Lte Capacity Management v0.1 MBNL Esl
Lte Capacity Management v0.1 MBNL Esl
Lte Capacity Management v0.1 MBNL Esl
5. Annexes
To establish a set of best practice guidelines for cellular capacity management
to be used in all Planning regions in order to ensure a consistent approach to
EE dimensioning.
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2. The Capacity Management cycle
Implement Select
changes solution
1. Monitor Utilisation: by using the specific 4. Solution: in the current network-maturing stage
measures recommended in this document and the options to expand the RAN elements are quite
the tools available to the EE Planner it is easily limited – however, this will change as the network
possible to build a comprehensive picture for gets more and more mature, so this step will
the entire network’s capacity; become critical for the adjacent costs;
2. Identify the overloaded elements: LTE is a 5. Implementation: this step is included in the
complex system, so it is to be expected there previous picture for completeness, however the
are several elements/nodes that can get current document doesn’t include any details in
congested: PRBs, PUCH/PRACH/PDCCH this respect, as this is more of a System Design
resources, SRS and paging, LMPTs/LBBPs and Planning activity.
CPUs, S1 or X2 User planes, Ethernet, etc.
This document treats each of these potential
elements and proposes rules/thresholds that
will prevent the system to get in congestion;
3. Traffic measures and definitions
To define a precise set of measures that will be used in the LTE Capacity Management process.
0. SLAT: Service Level Attention Threshold threshold value used in the LTE Capacity Management
process to trigger the corresponding action on the node element.
1. Daily Busy Hour traffic:
This is a per-cell measure used to characterize the carried traffic in DL or UL; is defined as the average
traffic throughput carried per cell during the time when the cell’s traffic was maximum in a day.
Measurement unit: [Mbps];
Example: 61157B11 has for 21/June/2013 a Daily BH traffic of 16.07 [Mbps] in DL and 11.03 [Mbps] in UL.
2. Top Daily Value (for ratio KPIs):
This is a per-cell or per-site measure used in the LTE Capacity Report and is actually linked to each
performance KPI that is expressed as a ratio and is used in the LTE Capacity Measurement process; it
does express the de-sensitised(1) maximum daily value for that respective KPI, where the “de-sensitised”
notion means that the Top Daily Value is calculated for all the daily samples which have significant high
Measurement unit: [%];
Example: On the 23/July/2013, 98530C11 has a “Top Daily Value” of E-RAB Resource Congestion Rate of
1% calculated as “(E-RAB Failed Establishments due to no Radio resources) / (E-RAB Attempts)” and
where E-RAB Attempts>50
(1) the “de-sensitising” condition is put in place to eliminate ratio KPI values that are calculated based on very small values in the denominator . 7
3. Traffic measures and definitions (continued)
3. Daily Busy Hour KPI value:
This is a per-cell/per-site KPI measure used to characterize the KPI in discussion for the daily period when
the traffic was in BH;
Measurement unit: [the same as the constituent KPI];
Example: 61157B11 has for 10/June/2013 a Daily BH RRC_Congestion_Rate of 0.3%.
4. Top 3 Weekly Value (T3W value):
This is a per-cell or a per-site KPI value meant to express a “consolidated” statistical view for an entire
week. The meaning of “consolidated” is that this KPI’s trend and evolution across medium and long term
scale will bring significant added value into the Capacity Management process.
The calculation method for this type of Traffic measure: it is the average of the Top 3 daily values of the
KPI in discussion calculated for a single week, for a single cell or a single site.
This is a weekly measure, so it is recommended to report it on each Monday, such as the calculated value
is reflecting the whole week in discussion.
Measurement unit: [the same as the underlying KPI];
Example: For the week commencing 05/August/2013, 98530C11 has a “Top 3 Weekly Value” of E-RAB
Resource Congestion Rate of 1.37% this is the result under the assumption that the cell in discussion
has an average of 1.37% for the highest 3 days in terms of top daily values of E-RAB Resource Congestion.
