Deccan Selections: Centre Date: Disclaimer
Deccan Selections: Centre Date: Disclaimer
Deccan Selections: Centre Date: Disclaimer
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Centre : Mysore Date : 30th May ,2018
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Logic: Trainers often use claiming jockeys in order to gain a weight advantage against the other runners
in a handicap. When there are several claiming jockeys riding in a race, their weight advantages are
compromised, but when there is only one runner with a claiming jockey, it has a weight advantage
against the field.
One cannot apply basic standard handicap rules for this centre. Horses which once ran in class 1 are now
rotting in class 5. Form is not consistent,almost all horses excel in trials
Picked one out of top 4 in each race who have scope to improve/do well based on its previous runs.
Watch for horse race fitness in paddock parade and odds trend thereafter take call for win/place based
on odds.
Race1 1200 Class5/00-25
Sl Name DR TFR
2 PROTECTOR OF PARIS 688 33,94,76,-27
7 BONITO 683 95,79,83,71
1 ONE OF A KIND 663 60,87,44
12 FLAMING SPEAR 648 53,97,105,68
4 DOUBLE TROUBLE 646 94,105,55,61
11 DIVINE RETRIBUTION 643 78,77,38,27
3 SCORPENE 639 87,60,77,69
13 LITTLE BROWN JUG 636 68,25,23,47
5 ENGELBERG 629 104,71,70,14
14 SUPERLITE 624 73,55,5
8 SKY JASMINE 611 56,73,64,77
10 SHOW ME WHAT U GOT 599 66,97,77,60
9 DEODAR 582 61,37,42,54
6 ORO PLATA 519 57,29
2. Protector of Paris
Exacta: 2/
Protector of Paris was class 1 horse, now in class 5. Has run benefit and qualifies on horse racing system
given above
2. Momotaro
Exacta: 2/1.4.5/1.4.5/3.7
Well suited for this mile trip, impressed a lot in preparation, all depends on how well jockey adjusts to
local conditions
1. Even Money
Exacta: 1/ 2.6.8/
Drops to its fav winning class, has impressed in trackwork, can raise winning gallop
Race6 1200 Class3/40-65
Sl Name DR TR
1 EXCELONCE 703 91,98,100,121
5 NATANZA 703 149,86,66,76
8 OCEANIC STORM 695 99,83,121
9 KING SMILE 692 120,95,109,84
6 UNBELIEVABLE 685 114,99,107,108
11 SKYJET 679 107,103,85,102
4 DARE THE DON 677 111,87,68,82
13 HALOWEEN'S WAY 668 106,63,82,51
12 SWISS PEARL 663 81,52,93,82
10 LUCKY PINEAPPLE 657 121,63,96,102
2 MONTE GRECO 644 85
7 SCIPIO 635 89,97,85
14 HUMMING BIRD 634 51,107,117
5. Natanza
Exacta: 5/1.2.6/
Excelonce drops in class but distance will be sharp for its comfort
Natanza was mighty impressive winner in last run, is fit as fiddle and merits prime attention in this
competitive race
Unbelievable will be market fancy for obivious reasons
1. Arak-Win
Exacta: 1/
Arak who ran in1000Guineas at its parent centre will not find any easier set than this oldies group of
Mysore horses
Days Best: Arak
2 1 5
10 2 8 6 1