Anthocyanin Characterization With Paper Chromatography
Anthocyanin Characterization With Paper Chromatography
Anthocyanin Characterization With Paper Chromatography
Rapidly evolving research and technology necessitates
granola, allowing students to make connections to foods they
eat regularly. In the second experiment, students perform an
continued re-evaluation and redesign of laboratory curriculum.1 antioxidant assay to investigate the potential of berry extracts to
In a year-long organic chemistry nonmajors laboratory course, scavenge the stable free radical produced by one-electron
oxidation of 2,2′-azinobis(3-ethyl-benzothiazoline-6-sulfonic
renovation of laboratory rooms prompted modernization of
acid (ABTS+̇ ). Pairs of students investigate one of three
experiments to emphasize real-world connections and the
berries, and students pool results to compare findings across all
relevance of organic chemistry. Potential benefits of con-
three berries to determine if a correlation exists between
sumption of fruits and berries were integrated into the design of
anthocyanin content and antioxidant potential. Because the
two experiments. Discoveries about antioxidant properties of
berry extracts contain other soluble antioxidants, not all of the
certain foods have led to investigations to understand how
antioxidant potential of the extracts is due to their anthocyanin
polyphenols, anthocyanins, and related compounds contribute
content. Students must consult the literature to reconcile
to antioxidant properties and to potential health benefits. Two
experimental antioxidant data of the second experiment with
recent studies documented a decreased risk of myocardial
anthocyanin concentrations determined in the first experiment.
infarction and arterial stiffness in women with a consistent
By reconciling the differences between expected results for a
intake of foods high in anthocyanins.2,3 Anthocyanins have
pure sample and the data obtained from their real world
been used to develop laboratory experiments and outreach
samples, students have the opportunity to develop inquiry and
activities4−11 and are included in an effort to use natural
analysis skills that the Association of American Colleges &
products to teach chemical analysis.12 The experiments
Universities (AAC&U) recognizes as vital to higher educa-
described herein teach students the techniques of solid−liquid
extraction, reflux, paper chromatography, UV−vis spectroscopy,
and radical scavenging assays within the context of natural BACKGROUND
products they frequently ingest.
Two experiments were developed for students to gain Anthocyanins are water-soluble, acid stable, pigments found in
experience with anthocyanins. The first experiment involves the vacuoles of many plants.14,15 They are responsible for the
extraction of anthocyanins from freeze-dried blueberries, red-blue color of many fruits and vegetables, ranging from
blackberries, and raspberries; hydrolysis of the anthocyanin strawberries to blackberries, and eggplant to red onion.16
extracts to their anthocyanidins; and characterization and Anthocyanins are in the flavonoid family, which has long been
quantification using UV−vis spectroscopy and paper chroma-
tography. These berries are often present in cereal, trail mix, or Published: October 8, 2014
© 2014 American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc. 183 | J. Chem. Educ. 2015, 92, 183−188
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment
studied for its potential health benefits.15 In naturally occurring increases and the pH-dependent equilibrium shifts. The pKa
anthocyanins, hydroxy and/or methoxy substituents are present typically ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 depending on substituents.
on all three rings and the hydroxy substituents are often While anthocyanins do not have the density of aromatic rings
modified by glycosidic linkages or acetyl groups (Figure 1). or hydroxyl group of true polyphenols, they do share many of
Over 600 anthocyanins have been identified in nature due to the chemical properties of polyphenols, including the ability to
the number of variations possible with mono- or diglycosides of scavenge free radicals (Scheme 2).21−24 Students explore the
mono-, di-, or trisaccharides.15,16 radical scavenging potential of the berry extracts by performing
an antioxidant assay.22,25
Students work in pairs. Experiment 1 is done in one 3-h lab
period and Experiment 2 is done in two 3-h lab periods.
Detailed procedures are in the Supporting Information.
Experiment 1: Extraction and Characterization18,26,27
Students grind freeze-dried berries to a powder in a mortar and
pestle. A solid−liquid extraction is performed on the berry
Figure 1. Variability in the structure of the common anthocyanins and powder with acidic methanol solution. An aliquot of the extract
anthocyanidins. is set aside for analysis and the remaining solution is hydrolyzed
with an equal volume of HCl (2 M) at reflux for 45 min.
