address stranded gas around the world (Agee 2000). Floating,
the projected growth in gas demand continues, this balance will mobile GTL ‘barge’ technology is being developed by the US
have to change. Gas will be transported over much longer dis- Department of Defence for small volume production (20 000 b/d)
tances and across international borders. According to Shell esti- of diesel, naptha and liquid propane gases (Hutton 2003) and will
mates (Watts 2003), by 2030 less than 50% of demand will be met undoubtedly become an important component of the global GTL
by indigenous supplies. Unlike oil, gas has, historically, had the trading process (Cottrill 2002). Gas to solids (GTS) technology, in
peculiar property of being classified as ‘stranded’ if located too far which offshore stranded gas is converted to ‘snow-like’ methane
offshore, or if simply distant from markets, as well as if individual hydrate containing 150 times the volume of gas per unit volume
gas accumulations are considered too small to be economic. This of water, ready for transport in barges, is being examined by
is because of the prohibitive costs of laying pipelines over long BG Group and Advantica (Bradbury 2002). In the future, LNG,
distances. Thus, huge volumes of gas, around 30% of current GTL and GTS technologies will transform stranded gas reserves
global conventional gas reserves, are defined as ‘stranded’ simply from a liability – gas that would have been flared or, at best,
because they are too far away to be transported economically (EIA re-injected – into commercial assets.
2003). However, there are now two ways of bringing stranded
gas to markets – LNG and GTL technology. In general, LNG is
Unconventional gas reserves
generally the more economically viable alternative to pipeline if
the transport distance is greater than 2000 miles. Unconventional gas resources (UCG) are generally taken, at least
LNG is revolutionizing and liberating gas from a regional to a by geologists, to refer to regionally pervasive natural gas
global market place commodity. With LNG technology, natural concentrations (expressed as high gas saturations), typically
gas is converted to a liquid that occupies only 0.0017% of the independent of structural and stratigraphic traps and commonly
original volume of the gas by cooling it to 21608C. The resulting characterized by low permeability host-rock formations (Law &
liquid requires constant cooling and insulation to remain liquefied, Curtis 2002). They have also been defined in economic terms but,
but can be economically transported in ships across oceans. Japan, as technology advances, tax incentives are introduced and gas
for example, imports cargoes of LNG from Abu Dhabi, Qatar and market price rises, what was once sub-economic becomes a viable
Oman, a distance of more than 5000 miles. Thus, gas need no resource. Resources that were previously considered uneconomic,
longer be considered a stranded asset, if located far from a market such as coal bed methane, are now an essential component of the
or in deep offshore waters. There is already a booming world spectrum of produced fossil fuels. As the more easily exploited
market in LNG, with many countries becoming significant LNG conventional gas resources are exhausted, unconventional gas
producers. LNG technology, together with insulated ships, has resources will contribute progressively to global gas production
transformed LNG from a small volume, exotic trade to a sophi- (McCallister 2000; Holditch 2001; Stosur 2001). Unconventional
sticated global market (Gas Matters 2004). gas resources have gained increased industry attention for their
Gas is already less polluting than coal or oil, but GTL ability to supplement high volume demand markets, especially in
technology is making it even cleaner environmentally (Hakes the USA, and as an important longer-term source of energy (Law &
1997). The modern GTL process by which ‘synthesis gas’, a Curtis, 2002). For example, natural gas in low permeability
mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, is converted to reservoirs, coal bed methane and shale gas already account for
‘synthetic crude’ to produce a variety of low sulphur, high quality more than 25% of natural gas production in the USA. At present,
fuels, is opening new markets for otherwise uneconomic gas a large proportion of the global unconventional gas resource base
accumulations. When such GTL-converted fuels are used in is categorized as hypothetical and still requires much funda-
conventional engines they produce only a fraction of the noxious mental scientific research before it can be considered an economic
emissions created from the burning of conventional oils and commodity.