core PE MSN PE
MPLS Switch sites MSN
MME network network
IIb. Connectivity
domain IIa. Backhaul domain
II. LTE Transport I. Radio
User data domain
III. Infrastructure
Signalling data
EE TEMPLATE FOOTER 11/09/2014 10
LTE capacity domains – tree architecture
LTE Capacity
eNB side Network side AR DHCP PKI
c5. PDCCH Resources
EE TEMPLATE FOOTER command 11/09/2014 16
Baseband boards – LBBP:
LTE Radio: Typical capacity figures: Limit LBBP-c LBBP-d1 LBBP-d2
Main control boards: #Cells 3 3 3
Max 1500 DL / 450 DL /
In-sync RRC 400/cell, 400/cell, 400/cell,
Mbps/module 1500 UL 300 UL
users 600/card 1200/card 1200/card
LTE baseband
Processing Bad KPIs, bad (Avg CPU Usage) >60% Expand the
processing unit LBBP CPU
s3 capability of the experience or (%time “CPU Usage eNodeB User
(LBBPc/LBBPd1/ load >85%” is >5%)
main LBBP board plane capacity
Upgrade path:
R.S.U.H1,2 violated 3/5 weeks follow the LBBP expansion guidelines
(described further below);
(1) T3W = Top 3 Weekly value,
defined in the Introduction
(2) see the LBBP users limitations
table at the beginning of this
Primary KPI chapter
Secondary KPI
LTE Radio I/F – site congestion KPIs
Meas. KPI
Object INDEX
KPI name Formula Meas. unit
Aggreg. SLAT
Software Version
CAPS supported (call eRAN7.0/SRAN9.
attempts per second) eRAN6.0/SRAN8.0
eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0 0
Average (L/U)MPT Σ(CAPS_Formula)/3600, across all cells Call atts
(L/U)MPT R.S.C.H7 per sec.
T3W(1) (L/U)MPT 80
CAPS belonging to (L/M)MPT card
Upgrade path:
R.S.C.H5,6 violated 3/5 weeks follow the LBBP expansion guidelines (described
further below);
R.S.C.H7 violated 3/5 weeks to be defined
LTE Radio I/F – site congestion expansion steps
Meas. KPI Meas.
KPI name Violation Expansion step
Object Index unit Aggreg. SLAT
Loss of radio
>60% and
capacity due to SRS resource Change the SRS
c3 SRS resources UL Scheduling info SRS algorithm
inaccurate DL Usage configuration
switch is OFF
Impact of lack
No: Resource type Meaning Monitored item Limit Solution
of resources
received on S1 Decrease #cells in
Paging eNodeB paging Paging > 60% of the Tracking Area the
c6 sessions, bad congested cell
resources capacity resource usage paging
experience belongs to
DLData.Avg/ ULData.Avg/
#users with data in the buffers L.Traffic.User x Active
DLData.Max ULData.Max
#users transmitting/receiving
L.Traffic.User Data.Avg/Data.Max x x Active
data in a cell
L.Traffic.Active To be
# active users User
Avg/Max DL.Avg/DL.Max UL.Avg/UL.Max
#Carrier Aggregation users
PCell To be
having the local cell as primary L.Traffic.User x x
.DL.Avg/Max activated
serving cell
#Carrier Aggregation users
having the local cell as secondary SCell To be
L.Traffic.User x x
serving cell .DL.Avg/Max activated
Upgrade path: R.C.T.L1or L2 violated 3/5 weeks check the general Cell KPIs
(R.C.G.L1..7 defined further below) and if any of them are in violation then cell in
congestion in such a case expand the number of carriers or add a sector or a site.
KPI Index KPI name Formula Unit Aggregation SLAT
Average DL cell time L.Thrp.Time.Cell.DL/1000/3600/
R.C.U.L1 [%] T3W #N/A
utilisation (Avail_RBs*RB_Efficiency) (1)
Average UL cell time L.Thrp.Time.Cell.UL/1000/3600/
R.C.U.L2 [%] T3W #N/A
utilisation (Avail_RBs*RB_Efficiency) (1)
{L.Traffic.BCH.TB.bits} / 3600 /
R.C.T.L5 BCH Throughput [kbps] T3W #N/A
Meas Aggreg
KPI Index KPI name Formula Unit SLAT
Obj ation
Meas Aggreg
KPI Index KPI name Formula Unit SLAT
Obj ation
Cell R.C.M.L16 QCI6 UL Mbps L.Thrp.bits.UL.PLMN.QCI.6(bit) / 10^6 / 3600 [Mbps] T3W tbc
R.C.M.L17 QCI7 UL Mbps L.Thrp.bits.UL.PLMN.QCI.7(bit) / 10^6 / 3600 [Mbps] T3W tbc
R.C.M.L18 QCI8 UL Mbps L.Thrp.bits.UL.PLMN.QCI.8(bit) / 10^6 / 3600 [Mbps] T3W tbc
R.C.M.L19 QCI9 UL Mbps L.Thrp.bits.UL.PLMN.QCI.9(bit) / 10^6 / 3600 [Mbps] T3W tbc
Traffic volume of PDCP SDUs
R.C.T.L20 L.Thrp.bits.UE.UL.SmallPkt.PLMN / 10^6 / 3600 [Mbps] T3W tbc
scheduled for small packets
Traffic volume of PDCP SDUs
L.Thrp.Time.UE.UL.RmvSmallPkt.PLMN / 10^6 /
R.C.T.L21 scheduled for al traffic [Mbps] T3W tbc
excluding small packets
ment KPI Index KPI name Formula Unit Aggregation SLAT
Number of DRBs for services with L.Traffic.DRB.
