Ba'Ath Party
Ba'Ath Party
Ba'Ath Party
For other uses, see Ba'ath Party (disambiguation). al-Razzaz, Aflaq, and their supporters. The 1966 coup
For the party which governed Iraq and governs Syria at split the Ba'ath Party between the Iraqi-dominated Ba'ath
the present time, see Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Iraq movement and the Syrian-dominated Ba'ath movement.
Region and Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Syria Region.
Not to be confused with Bahá'í Faith.
1 History
The Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party (Arabic: حزب البعث
العربي الاشتراكيḤizb Al-Ba‘th Al-‘Arabī Al-Ishtirākī IPA: Main article: History of the Ba'ath Party
[ħɪzb albaʕθ alʕarabiː alʔɪʃtɪraːkiː]) was a political party
founded in Syria by Michel Aflaq, Salah al-Din al-Bitar,
and associates of Zaki al-Arsuzi. The party espoused
Ba'athism (from Arabic: البعثAl-Ba'ath or Ba'ath mean- 1.1 Founding, early years and seizing
ing “renaissance” or “resurrection”), which is an ideol- power: 1947–1963
ogy mixing Arab nationalist, pan-Arabism, Arab social-
ist, and anti-imperialist interests. Ba'athism calls for uni- The party was founded on 7 April 1947 as the Arab Ba'ath
fication of the Arab world into a single state. Its motto, Party by Michel Aflaq (a Christian), Salah al-Din al-Bitar
“Unity, Liberty, Socialism”, refers to Arab unity, and (a Sunni Muslim), and the followers of Zaki al-Arsuzi
freedom from non-Arab control and interference. (an atheist) in Damascus, Syria, leading to the establish-
The party was founded by the merger of the Arab Ba'ath ment of the Syrian Regional Branch.[1] Other regional
Movement, led by Aflaq and al-Bitar, and the Arab branches were established throughout the Arab world
Ba'ath, led by al-Arsuzi, on 7 April 1947 as the Arab in the later 1940s and early 1950s, in, among others,
Ba'ath Party. The party quickly established branches in Iraq,[2] Yemen and Jordan.[3] Throughout its existence,
other Arab countries, although it would only hold power the National Command (the body responsible for all-
in Iraq and Syria. The Arab Ba'ath Party merged with Arab affairs), gave most attention to Syrian affairs.[1] The
the Arab Socialist Party, led by Akram al-Hawrani, in 2nd National Congress was convened in June 1954, and
1952 to form the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party. The newly elected a seven-man National Command; Aflaq, Bitar,
formed party was a relative success, and became the and Akram al-Hawrani were elected and represented the
second-largest party in the Syrian parliament in the 1954 Syrian Regional Branch,[4] while Abdullah Rimawi and
election. This, coupled with the increasing strength of Abdallah Na'was were elected to represent the Jordanian
the Syrian Communist Party, led to the establishment of Branch.[5] The congress is notable for sanctioning the
the United Arab Republic (UAR), a union of Egypt and merger of the Arab Socialist Party and the Ba'ath Party,
Syria. The union would prove unsuccessful, and a Syrian which took place in 1952.[6]
coup in 1961 dissolved the union. The Syrian Regional Branch rose to prominence in the
Following the break-up of the UAR, the Ba'ath Party was 1940s and 1950s; in the 1954 parliamentary elections
reconstituted. However, during the UAR, military ac- the Syrian Regional Branch won 22 seats in parliament,
tivists had established the Military Committee to take becoming the second largest party in the country. 90
control of the Ba'ath Party from civilian hands. In the percent of Ba'ath Party members who stood for elections
meantime, in Iraq, the local Ba'ath Party branch had taken were elected to parliament. The failure of the tradi-
power by orchestrating and leading the Ramadan Revo- tional parties represented by the People’s Party and the
lution, only to lose power a couple of months later. The National Party, strengthened the Ba'ath Party’s public
Military Committee, with Aflaq’s consent, took power in credibility. Through this position, the party was able
Syria in the 8th of March Revolution of 1963. to get two of its members into the cabinet; Bitar was ap-
pointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and Khalil Kallas be-