Basinal (‘deep’) gas (and tight gas sands). Deep, so-called Coal bed gas systems. Natural gas occurring within coal deposits
‘basinal gas’ sands (Masters 1979) comprise an all-encompassing is generally referred to as ‘coal bed methane’ (CBM). Coal beds
category that includes many different types of reservoirs of are self-sourcing reservoirs that can contain in situ thermogenic,
differing depositional systems, including sands and limestones, migrated thermogenic, biogenic, or mixed gas (Ayers 2002). The
and at varying burial depths, as some of the most prolific basin- CH4 is primarily absorbed as gas molecules on the surface of
centred gas accumulations are produced from depths of less than organic matter in the coal and, as these have a large surface area
1 km (Law 2002). The characteristic features are that they comprise (c. 109 ft2 t21), coal deposits can hold much more methane as an
regionally pervasive, gas-saturated, low permeability sandstones equivalent thickness of sandstone. Methane also occurs as free gas
(and occasionally limestones) with permeabilities of as low as in pore space and fractures in the coal and as dissolved gas within
one microdarcy, that are commonly, although not exclusively, formation waters. High CH4 concentration, good coal thickness
overpressured (Price 1997), with an updip stratigraphic or regional and fracture permeability are requirements for sustained and
top seal. The cause of the low permeability can reflect original economically viable production from CBM deposits.
depositional composition, compaction or extreme diagenetic Major CBM resources are recognized in 70 countries (Landis &
cementation. Seals are a combination of relative permeability in Weaver 1993), with CBM wells being drilled in 17 countries
the tight formation (capillary effects), often accompanied by (Ayers 2002). The World Bank has funded CBM projects totalling
stratigraphic (pinchouts), structural (closure and faulting) and $US30 million in China, India and Russia, whilst Australia has
diagenetic seals (Law 2002). During burial, the rate at which gas is R&D tax incentives to seed CBM activity. Canada has huge CBM
generated exceeds that at which gas leaks and, as gas accumulates potential, with estimates of 3000 £ 1012 SCF of untapped CBM
in the pore system, the capillary pressure of the water-wet pores is resource, dwarfing the USA, with around 700 £ 1012 SCF and
overcome and mobile water is expelled from the pore system, amounting to 50% of the global estimate of CBM potential
resulting in an overpressured, gas-saturated reservoir with little or (Schwochow 2002). However, virtually all CBM production
no free water. Currently, most basinal gas resources are comes from the USA, with annual production from eleven coal
recognized in the USA, amounting to some 7000 £ 1012 SCF, of basins in the USA exceeding 1.6 £ 1012 SCF, some 10% of
which some 250 £ 1012 SCF are currently considered recoverable indigenous US gas production. Cook Inlet in Alaska has already
(Luetkehan 2001; USGS 2003). Indeed, they already contribute produced 8 £ 1012 SCF of CBM and has 240 £ 1012 SCF of
15% of the total US gas production, at a rate of around 4 £ 1012 SCF estimate in-place resources (Montgomery & Barker 2003).
per annum (Hill 2000). However, other basins are under Australia produces around 20 £ 109 SCF of CBM gas per year
appraisal, notable projects developing in the Gipplsand, Cooper (about 1% of US production) and Canada around 10 £ 109, but
and Barrow basins of Australia, Sichuan Basin in China and plans for CBM production are ongoing in Europe (e.g. Kotarba
the Ahnet Basin in Algeria (Hirst et al. 2001). The potential of et al. 1996), India (Trehan 2002) and Russia (Yakutseni et al.
basin-centred gas resources around the world is enormous and has 1996).
not yet been investigated systematically. Although there are no The traditional approach to CBM production is to de-water the
accurate global resource data available for basinal gas sands, a formation so that the gas desorbs and then migrates to the fracture
cursory estimate of potential resources in basins under appraisal system, from where it is produced to the well. As a result, these
suggests that some 20 000 £ 1012 SCF may be available, of which reservoirs initially produce water and little commercial gas (Fig. 7),
500 – 700 £ 1012 SCF could be recoverable, given current but, as depressurization continues, desorbed gas moves by Darcy
technology. flow to the wellbore. Initial water production is large and can be
For economic productivity, all basin-centred gas accumulations a problem (especially if the produced water is saline and of
require the presence of natural fractured networks (Bates et al. extreme pH), and advanced pumps were developed to handle the
1999), which usually have to be supplemented by artificial large volumes and high flow rates (Leach 2002). Over time, water
fracturing to create commercial production (Cramer 2003). The production declines and gas production increases. The most
best known resource of tight gas sands is found in the SW USA in challenging aspect of the initial water production is minimizing
several Rocky Mountain region foreland basins, the best the environmental impact and ensuring local aquifers are not
documented of which are the Greater Green River and Wind contaminated. Deviated and horizontal wells are more efficient
River basins of Wyoming, Utah and Colorado (Law & Spencer producers in these tight formations, especially after hydraulic
1993). Extensive high resolution seismic data are used to define fracturing. However, multi-seam completions (‘branched
fracture networks (Bates et al. 2000) and locate high porosity laterals’), producing a 3608 pinnate network of up to 2 km radius
zones for well placements. Large numbers of wells are drilled, in
close proximity, on regular grids, for production at low, but
economical, rates. Numerous production stimulation experiments
have been conducted in these basins, with varying success (Stosur
2001). Production is increased through massive hydraulic fractur-
ing and nuclear explosive fracturing, although high angle and
horizontal wells have, most recently, dramatically increased
production over vertical wells (Luetkehan 2001). Reservoir
connectivity is also a key element of the resource appraisal, as
small, isolated reservoirs are not commercial. High resolution
seismic spectral decomposition of gas-charged tight sands is being
used to identify the most productive zones and optimize well
locations (GTI 2003). Tight gas sands, because of their low
permeability, are particularly susceptible to formation damage
through use of inappropriate drilling fluids, chemical stimulants
and over-balance drilling, especially in multi-layer, high angle
completions (Spencer 1989). Enhanced tight gas sand recovery has Fig. 7. Typical production from a coal bed methane gas well. During
been achieved through the use of specific proppant fluids and CO2 Stage I, production is dominated by water, which has to be disposed of
injection. Many of the problems associated with production from effectively and environmentally. Gas production increases in Stage II, as
very tight gas sands are comparable to those encountered with coal the relative permeability to gas increases. During Stage III both gas and
bed methane and shale gas accumulations. water production decline.