R.C.T.L7 #DRBs T3W #N/A
the QCI of 1 in a cell QCI.1
Avg. processing delay of DL PDCP SDUs
R.C.D.L3 affic.DL.PktDelay.Time.QCI.3/L.Traffic.DL.Pkt [ms] T3W 100
for DRB services with the QCI of 3 in a cell Delay.Num.QCI.3,0)
Avg. processing delay of DL PDCP SDUs
Cell R.C.D.L5 affic.DL.PktDelay.Time.QCI.5/L.Traffic.DL.Pkt [ms] T3W 100
for DRB services with the QCI of 5 in a cell Delay.Num.QCI.5,0)
Avg. processing delay of DL PDCP SDUs
R.C.D.L7 affic.DL.PktDelay.Time.QCI.7/L.Traffic.DL.Pkt [ms] T3W 100
for DRB services with the QCI of 7 in a cell Delay.Num.QCI.7,0)
Meas KPI
KPI name Formula Unit Aggregation SLAT
Obj. Index
R.C.P.1 DL.QCI1_Pkt_Loss [%] Weekly Max. 3%
R.C.P.2 DL.QCI2_Pkt_Loss [%] Weekly Max. 3%
R.C.P.3 DL.QCI3_Pkt_Loss [%] Weekly Max. 3%
R.C.P.4 DL.QCI4_Pkt_Loss [%] Weekly Max. 3%
Cell If(L.Traffic.DL.PktUuLoss.Tot.QCI.5>10^5,L.Traffic.UL.PktLo
R.C.P.5 DL.QCI5_Pkt_Loss [%] Weekly Max. 3%
R.C.P.6 DL.QCI6_Pkt_Loss [%] Weekly Max. 3%
R.C.P.7 DL.QCI7_Pkt_Loss [%] Weekly Max. 3%
R.C.P.8 DL.QCI8_Pkt_Loss [%] Weekly Max. 3%
R.C.P.9 DL.QCI9_Pkt_Loss [%] Weekly Max. 3%
LBBP-c 720
Average out-of-sync
R.C.G.L2 L.Traffic.User.Avg - L.Traffic.User. Ulsync.Avg #users T3W (1 LBBP-d1 1440
Connected Users
LBBP-d2 1440
Number of UE context
If(L.UECNTX.AttEst>100,L.UECNTX.FailEst. Wk
R.C.G.L7 failure rate due to Radio [%] 1%
Congestion NoRadioRes/L.UECNTX.AttEst,0) Max
Upgrade path:
R.C.G.L1,2 violated 3/5 weeks follow the Huawei recommended LBBP expansion procedure
mentioned earlier in this chapter, in section “b. Radio Site aspects”; (1) T3W = Top 3 Weekly value,
R.C.G.L3-7 violated 3/5 weeks Correlate with other violated Cell defined in the Introduction
(2) see the LBBP users limitations
KPIs (listed below) and optimise as per each specific table at the beginning of this
violated KPI’s “expansion steps” chapter
PRS LTE Radio I/F – cell traffic KPIs
ement KPI Index KPI name Formula Unit Aggregation SLAT
DL QPSK TB(1) K.TB.Retrans)>10^5,L.Traffic.DL.SCH.QPSK.TB.Retr
R.C.Q.L1 ans/(L.Traffic.DL.SCH.QPSK.TB+L.Traffic.DL.SCH.Q
[%] T3W 10%
retransmission rate
DL 16QAM TB(1) CH.16QAM.TB.Retrans)>10^3,L.Traffic.DL.SCH
R.C.Q.L2 [%] T3W 30%
retransmission rate .16QAM.TB.Retrans/(L.Traffic.DL.SCH.16QAM.