A power struggle quickly developed between the civilian came Minister of Economics.[9] Its new, strengthened po-
faction led by Aflaq, al-Bitar, and Munif al-Razzaz and sition, was used successful to garner support for Syria’s
the Military Committee led by Salah Jadid and Hafez merger with Gamal Abdel Nasser's Egypt, which led to
al-Assad. As relations between the two factions deteri- the establishment of the United Arab Republic (UAR) in
orated, the Military Committee initiated the 1966 Syrian 1958.[10]
coup d'état which ousted the National Command led by
On 24 June 1959, Fuad al-Rikabi, the Regional Secre-
tary of the Iraqi Regional Branch, accused the National 1.2 Rule in Syria, infighting, the 1966 coup
Command of betraying Arab nationalist principles by and split: 1963–1966
conspiring against the UAR.[11] In light of these criti-
cisms, the Ba'ath convened the 3rd National Congress
(held 27 August – 1 September 1959), which was at-
tended by delegates from “Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, South
Arabia, the Gulf, Arab South, Arab Maghreb, Palestine
and Party student organisations in Arab and other univer- The challenges of building a Ba'athist state led to consid-
sities outside the [Arab] homeland”.[12] The congress is erable ideological discussion and internal struggle within
notable for endorsing the dissolution of the Syrian Re- the party.[24] The Iraqi Regional Branch was increas-
gional Branch, which had been decided by Aflaq and ingly dominated by Ali Salih al-Sadi, a self-described
Bitar without inner-party consultation in 1958,[13] and for Marxist.[24] He was supported in his ideological reorien-
expelling Rimawi, the Regional Secretary of the Jorda- tation by Hammud al-Shufi, the Regional Secretary of
nian Regional Branch.[14] Rimawi reacted to his expul- the Syrian Regional Branch,[25] Yasin al-Hafiz, one of
sion by forming his own party, the Arab Socialist Revo- the party’s few ideological theorists, and by certain mem-
lutionary Ba'ath Party, which established a rival National bers of the secret Military Committee.[26] The Marxist-
Command to compete with the original.[15] The National wing gained new ground at the 6th National Congress
Command responded to the problems in Iraq by appoint- (held in October 1963), in which the Iraqi and Syrian re-
ing a Temporary Regional Command on 2 February 1960 gional branches called for the establishment of “socialist
which appointed Talib Hussein ash-Shabibi as Regional planning”,[27] "collective farms run by peasants”, “work-
Secretary,[11] and on 15 June 1961 the National Com- ers’ democratic control of the means of production”, and
mand expelled Rikabi from the party.[11] other demands reflecting a certain emulation of Soviet-
style socialism.[28] Aflaq, angry at this transformation of
In Iraq, the Iraqi Regional Branch had supported Abd al- his party, retained a nominal leadership role, but the Na-
Karim Qasim's seizure of power and its ensuing abolish- tional Command as a whole came under the control of the
ment of the Iraqi Monarchy.[16] The Iraqi Ba'athists sup- radicals.[29]
ported Qasim on the ground that they believed he would
enter Iraq into the UAR, enlarging the Arab nationalist In 1963 the Ba'ath Party seized power, from then on
republic.[16] However, this was proven to be a ruse, and the Ba'ath functioned as the only officially recognized
after taking power Qasim launched an Iraq first policy.[16] Syrian political party, but factionalism and splintering
In retaliation, the Ba'ath Party tried to assassinate Qasim within the party led [30]
to a succession of governments and
in February 1959, but the operation (which was led by a new constitutions. On 23 February 1966, a coup d'état
young Saddam Hussein) failed. Qasim was overthrown led by Salah Jadid, the informal head of the Military
in a 1963 coup led by young Ba'athist officer Ahmed Committee, overthrew Aflaq and the Bitar’s cabinet.[31]
Hassan al-Bakr, and rumoured to be supported by the The coup sprung out of factional rivalry between Ja-
American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).[18] Declas- did’s “regionalist” (qutri) camp, which promoted ambi-