drainage reach, give recovery factors of up to 85% within three trapped in fine-grained sediments on many of the world’s
years of production (Ghiselin 2003), a vast improvement on 30% continental slopes.
recovery typically attained from traditional drilling techniques. Methanogenic bacteria derive energy to grow through meta-
Estimated global CBM resources are large, in the range 5000– bolizing organic matter, with methane as the by-product. Two
10 000 £ 1012 SCF (Kuuskraa et al. 1992; Harts E&P 2003). metabolic pathways are inferred for the generation of CH4: CO2
Clearly, CBM is poised to be a major contributor to global gas reduction and fermentation (decarboxylation) of ‘acetate type’
production providing aquifer contamination can be overcome. The substrates (Whiticar et al. 1986; Ferry 1992).
challenge is to convert these resources to reserves by increased
understanding of coal bed gas systems, better reservoir characteri- CO2 þ 8Hþ þ 8e2 ! CH4 þ 2H2 O
zation and improved production technology. ðCO2 reduction; typical of marine waterÞ
Shale gas. Shale gas systems are similar to CBM systems in
CH3 COOH ! CH4 þ CO2
that they constitute widely dispersed gas accumulations in low
permeability (typically less than 0.1 mD), fine-grained, organic ðfermentation; typical of fresh waterÞ
carbon-rich shales, characterized by regionally high gas
saturations (Curtis 2002). Trapping mechanisms are often Generation of biogenic methane is controlled by the temperature at
obscure, with seals produced by variable lithologies, including which methanogenic bacteria thrive: most methanogens cannot
diagenetic carbonate cements, and migration distances are inferred survive temperatures in excess of 758C and are most active at
to be short as the shales typically contain sufficient organic matter temperatures of 20 – 428C (Rice & Claypool 1981).
to be source rocks in their own right. As with CBM, shale gas Much of this CH4 is lost to the very shallow subsurface (Fig. 8)
occurs both absorbed on kerogen and clay particle surfaces in the and ultimately escapes to the atmosphere due to the absence of
matrix of the host shale, or as free gas in intergranular porosity and effective seals at shallow burial depths. As CH4 is twenty times
natural fractures in the shale. Shale gas systems only constitute more damaging as a greenhouse gas than CO2, leaking biogenic
viable accumulations because they contain natural fractures, or methane must be a significant natural contributor to global
if they are artificially fractured to stimulate production. The warming. Increased sedimentation rates reduce CH4 leakage as
difficulties of producing shale gas are indicated by the fact the depth and thickness of the seal increase, along with the depth at
that early attempts to entice production involved liberal use of which biogenic gas generation takes place. Consequently, the
nitroglycerine, propellants and hydraulic fracturing. Shale gas accumulation of commercial quantities of biogenic gas requires
production is low volume (typically 20 – 500 £ 106 SCFD), quite specific geological conditions, particularly the formation of
obtained by drilling many closely spaced, low cost wells early structural or stratigraphic traps, presence of adequate early
(typically £200 000 – 400 000 per well). Well completion seals and very rapid sedimentation rates. In some settings, regional
practices employ hydraulic fracturing to access natural fractures fine-grained shale seals, diagenetic carbonate seals and methane
in the shales and propagate new fractures. Virtually all shale gas hydrate seals are known. Traps have to form early because
production comes from hydraulically fractured shale (Hill & accumulations develop when the biogenic CH4 migrates as a free
Nelson 2000). gas phase, only possible when either generation exceeds the gas
Shale gas is only produced commercially in the USA, where five solubility in the pore fluid or when gas exsolution from pore water
formations are exploited (Devonian Antrim, New Albany and is caused by reduction of hydrostatic pressure. Exsolution can be a
Ohio shales, Carboniferous Barnett Shale and Cretaceous Lewis consequence of rapid sea-level fall, regional uplift or local erosion,
Shale), with estimated in-place volumes of 800 £ 1012 SCF, of resulting in catastrophic release of methane. Gas saturation of
which 20% is recoverable, given current technology. Production formation waters (and consequent formation of a migrating free-
since 1980 has totalled 3 £ 1012 SCF, and is currently 400 £ 109 SCF gas phase) can only occur at shallow depths (typically , 5000 ft).
per annum from 37 000 wells (Hill & Nelson 2000). However, At greater depths, the increased solubility of gas in water prevents
given that shales account for 80% of the Phanerozoic rock record, the formation of a free-gas phase (Rice 1993).
the global potential for shale gas production must be large. The Biogenic CH4 systems are estimated to constitute as much as
Gas Technology Institute (GTI), for example, has identified some 20% of global natural gas resources (Whiticar et al. 1986; Rice
2500 £ 1012 SCF of shale gas potential in the Western Canadian 1993) and, although this is a very approximate estimate, biogenic
sedimentary basins of Alberta and British Columbia (GTI 2003; gas volumes must equate to thousands of 1012 SCF. How much of
Faraj et al. 2004). Global resources could exceed 8000 £ 1012 this methane is concentrated into discrete accumulations and can
SCF, which, at 20% recovery estimates, provides 1600 £ 1012 SCF
of potential reserves. Technologies likely to impact this type of
resource are high resolution imaging of gas within shale
formations, better fracture prediction techniques and enhanced
stimulation (Engler & Perry 2002).

Biogenic gas. Biogenic methane is produced at shallow burial

depths, usually less than 2 km burial, by anaerobic bacteria that
metabolize organic matter in the absence of sulphate (Ferry 1992).
The methane is produced in situ from argillaceous sediments
containing relatively low amounts of organic matter – 0.5% total
organic carbon (TOC) is sufficient. The most favourable
depositional setting for biogenic gas accumulations is a deltaic
environment because of the combination of fine-grained sediments
rich in organic matter interbedded with high porosity potential Fig. 8. The production of biogenic gas in shallow sediments and the loss of
reservoir rocks, together with high sedimentation rates. Biogenic methane through the overlying sediment column for varying sedimentation
methane is unconventional in the sense of its generation – shallow rates. With increasing sedimentation rate, the temperature disequilibrium
and from bacterial activity – but it is conventional in the sense that increases, suppressing the depth at which generation of methane occurs
it conforms much more to a source –migration – reservoir – trap (dashed line). Note that even with extremely high sedimentation rates, at
petroleum system than other categories of UCG. It is biogenic least 50% of the biogenic gas generated is lost through the overlying
methane that is responsible for most of the methane hydrates sediment column.

