SHS 13 024 en
SHS 13 024 en
SHS 13 024 en
2014 / GB
03 34
Customer satisfaction
04 35
INNOVATIONS Linqing Huaxing Textile Co. Ltd.
36 – 37
04 Shandong Linqing Sanhe
ITMA Asia + CITME 2014
38 – 39
05 – 07 Balsuyu Mensucat
BD 6
40 – 41
08 – 10 Thiagarajar Mills
ZinserRing 72
11 – 13 A.V.S. Iplik Tekstil
2Impact FX
14 – 15
Autocoro 8 43
16 – 19 news
Package winding: automation
20 – 22
Our Schlaf horst Service
23 – 25
26 – 28
29 – 31
ZinserSpeed 5M
32 – 33
Technology Center
Editorial / 01.2014 3
We live textile.
ITMA ASIA + CITME 2014 is the first big fair at We’re looking forward to your visit!
which we can greet you under the Saurer umbrella. - 16. – 20.6. 2014
With a new design for future machine genera- - Shanghai New International Expo Centre
tions and exciting product innovations, we are - booth W2 F01
celebrating the start of a new era in Shanghai. Dates:
We would like to share this moment with you at As the market and technological leader, Schlafhorst 16. - 20.6.2014
Saurer exhibition booth:
our approx. 800 m² exhibition booth. answers the questions that demanding customers W2 F01
are now posing in the staple fibre spinning field.
Premiering new machinery generations How can textile companies increase their pro-
- BD 6 ductivity and efficiency further? What are the
The new semi-automatic rotor spinning machine groundbreaking technologies for the markets of
from Schlafhorst with new piecing technology the future? Schlafhorst points the way and opens
- ZinserRing 72 and ZinserImpact 72 up new perspectives for the industry with
The new Zinser compact and ring spinning pioneering innovations and intelligent automa-
machines for spinning mills aiming for growth tion solutions.
On the following pages we give you a foretaste
Presentation of new, innovative features of what awaits you in Shanghai.
- Autocoro 8
The Schlafhorst flagship for concentrated
- Autoconer X5, type V
Greater productivity with FlowShare FX, the
unique, ultra-smart material flow automation
system linked to Zinser ring spinning machines
INNOVATIONS / 01.2014 5
The new BD 6 from Schlafhorst has all the attri- Even the basic model is 10% Picture below:
The new BD 6
butes to change the world of semi-automatic more productive
from Schlafhorst.
rotor spinning machines fundamentally. It unites The basic model of the BD 6 with the new winding
the outstanding economic efficiency of the BD technology and the MasterPiecing piecing tech-
technology proven over decades with producti- nology attains a take-up speed of up to 200 m/
vity and quality that are only surpassed by a min. Compared with its predecessor, the BD 6 is
fully automatic machine like the Autocoro from thus nearly 10% faster and more productive.
Schlafhorst. With take-up speeds of up to 230 m/ With the patented DigiPiecing system, the
min, the BD 6 produces packages of a quality increase in productivity is even higher. The
comparable with Autocoro packages. extremely high piecing reliability of DigiPiecing
permits take-up speeds of 230 m/min. The length
Schlafhorst engineers have achieved game-chang- of the machine makes no difference. Even with
ing success by integrating patented digital tech- 480 spinning positions the BD 6 achieves this
nology from the high-end world of the Autocoro new record speed effortlessly. This is 40% faster
into the new BD 6. New piecing technologies with than the previous model.
a high level of piecing reliability and the highly
precise winding technology from the Autocoro
constitute the core of the innovation, even on the
attractively priced basic model. With the new BD
machine generation Schlafhorst opens up entirely
new prospects to customers in this segment:
New generation. More profit.
6 INNOVATIONS / 01.2014
Packages with the character High efficiency ratings thanks The digital precision
of the Autocoro to simple operation piecing technology
DigiPiecing for record-
The new winding unit produces large packages Many improvements are geared to supporting breaking efficiency ratings
of particularly high quality that are scarcely staff in their efforts to maintain a high efficiency and excellent piecings.
distinguishable from Autocoro packages. Even rating of the BD 6. The new rotor spinning
on the basic model, packages with a diameter of machine is lower and thus more comfortable to
up to 300 mm are possible with uniformly high operate. The new Informator with its intuitive
piecing reliability. The premium package for touchscreen surface offers all information at a
packages even permits diameters up to 320 mm. glance and speeds up machine setting.
The unwinding behaviour of the packages is All spinning positions are equipped with a
outstanding. Semi-automatic rotor spinning digital 3-colour LED signal system patented by
mills can satisfy the constantly increasing quality Schlafhorst that provides clearly visible informa-
demands of their customers with these. They can tion regarding the operating status of each indi-
secure profitable orders with higher quality vidual spinning position. This saves staff from
requirements and deliver on time. For textile having to walk long distances when checking the
companies that want to expand the scope of their machine, meaning that staff resources can be
business, the BD 6 has come along at just the deployed more efficiently.
right time.
INNOVATIONS / 01.2014 7
At ITMA ASIA, Schlafhorst presents a new gene- Schlafhorst has consistently designed the new
ration of ring spinning machines especially for ring spinning machines for high productivity and
aspiring companies in the big growth markets of efficiency as well as outstanding yarn quality.
the textile industry. The new ZinserRing 72 ring “We have developed a machine for growth-
spinning machine and the ZinserImpact 72 com- oriented customers,” says head of development
pact spinning machine offer spinning mills a Dr. Jürgen Meyer. “Growth phases offer oppor-
wholly reliable, highly productive and economi- tunities but also pose new challenges for compa-
cally convincing platform for more growth and nies. Growth doesn’t simply mean more of the
profitability. same. Growth means striking out in new direc-
tions, opening up new markets, mastering new
For strong growth challenges. To do that, companies need machines
Ring spinning mills in textile growth markets cur- that are flexible, productive and reliable. We have
rently enjoy excellent prospects if they resolutely succeeded in creating this with the Zinser 72.”
pursue their market strategy. The new Zinser 72
product family gives companies the necessary
thrust to realise ambitious growth plans success-
fully. The Schlafhorst experts have created the
optimum technological basis for promising quan-
titative and qualitative growth strategies with a
quick return on investment with the Zinser 72.