DL 64QAM TB(1) CH.64QAM.TB.Retrans)>10^2,L.Traffic.DL.SC
Cell R.C.Q.L3 [%] T3W 80%
retransmission rate H.64QAM.TB.Retrans/(L.Traffic.DL.SCH.64QA
UL QPSK TB(1) K.TB.Retrans)>10^5,L.Traffic.UL.SCH.QPSK.TB.Retr
R.C.Q.L4 ans/(L.Traffic.UL.SCH.QPSK.TB+L.Traffic.UL.SCH.Q
[%] T3W 10%
retransmission rate
UL 16QAM TB(1) CH.16QAM.TB.Retrans)>10^3,L.Traffic.UL.SCH
R.C.Q.L5 [%] T3W 30%
retransmission rate .16QAM.TB.Retrans/(L.Traffic.UL.SCH.16QAM.
• In EE’s network, currently RACH Algorithm Switch has a value of 11111, meaning:
• RachAdjSwitch = 1 RACH Resource Adjustment active (see above);
• UnsyncRaSwitch = 1 if 1, UEs will use the non-contention RACH during UL synchro;
• BackoffSwitch = 1 backoff control enabled;
• HoRaSwitch = 1 if 1, UEs will use the non-contention RACH during HOs;
• MaskIdxSwitch = 1 if 1, allow the reuse of dedicated preambles, based on MaskIndex
parameter; if 0, only 1 UE per dedicated pre-amble.
R.C.PR.L4 Non-contention PRACH load (L.RA.Dedicate.Att) / 18000 (1) [%] T3W 80%
Upgrade option: Because all the RACH adaptive feature options are currently activated, the only option for
upgrade in this case is traffic rebalancing, followed by a carrier upgrade or a sector split.
(1) please check the justification for the 90000 and 18000 term in the PRACH capacity calculation in the previous slide)
c2. PRB resources
Upgrade path:
If R.C.R.L1 violated 3/5 weeks and T3W “DL user-perceived throughput” <2Mbps 3/5
weeks add Radio carrier, then if this is not possible, then split the sector;
How to obtain the Available PRBs until the corresponding counters will be activated: use the CPM tool (updated daily) ==> in the table H_CELL in
11/09/2014 each of the databases in this zip, the two columns to extract are CELLNAME and DLBANDWIDTH, 53
EE TEMPLATE FOOTER which have to be correlated with the “DLBANDIWTDH” table to get the value in MHz.
c3. SRS resources
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LTE Radio I/F – 3. SRS (UL) resources –multiplexing aspects
• Periodic and aperiodic SRS transmission
share a common set of cell-
specific SRS resources (subframe
configuration period, subframe offset, and
maximum SRS bandwidth);
Upgrade path: If the SRS resource usage exceeds 75%, check the Huawei SRS parameters, as per the previous slide.
Increase the SRS resource configuration until it reaches the maximum SRS subframe configuration. Alternatively, it
is recommended that SRS resource adaptation be enabled.
If the SRS resource adaptation already enabled, then try to rebalance the traffic between sectors, if this is difficult
to achieve, the next step is a carrier addition; if this is not possible due to the maximum number of carriers is already
achieved, the next steps are sector split followed by new site.
c4. PUCCH resources
• SRIs occupy PUCCH resources, and their occupancy is represented by SRI loads
• A UE reports a CQI to the eNodeB periodically, or in event-triggered mode. Event-triggered reporting takes
precedence over periodic reporting if both are configured;
• CQIs reported in event-triggered mode are sent to the eNodeB over a PUSCH;
• If CQI resources are insufficient or limited, the eNodeB selects a CQI period of 40 ms for UEs, which results in
less accurate CQIs and lower spectrum efficiency. In addition, these UEs cannot be chosen to perform
frequency selective scheduling.
• PMI To avoid interference between spatial channels, codewords are mapped onto different layers, and
layered data is multiplied by a precoding matrix and mapped onto different antenna ports for transmission.
1. Dynamic PUCCH resource adjustment: the eNodeB dynamically adjusts PUCCH resources
based on PUCCH resource load
2. SRI adaptation: The eNodeB by default adaptively adjusts an
SRI period based on SRI loads;.
If the PUCCH resource usage exceeds 75%, increase PUCCH resource configuration if the dynamic
PUCCH algorithm not active; do this until the maximum number of CQI RBs and SRI resources are
being used. Alternatively, it is recommended that PUCCH resource adjustment be enabled. In this
case, if the PUCCH resource usage is still high, try to implement a traffic rebalancing between the
sectors, followed by a carrier addition/sector split and ultimately a new site.
c5. PDCCH resources
100 RBs
(DCI) format1/1A/1B/2/2A/2B
In slots 0…2
Uplink CCEs transmit uplink 1 ms
scheduling grants, and downlink CCEs
transmit downlink scheduling grants.