ever become an economic resource is unknown. If only 10% of the approaches used, suggesting it represents a reasonable approxi-
inferred global production is trapped in accumulations with high mation. However, unlike other natural gas resources, the occur-
saturations, a biogenic CH4 resource of 20 000 £ 1012 SCF is rence, distribution and relationship of methane hydrates with their
possible. Several commercial accumulations of biogenic methane host sediments remain poorly understood and are likely to be a
have been discovered, albeit inadvertently, in the search for major constraint on their exploitation (Lovell et al. 2002) and this
thermogenically derived hydrocarbons. Many of these are in resource remains largely hypothetical at present. Structural
Tertiary deltas where thick sequences of organic matter-rich accumulations potentially have high hydrate concentrations in
sediment are rapidly deposited; they are high 1012 SCF accumu- the host sediment but represent a small proportion of seafloor
lations. Significant accumulations, for examples, are reported in methane hydrates; they will only constitute economic reserves
the Columbus Basin of Trinidad (Requejo et al. 2004), Hangzhou if they contain large volumes of hydrate-bound gas. Stratigra-
Bay, China (Lin et al. 2004), the Cretaceous of the Canadian phically bound deposits, despite being more abundant geographi-
Alberta Basin and the Williston Basin in Montana, USA (Shurr & cally, are characterized by low gas hydrate concentrations within
Ridgley 2002), the West Siberian Basin (Littke et al. 1999) and the the host sediment and are likely to have low recovery factors and,
Po Basin of Northern Italy (Lindquist 1999). therefore, high development and production costs.
Enormous technical issues, thus, remain before gas hydrates can
Methane hydrates. Gas hydrates are naturally occurring be considered an economic resource (Max & Dillon 1998). There
crystalline solids composed of water and a smaller, so-called is no methane hydrate production from the continental slopes as
‘guest’ molecule, the latter being either an inorganic or organic yet, but various experimental production methods have been
molecule. There are a host of natural gas hydrates, formed from a proposed, the most promising of which is the so-called
variety of guest molecules, including CO2, methane, butane, ‘depressurization’ technique (Sloan 1998) in which the local
propane, hydrogen sulphide and nitrogen. Methane hydrates are pressure is reduced to below hydrate stability (Fig. 10). Other
the most common and form naturally over a temperature range of proposed methods of gas recovery from hydrates include steam
0 – 308C and 2.5 MPa pressure (Carroll 2001), although as the injection to melt the hydrate or introducing into the reservoir an
pressure increases, so does the temperature range over which they inhibitor to reduce hydrate stability. At present, the cost associated
form. Methane hydrates trap huge volumes of methane gas: 1 m3 of with these enhanced recovery techniques appears to be prohibi-
solid hydrate contains up to 160 m3 of methane gas at standard tive, although techniques such as downhole electromagnetic or
temperature and pressure. These are the least understood of UCG electrical heating, such as is used to prevent hydrate formation in
resources, but potentially hold the greatest volumes of the global sub-sea gas pipelines (Bjornstad 2004), have not yet been fully
methane endowment. appraised. Perhaps radically new approaches, such as seafloor
Methane hydrates occur in many offshore continental margins at mining, will have to be developed.
depths of 100– 1200 m (Collett 2002) and have been mapped from
anomalous seismic reflectors (Fig. 9), known as bottom-simulating Technology highlights in natural gas exploration
reflectors (BSRs). Methane hydrates form naturally in at least two
and production
types of geological setting (Milkov & Sassen 2001).
The key to natural gas exploration and exploitation success is the
(1) Structural accumulations associated with faults and mud development and application of ‘fit for purpose’ technologies.
volcanoes, where gas leaking from deeper subsurface Exploration for, and production of, natural gas differs significantly
petroleum systems is rapidly transported (via faults, gas from that of oil in many geological settings. Gas is imaged more
chimneys or other fluid conduits) to the gas hydrate stability easily with seismic technologies, as the gas in the pore space of
zone (e.g. Cassassucem et al. 2004). clean reservoirs significantly lowers seismic velocity, resulting in
(2) Stratigraphically bound accumulations in relatively permeable high-amplitude reflections indicative of gas accumulations. Gas
seafloor sediments, where bacterial methane has been can be produced from reservoirs with much lower permeabilities
generated in situ or has slowly migrated from shallow depths than those required for oil production. Many formations
in the section (Akihisa et al. 2002). Additionally, methane considered too tight or too thin for oil production, can be
hydrates have been encountered in the Alaskan, Canadian and effective gas reservoirs. This means that tight gas sands (very low
Siberian Arctic permafrost, the latter location where they form permeability sands, less than 0.1 mD), thin-bedded sands (on a
the only current gas production from hydrate (Collett 1993). millimetre scale), fractured shales (also low permeability reser-
voirs), as well as coal beds – all become potential gas reservoirs.
Global estimates for natural gas resources in methane hydrates New technology, involving better imaging of gas, higher
are astounding. A ‘consensus value’ of about 700 000 £ 1012 SCF resolution of thin beds, optimal well design and completion
(Kvenvolden 1993; Grauls 2001; Collett 2002) suggests methane technologies, contributes to making gas resources economic.
hydrates contain two orders of magnitude more carbon than all
other fossil fuels on Earth. Agreement between various workers on Seismic imaging of gas. Seismic imaging is the principal tool
this value is within an order of magnitude despite the different used in the search for hydrocarbons, allowing frontier areas to be
explored and the subsurface geological structure ‘between the
wells’ visualized in existing discoveries and fields. Seismic data
are used to determine accurately the reservoir structure and
stratigraphy and reduce risk and uncertainty at any stage in the life
of a gas field. The variation in gas reservoir properties can be
revealed from seismic amplitudes. Changes in seismic amplitudes
can be related to many subsurface properties, including fluid
content, thus, a rock physical model generated from log, core and
empirical measures can be used to ‘calibrate’ the observed effects
(Bachrach et al. 2004). Modern 3D seismic technology has,
undoubtedly, reduced the cost of finding and developing gas
reservoirs. It is credited with enabling exploration in deep water,
Fig. 9. Seismic reflection image of a bottom-simulating reflector imaging complex geological structures using pre-stack time and
representing a methane hydrate layer beneath the ocean floor, at sub-salt depth imaging and improving early field appraisal and
approximately 80 ms. TWTT (two way travel time). development strategies (Brown 1999).