INNOVATIONS / 01.2014 9
ZinserImpact 72: the most efficient -a safety membrane in the gripper
compact spinning technology prevents doffing stops
The ZinserImpact 72 is equipped with the world’s -a utonomous pneumatic system for
most efficient compact spinning technology. greater process reliability
Compared with drum systems, the innovative - laser light barrier for automatic
system is self-cleaning. The milling effect at the take-off monitoring
deflection point of the compact apron prevents - BobbinTray belt system for accurate
dirt particles and fibre fragments from becoming conveying without recalibration
lodged in the openings in the apron. - s ecure cutting of coarse and
This has two advantages. It is more produc- highly tear-resistant yarns
tive for a start: yarn production can be increased -h ighly precise start-up for
without the need for staff-intensive cleaning minimal yarn breaks
rocketing. Spinning, not cleaning. In the second
place, the yarn quality is constant from the first The CoWeMat is so flexible that the Schlafhorst
to the last spindle, as the compact power remains engineers have a customised, perfectly configured
at the level set initially. automation solution ready for every situation
Word has got around about this benefit, and on site. The CoWeMat is used as a standalone
some manufacturers of drum systems have gone version or directly linked to the winding machine.
over to alleviating the soiling problems on their On the standalone version, the CoWeFeed
machines using additional components. unsorted tube feed eliminates manual presorting
of the tubes. This alone yields a substantial reduc-
33 % more yarn tion in the labour requirement.
If the yarn twist is reduced and the speed incre- Direct linkage to the winding machine means
ased, yarn production on the ZinserImpact 72 that bobbins and empty tubes no longer have to
increases by up to 33% compared with classic ring be transported by staff. Transportation is handled
spinning. The yarn quality remains the same, but by the secure, efficient and reliable Zinser Bob-
the spinning costs are reduced. binTray system. This full automation separates
any growth in sales completely from the labour
Uncouple growth from the labour resources required.
requirement with CoWeMat
The efficiency ratings of the Zinser 72 series are Designed in Germany for the
boosted further when the fastest, most reliable markets of the future
doffer in the world, the Zinser CoWeMat, comes With the ZinserRing 72 and the ZinserImpact 72,
into the equation. The original CoWeMat reduces companies on a growth trajectory have a reliable,
the need for operators on a ring spinning machine powerful and economical production platform at
by up to 61%. For companies geared to growth, their disposal. Designed in Germany, this gene-
this means: growing without labour resources. ration of machines is for companies that aim to
The original CoWeMat performs its work reliably join the ranks of the premier league.
and without interruption. The system has six
INNOVATIONS / 01.2014 11
2Impact FX.
The aerodynamically optimised 2Impact FX unit No loss of compact power Picture below:
heralds the arrival of the second generation of The economic efficiency of compact spinning The inclined slots of the
compacting apron are
this ultra-economical compact spinning techno- stands or falls with the compact power of the distinctive features of the
logy. In the new compact spinning unit for the system. Only if the airflow that binds the fibres new, aerodynamically
Zinser 351 the air ducting system has been opti- into the yarn remains constant during the entire improved 2Impact FX.
mised to enhance functionality and customer spinning process is it possible to create a product
benefit. With constant compact power 2Impact of guaranteed quality and to fully exploit the
FX offers even greater economic efficiency and economic advantages of compact spinning.
once more demonstrates the innovative capacity In competitor systems compact power is lost
of Schlafhorst as a technology leader. because the air ducting systems become clogged
with fibre particles during spinning. This reduces
The new air ducting system ensures a turbulence- the vacuum in the compacting unit and the yarn
free airflow with positive effects on the compacting gradually loses its desired characteristics. The
of the yarn. Air flows freely through the 2Impact consequence is a steady drop in quality. In
FX unit, so that the tendency to soiling caused addition, personnel-intensive inspections and
by additional elements on rival machines does time-consuming cleaning intervals are required.
not arise. By contrast, on the 2Impact FX there is no loss
The core of Zinser compact technology – the of compact power.
self-cleaning compact apron – has been improved The self-cleaning system continuously ensures
in one important detail. With its inclined slots it the desired yarn quality. There is no need for
has better running properties, which increases personnel-intensive inspections. There are also
the service life of the apron. no production downtimes due to cleaning intervals.
12 INNOVATIONS / 01.2014
The self-cleaning technology and integral vacuum light once more the higher economic efficiency
unit of 2Impact FX complement each other and of compact spinning with 2Impact FX.
together guarantee constant compact power and Zinser compact spinning technology extracts
therefore the constant quality of the compact yarn. the optimum from every raw material. Depending
This innovative “built-in quality control” is typical on the system, 2Impact FX is able to process short
for Schlafhorst – and results in additional custo- fibres extremely well. Raw material costs can
mer benefit and additional customer satisfaction. therefore be significantly reduced with the
Zinser 351 2Impact FX. Even cotton qualities
Standard components simplify servicing with a higher short fibre component give good
Schlafhorst also offers additional customer bene- yarn values – with significant raw material savings.
fits through other design advantages. For
example, with 2Impact FX the same components Innovation management with global
are used at each spinning unit since, unlike com- network
petitor systems, the components do not change With the Zinser 351 2Impact FX, Schlafhorst has
in terms of their specifications along the machine. again succeeded in extending the technological
There is therefore no risk of confusion when possibilities of its unique product line and
replacing parts on the 2Impact FX. Staffing and positioning itself to meet future market require-
logistics costs are also reduced compared to the ments. Schlafhorst continuously monitors the
competition. textile markets of the world so that it can respond
proactively to the dynamics of market demands.
Reducing raw material costs In this way it can detect new customer require-
The economic advantages of compact spinning ments and market trends at an early stage and
with 2Impact FX have already been mentioned be the first company in the market to respond to
several times. However, not everyone is aware these. Good news for all customers of this leading
of the advantages compared to simple ring German manufacturer.
spinning. It therefore makes sense here to high-
14 INNOVATIONS / 01.2014
Autocoro 8.
Market leader Schlafhorst presents itself as the 15% more is 13% more compact
industry’s innovative force again at the ITMA. The Autocoro 8 can now be configured with
The company’s flagship, the Autocoro 8, can now 552 spinning positions; an increase of 15% in
demonstrate its true profitability on 552 spinning comparison to the previous maximum of 480
positions. With field-tested rotor speeds of spinning positions. As a result of its compact single
160,000 rpm and new intelligent automation spinning position technology, the Autocoro 8 is
solutions, Schlafhorst customers can now profit still 13% shorter than similar belt-driven machines
from a new level of productivity. This news will from competitor companies. This sends out a
especially interest experienced manufacturers of clear signal to investors: the compact design of
standard yarns who, despite highly optimised the Autocoro 8 means that it can produce 13%
processes, struggle to leverage more productivity more yarn on the same production area.
from conventional belt-driven machines.
