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Literature Review

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Literature Review

In view of Martin Ganco, , Glenn Hoetker, in the Strategy literature and analyse issues
related to its current use including different implementation algorithms, relative versus
absolute performance, establishing significance of simulation results and long - versus
short-term performance measurements. To facilitate cross-pollination of ideas, we point
to advances and extensions of the model developed in other fields that could be effectively
utilized to answer Strategy-related questions. These include modelling the strength of
interaction, varying the importance of decision elements, utilizing alternative functional

Rita GuntherMcGrath∗Ian C.MacMillan (2002 april 11)belief to economic activity, This is

done by assessing the response of a sample of individuals who have started their own
businesses with a contrast sample of non-entrepreneurs deliberately chosen to differ to a series
of questions designed to operationalize underlying cultural values.The concept of culture as
used in this study is based on early work by Kluckhohn and Strodbeck, which posits that human
problems and their solutions are limited in number.

Jean M. Whitney, Kuya Takami, Scott T. Sanders, Yasuhiro Okura a new design for fiber-optic
access to harsh environments, with a particular focus on absorption spectroscopy in high-
temperature, high-pressure combustion systems. A key component is a fiber-fused rod lens
assembly which tolerates temperatures above 1100°C and enables simple optical access
without interferences from etalons or ambient absorbers. The fibers, rod lenses, and supporting
ports are designed to provide line-of-sight optical access without the need for adjustable
optomechanics. Fiber modal noise was minimized by actively aligning a photodiode to the
multimode fiber's output facet, resulting in a shot-noise-limited SNR of 53 000 for the system.
Bomil Suh &Ingoo Han 23 dec 2014The number of Internet users has increased
dramatically,but many are reluctant to provide sensitive personal information to Web sites
because they do not trust e-commerce security.This paper investigates the impact of customer
perceptions of security control on e-commerce acceptance. Trust is examined as the mediating
factor of the relationship, using Internet banking as the research domain because bank
customers are generally concerned about processing sensitive information like financial
information. A Web survey of Internet banking users collected 502 cases. Statistical analyses,
using structural equation modeling, indicated that perceptions of nonrepudiation, privacy
protection, and data integrity have a significant impact on trust in e-commerce. Trust also has
a significant impact on e-commerce acceptance. Implications and further research directions
are presented.

Bernd A. Berg funnel transformation is introduced, which acts recursively from higher towards
lower temperatures. It biases the a priori probabilities of a canonical or generalized ensemble
Metropolis simulation, so that they zoom in on the global energy minimum, if a funnel exists
indeed. A first, crude approximation to the full transformation, called rugged Metropolis one
(RM1), is tested for Met-Enkephalin. At 300 K the computational gain is a factor of 2 and, due
to its simplicity, RM1 is well suited to replace the conventional Metropolis updating for these
kinds of systems