sified documents and the testimony of former CIA offi- tions for a Greater Syria and the more traditionally pan-
cers indicate there was no direct American involvement, Arab, in[31]power faction, called the “nationalist” (qawmi)
although the CIA had been previously notified of an ear- faction. Jadid’s supporters are considered more left-
lier Ba'athist coup plot in July 1962 by a high-ranking in- wing then Aflaq and his peers.[32] Several of Jadid’s op-
formant within the Party. The CIA official working with ponents managed [31]
to make their escape and fled to Beirut,
Archie Roosevelt, Jr. on a separate plan to instigate a mil- Lebanon. Jadid moved the party in a more radical di-
itary coup against Qasim, and who later became the head rection. Although he and his supporters had not been
of the CIA’s operations in Iraq and Syria “from late 1968 supporters of the victorious far-left line at the 6th Party
to June 1970,” has “denied any involvement in the Ba'ath Congress, they had now moved to adopt its positions.[32]
Party’s actions.”[19] The Iraqi Regional Branch, when it The moderate faction, formerly [32]
led by Aflaq and al-Bitar,
took power, was so riven by factionalism that its pur- were purged from the party.
ported allies launched a counter-coup forcing them out While it took some years, the 1966 coup resulted in
of power in November 1963.[20] the creation of two competing National Command, one
The 4th National Congress, held in August 1960, crit- Syrian-dominated and another Iraqi-dominated. How-
icized the leadership of Aflaq and Bitar, called for the ever, both in Iraq and Syria, the Regional Command be-
reestablishment of the Syrian Regional Branch and deem- came the real centre of party power, and the membership
phasized the party’s commitment to Arab nationalism of the National Command became a largely honorary po-
while emphasizing more the socialist character of the sition, often the destination [29]
of figures being eased out
party. [21][22]
A year after, at the UAR’s nadir in Syria, of the leadership. A consequence of the split was
the Syrian General Abd al-Karim al-Nahlawi launched a that Zaki al-Arsuzi took Aflaq’s place as the official fa-
coup on 28 September 1961 which led to the reestablish- ther of Ba'athist thought in the pro-Syrian Ba'ath move-
ment of the Syrian Arab Republic. [23] ment, while the pro-Iraqi Ba'ath movement still consid-
ered Aflaq the de jure father of Ba'athist thought.[33]
2.3 Membership 3
prentice status, and then wait another 18 months to be race or ethnic chauvinism, but on idealistic thoughts bor-
promoted to Active member status.[35] rowed from the enlightenment era.[44] According to Mid-
dle East expert Tabitha Petran, the basic idea of the
party’s ideology was;[45]
3 Ideology and policy
that the Arab nation is a permanent en-
Further information: Ba'athism tity in history. The Arab nation is consid-
ered, philosophically speaking, not as a social
and economic formation, but as a transcendent
fact inspiring different forms, one of its highest
3.1 Classical Ba'ath: 1947–1960 contributions taking the form of Islam. It was
not Islam that modeled the peoples of Arabia,
3.1.1 Arab Nation the Fertile Crescent, and North Africa, equip-
ping them with Islamic values, especially the
Arabic language and the Arabic culture, but the
Arab nation which created Islam. This con-
ception of the Arab nation implicitly advan-
tages the Arab contribution to history. On the
other hand, Arab decadence can be overcome
through a purifying and spiritual action, not re-
ligious but moral.”[45]
which grew out of the dissolution of the Syrian Regional majority of its members in the provinces were of com-
Branch in 1958 dissolution and the Military Committee, munal origins–Druze, Alawi or Ismaili.[56] The provin-
were more rural in outlook, policy and ideology.[48] cial party members had not been told of the Syrian Re-
gional Branch’s dissolution, which in fact broke the com-
munication line with provincial branches and the National
3.1.3 “Unity, liberty, socialism” Command.[56] While its true that in 1962 the Region-
alists supported the slogan, adopted at the 5th National
The slogan “Unity, liberty, socialism” is the key tenet Congress, “the renewal of the union with Egypt while tak-