INNOVATIONS / 01.2014 15
Since 2012 Schlafhorst has been experiencing Autoconer – the name says it all
a sharp increase in demand for customised auto- Competence in creating innovative automation
mation solutions in the package winding depart- solutions is a tradition at Schlafhorst. The
ment. A new wave of automation is rolling Autoconer 107 in 1962 was the first machine for
through the global textile markets that will automatic package winding to be ready to go into
change the industry significantly in the next few series production. Its automated sequences for
years. With the Autoconer X5 and its new modular eliminating yarn breaks and for bobbin changes
automation options, Schlafhorst offers spinning were groundbreaking at the time. Time-consum-
mills worldwide an optimal opportunity to ride ing manual joining of the yarns and changing
this trend successfully. every single bobbin by hand were thus consigned
to history. In the years following, the name
Automation becoming more individual Autoconer became synonymous with automation
There are basically three factors that trigger in the package winding department. Operation
major automation initiatives in the industry: was simplified continuously, and more and more
rising labour costs, a shortage of skilled staff and sequences were automated. An important impetus
growing quality requirements. Rapidly rising for automating the material flow and processes
investment in automation of the package winding came during the 1980s from the then main markets
department is currently marking a new trend. of the textile industry in Europe and America,
Until recently, China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh where rising labour costs led to a strong shift
and Vietnam invested primarily in the Autoconer towards automation. With its caddy transport
RM manual machine type. Since 2012 the system for the Autoconer system 238, a feature
proportion of automatic Autoconer X5, type D that is unsurpassed even now, Schlafhorst created
and V winding machines has been increasing a milestone for the entire industry.
steadily and perceptibly.
A holistic view of automation
The major strength of Schlafhorst was and is its
“The trend towards ability to look at processes in the spinning
automation has become and winding mill as a whole in order to be able
to introduce functional innovations into the indi-
more customised.” vidual process stages. Automation was thus
looked at from a wide variety of angles too. It is
China and India above all are proving to be trend- found in different sequences in the winding
setters. The degree of automation in these mar- process, for example:
kets is growing dramatically. It is noticeable that
the trend towards automation has become much - in the winding process itself and its operation
more individual. Gradual automation in differen- - in package handling
tiated stages is just as feasible as the complete - in bobbin transportation and handling
integration of the material flow of the ring spin- - in the process sequence between
ning machine and package winding department spinning and winding
for maximum efficiency and quality. For this reason
Schlafhorst now offers its customers made-to-
measure process automation solutions, which are
optimally coordinated to the profile of require-
ments of each market and company, with the
modular machine concept of the Autoconer.
This makes it the ideal partner of spinning
mills worldwide that are riding the latest wave
of automation.
INNOVATIONS / 01.2014 17
With regard to automatic operation of the The last two points on the list are the automation Picture below:
winding process, for example, sensor-monitored stages which permit the greatest staff savings to continuous innovation for
the automatic package
process sequences and central setting of the be made. Intelligent automation functions were winding department.
winding parameters at the Informator were conceived that both reduced the outlay on ope-
introduced. These advances eliminated labour- rators and improved quality.
intensive mechanical adjustment and settings at
the individual winding positions. The introduc- Modular material flow automation
tion of the Autoconer 338 was accompanied by The strength of an automation strategy becomes
the facility for setting the yarn tension regulation clear in the long run in the interaction of the
centrally, Autotense FX, and the sensor-cont- modules. Schlafhorst offers every customer the
rolled, centrally adjustable suction plant with right automation concept with the installation
AVC system, which rendered the laborious and material flow automation of the Autoconer
exchange of pulleys superfluous. The introduction X5, which can be configured flexibly. Textile com-
of single drives on the Autoconer 5 was a prere- panies with a clear automation strategy will
quisite for being able to configure further therefore quickly find the optimum solutions
winding parameters centrally, such as the suction for implementing their plans consistently at
arm spacing, the splicer feeder and the waxing. Schlafhorst. Customers opting for automation for
Innovations in automation resulted in a marked the first time will receive extensive advice from
reduction in operator workload with regard to the market and technology leader with regard to
package handling, even on the manually operated changing over their operating sequences.
winding machine Autoconer X5 type RM. The
intelligent X-Change doffer is an automation unit
that facilitates multi-tube handling and automatic
lot changing without manual winding-on at each
winding position among other things.
18 INNOVATIONS / 01.2014
Two machine types that are well known and proven machine to a minimum with the new yarn seeker Picture below:
over decades for an automatic material flow are and the automatic bobbin tube remover. Autoconer X5, type D with
new, intelligent material
the standalone version Autoconer X5 type D and Even on the type V, a highly integrated auto- flow technology.
the Autoconer X5 type V, which is directly linked mation solution, Schlafhorst has taken maximum
to the ring spinning machine. On the type D, the flexibility into account. The interface between
bobbins are transported manually to the winding ring spinning machine and package winder on
machine on large bobbin trucks and then placed the type V can likewise be custom configured and
onto the Caddys via the flat circular conveyor. adapted to the space available as well as to
On the type V, the bobbins are supplied via an process sequences in the company. A direct link
interface to the CTS transfer station, which places is possible, as is a link via bobbin bridge or an
the bobbins on the Caddys and supplies them to underfloor link. It can be linked to ring spinning
the Autoconer. The empty tubes are returned machines from all manufacturers.
automatically to the ring spinning machine via
the same interface.
The type D machine can be located indepen-
dently of the ring spinning machine. When switching
from a manually operated machine to an automated
system, the previous process sequence can be
retained virtually unchanged, therefore. And it
means more productivity and greater indepen-
dence from personnel while retaining a high
level of lot and material flexibility thanks to the
automated bobbin handling.
By its direct linkage to the ring spinning
machine, the type V machine paves the way for
complete process integration between spinning
and winding. The spinning and winding machine
as well as transport and storage can be optimally
coordinated to one another without any operator
intervention. This results in higher productivity
and improved quality with maximum staff cost
savings. The optional SPID spindle identification
system for the Autoconer X5 type V in particular
opens up new possibilities of direct online quality
control. The quality of each individual spindle
can be monitored 100% and promptly by the system.