Jason Mulsow, James J. Finneran, Dorian S. Houser, Chad A. Nordstrom, Lance G. Barrett-
Lennard, Robert F. Burkard. (2018) Although the potential of using portable auditory evoked
potential systems for field testing of stranded cetaceans has been long recognized, commercial
systems for evoked potential measurements generally do not possess the bandwidth required
for testing odontocete cetaceans and are not suitable for field use. As a result, there have been
a number of efforts to develop portable evoked potential systems for field testing of cetaceans.
This paper presents another such system, called the evoked response study tool
(EVREST). EVRESTis a Windows-based hardware/software system designed
for calibrating soundstimuli and recording and analyzing transient and steady-state evoked
potentials. The EVREST software features a graphical user interface, real-time analysis and
visualization of recorded data, a variety of stimulus options, and a high level of automation.
The system hardware is portable, rugged, battery-powered, and possesses a bandwidth that
encompasses the audible range of echolocating odontocetes, making the system suitable for
field testing of stranded or rehabilitating cetaceans.
Sibsankar Dasmahapatra , Bikash Kumar Sarkar, Rana Saha 2017 An adaptive fuzzy-bias
sliding-mode controller has been designed by adding biasing to an existing controller for
motion tracking by an electrohydraulic system. The system has a proportional valve with large
deadband and a cylinder with jump in static friction and nonlinear but continuous dynamic
friction. While the biasing controller takes care of the discontinuous features, the fuzzy
controller approximates the other system nonlinearities. The sliding-mode controller
compensates the approximations. By a number of real-time experiments, the appropriate
choices for the number of fuzzy rule base and some free parameters have been established.
Then, starting with the same set of initial parameters for tracking step and sinusoidal demands
of different frequencies, the responses have demonstrated sufficient adaptability of the
Yang Zhang,Bret Hull, Vladimir Bychkoysky,kevin Chen CarTel is a mobile sensor computing
system designed to collect, process, deliver, and visualize data from sensors located on mobile
units such as automobiles. A CarTel node is a mobile embedded computer coupled to a set of
sensors. Each node gathers and processes sensor readings locally before delivering them to a
central portal, where the data is stored in a database for further analysis and visualization. In
the automotive context, a variety of on-board and external sensors collect data as users
drive.CarTel provides a simple query-oriented programming interface, handles large amounts
of heterogeneous data from sensors, and handles intermittent and variable network
connectivity. This technology was driven under technology oriented in the in people where the
requirement was placed then product we identified by the customer of product to using in shop
floor to eliminate the major error flow in the industries.
M.H. Klein J.P. Lehoczky R. Rajkumar Issues of real-time resource management are pervasive
throughout industrial computing. The underlying physical processes of many industrial
computing applications impose explicit timing requirements on the tasks processed by the
computer system. These timing requirements are an integral part of the correctness and safety
of a real-time system. It is tempting to think that speed (for example, processor speeds or higher
communication bandwidths) is the sole ingredient in meeting system timing requirements, but
speed alone is not enough. Proper resource-management techniques also must be used to
prevent, for example, situations in which long, low priority tasks block higher priority tasks
with short deadlines. One guiding principle in real-time system resource management is
predictability, the ability to determine for a given set of tasks whether the system will be able
to meet all of the timing requirements of those tasks. Predictability calls for the development
of scheduling models and analytic techniques to determine whether or not a real-time system
can meet its timing requirements. The author illustrates an analysis methodology, rate
monotonic analysis, for managing real-time requirements in a distributed industrial computing
situation. The illustration is based on a comprehensive robotics example drawn from a typical
industrial application.
The Berkeley Emulation Engine 2 (BEE2) project is developing a reusable, modular, and
scalable framework for designing high-end reconfigurable computers, including a processing-
module building block and several programming models. Using these elements, BEE2 can
provide over 10 times more computing throughput than a DSP-based system with similar power
consumption and cost and over 100 times that of a microprocessor-based system.

Katsuya Suto, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato Industrial wireless sensor networks have attracted
much attention as a cornerstone to making the smart factories real. Utilizing industrial wireless
sensor networks as a base for smart factories makes it possible to optimize the production line
without human resources, since it provides industrial Internet of Things service, where various
types of data are collected from sensors and mined to control the machines based on the analysis
result. On the other hand, a fog computing node, which executes such real-time feedback
control, should be capable of real-time data collection, management, and processing. To
achieve these requirements, in this paper, we introduce wireless computing system (WCS) as
a fog computing node. Since there are a lot of servers and each server has 60 GHz antennas to
connect to other servers and sensors, WCS has high collecting and processing capabilities.
However, in order to fulfill a demand for real-time feedback control, WCS needs to satisfy an
acceptable delay for data collection. In addition, lower power consumption is required in order
to reduce the cost for the factory operation. Therefore, we propose an energy-efficient and
delay-aware WCS. Since there is a tradeoff relationship between the power consumption and
the delay for data collection, our proposed system controls the sleep schedule and the number
of links to minimize the power consumption while satisfying an acceptable delay constraint.
Furthermore, the effectiveness of our proposed system is evaluated through extensive computer
Nancy K. Mullen Michael J. Green A data warehouse computing system including a server
connected to a client, a data warehouse architecture, metadata management, a population
architecture, an end-user access architecture, an operations architecture, and a development
architecture. The operations architecture includes a server connected with a client, a software
distribution tool, a configuration and asset management tool, a fault management and recovery
management tool, a capacity planning tool, a performance management tool, a license
management tool, a remote management tool, an event management tool, a systems monitoring
and tuning tool, a security tool, a user administration tool, a production control application set,
and a help desk tool. The development architecture includes a process management tool, a
personal productivity tool, a quality management tool, a system building tool, an environment
management tool, a program and project management tool, a personal productivity tool and an
information management tool.