Fig. 10. Possible production technologies for producing hydrates from the ocean floor: (a) the ‘depressurization’ technique in which the pressure is reduced
to below hydrate stability; (b) steam injection to melt the hydrate; and (c) inhibitor injection to reduce hydrate stability (based on Collett 2002).

Whilst, in detail, the acoustic response of the Earth’s contours, provide direct evidence for the presence of gas-charged
sedimentary crust is complex (Anstey 1980), in essence, seismic sediments (Fig. 12). Mapping of amplitude anomalies enables
waves are reflected from lithological boundaries where there is wells and platforms to be located optimally and reserve estimates
a contrast in acoustic impedance (AI): the product of density made with greater precision. Amplitude inversion (transformation
and compressional wave velocity. Velocity and density, in turn, of post-stack seismic reflectivity traces into AI data) is an addi-
are related to lithology and porosity, as well as to the fluids tional powerful technique enabling rock layer properties to be
contained within the pore system. Generally, sandstone porosity interpreted: AI greatly simplifies lithological and stratigraphical
decreases with depth of burial, whilst cementation effects identification (being a layer property) and can, thus, be converted
increase with age, resulting in higher acoustic impedances, but directly to lithology or reservoir properties such as porosity, fluid
also a decrease in the proportion of the impedance that is fill and net pay, allowing direct interpretation of 3D geobodies
attributable to the fluid content. This, generally, makes fluid (Rowbottom et al. 2003). Variation in the DHI over short dis-
content less detectable with increasing depth and, moreover, tances is, thus, likely to represent variation in lithology, poro-
seismic amplitudes respond differently, particularly with offset sity, net:gross ratio or gas saturation and, thus, reflect reserve
(AVO). It is, thus, essential to construct the correct predictive calculations for a given gas accumulation (Chavestes & Hill 2001).
relationships against depth when interpreting seismic amplitude These properties of gas sands have been used in the Tertiary Nile
anomalies (Fig. 11). Delta to drill 16 successful exploration and production wells
The replacement of brine by gas in a sandstone reservoir may
lead to a seismic amplitude response that ‘stands out’ from
neighbouring events. Typically, these amplitudes are large in
shallow settings, giving rise to so-called ‘bright spots’. Where an
aquifer is present beneath the reservoir there is a large contrast
between the gas and water legs, which generates high amplitude
horizontal seismic events termed ‘flat spots’. These amplitude
events, collectively known as direct hydrocarbon indicators
(DHIs), when mapped in 3D and compared to the structural

Fig. 11. The relationship between acoustic impedance and overburden for
a simple system of clean sand and end-member shale, with the resulting
change in amplitude response. The amplitude response between shale and
an underlying gas sand stands out at the top reservoir from the ‘background’, Fig. 12. Sesimic amplitude image of a gas-bearing reservoir submarine
where there is either no reservoir or where the sand is brine-filled. channel sand from the Simian Field, offshore Nile Delta, clearly showing
Typically, these reflections are large in shallow settings and where an the extent and geometry of the reservoir and enabling production wells
aquifer is present beneath the gas-charged reservoir. to be placed optimally (from Samuel et al. 2003).