FlowShare FX, the most intelligent Highly productive and economical Picture below left:
material flow technology on the market More productivity, more efficiency, more eco- Autoconer X5, type V as an
underfloor link.
Most recently Schlafhorst has revolutionised the nomy – those are the priority objectives that
material flow on the package winding machine Schlafhorst is pursuing in the development and Picture below right:
itself through FlowShare FX, the smartest material improvement of automation solutions. Higher Flow Share FX – a reliable,
flexible supply to winding
flow control system on the market. The system cycle rates and new functional principles have positions with Vario Reserve.
guarantees a continuous, self-regulated supply been achieved on the new flat circular conveyor
of bobbins to all winding units by reliably com- and the improved CTS transfer station. The con-
pensating for variations in the material supply. sequence is an extremely reliable, fast process
The individual functions of the system comple- sequence without disruptions.
ment one another in their effect, offering a maxi- Thanks to the perfect interplay between the
mum leap in productivity. Vario Reserve adjusts individual innovations, the Autoconer X5 type D
the number of reserve bobbins at the winding can now also be supplied with up to 70 winding
unit flexibly to meet the requirements. High units thanks to FlowShare FX and higher cycle
Speed Feeding supports the requirement-driven rates. This is a significant leap in productivity!
supply of bobbins to the winding units by variable
adjustment of the supply speed under sensor
control. But it is Intelligent Bobbin Sharing that Successful automation with Schlafhorst –
makes the unique autonomous material flow con- a summary
trol system perfect. This innovative function, Customers with excellent process automation
which is only available on the Autoconer X5, have been trusting in Schlafhorst’s competence
ensures an intelligent exchange of bobbins bet- for many years. In the latest wave of automation,
ween the winding units. If one winding unit is the textile companies that will benefit above all
threatened by a shortage of bobbins, the adjacent from the know-how of the market leader are those
unit promptly surrenders a reserve bobbin. that invest targetedly in automation for the first
Waiting times are avoided thereby. FlowShare time and strive for future-ready solutions that
FX is therefore the optimum expansion for the are easy to realise and capable of expansion.
previously tried and tested FX technologies for
top package quality – Speedster FX, Preci FX,
Autotense FX, Ecopack FX, Propack FX and
Variopack FX – and now for the ultimate in material
flow reliability.
20 INNOVATIONS / 01.2014
They advise their customers not only on technical Better than the original: up-to-date Picture below left/right:
matters, but create detailed profitability calcu- original parts with built-in innovation Schlafhorst Service
provides expertise in the
lations. New purchase or modernisation? When The technology company’s overarching claim to service of the customer.
will the company achieve the better return on innovation also extends to the original parts
investment in the current market conditions? The which undergo continual improvement. Picture below centre:
Technology upgrades
Schlafhorst Service Team supports this central “Original parts from Schlafhorst not only bring older machines up to
business decision with its unique expertise in the guarantee original quality, they are also part of the latest series standard.
textile sector. our innovation pipeline,” says Thomas Arter. “We
“The modernisation of existing machines, in thus help our customers manage innovation in
other words, the implementation of state-of-the- a flexible way. They can thus continuously in-
art technology, is in many cases the economically crease their profitability and improve their
optimal decision,” says Thomas Arter, “and this market position.”
is no coincidence, but the result of our innovation Making innovations reverse-compatible poses
philosophy. Our customers are not only buying a great challenge for the Schlafhorst development
a machine, they are also benefiting from a life-cycle engineers. “We have taken this difficult path to
partnership, which guarantees them a continuous offer our customers unique benefits,” Thomas
strengthening of innovation in the ongoing Arter concludes. “Our innovations do not come
production operation.” into being at the desk, but from being in close
contact with our customers. We see it as our job
Modular innovation upgrades: to help our customers on their way to success.
Modernisation Kits und Technology Kits This is how we measure the quality of innova-
Schlafhorst implements this life-cycle partnership tions.”
among other things with tailor-made moderni- More than 5,700 active customers in over 120
sation and technology kits. This enables the countries can testify that Schlafhorst, with its
simple and fast retrofitting of design improvements customer-centric product development, impresses
to individual parts and spinning components even the most demanding textile companies day
or whole sub-assemblies all the way up to the after day.
extension of machines or their conversion to
another spinning process.
TECHNOLOGY / 01.2014 23
When the digital displacement technology any compromise being required. Completely new Picture below:
PreciFX was unveiled at ITMA 2007 in Munich, package formats are possible, such as biconical No compromises in package
build thanks to PreciFX.
it was regarded as a consummate technical and hard packages or dye packages with round flanks
technological highlight. Only acknowledged tech- – perfection at the touch of a button, flexibility
nology experts had any inkling at the time of the without limits and significantly reduced hard-
broad potential of this revolutionary innovation. ware handling with one system.
Working with selected customers, Schlafhorst
developed a large number of new, more efficient Economical advantages for sales spinners
package formats in the years following that are and integrated textile companies
only possible with PreciFX. In 2011 the company “The package is the decisive interface in the
commenced global marketing of the groundbreak- textile process between the spinning mill, dye
ing technology. PreciFX is now the only tried and shop, warping department, doubling mill and
tested drumless yarn displacement system for weaving mill,” says Klaus Kamphausen, Schlafhorst
bobbin processing that is established worldwide, technology manager. “The package build directly
with 15,000 winding units installed. affects the productivity and efficiency of down-
stream process stages. PreciFX permits optimi-
Perfect packages for any process – no need sation in every direction. Sales spinning mills can
to tolerate compromise cover a much wider spectrum of orders on com-
PreciFX has overcome limits to which the industry petitive terms. Vertically integrated companies
had become accustomed. The mechanically fixed can make their processes more efficient and
groove geometry, the familiar displacement and optimise them.”
traverse width of drum winding and the random The fact that PreciFX has become established
wind with its known limitations resulted in com- in the market so quickly is due to the advantages
promises that were accepted as a given for all offered by the system. These are the result of a
package formats. With PreciFX, these problems close innovation partnership. Between 2007 and
are consigned to history. By the use of pattern- 2011, Schlafhorst optimised processes between
free random winding, precision winding or the spinning mill and downstream processing in
stepped precision winding, the system enables a targeted manner in collaboration with selected
individual package designs to be produced without customers.