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LTE Radio I/F – 5. PDCCH resources – Huawei features and parameters
The two Huawei PDCCH rules:
• PDDCH Symbol utilisation: If the values of the first two counters L.ChMeas.PDCCH.SymNum.3 and 4
are greater than the values of L.ChMeas.PDCCH.SymNum.1 and 2, the PDCCH symbol usage is high
4. CCE Ratio adaptation: the CCE ratio is the ratio of the number
of uplink CCEs to the number of downlink CCEs the eNodeB
dynamically adjusts the CCE ratio based on the usage of uplink
and downlink CCEs.
Needs activation
R.C.C.L1 DL CCE resource usage L.ChMeas.CCE.DLUsed/L.ChMeas.CCE.ULUsed,0)
[%] T3W 90%
R.C.C.L2 PDCCH Symbol utilisation Num.4)/(L.ChMeas.PDCCH.SymNum.1+L.ChMeas.PDC [%] T3W 90%
Upgrade path: If the “DL CCE resource usage” or “PDCCH Symbol utilisation” T3W values exceed 90%, check the
Huawei PDCCH parameters, as per the previous slide.
If any of the adaptation features is not active, activate it, then try to rebalance the traffic between neighbour
sectors, if this is difficult to achieve, the next step is a carrier addition; if this is not possible due to the maximum
number of carriers already achieved, the next steps are sector split followed by new site.
c6. Paging resources
• If the number of paging messages exceeds that capacity, paging messages sent from the eNodeB
to UEs may be discarded;
• UEs in RRC_CONNECTED as well as UEs in RRC_IDLE are required to monitor Paging messages, in
order to be aware of changes in system information;
• Additionally, the Paging procedure can be used to indicate warning notifications broadcast on
the BCCH;
100 X {[L.Paging.S1.Rx /
R.C.A.L1 S1 Paging Utilisation
3600] / 750}
[%] T3W 60%
100 X {[L.Paging.UU.Att /
R.C.A.L3 Uu Paging Utilisation
3600] / 750}
[%] T3W 60%
Upgrade path: If, for more than 30% cells in a TA, (either of the two R.C.A.L1 or R.C.A.L3 are violated 3/5 weeks) and
R.C.A.L2 also violated 3/5 weeks, then re-dimension the Tracking Area. Otherwise, if less than 30% cells in violation
then reconfigure the Paging parameters to reduce the Paging Traffic (measured through the R.C.T.L6 KPI defined in
the Cell/General KPIs section.
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c7. Flow control
RRC failure rate due to MME
Cell R.C.F.H4 flow control
nnReq.Msg.disc.FlowCtrl/L.RRC.Con [%] T3W 0.5%
RRC discard failure rate due to
R.C.F.H5 MME flow control
nnReq.Msg.disc.FlowCtrl/L.RRC.Con [%] T3W 0.5%
Upgrade path: If, for more than 30% cells in a TA, (either of the R.C.F.H1 to R.C.F.H7 are being violated 3/5 weeks),
then the system is in the so-called “flow controlled” region, trying to reduce the load in different domains by
artificially reducing the traffic flows. In such a case a more thorough analyses is needed, as this could be a major sign
of stress for an entire area of a network.