The aglycosidic forms of anthocyanins are called anthocya- During reflux, students perform paper chromatography on the
nidins. They are formed by acid catalyzed hydrolysis of the anthocyanin extract by spotting blueberry, blackberry, and
anthocyanins (Scheme S-1 in Supporting Information).16 Only raspberry extracts. Students characterize their sample with
17 anthocyanidins are found in nature, 6 of which are common paper chromatography before and after hydrolysis.16,26,28 The
in plants.15,16 These common anthocyanidins vary by place- colors of anthocyanins and anthocyanidins are used for
ment of hydrogen, hydroxy or methoxy substituents at the 3′- visualization of spots. Students acquire a UV−vis spectrum of
and 5′-positions of the B ring (Table 1), while all have the the hydrolyzed extract.
hydroxy substituent at the 4′-position. Experiment 2: Investigation of Antioxidant Potential29,30
Students perform an antioxidant assay with ABTS+• on
Table 1. Structural Variability of the Common unhydrolyzed acidic berry extract from Experiment 1. A
Anthocyanidins constant volume (12 mL) of ABTS+• solution (see the
Anthocyanidin R1 R2 Instructor Notes in Supporting Information) is pipetted into
Pelargonidin H H
each assay tube, followed by variable volumes of diluted (1/
Cyanidin OH H
100) berry extract (0 (control), 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5 mL), and
Delphinidin OH OH
sufficient acidified methanol to keep the total assay volume
Peonidin OMe H constant in each assay tube (15 mL). Details of solution
Petunidin OMe OH preparation for the assay are provided in Supporting
Malvidin OMe OMe Information Table S-1 and accompanying text in the Instructor
Notes. The concentration of ABTS+•̇ is monitored in each assay
sample by UV−vis spectroscopy 10 min after sample
Although anthocyanins are found in many fruits and preparation. Plots of ABTS+• concentration as a function of
vegetables, their identities and amounts vary. Cyanidin is berry extract volume are prepared and analyzed.
present in the majority of anthocyanin-containing foods, while
petunidin and malvidin are uncommon.17,18 Students inves-
tigate blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries due to their HAZARDS
complementary anthocyanidin profiles (Table 2). Blackberry Standard laboratory safety procedures should be followed
and raspberry primarily contain different amounts of cyanidin, including wearing gloves and goggles. All operations should be
with smaller amounts of pelargonidin. Blueberry contains all of performed in fume hoods. Methanol and butanol are
the common anthocyanidins except pelargonidin. flammable. Hydrochloric and formic acids are caustic and
The colors of anthocyanins and anthocyanidins are pH- should not be inhaled. ABTS is toxic if inhaled or ingested.
dependent.19,20 In acidic solution, the extended conjugation of Anthocyanins and their aglycones are not dangerous as they are
the flavylium cation (Scheme 1) is responsible for the present in many common food items. They are highly colored
substituent-dependent visible absorbance at 465−550 nm, dyes, but the colors fade with time, so they will not generally
giving rise to variable colors. The color disappears as pH leave permanent stains on clothing.
Scheme 2. Radical Scavenging by Polyphenols and spectrum is shown in Figure 2. Students recorded λmax in the
Anthocyanins visible region and calculate an approximate concentration of
anthocyanidins in their berry using a molar absorptivity
coefficient of 3.0 × 104 M−1 cm−1.16 Students estimated the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION moles of anthocyanidin/anthocyanin per gram of freeze-dried
Experiment 1 fruit based on their dilution factor and mass of berry powder.
Typical student results are in the range of 3.0 × 10−6 to 2.0 ×
Students were assigned to one of two eluting mixtures,
10−5 mol/g of berry with raspberry extracts containing less
butanol/acetic acid/water (4:1:5, upper phase) or a formic
anthocyanin than the other two extracts. Calculations are
acid (formic acid/conc HCl/water, 5:2:3) mixture. These
summarized in the Instructor Notes in Supporting Information.
solvents were chosen because of differences in polarities. The
Students pool spectroscopy results and discuss and compare
more polar formic acid mixture achieves greater separation.
their results with published anthocyanidin content for each
Information on similarities and differences between TLC
berry. The paper chromatography data is pooled both by berry
(performed 2 weeks earlier) and paper chromatography were
and by eluting solvent to facilitate observations before and after
provided in the laboratory manual (Supporting Information).