in succession, proving 12 £ 1012 SCF of gas reserves (Samuel et al. pay where none was previously recognized, contributing
2003). The inversion of pre-stack multi-offset amplitudes to significantly to 1P reserves.
provide elastic impedance (EI) in addition to the post-stack or
zero-offset AI is proving of value, in some cases, highlighting fluid Maximizing ultimate recovery. Production of gas is simpler
effects and differentiating fluids from lithology. than of oil. Gas reservoirs are produced mostly by depletion,
allowing the original field pressure to decline as the gas is
Thin beds. Thin beds are a type of low resistivity pay, produced. In some cases the natural aquifer pressure is used to
comprising sediments that are laminated on a centimetre scale support production, although a strong aquifer drive leaves gas
(Fig. 13). They may include high quality (high porosity and high trapped behind the water front as high residual gas saturations
permeability) reservoir and, thus, significant hydrocarbon volumes (Hower et al. 1992). Compression may be introduced later during
but at a vertical resolution below conventional petrophysical field life when the reservoir pressure is no longer sufficient to
detection limits that rely on an elevated resistivity to detect and overcome the pipeline export pressure. Production can be
quantify hydrocarbons in the pore space. In this context, two maintained for even longer if reservoir pressure is kept
definitions are important. A hydrocarbon-bearing layer is detected artificially high by injecting water through dedicated wells, but
when a wireline log displays a recognizable response to that layer, this necessitates expensive pumping equipment and water-
whilst a layer is resolved when the deflection of the log attains the handling facilities. Rather, current trends in maximizing
true parametric value for that layer, after appropriate downhole recovery from gas fields are focused on defining as accurately as
corrections (Worthington 2000). Thin beds can be productive for possible how much gas the reservoir contains, where it is located
both oil and gas but are much more effective in gas reservoirs due (in which depositional facies) and to what extent faulting has
to the higher mobility of gas. Petrophysically, gas-bearing thin compartmentalized the reservoir (Englemark 2001; Waggoner &
beds consist of alternating layers of resistive sand and conductive Pickering 2004). Seismic amplitude mapping and inversion of
shale. Additionally, gas displaces capillary-bound water in silts reflectivity data to rock properties can reveal the reservoir volume,
and argillaceous sands, so that apparently low quality reservoirs fluid contacts, connectivity and reservoir drive mechanisms.
can often be gas saturated. The conductive shale greatly suppresses Three-dimensional and multi-component seismic data enable
conventionally measured horizontal resistivity such that it is not a well locations and trajectories to be planned carefully so that
reliable method for detecting or quantifying hydrocarbons present appraisal and development wells access more reserves whilst
in the sand and silt laminae. Gas-bearing thin beds are, therefore, reducing risk and uncertainty in development planning. Such data
extremely difficult to recognize as reservoirs in the subsurface. are critical in making early decisions about well placement and
However, as thin beds are associated with many depositional facilities design. One of the largest risks in developing a gas field is
environments and are especially common as overbank deposits to not producing the 2P reserves (Fig. 2) that are expected from initial
channels (fluvial and submarine), as sheet sands within aeolian appraisal, because of compartmentalization due to unrecognized
sediments and as intertidal beds in coastal settings, they can faulting. Mapping of faults and determination of their sealing
contain significant gas resources. Recognizing and evaluating the capacity is key to accessing all the GIIP and maximizing recovery
presence of reservoir layers without the process being distorted by factors. Once seismic and well data have provided a calibrated
adjacent non-reservoir beds is the challenge in thin-bedded pay image of the reservoir and its properties, a 3D geological model
analysis and is a key element of reserves growth in gas reservoirs. that incorporates geological and petrophysical heterogeneity,
A variety of techniques has developed to quantify hydrocarbons in ideally conditioned to geophysical properties, enables accurate
such formations, including borehole seismology (Paulsson et al. GIIP estimates to be determined and well positions to be placed
1998), high resolution logging tools (Benavides & Engels 2003) optimally (Van de Graaff & Ealey 1989; Dubrule et al. 1998;
and borehole imaging (McCall et al. 1987). The latest wireline Duey 2004).
tools recognize thin bed property anisotropy, being able to Another area in which recovery can be maximized is in the
measure both vertical (RV) and horizontal (RH) resistivity and design of wells for optimal deliverability and in extending the
minimize the shale effect (Olesen 2002). Use of this approach to productive life of existing wells. This entails designing the well
evaluate thinly bedded turbidites in the Tertiary of the offshore specifically for the sediment properties present in the field,
Nile delta resulted in increases of gas reserve estimates of up minimizing formation and completion damage and accurately
to 200% in laminated thin beds compared with conventionally steering the well to target the best reservoir (McCann et al. 1994).
computed reserves (Fig. 14). Such technology defines gas – bearing The most important parameter for increasing well productivity
is the effective horizontal permeability –thickness (Kh) through
the reservoir, especially in tight formations (Niko 1992). This
can be increased by maximizing contact of the wellbore with the
reservoir by drilling inclined, high angle or horizontal wells that
minimize the resistance to flow around the wellbore (Cinco et al.
1975). This, in turn, minimizes pressure drops and fluid velocities
in the near-wellbore area and reduces coning and cusping. The
effectiveness of this relationship is demonstrated by the exponen-
tial increase in the use of extended reach and high angle wells since
the early 1980s, when only a few horizontal wells were drilled
each year. Today, over 5000 are drilled annually world-wide.
Well completions and drilling fluid design are also paramount in
achieving optimal gas production, especially in open-hole and
highly deviated or horizontal wells (Palar et al. 2000). Typical gas
flow rates for conventional vertical production wells are in the
range 15 – 20 £ 106 SCFD, but modern high-angle wells completed
with large diameter (5 12 00 tubing size) give flow rates of 100–
Fig. 13. Centrimetre-scale interbedded highly porous sandstone and shale 250 £ 106 SCFD (Palar et al. 2000). In these high flow rate wells
levee deposits from the Rosario Formation, Baja, California, typical of the integrity of the sand face completion in the borehole is crucial.
potential thin bed pay. Clean, porous sandstones, 10–20 cm thick, are To prevent sand breaking into the wellbore it is lined with a por-
interbedded with silty shales, but extend laterally for hundreds of metres, in ous gravel screen that maintains the borehole stability (Watson
packages tens of metres thick. et al. 2001). By using such completion approaches in extended

Fig. 14. Recognition of thin-bedded pay from high resolution wireline logs. Two thin-bedded units (TB1 and TB2) are associated with gas-bearing massive
sands (MS1 and MS2). The presence of gas is clear for MS1 and MS2 (low gamma, high resistivity and density neutron gas cross-over) but not apparent
in the TB1 and TB2, thus pay in these intervals would be overlooked. Track 4 shows a bimodal response of the fine-grained shale contrasting with the
permeable sand laminae from the nuclear magnetic resonance tool (NMR). Track 5 shows the FMI high resolution resistivity image revealing the laminated
nature of the thin-bedded units, which is further confirmed by the computed formation dips in Track 6. Track 7 shows a computer processed interpretation (CPI)
for mineral and fluid volumes. Track 8 shows the average water saturations through the units, indicating water-free production would be obtained from
the thin beds. Significant additional gas volumes are revealed in units TB1 and TB2. Indeed, the good quality of the sand laminae in TB1 and TB2 indicates
that these units will be much more productive than MS1. If this was not realized and allowed for in the completion design then not only gas volume
might have been lost but also substantial productivity.