(1) This KPI only available when the “Congestion control” feature activated in the cell
EE TEMPLATE FOOTER 11/09/2014 75
PRS LTE Radio I/F – cell traffic/congestion KPIs
KPI Index KPI name Formula Unit Aggregation SLAT
R.C.FD.H1 Discarded QCI1 SDUs due to
L.PDCP.Tx.Disc.Trf.SDU.QCI.1 #SDUs T3W 10^4
user-plane Flow ctrol
R.C.FD.H2 Discarded QCI2 SDUs due to
L.PDCP.Tx.Disc.Trf.SDU.QCI.2 #SDUs T3W 10^4
user-plane Flow ctrol
R.C.FD.H3 Discarded QCI3 SDUs due to
L.PDCP.Tx.Disc.Trf.SDU.QCI.3 #SDUs T3W 10^4
user-plane Flow ctrol
R.C.FD.H4 Discarded QCI4 SDUs due to
L.PDCP.Tx.Disc.Trf.SDU.QCI.4 #SDUs T3W 10^4
user-plane Flow ctrol
R.C.FD.H5 Discarded QCI5 SDUs due to
Cell L.PDCP.Tx.Disc.Trf.SDU.QCI.5 #SDUs T3W 10^4
user-plane Flow ctrol
R.C.FD.H6 Discarded QCI6 SDUs due to
L.PDCP.Tx.Disc.Trf.SDU.QCI.6 #SDUs T3W 10^4
user-plane Flow ctrol
R.C.FD.H7 Discarded QCI7 SDUs due to
L.PDCP.Tx.Disc.Trf.SDU.QCI.7 #SDUs T3W 10^4
user-plane Flow ctrol
R.C.FD.H8 Discarded QCI8 SDUs due to
L.PDCP.Tx.Disc.Trf.SDU.QCI.8 #SDUs T3W 10^4
user-plane Flow ctrol
R.C.FD.H9 Discarded QCI9 SDUs due to
L.PDCP.Tx.Disc.Trf.SDU.QCI.9 #SDUs T3W 10^4
user-plane Flow ctrol
core PE MSN PE
MPLS Switch sites MSN
MME network network
IIa. Connectivity
domain IIb. Backhaul domain
II. LTE Transport I. Radio
eNB domain
III. Infrastructure side
domain side
EE TEMPLATE FOOTER 11/09/2014 79
4a1. LTE Transport - eNB side
• LMPT card supports the following features • UMPTa6 card supports the following features:
• 2x Electrical 2x Optical Ethernet ports • 1x Electrical & 1x Optical ports for
for transmission (all FE/GE). transmission (all FE/GE).
• LMPT card allow access to Local • 4 x E1 ports
management terminal via ETH port. • Inbuilt GPS receiver, a GPS antenna is
• Key capacity limits of 1xLMPT are following required to use this function
• 1800 RRC In-sync RRC connected • LMPT card allow access to Local
users management terminal via adaptor connected
• 3600 RRC Out-of-sync RRC to USB port.
connected users
• DL+UL throughput 750Mbps with • Key capacity limits of 1xUMPT are
IPSec enabled • 3600 RRC In-sync RRC connected users
• 7200 RRC Out-of-sync RRC connected users
• DL+UL Throughput 1.5Gbps with IPSec enabled
LTE - Backhaul eNB side –– QoS aspects
Upstream direction, the Huawei eNodeB has three QoS features:
• Line rate policer can be applied to the backhaul interface;
• TRG shaper shaping of all user plane traffic on IP path towards S-GW;
• Traffic Control Switch (TCSW) allows the eNodeB to signal congestion back to PDCP
thus providing smoother (less spikey) TCP/UDP flows when multiple user streams exist.
• The CBS, CIR, PIR, and PBS settings are of no interest and configured such as to satisfy the
configuration checking process on the eNB.
• Shaping action is set to single rate rather than dual rate in the TRG parameters.
• If multiple EE eNBs are provisioned at a non dependency site, the QoS variables need to be
adapted so that the aggregate sum of all the deployed eNBs does not exceed the provisioned
backhaul bandwidth for LTE. As an example; if two eNBs are being deployed on a BT MEAS 300
non split site then the line rate and TRG TXBW should be configured to half the 90Mbps on each
eNB. In addition the TRG committed and burst parameters should be adjusted accordingly (
TXCBS = 45 002 Kbps, TXCIR = 45 001 Kbps, TXPIR = 45 002 Kbps, TXPBS = 45 002 Kbps)
Conversational Voice
QCI 3 Real-time gaming AF41 34
Layer 4
Layer 3
Layer 2
Layer 1
SCTP endpoint
Source IP Address SCTP endpoint
eNodeB 2 Physical IP Addr
IP_Path4 IP_Path2
UP IP addr
CP IP addr 3. IP PATH
MH IP addr IP-Sec
O&M IP addr X2 CP S1 UP IP_Path3
SCTP_Assoc 4
2. GTP-U
tunnel Physical IP Addr MME1
1. S1 link UP IP addr IPSec Tunnel
4. X2 link CP IP addr SCTP_Assoc 1
MH IP addr
O&M IP addr SCTP_Assoc 2
eNodeB 1
SCTP_Assoc 3
LTE transport domain – Backhaul eNB side S1 CP