Pure anthocyanins and anthocyanidins have a single
wavelength of maximum absorbance (λmax) in the visible Experiment 2
region, with a narrow absorbance band range of 80−100 nm. Neutral ABTS (1, Scheme 3) is colorless. One electron
Mixtures may show multiple λmax and/or wider absorbance oxidation of 1 by potassium persulfate yields the radical cation
bands.16,26 Because one anthocyanidin represents many ABTS+• (2). Solutions of 2 are a blue/teal color and absorb in
anthocyanins, students analyze only the anthocyanidins with the UV and also in the visible range at 415, 645, 734, and 815
UV−vis spectroscopy using 1:10 to 1:50 dilutions of their nm (Figure 3).22,29,30 Students compare a UV−vis spectrum of
hydrolyzed sample with acidic methanol. A typical student 2 with the anthocyanidin spectra collected during experiment 1
185 | J. Chem. Educ. 2015, 92, 183−188
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment
to choose a wavelength to monitor the assay. To measure Figure 4. Typical student plot of μM ABTS+̇ in solution versus volume
changes in concentration of 2 accurately without interference of berry extract; Blueberry (⧫); Blackberry (■); Raspberry (▲).
from anthocyanin, students should choose a longer wavelength
to monitor. For the experiment, 2 is prepared by the instructor
to have an absorbance around 0.7 at 734 nm to be concentrated student plot for each berry. Additional plots are in the
enough for students to measure changes upon addition of the Supporting Information. Students discuss the meaning of the
anthocyanin (see Instructor Notes in Supporting Information). trend line and its slope, including comparisons across berries,
The molar absorptivity coefficient is 12867 M−1 cm−1 at 734 and the relevance to the results of the previous experiment
nm.30 where the approximate anthocyanin content of each berry
extract was determined.
After acidic extraction of the berries as in experiment 1, an
antioxidant assay is performed with 2 on the unhydrolyzed
extract. Upon addition of an antioxidant such as anthocyanin 3 TYPICAL STUDENT OUTCOMES
to the solution of 2, the radical abstracts hydrogen from the During fall 2012 and 2013, these experiments were performed
antioxidant and the blue/teal color fades as the radical is by 270−290 students in a first-semester organic chemistry
reduced to 4, the conjugate acid of 1. The antioxidant strength nonmajors laboratory course. The first experiment was
of the berry extracts are determined by the extent of completed during one 3-h laboratory class around midterm.
decolorization of 2 as measured by absorbance changes. Students wrote a formal report describing the purpose of the
Figure 3 shows typical student spectra for blackberry. Beer’s experiment and relating their data to the published literature.
Law is used to calculate the concentration of 2 remaining in Many students had difficulty interpreting the paper chromatog-
solution. Calculations are summarized in the Instructor Notes. raphy for the anthocyanins because multiple anthocyanins in
A plot of concentration of 2 remaining in solution vs the each berry caused the spots to smear and run together.
volume of berry extract is prepared with a least-squares trend Students were challenged by quantitative interpretation of the
line, and data is pooled for all berries. Figure 4 shows a typical UV−vis spectra because of various dilutions used for the
186 | J. Chem. Educ. 2015, 92, 183−188
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment
extracts. Overall, students were able to interpret their results expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not
accurately and reach reasonable conclusions. necessarily reflect the views of the National Science
The second experiment was the last experiment of the Foundation. We also thank Professor Ann Hagerman for her
semester. Students were given two 3-h lab periods to complete assistance in optimizing the experiment 2 procedure.
it. The second period was available for students to re-do the
experiment if their plot did not exhibit linearity with r2 ≥ 0.95. REFERENCES
Approximately 15% of student pairs re-ran their assay. Also, the
second week was used for in-class discussion facilitated by (1) Hofstein, A.; Lunetta, V. N. The Laboratory in Science
Education: Foundations for the Twenty-First Century. Sci. Educ.
teaching assistants (TAs) regarding student results, comparison 2004, 88, 28.
across berries, and comparisons with results from the first (2) Cassidy, A.; Mukamal, K. J.; Liu, L.; Franz, M.; Eliassen, A. H.;
experiment (see Supporting Information). At first, students Rimm, E. B. High Anthocyanin Intake Is Associated with a Reduced
struggled with the meaning of the slope of the trend line and Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Young and Middle-Aged Women.
possible causes for a berry with relatively low anthocyanin Circulation 2013, 127, 188−196.
content (raspberry) to be a strong radical scavenger.22,31 The (3) Jennings, A.; Welch, A. A.; Fairweather-Tait, S. J.; Kay, C.;
room temperature acidic methanol extraction technique was Minihane, A.; Chowienczyk, P.; Jiang, B.; Cecelja, M.; Spector, T.;
optimized to extract anthocyanins rather than higher molecular Macgregor, A.; Cassidy, A. Higher Anthocyanin Intake Is Associated
weight polyphenols, but smaller water-soluble antioxidants, With Lower Arterial Stiffness and Central Blood Pressure in Women.
such as ascorbic acid, can be co-extracted with anthocyanins.32 Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2012, 96, 781−790.