in Ba'athist thought.[49] Unity stood for the creation of ing note of past mistakes”, they treated such a slogan as a
an independent, strong Arab Nation (see “Arab Na- propaganda slogan, and not as a feasible goal.[57]
tion” section).[49] Liberty did not mean liberal democ-
racy, but rather freedom from colonial oppression and
freedom of speech and thought.[50] Aflaq believed that 3.2.2 The “Arab road to socialism”
the Ba'ath Party, at least in theory, would rule, and
guide the people, in a transitional period of time with- The disillusionment felt among party members on the
out consulting the people,[51] however he did support pan-Arab project, led to the radicalization of the party’s
intra-party democracy.[52] The last tenet, 'socialism', did interpretation of socialism. Yasin al-Hafiz, a for-
not mean socialism as it is defined in the West, but mer member of the Syrian Communist Party, was an
rather a unique form of Arab socialism. According to early frontrunner for the party’s radicalization. While
Ba'athist thought, socialism had originated under the rule he didn't oppose the pan-Arab project, he wanted to
of Muhammad. The original interpretation of Arab so- turn the concept of Arab socialism into a scientific and
cialism did not answer questions such as: how much state revolutionary socialist ideology which adapted Marxism
control was necessary, or economic equality; but instead to local conditions. Jamal al-Atassi, who had been a
focused on freeing the Arab Nation and its people from moderate socialist for most of his life, called for the re-
colonization and oppression in general. [53] nunciation of Arab socialism in 1963 and the adoption of
a “virtually Maxist concept of socialism” by claiming that
class struggle was the moving force in society.[59]
3.2 Transitional Ba'ath: 1960–1964 Hammud al-Shufi became the leader of the party’s Marx-
ist faction during his short stint as Syrian Regional
3.2.1 Regionalists versus nationalists Secretary, literally the head of the Syrian Regional
Organization.[60] Shufi was able, due to his position as
After the failure of the United Arab Republic (UAR), head of the Organization Bureau of the Regional Com-
a union of Egypt and Syria, the Ba'ath Party was di- mand, to recruit several Marxist or Marxist-leaning mem-
vided into two main factions, the Regionalists (Arabic: bers to the top of the Syrian Regional party hierarchy.[61]
Qutriyyun) and the Nationalists (pan-Arab) (Arabic: Radical socialists led by Ali Salih al-Sadi took control of
gawmiyyun).[54] When the union with Egypt collapsed, the Iraqi Regional Branch in 1963, which led to the offi-
the Ba'ath Party was put in a difficult position, the party cial radicalization of the party’s ideology.[62]
still sought Arab unity, but did not oppose the UAR’s The delegates at the 6th National Congress elected an
dissolution and did not want to seek another union withIdeology Committee which was responsible to write a
Egypt under Gamal Abdel Nasser's rule.[54] However, be-charter about the party’s ideology.[63] The end result was
ing the unionist party that it was, the party’s leaders could
the document Points of Departure.[63] The document,
not state their position on this issue.[54] The end result
which was approved by the 6th National Congress, rel-
was that the pro-Arab nationalists within the Ba'ath Party
egated Arab unity to a secondary role and gave social-
became committed Nasserists, while the more moder- ism prominence.[63] Marxists concepts were used inter-
ate Arab nationalists founded the pro-Nasserite Socialist
changeably alongside Ba'athist ones, however, the doc-
Unionists party.[54] The third group, led by people dis-
ument was reluctant in explicitly admitting that certain
enchanted with both Nasser and the union period, re- ideas were of Marxist origins.[64] While the Points of De-
mained in the Ba'ath Party, stopped believing in the fea-
parture didn't exist a break with party’s traditional ide-
sibility pan-Arabism.[54] on 21 February 1962, the Na- ology, it criticized the party’s old guard for given Arab
tional Command issued a new policy regarding the pan- unity primary over socialism and their failing in turn-