(1) This document does not include the MGW and SGW side
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LTE Transport eNB side Layer 4 – explanations
• The diagram presented in the previous slide is a simplified diagram of the LTE transport system,
meant to explain mainly the Capacity aspects linked to the LTE BAU Capacity process;
• Each site (eNodeB) is linked to the Sec-GW by an IP-Sec tunnel;
• Each eNodeB has a physical IP address;
• Internally, on the Transport side, each eNodeB has two parts: User Plane (UP) and Control Plane
• In addition to the physical IP address, the eNodeB has an additional set of an “end2end IP logical”
addresses: a UP IP address, a CP address, an O&M address and a Multi-homing CP IP address (the
last two are not presented in the above diagram for simplicity);
• From the UP IP logical address, there are several IP Paths “connections” (similar to user-plane
pseudo-wires) which connect the eNodeB to the three SGWs and the adjacent eNodeBs (linked
through X2 UP);
• From the CP IP logical address, there are several SCTP links (similar to signaling pseudo-wires)
which connect the eNodeB signaling IP address to the MMEs and the adjacent eNodeBs (linked
through S1 UP);
• The following elements are being reported in the PRS:
S1 links, GTP-U tunnels, IPPATH UDP links, X2 links, SCTP associations, ETH ports;
• Each of these elements are potential bottlenecks on the eNodeB “Transport”
EE TEMPLATE FOOTER 11/09/2014 88
PRS LTE Transport eNB side Layer 4 – capacity KPIs
Meas. KPI Aggrega
KPI name Formula Unit SLAT
Object Index tion
If({L.Sig.S1.SendSetup.Att}>0,100 X Count of
T.B.N.L1 S1 Setup Failure Rate (1-{L.Sig.S1.SendSetup.Succ } / [%] (samples >5
Cell {L.Sig.S1.SendSetup.Att}),0) >80%)
T.B.S.L4 GTP-U Receive Drop Rate [%] Wk. Max 0.1%
Site xDropBytes/VS.Gtpu.RxBytes,0)
• If T.B.N.1..2, T.B.S.6..7 under normal circumstances they are 0, if >0 then check the Transport section of that site, as follows:
Check the T.B.N layers 2 and 3 KPIs (defined further below) to identify the transport segment under pressure - if layer 2 counters violated
the the segment between the eNB and the MSN PE is congested; if layer 3 KPIs OK but the layer 3 KPIs are in violation then the problem resides in one of
the routers across the path (CX600, AR or Sec_GW) in such a case check the relevant KPIs (defined further below in the corresponding sections) and
identify the router under congestion.
• If T.B.S.4 in violation the eNB cannot serve the traffic as fast as the S-GW is sending the data check the Radio I/F congestion;
• If T.B.S.5 in violation there is a traffic imbalance DL vs. UL at the transport layer check the Layer 3 Transport KPIs (defined further below) for a
EE TEMPLATE FOOTER 11/09/2014 89
routing problem. (1) Technically, the GTP-U layer belongs to the Application Layer
LTE Transport eNB side – transport capacity KPIs reflected in cell
T.B.P.H3 IP PATH Non Real Time Path Tx pps(1) VS.IPPath.TxNrtPkts/3600 [pps] T3W #N/A
Site / T.B.P.H4 IP PATH Non Real Time Path Rx pps VS.IPPath.RxNrtPkts/3600 [pps] T3W #N/A
(Site &&
VS.IPPath.TxRtBytes x
IP_PATH) T.B.P.H5 IP PATH Real Time Path Tx Throughput [Mbps] T3W #N/A
VS.IPPath.RxRtBytes x
T.B.P.H6 IP PATH Real Time Path Rx Throughput [Mbps] T3W #N/A
T.B.P.H7 IP PATH Real Time Path Tx pps(1) VS.IPPath.TxRtPkts/3600 [pps] T3W #N/A
T.B.P.H8 IP PATH Real Time Path Rx pps VS.IPPath.RxRtPkts/3600 [pps] T3W #N/A
These KPIs have to be reported/calculated per site (as a general value) and per (SiteID && IP_PATH) individually
Meas. Aggre
KPI Index KPI name Formula Unit SLAT
Object gation
T.B.C.L2 SCTP Tx Average Throughput Sctp.TxBytes x 8 /3600 /1000 [Kbps] T3W #N/A
100 x {Sctp.RxDropBytes} /
T.B.C.L7 SCTP Rx drop byte rate [%] T3W #N/A
{Sctp.RxBytes + Sctp.RxDropBytes}
100 x
T.B.C.L8 SCTP Rx packet drop rate [%] T3W #N/A
If(VS.IP.TxPackets>10^5,VS.IP.TxDropPkts/V Wk.