reach horizontal wells, production rates of 100 £ 106 SCFD were atmosphere (Tinker 2003). Methane has a clear advantage over
achieved consistently in successive wells drilled in the Orinoco other hydrocarbons in that it is the cleanest burning fossil fuel.
Delta offshore northern Trinidad (Folefac et al. 2004). Increasing Furthermore, it does not contaminate groundwater and has a high-
the recovery factor not only enables more gas to be extracted energy efficiency, resulting in a lower environmental impact
ultimately from the reservoir, but also maximizes reserves proven compared with other hydrocarbons. Burning methane produces
per well drilled. For platform developments, high angle multi- 50% less CO2 than coal and 30% less CO2 than oil. In addition,
lateral wells enable stacked or compartmentalized reservoirs to be unlike other hydrocarbons, methane contains only trace amounts
accessed from a single well (Salas et al. 1996). Smart wells, in of sulphur, nitrous oxides and particulate matter, which cause
which downhole measurement equipment or control valves are respiratory problems prevalent in many industrialized cities today.
installed in the well, also promote optimization and dramatically Natural gas used as a road fuel has a lower environmental impact
reduce costs and risk, especially in deep-water sub-sea develop- compared with diesel and oil.
ments where the cost of intervention is prohibitive (Duey 2002).
So far, smart well technology has focused on intelligent
completions, using downhole sensors to gather and transmit data
Repercussions of the Kyoto Protocol
and downhole flow tools that adjust gas production when needed In 1992, 154 countries signed the Framework Convention on
(Boon & Ferris 2004). Future smart well technology will Climate Change. Subsequently, 160 countries agreed at Kyoto in
inevitably allow intelligent drilling and testing, resulting in true 1997 to regulate emissions of six of the main greenhouse gases,
production automation. including CH4 and CO2, which are clearly directly associated with
the oil and gas industry. Despite the current abstinence of the USA
from the Kyoto agreement, there is the political will amongst all
The future of gas other countries to regulate the emission of these gases, and the
implementation of the Kyoto Protocol will signal a step change in
Environmental impact
the global approach to fuel use. In the EU, there are already strong
Average global temperatures have increased by around 0.78C since indications that ambitious targets are to be set by member
the start of the industrial revolution at the turn of the nineteenth governments with a view to moving to a ‘low-carbon economy’
century. Atmospheric CO2 is widely believed to be the main cause and, ultimately, to non-carbon fuels. The UK Government, for
of this global warming. Burning hydrocarbons as a source of example, restated its commitment to a ‘liberalised’, deregulated
energy is, thus, not environmentally friendly, in any form, but and global energy market in its 2003 Energy White Paper. The UK
hydrocarbons remain a necessity until alternative renewable, is tasked, under the Kyoto Protocol on climate change, to reduce
cleaner energies are economically and widely available. The driver emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2%, below 1990 levels, by
for energy use in the next half century will be towards 2012. The likely repercussions all favour preferential use of the
decarbonization, i.e. fuels that do not contribute carbon to the hydrocarbon with the lowest carbon content – natural gas. This is

particularly the case as economic measures such as emissions 2 £ 1012 SCF in 1990 to 10 £ 1012 SCF in 2000. The demand
trading will be introduced to reflect the fact that the various forecasts for LNG average 10% growth globally but reach up to
hydrocarbons have different environmental impacts. There are 45% growth in the USA alone. In recent years, value in the LNG
also ambitious plans for energy efficiency improvements and to chain has increased due to overall cost reductions in the
increase the renewable energy share of the market. UK energy construction of liquefaction plants, receiving terminals and
consumption, for example, increased by 32% between 1970 and ships, together with optimizations such as shipping swaps. This
2001, but only by 19% between 1990 and 2001. significant value-add means that LNG is not as dependent upon
These environmental trends are a source of optimism for the use highly priced gas or oil to compete as it was ten years ago.
of natural gas. Despite this reality, the political mood towards The global LNG business is divided into three distinct trading
energy policy in the USA and Europe remains concerned rather regions – Asia – Pacific, Europe – Africa and the Americas
than optimistic. Policy-makers are correct to have reservations, (Fig. 15). East of Suez, LNG trade flows predominantly from the
as increasingly the oil and gas supply needs of the major con- Middle East and Indonesia to North East Asia. In Europe, supplies
sumer countries will not be indigenous, but will come from non- mostly come from the North Sea and the FSU via pipeline and
OECD and/or developing nations. Some of these have histories of North Africa via LNG. In the USA, domestic production supplies
instability, while others require the establishment of completely 95% of the demand, but with increasing supplies of LNG from
new gas relationships with the Western industrialized world. The Trinidad and other countries on a short-term, spot or swap basis.
implications are that consumer countries will increasingly try Two markets dominate the LNG business, the Pacific Basin and
to secure a diverse range of supply sources to mitigate political Atlantic Basin.
risk. This has pushed security of supply higher up the poli- In the Pacific Basin there are eight suppliers (Oman, Qatar,
tical agenda than ever before, or at least since the oil crisis of Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Abu Dhabi, Brunei and Kenai),
the 1970s. with only three markets (Japan, Korea and Taiwan). By the end
of this decade, LNG demand is forecast to increase from 60 mtpa
Gas markets (in 2000) to 140 mtpa – as these markets grow and new markets
emerge (Fig. 16). More Pacific region markets are likely to
A direct consequence of the Kyoto protocol is the emergence of a
develop within the next five years in India and China, where
new gas market that reflects both the preferential use of gas over
demand for gas is large. There are also plans to build terminals on
other fossil fuels on environmental grounds, coupled with the need
the west coast of Mexico to access both local and Californian
to provide security of supply. The USA, Europe and North East
Asia are expected to consume much of the gas growth to 2020,
In the Atlantic Basin region, the market is more diverse, with
whilst two-thirds of new gas production in that period is likely to
demand centres in the USA, South America, the Caribbean,
be traded cross-border. These two key developments will define
Greece, Turkey, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Italy and France. The
the future gas market and have two significant implications.
UK will emerge as a new importer later this decade. Suppliers to
Firstly, as their indigenous supplies dwindle, the major developed
this region are fewer than in the Pacific region, being dominated by
global economies will become increasingly reliant on non-OECD
sources of supply. Because of the nature of these sources, Algeria (Fig. 15). New suppliers, including Libya, Nigeria and
spreading risk by diversifying will be essential for improving Trinidad, are already emerging and, as the Atlantic Basin LNG
security of supply. Secondly, this new market shape will favour the business grows, these are likely to result in trans-Atlantic trade
rapid expansion of LNG (and probably GTL and GTS technol- (Fig. 16). Additional suppliers such as Egypt, Norway, Qatar and
ogies), allowing spot cargoes, short-term contracts and flexible Iran have welcomed this growth by building new LNG plants and
trading to co-exist alongside the traditional long-term contracts. planning expansions.
Although LNG trade volumes are almost three times larger in
the Pacific Basin region, it is the Atlantic Basin region that is
The LNG chain forecast to double its growth, or 15% compounded annually, to the
LNG is based on sound but simple technology and provides year 2007. By 2010, 100 mtpa LNG is forecast to trade in the
diversity of gas supply as well as security of supply. The Atlantic Basin (Fig. 16). Clearly, with discrepancies between
international trade in LNG is now some 40 years old, but has supply and demand, new LNG terminals become a business
grown at a phenomenal rate over the last decade, increasing from opportunity. Import terminals under development in Europe