New dye packages customised for each The advantages are obvious. An optimal package Picture below:
method build increases the reliability of the dyeing pro- PreciFX has become an
established feature of many
The various methods of dyeing make entirely cess; the elimination of process stages increases installations.
different demands on the package build. These economic efficiency.
can be highly individual depending on the dyeing PreciFX also improves the productivity of the
process and system. This is where the flexibility winding process itself. The optimal coordination
of PreciFX can be shown to best advantage. The of the number of groove turns, yarn tension
innovative yarn displacement system can coor- reduction and increase in winding speed results
dinate the inner structure and the outer shape of in a productivity increase of up to 20% in the
the dye package optimally to the requirements of production of dye packages compared with drum
the dye shop. winding.
A pattern-free package build guarantees the
best dyeing results. The package density and the Highly economical new package formats
softness of the flanks can be matched individu- for warping, weaving, knitting and
ally and entirely uniformly to the dyeing process doubling
thanks to central setting of the contact pressure, Schlafhorst’s textile technologists have also devel-
free selection of the wind and targeted yarn place- oped novel hard packages together with their
ment among other things. Dynamic adjustment customers. New, larger package formats have
of the angle of displacement during the package been created, which guarantee uninterrupted
travel serves to optimise the package density, unwinding behaviour without yarn breaks at
especially for elastic materials. The round maximum take-up speeds. Thanks to the higher
package flanks, the unmistakable trademark of packing density they also contain a much greater
a PreciFX package, render mechanical edge break- yarn length with the same diameter. Biconicity
ing superfluous and thus eliminate an entire can also be activated as required to improve the
process stage while retaining the excellent unwinding behaviour of large package diameters
package quality. And finally, the displacement by shortening the traverse.
width can be adapted individually depending on
the tube geometry to prevent “open holes” and
uneven dyeing.
TECHNOLOGY / 01.2014 25
A unique characteristic of PreciFX is its filling Alluring prospects for the future Picture below:
function, which “tops up” the outer area of tapered Thanks to its flexibility, PreciFX is geared to the PreciFX delivers made-to-
measure package designs.
packages with an additional quantity of yarn future and is ready even now for requirements
while guaranteeing superb unwinding properties. that will only be conceived tomorrow. “PreciFX
The package contents are thereby augmented by is a groundbreaking innovation,” explains
around 10%. Schlafhorst’s technology manager, “because for
For elastic materials PreciFX can build com- the first time in history, warping, weaving, knit-
pletely straight package flanks. Due to this ting and doubling mills can define what the ideal
dimensional stability, packages can now be package for their purposes looks like. They can
realised with a larger diameter or with an in- virtually reinvent the package. PreciFX produces
creased packing density for the same diameter. it at the touch of a button.” Ultimately no spin-
ning mill will be able to manage without PreciFX.
Lower logistics and handling costs But even now spinning mills are using the system
By optimising the package design, PreciFX in- to set themselves apart successfully from the
creases the weight of packages by 10 to 20% while competition. “PreciFX is more than a new tech-
retaining the same diameter. This makes it an nical procedure,” stresses Klaus Kamphausen. “It
effective cost brake for sales spinning mills with is concentrated textile know-how that is availa-
a high outlay on logistics, because more yarn on ble to customers simply by pressing a button.”
the package means a greater net weight in
storage and transport, as less air and packaging
have to be transported. The number of tubes,
boxes, pallets and containers needed is reduced.
The amount of handling necessary for customers
of the spinning mills is also reduced, because less
frequent package changes are required in knit-
ting, warping and weaving mills.
“wE’rE SPiNNiNG at 160,000 rPM.”
“The practical limit of 150,000 rpm now only The general director of
exists in the mind,“ says Andrey Mezhinskiy, Tirotex, Andrey Mezhinskiy,
is thrilled with the new
general director of Tirotex. “Schlafhorst long Autocoro 8.
since overcame the barrier with the Autocoro 8.”
But no-one is going to throw out overnight a rule
that has existed for over 20 years. Neither do we.
Many factors come together in practice. Various
key indicators should be heeded if one wishes to
increase profitability and efficiency in a sustain-
able manner: raw materials, energy, quality. We
naturally want to increase the productivity of our
spinning mill, but not at any price. We have set
quality standards for yarn strength, yarn elongation
and yarn uniformity that must be adhered to.
Autonomous individual
spinning positions permit
productivity increases of
over 18%.
Revolutionary individual spinning its own textile laboratory, but also processes the
position technology yarns itself in its own weaving and knitting mills,
Schlafhorst succeeded in making the break- and thus has ample opportunity for quality con-
through to new high-speed dimensions with a trol. “Perhaps this is why we are a little bolder
groundbreaking new machine concept. Restrict- and have tackled the limit sooner than others,”
ing central drives were replaced on the Autocoro says Andrey Mezhinskiy. “We would spot quality
8 by single-motor drives and intelligent software. problems in the weaving mill immediately.”
Each spinning position is a production unit in Tirotex regards the stage it has reached merely
itself, with autonomous spinning and winding as an intermediate step, because 160,000 rpm is
processes. The piecing process was integrated far from the limit. “Following the success achie-
completely into the individual spinning position, ved with the Nm 34 yarn count, we will increase
dramatically shortening piecing processes in the the speeds for other yarns too at a controlled rate
case of yarn breaks and on machine start-up. and test the new potential of the Autocoro 8
Frictionless magnetic rotor drives guarantee continuously,” says Andrey Mezhinskiy.
absolute reliability and safety at all speeds. Tirotex is pursuing ambitious goals. “We are
Schlafhorst has thus eliminated the limits that also investing specifically in productivity and
have restricted rotor spinning for over 20 years efficiency in the next few years to be able to
and has opened up new prospects for the industry. expand further in the global market in the future.”
For Tirotex it is obvious that only the Autocoro 8
Pioneer with ambitious goals comes into question for this expansion in the
Tirotex has certainly not broken the 150,000 rpm spinning mill.
barrier early in continuous operation by chance.
The company is a longstanding customer of
Schlafhorst with many years of experience in
rotor spinning. Added to this is the fact that
Tirotex not only tests the quality of the yarns in
TECHNOLOGY / 01.2014 29
ZinserSpeed 5M.