T.B.I.L2 # IP Tx. packets discard rate
[%] Max
T.B.I.L4 # IP Rx. packets discard rate VS.IP.RxDropPkts/10^3 [%] Max
T.B.I.L5 IP Tx. throughput VS.IP.TxBytes x 8 /10^6 / 3600 [Mbps] T3W #N/A
• If either of the Rx. KPIs in the table above in violation it is possible that either the Radio I/F is
congested or that the (L/U)MPT or LBBP ports in congestion please refer to the Radio I/F chapter
above for the appropriate corrective measures and KPIs.
• If either of the Tx. KPIs in the table above in violation either the Transport segment is in congestion or
the eNB is actually in the Shaping region and the site is dropping check the eNB Transport segment
KPIs (Layer 2) (defined next few slides).
T.B.M.H2 IP PM Average Packet Tx Rate {IPPM.Pkts.MeansTx} / 10^3 / 3600 [Kpps](1) T3W tbc
T.B.M.H4 IP PM Max Packet Tx Rate {IPPM.Peak.Pkts.RateTx} / 10^3 /3600 [Kpps] T3W tbc
T.B.M.H5 IP PM Average Packet Rx Rate {IPPM.Peer.Pkts.MeansRx} / 10^3 /3600 [Kpps](1) T3W tbc
T.B.M.H7 IP PM Max Packet Rx Rate {IPPM.Peer.Peak.Pkts.RateRx} 10^3 /3600 [Kpps] T3W tbc
IPPM(2) (([VS.IPPM.Local.TxPkts]- Wk.
T.B.M.H8 IP Forward packets loss rate [%] tbc
[VS.IPPM.Peer.RxPkts])/[VS.IPPM.Local.TxPkts])*{100} Max.
(1) Kpps = Kilo Packets per Second (2) IPPM = IP Perf Mgmt – to be activated in Rel. 9
EE TEMPLATE FOOTER 11/09/2014 99
LTE Transport eNB side Layer 2 –
BT MEAS architecture and congestion points
MSN PE1 • There is a direct Layer 2 connection between the eNB and
the MSN PEs both eNBs and MSN PEs can be put in the
same subnet, VLAN respectively (Ethernet segment);
Physical I/F • All the direct connected routes from the Backhaul VLANs
VRRP H3G switch site
(y.y.y.8/29 and y.y.y.0/29) are being injected further on
into the AR routers (through OSPF);
VLAN MSN PE2 • The physical I/F IP address is also the VPN Tunnel end-
point address;
VLAN MSN PE2 • All the direct static routes from the Backhaul
x.x.x.4/30 VLANs (z.z.z.4/30 and z.z.z.0/30) are being
injected further by the MSN PE routers onto
Detailed in
the H-QoS slide further on the AR routers (through OSPF);
AR1 • The physical I/F IP address is also the VPN
z.z.z.4/30 BFD Tunnel end-point address;
Physical I/F
EE Switch site • BFD used on MSN PE1 to ensure VLAN
1. ETHPORT x.x.x.12/30 MSN PE2
• /30 mask network mask is valid subnets (VLANs) are: z.z.z.4
within each subnet max. 2 hosts; z.z.z.8
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LTE Transport eNB side Layer 2 – eNodeB shaping
Dimensioning upstream
• Two types of eNB sites: link for site k
• Aggregation (non-dependency) Downstream
• Microwave (dependency);
The shaping rate for a site should not exceed the total upstream backhaul
capacity take away the sum of shaping rates for all the sites which are
downstream from the site in discussion (as presented in the right figure).
eNB T.B.E.L6 Fast Ethernet Max Rx Throughput {FEGE.RxMaxSpeed} / 10^6 [Mbps] T3W 80
T.B.E.L7 Fast Ethernet Min Tx Throughput {FEGE.TxMinSpeed} / 10^3 [kbps] T3W #N/A
T.B.E.L8 Fast Ethernet Min Rx Throughput {FEGE.RxMinSpeed} / 10^3 [kbps] T3W #N/A
Transport LLC eNode
IP addr
FE/GE0 750Mbps
Ipsec Tunnel end-point
IP address
Air I/F Transport Common7. IPSecCommon
Tunnel TRG Tunnel
EE TEMPLATE FOOTER 11/09/2014 107
[1] - LTE – The UMTS Long Term Evolution From Theory to Practice, Second Edition - Stefania
Sesia; Issam Toufik - John Wiley & Sons, September 6, 2011, Print ISBN 978-0-470-66025-6