(4) Curtright, R. D.; Emry, R.; Markwell, J. Student Understanding of
TAs did not directly inform students of the other antioxidant
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to ask guiding questions, and students were encouraged to read (5) Curtright, R. D.; Rynearson, J. A.; Markwell, J. Fruit
the literature (leading references5,14−19,26−31 are provided in Anthocyanins: Colorful Sensors of Molecular Milieu. J. Chem. Educ.
the laboratory manual) and to practice inquiry and analysis 1994, 71, 683−684.
skills as called for by the AAC&U.13 Most students recognized (6) Edionwe, E.; Villarreal, J. R.; Smith, K. C. How Much Cranberry
that there was not a strong correlation between radical Juice Is in Cranberry−Apple Juice? A General Chemistry Spectro-
scavenging strength and anthocyanin concentration of the photometric Experiment. J. Chem. Educ. 2011, 88, 1410−1412.
three berry extracts, and they were able to come to reasonable (7) Garber, K. C. A.; Odendaal, A. Y.; Carlson, E. E. Plant Pigment
conclusions concerning contributions from other antioxidants Identification: A Classroom and Outreach Activity. J. Chem. Educ.
present in the extracts. Students wrote a formal report for this 2013, 90, 755−759.
(8) Lech, J.; Dounin, V. JCE Classroom Activity #110: Artistic
experiment, also.
Anthocyanins and Acid-Base Chemistry. J. Chem. Educ. 2011, 88,
CONCLUSIONS (9) Rossi, H. F.; Rizzo, J.; Zimmerman, D. C.; Usher, K. M.
These experiments gave students experience with extraction Extraction and Quantification of FD&C red Dye #40 from Beverages
and characterization of anthocyanins from freeze-dried berries, Containing Cranberry Juice: A College-Level Analytical Chemistry
as well as an investigation of their antioxidant potential, a Experiment. J. Chem. Educ. 2012, 89, 1551−1554.
property that has potential health benefits. The experiments (10) Smestad, G. P.; Gratzel, M. Demonstrating Electron Transfer
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provided an introduction to solid−liquid extraction, reflux, Energy Converter. J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 752−756.
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were able to complete the experiments within the allotted time Spectrophotometric Determination of Total Sulfite in White Wine
and demonstrated successful outcomes through formal reports Samples Using Crude Extracts from Flowers. J. Chem. Educ. 2002, 79,
and class discussions. Pooling data permitted students to make 1111−1113.
comparisons across the berries used in the experiments. (12) Hartwell, S. K. Exploring the Potential for Using Inexpensive
S Supporting Information
Natural Reagents Extracted from Plants to Teach Chemical Analysis.
Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 2012, 13, 135−146.
(13) The LEAP Vision for Learning: Outcomes, Practices, Impact, and
Employers’ Views; American Association of Colleges and Universities:
CAS registry numbers of chemicals, notes on hazards, Washington, DC, 2011.
additional background material, instructor notes, student (14) Castaneda-Ovando, M.; Pacheco-Hernandez, M.; Paez-
procedures formal report guidelines, and student and instructor Hernandez, M.; Rodriguez, J. A.; Galan-Vidal, C. A. Chemical Studies
results. This material is available via the Internet at http://pubs. of Anthocyanins: A Review. Food Chem. 2009, 113, 859−871. (15) Mazza, G.; Miniati, E. Anthocyanins in Fruits, Vegetables, and
Grains; CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 1993; pp 1−25.
(16) Harborne, J. B. Comparative Biochemistry of the Flavonoids;
AUTHOR INFORMATION Academic Press: London, 1967; pp 1−36.
Corresponding Author (17) Wu, X.; Beecher, G. R.; Holden, J. M.; Haytowitz, D. B.;
*E-mail: Gebhardy, S. E.; Prior, R. L. Concentrations of Anthocyanins in
Common Foods in the United States and Estimation of Normal
Notes Consumption. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2006, 54, 4069−4075.
The authors declare no competing financial interest. (18) Wu, X.; Prior, R. L. Systematic Identification and Character-
ization of Anthocyanins by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS in Common Foods in
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the United States: Fruits and Berries. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2005, 53,
This material is based in part upon work supported by the (19) Brouillard, R.; Dubois, J. Mechanism of the Structural
National Science Foundation under Award number 0733642. Transformation of Anthocyanins in Acidic Media. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations 1977, 99, 1359−1364.