Shufen Zhang Shuai Zhang Xuebin Chen Shangzhuo Wu As a kind of emerging business
computational model, Cloud Computing distribute computation task on the resource pool
which consists of massive computers, accordingly ,the application systems can gain the
computation strength, the storage space and software service according to its demand. Cloud
computing can be viewed from two different aspects. One is about the cloud infrastructure
which is the building block for the up layer cloud application. The other is of course the cloud
application. By means of three technical methods, cloud computing has achieved two important
goals for the distributed computing: high scalability and high availability. Scalability means
that the cloud infrastructure can be expanded to very large scale even to thousands of nodes.
Availability means that the services are available even when quite a number of nodes fail. This
paper discusses the evolution process of cloud computing, the current technologies adopted in
cloud computing, as well as the systems in enterprises. This paper introduced with emphasis
the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, the cloud computing platform of Google and "blue cloud"
of IBM, analyse and compare three kinds of cloud computing platform.

Research gap:
Intention of buying rugged solution systems or semi-rugged solution systems over the
commercial systems and the customer potential is major aspect over this range due to price
were kept high compared to commercial systems. the customer expect over the rugged solution
system is the major aspect.

Framework of Research:
Customer perception over rugged system solution :-
1. Quality & Brand
2. Price
3. Durability
4. Product and feature range
5. Convenience and easy usage

1 Ganco, , , Martin, and Glenn Hoetker. “NK Modeling Methodology in the Strategy
Literature: Bounded Search on a Rugged Landscape.” Emeraldinsight, Emerald Group
Publishing Limited, 11 Nov. 2002, www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/S1479-

2 Rita GuntherMcGrath, Ian C.MacMillan Elitists, “risk-takers, and rugged

individualists? An exploratory analysis of cultural differences between entrepreneurs
and non-entrepreneurs”, 11 April 2002.,
3 Jean M. Whitney ; Kuya Takami ; Scott T. Sanders ; Yasuhiro Okura “Design of System
for Rugged, Low-Noise Fiber-Optic Access to High-Temperature, High-Pressure
Environments”2011, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5771032/citations
4 Bernd A. Berg “Metropolis Importance Sampling for Rugged Dynamical Variables”
8 May 2003 https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.180601
5 Bert Rosenbloom “Customer intention to return online: price perception,
attribute‐level performance, and satisfaction unfolding over time”Emerald Group
Publishing Limited
6 Jos Lemmink “Employee behavior, feelings of warmth and customer perception
in service encounters “MCB UP Ltd
7 James J.Finneran “Evoked response study tool: A portable, rugged system for single
and multiple auditory evoked potential
8 Richard Pandolfi,Joseph Edman “Ultra-rugged, high-performance computer system”
IV Phoenix Group Inc,1998-01-22,

9 Sibsankar Dasmahapatra ; Bikash Kumar Sarkar ; Rana Saha ; Amitava

Chatterjee ; Saikat Mookherjee ; Dipankar Sanyal “Design of an Adaptive Fuzzy-
Bias SMC and Validation for a Rugged Electrohydraulic System”Volume: 20 Issue:
6 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7047829/citations
10 Yang Zhang,Bret Hull, Vladimir Bychkoysky,kevin Chen “CarTel: a distributed
mobile sensor computing system” November 03, 2006
11 J.P. Lehoczky ; R. Rajkumar “Rate-monotonic analysis for real-time industrial
computing” https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/248876/
12 C. Chang ; J. Wawrzynek ; R.W. Brodersen ”BEE2: a high-end reconfigurable
computing system” https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1413144/
13 Katsuya Suto ; Hiroki Nishiyama ; Nei Kato ; Chih-Wei Huang “An Energy-
Efficient and Delay-Aware Wireless Computing System for Industrial Wireless
Sensor Networks”
14 Nancy K. Mullen Michael J. Green “Data warehouse computing system” Accenture
LLP 1999-11-03 https://patents.google.com/patent/US7003560B1/en

15 Shufen Zhang ; Shuai Zhang ; Xuebin Chen ; Shangzhuo Wu “Analysis and

Research of Cloud Computing System Instance”

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