Profed 10
Profed 10
Profed 10
d. the act of changing fraction to percentage b. find out what reinforces Bryan’s behavior
53. Marielle differentiates between bungalow, c. yell at Bryan whenever he shouts answer
nipa hut, a wooden 2 storey structure and
d. assess Bryan’s level of achievement
apartment and treat them as house. Marielle
now has attained a concept of house at the 57. Michael has been caught cheating in the
examination several times. As always he would
a. formal level
give her a very repentant, “I’m sorry, give me
b. classificatory level another chance”’ What makes “I’m sorry, give
me another chance” appealing for fair minded
c. identity level
d. concrete level
a. it make students acknowledge wrong doing
54. Mrs. Valdez provided a reading material of and promise to do something about it.
varying levels of difficulty to the three groups of
b. It provokes a battle giving the teacher greater
learners. Which principles is implemented by
fire power
her action?
c. It place s a premium on being liked and
a. Utilize individual’s need to achieve
d. it makes teacher heel helpless and guilty c. Getting samples of activities that are exciting
to learners
58. Mrs. Balagtas, a science teacher, is
developing the concept of evaporation. Which d. Understanding how he/she reacts to varying
of the following tasks would not help her pupil’s behavior
students to develop such concept/
62. Kaye fainted during the first object of the
a. Presents the concepts successively rather morning session. When asked, she reported
than simultaneously that she did not have any breakfast, What
psychological principle explains the situation?
b. Present adequate examples and
nonexamples of the concept a. Self-actualization need principle
b. Providing informative experience 70. Every teacher has develop varied mental
processes and skills among students. Which
c. Using counter-conditioning techniques
mental process is being emphasized when it
d. Providing for pleasant emotional experience
tries to develop among them the skill of
67. When a Physical Education teacher lists the
remembering words or ideas in a definite order,
specific skills the student should be able to
such reciting rhymes and poems, or
demonstrate at the end of a semester, he is
singing a song from memory?
a. engaging in skill analysis
a. analytical thinking
b. establishing prerequisites
b. rote association
c. specifying instructional objectives
c. reflective thinking
d. communicating the courses content
d. logical sequencing
68. In providing for the needs of her children
71. Mrs. Varela asked her Grade VI children to
who among the following pupils will Mrs.
narrate some experiences during the recent
Abad most likely overlook? earthquake before she tackles how earthquakes
develops. What process is this?
a. Jerome, a slow learner
a. Apperception
b. Shaina, a frequent absentee
b. Evaluation
c. Stephanie, a timid quiet girl
c. Application
d. Janelle, an improverished child
d. Motivation
69. To make of the consequences of having a
big family, the Araling Panlipunan teacher asked 72. Miss Palmery, an English teacher, taught her
her students to present some situations children how to make use of the dictionary. She
common in the home of big and small families tried to illustrate how to use this, because she
by group. She gave the students ten minutes to knows they can apply dictionary skills in all
think and organize before they act out the subjects. What type of lesson is being illustrated
situations, What technique is used by the by Miss Palmiery?
a. Examination d. Preparation
What type of experience is prioritized by these 93. When effective planning allows for revision,
experiential strategies? adaptation of preselected methodologies,
activities, materials and evaluation instrument
a. Non traditional learning to meet student needs, the teacher considers
a. success d. Planning considers the relevance and
congruence of contents with objectives
b. flexibility
97. Long before the start of every school year,
c. congruence
Mrs. Solis has already started developing her
d. motivation own comprehensive plan based on the
recommended curriculum. Which explains best
94. In any planning process, which variable will
stongly affect the teacher’s action Mrs. Solis action in relation to the curriculum?
a. Principle of organization
b. Principle of unity
c. Principle of balance