The engineers at Zinser have succeeded in creat- Direct drives and intelligent Picture below:
ing a small energy marvel with the new roving control system for high efficiency ratings ZinserSpeed 5M for
manual doffing.
frame ZinserSpeed 5M for manual doffing. Not Four independent drive shafts, decentralised
only is the machine extremely energy-efficient, field motors and the intelligent software controller
but it also manages sudden power outages superbly EasySpin are the key elements that enable the
and guarantees first-class roving and maximum ZinserSpeed 5M to produce top-quality fine to
productivity. coarse ring yarns economically. The precise
package structure ensures perfect roving package
Precision and sophisticated roving frame tech- unwinding in the ring spinning machine. Set up
nology are the distinguishing features of the new for up to 208 spindles for fine yarn production,
ZinserSpeed 5M. Innovation for first-class roving a maximum output is achieved for the ring
and fast, reliable, energy-saving production. spinning mill.
Cutting energy costs is an issue that everyone
is grappling with to an increasing extent. The New exciting features
availability of energy ranks alongside rising The new ZinserSpeed 5M roving frame has excit-
energy prices as a major challenge in some coun- ing and innovative performance features.
tries, as limited energy capacity causes frequent
power outages. Textile machinery manufacturers - energy-saving mode for suction and flyer table
must react to these basic conditions. Reducing blowing
energy consumption and equipping the machines - operating reliability when power supply
to cope with unreliable power supply networks networks are unstable
are key objectives. - wear-resistant and energy-optimised bobbin
In developing the new ZinserSpeed 5M roving rail drive
frame, the Zinser engineers concentrated in - energy-optimised connection of travelling
particular on the technical and economic potential cleaner
for energy savings and on operating reliability, - power and drive units combined
therefore. This is because, when considering the - shorter set-up, tooling and servicing times
overall life of a machine, operating costs and pro-
ductivity determine the profitability of a plant to
a far greater extent than the procurement price.
30 TECHNOLOGY / 01.2014
Picture above:
additional option
for reducing the
machine speed
(Flyer Speed Control System).
“From our base in Germany we help our customers Collaboration with the manufacturers of man- Picture caption top left:
to run tailored applications on series-produced made fibres plays a major role in research and the new Technology Center
following its opening.
machines. These push the machines optimally to the development. New spinning components and fibres
extremes, both economically and technically,” that are optimally coordinated to one another Picture caption middle:
says the head of the Technology Center, Jörg Dör- are developed jointly. This close cooperation Modern and attractively
designed – the
bandt. “At the same time, the requirements of frequently gives rise to extensive fibre-to-fabric new showroom.
the customers at the limits of what is now possible projects in which Schlafhorst monitors the
provide the targets for our development engineers.” production process with its know-how and tech- Picture caption bottom left:
Visitors can see details close up.
nologies from the fibre via the entire processing
Showroom and training courses chain to the end user.
The Technology Center is also a visitor magnet.
Customers and other interested visitors can see Interface between research and the market
the modern textile machinery of Schlafhorst in The Technology Center forms the interface
action in the showroom. Visitor rooms are also between research and development on the one
available for presentations and discussions. Textile hand and quite specific customer requirements
technological training courses for customers and and market trends on the other. In this way
staff who wish to react fast to constantly chang- Schlafhorst can react much more quickly to
ing market requirements round off the range of special customer requests in respect of package
services offered by the Technology Center. formats, spinning components or special yarn
structures. For example, the Technology Center
The Schlafhorst textile laboratory is involved in the development of new fancy
The textile laboratory in the Technology Center yarns, the significance of which is increasing in
operates according to globally binding standards both ring spinning and in the OE field.
and maintains close links with the laboratories The Technology Center cooperates on long-term
in the technology centers in China and India for development tasks with textile colleges, research
exchanging experience. It uses the latest testing institutes and fibre manufacturers. Here an in-
techniques and measuring instruments for exa- depth transfer of know-how takes place, through
mining fibres, yarns and fabrics. For example, a which Schafhorst will consolidate and extend its
Classimat 5 was recently installed on a winding position as technology leader in the interests of its
machine in the Technology Center to be able to test customers in the future.
packages with a long running length effectively.
The textile laboratory handles a wide variety
of tasks. It formulates and evaluates new testing
and measuring methods to keep up to date the
test standards under which the laboratories in
China and India also work. The know-how of the
experts from the Schlafhorst Technology Center
is in great demand, therefore, in the international
standardisation committees of the textile indus-
try, where they define new standards together
with the manufacturers of testing equipment and
other representatives of the textile industry.
The reproducible data supplied by the textile
laboratory forms the basis for warranty declara-
tions. In conjunction with spinning trials, the tex-
tile laboratory thus supports the field service and
marketing organisation in optimising particularly
complex machinery configurations. Another main
duty of the laboratory is to train employees to inter-
pret test data and test methods.
34 CUSTOMERS / 01.2014
With the commissioning of the millionth Zinser plant’s good reputation with its customers Picture below:
spindle from the plant in Suzhou, Schlafhorst in provides motivation for the entire company. Presentation of the one
millionth Zinser spindle to
China can celebrate an outstanding event this Schlafhorst has taken on a lot for the future the president of the Linqing
year. The head of sales at Schlafhorst, Cem Yalcin, in China. The company management and the Huaxing Textile Co. Ltd, Mr
presented the one millionth Zinser ring spindle employees are optimistic as they enter the “year Tang Xuepo.
to the president of the Linqing Huaxing Textile of the horse”, which denotes zest and energy in
Co. Ltd., Mr Tang Xuepo, at a special ceremony. the Chinese zodiac. The prospects for strengthen-
ing the company’s leading market position in
With annual production of 34,000 t of compact China and the Asian markets further and for
yarn, the respected company is one of the biggest consolidating this in a targeted manner are good.
compact yarn spinning mills in the Shandong
province and a customer of Schlafhorst China for
many years. The Linqing Huaxing Textile Co. Ltd.
processes 100% combed cotton and produces
yarns for weaving and knitting mills. The one mil-
lionth spindle is part of a major order that the
company placed with Schlafhorst last year. It
ordered 99 ZinserImpact 71 machines with
118,000 spindles as standalone machines with
CoWeMat 396 F as well as 16 ZinserSpeed 5M
roving frames and 28 Autoconer X5, type D
Efficiency and quality were the deciding cri-
teria for the company in its choice of machines.
The new ZinserImpact 71, which is produced in
China, guarantees optimum quality and profita-
bility with its highly reliable precision engineering,
maximum performance and extensive automa-
tion options. As an experienced compact yarn
spinning mill with the highest quality require-
ments, the Linqing Huaxing Textile Co. Ltd. is
thrilled with the new ZinserImpact 71, because
thanks to the self-cleaning Impact FX technology,
the machine is equipped with the most reliable
and efficient compact system in the world.