Arab project by first mentioning the successes and fail-ing Ba'athism into a comprehensive theory.[64] While the
ures of the UAR, but ending the statement by calling for
documents says Arab unity is progressive, the reason for it
the reestablishment of the UAR as a decentralized federal
being important changed.[65] The document stated; “Arab
union with Nasser’s Egypt.[55] Many rank-and-file mem- unity is an indispensable basis for the construction of
bers opposed this change in policy, with many members a socialist economy.”[65] Aflaq’s also believed that Arab
being both disenchanted with pan-Arabism and Aflaq’s unity was only an intermediate goal, but it stood at the
continued party rule.[55] centre of classical Ba'athism.[65] In the Points of Depar-
When the Syrian Regional Branch was reestablished, the ture, despite not firmly stating it, the goal of creating a so-
the branch to go underground.[88] Because of the coup, Jordan, used his spare time reading Marxist and Leninist
several leading Ba'athist were jailed, such as al-Bakr and literature.[92] While he never became a communist, Shuq-
Saddam.[88] Despite this, the Regional Branch elected al- yar began to support communist concepts.[92] On his re-
Bakr as Regional Secretary in 1964.[88] turn from exile he tried to persuade the Regional Branch
to join in an electoral front with the Jordanese Commu-
nist Party.[92] However, the Regional Branch leaders Ri-
4.2 Jordan mawi, Na'was, Gharbiyah and Munif al-Razzaz opposed
such an idea, and because of it, Shuqyar left the Ba'ath
Following the party’s establishment in Syria, Ba'athist Party.
ideas spread throughout the Arab world. In Jordan Rimawi and Na'was were elected to the National Com-
Ba'athist thought first spread to the East Bank in the late- mand at the 2nd National Congress (held in 1952).[5] At
1940s, most notably at universities.[89] While the Re- the 6th and 7th National Congress, the Regional Branch
gional Branch was not formed until 1951, several meet- elected Razzaz to the National Command.[94]
ings took place at the universities where students and pro-
fessors alike would discuss the Ba'athist thought.[89] De-
spite the ideology being very popular, it took time before 4.3 Lebanon
the actual Regional Branch was established.[90] A group
of teachers established the Regional Branch in the city by Main article: Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Lebanon
Al Karak.[90] At the very beginning, the clinic owned by Region
Abd al-Rahman Shuqyar was used as the branch’s meet-
ing place.[90] Bahjat Abu Gharbiyah became the Regional The Lebanese Regional Branch was formed in 1949–
Branch’s first member in the West Bank, and was thus re-
1950.[95] During the existence of the UAR, the Re-
signed the responsibility of building the party’s organiza- gional Branch was split into two factions, those support-
tion in the area the branch secretary in the West Bank, and ing Nasser and those opposing him.[14] However, in April
was thus responsible in that area.[90] In the West Bank, 1960, the UAR denied the Regional Branch organ As Sa-
the branch was most active in the cities of Jerusalem and hafäh access into the UAR-ruled Syria.[14]
The Regional Branch was strongest in the city of
The 1st Regional Congress was held in 1951 in the Tripoli.[96] In the 1960 elections, Abd al-Majid Rafi was
home of Abdullah Rimawi.[90] The congress mapped out just a few votes short of being elected to parliament.[96]
the “future course of the party”.[90] The next year, the However, a persistent problem for him during his elec-
2nd Regional Congress was held, this time in Abdallah tion campaign was the vocal criticism of him and the
Na'was' home.[90] It elected a Regional Command and Regional Branch by the Lebanese Communist Party.[96]
appointed Rimawi as the branch’s Regional Secretary.[90] In Tripoli the Communists supported the candidacy of
Shugyar, Gharbiyah and Na'was agreed to serve in the Rashid Karami, to ensure themselves of a Regional
Regional Branch’s Central Committee.[90] Rimawi and Branch victory.[97] On 17 July 1961 a group of rival
Na'was, his deputy, would prove effective leaders.[90] Ba'athists led by Rimawi (see “Jordan” section) opened