Fig. 15. The three distinct trading regions of the present-day LNG market – Asia– Pacific (East of Suez), Europe–Africa and the Americas – showing markets
and trading routes.

Fig. 16. The predicted LNG global markets at 2010. LNG demand will increase from 60 mtpa (in 2000) to 140 mtpa – as these markets grow and new
markets emerge.

represent up to 40 mtpa of additional import capacity, whilst in the Conclusions

USA, over 20 new terminals have been proposed. Conversely,
supply-side trends of lower production and transportation costs, Natural gas is a highly desirable energy source, of which there are
as well as increased supplier flexibility, mean that more distant enormous global resources that exceed oil resources by orders of
and formerly stranded gas reserves become LNG supplies of magnitude. Proven global reserves of conventional natural gas
economic potential into the Atlantic Basin market. The result is a exceed 5000 £ 1012 SCF, sufficient for around 60 years supply at
proliferation of proposed supply projects, with in excess of 80 present production rates. Current estimates suggest that only 50%
mtpa of new supply being developed. of conventional gas resources have been discovered. These
resources are well characterized so explorationists will have to
probe deeper into sedimentary basins, in deeper-water acreage and
Gas Flaring re-evaluate current acreage, to discover more conventional natural
Another direct consequence of the Kyoto Protocol is a dramatic gas. The industry can expect to drill more technically difficult
reduction in gas flaring. Much of the gas associated with oil wells in more hostile environmental conditions under increasingly
production is still flared at the well head. Flaring of gas is not only challenging political scenarios. These technical and commercial
wasteful, it is harmful to the environment. Globally, the hurdles will shape the future of the gas industry and, in turn,
exploration industry collectively vents or flares about 4 £ 1012 provide opportunities for experts in gas. In the future, unconven-
SCF of gas annually, almost a criminal act in its own right (World tional gas resources will be used increasingly to supplement high
Bank 2002). If all of this associated gas were flared it would volume demand in developed markets and as a major longer-term
represent 220 £ 106 tons of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e) emissions, source of energy. Astounding volumes of natural gas are
accounting for about 10% of the emissions that contributing generated by methanogenic bacteria during early burial in marine
countries (including the USA) have committed to reduce under the sediments, much of which is then frozen as methane hydrates on
Kyoto Protocol during the commitment period from 2008 to 2012. the continental slopes. At present, much of this unconventional
The wasted energy is enormous. As an illustration, the gas natural gas is categorized as hypothetical and will need much
currently flared in Africa is sufficient to provide almost half the fundamental scientific research before it can be considered an
power needs of the entire continent. In Nigeria alone, of the economic resource. However, unconventional natural gas reserves
3.5 £ 109 SCFD of associated gas produced, approximately 33% in low permeability reservoirs, coal bed methane and shale gas
is used commercially, 17% is re-injected, whilst the remaining already account for more than 25% of natural gas production in
50% is flared. The government of Nigeria has set a target of the USA.
stopping all gas flaring by 2008. There is no single technology that will revolutionize the
In recognition of this wastage, the petroleum industry and exploitation of natural gas resources. It is new technology that has
governments in so-called ‘flaring countries’ have taken a number reduced the finding and production cost of conventional gas by
of significant steps to minimize flaring. Many governments have more than 50% over the last decade. This explosion of new ideas
set targets to eliminate routine flaring and have introduced fiscal and innovative technologies that has blitzed through the
and other incentives to help achieve them. Several E&P companies geosciences will continue apace, with several areas making
have committed to zero flaring for new projects and, though others huge impacts not just in conventional natural gas resources but
have refrained from setting explicit public targets, they have also UCG resources. The desire of the geoscientist and reservoir
embarked on programmes designed to develop markets more engineer to characterize and monitor the reservoir will continue
systematically to exploit associated gas. A key initiative is the to be insatiable. High resolution 3D seismic imaging, real-time
Global Gas Flaring Reduction Public – Private Partnership depth imaging whilst drilling and the electronic instrumental gas
(World Bank 2002), launched at the 2002 World Summit on field will be routine practice. This is not surprising, given the
Sustainable Development. The aim of this partnership, working success of seismic exploration for gas and between-well seismic
through the World Bank with national governments, development reservoir characterization over the last decade. In the future, the
agencies and the petroleum industry, is to limit gas flaring electronic reservoir will have intelligent wells with sensors in
activities and capture the gas produced at the well head and drill bits and permanently placed in the casings of development
channel it to more useful outlets, including the power generation wells to measure acoustic emissions, electrical fields, temperature
industry and for use in households. The partnership enables private and pressure to monitor field response to production (Hottman &
investment in pipelines and other infrastructure that makes this Curtis 2001; Lumley 2001; Duey 2002). The next challenge will
‘capturing’ possible. be to assimilate this huge volume of data and integrate it into

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