The head of sales at Schlafhorst, Cem Yalcin, to attain a rotor speed of 100,000 rpm in practice, Picture top right:
presented the 500,000th BD spindle to Mr Wan it even featured Joint Spinning In back in 2002 In the plant in Suzhou
opened in 2002, Schlafhorst
Qiusheng, president of the Shandong Linqing – a synchronous quick-start system that is unique produces BD rotor spinning
Sanhe Textile Group, at a special ceremony. Once up to this day and has been developed and impro- machines for the global
again, Schlafhorst thus impressively confirms its ved continuously by Schlafhorst. The current market and the Zinser 71
generation of ring spinning
status as the most successful textile machinery machine generation, the BD 448, thus attains full machines for the Chinese
manufacturer in China. productivity in less than 10 minutes, a unique and some other markets.
productivity advantage. Another pioneering
The Shandong Linqing Sanhe Textile Group was feature was the BURMASTER technology, the
Picture 2 right:
founded in 1988 and is now one of the 500 biggest piecing technology of the BD machines. This The 500,000th BD spindle
private companies in China. It is in the top makes piecing easier and has been advanced and is going into operation at
the Shandong Linqing
20 companies in the Chinese textile industry, improved in many respects. On the BD 320
Sanhe Textile Group. The
producing around 12,000 tonnes of cotton yarn Schlafhorst also upgraded the machine operating company is one of the top
each year. 80% of the yarns are exported, making concept, setting new standards in user friendli- 20 firms in the Chinese
textile industry.
the group one of the leading export firms in the ness thanks to visualisation and simple user
textile industry. The company’s production menus. Intelligent control of the motor speeds
machinery comprises 44 BD 448 rotor spinning using frequency inverters also significantly in-
machines from Schlafhorst with a total of 19,712 creased process reliability.
spinning positions. Features of the Schlafhorst The BD 330, introduced in 2005, was the first
machines that are especially appreciated by the machine with electronically controlled sliver
vertically integrated company are their high level intake – an innovation that has since become
of productivity, easy operation and optimal link- state of the art at Schlafhorst. Likewise EVA
up with downstream processing stages in the (Electronic Vacuum Adjustment), the electronic
company’s own weaving mill. Productivity has suction system for the spinning vacuum, a feature
been increased significantly thanks to the BD 448. with which the BD 330 was years ahead of the
competition. Another factor crucial to the success
A unique success story of the BD rotor spinning machines in the global
The commissioning of the 500,000th BD spindle market was the option of using the new European
is a further milestone in the Schlafhorst success high-end yarn clearer Corolab on the machine.
story in China. Textile machines from Schlafhorst In 2005, Schlafhorst China also launched the
were creating a stir in China half a century ago, BD 350 Fancynation, a semi-automatic rotor
laying the foundation for the company’s excellent spinning machine with fully integrated software
image in what is now the world’s biggest market for the production of fancy yarns.
for textile machinery. Schlafhorst itself has been The BD 380 followed in 2008, beginning
active as a company in China since 1990. The the next chapter in the unique success story of
plant in Suzhou was opened in 2002. Schlafhorst China. Longer than its predecessor
Since then Schlafhorst has been producing BD and designed for even higher rotor speeds of
rotor spinning machines there for the global mar- 120,000 rpm, this machine generation was
ket. Average annual production rose from nearly already breaking new ground in terms of produc-
8,000 spindles in the first year to such an extent tivity some years ago. The new NSB 38 spinbox
that in around just ten years 500,000 BD spin- guaranteed optimum fibre guidance and trash
ning positions accrued – a unique success story. separation, high spinning stability and con-
The very first generation of machines produced sistently good yarn values for all yarn counts and
in Suzhou, the BD 320, attracted huge interest raw materials.
with its fascinating innovations. Not only was it
the first semi-automatic rotor spinning machine
CUSTOMERS / 01.2014 37
Dedicated employees
The success hasn’t come about by accident.
Schlafhorst understands better than any other
company how to satisfy the demands of the
Chinese market with the German concept of
quality, innovative technology, efficient local
production and a unique cost-benefit ratio.
Innovation, performance, motivation and
consistent customer orientation are integral
elements of the excellent corporate culture of
Schlafhorst China and another building block in
the success story. Highly skilled employees who
have shown their loyalty to the company over
many years ensure continuity in customer rela-
tionships and an unsurpassed quality of service.
They inspire their customers by their profession-
alism, expertise and genuine commitment.
38 CUSTOMERS / 01.2014
Balsuyu Mensucat.
The Turkish textile company Balsuyu Mensucat The Zinser Modernisation Kit 8.0 Tube feed
has started updating its Zinser 350 ring spinning CoWeFeed accomplishes an upgrade from CoWeMat
machines to the latest technological level with type 392 to 395F with automatic tube feed. Older
the help of the Zinser Modernisation Kit Tube CoWeMat generations are equipped with the
feed CoWeFeed. In doing this, the company is bobbin tray belt and CoWeFeed in the process. Balsuyu Mensucat
benefiting from the unique innovation philosophy CoWeFeed minimises machine operating outlay
of the textile machinery manufacturer Schlafhorst. and eliminates manual tube sorting into boxes. Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
Companies that buy machinery from Schlafhorst With CoWeFeed, the empty tubes can be supplied Established:
effectively take out a subscription to innovation, unsorted into the feed container of the ring 1970
because Schlafhorst develops new technological spinning machine. From there they are removed 20 Zinser RM 350
features in such a way that they can be integrated automatically, aligned and placed onto the bobbin
into older machine generations. It thereby brings trays, which transport the tubes and bobbins
even existing installations up to the latest stage securely.
of development.
Greater process reliability
Established in 1970, Balsuyu Mensucat in The new transport system with bobbin tray and
Kahramanmaraş is one of Turkey’s leading textile the new tube feed increase the process reliability
companies. It is a vertically integrated company of the machines as a whole, resulting in less wear
with processes ranging from cleaning and blending of the conveyor belts, fewer tube feed malfunc-
of the cotton via spinning and knitting to dyeing tions and consequently less frequent manual
and finishing. The company spins ring yarns from intervention by operatives. The new tube feed is
cotton, viscose and polyester in different counts gentle on the tubes and offers maximum functional
and a variety of raw material blends and quali- reliability, which in effect increases productivity.
ties on its 20 Zinser ring spinning machines. The infrared light barriers for monitoring
In January 2013, the company embarked on doffing and the transparent process display on
the modernisation of the tube feed to the ring the screen of the operator console also guarantee
spinning machines with the help of the Zinser a high level of reliability. The familiar user interface
Modernisation Kit CoWeFeed. “Balsuyu Mensucat is retained even after modernisation. Operators
is a company with ambitious goals,” says proprietor do not have to spend a long time getting used to
Ahmet Duran Balsuyu. “To stay ahead of the com- a new system, therefore, and familiarisation periods
petition, we optimise our processes continuously. are reduced.