Shortly after the 2nd Regional Congress, the branch
fire on several of the Regional Branch’s members.[98]
launched a successful recruitment campaign in Jordanian
and Palestinian neighbourhoods and cities.[90] On 28 Au- During the UAR years, the same factional lines which
gust 1956 the branch was legalized by a High Court.[91] developed in the Syrian Regional Branch came to
the Lebanese Regional Branch.[99] At the 4th National
Both Rimawi and Na'was were elected to Parliament in Congress (held in Lebanon), which was mainly attended
the 1950 and 1951 elections as independents (the branch by delegates representing Lebanon, several resolutions
was not a legal party at the time).[92] In the 1951 elec- with a pronounced anti-Nasser tone were approved.[100]
tion, the branch managed to elect three members to At the same time, criticism of Aflaq and Bitar was severe,
parliament.[89] Rimawi was able to retain his seat in par- both their leadership records and their ideology were
liament until the 1956 election.[90] None of these elec- criticized.[22] A resolution was approved which stated that
tions can be considered democratic.[93] Shuqyar, during the party leaders [Aflaq, al-Bitar among others had to
the 1951 elections, was imprisoned by the authorities be- hastily entered into a union with Egypt, had wrongly dis-
cause his views were deemed to radical.[93] Less than a solved the Syrian Regional Branch in 1958, given pan-
month before the election day, the British Embassy in Arabism primacy when socialism was the more impor-
Amman had estimated that Shuqyar would gain an easy tant, the need to use Marxist, not Ba'athi, tools to ana-
victory.[93] However, because of the undemocratic nature lyze the current situation and the need for the party to
of the election, Shuqyar was not elected.[93] As voting strengthen their positions amongst the popular classes–
patterns would prove, voters who voted for Ba'athist can- the workers, peasants, artisans and shopkeepers.[22] Be-
didates lived in Irbid and Amman on the East Bank, and cause of the position of the Lebanese Regional Branch,
Jerusalem and Nablus on the West Bank.[90] Aflaq at the 5th National Congress invited enough Iraqi
Shuqyar during a government-imposed exile to Southern Regional Branch delegates to neutralize the Lebanese
delegates.[55] However, at the same time, the Lebanese a Greater Syria. The Ba'ath Party’s main adversary was
Regional Branch opposed Hawrani and his faction.[101] Atthe SCP, whose support for class struggle and interna-
the 6th National Congress, the Lebanese Regional Branch tionalism was anathema to the Ba'ath.[111] In addition to
elected Jubrän Majdalani and Khalid al-Ali to the Na- parliamentary-level competition, all these parties (as well
tional Command.[94] as Islamists) competed in street-level activity and sought
At the 7th National Congress the National Command to recruit support among the military.
in collaboration with the Military Committee either ex- By the end of 1957, the SCP was able to weaken the
pelled or removed leftists such as those found in the Ba'ath Party to such an extent that the Ba'ath Party
Lebanese Regional Branch from leadership position, drafted a bill in December which called for a union with
and in the most severe cases, expelled them from the Egypt, a move that proved to be very popular. The Ba'ath
party.[102] The Lebanese Regional Branch managed to leadership dissolved the party in 1958, gambling that the
elect three members to the National Command at the 7th illegalisation of certain parties would hurt the SCP more
National Congress; Majdalani, al-Ali and Abd al-Majid than it would the Ba'ath.[113]
4.4 Libya
when coming to power would get worse, not better.[120] [18] Coughlin 2005, p. 40.
Another problem was that the civilian wing was riven by [19] Gibson, Bryan R. (2015). Sold Out? US Foreign Policy,
infighting between the radical socialist and moderate fac- Iraq, the Kurds, and the Cold War. Palgrave Macmillan.
tion, while the military stood more unified.[121] Whatever pp. xxi, 45, 49, 57–58, 121. ISBN 978-1-137-48711-7.
the case, the Syrian Regional Command slowly amassed
its powers by weakening the National Command.[121] [20] Coughlin 2005, pp. 44–46.