We are constantly searching for ways to increase
our productivity and efficiency, improve the quality Professional conversion
of our yarns and reduce our costs. Doffing dictates by Schlafhorst Service
the economic efficiency of the ring spinning Professional conversion and initial commission-
machine to a high degree, and that’s why we ing by the experienced Schlafhorst Customer
wanted to start here. The Modernisation Kit from Support Service ensured a smooth innovation
Schlafhorst gives us the opportunity to benefit upgrade in the minimum of time. Because the
from innovations developed for the latest gene- staff needed a minimal familiarisation period, the
ration of machines without a large investment upgraded machines were back in full production
outlay.” after a few days.
CUSTOMERS / 01.2014 39
Picture below:
Unsorted empty tubes are
automatically removed and
also automatically aligned.
20% more productive with PreciFX Reserves for peak performance Picture below left:
When Mr Murukesan Muthu, general manager Thiagarajar Mills can hold its own confidently in Mr Murukesan Muthu,
General Manager Technical
technical in Nilakottai, speaks about the Autoconer, relation to its competitors with the Autoconer of Thiagarajar Mills
his eyes light up: “With the Autoconer we can and PreciFX. “We deliver excellent quality in any Nilakottai.
reproduce the package quality defined by the cus- quantity fast and reliably,” says Mr Muthupala-
Picture below right:
tomer precisely every time. The Informator saves niappa. “We are extremely productive, and thanks Mr Muthupalaniappa,
all production and lot data. Production is up and to the Autoconer we always have the necessary Vice President Technical
running at the touch of a button.” reserves to delight our customers with seemingly of Thiagarajar Mills (P)
Delivering the desired quantity and quality on impossible achievements.”
time is a matter of course for the premium manu-
facturer. Productivity and downtimes are thus
critical parameters for Thiagarajar Mills and are
monitored carefully. “With the Autoconer and
PreciFX we have been able to increase our
productivity with regard to dye packages by an
average of 20%,” Mr Murukesan Muthu explains
animatedly. “For example, the time-consuming
exchange of drums is eliminated completely by
PreciFX. Since we are able to select the displace-
ment technology freely and set the number of
groove turns flexibly with PreciFX, this gives us
greater room for manoeuvre when optimising
further winding parameters and we achieve
higher winding speeds.”
42 CUSTOMERS / 01.2014
A.V.S. IPLIK TEKSTIL of Usak in Turkey is an DigiPiecing, one of the new piecing technologies
experienced rotor spinning mill. It produces of the BD 6, increases piecing reliability and piecing
around 4,000 tonnes of yarn per year in the count quality, thereby delivering both more producti-
range from Ne 10 to Ne 20. Depending on the vity and quality. The new winding technology Picture below:
customer specification, the raw materials used facilitates a novel homogeneous package build. Vahit Yanginci,
board member at AVS, in
are blends of cotton, polyester, polyacrylic, wool Packages are created that need not fear a quality front of the new BD 6.
and regenerated fibres. Production takes place comparison with an Autocoro package. “Our cus-
on Schlafhorst rotor spinning machines: 2,000 tomers, chiefly knitting mills, are delighted with
Autocoro spinning positions and around 4,000 the unwinding behaviour of the packages,” says
BD spindles. Three of the 13 BD machines are Vahit Yanginci.
from the latest BD 6 generation. The operating staff are enthusiastic about the
new optical signalling system. Highly visible
“The new BD 6 is unlike any other semi-automatic LEDs at each individual spindle provide a contin-
rotor spinning machine,” says board member uous flow of information about the status of the
Vahit Yanginci. “It combines outstanding eco- machine, making it much easier for the staff to
nomy with easy handling and an efficiency rating maintain a high level of productivity. Vahit
that is only surpassed by the Autocoro.” Yanginci draws a clear conclusion: “For us, the
BD 6 is the perfect machine.”
NEWS / 01.2014 43
CErtiFiEd tUrKiSH YarNS.
Belcoro yarns are much sought after by
weaving and knitting mills the world
over, as they can be processed down-
stream smoothly and yield superb results.
The reliability of the seal of approval is
especially valued, because it is not the
company, but each individual yarn grade
that is certified. In the Turkish textile
stronghold in and around Kahramanma-
ras, three companies were awarded
globally recognised Belcoro certification
by Schlafhorst at the start of the year.
Beyteks Tekstil San. Ve Tic. A.Ş of The service platform that takes you further.
Ceyhan, Adana and Akarca Mensucat
San. Ve Tic. A.Ş and Elif Iplik Tekstil SECOS 2.0. WORkWEAR.
Inşaat Tic. Ve San. Ltd. Şti. of Kahraman- a CoNVENiENt waY to BElCoro wEaViNG YarNS.
maras now belong to the exclusive club ordEr. –
of companies able to supply certified – Perfect outfit with interwoven cost
yarns of the highest quality. Order in a convenient manner, advantage
be the first to receive information, With the innovative Belcoro weaving
benefit from individual services yarn for durable and rapidly drying
Experience what it means to be able to occupational clothing, Autocoro custo-
access the latest information, facts and mers earn two benefits at the same time.
products especially for your machines – On the one hand they utilise the oppor-
any time, anywhere. Just log in and get tunities in this growing market segment.
easy access to all your Saurer products. On the other hand, the end customer
With Secos 2.0 you produce and update benefits from cost advantages that are
your quotations yourself, regardless of included in the Belcoro end article – long
our business hours. Assume control over service life and rapid drying – from top
all processes relating to servicing, profitability and reduced washing/dry-
updates and original parts supply for ing costs.
your textile machinery.
Issue 1/2014, total circulation: 9,000
Schlafhorst ZNL der Saurer Germany
GmbH & Co KG
Carlstr. 60
52531 Übach-Palenberg
Staudt Lithographie GmbH
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