This all came to a head in the 1966 Syrian coup d'état [21] Seale 1990, p. 66.
(see “1966 split” section).[121]
[22] Rabinovich 1972, p. 24.
[16] Coughlin 2005, pp. 24–25. [51] Salem 1994, pp. 67–68].
[75] Metz, Helen Chapin. “Iraq — Politics: The Baath Party”. [113] Federal Research Division 2004, pp. 211–212.
Library of Congress Country Studies. Retrieved 23 Oc-
[114] Federal Research Division 2004, pp. 52–53.
tober 2011.
[115] Podeh 1999, pp. 152–153.
[76] Sheffer & Ma'oz 2002, p. 174.
[116] George 2003, p. 68.
[77] Karsh & Rautsi 1991, p. 13.
[117] Seale 1990, p. 75.
[78] Nakash 2003, p. 136.
[118] Seale 1990, pp. 76–78.
[79] Dawisha 2005, p. 174.
[119] Seale 1990, p. 78.
[80] Coughlin 2005, p. 22. [120] George 2003, pp. 68–69.
[81] Coughlin 2005, pp. 25–26. [121] George 2003, p. 69.
[82] Coughlin 2005, p. 26. [122] Goldman 2002, p. 60.
[84] Coughlin 2005, p. 41. [124] Ajmi, Sana (4 January 2012). “Tunisian Baath Party
Celebrates 5th Anniversary of Saddam Hussein’s Death”.
[85] Mufti 1996, p. 161. Retrieved 19 February 2012.
[86] Coughlin 2005, p. 44. [125] “Embattled in Arabia” (PDF). Human Security Gateway.
3 June 2009. Archived from the original (PDF) on De-
[87] Mufti 1996, p. 165. cember 22, 2012. Retrieved 20 February 2012.
[88] Coughlin 2005, pp. 46–48. [126] Seale 1990, p. 90.
• Coughlin, Con (2005). Saddam: His Rise and Fall. • Nakash, Yitzhak (2003). The Shi'is of Iraq.
Harper Perennial. ISBN 0-06-050543-5. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-
• Dawisha, Addid (2005). Arab nationalism in
the Twentieth Century: From Triumph to Despair. • Oron, Yitzhak (1960). Middle East Record. 1.
Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691- George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Limited. ASIN
12272-4. B0028IN0X6.
• DeFronzo, James (2009). The Iraq War: Origins • Peretz, Don (1994). The Middle East Today.
and Consequences. Westview Press. ISBN 978-0- Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 0-275-94576-
8133-4391-4. 6.
• Devlin, John (1975). The Baath Party: a History • Podeh, Elie (1999). The Decline of Arab Unity: The
from its Origins to 1966 (2nd ed.). Hoover Institute Rise and Fall of the United Arabic Republic. Sussex
Press. OCLC 884273607. Academic Press. ISBN 1-902210-20-4.
7 External links
• The five volumes of Michel Aflaq’s On The Way Of
Resurrection (Fi Sabil al Ba'th) (Arabic)
8.2 Images
• File:Ba'ath_Constitution.jpg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Syrian History Original artist: Not credited
• File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Origi-
nal artist: ?
• File:Flag_of_Iraq.svg Source: License: Public domain Contrib-
• This image is based on the CIA Factbook, and the website of Office of the President of Iraq, vectorized by User:Militaryace Original artist:
Unknown, published by Iraqi governemt, vectorized by User:Militaryace based on the work of User:Hoshie
• File:Flag_of_Syria.svg Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: see below Original artist: see below
• File:Flag_of_the_Ba'ath_Party.svg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
• File:Hawrani_Aflaq_1957.jpg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: The Online Museum of Syrian History Original artist: Unknown<a href='https:
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